Chapter 706: post war

Ohnogi had no way of knowing why Uchiha Kai, this damned fellow, suddenly burst into such a terrifying power.

Is that human being? This is no longer human, right?

Could such power erupt from humans?

I'm afraid this kid Uchiha Kai has really reached the level of Uchiha Madara?

Shaking his head, Ohnogi didn't dare to imagine it at all. He only knew about this damned Uchiha Kai, and he was completely unwilling to have any relief.

You are strong and powerful, what do you care about me?

Are you coming to the country of cedar?

I don't know, I haven't seen it, you can do whatever you like, unless...

Ohnogi clenched his fists, thinking about the relationship between Iwakaku and Konoha.

If this guy Uchiha Kai really entered the land of the land and headed towards Iwagakushi, then he would fight to protect him no matter what!

He is a shadow, and even if he knows that he is defeated, he will never back down.

As a shadow, he must protect and cherish what he has.

And this thing is Yanyin Village, which is an existence that he must protect even if he sacrifices his life.

The words were divided into two parts. When Ohnogi quickly evacuated, Hyuga Aya and the others also came to Uchiha Kai's side.

To be honest, this is the first time they have seen Kei Uchiha so tired.

He didn't have any wounds on his body, except for the tattered clothes, it was completely impossible to see that he had experienced an unimaginable battle.

In fact, the strength has reached this level, except for a few traces of friction on the body, it is really impossible to see anything else.

The yin and yang escapes in his body have long since healed his injuries.

But in terms of how, yin and yang escape really has a limited effect on spiritual release and help.

Everyone will be tired, no matter how strong or terrifying his strength is.

Only by resting and having a good rest can the mental exhaustion be recovered.

But even though Kei Uchiha looks tired now, it doesn't affect him too much.

After all, he is also a person who has participated in the three normal ninja wars from start to finish. He has experienced serial battles and exhausted battles.

So after a short rest, he forcibly suppressed that tiredness.

At this time, the fourth Raikage and his subordinates also rushed over together with Nara Shikahisa. First release https://(www)https://m/.x81zw./com/

They looked even more embarrassed, especially their expressions didn't seem normal.

Especially when he saw the area where Kai Uchiha and the others were located, he was a little surprised.

"Minister Qi..." Lu Jiu walked to Qi's side, and then asked with a little concern, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, but the consumption is a bit big, here..." Uchiha Qi pointed to his head: "Chakra may recover, but manipulating chakra is very labor-intensive, and it's not so easy to recover."

"It's natural." Lu Jiu nodded. As a family of secret arts, especially the family of escaping secret arts, he naturally knew about these situations.

Quietly glanced at the Fourth Raikage, Lu Jiu couldn't help laughing silently, Uchiha Kei is really hot, isn't he?

Would it be stupid to deliberately test the fourth Raikage?

It seems that there is absolutely no need for that, right?

The Fourth Raikage has been completely frightened now, does he still have the heart to play this game with you?

Of course, even if this guy still has a mind, will Jiraiya, Aya Hinata, Kenta Imai, Kakashi, and himself just sit still?

The Fourth Raikage really doesn't have the idea of ​​tangling with Uchiha about these things now. His mind is now full of everything that was shown in the battle just now, and everything that Nara Shikahisa told him.

He really feels now that this world is so crazy, so crazy that he doesn't seem to know the world well at all.

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What Six Paths Immortals, what Otsutsuki, all this is ridiculous, Uchiha Qi is actually a descendant of Six Paths Immortals?

But the fact is, this is all true!

Without this battle, the fourth Raikage would not have believed what Nara Shikahisa told him before.

But now it's different. After seeing the power of Uchiha Kai, he almost believed it.

With strength reaching this point, there is no need to lie.

Especially the guy who fought against Uchiha Kai just now, so unknown but with such incredible power.

The Fourth Raikage dare not have any luck. Any luck is disrespectful to the facts, and even more irresponsible to their village.

