Chapter 692: Information from Jiraiya

The departure of the ghost shark did not cause much disturbance to Konoha.

In fact, for many people, ghost sharks simply do not exist, except for the Tanaka family.

When the ghost shark left for a few months without any news, they chose to find the security department to report the case.

It's just a pity, no matter what they do, there will be no result. The security department is the security department of Uchiha Kai.

The disappearance of the ghost shark did not cause any waves in the huge Konoha, because there have been too many recent things in Konoha.

Although the Shimura family was not destroyed by Uchiha Shisui, the actual controller was already dead.

Not only this family, but also many family patriarchs died in this operation.

Their deaths represented a lot, and in terms of political interests, it was a sudden number of seats, whether it was the Joinin seats or their jobs.

After they died, they naturally found a way to make up for all this, so that Konoha would not lose the chain in some places.

And these positions are also pieces of cake, and maybe they can be distributed to capable people who belong to their own department.

Maybe give them to some new people, some new people who don't have any attributes.

However, these things basically don't need to worry about Minato, and even Uchiha Qi won't even look at it.

Namikaze Minato didn't worry about it because he believed that Nara Shikahisa could do well, while Uchiha Kei didn't take these petty profits in his eyes at all.

The nomination for the Minister of the Ministry of Health has already been declared. To be honest, the competition is not very strong, because Kai Uchiha does not even see any acquaintances in this nomination.

However, Uchiha Kai didn't dare to be too careless. He didn't know who the ministers of many departments in the original work were.

He honestly mentioned the name of Hyuga Aya, and then slowly began to wait for the vote at the end of the year.

At present, although the medical department is still controlled by the three generations of Hokage, everyone knows that he may have to retire at the end of the year.

Not only the medical department, I am afraid that the roots will have to undergo a large-scale cleaning.

Roots and shadows, these two departments overlap in too many places.

Although it is said that doing so has great benefits, such as preventing one family from becoming dominant and achieving a certain balance.

But the problem is that functional conflicts can sometimes be seen as inefficiencies.

In addition, the roots have done too many chilling things, so Namikaze Minato really does not intend to keep this department going.

"I don't plan to use the roots in Konoha in the future." In another small meeting, Minato Namikaze said directly: "I plan to completely reorganize, in the future, only the Anbu and the Security Department, and the two departments will cooperate, targeting the village. an internal department."

Namikaze Minato's proposal is very simple, Anbu will be responsible for all tasks such as surveillance, intelligence acquisition, and assassination outside the village.

The security department is completely responsible for the security, prevention and control of the village.

In principle, Anbu could not easily do something in the village, and the security department could not interfere with things outside the village.

However, the security department has no monitoring and assassination work, and there are many spies from other villages in the village.

Therefore, the two departments also need to cooperate, and a new team will be fully responsible for this matter.

To tell the truth, when Uchiha Qi heard the first proposal of Minato Namifeng, two things, the FBI and the CIA, appeared in his mind inexplicably.

What kind of FIB's head did you inexplicably mix into?

It made him a little funny, but he also didn't object to Minato Namibe's proposal.

In essence, he still quite agrees with this plan. As for who will be responsible for the new team created by cooperation with Anbu, this matter should be considered slowly.

Now, the roots are not completely handed over yet.

"It seems that this time, you really made a lot of money." Walking on the street of Konohada, Hyuga Aya looked at Uchiha Kai with some amusing: "The roots fell, and the people behind the three generations were cleaned up by you. A batch. Although it has not been completely cleaned up, it is also being cleaned up now, right?"

"Yeah, it's being settled." Uchiha Qi led Aya Hyuga and walked slowly down the street, with a slight smile on his face: "But these things can't be rushed, liquidation is a troublesome job, and there are also It takes all aspects of consideration and some necessary compromises. Some people are completely helpless, but some people can be left through some exchange of interests.”

"Forget it, I don't have much interest anyway." Hyuga Aya shook her head: "However, do you think I will definitely be able to take the position of the head of the medical department?"

"Although the results haven't come out yet, I think..." Said this, Uchiha Qi tilted his head and glanced at him: "You are definitely the best and the best choice."

