Chapter 718: you pervert

"Then, the results of the counting of votes are out."

In a conference room in the Naruto Building, it was filled with Shang Ninja, department heads, family patriarchs, and Ninja representatives.

The Konoha Ninja Conference is the most important time of Konoha's annual. It not only resolves various relatively prominent conflicts among the upper, middle and lower ninjas that have appeared in the village throughout the year.

At the same time, it is also necessary to announce and formulate future plans and development plans in various aspects.

In addition, the selection of ministers from various departments within Konoha, as well as the final vote counting results, will be announced here.

Anyone who can attend this meeting can be said to have touched the Konoha ceiling.

Even though some of the people here are Chunin and Genin, they are also elected representatives who deserve everyone's trust.

This year is a very special year, because Konoha has a very important department that needs to select its new leader, and that is the medical department.

In fact, the vacancy of the Minister of Health has appeared since the beginning of this year.

Late last year, a mysterious group attacked Konoha.

But Konoha showed terrifying surveillance and unimaginable fighting abilities.

Anbu, the Security Department, and the Mission Department performed very well in this operation. They joined forces to prevent those guys from destroying Konoha.

Similarly, Konoha has also had some scandals.

The members of those mysterious organizations were invited by Shimura, Chuan, Mitomon, and even the Sarutobi clan, who had followed Sarutobi Hizen, but this was a secret.

In fact, this kind of thing can be liquidated or made public.

After all, they did betray Konoha.

But Uchiha Kai denied it, and he still needed Shisui as a cover, so Namikaze Minato also changed his mind.

According to him, not all their family members have betrayed.

At any rate, we need to give those who are still alive and have not been liquidated a way out.

And the members of these families are not too small. These families have almost grown up with Konoha all the way to today, so they can't let them chill.

All in all, driven by Kai Uchiha, no one knew that the mysterious organization was invited by the patriarchs of these families.

Ninety-nine percent of Konoha residents know the truth is that Uchiha Shisui disobeyed the orders of the three generations of Hokage, and attacked the patriarchs of those families with members of those mysterious organizations.

In the end, he was killed by Uchiha Qi, and those members of the mysterious organization were also defeated by Imai Kenta.

The three generations of Hokage were investigated, and the positions of the medical minister and the root minister were liquidated. At the same time, a large number of people were liquidated. There was even a shortage of talents in Konoha for a period of time.

However, this shortage did not last long, and the various welfare policies arranged in the past allowed Konoha to cultivate a lot of talents.

It only took a few months for the vacant position of Konoha to be filled.

Although these newcomers are in a hurry, they may push some old people back.

But after more than half a year of adaptation and learning, they have already demonstrated their abilities in their positions.

At the same time, it is also reflected from the side. In the past, the policies that Uchiha Kai and Namifeng Minato pushed forward were so effective.

Only those vacant positions were filled, but the position of the Minister of Medical Services was still unoccupied.

After all, this position is too important.

In fact, in addition to the medical department, there is also a root.

It's just that this department has been completely planned by Minato Namikaze. After the members of the former members have unlocked the control of the curse seal, they have basically joined Anbu, or a department set up by the Security Department and Anbu.

Only a small number of people choose to retire, but these people will still be monitored for a long time.

The roots have completely become history, and the problems of the medical department also need to be solved. An important topic of this ninja conference is the choice of the minister of the medical department.

"Hey, the result is about to come out, aren't you nervous?" At this moment, Imai Kenta suddenly bumped Uchiha Kai lightly with his hand: "Anyway, it's your woman, showing a little concern, but a A great opportunity to bring you closer together."

"I'm confident, she thinks there's no problem. Besides, why do I keep getting closer?" Uchiha Qi couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard the words, and then replied in a low voice.

As a result, this sentence directly caused Aya Hyuga, who was sitting beside him, to step on him, which made Kei Uchiha look astonished.

In all fairness, there seems to be no misunderstanding in your words, right?

At least, did you say something like negative distance?

