Chapter 697: 1 trigger

In the Sugi no Country, in the garrison of the large army of Iwagakushi.

Onomu came here with a few Anbu and his only disciple, Deidara. Compared to Deidara who was very curious to look around, Ohnogi looked much colder.

Following their arrival, Masano Masano, the commander of the garrison, immediately came out to receive them.

"Lord Tsuchikage." Masano Masao bowed slightly.

"Well, how is the situation?" Onogi nodded, and then asked directly, "Where are those guys now?"

"After I received the communication from Xun Ying, I contacted the local Anbu to investigate the results." Masano Masao said respectfully: "They are in the mountains now, the exact location is unclear, because they are all very strong, and the people of Anbu dare not take it lightly. The tracking led to a startling, after all, they have people from Hinata there."

Baiyan is the most troublesome blood follower for stalkers, because others are likely to see you directly!

In addition to the white eyes, there are also some messy perception abilities, which are also very troublesome.

Masano Masao is not stupid. Although their actions this time are not so secretive, he also knows that if they do something honestly, it may affect Ohnogi's plan.

So he didn't send anyone to follow him, he just got a rough idea of ​​the location.

"Wise choice, I don't know about Konoha, but Raikage will definitely bring his own perception ninja." Onogi nodded approvingly: "Although they may already know our actions, but they don't know what we actually think. Before, they didn't necessarily leave directly."

"Then what should we do now, teacher?" Deidara asked curiously, this time he came out somewhat inexplicably: "What is our mission this time?"

"You will know about this later." Oh Yemu didn't say much, even in the face of his own disciples.

After all, he didn't know exactly what kind of effect the action this time could achieve and what effect it would have, so he didn't plan to say much.

When Deidara saw this, he could only pursed his lips, and then he didn't say anything more. He knew about his teacher, and he really said the same thing as Stone.

Moreover, he is also very stubborn. He basically does not consider revising the decisions he makes, and Deidara doesn't bother to offend his brows.

Anyway, it was enough for him to come out to play this time. He had already had enough of the feeling of being dead in the village.

In that place, if you do some experiments yourself, you will be taught a lesson, and you even have to consider whether it will hurt anyone and not be able to do the experiment.

This kind of feeling is terrible for Deidara. He is now considering whether to simply live outside the village, otherwise how can he continue his art?

"Let's go, and the person who brought you will follow me." Oh Yemu didn't know what his disciple was thinking, he said to Masano Masao: "The large army asks them to surround the exit of that area, and once they find it, they will immediately support, and we will enter. Mountain."

"Yes, Tsuchikage-sama." Masano Masano nodded.

Masano Masao is a person who absolutely obeys Tsuchikage, and his character is somewhat similar to Tsuchikage, like a hard rock.

While doing his due diligence, he also obeyed orders. He didn't go back and think about what was right and wrong.

All he cares about is where the orders come from and how he wants to complete them!


"just in front!"

Under the leadership of Kakashi, Kai Uchiha and the others were running fast towards their destination.

It's amazing. According to Parker's dog, the other party's smell seems so strange, so strange that it can even smell the traces of years.

After saying this, almost all of Konoha's people are sure of one thing, that is, they have found the right person!

From Konoha, they all knew that the reincarnator they were looking for was a guy who had lived for thousands of years.

But this question is really inexplicable for the people on Yunyin's side, smelling the breath of time?

Does this dog have a nose problem?

But although their heads were full of question marks, they didn't take the initiative to ask, and they were even thinking about some of their own affairs.

The secret technique in the village of Sugi, this thing Raikage has been eyeing for a long time.

Whether it is the third generation Raikage or the current fourth Raikage, they are all eager to get this thing, and they have already started planning this matter before Konoha came.

But because of the arrival of Konoha, they had to give up this idea temporarily.

And now, they seem to be planning to restart this plan. After all, the Konoha gang really helped them attract the attention of Iwakaku.

If they take this opportunity to raid the village of Sugi, maybe they can really get what they want!

It's just that this matter still needs to be considered, especially since they may have to catch the target with these people from Konoha.

To make Konoha dispatch so many people, and these people are all high-level personnel, what such a lineup has to do, if the fourth Raikage is not curious, he is not the fourth Raikage!

"What's your next assignment? Also, how can we help you?"

Fourth Raikage asked very directly, he is a shadow after all, he can't wait for Uchiha Kai and the others to arrange tasks, some questions are better than asking directly.

"The battle in a moment may not be very friendly, and even spread to a large area." Uchiha Qi thought for a while and said: "What will be the specific fight, depending on the situation, I will fight that guy alone first, and you can support at any time. I."

"Play against him alone?" Hyuga Aya couldn't help frowning when she heard the words: "Is this your decision?"

"Well, I'll take the action alone this time." Uchiha Qi nodded: "Although it is easier to deal with your support, I also want to know what those Otsutsuki are. You are responsible for collecting information and analyzing intelligence, and I can exercise my own strength."

Uchiha Kei really thinks like this, but it's not that he looks down on others.

Although he is really not sure whether other people except himself and Aya Hinata will have a concrete effect on Otsutsuki.

Hyuga Aya obviously can't do it now. She is still in the fetal movement, and she really knows what the specific situation will be.

Therefore, it is best to face this Otsutsuki, and naturally it is Uchiha Kai himself.

There are no restrictions on Uchiha Kai now, his strength is the current peak, and his Samsara Eye can be used without any burden.

So this time, it is definitely best for him to act alone, and Aya Hyuga, Kenta Imai, and Kakashi are all responsible for supporting.

