Chapter 726: Reality is cruel

"Looks like it's here."

Led by a small black snake, Uchiha Kai and Kakashi came to a fringe area in Kiriyin Village.

For the two of them, the barrier of Wuyin Village is really in vain. Even if they are not good at cracking seals, both of them have a writing wheel eye.

Even, Uchiha Kai's eyes are reincarnation eyes!

They only need to rely on their own eyes and spend some time to find the flaws in the enchantment.

Of course, neither of them would do such a waste of time.

Orochimaru is already inside, so why bother to do it yourself?

If you directly summon a snake belonging to Orochimaru, you can completely rely on it to find the traces of Orochimaru. In the end, can't you easily and silently enter Wuyin by following these trails?

Uchiha Kai and the others did this, and he accidentally passed this snake and got some interesting information.

"Yes, the information passed by Orochimaru and the others is probably going to be done here." Kakashi glanced at it, and then nodded involuntarily: "The transformation of the full moon looks good, he actually hides all the fog. It's really scary to hand in the itinerary of the high-level people."

"Actually, it's not surprising. You have to know that what we gave him is more than what he can get." Uchiha Kai smiled, he didn't think there was anything wrong with Man Yue being the leading party.

In fact, Kakashi almost became a leader in the original book, and he gave Shimura Danzo the itinerary of Hidden Sarutobi.

The biggest difference is probably that the people he handed over are from within the village, not a group of people from outside the village.

Secondly, this kid finally got lost, became a double agent and solved the matter himself.

The last point is that the two of them have different ideas. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

One is for myself, and the other is for the village and belief.

Of course, it cannot be said that the full moon is completely for himself.

Everything he did seems to be working hard for himself to be in the position.

But you can't just look at things from one side. After all, the plan he put forward from beginning to end is to let Wuyin improve his overall strength.

Of course, this is only from the standpoint of Uchiha Kai, and from the perspective and stand of Kirikin, Man Yue is a complete village thief.

This set of things, Uchiha Kai's previous life in the gunfight holy land on the other side of the ocean was a thief, and he is just learning from it now.

Ninja Village is already a military and administrative unit, and interests are the most important thing.

For the sake of his own interests, he wouldn't care about so many things.

If it weren't for the fact that the information dissemination efforts were not working well with this world, he could even refer to the holy land of gunfights and get some so-called 'public knowledge' out of the same way.

Of course, these things are absolutely not allowed to appear on their own territory.

Shaking his head, Kai Uchiha looked at the forest ahead and said slowly: "According to the information, Shisui and the guy named Loquat Juzo will start their work here.

The four generations of Mizukage inspected the situation in the village. To go to the deepest place, they had to cross this forest full of mists. There were about five Anbu accompanying them.

In fact, the full moon has reminded him, but this guy is worried that things will be exposed, and more ninjas will be detected.

Of course, there is also his confidence in his own strength, in addition to this, there is a very key point..."

"Is it the full moon?"

Kakashi's ability to analyze intelligence is first-rate. Hearing this, he basically already knows about it.

"The fourth generation of water shadows should have left a part of Anbu for him, right?

The meaning may be that you want to use the full moon to investigate something, or can you support him at a critical moment?

But this support point probably won't come back, right? "

"That's right, and the full moon has reasons and actions that people can't say." Uchiha Kai couldn't help but smile when he saw the black snake that was gradually walking away: "Keep up, or the snake will be unhappy."

Said, he had already walked forward, and Kakashi quickly followed his pace when he saw this scene.

In the Hidden Mist Village, the two of them were like a no-man's land. This kind of experience was really new to Kakashi.

At the same time, he can learn a lot of things that he has come into contact with, but never thought about it carefully.

What he has to think about is not only what he should think about as a hostile ninja, but also to analyze things from the perspective of a shadow. There are really not many opportunities for this kind of thing.

"What's the reason?" Kakashi thought for a while, and then said thoughtfully.

"I probably understand a little bit, the full moon will not use those Anbu to support Mizuyage.