In his opinion, this woman, Hyuga Aya, is indeed the best choice, no one!

The Hinata clan completely fell to Minato Namikaze, but their clan did not have a single high-ranking person.

The one with the highest position is actually one of the captains of the security department, Hyuga Nisari.

Such a political identity seems a bit out of tune with their 'Second Konoha Family'.

Even if Hyuga Aya and Uchiha Kai have a very close relationship, as long as you think about it carefully, I am afraid that this woman will not fail.

"Really, I still remember back then, you and I and Kenta said that you wanted to be the new big three of Konoha." Hyuga Aya also glanced at Uchiha Kai: "If this time is successful, then your promise can be fulfilled. It's done."

"It's not a promise, not even a promise, because it's an inevitable fact." Uchiha Kai smiled and shook his head: "By the way, how are your eyes?"

"Eyes?" Asked this question, Hyuga Aya couldn't help but sighed slightly: "I have reached the most critical moment, I can feel as if I can complete it at any time, but there is still something missing."

"This kind of thing really can't be rushed." Uchiha Qi heard the words and could only nod his head.

Tenseikan's fetal movement, the ghost knows how long it will last before it ends.

Even, according to Hyuga Aya's statement, there is no omen at all, and even if it has been completed, there will not be much hints.

For such a result, Uchiha Kai could only helplessly express that he knew it.

Apart from that, he didn't have much to say, but he was seriously considering one thing.

That's what Imai Kenta and him proposed. He and Hyuga Aya have indeed been dragging on for too long.

Last year, he originally planned to solve this matter, but last year because of the 'reverse genocide night', plus Hyuga Aya's eyes were during fetal movement.

Therefore, Uchiha Qi can only temporarily let go of this opportunity, but it is now a new year, and he does not intend to continue to delay.

He's not an idiot, and he doesn't really have any sex.

It's just because of various reasons that his interests are more focused on other aspects, resulting in him still only a single dog.

Uchiha Kai set himself a small goal, which is to solve some things this year no matter what.

Kakashi is a 10,000-year-old single dog, but he is not. Kakashi in the original book did not do that because he was hurt and full of guilt.

There is no such thing as guilt in Uchiha Kai's heart. He chooses to do or not to do it just based on his own considerations.

Slowly holding Aya Hyuga walking down the street of Konoha, Kei Uchiha was thinking about how to speak, but the next moment, Anbu suddenly appeared in front of him...


"What's the matter, Captain Watergate?"

In Hokage's office, Uchiha Qi looked at Nagao Fengshui with a puzzled look on his face.

When he was shopping with Aya Hyuga and thinking about how to enhance their relationship, an Anbu ran up to them and told them that Hokage-sama was looking for them.

This also led to the two of them having to rush over, even though Kai Uchiha felt very depressed, but their identities prevented them from having any hesitation.

The ghost knows if something happened in Konoha, after all, there are so many things going on in Konoha now.

Needless to say, there is no need to say more about the people in the village. Outside the village, there are also people who assist the country of grass and the country of waves to build a ninja village and train ninjas.

In addition, there is a ghost lamp full moon who just returned to Wuyin Village, maybe there is really something they need to do.

"There is indeed something very important." Minato Namikaze said solemnly: "Just now, I received a message from Teacher Jiraiya."

"Jiraiya?" Uchiha was stunned for a moment, and the next moment his expression changed slightly.

The purpose of Jiraiya leaving Konoha is very clear, that is to help Uchiha Kai find the legendary reincarnator who may stay in the Shinobi world.

It has been a year since he left Konoha. To be honest, Uchiha Kai is not too much hope in this regard.

In his opinion, if it took Jirai a few years to find it, it would be amazing.

But what he never expected was that he actually found it?

"Is that the reincarnator?" Uchiha Kai's face became slightly solemn, and Hyuga Aya, who also followed him, also became a little solemn.

"According to Mr. Jiraiya's information, he did find the chakra that can cause the scroll to change." Minato Namikaze said solemnly: "If there is no problem, I am afraid that he has really found it."

