Chapter 716: status quo

In the evening, in the familiar tavern, Uchiha Kai quietly waited for the arrival of Hyuga Aya.

Throwing the confused Imai Kenta into the laboratory, he left there in a hurry, and then walked directly towards the tavern.

At this time, Konoha was completely dark, probably because it was winter, the sky was getting dark very fast.

A year ago, at about this time, Uchiha Qi personally sent Uchiha Shisui out of Konoha, and at the same time, the guy, the ghost shark, was also sent away.

A year passed by so quickly, and only when Uchiha started to stop would he realize all of this.

Time is important to him but sometimes not so important.

During this year, Uchiha Shisui did not reveal any information, and neither did the ghost shark.

The two of them are most likely because they know that they have just joined this terrorist organization, and everything is still adapting and everything is still familiar.

And they can also guess that they may not be so trusted now, so they are very careful one by one.

On the contrary, the guy Obitu has been coming back often during this period of time, and the information he sent back is still very effective.

Uchiha Qi is very clear about what the current Akatsuki organization is going to do, and even what they are going to do in the future.

During this period of time, the Akatsuki organization recruited a loquat Shizang guy.

This guy used to be one of the seven knives of the fog hidden, and his addition in a sense enhanced Akatsuki's strength.

But what Obito told Uchiha Kai was a different scene, that is, this Loquat Tozo was actually recruited by Nagato.

After the night of Konoha, Nagato's prestige in Akatsuki's organization can be said to be severely consumed.

On the bright side, he is still the leader of this organization, a large group of rebels.

But in fact, these rebels and ninjas don't necessarily listen to him, and the main reason for not completely overthrowing him is the pair of reincarnation eyes.

Of course, there are also many of them, who were actually recruited by this guy.

However, the leader who has lost his prestige and is not trusted is essentially like a lion who has lost his teeth. This guy Uchiha Obito can be regarded as an empty organization!

Orochimaru and Kisha knew that Obito was from Uchiha Kai, so the two of them would only approach Obito when they stood in line, and would ignore Nagato from the bright side.

Uchiha Shisui was brought back by Obito, and he probably never dreamed that he had just left a complicated institution.

Turning his head, he actually entered an organization that was fighting internally, and he hadn't had a choice yet this time.

He wanted to get close to Nagato, but the problem was that he was recruited by Obito, so he could only get close to Obito.

As for the others, Feiduan is a guy with a brain problem. He doesn't care who the leader is, he only cares about his own god.

The corners are similar, maybe because they have seen too much, they know that they can't express their opinions.

So he works very well, no matter who gives the order, he will listen and do it honestly.

Anyway, what he does is exactly what he likes - collecting money.

The entire organization knows that he likes money, and only agrees with money. He doesn't care about other things.

The task he did was also beneficial to the entire organization, so neither Obito nor Nagato did not embarrass him.

Finally, the scorpion, this guy seems a little embarrassed.

On the night of Konoha, he walked behind Obito, and he did think that Nagato made a wrong choice.

But when he went back, he still followed Nagato, probably because he was recruited by Xiao Nan, and he was not interested in this kind of power struggle at all.

Since Nagato is now the leader, it is right to obey his orders. Even if he thinks so, it is a relatively firm support.

Now in Nagato's hands, only Xiao Nan is standing firmly behind him, and those who either don't care or have no choice are Scorpion and Loquat Tenzo.

Four people are not bad.

As for Obito, the undead duo were considered neutral, so they were excluded, but including Jue Hei, a total of five people could be said to have a complete advantage.

This is still the result of Nagato recruiting Loquat Shizo. If it hadn't happened, Nagato would have been really uncomfortable.

But even so, Obito already has the upper hand.

In other words, Uchiha Kai is equivalent to taking the Akatsuki organization on its head!

Although he may not be able to issue orders directly through the Akatsuki organization to ask them to do something, but it is unlikely that there will be a future now.

What's more, there is still a long way to go to fully control this organization. At least nearly half of the people are not under Uchiha Kai's control. Anyway, he is not in a hurry.

"Why haven't you come yet?" Uchiha Qi raised his head and glanced at the time, then shook his head helplessly: "Forget it, just wait."

Aya Hyuga didn't come, and Kai Uchiha could only wait honestly.

However, he remembered one thing that made him feel particularly interesting, that is, the guy Obito came to Konoha quietly one time, and then told him something.

