Chapter 696: Mystery man

In Sugi no Country, Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya walked in the forefront.

Aya Hyuga with white eyes would be the best detection method, and behind them would be the Fourth Raikage, Jiraiya, and Shikahisa Nara.

In charge of the finishing touches are the four generations of Raikage's men, while Kakashi and Imai Kenta are separated to support the team.

The country of Sugi is not a big country, and it is only a small country in this ninja world, but this place combines the topography of the country of thunder and the country of earth. The mountains overlap and are very steep.

Seriously, it's not really possible to track such terrain for another person.

But the white eyes obviously ignored all of this, especially the white eyes of Hyuga Aya.

"Just ahead, if there is no problem." Just as they were tracking, Jiraiya suddenly said.

"White eyes!" After hearing Jiraiya's words, Hyuga Aya did not hesitate at all, and instantly opened her own white eyes: "There are no traces of other people, it looks like your toad has been lost."

"Sure enough, I'm not surprised at all." Imai Kenta has no awareness of the crow's mouth at all, he said with a flat mouth: "Forget it, we didn't report our confidence in the first place, let's see if we can get any information."

Unhappy glanced at Imai Kenta, but he didn't say anything.

His relationship with Imai Kenta is okay, and what Imai Kenta said is true, he only hopes that Toad Liang can really get some useful things.

Wanting to get here, Jiraiya quickly stepped forward and temporarily left the team.

"Your end didn't seem to go so well." The fourth generation Raikage saw Jirai also left, and couldn't help but say: "The place of Sugi no Kuni is really not friendly, especially for you Konoha ninjas. ."

"Actually, it's not as bad as I imagined. For us ninjas, anywhere can be our battlefield." Uchiha Kai shook his head, and then looked at the fourth Raikage curiously: "Your Excellency Raikage, Aren't you going to meet your troops?"

"Go, but not now." The Fourth Raikage looked at Kai Uchiha with a vigilant look on his face: "Don't try to inquire about the position I placed in the Suginokuni troop, although I will provide help, and we are indeed an alliance, but That doesn't mean I'm going to tell you that."

After all, Sugi no Country is completely listening to Yanyin Village. Even if Yunyin Village is strong in the face of these small countries, it is impossible for him to directly turn against Yanyin because of this kind of thing.

Therefore, the troops placed by Yunyin will definitely not be an upright and bright garrison. The garrison of Yunyin will all stay within the boundaries of the land of thunder.

These troops in the country of Sugi can basically be regarded as intelligence personnel, in short, the personnel of Anbu.

Uchiha Qi of course understood this, he shook his head indifferently: "Okay, I don't ask, in fact, we have no interest in the grievances between you and Iwayin Village, as long as you don't trouble us."

"Well, I'm really not interested?" The fourth Raikage raised his brows: "Do you really think we are blind? What do you Konoha do in the tea country and the wave country, do you think we don't know?"

"We Konoha didn't do anything, just help them restore order and build a Ninja Village." Uchiha Qi smiled: "Otherwise? Completely seize their share of the task? Or completely bring them into the country of fire. "

"Although I'm not sure what you are doing, I have a hunch that this is definitely not a good thing." The fourth Raikage said lightly: "Neither the country nor the Ninja Village are for charity. There is no motivation for profit. , will you help them? It's just that we haven't thought about what kind of benefits you want."

"Then think about it slowly, maybe one day you will understand." Uchiha Kai replied calmly.

Four generations of Raikage are right, Konoha does have its own purpose to help the country of tea and the country of waves.

It is also thanks to the fact that the development of people in this world is not as powerful as that in his previous life, otherwise this method would have been seen through long ago.

In fact, Uchiha Kai was not surprised that these guys knew about Konoha's actions, because Konoha didn't hide it at all, they just guessed slowly if they wanted to.

At this moment, a Swift Eagle suddenly let out a long cry, and then quickly flew towards the Fourth Raikage.