"Where?" Hyuga Aya pondered for a while before slowly asking.

"The Kingdom of Thunder." Minato Namifeng didn't hide anything: "Teacher Jiraiya originally wanted to continue tracking and explore more things. But the suggestion that Qi gave me at the beginning was adopted by me, and Teacher Jiraiya couldn't escape at all. So I know where he is now."

The country of thunder?

Is it the site of Yunyin Village?

Uchiha Qi thought about it. He didn't know where the reincarnated person would appear, but what he knew was that the guy could appear anywhere.

It's not uncommon to appear in the Land of Thunder, on the contrary, it's a good thing to appear in that place.

Because of the last war between Konoha and Yunyin, Konoha and Yunyin formed an alliance, even though this alliance did not actually have any effect.

But compared to Yunyin and Sandyin, whether it is Uchiha Kai or Namikaze Minato, I am afraid they are more willing to trust Yunyin.

Even though these Yun Yin sometimes seem simple-minded and love to rely on force to solve problems, they are much better than the two-faced Sand Yin.

Of course, in terms of strength, I'm afraid it doesn't matter where Uchiha Kai goes, it's just a question of whether it's necessary to cause trouble.

"Is that so?" Uchiha Qi nodded: "I understand, then I will be dispatched as soon as possible."

"You must be careful when you go out this time." Minato Namikaze nodded when he heard the words: "Although this is not the first time you have fought in another country, the enemy you will face this time is probably not a simple one. That guy , but the reincarnator in your mouth!"

"I know, I've always been careful, because I know that if I get careless, I'll be dead." Uchiha Ke shook his head: "Although I don't think it's worth it myself, but if I don't try it, the ghost knows that I will be in the future. Faced with them in their full form, what will we become?"

Indeed, this time the reincarnated person is an excellent object to practice with.

If it is really missed, no one can know when the next time they run into this guy will be.

Jiraiya really deserves to be the appointed 'leader' in the Naruto world, and all kinds of incredible things can always happen to him.

Since he has found it, then Uchiha Kai must go!

"This time, who are you planning to bring?" Minato Namikaze said directly, "Kenta, Aya, what else?"

"Captain Minato, do you have any ideas?" Uchiha Qi heard what he said, and immediately understood what he meant: "Or, who do you want me to bring?"

"Kakashi, and Shikuji." Without the slightest hesitation, Minato Namikaze gave his own answer: "Although there are still a lot of problems in Konoha that need to be solved, but compared to this reincarnator, he is more important.

Lu Jiu can easily help you solve a lot of unnecessary troubles, especially in Yunyin Village.

I believe that you can actually solve it by yourself, but we have to unite with the five major ninja villages to face the enemy, and some things will be better handled by him.

In addition, Kakashi can accumulate his experience with you.

Although Kakashi's real combat ability may not be as good as yours, but you have to believe him, his Flying Thunder God has been learning for a while, and he has recently learned Xianshu, so that he can see the state of Xianshu combat more intuitively. good for him.

Finally, there are actually members of our Anbu in Yunyin, and Kakashi himself can better coordinate some things in the past. "

Uchiha Qi quietly listened to Minato Namikaze's words, and he had to say that he really considered it comprehensively.

Bringing these two people to action can greatly help him solve some things that he can handle, but it takes energy.

It's just that these two are also high-ranking masters, one is the minister of the Ministry of State Affairs, and the other is the minister of the Anbu. Is it really good for them to leave Konoha like this?

"Who will replace them after they leave?" Uchiha Qi thought for a while, and then asked, "I don't want to cause any trouble inside Konoha because of this."

"On the Anbu side, I'll watch it myself....No, if there is a situation on your side, I will be dispatched at any time. This matter is arranged by Kakashi himself." Minato Namikaze thought for a while before slowly saying: " The Ministry of Government asked Lu Jiu's father to come out to help, the Mission Department and the Security Department, I don't think I need to give advice, right?"

"Okay, I understand." Uchiha Ki nodded: "When do we leave?"

"The sooner the better."

"I see, then we're going to prepare now..."