This guy, the ghost shark, used to be the Anbu of Kiriyin, and the loquat Shizang was once a Kiriyin.

In fact, even if he didn't know the identity of the ghost shark inside Wuyin, he recognized the ghost shark just by his appearance.

The ghost shark also seems to have some ideas about the sword of the loquat Shizang. As a result, the two did not stage a tearful scene of fellow villagers seeing fellow villagers.

On the contrary, it almost appeared, and Uchiha Kai remembered the scene of 'a fellow countryman sees a fellow countryman, put a shot in the back'.

In fact, it is really not surprising that these two people have such a situation.

Kirigak's previous policies were so bloody, they probably killed their comrades a lot.

For the people of the same village, their hearts are probably very complicated.

So there is no such thing as kindness.

In addition, the ghost shark has a greed for the ninja sword, and the two of them have completely different positions. It is the most normal thing to really fight.

However, the conflict between the two of them was suppressed, mainly because Obito and Nagato stopped.

And Nagato, after Konoha's failure, is also planning an action to regain his prestige.

Naturally, Wuyin and Shayin entered their eyes.

For them, both Ninja villages are attackable.

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First, neither of these two Ninja villages has any masters. At least they don't need to worry about the situation like Konoha.

The second organization has their former rebellion and forbearance, and after Konoha's action, the value of rebellion and forbearance is fully demonstrated.

He believed that entering the village through these rebellions, and then acted quickly to complete the task!

After some selection, Nagato finally chose Kiriyin Village.

The main reason is that within their organization, no matter what their position is, there are two Kirigakushi rebels.

In addition, that is, Kiriyin Village is far away from the ninja world, and the entire country of water is now closed.

No matter what they do, it will not spread outside, which is also a measure of protection for them.

The ghost shark also heard the news, so he did not continue with Loquat Shizang.

Wuyin betrayed him back then, and he was naturally unwilling to let go when he met a former Wuyin.

But now that he can go back, take revenge, and even find a ninja knife, he naturally doesn't want to miss it.

In addition to the ghost shark and loquat Shizang, another interesting thing is the relationship with Zhishui.

This guy used to be in Konoha, and Shisui naturally saw him, so Shisui was very surprised when this guy went to the Xiao organization.

In his memory, the ghost shark was captured by Imai Kenta, but was later pronounced dead.

Just, how is this guy here?

Shishui doesn't understand about the ghost shark, and the whole Konoha knows about the ghost shark, that is, Uchiha Kai's group of people.

No one else will know at all that the guy captured by the country of vortex has already surrendered a long time ago.

And the ghost shark also knows what Shisui did, such as this guy betrayed Uchiha and followed the three generations of Hokage, and he didn't know much about the rest.

As a result, the two of them didn't quite understand that the other was two or five boys, and they looked at each other very unpleasantly.

Although neither of them had a fight, the two of them were really intriguing to form a team together, and it was a good thing that they didn't hold back each other.

Obito and this guy are also happy to see jokes, he won't tell Shisui or Ghost Shark about these things.

Even if he wanted to say it, he would only tell Ghost Shark Xian.

As for Shishui, this guy Obito didn't really like him much, so if he didn't know, he wouldn't know.

"Sorry for being late."

Just as Uchiha Qi was thinking, a voice suddenly reached his ears, and he looked up and saw Hyuga Ayana followed a bartender in.

She was still so cold, and she was still wearing the same white kimono that was suitable for battle.

However, this suit is obviously not the one that was broken by Uchiha Kai.

She didn't seem to have any emotions, just like before.

If it wasn't for her eyes being unable to keep calm completely, I'm afraid Uchiha Kei would really believe her performance.

"It's not too late, I haven't been here for a long time." After Aya Hyuga was seated and the bartender left, Kei Uchiha said with a smile, "I have to say, I haven't seen your acting skills for a while."

"Really? I don't think there is anything worth performing." Hyuga Aya didn't eat Uchiha Kai's routine at all, but when she saw the sake on the table, she immediately frowned: "Drinking is a mistake, ninja three bans Have you forgotten all about it?"

Ninja Three Forbidden?

Uchiha Kai laughed but didn't say a word. What Hyuga Aya wanted to say was probably not something that Uchiha Kai had forgotten about the ninja's three bans, but something that went wrong with drinking?

