Chapter 705: 6 levels of attacks

Reaching the level of Six Paths is something that Kai Uchiha has never imagined, at least at this stage he hasn't thought about it.

Even if he knew that he might have just stepped into the Six Realms, and even his current strength could not be fully grasped.

But at least he has really entered this state, he has already truly felt how terrifying the gap between the so-called six-path level and ordinary ninjas is.

The strength has reached the level of Six Paths, and all the powers used by Kai Uchiha have undergone earth-shaking changes.

This is an essential change, a change in the level of power.

Any power he uses can already be prefixed with a prefix at this stage, that is 'God'!

When his ninja sword fell fiercely, the blade shone, the space vibrated, and the gravitational and repulsive forces stopped at this moment.

At the beginning, there was only a hundred meters of space, but then it seemed to be stretched infinitely. The strange time disorder was completely displayed in this canyon, and then it completely collapsed!

What's even more terrifying is that when everything fell into disintegration, time reversed, everything recovered, and then disintegrated again.

Driven by such a cycle of strange power, the space where Uchiha Kai and Ci Xian are located has completely changed.

Where Uchiha Kai was located, the material that had been wiped out suddenly recovered, the powder continued to aggregate and overlap, and finally solidified and stiffened, and the mountains and trees appeared again!

And where Ci Xian is, time destroys everything, constantly strangling the power of Ci Xian, the power of the terrifying ten tails in him.

But the ten tails are the ten tails after all, even if it is just Chakra, it will not be too affected by the power of time.

However, Uchiha Kai's power at this time has surpassed Ci Xian's current state, even if it is just an experience card, it is definitely not comparable to those of Xu's ten-tailed chakra!

Ci Xian roared, and under the pressure of time, he couldn't move at all.

However, with the protection of Ten-Tailed Chakra, he doesn't need to worry too much about his own situation.

But after all, this is not a long-term solution. If time is constantly squeezed, I am afraid that the ten-tailed chakra on his body will be shattered sooner or later.

And at that time, the situation that he is most unwilling to face will appear.

This kid, no wonder he is not afraid of accidents after killing him, so he still has such a hand!

"However, such an excellent body..." Ci Xian's expression has been sunk to the extreme: "Fortunately, he has not completely mastered his own power, otherwise I would have been resurrected in a state of Otsutsuki. Not much chakra, but enough for now, so..."


Ci Xian let out an angry roar, and the ten-tailed chakra on his body burst out, and in an instant he was forcibly freed from the catastrophe of time.

However, his actions also accelerated the aging around him. At this moment, Ci Xian is already in the state of an old man!

This space is still so strange, half of it is full of flowers, half of it is dilapidated, and Ci Xian's figure suddenly disappeared.

When he appeared again, half of his body was young, and half of his body was already withered!


Kai Uchiha never imagined that this guy would dare to go all out. His state at this time can be said to be completely disintegrating.

Under the glance of Samsara's eyes, this guy has no secrets. His body is continuing to fight, and it will be completely destroyed within a minute. This is the result of Uchiha Kai's control.

He didn't want that Otsutsuki to be resurrected in one go. His chakra and his experience card couldn't last the next battle.

Could it be that he saw through it?

Uchiha Kei was a little worried, but he wouldn't sit still no matter how worried he was.

The two Gudao Jade behind him rushed out, one of them turned into a sharp blade and attacked Ci Xian, and the other turned into a shield to block him in front of him.

However, even though Ci Xian's physical condition is abnormally bad now, his strength comes from the peak Otsutsuki.

Completely disregarding his own state, he punched Qiu Daoyu with a punch.

His physical skills were extremely terrifying, but Qiu Daoyu was not joking. In an instant, his arm completely turned into powder, but Qiu Daoyu was also knocked away!

However, this guy didn't have the slightest intention to stop. His eyes were fixed on the shield that the Taoist jade turned into. In an instant, the shield was directly shrunk, allowing him to face Uchiha Kai directly.

It's just that his current life seems to have less than thirty seconds left!

His eyes were overflowing with a lot of blood, and his condition was so bad that it was unbelievable that he could still be alive.

