Chapter 723: Easy to clean up?

"Sure enough, acting as Hokage is more troublesome than I thought."

Sitting in Hokage's office, Uchiha Kai couldn't help shaking his head when he saw the report in his hand, while Kakashi smiled helplessly beside him.

Namikaze Minato has already set off with people, and the estimated time of departure is about a month.

A month's departure is not a long time, but considering that it takes so long for just one signature, it is unknown what other things are going on here.

Of course, Uchiha Kei can probably guess what other content will be in it.

For example, some kind of friendly talks, visiting their respective frontier troops and so on.

All in all, this kind of communication between the two shadow pairs is really rare in the ninja world.

Except for the first generation, they held a five-shadow conference, and it was a face-to-face communication, and nothing like this happened.

And the impact caused by the meeting of the two shadows is also very exaggerated. I am afraid that the entire ninja world will be talking about this matter, right?

"Ki, this is the teacher's high hopes for you. You will definitely be a qualified filmmaker in the future." Kakashi put the report aside, although he asked curiously, "Tell me, why did you choose me to help you? Ah. Kenta and Aya, aren't they both in Konoha?"

Because you are the sixth generation of Hokage!

Uchiha Kai whispered in his heart, but he wouldn't say it.

Of course, he is not without the opportunity to continue to be the glorious sixth-generation Hokage, after all, his identity is there.

The one who really has no chance is probably Tsunade, the fifth-generation Hokage, right?

Maybe it's a good thing for Tsunade. Speaking of Tsunade, I have to mention the **** Jiraiya.

Originally, after completing the task of Otsutsuki Ichi-shi together, this guy followed him back to the village.

But they turned their heads and provided information from Yunyin, probably saying that they accidentally discovered that Yanyin Village had withdrawn from Sugi no Village.

This gave them an unimaginable opportunity, and under the leadership of the Fourth Raikage, they raided Sugi no Mura and got what they wanted.

But while retreating, something unexpected happened.

It's not that the ninjas in Sugi no Village found some Xuanyuan group to recapture the lost things, but they turned from a small town in Sugi no Country when they left, intending to enter Yunyin Village from there.

However, unexpectedly, they found a guy suspected of Tsunade in this small town.

In the past, they would never have told Konoha about such a thing.

But the situation is different now. After they got this information, they changed hands and passed it to Konoha with Xun Ying.

Jiraiya was still in the village at that time, and he set off immediately after learning this information.

He already understood the situation of Orochimaru, and he had preconceived notions. He always believed that Orochimaru was actually doing his best for Konoha.

And what impressed him the most was that Orochimaru actually lurked in that organization himself, and he felt that he would never be able to do such a thing.

Therefore, although he wanted to continue tracking the Akatsuki organization, he wanted to find out what happened to Nagato.

But considering the situation of Orochimaru, he can only temporarily give up this matter, at least he can't affect Orochimaru, right?

So he simply set off and ran to the country of Sugi, to see if he could get Tsunade back before Konoha finally determined the Minister of the Medical Department.

It's also embarrassing for Minato, and Tsunade's return is a good thing, but she can't be given the position of Minister of the Medical Department.

Fortunately, the woman has not come back yet, and Hyuga Aya also successfully took the position of the Minister of the Medical Department.

Just like this, Uchiha Qi has been pitted, because if the **** Jiraiya is there, the agent Hokage may not be able to trouble him.

Even if he knew, Jiraiya would probably refuse this matter 90%, but it was better than Konoha and only he could bear it.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai decided it was better not to think about Jiraiya.

After all, this **** Jiraiya really cheated on him, and almost made him roll over in front of Hyuga Aya.

"The two of them are also very busy. As you know, with the development of the tea country and the wave country, the quest share over there is basically ours, and we also need to help the newly established Ninja village to adapt, so The task assignment of the task is a little troublesome."

Uchiha Qi sighed slightly, this is really not a lie.

With the help of Konoha in the past two years, the country of waves and the country of tea have basically established the prototype of a ninja village.

However, these ninja villages are still small ninja villages, and they still need to be led by a big brother.