However, it will be used to organize defense against other Akatsuki members, and it can even be used to make a fuss about the right to obtain this part.

In order to get more troops to defend and protect civilians and some important personnel...

Do you use this to gain popular support and gain more support? "

"Oh? It doesn't look like you're stupid, Kakashi." Uchiha Kai teased, but soon he nodded seriously.

"Indeed, many of the people represented by Yuanshi are ninjas from civilians.

If it weren't for the fact that the fourth generation of water shadows was controlled and created a blood fog, I am afraid that Yuan Shi may not have the support of some big families.

Of course, now that the fourth generation of water shadows has recovered, the big families will not support him.

But the problem is, the full moon itself comes from a big family. "

Having said that, he paused for a while, then jumped straight to the tree.

Kakashi also jumped up with him, and I'm afraid they're getting close to their target now.

He has figured out a lot of things now, and there are really too many things that Uchiha Kai used here.

Whether he is doubting now, when Uchiha Qi saw that he had caught the ghost lamp full moon, he directly came up with such a plan in his mind, such a terrible plan.

"Manyue belongs to the ghost lamp clan, which can resonate with other big clans in itself, and what this guy is doing now can be regarded as fighting for water shadows, which can make those who follow Yuanshi have other thoughts. "

Uchiha Qi didn't know what Kakashi was thinking, he said as he rushed forward: "Of course, don't think that he got this opportunity, it is the platform given to him by the fourth generation of water shadows, in fact, this is I am afraid that it is the means used by the four generations of water shadows to balance the internal forces and win over those big families that were originally far away from him." 噺⒏⑴The full text of the text is the fastest んττρs:/м.χ8㈠zщ.còм/

"With the help of Ghost Lantern Manyue's family, to win over more big families, and give Ghost Lanman Moon a chance to compete for the fifth generation of water shadows?"

Kakashi nodded earnestly: "It seems that Yakura Gotachia is also very calculated, I thought that Mizukage-sama was serious about promoting Manyuki.

In the end, when you said this, I felt that there were conspiracies and calculations everywhere. "

"Reality is beyond your imagination. It's cruel and dark. Not everywhere is the same as Konoha."

Uchiha Kai smiled: "Of course, it is the first and fourth generations that can make people feel true love. When Sarutobi was in front of the stage, I didn't feel that way. Even if he was acting like That way."

"Everyone has already lost like that. You should respect him for being the third Hokage, right?" Kakashi sighed helplessly: "Speaking of which, the Gouju family seems to be a big family. Can't he? Use your own family to reunite those people?"

"It's a pity that he was controlled as a water shadow and created a blood fog. He has lost a lot of trust, even if he is controlled."

"So he has to use the full moon to get the support of the big family back from the Yuan Shi, even if it is not for him, but for the full moon, right?"

Uchiha Kai smiled and didn't answer. In fact, there was no need to answer.

Because Kakashi has already figured out the answer, why are you talking so much nonsense?

Walking forward slowly, it didn't take long for them to see Shishui and Loquat Juzo, as well as the fourth-generation Musikage Goji Tachibana Yakura...


"Lord Full Moon, is what you said true?"

In the quest hall of the Hidden Kiri Village, the ghost lamp full moon is facing a large group of ninjas.

In front of him is a middle-aged ninja who looks to be in his 40s or 50s. This guy is the head of the mission department of Kirigakura.

At this moment, his face was full of shock. To be honest, if he hadn't faced the ghost lamp full moon.

And in this guy's hand, there is also a document signed by the fourth generation of Mizukage that can call Anbu, he will never believe what this guy said.

Is Wuyin in big trouble again?

Someone ran over again?

After hearing this news, the head of the mission department is not very good. He really wants to strangle the ghost lamp full moon to death.

Because this guy actually said it in front of so many ninjas, does this mean that things are not big enough?

But he really just dared to think about it. Could it be that he really wanted to risk offending the Ghost Lantern Clan and those big family members to do such a stupid thing?