Shaking his head helplessly, Uchiha Qi felt that after a girl became a woman, she always seemed to be overly sensitive.

This kind of thing is not worth bothering about, it is meaningless.

"Be quiet, the two of you." Hyuga Aya also seemed to feel that she was too ruthless, she glanced at Uchiha Kai, and finally glared at Imai Kenta, and then slowly said: "Anyway, this is a ninja conference, don't be here. gab."

"I don't seem to have said anything that shouldn't be said, right?" Imai Kenta spread his hands and said that he was innocent: "Just expressing concern for you."

"Shut up." Hyuga Aya's voice was still flat and whispered: "Look at Kakashi, are you two good-natured?"

"Ah?" Kakashi looked over in a daze, he had no idea what was going on.

The four of them are almost sitting together, after all, the four of them are of the same age and have a very good relationship.

Especially in the war that year, the team of Uchiha Kai also performed tasks with Kakashi and his team.

With such a relationship, they are basically together in such a meeting, and other people dare not come together at will.

Kakashi looked left and right, he had absolutely no idea what was going on, and finally he set his eyes on Uchiha Kai.

Unfortunately, Uchiha Kai shrugged and said it was okay, which made Kakashi simply bow his head.

He is reading a book now, and Jiraiya's new book has been published recently, and Kakashi has been chasing after him as a book lover.

Although he also knew that some of the content in this book was not suitable for children, he was an adult, so it wouldn't be a big deal to see it.

It's just that this guy's actions fell into Hyuga Aya's eyes, which suddenly made her feel a little lament.

"Forget it, don't learn from this guy." Hyuga Aya shook her head helplessly, then looked at Uchiha Kai: "Especially you, don't let me find out that you read these things too!"

"Don't worry, I won't watch it." Uchiha Qi nodded seriously: "Because I don't need that..."



"To shut up!"



The final tally of votes came out, and its answer was no different from what Uchiha Kai had guessed.

Aya Hyuga eventually became the new Minister of the Medical Department. It can be said that her role not only completely formed the "new three giants" in the mouth of Kai Uchiha, but also met an expectation of the Hyuga family.

The Hyuga Clan has joined Konoha since its establishment, but unfortunately they have never had a person who holds an important position within Konoha.

Even if their status is detached, even if they have one of the strongest eyes in the ninja world, even if they are strong.

But they had no chance at all, not at all.

In the early days, there was Madara Uchiha suppressed, and they didn't even think about it.

In the second generation, Tobirama Senju wants to break the boundary between family ninjas and ordinary ninjas, and their illusions are also shattered.

In the case of the three generations of Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi used various means to divide the blood family, so that they were isolated one by one, so that he could conquer them one by one.

The Hinata clan was obedient and followed Sarutobi Hizan.

But unfortunately, this guy still has the idea of ​​​​the second generation of Hokage, and does it more ruthlessly.

Some families have soared into the sky, and some families have fallen into loneliness. If the Hyuga family can maintain their own strength, it can be regarded as a success for them to stand in line.

Now that they have reached the fourth generation, watching their rival Uchiha clan grow step by step, they are also anxious in their hearts.

Finally, their family now has a minister, even if this minister was only obtained seven or eight years after the fourth generation came to power.

But it is an important position after all, and it is better than nothing at all!

Aya Hyuga finished her inaugural speech lightly, she didn't make any promises, because there was no need for that.

It's nice to say it, but it's far less important than doing things well.

And when the meeting ended, she didn't stay in the Hinata clan to celebrate with the clan.

For her, she didn't like this kind of banquet that was similar to an entertainment. She just had a good conversation with her mother and went out.

Her status in the Hyuga clan is indeed very high, but it is because she has become taller that she is a little uncomfortable.

She prefers to stay with the guys like Uchiha Kai, at least that way she only looks a little more.

Therefore, Uchiha Kai specially invited a lot of classmates, whether it is the same period or the same period as Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya.

It's a bit of a pity that the people in the episode of Hyuga Aya and Imai Kenta really died almost, and very few survived.

