Chapter 724: The original plot of the kingdom of heaven

"Acting Hokage-sama, Kakashi-sama, this is the current situation."

Under the guidance of a Konoha ninja, Uchiha Ki and Kakashi visited the newly established village of the country of waves.

Uchiha Kai is indeed leading Hokage, but this guy may be used to it because he is lazy.

After seducing Kakashi fiercely, the two of them each left a shadow clone and ran away.

His shadow clone is different from ordinary shadow clones, this kind of shadow clone is completely condensed by yin and yang.

Don't say it lasts for a month, even if it lasts for a year, there is no problem.

In fact, Minato Namikaze can also leave a shadow clone to deal with it, but his sense of responsibility makes him unable to do such a thing.

And Uchiha Kai is different. It's not that he has no sense of responsibility, but that he doesn't think of himself as a Hokage at all.

After helping Kakashi to leave some yin and yang power in the shadow clone, the two of them set off very simply.

It's just that what Uchiha Kai wants to understand is that it seems that his identity as an agent of Hokage was directly spread by Minato Naikaze.

Maybe it was popular, maybe it was taken as a signal by many people.

Although the proxy Hokage is not the real Hokage, once it is named this name, unless it dies or makes some unforgivable mistakes.

Otherwise, when the real Hokage abdicates or dies, the proxy Hokage can justifiably become the real Hokage.

Almost everyone knows how famous Uchiha Kai is in Konoha.

Therefore, it is almost natural for such a thing to be regarded as a signal, and with the continuous transmission, almost the entire Konoha system has reached a consensus.

That is, Uchiha Kai is almost the fifth-generation Hokage who was appointed by default, and everyone knows that this guy will do some relatively weird things from time to time.

Therefore, he suddenly appeared in the country of waves, and the guard ninja here was not surprised at all except that he was a little surprised.

"Thank you for your hard work." Uchiha Kai nodded with Kakashi: "Then, let's go around and see for ourselves."

"Yes, acting Naruto-sama." The ninja said with a smile, and then left directly.

The construction of the country of waves is not bad, and with the huge financial support of Konoha, the initial construction has been basically completed in more than two years.

Not only did they have their own village, but they also recruited some wandering ninjas to design their own village's forehead shields.

At the same time, they also proposed to report to Konoha and hired bridge construction expert Dazna to build the bridge with money.

Seriously, Uchiha Kai really saw the old man in this village.

This old man is not looking like a drunken eater waiting to die, and he looks quite young.

The most interesting thing is that he also met the old man's beautiful daughter Tsunami, and Keisha, who has not yet been killed by Cardo.

And that babbling, still young Inari.

All in all, the original plot has little meaning, and at most it is just missed by Uchiha Qi.

This new wave village is still very young, and Konoha still needs to keep people here to help them continue to build.

But the good thing is that the leader of this village is very self-aware. He knows what his position is and what he needs to do.

Therefore, in the face of Konoha's series of terms, he only aimed at the treaties that would damage the village's interests, and he directly approved the others without even looking at them.

Suffice to say, this guy is a very nice person.

Through understanding, Uchiha Kai knew that this guy was a native of the country of waves.

When he was young, he studied in the land of fire and lived in Konoha.

Probably because of his experience in this area, coupled with some personality characteristics, Konoha chose him to let him lead the village of waves.

This is an important signal that everything is going well in the country of waves.

Although it has not yet been rewarded, it is conceivable that in the future, the economic and political benefits it can provide are absolutely unimaginable!

"It seems that your original proposal was really good." Just when Uchiha Kai was full of thoughts, Kakashi suddenly said: "Although I know your idea is not really to help them, but to plan Use their development to gain greater benefits. But in any case, you have helped them no matter what your actions are for."

"Probably?" Uchiha Kai shrugged: "Actually, you can't look at things from one-sided good or bad. In the eyes of others, I helped these villages actually for Konoha, for myself, this is in their eyes. It's a bad thing. But in fact, even for myself, I'm going to let these people improve their standard of living and quality of life in the process of serving me."