In fact, Uchiha Kai didn't plan to drink at all, it was just a feature of the tavern. The owner saw Uchiha Kai coming, and he took out the best wine in the store without asking him at all.

Uchiha Kai is also not good at rejecting others, so there are only a few pots of green wine that look good on the table.

"Okay, I won't drink today." Uchiha Kai nodded with a smile.

"Not only today, but also in the future." Hyuga Aya said flatly: "As a ninja, you are also Konoha's high-ranking minister of the security department. You have to take the lead."

"I will obey some things, but I may not obey some things, because I don't think it will affect me whether I obey it or not." Uchiha Kai shook his head, and then said with a smile: "Also, don't take the position With high weights on your lips, you are not bad compared to you, by the way, are you ready to join the medical department?"

"Things haven't been settled yet, who knows." Hyuga Aya's expression was still cold, but she hesitated and nodded in the face of this question: "Don't worry, I have studied by your side for so many years, and I have long since learned about your problems. I have learned all my thoughts and ideas, and I will naturally have no problems when I enter the medical department.”

Although the final ninja meeting was not held, almost everyone has reached a consensus that the minister of the medical department is basically Hyuga Aya.

In fact, this time the selection was very open. After throwing out her identity as a member of the Hinata clan, she basically competed relatively fairly with others.

But this fairness, strictly speaking, has its limits.

After all, she has the support of Uchiha Kai behind her, and the Hyuga family also hopes to have a real high-level.

It can be said that she naturally occupied nearly 50 votes of the two families combined.

This is not a small number. There are only two or three hundred Shangnin in Konoha, and it is conceivable how precious these fifty are.

In addition, Hyuga Aya's management talent has also been recognized, and her resume has also been recognized.

After all, he has worked in the security department for so many years, and is faintly the second-in-command of the security department, how could it be bad?

So this time the selection, relatively speaking, there is not much suspense.

Even if Kai Uchiha and the others do nothing, maybe no one can challenge Aya Hyuga.

"That's good." Uchiha poured a cup of tea to Aya Hyuga and asked softly, "By the way, how is your Tenseisen now?"

"It should be soon." Hyuga Aya thought for a while, and finally showed a slight smile: "I can feel it, I'm afraid my transformation will be officially completed."

"This is good news." Uchiha Kai couldn't help laughing when he heard the news: "It's been almost a year, congratulations on your completion."

"Thank you, although I'm also surprised why this happens, but this is also good news." It seems that as the topic with Uchiha started, Hyuga Aya slowly relaxed.

After all, she didn't hate Uchiha Kai, but because of some emotional problems, she was reluctant to face this guy.

She never doubted her feelings, she knew that she liked the guy in front of her, and she wouldn't resist this kind of thing.

Otherwise, that night, she wouldn't think about relaxing and drinking, and she wouldn't even drink for other people.

Not to mention that after drinking too much, after listening to Uchiha Kai's promise, she finally made a decision that made her have some memories and some depression.

As the bartender began to serve the food, the two of them ate and chatted.

From Uchiha's opinion on Otsutsuki's style, to whether he has the confidence to fight Wedge.

From the embarrassment of Uchiha Kai when he was a child, to his recent progress in Chakra mode.

They had a particularly happy meal. Such happiness was something that Hyuga Aya had been longing for but had been avoiding for the past few months.

But this time, they didn't drink alcohol.

When the moonlight completely enveloped the earth and the hour hand on the clock pointed to eleven o'clock, the two of them ended the gathering completely.

The two walked out of the tavern holding hands. I am afraid that the owner of the hotel would be depressed. Why did the pair of guests not drink when they came to the tavern?

But the two of them didn't care either, walking on the Konoha street where snowflakes were falling Looking at the bright full moon in the sky, it felt really good.

"It's very late, I'm going back." I don't know how long it took, before Hyuga Aya said slowly: "Thank you for inviting me today, I have to say, I'm really happy with you."

"I'm also very happy." Uchiha Qi didn't let go. He looked up at the moon in the sky and said with a smile: "By the way, the moon seemed to be so round last time."

"What do you want to say?" Hyuga Aya suddenly became wary of something.

"It's nothing, just a little emotional." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "By the way, I'm going to a meeting tomorrow."

"so what?"

"To avoid being late..."

"Dream! It's easier for me to be late if I promise you!"

"Don't be like this, you see it's so late, I think it's better to rest nearby..."
