Chapter 720: I am still me

"Why are there only two?"

Uchiha Kai looked at the black sphere that appeared behind him, and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

It was only when he began to thoroughly feel his power at this moment that something that made him even more puzzled appeared.

This time, he unexpectedly discovered that he could completely control all of his powers, and he didn't want the last time he entered this state, he couldn't control his own power at all.

what's going on?

Why is there such a situation?

Uchiha Qi can't figure it out, but he understands one thing, that is, he has not reached the level of Six Paths at all this time!

The power that can be completely grasped and the two seeking jade have explained everything.

But what he couldn't understand was that he knew that this operation was no different from the last time, so why did this happen?

Suddenly, Uchiha Kai seemed to have thought of something, and this time he was really different from the last time.

"Could it be that it's because there is no Tenseigan Chakra?"

Uchiha Qi thought silently, and carefully recalled the last time he used the Samsara Chakra mode to break through to the point of the Six Paths, the main reason was that he resonated with the chakra of the reincarnated eye.

This trace of chakra made him understand the key to the chakra mode, and also radiated all his power into the chakra of the eye of reincarnation.

This is what makes him unexpectedly reach the level of Six Paths.

Without that power now, he is afraid that with his own understanding and brewing, he has reached the current level in an immature situation, which is already the limit.

"Although we can continue to develop, just like Aya, but..."

Uchiha Qi was a little tangled. What he hoped more was that he could directly reach the level of Six Paths after he turned on the Chakra mode of Samsara.

But now it looks like he has nothing to play, at least for now he has no choice.

Going to Aya Hyuga for some Tenseigan Chakra?

This thing can be tried, but it is not something Chakra can do to achieve real success.

The Tenseiyan Chakra, which was hidden in his eyes before, was able to be embedded without any conflict because Kaguya Otsutsuki did it.

Let him do it himself?

No matter how you think about it, it seems a little unrealistic. This is not because he is arrogant, but because he has a very clear understanding of his own strength.

Helplessly shook his head, although he felt a little regretful, after all, he did not completely reach the level of Six Paths.

But just like what he said, this model still has this extremely high degree of development.

As long as it is handled well, before he really enters the Six Paths, this mode might be able to help him complete all this.

"Hey, it's a pity, I hope that if I turn on this mode now, I can directly step into it."

Uchiha Qi shook his head helplessly, is this a love affair, and then made up for it elsewhere?

But soon he calmed down, and the state he is in now is likely to be only one step away from entering the sixth realm.

Although there is no way to completely reach that point, the quality of power he possesses at this moment is much stronger than the single reincarnation eye mode he had before.

It can be said that even if he faces Ci Xian with his current state, he is absolutely certain of victory.

Liu Dao is not completely invincible, he still has weaknesses, and secondly, there is still a big problem in defense.

With the actual combat experience he has accumulated over the years, he believes that even if there are still some gaps in quality, he can still rely on his own experience to smooth it out.

If it really doesn’t work, analyze and collect information, and then judge what to do based on the information.

The basic literacy of ninjas is destined that they can sometimes defeat the strong.

"In the original book, when Naruto and Sasuke faced the Otsutsuki Peach and Otsutsuki Kintsuki, they probably weren't as strong as me now.

But they still beat the Otsutsuki peach style all over the ground looking for teeth, and even killed it....

It's also hard to tell if it's dried out, as there may be wedges left.

But at least it has been pushed to that level, which shows that intelligence still has a great effect, and Otsutsuki is not absolutely invincible! "

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai took a deep breath while feeling the suffocating power emanating from his body.

He is in a much better mood now, after all, he has accomplished an important thing.

He maintains this state now, which is much longer than when he faced Otsutsuki.

Suddenly, Uchiha Kai frowned, because he noticed that Imai Kenta suddenly ran over.

"Hey, Kai." Just when he was still thinking, Kenta Imai had already pushed open the door, but this guy was immediately dumbfounded when he saw this scene in the room: " have completed the reincarnation eye. Chakra mode?"

"Yeah, it's done." Uchiha Qi nodded, and then lifted his hand slightly, and a begging jade floated in front of him.

In just a moment, Qiu Daoyu turned into a ninja knife, and its appearance was the same as that of cutting jade.

"I don't remember that you said that you still need further experiments?" Imai Kenta swallowed: "So, you have now reached the level of Six Path Immortals?"

Imai Kenta remembered that Uchiha Kei had told them after the battle.

For the first time, I completely used the Tenseiyan Chakra to complete the Samsara Eye Chakra mode, and I entered the realm of the Six Paths.

At this moment, Uchiha Kai looks like this, Imai Kentao naturally thinks, this guy should have completely crossed that step, right?

Even relying on a chakra mode, but crossing is crossing!

"No." Uchiha Qi sighed slightly: "I don't mean that my real strength has not crossed, but this time the chakra mode has not reached that point. As for the reason, I have found it, but I There is no way to change it, and some things are really not that easy to do.”

"That's good, I'm still worried that you've left us too far."

Imai Kenta breathed a sigh of relief, but soon he seemed to feel that he had said something wrong, and added another sentence.

"Of course, if you really break through, maybe I'll be happy too, but it just feels a little weird..."

"Okay, don't think too much, what if I really reach the level of Six Paths?"

Uchiha Qi threw the ninja sword in his hand, and the ninja sword instantly turned into a begging jade again, and then floated behind him.

"I am still me, and Uchiha is still Uchiha. Unless there is some irresistible factor that I fail, otherwise..."

Having said this, he suddenly laughed.

I have already promised that girl, and I still have such a high fighting spirit and confidence, why do I subconsciously think about what to do after failure?

This is indeed very cautious, but being too cautious is also a manifestation of inferiority.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Qi asked curiously: "By the way, what are you doing to me? Are you in such a hurry?"