"It's like, some people in Konoha can't understand what you are doing, and why don't you use so much money in Konoha?" Kakashi seemed to understand something: "But at this stage we are investing, but in the future we will get There's more to come. It's for the long term, right?"

"Of course, it's very good, Kakashi." Uchiha Qi nodded with a smile: "Look more, learn more, think more, don't focus on just one dimension and angle, it's not enough, you should see more and see more. The further you go, the more you have the opportunity to touch and understand.”

Kakashi nodded, and he would listen and accept Uchiha Kai's words seriously and humbly from beginning to end.

Just after listening to it, Kakashi was puzzled, why did Kai Uchiha tell him these things?

These are just and information, shouldn't it be for Hokage to understand?

He is not Hokage, and the agent Hokage is obviously Uchiha Kai, and he told him that there is a use for wool?

Suddenly, Kakashi realized something terrible.

"Hello? Kai, are you kidding me? What are you talking about with me?" Kakashi took a step back vigilantly: "You shouldn't, do you want to take me as your advisor when you come to power? No! Absolutely not!"

"Please, isn't there Lu Jiu who wants an advisor? Why do I want you to be my advisor?" Uchiha Kai shook his head amusingly: "Actually, I'm cultivating Hokage."

"Your joke is even more outrageous." Kakashi shook his head: "You are basically sure that you are the fifth generation. Do you think I can still take your position? Even if you agree, I'm afraid The whole Konoha will not agree, including my teacher."

"So, what about the sixth generation?" Uchiha Kai blinked: "Okay, just kidding, don't take it seriously."

In fact, in some senses, he wasn't really joking.

Kakashi's original book is a fairly good Hokage, although he came to power because his disciples are all saviors.

And his existence is more for the transition, so that Naruto can take over smoothly.

But good is good, and Uchiha Kai doesn't intend to deny that.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the sixth Hokage must be him. After all, there are many people in the village who can fight for this position.

Just like the kid Jing Jiantai today, as a descendant of the Thousand Hands clan, it is hard to say whether he will have any ideas.

Uchiha Kai can only be regarded as pure boredom, just teasing Kakashi.

Of course, if this Kakashi can really win the election in the future, it is not bad.

But that's all in the future, and now the entire Hokage has changed beyond recognition, the ghost knows what the future will be like.

Maybe a civilian ninja will win the Naruto position in the future.

Or, whether there will be Hokage in the future is a question.

"Okay, the investigation of the country of waves has been completed." Shaking his head, Uchiha Qi shook his head slightly: "We should also set off."

"Go to Wuyin Village?" Kakashi nodded: "Lin, is it really there?"

"Of course, I don't have to lie to you."

"What are they going to do?"

"The change of power in the village of Wuyin, and..."

"Uchibolin completely mastered the Akatsuki organization. Of course, if you're lucky, maybe you can learn something new."


"The boy Nagato looks like he is going to gamble."

In Kiriyin Village, Obito, Orochimaru, and Kisha stood on top of a waterfall. The three of them were relatively public, and everyone clearly followed Uchiha Kai.

Obito looked at Zhishui and Loquat Shizo who had already started to move in the distance, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It's not a problem to say that if you're desperate, after all, he's really bad right now.

But the worst thing is that his every move almost always happened under Obito's eyelids. With Uchiha Kai's plan, it's impossible for this guy to do anything!

With the help of boats and the help of ghost sharks and loquat Juzo, Akatsuki easily entered the land of the Land of Water.

Afterwards, under the leadership of these two people, they passed through various barriers and finally entered Wuyin Village.

It can be said that their actions are comparable to those of Kai Uchiha back then. I don't know how many times easier!

After they entered the Hidden Kiri Village, Nagato also began to control Payne to assign tasks.

They need to probe the location of the three tails and five tails, and then they are attacking.

In fact, Obitu, the second and fifth child, has already taken over with the inner ghost of Wuyin Village, and he naturally knows where those guys are.

But he wouldn't say it easily, and Obito didn't start to announce some information until they were about to succeed in their investigation.