Probably because everyone has worked **** the battlefield, and everyone is of the same age, this party was an unexpected success.

They both had a common topic, and they knew that Uchiha Kei didn't like to emphasize identity on a party day like this.

Therefore, all of them were very open, and after a party, many people drank alcohol, except for Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya.

One of them is not allowed to drink, and the other is not afraid to drink at all.

At ten o'clock in the evening, everyone dispersed.

Each of them has their own things to do tomorrow, and the ninja conference is not over yet, Uchiha Kai and the others need to continue the meeting the next day.

However, when they left, Imai Kenta held Kakashi's neck and looked at Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya with an ambiguous expression.

He didn't say anything, but everyone could see what he meant by that look, which really made Hyuga Aya want to beat him on the spot.

"That **** is really annoying."

"It's really annoying sometimes."

Under the moonlight, Uchiha Kai held Hyuga Aya's hand and slowly walked down the Konoha Street, their shadows drawn very long.

The white snow kept falling from the sky, and even the puppies and cats who liked to hang out inside Konoha didn't show up here.

Maybe it's too cold, maybe they want to find a place to sleep.

Hyuga Aya is a little nervous now, and being alone with this guy Uchiha Kai will always make her feel a little vigilant now, for fear that this guy will have some crooked thoughts.

She could understand Kenta Imai's look.

It was because she understood it that she was both angry and helpless, because even though she wanted to refute something, she didn't know what to say.

But fortunately, it seems that Uchiha Kai doesn't seem to care about that look.

Maybe he didn't take it to heart, maybe he really didn't see it.

"By the way, after joining the job, what are your plans?" Uchiha Kai walked along with Aya Hyuga, and asked curiously, "There must be a plan, right?"

"What else?" Hyuga Aya shook her head: "I plan to use the resources of the Medical Department to help us share the pressure of research."

"It's inevitable, but that's not what I'm talking about." Uchiha Kai smiled: "On the bright side, you're not good at medical ninjutsu. But you're a minister, so it doesn't matter if you're good at it or not. These I've said it before, but now I'll say it again."

"I understand what you mean, don't be foolish." Hyuga Aya took a deep breath, and then smiled slightly: "Actually, I have my plan, it's very simple, that is to re-plan the administrative department of the medical department. Make some changes, I remember you said, let me lead the medical department to do more research on some drugs and the like. Don't worry, I've thought about it all. "

Hearing this, Uchiha Kai couldn't help but noddedReceive a red envelope] Follow the public account [Book Friends Base Camp draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

It seems that Aya Hyuga has indeed made preparations for a long time, or she has already started thinking about the reform plan of the Ministry of Health earlier.

Improving efficiency is always a core purpose of the medical department, and although medical level is also important, with medical ninjutsu, this can be placed second.

Medicines are actually very important. Although there are medical ninjas, not every ninja can be treated in time.

And the number of medical ninjas, even if Uchiha Kai and Namikaze Minato promoted the policy, is still at a very rare level.

Each team is equipped with a medical ninja, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible, especially some teams are good at and match, it is really not suitable for a medical ninja.

Therefore, the importance of medical items, especially medicines, begins to stand out.

No one had done this before, and Kai Uchiha didn't know why.

He knew that the Nara family actually made medicines, but what they did was related to restoring Chakra.

But now, Hyuga Aya has taken over all of this, so he will naturally have to do what he can.

The two of them talked about a lot of things, from the reform of the Ministry of Health to the starting point of drugs, and how to contact the Nara family to get cheaper orders, etc.

Time passed quickly, and before I knew it, the moon had moved westward And at this time, Hyuga Aya seemed to realize that she was not heading towards the Hyuga clan at all, but came to the damned place again. hotel!

"You bastard, did you plan it for a long time?"

"No, I don't know why I came here."

"Nonsense, I'm going back!"

"Forget it, there's something else going on tomorrow.

And, it's so late..."



"You bastard, why are you licking all over the place? You can't do it here, pervert!"

"Are you still going down? Hey, have you spared your feet?"