Besides, he is not sure about one thing, and that is whether what Ghost Lantern Manyue said is true!

If it is true and he does nothing, then he can basically pronounce himself dead.

Not only is his political life dead, but his own life is completely over.

But what if you didn't hear it?

Isn't this guy, Ghost Lantern Full Moon, going to blow himself up?

You didn't offend him, so you shouldn't be looking for yourself if you die together?

After much deliberation, the Minister of Mission finally made a decision.

That is to listen to him!

If it's fake, I'll have some trouble, but isn't there still this guy?

Even if this would make him very unhappy, and he might even be fired because of the seriousness of his gaffe, he felt that no matter how crazy Ghost Lantern Manyue was, it wouldn't necessarily be self-exploding.

After all, they belong to the Ghost Lantern family. After all, they have a lot of power in their hands now.

If you really want to deal with yourself, there are other ways.

"I understand, I'll declare a state of emergency now, and all the ninjas present immediately put down all tasks and follow Lord Man Yue!"

The Minister of Mission thought for a moment, and then he immediately made a decision.

Actually, in terms of his position, he doesn't need to pay Master Man Yue at all, but this guy is from the ghost lamp clan.

As for why Man Yue didn't go to Yuan Shi, he also knew the reason.

What is this kid doing with that woman Terumi Mei? Is he blind?

By the way, Kirigakushi does not have a Minister of State Affairs, or in other words, there are two Ministers of State Affairs.

One of them is Shuiying, and the other is Yuan Shi.

"Thank you for your support, Mr. Minister." Guidengmanyue nodded with a smile, although he said seriously: "But this is not enough, because the opponent is very scary and troublesome, I need more mobilization. But here Before that, please evacuate the residents immediately!"

"This....going to evacuate the residents?" The head of the mission department is all stupid. Evacuate the residents before the enemy finds you?

Where will the residents be evacuated?

Could it be the residents of the entire village?

You are doing this, aren't you really trying to blew yourself up to be with me?

Fortunately, Man Yue also took into account the actual situation and gave him a specific range.

"In the central area, there are all the old, young, women and children!" Man Yue said quickly: "In addition, all the civil servants are also evacuated, and the ninjas are assigned to protect various important ministers, elders and the like. Especially the human column. Power, and the support of Mizuying-sama cannot be lacking. Move quickly, they may also do it."

"Lord Full Moon..." At this moment, a misty asked curiously, "Although I didn't question your intentions, your information..."

"My source of intelligence is myself, and..." Man Yue glared at the misty, his voice became cold: "These Anbu, like me, have seen those guys, and even almost fought each other. It's gone!"

That's right, before Man Yue came here, he had already played against Xiao's organization.

He has obtained the mission route of Akatsuki's organization from Obito, so he simply led all Anbu to spare a path to support the four generations of Mizukage However, his luck was 'very bad' , just hit the two undead, Jiaodu and Feiduan.

The result was naturally that the five Anbu he sent to test were all killed in less than a minute!

With such a result, and when these guys were following the full moon, Yakura Gotachibana told them everything that the full moon said.

This gave them an immediate notion that what the full moon said was true!

Therefore, Full Moon decided to allocate a part of Anbu at a time, and asked them to support Yakura Gotachibana.

And he ran back with the rest of the people, whether it was evacuating the crowd or moving rescue soldiers, these were all things he should do!

That mist ninja looked at Man Yue's icy look, and was naturally taken aback.

After all, he is considered to be contradicting his boss. If he is strictly investigated, his end will definitely not be much better.

So he shut up decisively, and he also noticed that the other Kirin eyes looked at him, and they already seemed a little unfriendly.

"Very good, since everyone understands, then act immediately." Seeing this scene, Man Yue said directly, "Someone ran to our village before and killed many of us unscrupulously, and even released Sanwei. . This time, we have to let them know..."

"Fuyin, it's not that they come and leave when they want!"

"Yes, Lord Full Moon!"
