Chapter 727: It's so late...

Hyuga Aya slowly walked towards Hokage's office, she was a little nervous now.

She herself didn't know how long she didn't have such a strange feeling.

This is entirely caused by this guy Uchiha Kai. The ghost knows that this guy who looked so cold before is actually so scary now!

This guy, is he a pervert?

Hyuga Aya was really frightened. Although her body didn't seem to reject these things, she always felt a little unacceptable psychologically.

So she planned to hide from this guy first and wait for a while to speak.

However, what she never expected was that she really escaped for a while because the medical department needed to be rebuilt.

However, after the fourth Hokage wave Feng Minato went to Yunokuni to sign a treaty with the fourth Raikage, he also promoted Uchiha Kai to be the deputy Hokage when he left. At this moment, Hyuga Aya felt dumbfounded.

Because her work has just started, many things need to be reported to Hokage, and she needs to sign in person, otherwise many things will not be able to start at all.

Especially in terms of funding, if this kind of thing is not approved by Hokage, then she has no money to do everything she wants to do.

The medical department is not the security department. At the beginning, Uchiha Kai didn't need to go to the third Hokage, because the security department was not favored.

Basically, just leave it to you to play, and you can do whatever you like.

And at that time, Uchiha Kai's pace was not big, so there were really not many places to spend money.

Okay now, after hiding for so long and wanting to calm down, the person who turned his head to look for turned out to be him?

How could Aya Hyuga not be dumbfounded in such a situation, but her form is stronger than a human being, what else can she do?

All she can do is to find this perverted guy. Seriously, if she is not very anxious, there is nothing she can do if she waits for a month.

But now she is really in a hurry. If she runs out of money, all her plans will really fall through.

Taking a deep breath, Aya Hyuga knocked on the door of Hokage's office, and soon the familiar voice came in from behind the door.

Hyuga Aya cheered up, then pushed open the door, and soon she saw the guy she hadn't seen for a long time.

It was still a black robe, as if he felt that he was not Hokage, so he did not put on the royal robe that symbolized Hokage.

He was still doing nothing, even though he had become Hokage's agent, he didn't seem to take it seriously at all.

But on second thought, it seems that no matter how high his status is, I am afraid that he is also like this.

His strength has reached the pinnacle known in the ninja world.

Back then, Madara Uchiha and Chishou Hasuma alone could destroy a large ninja village, but if this guy is more careful, it seems that it is not impossible to overthrow the entire ninja world by one person!

Actually, even if you really want to, maybe you can't do it, right?

"Huh? Aya?" Uchiha Kai, who was holding his head full of boredom, raised his head and was stunned for a moment, then a smile appeared on his face: "I didn't expect you to come here?"

"Don't get me wrong, I have something important." Hyuga Aya said flatly, with no emotion at all on her cold face: "This is my report, take a look, and then sign it."

"Ha? Is it that cold?" Uchiha Kai looked at Aya Hyuga with some playfulness: "Is it the reform of the Ministry of Health? I remember that a drug research and development laboratory has been established. Are you here to ask for funds?"

Kei Uchiha is still quite aware of the current situation of the medical department. After all, there is no way he doesn't care that Aya Hyuga is there.

Therefore, when this woman appeared in front of him, he basically knew what her purpose was.

Even if the one left in Konoha is just a shadow clone, the characteristics of the shadow clone make the difference between the main body and the clone actually not that big.

Apart from not being able to have all kinds of needs like a normal person, there is no difference at all from a real person.

"Yes, you know why you still ask?" Hyuga Aya frowned: "So what? To approve or not to approve?"

"Of course I need to approve, otherwise?" Uchiha Qi smiled, then picked up the pen and signed the document: "Okay, it's over."

"It's over?" At this moment, Hyuga Aya was a little baffled.

She knew Uchiha Kei too well. The reason why she didn't dare to come to see Uchiha Kei was because she knew that this guy would definitely take advantage of this incident, so he would hold her back again.噺⒏⑴The fastest full text of 祌文んττρs:/м.χ8㈠zщ.còм/

Then, when the time was a little later, I invited myself to have dinner, and it was around eleven o'clock.

Then she said to herself, 'It's so late', in a tone that she felt hateful when she thought about it now.

To be honest, if Hyuga Aya knew that she might not be able to refuse at all, or she wouldn't be so worried.

This can't be refused, it's not what will happen to Uchiha Kai, but she doesn't want to refuse.

It is precisely because of this that she is so depressed.

But now, the situation of the guy in front of her is very different from the guy she remembered, who would never give up until he got the benefit.

If it weren't for the breath and the chakra fluctuations being exactly the same, she would doubt if someone pretended to be Kai Uchiha.

Just for a moment, Hyuga Aya seemed to notice something.

"You..." She looked up and down at the guy in front of her, and then she said with certainty, "Are you a shadow clone?"

"Otherwise?" Uchiha Kai nodded with a smile: "The main body left the village, with Kakashi."

"Where did you go?" Hyuga Aya frowned, "Why didn't you tell me? And why didn't Kenta follow? Just with Kakashi?"

"You're so busy, and you don't want to see me." Uchiha Qi spread his hands: "As for Kenta, he's too busy right now, only Kakashi is relatively free, so I chose Kakashi. As for where to go, it's not a strange place, Wuyin Village." First post www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

Uchiha Kai's shadow clone had no intention of concealing anything at all, and then he told Hyuga Aya all the information.

The two of them really don't have too many secrets, so it's not a big deal to tell them. He even told Aya Hyuga about Wedge.

It's just this information that made Aya Hyuga frown slightly. She really didn't know that this happened when she was deliberately avoiding Uchiha Kai.

But she didn't think there was any danger in this matter, or as long as it was about Otsutsuki, she wouldn't think there was any danger.

