Chapter 719: Research results

The ninja conference lasted for half a month, and finally came to an end.

In fact, from the next day, Hyuga Aya had already gone to the medical department to report, and what made it a little confusing was that she seemed to have escaped from the security department.

In fact, she really escaped, Uchiha Kai is too scary in her eyes now, she has never seen such...

People who behave strangely.

It's really weird, so weird that she feels a little perverted, although sometimes it feels a little exciting when she thinks about it, but the problem is that she's really scared.

She is really afraid of the big night, and suddenly Uchiha Kai said to her "it's so late" in her ear.

This sentence is simply forbidden to her, and every time she hears it, she has a headache.

Fortunately, although Uchiha Kai is a little perverted, he is not the kind of person who is Jiraiya. This guy seems to know that he is afraid, and he did not act too much.

In fact, Uchiha Kai really didn't mean to embarrass her too much. Instead of embarrassing her all the time, it would be better to let her rest and adapt for a while.

Therefore, for the next period of time, Uchiha Kaidu was honestly in the laboratory.

While assisting Imai Kenta to complete the final seal, while checking the progress of Iori's research, and finally completing his own chakra mode of reincarnation.

The complete reincarnation eye chakra mode can be said to be his last trump card, even if he knows that even relying on this mode, he can't really grasp all the power in it.

But life is at stake, and mastering these powers is his most important trump card no matter how you look at it.

With such power, although he may not really be able to kill Otsutsuki, or those outsiders, at least he has the power to fight against it.

What's more, his luck is really good. In the same way as Otsutsuki, he accidentally passed the Tenseigan Chakra and saw everything.

What he has to do now is to restore all this through what he saw at the time.

"Speaking, don't you go and observe the situation on Nohara Rin's side?" Kenta Imai sat in the laboratory and looked at Kai Uchiha curiously: "And Aya, I don't know what happened to you, she Haven't been here for a while."

"Isn't there you at Nohara Rin? Why should I pay so much attention?" Uchiha Kai said as a matter of course: "As for Aya, after all, did you just take office? It's understandable to be busy, the medical department is connected to the hospital, and there are daily With so many people going, it's not that simple for her to do her work."

It's really not easy. Even if Kai Uchiha didn't meet Aya Hyuga, he knew that she was really busy right now.

After all, he is the head of the security department, and his subordinates are covered with Konoha.

Although any troubles that are not Konoha can't avoid his sight, at least what he wants to know will be clearly presented on his desk.

All the actions of the medical department are in his eyes, and Hyuga Aya is now completely starting her own actions in the medical department.

She wasn't in a hurry, but she wasn't slow either.

After the three generations of purpose interest groups were cleaned up, what remained here were all ninjas cultivated by Konoha himself, without any attributes.

Ninjas who do not have any faction stance are the best to deal with. They will not have too many complaints because of the change of leadership and adjustment of work. This is also very suitable for Hyuga Aya to use his abilities.

Now Aya Hyuga is planning the administrative aspects of the medical department, and the next step may be to assign personnel to refine the medicine.

It can be said that apart from being afraid to meet Uchiha Kai, she is really busy, and Uchiha Kai is not lying.

It's okay to be a little busy, just to give Uchiha Kai some time to organize his own affairs.

Although it was a bit wild during this time, he didn't do anything, but he did a good job of sorting out what he gained from fighting with Otsutsuki, especially the Chakra mode of Samsara.

That's why today, he needs to experiment.

"Really?" Imai Kenta touched his head: "I really didn't expect that there are so many things in the medical department. It's not like when I went to the mission department."

"Don't talk nonsense, you were very busy when you went to the task department. If you didn't know that we were going to conduct an experiment, you probably wouldn't have dared to escape from work." Uchiha Qi shrugged casually: "By the way, what is Rin Nohara's situation? already?"

"You're too embarrassed to say, if you hadn't used the shadow clone first to miss work, what would I have done?"