"That's it, a dead servant from Uchiha just came over and told me that Kakashi was looking for us."

Imai Kenta didn't know what Uchiha Kai was thinking, and suddenly laughed and shook his head, looking like a madman.

But he didn't bother to worry about it, so he just told the matter directly. After all, in his opinion, isn't Uchiha a neuropathy?

"Kakashi?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head: "What did he say?"

"No, but I can probably guess." Imai Kenta showed a smile at this time: "After all, now that the conference is over, we can still gather together and let Kakashi inform us very closely, I'm afraid There is only that one thingReceive red envelopes] Follow the public..public account [Book Friends Base Camp draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

"Well, I understand. I'm afraid this is the only thing. No wonder you are so excited."

"Aren't you excited? It's like you have a two-tailed chakra..."


What Imai Kenta said is actually very simple.

After the Ninja Conference was completely over, they were still assembled, and Kakashi, the Minister of Anbu, was notified in person. I am afraid that only Konoha and Yunyin re-aligned.

This matter is not too broad, and not many people even know the true meaning of this matter in Konoha.

All the residents of Konoha only know that the two villages have re-signed the alliance, and this time it is said that even the fourth Raikage will go to the Yunoki with the fourth Hokage.

Other than that, they don't understand at all, and maybe they don't need to understand the deeper meaning for them.

They only know that through this alliance, I am afraid that they will not need to worry about the trouble of encountering Yunyin when they do tasks in Tang Zhiguo in the future.

The land of soup is the meeting place between the land of fire and the land of thunder, and Konoha and Yunyin both occupy a lot of task shares in this land.

It can be said that these two villages have divided all the tasks of the entire soup country.

If it wasn't for nothing, the two villages would be eager to kick the other side out of the field completely, so as to monopolize all the task shares.

Therefore, in the past when doing missions in this place, both sides need to be careful of each other's ninjas. If they are lucky, they will not see them.

With bad luck, there will probably be a fight.

Even though the two villages had a good fight in Tang Zhiguo, and Yun Yin eventually failed due to various reasons, the treaty signed at that time did not completely drive Yun Yin out.

Due to the geographical location, Yunyin will never go out.

Therefore, when the two sides are doing tasks, they will still meet frequently, but due to the influence of the treaty, they are not fighting.

This is a good phenomenon, and now it's a step further, so for the mission ninjas of the two villages, this is a good thing.

"Are you here?" When Kei Uchiha and Kenta Imai came to the security department together, Minato Namikaze looked at them with a smile: "I heard Kakashi said that the two of you were not found, so he told them to The members of Uchiha, I didn't expect them to find you two."

"I happen to be practicing with Kenta, and the family also has special contact information." Uchiha Qi smiled, then found a seat and sat down.

At this time, there were still relatively few people in the Hokage office, and the only people present were Kakashi, Uchiha Fugaku, and Hyuga Hizu, plus the two of them.

Aya Hyuga is qualified to participate in this meeting, but she didn't come. I'm afraid she is too busy to see Uchiha Kai.

And Nara Shikhisa was not there either, but this guy was negotiating with the people of Kirigakuni in Yunokuni, which is understandable.

Their small circle has not included newcomers for a long time, maybe they think it is unnecessary, maybe Hyuga Aya is also a newcomer to them.

"The purpose of calling you here this time is also very simple. I guess you have already thought of it." After seeing that the personnel were basically all in, Minato Minato said directly: "The problem with Yunyin has basically been settled. This time, we signed a multilateral treaty alliance."

"Multilateral treaty alliance alliance?" Uchiha Qi heard this word, feeling a little familiar, but always felt a little strange: "What does it mean? This word is really a new word."

"Ki, didn't you say this?" Uchiha Fuyue looked at him strangely: "If I remember correctly, when we were discussing supporting those small countries, you proposed a 'multilateral' concept."

"The concept of 'multilateral'?" Uchiha Qi was even more confused.

If he remembers correctly, the meaning of 'multilateral' in his mouth seems to mean seeking more multilateral development, taking advantage of all the factors and opportunities that small countries can take advantage of, so as to absorb more development momentum for himself and avoid unilateral dependence. Certain resources are subject to individual powers.

To put it simply, it is to help those small countries according to local conditions, and to use the connections with those small countries to avoid some resource and task dependencies and conflicts.

How come to their mouths, Uchiha Kai always feels that his taste has changed.

He briefly explained his understanding and assumptions about multilateralism, and then he asked in a bit of astonishment: "So, what do you mean by 'multilateral'?"

"Uh, this..."

Namikaze Minato suddenly felt a little embarrassed, not only him, but also Uchiha Fugaku and Hyuga Hizu also seemed a little puzzled.

Because the multilateral they understand is really not the same as what Uchiha said.

But fortunately Not embarrassing your boss is the basic quality of your subordinates, Uchiha Fuyue said directly: "It seems that we have a big misunderstanding of the concept you put forward, Kai, at the time you didn't either. Explain clearly."

"It seems that I didn't explain it clearly, but I thought you all understood." Uchiha Qi spread his hands: "Forget it, this treaty will not use this name anyway, let's talk about it."

"Well, I really won't use this name." Minato Namifeng nodded, and then he laughed again: "The new treaty we signed with Yunyin is a multiple military, economic and political treaty. We will reach a strategic alliance, we will help each other economically, and we will also appropriately reduce some tax rates, as for politics..."

"I understand that there will be mutual assistance in politics, such as when we hold the Five Shadows Conference or make a statement on any occasion. As long as their interests are not violated, they will support us, right?"

"That's right, Kai, it seems that you are the one who really understands these things the most."

"No, it's not the best understanding, but I guessed it. I can only say that it's not too much beyond my expectations."