The fourth generation of Raikage is inspired to be a qualified shadow. He will not allow himself to ignore the threat of the village because of personal grievances.

To tell the truth, if those **** Otsutsuki or something, they just have a grudge against one place alone.

But after Nara Shikaku's vivid description, the fourth Raikage has basically accepted the setting that those guys are going to destroy the entire ninja world.

"Uchiha Kai..." Four generations of Raikage pondered for a long time, and suddenly said.

Just as soon as he opened his mouth, he felt that he called this guy like that. Wouldn't it be inappropriate?

"Your Excellency Raikage, what's the matter?" Uchiha Qi didn't know what he was thinking, he asked curiously.

"Minister Shikuji, what he said..." The Fourth Raikage shook his head, and he said in a deep voice, "Is it all true? That guy just now is the Otsutsuki?"

"Minister Lu Jiu has already told you?"

Uchiha Kai looked a little surprised, but in fact he wanted this effect.

"That's right, what Minister Shikaku told you is all true.

As for the guy just now, he's not really a big tube wood, to be precise, he's not a complete big tube wood, so wedge—

It was that blue-black curse, it didn't completely swallow that guy.

Therefore, it can only be regarded as Otsutsuki that has not reached the peak. "

Otsutsuki who has not reached the peak?

The fourth generation of Raikage no longer knows how to evaluate it. Otsutsuki, who has not completely swallowed up and stepped into the peak, has such fighting power?

But soon, the fourth generation of Raikage reacted, and this guy Uchiha Kai can defeat this guy. Does that mean that Uchiha Kai already has the fighting power of the peak Otsutsugi?

Also, even if individual power cannot defeat this guy, if there is information...

Maybe, you can even fight!

And Uchiha Kei fought that guy, and the fourth Raikage kept his eyes on it.

It can be said that they have experienced from the most basic combat to the peak combat power once.

As a top ninja, Uchiha Kai's ability to collect information is not bad either.

Besides, there are members of the Hinata clan here. Does this mean that they already have information on that guy?

"Minister Qi, what do you think of that guy?" The fourth Raikage responded quickly, and he immediately asked, "After all, you've been fighting him for so long..."

"Do you want information?" Uchiha Ki unceremoniously pierced through this guy's thoughts, he smiled slightly: "In fact, we can indeed provide you with information. I think Minister Shikaku also told you, we You all know why you came here and even asked you to follow in front of you, right?"

"Yes, Minister Shikaku said, you actually plan to unite the entire ninja world to fight them." The fourth Raikage nodded: "I have no problem, we were allies, and I saw such a battle... I definitely I won't let those guys attack the ninja world!"

"That's good." Uchiha Qi stood up, then nodded: "It's not easy to unite the entire ninja world, you alone are not enough. But we all know how difficult it is. "

When the Fourth Raikage heard the words, he couldn't help but sighed.

Indeed, even a shadow can imagine how difficult it is.

The first point is that no one has seen this war except him, which means that no one will believe this except him!

In fact, if it wasn't for the failed war in the early years, I am afraid that the fourth generation of Raikage would never believe in Konoha.

He was even a little fortunate. He was fortunate to have formed an alliance with Konoha back then. At least he wouldn't be naive and ignorant.

"So, what should we do?" The fourth Raikage waved silently, and then slowly asked, "We, Yun Yinhe, will cooperate with you, but in terms of intelligence..."

"Let's make an alliance openly, at least give other Shinobi villages some eye-catching recognition." Uchiha Qi glanced at Lujiu, and he continued until the guy nodded: "After forming an alliance, we will share information with you. Don't It feels like we're selling out, when in fact the intelligence we're gathering needs to be consolidated, and I think you should understand that."

"Re-alliance? I see." Fourth Raikage raised his brows.

This is good news for him!

