Chapter 710: method

Early the next morning, Uchiha Kai woke up from his sleep.

However, the first thing he did after waking up was to look at his palm, and then his face became a little weird.

At this moment, the diamond-shaped logo on his palm has completely turned into a circle that surrounds his palm and presents a circular state.

This look looks almost the same as before with Ci Xian.

The only difference is that his wedge does not cover the whole body, but only covers his arm.

What Otsutsuki Yui did was not actually helping Uchiha Kai lift off, or erasing this damned wedge.

Rather, to some extent, the help wedge was released!

When Uchiha Kai noticed all this, he almost did not hesitate to launch an attack on this guy in the space of consciousness.

Soon, however, he discovered something was wrong. Because after releasing all this, he immediately suppressed this wedge through his yin and yang escape.

Then, under the stunned gaze of Uchiha Qi, this guy sealed the owner's identity consciousness and other things contained in the wedge one by one!

Otsutsuki Yui couldn't remove this wedge, and the only way to deal with the wedge was the person who hit the wedge.

If it is someone else, what Otsutsuki Yui can do is to seal all of them directly, so as not to let the wedge have the slightest power to leak.

However, for Kai Uchiha, although the wedge is dangerous, it is also an unimaginable opportunity!

From the very beginning, Otsutsuki Yui never thought of sealing it completely, although it would be a little more troublesome to do so.

But he still did it, this method can make the wedge useless to Uchiha Kai, of course, this is not permanent.

This guy, Otsutsuki Ichishi, is very powerful no matter what, this wedge is probably something he has prepared for a long time.

In addition, this guy's IQ is not a problem, he can't think of something that might happen.

Therefore, what Otsutsuki Yui can do can only go to this stage, and the rest can only be seen by Uchiha Kai himself.

After learning about all this, Uchiha Kai seemed to have no choice but to agree with this method.

Although there are risks in doing so, the benefits are also obvious, that is, now he can watch some of Otsutsuki's past memories!

"Whether it's fighting style, fighting skills, and everything I've done in my life, can I see it?" Uchiha Qi clenched his fists: "It's just that the self-consciousness in the wedge is sealed, and it will still appear one day. But I There should be enough time, Ichiki Otsutsuki, I am afraid he also knows that his wedge may be sealed."

Uchiha Qi remembered the previous battle, and that guy didn't plan to use Ci Xian's body to resurrect.

Of course, Ci Xian's body is not good, and he is not ready himself is the key.

And choosing his body as the carrier, he probably has enough worries, that is, he is worried that there will be problems with his wedge.

Therefore, he chose to close himself through that space ninjutsu at the last moment, waiting for repair, and also waiting for the further evolution of Uchiha Kai's body.

After he repairs it, I am afraid he will not come to Uchiha Kai for the first time.

He will wait for his preparations to be almost completed, then come over to find Kai Uchiha, and use his own strength to protect the wedge he left behind without problems.

Of course, if Kai Uchiha didn't ask for help, then under the influence of Wedge, Kai Uchiha definitely met his requirements.

After all, this wedge still has a certain ability to transform the body!

"How bad is that Ci Xian's body? The wedge contains the essential power of Otsutsuki, yet he still can't meet the requirements?"

Uchiha Kai thought a little puzzled that the transformation of the wedge on the human body allows the person who has planted the wedge to move closer to Otsutsuki on the body, so that the owner of the wedge can be better resurrected.

Naturally, it contains the best power, that is, the essential power of the Otsutsuki clan!

Uchiha Qi had these powers, and that was what Otsutsuki Hamura gave him.

However, that guy Cixian was disgusted by Otsutsuki, and he didn't even want to take up that body to resurrect!

In fact, when Kai Uchiha figured out what those things contained in the wedges, he also felt startled.

But after thinking about it, he thinks that the possibility is not high. Although he has not reached the level of Six Paths, his perception ability is definitely not low.

In the things that Otsutsuki Hamamura once gave him, if he really had his will, then he should be able to perceive it now.

Moreover, even if there is a will, it is useless, because without the cooperation of the wedge, everything is useless.

"Otsutsuki-style wedge, I still don't want to move the essential power inside, but when I can really master it, maybe I can strip it out!"

Uchiha thought for a moment, and finally made a decision. In fact, he also knew that he couldn't use these powers at all now.

The guy Otsutsuki Yui, even these powers are sealed together, Uchiha Qi at most just look at it.

In short, through the understanding of the spiritual world that night, he can temporarily not need to worry about this wedge.

But the price is that he has to work harder. Only when his own strength rises can he wipe out the will in the wedge, and even...

You can inherit the power of the wedges and make them your own!

However, this road is still a long way off, and a lot of his work has not been completed.

He has completed three types of chakra fusion, and according to Iori's understanding, the fourth type is about to be successfully cracked.

However, if you want to truly crack down to the sixth type, I am afraid there is still a long time to wait.

In addition, he also needs to study the Chakra pattern of the eye of reincarnation.

This power can be regarded as his power to press the bottom of the box. If he does not successfully break through to the sixth level within the specified time, then he is not without the power of a battle relying on such power!

With enough information about Otsutsuki-style, he believes that he can defeat him, and even seal him.

However, Otsutsuki's specific recovery time is unknown, and he only had a few seconds of life left in the last battle.

It is not an easy task to restore to a relatively safe state.

"All in all, I have time, although I am not sure, but it is enough for me to do a lot of preparation."

Uchiha Qi sighed faintly, then he stood up and glanced at the mark on his arm again.

"Although it's not really worry-free, but at least I have time to deal with it, and I have to make a move..."


After thinking about these questions, Uchiha Kai also naturally started his day's work.

