Chapter 715: new seal

Time flies, and for others the concept of possible time will be exceptionally clear.

Even though they repeat the same thing every day, they keep the passage of time in mind.

But for Uchiha Kai, his concept of time is really not that strong.

Maybe it's because of his strength, maybe because his pupil technique is about time. Even if he knows that his crisis has not actually escaped, he really doesn't have much feeling.

Maybe this has something to do with his mentality. After dealing with his relationship with Hyuga Aya in some unexpected ways, his heart is indeed in a relatively excited state.

In such a state, he even felt that he had returned to the time when he was in his twenties in his previous life.

It can only be said that after the body becomes young, the somewhat uncontrollable hormones sometimes make his mentality younger.

However, he also knew that he had more important things to do, that his career and relationship had been satisfied, and he did have more motivation.

And Hyuga Aya, a woman, has to say that she gave Uchiha Kai the greatest inspiration and motivation.

Since what happened that night, Uchiha Kai found Uchiha Fugaku directly and asked him to propose to the Hyuga clan.

When Uchiha Fuyue heard the news, his expression was mixed.

He has always hoped that Uchiha Qineng and members of the Uchiha family will combine. Even if you don't get married, you will leave a seed that belongs to the Uchiha family alone, right?

He believes that all female members of the Uchiha clan are willing to do this.

Even if he doesn't want to, for the sake of the family's inheritance, as the patriarch, he can ask some people to do it.

For example, Jun Uchiha, who is now one of the four captains of the security department, is actually some of his thoughts and successors left behind.

However, Uchiha Kai's indifference really surprised him. This guy has no interest in saying anything, and even throws such a great beauty who is not known by many young people in the clan to a brigade, and then just doesn't care?

If he didn't know about Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya, he would even think that Uchiha Kai, this guy, doesn't have any qualities for women at all?

It turned out that Uchiha Kai was still interested in women, but it made him even more unhappy after confirming this.

what exactly do you mean?

Is the girl of the Uchiha clan not as good as a woman of the Hinata clan?

What a joke, he definitely doesn't admit it.

However, in the face of Uchiha Kai's request, even if Uchiha Fuyue is upset, he can only recognize it with his nose in the end.

Otherwise, what else can we do?

Hyuga Rizu's expression was also very complicated after knowing this. He knew that there was no way to stop the matter between the two, so he was still mentally prepared.

However, when Uchiha Fuyue really came to discuss this matter, he still felt extremely complicated inside.

Hyuga Aya is now the number two figure in the Hyuga clan, and this woman's marriage to Uchiha Keiza is not what he expected.

But he also knew very well that there was no way to refuse this matter, so he simply took Uchiha Fugaku to Hyuga Aya's house and slowly discussed it.

However, things really made them both a little unexpected, that is, Hyuga Aya actually refused this matter, which really made them completely unexpected.

Not only the two of them, but even Hyuga Aya's mother didn't expect that her daughter had been completely harmed by Uchiha Kai, why would she still refuse?

"I will talk to Uchiha Qilai personally about this matter, and it's really not really time yet."

This is the reason given by Hyuga Aya, and she really found Uchiha Kailai to talk about it.

The reason she gave is very simple and straightforward, that is, although she and Uchiha Qi are in love with each other, they are basically determined for life.

But Uchiha Kai still has a problem that has not been solved, a problem that seriously affects his survival.

If it was someone else, Hyuga Aya would probably agree to enjoy the 'last time'.

But the person she likes is Kai Uchiha, the person who has walked with her all the way to this point.

She has always maintained sufficient confidence in Uchiha Kai, so she hopes that after Uchiha Kai has solved all the problems, she will consider their marriage.

Besides, she didn't want Kai Uchiha to take things so lightly, she was not a random person.

This can be regarded as a test for Uchiha Kai, so that he can have more motivation to improve himself and solve the crisis.

Similarly, she also wants to see what kind of position she is in Uchiha Kai's eyes.

"So, you and Aya have done everything, and then there is still no result?"

Imai Kenta asked curiously while operating a carving knife in the basement to record on the tortoise shell of the island turtle.

"You two are really tangled. I'm about to get married, and you two are like this, but it doesn't matter, at least you don't need to worry about disturbing you, and you ended up killing them."

"Ha, this kind of thing is hard to say." Uchiha Kai smiled indifferently: "If you get in the way too much, maybe Aya will still be angry."

Uchiha Kei wouldn't explain to him why they weren't married, or even engaged.

Kei Uchiha didn't intend to say anything about the Wedge, but now it's an exception to tell Aya Hyuga, and he doesn't plan to spread it out.

Although Immortal Six Paths personally ran over to help him, he didn't have the slightest pride, and it could even be said that he didn't feel anything at all.

After all, the Six Paths Immortal simply used him as a tool person. How could he have any good ideas about this kind of thing?

"Ha, you two really match up." Imai Kenta couldn't help but complain, but his attention was completely focused on his work.

"Speak, what's the matter with your seal now?" Uchiha Qi asked curiously: "I remember asking you last time, you haven't made any achievements yet, why does it seem like you have new ideas now."

"I wasted a lot of time here, you know?" Imai Kenta said while recording seriously, "I went to find Mrs. Hokage once, and then went to visit Uzumaki Xiangcai's house, That's what got permission."

"What do you mean?" Uchiha Qi seemed to remember something: "You ran to the ancestral land of the Whirlpool family in Konoha, and went to read the information?"

There is indeed an ancestral land belonging to the whirlpool family in Konoha. That place is a bit remote, but the glorious past of the whirlpool family has also been recorded there.