She just thought, did she hide from this guy too much, making him reluctant to tell her something?

After thinking about it, Hyuga Aya suddenly had a strange smile on the corner of her mouth.

Then she walked towards Uchiha Kai, and then she leaned her body against him.

"You're..." Uchiha Qi was stunned, but he didn't react.

"It's nothing, I just feel like I haven't seen you for a while." Hyuga Aya's smile remained the same: "Don't you miss me?"

"Of course, it's just..." Uchiha Kai was a little embarrassed, he was just a shadow clone now, what's the use of thinking?

"Look, why don't we go out for a walk?" Hyuga Aya's smile became wider.

When Uchiha Qi heard this, he immediately understood the woman's sinister intentions, but what made him depressed was that he still had no way to deal with this woman.

Right now, he is just a shadow clone. If I have to say something special, I am afraid that this shadow clone has a yin and yang escape that can last for a long time.

Feeling the deep malice of this woman, Aya Hyuga, Kei Uchiha shook his head helplessly.

"I think, let's forget it? After all, I'm still acting as Hokage, and I still have a lot of things to do."

"Really? This is not the Uchiha Kai I know."

"Please, I'm really busy. You see, the sun is about to go down, and I'm still working."

"Hmm, yes. You see, it's so late..."



Kei Uchiha didn't know that his shadow clone was molested by Aya Hyuga.

He is now watching with a playful look on Uchiha Shisui and Loquat Tenzo to deal with the fourth generation of water shadows. The actual situation is not too different from his plan.

Yutachi Yakura only brought some Anbu to protect him, he didn't bring all the others.

However, he is also very confident, and he doesn't think there will be any problem with doing so.

He arranged for some people, that is, Ghost Lantern Full Moon, besides Ghost Lantern Moon, other people will come here.

He wouldn't completely believe the words of the ghost lamp and full moon. If he completely believed it by just relying on this sentence, then he really had a problem.

After all, it's not that he didn't know that Ghost Lantern Manyue was close to him, just to fight against Yuan Shi, and the two of them were actually almost equal to allies.

But now it seems that this kid Man Yue is quite reliable.

Now he is just acting as a bait to see what the purpose of these guys is, and then deal with them.

Even if you can't deal with it, you can wait for support!

Actually, Gotachibana Yakura also had a lot of panic in his heart. He was very worried that the person who came was the mysterious Uchiha last time.

He still remembers how exaggerated that guy was about Kiriyin, especially when that guy released the three tails, which made him feel a little hatred.

But at that time he was controlled by others, and his strength was not fully exerted. Now that he is not controlled, he thinks he can try again.

Looking at the two guys in front of him, Tachibana Yakura couldn't help but take a deep breath: "Juzo, long time no see. Since you're back, why are you sneaking around? Also, who is this guy next to you?"

"Hey, don't say it's been a long time, I will remember the sins you committed in my heart!" Loquat Shizang didn't show the slightest good face to his past, he said indifferently: "Don't say that you are being controlled. , no matter what, someone must bear the consequences.”

"It seems that I can't talk to you anymore." Yuju Yakura shook his head helplessly, his eyes on Zhishui: "Then what about you? Who are you? I don't think, you An unknown person."

"Next, Uchiha Shishui." Shishui said indifferently, his eyes had turned into shackles at this moment: "I'm sorry, our target is you, or the tailed beast in your body."


Hearing the name, Gotachi Yakura's brows instantly wrinkled.

However, after he took a closer look, he suddenly realized that the boy in front of him was really young, and he looked like he was only sixteen or seventeen years old.

In other words, if it was seven or eight years ago, then this kid would look like he was less than ten years old.

How could a person of that age have such strength?

"Uchiha?" Yutachi Yakura's face gradually became gloomy: "At that time, it was also yours, who came to our Kirigakura to make trouble, right?"

"Maybe." Shishui didn't know the situation, and the people in Xiao's organization didn't tell him, so he could only give an ambiguous explanation.

"Hmph, it's really a group of extrajudicial madmen." Goji Yakura breathed a sigh of relief, but a white tail suddenly appeared behind him: "Where do you think Wuyin is? Come as you want, what do you want? So what? I'll let you know what a stupid thing you've done!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Gotachibana Yakura had already attacked in an instant, and his target was Loquat Juzo.

He was not familiar with Uchiha Shisui, so he decided to let the people from Anbu try it first to see if they could get some information.

And he is very familiar with Loquat Tozozo. This guy's ninja swords are all given by him. Can he not know this guy's strength?

What he has to do is to kill this guy as quickly as possible, and then join forces with Anbu to deal with Uchiha Shisui or wait for support to deal with him together.

Shishui noticed all this, but he didn't take it too seriously.

He is not familiar with the guy Loquat Shizang, and he didn't take this teammate who appeared out of nowhere at all.

Besides, he was originally a spy, how could he have any fetters with these explosive terrorists?

Facing the sudden attack of Anbu, Shishui did not move, but strange chakra overflowed from his eyes.

In an instant, two Anbu had appeared beside him, and sharp ninja knives pierced through his body one by one!

However, when the crow's chirping sounded, Shishui's body turned into a phantom, and he dissipated as a crow and left the place.

And the two who pierced through the dark part of his body with a ninja knife were horrified to find that they were piercing each other's body!

The pain came slowly, but this kind of pain was only for a moment. They stabbed all the vital points. They stopped breathing without even shouting.

Shisui's illusion, and was not weakened by the fact that his kaleidoscope was completely strengthened by Susanoo.

On the contrary, his basic illusion ability became more terrifying and weird.

After the two Anbu were instantly resolved, his voice silently appeared beside the other two Anbu.

The sharp ninja knife was quickly unsheathed, and between the electric light and flint, a smear of red was sprinkled on the white snow on the ground...