Therefore, the Ninja villages in these two countries, under the guidance of unknown personnel, directly took their names and obtained a lot of funds.

Then I threw it to Konoha in the form of tasks, basically seeking protection, training ninjas, leading tasks and the like Welfare] Follow the public.. No. [Book Friends Base Camp], and draw cash every day for reading books /point coins!

"As for the medical department, not to mention.

Ling has just taken office, everything has to change, and she is very ambitious, she does not want the medical department to be just a hospital and a medical school.

There are too few medical ninjas. You and I are aware of this, and there are not many medical ninja positions in the regular equipment. Aya intends to make more fuss about medicine. "

There are indeed few medical ninja positions in the regular ninja collocation, except for the small number of people, the functional problems of each team are different.

To be honest, the fighting power of the medical ninja is currently only a ceiling Tsunade, plus an incognito, but in the original work, Gou became the pharmacist pocket of the big BOSS.

What kind of fighting abilities do the others really have?

One of the admonitions of medical ninjas is that medical ninjas must not rush to the front, and must hide at the end to be protected.

So sometimes, many ninjas dislike them when they form a team.

"Am I not busy?" Kakashi twitched the corner of his mouth, and finally shook his head helplessly: "Okay, okay, this guy is watching me spend too much time reading novels, are you going to teach me a lesson?"

"Just look at it, it's not a big deal, but I still say that." Uchiha Qi said with a smile: "Don't look, it's boring, try it yourself..."

"Forget it, I have social phobia." Kakashi rolled his eyes, but seemed to realize something, he immediately added: "Only for women."

"Good guy, you like boys." Uchiha Qi deliberately made a cold look.

Of course he knew that this kid Kakashi was joking, and to be honest, Kakashi was indeed unlucky.

He personally killed a person who he recognized and valued the most in his heart, and made a commitment to it.

Even if it wasn't his original intention, when Nohara Rin hit his blade at that moment, he was equivalent to betraying two people.

Maybe there is nothing wrong with his physiology, but he has really suffered serious psychological trauma.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai couldn't help shaking his head, there is a way to do this, but at present there is no way.

Because Nohara Rin's scumbag has yet to wake up completely, otherwise...

Suddenly, Uchiha Kai seemed to feel something.

He immediately formed a seal with his hands, and the next moment a little black snake appeared in front of him.

Taking the scroll out of the black snake's mouth, Uchiha Kai looked at it seriously, and soon a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It's interesting, they started." Uchiha Qi closed the scroll, and soon the scroll was ignited.

"Do I need to avoid it?" Kakashi's expression immediately became serious when he saw this scene.

"It's not necessary, it's just that something interesting happened." Uchiha Qi shook his head, pondered for a moment, and suddenly asked, "Are you interested in going to play?"

"Ah? The work here..." Kakashi was a little embarrassed, he felt that Uchiha Kai seemed to be a little too out of touch.

"It's Uchibo Lin, are you going?"

"Uh... well, where is it?"

"Not far, Wuyin Village, just so we can go to see the situation in the country of waves."


In Wuyin Village, in a very hidden valley, the ghost lamp full moon is waiting silently here.

After receiving the information from Uchiha Qi, Ghost Lantern Manyue also began to do the work that he should do.

Since we have to cooperate with those guys and at the same time find a way to get a piece of the pie, the necessary preparations still need to be done.

Judging from the information from Uchiha Qi, he knew that the fourth generation of water shadows would really suffer.

Although he himself is favored by this water shadow, and for now, his progress is also very good.

But he also knew in his heart that he was probably just a person who used to fight against Terumi Mei introduced by Yuanshi, so as to achieve a balance.

Therefore, he did not have too many emotional factors for the fourth generation of water shadows, although he felt that the death of this guy might have some influence on him.

However, if you can take this opportunity to completely consolidate your position.

For example, in the Nine Tails Incident, Uchiha Kai rescued a large number of people and accumulated a lot of support.

If he makes good use of this incident this time to **** some grassroots public opinion from the people of Yuanshi, then his chances will become even greater!