It's just that that place was directly abandoned with the death of Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato.

A large number of documents were taken from it, and nothing was left except a secret room and a pile of masks.

But it's different now, Uzumaki Kushina is not dead, and naturally Sarutobi Hiizan didn't dare to take away the documents inside.

As for Shimura Danzo?

already dead!

And Uchiha Qi also brought the Xianglin mother and daughter back together, so that place is also taken care of, it cannot be abandoned like this.

Imai Kenta is quite a smart kid, and it is normal for him to seek some new things to inspire and help himself if he can't do it himself.

Uchiha Qi didn't know when he did it, and he didn't care what he did. All he wanted was a result.

"Yes, I originally thought that my home has actually stored enough things about sealing."

Although Kenta Imai was dedicated to two purposes, he was still very serious about what he recorded: "But when I found Uzumaki Xiangcai and entered it and watched the materials, I realized that, my good fellow, there is not enough stored in my house for others. One-tenth."

"It's normal. The first Hokage in your family just took the eldest daughter of someone else's family as his wife, not the entire Uzumaki family."

Uchiha Kai nodded as a matter of course: "But I'm a little strange, why did the Uzumaki family send all their inheritance to Konoha? It shouldn't be, don't you realize that, in fact, the Uzumaki family..."

"I've already noticed it, how could I not see this kind of thing?" Imai Kenta sighed: "Please, I'm not stupid. As for those materials, they actually felt that they were not good enough, so they sent them to the first generation in order to save the results. Madam Hokage, but that lady thought she was a thousand hands now, not a whirlpool, so she sent it there."

Imai Kenta can really see that there are really too many problems in the demise of the Whirlpool family.

It is true that Konoha was in a bad situation at the time. He had to face the attack of Yuyin and Yanyin. Even if Yunyin and Yanyin fought, it did not reduce the pressure on Konoha at that time.

Especially at the time when Konoha was still in power for three generations, everything was not so harmonious. At that time, this guy hadn't completely taken power.

At this time, his back is attacked, what can he do in the face of Kiriyin's surprise attack?

Of course, if you really want to save it, it's not impossible.

It's just that those people in the whirlpool really mastered too many forbidden techniques at that time, and they were also at a distance from Konoha.

The most crucial point, these guys seem to prefer a thousand-handed family to inherit Hokage.

You must know that they have a deep connection with the Qianshou family.

It is because of this that Sarutobi Hizan was persuaded by Shimura Danzo and finally gave up those guys.

"So that's the case, it seems that your luck is not bad." Uchiha Qi listened to Imai Kenta's words, and suddenly laughed: "You have gained a lot."

"It's almost, it's really rewarding." Imai Kenta nodded: "Of course, strictly speaking, it's not my luck, your luck is also very good. Of course, I don't know the specific effect, I'm just a new concept. ."

Kenta Imai doesn't think he can succeed all at once. This kind of experiment is the most slack.

He got those materials, but it was just a new idea, and the specific result is still unknown.

Even if he succeeds, he will not be able to see it in a while, and he needs to use Nohara Rin to test it.

Now Kenta Imai doesn't feel sorry for Nohara Rin at all. In fact, he has never felt sorry for him. Why don't you use such good materials?

"Okay." Imai Kenta quickly completed the last step of characterization, and then threw the turtle shell to Uchiha Kai: "The rest will be left to you."

"Well, I know, I'll handle it." Uchiha Qi picked up the tortoise shell and glanced at it, then put it into his ninja bag and nodded: "Don't worry, I'm very skilled at this."

"Hey, hey, don't you plan to deal with it now?" Imai Kenta was a little confused, he pointed to Uchiha Kai's backpack: "I said, I've worked so hard for so long, are you like this?"

"How about otherwise?" Uchiha Qi looked at him inexplicably: "I said it, I will deal with it... Oh, I see, you mean now?"

"if not?"

"Sorry, I have something to do later, I don't have time to deal with these issues."

Uchiha Qi raised his eyebrows, and then showed a slight smile.

He does have other things to do, and he doesn't have time to deal with the matter of sealing time now.

Although for him, sealing the time is really not too troublesome, especially after he fought against Otsutsuki, his strength has been significantly improved again.

Whether he understands or uses the eye of reincarnation, it is not comparable to his former self.

It has to be said that actual combat is really one of the best ways to improve strength, especially for the use of strength.

The guys in Otsutsuki, although they look invincible, they are still very different in nature.

That is, they are too strong, so strong that they find it troublesome to practice.

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The enemies they encounter are basically existences that they can easily destroy, so why waste time?

Uchiha Kaike is different from them. His strength is cultivated step by step, and almost every time he encounters a terrifying battle.

His real combat experience is exceptionally rich, which is a huge advantage for him.

Now his use of the eye of reincarnation can be said to have been strengthened and his control of his pupil technique has also been improved.

So now let him go to seal time, except that it consumes some of his pupil power and time, there is really no side effect.

It's just that he really has something to do. He and Hyuga Aya have made an appointment to have dinner together tonight.

Since the time she and Hyuga Aya got drunk, they haven't seen each other for a while. The only time she came to tell her about her refusal to marry.

Counting the time, it has been several months, the end of the year has arrived, and Konoha's new round of department promotion will start tomorrow.

Uchiha Kai is not a fool, they will definitely meet at the ninja convention, so why can't it be earlier?

So he took the initiative to catch Aya Hyuga, even though this woman has been using her adaptation to Tenseigan as an excuse recently...  

But it's okay to just meet up or something, isn't it?