But he didn't pause, his only left hand grabbed Uchiha Kai's arm frantically, completely ignoring the ninja sword that was stabbing straight at him.

The ninja sword that Qiu Daoyu condensed ran through his body without any suspense, but Uchiha Kai's hand was also caught by him.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and blood flowed down the corner of his mouth.

"It looks like you won't be able to last long!" Ci Xian's mouth showed a sinister smile: "Very well, I won the bet, it seems that I don't need to be resurrected."

"How long do you think you can live? How many seconds?" Uchiha Kai's face was a little ugly. Even in the state of Six Paths, his power was not stable at all.

You can't control these forces, you can only attack to the greatest extent, and those forces in other areas can't be controlled at all.

And the ability of this guy in front of him is so strange, Uchiha can guarantee that he can't hurt himself, but there is no way to guarantee his contact with him!

Kei Uchiha already felt that a strange power was being transmitted to him from Ci Xian.

Just one breath, all this has been completely completed.

And Cixi also let go, the ten-tailed chakra burned wildly, and a black space suddenly opened up!

"I still have ten seconds." Ci Xian's body sank into this black space, and the space closed quickly: "Don't think about attacking me, I also control the time in this space, otherwise you think I will Aren't you afraid of your time manipulation? I'm looking forward to our next meeting, Uchiha Kai..."

The voice fell, and Ci Xian's voice was completely swallowed by this black space.

Uchiha Qi watched all this silently. In the complete reincarnation eye chakra mode, he could understand everything in that black space.

He could naturally see that time in that black space almost didn't exist.

This technique is even more terrifying than Obito's divine power. When Ci Xian enters it, his body will freeze.

Even if it's only for one second, he can get unlimited time in it, and he can recover himself through the wedge.

"Even if you attack with the Daoyu, I'm afraid it won't work..." Uchiha Qi sighed: "Otsutsuki, it's still scary. Especially..."

Looking down at his right hand, under the palm of his right hand, there was an inexplicable black diamond sign.

This thing is probably a wedge...


Although Uchiha Kai already knows about wedges.

But when this thing appeared on him, he suddenly realized that he seemed to know too little.

This **** thing is covered on his body. Even if he uses the eye of reincarnation to investigate the fairy chakra, he doesn't know anything about this thing.

This made Kai Uchiha a little unhappy in his heart. If this ghost thing is really uncontrollable and can directly cover the existence of his consciousness, isn't Kai Uchiha in a huge crisis?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh, but he wasn't too desperate.

Otsutsuki, these guys are indeed strong and terrifying, and they are indeed far enough for the ninja world.

Even in the entire ninja world, there are very few people who know them.

But if you really want to say that there are people who don't know them, it obviously doesn't exist, not to mention that the person who knows Otsutsuki the most is Otsutsuki!

The Six Path Immortals and the corpse cheater obviously knew the existence of these guys very well.

Even if they don't know much about it, isn't there another person who was sealed on the moon?

Kaguya Otsutsuki and that Otsutsuki can be said to be mortal enemies. Although Kei Uchiha should be careful that he is jumped off the wall by Kaguya Otsutsuki, her two sons are not really dead.

As long as they can find a way, then Uchiha Kai can ignore the wedge, and even find a way to crack all the secrets in the wedge!

Insert an app: a perfect replica of the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an app that can change the source--Mimi Reading.

Of course, this is the best idea, and he has to do the worst. That is what they should do if they are helpless.

In fact, Uchiha Kai has enough plans for this.

That is to rely on the power of time!

Otsutsuki can indeed greatly weaken the influence of time, and can even ignore the influence of time.

But this does not mean that this wedge can withstand the seal of time when it is not active!

As long as Uchiha Kai is given enough time, when his strength reaches a limit and reaches the same height as him, can this wedge still swallow him?

Otsutsuki has no sign of swallowing Otsutsuki. There may be a factor of strength, but also a factor of will.

How terrifying the spiritual will of the Six Paths is, Uchiha Kai has already had some experience before.