Kei Uchiha doesn't have that much confidence to win a big Tsutsutsuki, unless these guys are really the same as in the original, stupid.

Otherwise, without any support, he would never think about coming to trouble these guys!

"Have you discussed it?" At this moment, Kakashi suddenly said, "We're here, he's right in front."


Ci Xian waited indifferently on the spot, since he had decided to find out who was looking for trouble for him, he would definitely do it.

After so many years of reconstruction and forbearance, Ci Xian—to be precise, it should be the style of Otsutsuki.

Although he is not a recovery of strength, in the end, he doesn't take the so-called ninjas of this world seriously anymore.

Just imagine how embarrassing it was that a group of guys he regarded as ants could threaten his life. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

And all of this was given by that **** woman, Kaguya Otsutsuki.

He did not forget such hatred, he kept it in his heart from beginning to end, and he was always waiting for the opportunity to take revenge!

Over the millennia, he has seen all kinds of people, and he must admit that the Otsutsuki Yumura and Otsutsuki Yui were really strong back then, and Indra and Asura were also very good.

After that, there were also many guys who made him feel threatened before he recovered.

But these guys basically didn't make it through the thousand years. They all died at the hands of the enemy, and none of them died in a happy way.

A few decades ago, there were two very troublesome guys, but they were only troubles. It seemed that those two guys were descendants of Indra and Asura.

It's still the same plot. The final fate of those two guys is still the same. He has seen this for thousands of years, and there is no accident.

Even he was wondering if that was the reincarnation of Indra and Asura.

It's a pity that he has lost too much power now. Ci Xian's body is too bad, he doesn't dare to resurrect completely, he still needs to find a better body.

A few years ago, after witnessing the explosion of the seal carrier of the woman Kaguya Otsutsuki, he wondered if the woman had come out.

Afterwards, he felt the breath of that woman, which made him feel that his time was starting to become urgent.

Therefore, he decided that he would create an organization of his own so that he could better restore his power.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

It's not easy to just build an organization by himself, at least it's more troublesome for him.

Candidates, positions, and a lot of messy things like money really made him angry.

For more than a year, his progress bar was almost zero, and he didn't move at all.

Under such circumstances, he was stunned to find that he was being followed by a group of inexplicable people, followed by a group of ants.

Under such circumstances, if he really had no reaction at all, that would be the strangest thing!

"come yet?"

Standing quietly in the same place, Ci Xian suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance. He had already noticed that someone was coming.

It's a bit of a pity that this body made it impossible for him to open his eyes, otherwise he could see farther and more clearly, such as who dared to come to him.

But soon he frowned. Even if he didn't roll his eyes or completely recovered his strength, he didn't have a certain perception ability.

He has already noticed that the person who came to him is very powerful!

Soon, a figure appeared within his line of sight.

It is a young man who looks only about 20 years old. He is not strong. He wears a black ninja combat uniform and looks very capable with short black hair.

Ci Xian himself was a little surprised. Such a person would actually make him feel threatened, but he was still relatively calm, or indifferent, so what about the threat?

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Compared to the threat to this body now, he didn't take it too seriously.

"Is it only you?" Ci Xian asked indifferently, "I'm curious, I haven't seen you in my memory, and I haven't offended you, so why are you making trouble with me? Also, what the **** are you doing? who is it."

"Next, Uchiha." Uchiha said calmly: "Actually, I don't want to come to you, but you know, I can't do anything about it. After all, our positions seem to be different."

"The position is different?" Ci Xian looked at Uchiha Kai inexplicably, and then laughed: "Your surname is Uchiha, you should be from Konoha. I'm an idle cloud and wild crane, in fact, I really don't know why you came here. Me. But forget it, there is a price to pay for doing things, Uchiha Kai? I remember you."

"I remember you too." Uchiha Qi took a deep breath, his chakra was already surging: "Should I call you Otsutsuki? Or should I call you a reincarnator?"

As soon as Uchiha Kai finished speaking, Ci Xian's expression changed instantly.

For a thousand years, he really hadn't heard this name for a thousand years!

However, what he never expected was that at the moment when he was stunned, the guy named Uchiha Kai launched an offensive instantly, and the power of the yin and yang escape and thunder was about to touch his body.

And, Ci Xian clearly felt the power of time!

The power of time, someone actually mastered the power of UU Reading ?

Without the power of Otsutsuki, have you mastered this power?

After all, Ci Xian was once a peak Otsutsuki. Even if he was affected by the power of time, he was not without any resistance!

The violent power bloomed in an instant, and in almost one-thousandth of an instant, he was short, and he avoided the fatal knife of Uchiha Kai.

Kai Uchiha was stunned for a moment. With the sneak attack and the speed of the leap of time, this guy actually escaped?

Is this the speed of reaction?

Also, what exactly is going on with this physical technique?

Although surprised, Uchiha Kei did not hesitate at all, and he launched the attack again without saying a word.

Only this time, the guy in front of him was obviously more fully prepared. He seemed to have expected Kai Uchiha's attack, and a **** hole suddenly appeared behind him.

This hole engulfed him in an instant, and at the same time, at the other end not far away, a black hole similar to the one appeared, and he walked out of it.

"Who the **** are you?" Ci Xian's face became a little serious. This was probably the most serious he had done in thousands of years: "Where did you hear this surname."

"As I said, I'm going to Uchiha." Uchiha sighed slightly: "As for your surname..."

"If I don't know, that's weird."