Taking the lead in this way, Obito naturally also got the opportunity to arrange personnel actions.

He deliberately arranged for Uchiha Shisui and Ghost Shark to deal with the three generations of water shadows together. After all, Shishui also has a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, so he still has an advantage in dealing with human Zhuli.

And Gui Shark, as Wuyin Rebellion and Forbearance, is naturally very familiar with everything in Wuyin Village, and it is naturally very reasonable for these two to form a team.

But Nagato was unwilling to let Obito take all the credit for it. The collective opposition to him made him understand that Obito was definitely someone who seized the opportunity and would completely seize power!

He didn't want such a thing to happen here, and naturally he also needed to intervene. Therefore, under his strong obstruction, Zhishui's teammates changed from a ghost shark to a loquat Shizang.

Loquat Shizo is also Kiriyin's rebellion, even higher than the ghost shark in the ninja level.

And his reason finally forced Obito to agree, because in addition he had to test the loyalty of Loquat Tenzo.

In fact, what Nagato did not expect at all was that this was exactly what Obito wanted!

He wants to let the people who belong to Nagato, no matter what they think in the end, as long as they follow him, Obito will solve one of them, the one who performs the task!

"I don't know if it's desperate, but I'm curious, will Uchiha Shisui cooperate with you?" Orochimaru licked his tongue: "From my current information, this guy seems to be from Uchiha Kai. But Silai I want to go, as if in fact it is not the case.”

"Uchiha Shisui, you don't need to ask. This guy is very complicated." Obito shook his head, his voice was still so low and hoarse: "As for whether he will cooperate or not, it is not a big deal, the key is The question is whether I'll do it. The answer is obviously, yes."

Obito has long thought about it, and he must do something about this.

In fact, it is only him who is best to do it, because his abilities are special enough and concealed enough.

He only needs to silently influence the people on the mission in the dark, or influence the people who are attacked, and everything can go according to his script.

It's despicable and evil, but it's extremely applicable to this occasion.

"Okay, since that's the case." The ghost shark nodded: "So do we have to perform our respective tasks?"

"Yes, get ready." Obito nodded: "Orochimaru, you still have to team up with the scorpion. Pay attention to that guy, and I am afraid that you will be discovered by the people of Wuyin."

"I'm not afraid, right?" Orochimaru smiled and licked his tongue: "I know that there are people from Uchiha Kai in Kirikin Village, you should have colluded. But it doesn't matter, anyway, our target is the six-tailed man Zhuri, To what extent do we need to do it?"

"Chakra, the definition of this mission is a failed mission." Obito said flatly: "Because someone on the other side discovered us, all of us, so we made preparations in advance. The reason is very simple, that is Loquat Ten Zang was exposed. So after the battle, you decided to retreat, and it was Scorpion who finally brought it up."

Loquat Shizang was the Seven Swordsmen before Wuyin Village, and it was quite reasonable to say that he was discovered.

In Kirikin's intelligence records, there is actually very little information about ghost sharks.

First of all, this guy is Anbu, and his information will not be disclosed at will.

The second point is that this guy has always been very low-key before, and he lost contact after being captured by Konoha.

In such a situation, I am afraid it is difficult to verify the situation.

"As for the ghost shark and those two half-lived guys, you go to create chaos." Obito finally looked at the ghost shark: "I know, you always wanted to get a knife, you were once a watermelon mountain puffer fish. Ghost's subordinate, his knife must be very suitable for you, right?"

"Of course." The ghost shark showed a **** smile: "Back then, he asked me to kill a lot of my comrades. Now I'm going to kill him, shouldn't it be too much?"

"Of course, have fun. Oh, by the way, if necessary, remember to rescue those two half-lived guys." Obito smiled and said, "Is there any problem?"

"Then, the most important question." Orochimaru asked in a hoarse voice: "What about the black guy and the guy with the reincarnation eye? What is their mission?"

"Black Jue is watching them, as for Nagato..."

"That guy will also do it himself, who cares about them..."