The alliance between Konoha and Yunyin back then, although Yunyin didn't seem to be that weak.

But in fact, as a defeated country, their alliance treaty is really not friendly to Yun Yin!

And now they have re-aligned, which means that their previous alliance has been abolished.

Abolishing a humiliating treaty is definitely good news for the fourth Raikage.

Even if they failed back then because of some irreversible factors...

Suddenly, the fourth Raikage thought of something, and the look he looked at Uchiha Kai also became a little weird.

This guy is showing such fighting power now, which is stronger than that mysterious Uchiha!

But there is one thing that needs to be known, that is, the impression that Uchiha Kai left in the ninja world is not as exaggerated as it is now.

Does this mean that this guy was hiding before?

And the purpose of hiding clumsy, is it to cover up an identity?

Shaking his head quickly, the Fourth Raikage forced himself to forget about this immediately.

There are some things that you can't say if you know it. Even if it's really him, in the situation of Konoha and Yunyin's war, it's only natural for him to do it!

Even, the fourth generation of Raikage needs to thank Uchiha Kai.

If that mysterious Uchiha was really dressed up by him, it would be equivalent to saving his political life.

Killing thousands of ninjas by Uchiha and leading to defeat, and Uchiha of a mysterious organization killing thousands of ninjas and leading to defeat are two completely different concepts!

"Of course, re-alliance is re-alliance, and you also need to come up with something." Just when the fourth Raikage was full of thoughts, Uchiha Kai suddenly said.

"What?" The fourth Raikage immediately became vigilant: "With your strength, there shouldn't be anything you need, right?"

"Essentially, there should be none, but in fact there are some." Uchiha Kai showed a standard smile: "These things are not too difficult, eight tails and two tails' chakras, I think you can take them out, right? ?"

"Ah?" The fourth Raikage froze for a moment: "You mean Chakra?"

"Yes, otherwise? A tailed beast? Wouldn't your brother die then?"

"Okay, Chakra! I understand, when I re-sign the alliance treaty, I will hand it over to you!"


"I didn't expect that he actually found this guy."

In the Pure Land, the only place with beams of light in that chaotic and dark world, Otsutsuki Yui and Otsutsuki Yumura sit quietly there.

At this time, they no longer have the calmness and calmness they used to, and there are even some inconceivable expressions on their faces.

Because they really didn't expect that Uchiha Kai actually found such a guy, a Otsutsuki waiting to be resurrected!

They know that in order for the divine tree to produce fruit, it is necessary to sacrifice a large tube of wood.

That's what their mother did back then, but Otsutsuki's specificity made it impossible for them to die.

Moreover, the particularity of the wedge makes it impossible for them to probe, where are those guys.

For thousands of years, they even thought that the guy had failed, or was slowly looking for a suitable host, constantly reincarnating and alternating.

But today they met that guy, and met him through Kai Uchiha!

"This child is unbelievable." Yumura sighed quietly: "Although he finally completed everything with the help of his mother, the gift left to him back then. But his bloodline has not yet reached the limit, but I really did not expect, He actually made himself into this realm through this way, the way I stayed."

"You really left something incredible, Yumura." Yu Yi shook his head: "You know, I've always been reluctant to leave something like this, the reason is very simple. That is, through this method, I will let them It is to lose motivation and lose the motivation to continue upward. However, now, this little guy seems to have learned your way, even if he just experienced it, but he can definitely restore it. "New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

"Do you think this child will stop his steps?" Hamura said amusingly: "And, strictly speaking, he is your descendant. I think you should come out and talk to him about some things, remind me Wouldn't it be better? Besides, he's still in trouble."

"Well, indeed." Yu Yi nodded, then he stood up and looked at the beam in the sky: "You are right, this child is a very potential child. What he is doing now It was also in line with what we thought at the time. Help him and remind him, it is really necessary."

"Are you ready to see him?"

"Well, after so long, it's time for me to meet my descendant..."