If you don't have extremely strong mental power and willpower, then the madness is so violent that it is very likely that you will kill your master in turn!

Uchiha Kai is not a puppet. He has his own will. If his strength reaches the level of Six Paths, he can ignore this wedge.

"Using time to seal the wedge is, to put it bluntly, a tactic to delay troops, but in the end, it is a work that can be hoped to be completed, and this is also the worst plan."

Uchiha Qi sighed slightly: "The best solution, naturally, is Otsutsuki Yui or Hamura, and Kaguya Hime may help me solve it.

Or, I can break through the six realms myself.

Forget it, it takes time to break through the Six Paths, and you also need to improve your bloodline and chakra, this matter..."

Kai Uchiha really feels aggrieved right now, even though he has gained a lot from this battle.

Not only was he thoroughly familiar with his own power, but he also experienced a reincarnation eye chakra mode, and felt how exaggerated the combat power of the Six Paths level was.

Finally, I figured out the identity of this so-called reincarnator, as well as his lower limit and upper limit of strength.

Even, he has figured out all kinds of information about this guy.

If it weren't for this **** wedge, I'm afraid this could be seen as a textbook action strategy.

But in the end, Uchiha Kai was unlucky in the end.

That Ci Xian, or Otsutsuki's complete explosion of using a wedge, plus the chakra of the ten tails, it would be good if Uchiha Qi was not injured.

The wedge is just like Chakra, it directly covers his body, and he has nothing to do.

Shaking his head, the blue light began to dissipate on his body.

Kai Uchiha knew that it was time for his 'Six Paths Experience Card'.

Looking at the chakra coat that kept falling off, Kai Uchiha thought of that fellow Ci Xian again.

He now seals himself in that space, in that pure different space without the flow of time.

In a short period of time, I'm afraid this guy won't come out, he still has a lot of time.


When the chakra coat completely left Uchiha Kai's body, an extreme sense of weakness spread over him instantly.

He really hadn't experienced this kind of weakness for a long time, and he could hardly maintain his Samsara eyes now.

However, he soon began to recover. He has already reached half of the Otsutsugi bloodline, and his physical fitness is still extremely good.

Although he was a little swollen, it wouldn't affect his current actions.


At this moment, Aya Hyuga's voice suddenly came from a distance, Uchiha Kai raised his head and looked into the distance, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It's Aya, and Kenta and Kakashi, these guys can be counted.

Just in a valley behind me, there are some guys there...

Forget it, what about them...

Also, it seems that I really shouldn't be flying flags indiscriminately...


"Lord Tuying, we..."

In a valley behind Uchiha Kai, Masao Gono swallowed and said, looking at Ohnogi in front of him, he feels terrible now.

Is this a human battle?

Why is this a human battle?

What the **** is this!

Just now, that terrifying blade shattered space and disrupted time, making everything disorderly and unimaginable.

These people really experienced a cycle of coming back from the dead and coming back to life.

I don't know how many times they have experienced it, and they were surprised to find that the mountain range that had been completely beaten into a chasm has been restored, at least in their part of the mountain range.バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

There is still a bottomless abyss in the distance, and you can even feel the hot breath!

Such an attack, everything that happened here, is this a miracle?

Those two fighting guys are probably gods, right? New 81 Chinese website update fastest computer: https://www.@x81zw@@

He really doesn't dare to think about Uchiha's problems anymore. The ghost knows whether Uchiha did all this!

"Let's withdraw!" Oh Yemu was silent for a long time, and finally he sighed: "Leave quickly, this is not something we can interfere..."

"Teacher, those guys... Those two fighting people, who are they?" Deidara suddenly asked at this moment, and his face seemed to have a touch of excitement.

"How do I know? Who cares who they are now, I only know that it is the most correct choice for us to leave quickly!"

"It's a pity... The previous explosion..."

"It's really art..."

Deidara's muttering made Ohnogi glared at him, and then he felt a deep despair in his heart.

Of those two guys, one of them, Ohnogi, recognized it.

That chakra aura that was exactly the same cold to the extreme in his son's brain was...

Kai Uchiha!