Imai Kenta's face was a little stinky: "As for Nohara Rin, after yin and yang's conditioning, the situation has improved a lot. But it will take time for her to wake up. Damn, the ghost knows how you summoned her soul, and this situation actually happened. ."

"It's not my fault, it's a problem with the technique. You don't think I have any problems using the reincarnation of the dirt?"

Uchiha Qi spread his hands and expressed his innocence: "And even if she has been reincarnated, I have conducted more experiments, and it is not a problem. It can only be said that she has been dead for too long, and we have kept the corpse. Under the circumstances, is this the case?"

In order to ensure their proficiency in the art, Uchiha Kai and the others really practiced and mastered the reincarnation and reincarnation of the dirty earth.

As a result, he also got an answer, that is, there was no problem with his conjecture at the time. Although the casting of the technique was jerky, it still controlled the casting of other beings.

But there is no problem with his control. The reason why this situation occurs is entirely because of Nohara Rin herself.

It can only be said that this woman's situation is more unlucky.

After so many years of death, the corpse has been preserved, and the people who preserve the corpse are very ordinary.

Whether it was the conditions or ideas at the time, it was not the best, which caused her to realize a great problem when she was resurrected.

Kenta Imai actually knows these things. He has experimented so many times himself, can he not know?

It's just that this guy has some habits, that is, he is happy to disgust Uchiha Kai.

"Wait, are you deliberately disgusting me?" Uchiha Kai responded quickly, he raised his brows and looked at this guy.

"How is that possible?" Imai Kenta would never admit it, he quickly denied, "I'm not that kind of person."

"Really?" Uchiha Qi didn't believe what this guy said, but he didn't bother to bother about it: "By the way, how does my new seal work on Nohara Rin?"

"The effect is much better." Speaking of this question, Imai Kenta smiled: "This time it seems to have a good effect. I observed Nohara Rin's physiological and metabolic function, and this time I can probably play almost half of the effect. already."

Half the effect, that is also extremely exaggerated.

It can be said that this change has fully demonstrated the effect that Uchiha Kai and the others want!

Although it has not been completely, the power he unleashed is fully displayed.

But it is completely conceivable that with Imai Kenta's continuous improvement of sealing techniques, they will definitely be able to complete this step by then.


How did Kenta Imai observe Nohara Rin's physiological metabolism?

This is worth considering....


After Kenta Imai was sent away, Kai Uchiha was also ready to start his own experiments.

Although he didn't care that Imai Kenta was watching, he didn't really want to stimulate this guy.

Samsara Eye Chakra mode, after so long groping, especially after getting the correct formula, if Uchiha Kai has no results, then he is really an idiot.

In fact, he is definitely not an idiot, he has basically figured out the yin and yang escape.

Although there is also the suspicion of cheating, for him, what is the difference between the reincarnation eye chakra mode and the yin and yang escape?

"It's all about putting the answer in front of me and letting me keep practicing and practicing myself. The difference is really small."

Uchiha started thinking, and at the same time, his eyes had instantly changed from a pair of black pupils to a pair of reincarnation eyes.

In his scarlet eyes, a circle of ripples burst out with indescribable power.

Taking a deep breath, the ripples in his eyes seemed to be sensed and began to spin wildly, and at the same time the chakra that belonged to his eyes began to be released outwards.

The azure blue luster was looming on his body, and he was already very familiar with it all.

"The power of Samsara Eye is truly terrifying to the extreme."

Uchiha Qixin secretly thought that although his strength is almost the strongest group in the ninja world, this strongest is only based on the fact that his opponents are ordinary people.

He has not yet reached the point of Six Paths, but he has felt the power of Six Paths.

Of course he knows that the so-called Six Paths can only be regarded as a proxy for strength ~ Welfare] Send you a cash red envelope! Follow vx public [Book Friends Base Camp] to get it!

In essence, this level of strength is more like the evolution of a life, evolving to a higher-level life, a life with more powerful power.