Fourth Raikage frowned, he quickly took over the Swift Eagle, and took a serious look at the information inside, and his expression changed a bit in an instant.

This scene also naturally fell in the eyes of Uchiha Kai, and he was a little curious about what happened.

However, he still obeyed the rules and didn't put his head out to look at it. After all, he was an Allied country. Even if he wanted to know the information shamelessly, he couldn't do it so openly.

"We're in a bit of trouble." The fourth Raikage said in a deep voice, "According to the information, the troops of Iwakage, which borders the land of the earth and the country of iron, have begun to move towards the country of Sugi. In addition, Sugi Domestic troops also seem to be on alert."

"Found us?" Uchiha Qi raised his eyebrows: "Are you planning to trouble us?"

"The worst plan is." The fourth Raikage said directly: "This guy, Ohnogi, has a deep hatred with you and me. If there is such an opportunity to put it in front of him..."

"According to his sensitivity, I'm afraid he won't miss it." Uchiha Qi sighed slightly.

Onogi, he still remembers the name very clearly.

Strictly speaking, the grievance between this old man and Uchiha Kai is really not small, and his control of timing and replacement of interests are definitely the kind that cannot be underestimated.

Now that he has brought a lot of high-level Konoha, plus a fourth-generation Raikage to his territory, he seizes the opportunity to attack these people, and he will definitely make a profit.

Of course, there is also a premise here, that is, these people don't run out, if they run out, then Yan Yin will be in big trouble.

Therefore, Ohnogi's current situation is probably to figure out what they are going to do, and then judging the current situation to decide whether to attack.

Moreover, as long as the order to attack is given, and they are all cleaned up, then Yanyin will definitely be fine, and even make a lot of money.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai had basically guessed what Onogi was thinking.

But unfortunately, the idea is good, but the actual operation is not so easy.

"Are you afraid?" The fourth Raikage asked amusingly: "That guy has mobilized the troops, and he seems to have a big idea."

"What's the big idea, do you think I'm really worried about this?" Uchiha Qi said with a smile: "Take ten thousand steps back, even if we don't do it, you forget how we came to Yunyin Village. ?"

"Flying Thunder God?" Four generations of Raikage nodded: "It seems that the old man Oh Yemu has to do useless work."

"Not necessarily." Uchiha Qi tilted his head: "Maybe I'm interested, and I can play with them..."


Playing with Ohnogi's troops doesn't seem like a sensible thing no matter how you look at it.

But when Uchiha Kai said these words, except for Nara Shikahisa, who frowned, there was not much emotional change in the others.

This kind of situation made the fourth generation Raikage somewhat unable to understand Uchiha Kai's thoughts, and he also couldn't understand what these Konoha ninjas were thinking.

But it doesn't matter to him. He dares to come here and has already made all kinds of preparations, so he is not afraid of the trouble of Oh Yemu coming to him.

After a brief exchange of information, the fourth Raikage left Uchiha Kai directly. Obviously, he needs to discuss it with his subordinates.

"It seems that this guy onogi smelled something." Hyuga Aya said at this time: "Speaking of which, I seem to have heard that you abolished his child. Loess, right? This guy caused us a lot of trouble back then. Well, but it is said that you are quite dark, and you did it in front of the fourth Hokage."

"You still cheated, and I still remember." Uchiha Qi laughed: "I remember that at the time, I rescued you, and you turned out to be fine... If it wasn't for what I thought of when I returned to the village, I still wouldn't be there. You have to tell the difference."

When it comes to the past, Kai Uchiha also finds it a little funny. Everything from that year seems to be still vivid in his mind, especially their current situation is really similar to that of the past.

But the difference is that now they have already been reborn.

Looking back at that time, Uchiha Qi had just obtained the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and it was too late to adapt. In addition, after a war, the consumption was too large and there was no chance to replenish it.

As a result, he was beaten like a dog by the loess, and he couldn't forget this embarrassing black history.

