Chapter 711: Moonlight and Autumn Wind (Part 1)

In the evening, when Kai Uchiha got off work from the security department, he slowly walked to the Hinata clan.

He didn't see Hyuga Aya for a day today, he was still a little baffled, didn't this woman ask him to come out tonight?

But after thinking about it, Uchiha Kai seemed to understand something.

Although this woman took the initiative to invite her, but as a boy, she should also take the initiative?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi could only leave the security department honestly, and then walked towards the Hyuga clan.

When he came to the Hyuga clan, he still had some emotions.

He himself has not been to the territory of the Hinata clan for a long time, and he is still a little emotional when he comes here.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai walked in directly.

The member Hyuga who was in charge of the gate was a little surprised when he saw Kai Uchiha, and then he immediately followed and led Kai Uchiha to where he wanted to go.

Although the Hyuga clan still maintains the pride of this family, their pride has long since subsided.

Especially when they are now almost all members of the split family leading the entire family, they have no resistance to Uchiha Kai.

Of course, in fact, all the blood descendants in the entire Konoha family are similar now, and they are all restraining their inner pride.

Because all people are actually alike, all people are the same in terms of rank, rights and duties.

Unless you can really be at the top of the whole village, everyone has nothing to be proud of.

"Master Kai, are you here to find Master Aya?" the guard Hyuga asked with a smile: "Master Aya has moved, I'll take you there."

"Okay, trouble you." Uchiha Ki nodded: "I really don't know when Aya has moved."

"It was after that day." The member of the Hinata clan said with a smile: "After all, some people died, and Aya-sama has made such a great achievement, she should also get a relative position."

"Probably. Actually, I think that Aya is thinking more about her family, right?" Uchiha Kai shook his head, and then he stopped talking about this topic.

He still knew Hyuga Aya very well. After spending so many years together, he naturally knew how low this woman actually had material requirements.

Hyuga Aya and him actually have similarities in many places, and it is because of this that they have so much tacit understanding and get along so well.

They are really together, and they can be very harmonious without wearing any masks at all.

Under the leadership of this member of Hyuga, they walked all the way towards Aya's residence.

Along the way, many other members of Hyuga noticed various interesting expressions on their faces immediately after noticing Uchiha Kai.

But they obviously also know that the Minister is coming for only one purpose, right?

As for the members of the Hyuga who belonged to the security department, there was even a smile on their faces.

In addition to being happy that his first chief came to his family, he was also happy for Hyuga Aya.

The long-distance running of these two people is not only the mother of Hyuga Aya feeling anxious.

"It's here, Lord Qi." When the two of them walked to the door of a big house, the member of the Hyuga clan stopped: "I'll be here, and the rest will be left to Lord Qi himself."

"Well, please." Uchiha Qi smiled: "Then, I'll go first."

"Master Kai, come on!" Just as Uchiha Kai turned around, this member of Hyuga suddenly stretched out his hand and clenched his fist, giving Uchiha Kibi a cheering gesture.

Seeing this, Uchiha Qi could only helplessly nodded.

The matter between himself and Hyuga Aya really dragged people into a headache, so that he could attract so much attention by going to the Hyuga clan?

Of course, aside from his relationship with Aya Hyuga, I'm afraid that coming here will attract a lot of attention, right?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai couldn't help laughing, and then he went straight up the steps to enter when the door of Hyuga Aya's house was suddenly opened.

A girl walked out of the house slowly, her expression looked a little tired, and it could even be seen that she was a little unhappy.

However, her face is delicate and she seems to have been dressed up a bit, but her clothes are very ordinary, just like what she usually wears.

It is still a modified white kimono that is suitable for daily battles.

Uchiha Qi looked at her amusingly. He really didn't expect that this woman would do such a thing.

"You were caught by your mother and changed clothes for a day?" I have to say, Uchiha Kai really knew Hyuga Aya, and he could have guessed it just by looking at her like this.

"Almost, it's a desperate experience." Hyuga Aya sighed softly: "But in the end I convinced her, because she seems to have difficulty choosing, and if she chooses too much, she doesn't feel satisfied, so I will go with her. In fact, you don't like to be so troublesome, so..."

"That's why you dress like this." Uchiha Kai looked up and down, and finally nodded with a smile: "This is better, to be honest, I like it better, although you look unique in a formal kimono, but for us It seems a little awkward.”

"I'm not trying to cater to your preferences." Hyuga Aya cast a glance at Uchiha Kai, and then sighed helplessly: "Let's go, I'll invite you out tonight, pub, relax."


When Uchiha Qi heard this sentence, he couldn't help but raise his brows.

Going to the pub, this is not good news. It seems that tonight is really not a 'date battle', but an 'information torture'.

He quietly touched his head and glanced down at his left hand. At this time, his left hand was already wearing a pair of black gloves.

Plus he was wearing long sleeves, so naturally he didn't need to worry about being seen, but he always felt that he might be exposed.

"I said, is it very cold today?" At this moment, Hyuga Aya suddenly asked curiously: "It's autumn now, what are you wearing long sleeves for?"

"Personal habit, it's not a strange thing for me to wear long sleeves, right?" Uchiha Qi said calmly: "Look at Kakashi, he looks like that all year round."

"It's nothing, in fact, I'm too lazy to ask, it's just..." Hyuga Aya raised her head slightly, her white eyes staring at him: "I felt a very strange force, so I looked at you. And I Remember, you were wearing short sleeves yesterday."

"Really?" Uchiha Kai snorted in his heart, but he was still very calm: "I got up this morning, and these clothes were placed beside my bed. Probably my Ryoko and the others helped me change them?"

When Hyuga Aya heard this, she glanced at him with disgust.