Only after life and strength have reached that point can it be regarded as a truly huge transformation, a transformation of life.

However, such a transformation cannot be said to be completely invincible. A mountain is higher than a mountain. How dare he say that he is invincible after accepting such a culture since childhood?

What's more, the feeling that those Otsutsuki gave him could not be said to be truly without rivals.

As a ninja, he has always believed in one thing, and that is that no matter who it is, there is inherent weakness.

No one is truly without weaknesses, just like Kei Uchiha himself, who knows his own weaknesses very well.

Therefore, all he can do is to cover up his weaknesses. Whether it is in peacetime or in battle, he will not let anyone notice his weaknesses.

Although in the eyes of many people, his weakness is not a weakness at all, just like his physical quality, which is countless times stronger than how many people do not know.

But considering his overall strength, his physical fitness is really a bit of a drag.

"The strength of the Six Paths, life, strength, and personal consciousness must break through to a higher realm. Only the closer you get, the more incredible it can be felt.

However, that is, the closer you get, the more you can feel it. In fact, it reaches the level of Six Paths. It is not that it cannot be used by people with low strength through some tactics, and the collection of intelligence will kill it. "

Uchiha Qixin thought silently, the nature of the power in this world is really special.

Regardless of the strength, it seems to always follow a logic - that is, attacking high and defending low.

The lower end is lucky, and by camouflaging and stabbing a kunai against the key to the upper end, you can also kill the upper end.

Madara Uchiha can also be hacked into his heart when he is unprepared.

Of course, Madara Uchiha had already reached the level of Six Paths at that time. One of the reasons why this guy was overcast was because of his carelessness, and the other because of his physique.

Although this guy's strength is basically equal to zero, the structure of his body is not a simple yin escape, but a combination of yin and yang escape!

And the body he controlled has completely transformed into the Obito of the Six Paths. Although he returned because he lost the ten tails, he still has that foundation.

Of course, Madara Uchiha can only be regarded as a special case, but it also reflects one thing from the side, that is, there really cannot be any carelessness.

Even though Otsutsuki's defense has completely surpassed that of ordinary ninjas, after all, he has mastered the yin and yang escape, and the essence of life has also been greatly improved.

But they still have a lot of problems. Compared with the combat power they can exert, their defense power really has a lot of problems.

Such a problem is that Otsutsuki Yui and Otsutsuki Yumura believe that the ninja world, which has been tempered for a long time, can deal with them!

"However, the intelligence base needed to deal with them like that is unimaginable, and I absolutely cannot let my strength stagnate.

To deal with them, strength is the key, if there is not enough strength, we can only start with intelligence.

Besides, it's a threat to my life.

Even if this chakra mode can't solve my troubles, at least it gives me enough confidence to face these guys! "

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi quickly mobilized his chakra and began to operate.

It's just that the fire attribute, thunder attribute, and earth attribute Chakra have reached a balance in an instant, and the yin and yang escape has also reached a balance in less than half a second.

The Chakra of Samsara Eye is still surging, Uchiha Qi took a deep breath, and then he tried his best to control the Chakra of Samsara Eye to complete the final sprint.

The water attribute chakra reached a balance, and a second later, the wind attribute chakra also reached a balance!

Three seconds, exactly three seconds before he completed this Chakra mode.

Compared to the one-style battle with Otsutsuki, his speed is much faster.

But he also knew that no one would stand there foolishly to complete all the balance transformations for himself!

However, it is not that there are no such fools, at least Otsutsuki Ichishi watched himself complete the chakra mode that time, it was really stupid.

If it were him, would he give others a chance to make a big move?

Unless he can't hit it, he will definitely kill it first!

When the extremely balanced Chakra was completely condensed, and with the immortal mode of Uchiha Kai, he suddenly felt a different kind of power surging.

The image of his whole person has completely changed. He looks a little blurry between the light and shadow, and there is a black hook jade on his chest, which looks like a necklace.

Behind him, two jade jades slowly condensed...