"What's wrong with the cheating injury? Is it possible that I'm going to die?" Hyuga Aya raised her brows: "The ghost knows that the four generations of Hokage will follow you in the future. From the point of view at the time, it was simply going to die. You want to die is your business. , maybe you were all ready to defect. But I'm different..."

"A bird in a cage, it's true that you are not as convenient as us." Uchiha Kai didn't deny those things, he took advantage of the situation and took Aya Hyuga's hand: "But that's all in the past, it's different now."

"Yeah, it's different, but I don't think we should talk about this topic anymore." Hyuga Aya glanced around.

Although everyone else left here wisely and left space for the two of them, she didn't want to be overheard by others accidentally.

Even if those histories are not unbearable to look back on, they are definitely black things.

Especially, this guy Jiraiya has come back!

"How is it, Lord Jiraiya?" Nara Shikahisa immediately walked up to see Jiraiya: "Do you have any information?"

"There are some." Jiraiya nodded solemnly: "But I also have to tell you one thing, we exposed."

"Exposed?" Uchiha Kai frowned: "Is Toad Ryo exposed?"

"Well, it..." Jilai also sighed: "It was discovered, if it hadn't run fast, I'm afraid... However, it's not without gain."

Although Jiraiya's face was not very good-looking, he also quickly explained what happened.

The toad is really not a very good tracking species, especially this toad is from Mt. Miaomu.

The chakra it emits is natural chakra, no matter how weak it is, the natural aura that is completely burned in the body is still preserved.

However, Toad Liang is really not without any gains. In the moment of unawareness, it immediately hid back to Miaomu Mountain.

In this way, it can be considered to have escaped disaster.

The most important thing is that this guy saw the face of the reincarnated person, and in the process of following it along the way, it also got some items belonging to that guy.

The reason why it continues to wait here is entirely because of the order of the Toad Immortal, that is, Toad Maru.

This incident has already alarmed the big toad.

"This is what Toad Liang got. That guy rested here. Toad Liang collected it after he left."

Jiraiya quickly took out the dead leaves and gave them to Kakashi, and then he continued.

"That guy has a strange and special mark under his left eye and chin, and he didn't walk towards the city. According to Gao Liang, he was walking towards the mountain. The direction... seems to be Sugi no Mura. ."

Sugi no Village direction? Jiraiya's voice fell, and Uchiha Kai and the others frowned.

Sugi no Village, there is a regular ninja village, although it is not a big ninja village at all, but there are also a certain number of ninja equipment in it.

The most important thing is that there are people from Yanyin there!

That guy, was deliberately guiding them in that direction?

Or are you just walking in that direction unconsciously?

Uchiha Qi couldn't understand. After all, this reincarnated person has exceeded his control over the plot of the original work At least in the Hokage he is familiar with, there is no such guy.

But no matter what, the location of this guy is already known, so it is impossible for Uchiha Kai to let him escape so easily!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai immediately turned his attention to Kakashi.

At this time, Kakashi was summoned by a ninja dog, and the smell identification has been carried out.

"I have no problem here, I can track it immediately." Kakashi patted Parker's dog head and said quickly: "Parker is very sensitive to breath, you should know this."

"Well, since that's the case, let's go." Uchiha Qi nodded: "Hurry up, I want to see what purpose this guy has!"


In Sugi no Country, Ci Xian walked alone in the forest.

His eyes looked a little indifferent, and in this indifference it seemed a little inexplicable, because he didn't expect that he would be followed.

Where is it exposed?

Or, the damned woman Kaguya Otsutsuki, guessed his situation, even if she desperately wants to fight back?

Shaking his head, Ci Xian continued to walk forward, but after a while he suddenly felt a crisis, and he found that he was locked!

"Is it still being caught up?" Ci Xian sighed faintly: "Forget it, I thought I would avoid it if I could, but now it seems that there is no way to avoid it."

"In that case, I'll see who is following me."

Two days left, two days left