Although he really doesn't need to do too much now, after all, the current security department's ability to operate itself is too strong.

Under various standardized systems, each brigade can accomplish what it should do by itself.

Moreover, Konoha is now very stable internally, the people who should be dealt with are basically dealt with, and the things that should be settled are basically settled.

Even the three generations of Hokage are now in a state of secrecy.

It can be said that the current author Uchiha Kai in the office is just a symbol and mascot.

But even so, he should go to the security department to report, even if he sits in there drinking tea and reading the newspaper, or molesting Hyuga Aya.

Uchiha Kai is still a little strange now, what exactly is Hyuga Aya wanting to do by asking herself out at night.

However, it is better to keep some expectations for this kind of thing. There are really few things in this world that can really arouse his interest.

It was almost another day of sneaking around in the office, but Kai Uchiha didn't see Aya Hyuga coming.

This made him a little puzzled, and the woman didn't know what she was doing.

But if she didn't come, she didn't come, it's still early, can't I see her at night?

However, when he thought that this woman might come to him to seek information, Uchiha Kai couldn't help but sighed helplessly. He really didn't want to tell her these things.

"Hopefully, nothing unexpected happens today."

Uchiha Qi sighed faintly, he really didn't want to say these things.

Although strictly speaking, his condition is much better now, and it can almost be said that nothing will happen for a long time.

But what he is experiencing now, it will only be a little troublesome to say.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai turned his attention to the reports in his hands. These reports are not too important, and many of them were reviewed by the Hyuga Aya Gang.

"Hey, I hope it's just a simple chat, and things between us will be fine. Like...the thing I said before?"


In a very simple-looking house of the Hinata family, but with a very large area, Aya Hinata stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself in the mirror, while her mother sat behind her.

Since Hyuga Aya untied the caged bird and retrieved the post-operative surgery that the Otsutsuki on the moon had researched to remove the caged bird, her position in the family has been completely stabilized.

The place where she lived before was obviously not suitable, and she also gave her family a better living environment.

Therefore, under the arrangement of Hyuga Hizu, the former chief elder Sun Xiang Zonghyun's residence was handed over to her.

This is a manifestation of status, and it is also the recognition of Hyuga Aya by the entire Hyuga clan.

The current Hyuga Aya can be said to be the true uncrowned king.

She is not the patriarch, but her appeal is even higher than that of Hinata. After the Hinata incident, the Hinata family is basically a member of the branch.

Although they recognize Hyuga Hizu, what they recognize more is actually Hyuga Risari and Hyuga Aya.

It's just that the two of them fully support Hyuga Hizu, plus he took the initiative to lead the division battle, this matter will not be forgotten by everyone.

Hyuga Aya looked at herself in the mirror, her expression a little dazed.

After she woke up early in the morning, she was going to the security department. Although she had already participated in the competition for the minister of the medical department, she still had her own job.

Of course, her work is actually not too busy. In her heart, in the security department, it is actually a kind of getting along with Uchiha Kai.

She didn't have much time to stay there, so she seemed to cherish it a little bit.

But unfortunately, at the request of her mother, she had to stay today to prepare for that one... date tonight.

In fact, this date is really not what Hyuga Aya came up with, but her mother.

Because after returning from the mission, her mother asked about this mission with some concern.

Hyuga Aya naturally passed this matter with a confidentiality agreement, but when she asked about her relationship with Uchiha Kai next, she didn't know whether she missed it intentionally or unintentionally.

She spoke out what Uchiha Kai had said about the flag being planted indiscriminately before, and as a result, her mother was very happy.

Of course Aya's mother is happy. How many years has been the 'long-distance love run' between Kai Uchiha and Aya Hyuga?

The two of them had been together since they were thirteen or fourteen--at least she thought, they had been together ever since that Hyuga Teru died.

It's just that at that time, the two of them were still very secretive, or they didn't realize their inner thoughts.

But four or five years ago, the two of them were in a normal relationship, right?

That is to say, it has been ** years since they knew each other and fell in love.

** years, this is really not something ordinary people can survive, especially in the world of ninjas, any life is so fragile.

One of them is twenty-two, and the other is twenty-three. It can be said that they are older youths, but why haven't they made any movement so far?

Although it is said that the Minister of Anbu named Kakashi is the same, and Konoha and their ninjas of the same generation seem to have no movement.

But as a mother, she doesn't want her daughter to go on like this forever.

Especially these two little guys have almost confirmed their relationship, so why drag it on like this?

As a result, in this mission, she actually heard her daughter tell her that Uchiha Kai actually said such a thing, how could she be unhappy?

Naturally, she will not have any pause, and she must seize the opportunity in everything, so there is the matter of Hyuga Aya taking the initiative to ask Uchiha Kai.

Hyuga Aya really didn't mean to refuse, not to mention she also had a lot of questions and wanted to have a good chat with Uchiha Qi.

It's just this situation She really hadn't thought about it, she didn't know how many clothes she had changed in one morning.

She really feels that her head is a little bigger now, is this necessary?

"Mother, do I think it's enough?" Finally, after changing another dress, Aya Hyuga couldn't bear it anymore: "I think a white kimono is enough. Kei Uchiha, he doesn't pick on this guy. These."

"I know, Minister Qi doesn't seem to care about this, but you always want to leave the best side for him, don't you?" Hyuga Aya's mother said with a smile: "Also, you have seized this opportunity, Minister Qi. , really...really...a little shy."

Hyuga Aya's mother really didn't know what to say, and in the end she could only use the word shy to describe it.

Looking at her mother's appearance, Hyuga Aya shook her head helplessly. She planned to invite Uchiha Kai for a drink tonight and investigate some information by the way.

What's the use of wearing it so well...