She also knew that Uchiha Kai's daily clothes were almost all handled by his mother or Iori.

After all, she has been to this guy's house so many times, it's not that she hasn't seen Iori or his mother doing laundry, and even she has helped.

And this guy has always been casual about his clothes.

Maybe it's because he looks more handsome, and it doesn't matter what he wears.

It may also be indifferent by nature, never caring about these things.

"What a lazy person." Hyuga Aya thought of this, and couldn't help but complained: "You will marry someone who will..."

Speaking of which, Hyuga Aya suddenly found that she couldn't speak anymore, especially when she noticed the look in the eyes of that **** Uchiha Kai, which made her even more depressed.

With a high probability of facing acquaintances, especially facing such people who don't need to wear a mask, Hyuga Aya's performance seemed somewhat relaxed.

The result of this is that she didn't seem to think about the end seriously when she spoke, and then said such words inexplicably.

"I think the unlucky person will be you." Uchiha Kai said softly, holding back his laughter.

"It seems that I promised you, just like in the country of Sugi." Hyuga Aya's expression still looked so cold: "You said you wanted me to be your family member, but I haven't agreed yet."

"Really?" Uchiha Qi asked softly, and at the same time he stretched out his hand to hold Aya Hyuga: "That's right, although you really haven't fully agreed, but..."

"As a boy, I will find a way. I'm thinking, I should bypass you and meet your mother directly. Maybe there will be a better result?"


The moonlight gradually covered the earth, and in the tavern, Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya sat looking at each other.

On their table, an unknown number of wine bottles have been placed.

At first, Uchiha Qi thought that Hyuga Aya was joking. After all, drinking really didn't work for the two of them.

The bodies of both of them have undergone evolution and marched in the direction of Otsutsuki.

Alcohol is basically useless to them... right?

In fact, Uchiha Kai really didn't think wrong.

The effect of alcohol on them is not that great, but it is not useless at all.

Hyuga Aya is not stupid, of course she also knows this situation, so she is very wise and talked to Uchiha Kai in advance.

That is, it is not allowed to use chakra, and it is not allowed to mobilize the power of yin and yang to relieve the interference of alcohol on oneself.

So after they drink too much, they can actually feel some effects, some unique feelings after being drunk.

"It turns out that drinking too much is what it feels like." A little flush appeared on Hyuga Aya's cold face, obviously she drank a lot.

"Yeah, to be honest, I've never quite understood why some people like to get themselves drunk." Uchiha Kai's face also turned a little red: "I heard from others that it's best to drink until you are slightly drunk, but the reality is that This kind of feeling is also very common. Some people say that drinking too much is just to forget the distress and despair. But in fact, when you sober up, I am afraid it will be more uncomfortable, right?"

Uchiha Qi can drink, at least in his previous life he often had beer.

But when it came to this world, he never touched it.

Probably because he didn't want to drink too much to make his mind unclear, so he accidentally lost his life, probably because he knew how desperate he could not be solved with alcohol.

Uchiha Kai remembered a sentence in a poem that said it very clearly, and even heard it in the lyrics.

"That's why the water will flow more when you draw a knife and cut off the water, and raise a glass to relieve your sorrows." Uchiha Qi recalled, and finally sighed slightly: "If you have nothing to do, drink less."

"Is this what you call literary and artistic?" Hyuga Aya froze for a moment, and then said with some amusing: "This time, you are not making a trial and error. However, you can still do it by cutting the water with a knife. Yes. Because of you, you will turn that place into a waterfall, right?"

"This chat will kill you." Uchiha Kai shrugged indisputably.

Indeed, he is really going to cut off the flow of water now, and I am afraid that the final result is that he can really cut it off!

But at this point, it's really difficult to talk about it, Uchiha Qi doesn't want to discuss this matter.

Gently poured himself and Hyuga Aya a glass of sake, and then he drank it all in one gulp.

He was a little curious as to what Hyuga Aya wanted to say to him today.

At least until now, he has not heard a theme yet.

"You just said that you should drink less, but you drink the most diligently." Hyuga Aya also drank the wine in the cup, and then she sighed softly: "Qi, there is something I have been thinking about. to ask you."

"Tell me, I knew that you came to me today, and the purpose is definitely not simple." Uchiha Kai put down the cup in his hand, and then shook his head.

"Of course, it's not a big deal." Hyuga Aya raised her head, her eyes seemed a little drunk: "Since you fought that Otsutsuki, I've noticed that there is a very hidden power in you. This Strength wasn't very active before, and it was fine even yesterday. But today..."

Having said that, Hyuga Aya paused.

Today, especially when Uchiha Qi went to the Hinata clan to pick her up, she noticed that the power seemed to be a little active.

And today's Uchiha Kai is also very weird. Even if the clothes are prepared by the family, Uchiha Kai can also get the clothes he wears by himself.

Aya Hyuga didn't expose him just now because she knew that if Kei Uchiha didn't say anything, then she wouldn't have much chance to ask.

But it's different now, she feels like she can ask But today, the hidden power in you is very different. If you say that from your return to yesterday, those forces were only slightly felt through the door, but today the door seems to be opened. "

Hyuga Aya's voice was very soft, and although her eyes were drunk, she also revealed deep concern: "Also, your performance today is really weird, your clothes, the gloves on your hands. All of this is Explain that things may not be that simple.”

"I..." Uchiha Qi felt the gaze, and finally he sighed: "I'm fine, don't worry, I'm really fine."

"Ki, if it was someone else, do you think I would care about his life or death?" Hyuga Aya brought her face closer: "The answer is absolutely not, but you are different. If there is any trouble, or if there is something important, I want you to tell me that we'll take the burden together..."

"Just like before!"

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