Now the fog is a very embarrassing thing, if the fourth generation of water shadow dies, I am afraid that there will be a certain vacuum in power.

Master Yuan did not dare to come to power, this old man was very cautious and valued his reputation.

Even if he is passionate about power, his classical ideology will be a resistance to his front line.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Master Yuan is really harmless to humans and animals. After all, he can achieve the position of the Great Elder, and he has almost the same power as Shuiying.

This guy's methods are bound to be very terrifying.

He can't come to power, but he can push people he values ​​to come to power.

Terumi Mei is obviously the person he values, but the mistakes this woman is making now have made many people have different opinions on her to the same degree as you.

Now Kiriyuki is really embarrassed, because of Obito's actions, the entire Kiriyin's suitable and capable people have basically killed him.

But it's also an opportunity, an opportunity to take Ghost Lantern a step further.

If the Master Yuan really forced the position of Mizukage to be vacant, causing the fog to become a shadowless village, in exchange for the space for Terumi Mei to grow...

Then the ghost lamp full moon feels like a good show, because Uchiha Kai's letter said these things.

Once such a thing happens, then Yuan Shi will definitely "die of illness" in his own home unwittingly.

Ghost Lantern Manyue has no doubt that Uchiha Qi has this ability. I am afraid that no one really knows what this guy's true strength is.

But the ghost lamp full moon understands one thing, that is that the mysterious Uchiha who is good at space is all subordinate to Uchiha Kai.

Kai Uchiha doesn't even need to go out himself to accomplish this!

"It's that guy, there's something wrong with his brain."

The ghost lamp full moon is likely to recall something that is not very happy, and can't help but complain.

"You know what? It's a bad thing to say behind your back, but you're going to lose your life."

But at this moment, a ripple suddenly appeared in the space.

With the distortion of space, Ghost Lantern Manyue suddenly found himself sucked into a space.

And in this space, there is a person standing there indifferently.

It was still a black robe, still wearing a weird mask, and on the weird mask with spiral patterns, it was revealed that a writing wheel was constantly spinning.

Ghost Dengmanyue was stunned for a while looking at the guy in front of him. He really didn't expect this guy to come over, but the next moment he seemed to realize something.

"Where is this place?" Ghost Lantern Manyue looked around curiously: "This place doesn't seem to be the ninja world, right?"

"There's a lot of nonsense, is your focus on this kind of place?" Obito shook his head, having worked with this guy, he naturally knew what kind of virtue this kid was.

"Okay, you Uchihas are all mysterious. By the way, this time you are cooperating with me?" Ghost Lamp Manyue blinked: "Uchiha Kai said that you are lurking in a larger place and controlling All of this is hard to come by..."

"Shut up, if you don't want to die." Obito looked at the full moon indifferently, and finally shook his head: "It's not that I cooperate with you, it's you who cooperate with me. We can get what we want together, it's that simple."

"Well, it doesn't matter." Man Yue didn't bother to worry about these things, so he decisively handed over the things in his hand to Obito.

This place seems to be the magic of this mysterious Uchiha, an independent space that is not in the ninja world!

Although Man Yue was full of amazement in his heart, he didn't show too much.

Just like what he said, these Uchihas are mysterious, and their abilities are also very strange.

Since it is this guy, Man Yue is relieved, although he thinks this guy is very...

Forget it, there is something wrong with the brain.

But the ability is not too good, and the people sent by Uchiha Qi would not have any problem.

The he handed over is very crucial information, which contains the schedules of the fourth generation of water shadows and other high-level leaders of Wuyin Village, whether individually or collectively!

With this kind of information, I am afraid that no matter who it is, it is possible to find an opportunity to start.

Obito glanced at it and seemed very satisfied, so he put away the information directly.

"The reason I'm with this place is because I'm worried about some unnecessary troubles." Obito nodded, his expression slightly relaxed.

"I can understand, so what's next?" Man Yue asked nonchalantly.

"Next, I'll get some people to cooperate with you. Do you have any goals you want to clean up? It's best to say it all at once this time."

"Can Master Yuan do it?"

"This guy can't."

"Cut, then forget it, I'll cooperate with you well..."
