Chapter 729: confusion

Watching Bai Jue sinking into the ground, Obito ignored him completely.

For him, this kind of thing doesn't need to be bothered at all. This guy Bai Jue had already told all the information before he left.

For him, this was completely enough, he waited quietly, and Obito suddenly stood up after a while.

There was a strong chakra fluctuation in the distance. According to the direction of this chakra transmission, if there is no accident, then Shishui and the others have already started.

And judging from such explosive strength, they didn't seem to have an easy fight at all. New 81 Chinese website update fastest computer: https://www.@x81zw@@

"Put harder. It's better to let that Loquat Tozozo die directly here, and then it's better that Yakura also dies. In this way, I'll save trouble."

Obito murmured softly, then jumped up.

Not only did he feel Chakra on Shishui's side, he also noticed that two groups of people were coming towards him separately.

With the white cells on his body, he unexpectedly acquired some perception abilities. Although such perception abilities were weak, they were stronger than those of Uchiha Kai at that time.

He could feel some other ingredients, perhaps chakra, or the vibration caused by running.

Very clear and harsh, but Obito knew that the person he was waiting for was coming.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before two groups of people rushed over from different directions. They were very anxious because they were going to rescue their shadow!

This scene made Obito feel a lot of emotion, because he recalled that when he ran to Konoha, those people were so anxious to save their shadow.

Shaking his head, Obito threw these unnecessary things out of his mind, and then he slowly walked towards the mist ninjas.

These mist ninjas also apparently discovered Obito, and looking at the black robe with red clouds and the weird vortex mask, they immediately became vigilant.

This dress is so similar to the two weirdos they fought with before!

They almost immediately concluded that this guy was standing here to intercept them.

Glancing at each other for a while, they immediately made a decision. Some of them moved directly towards Obito, while the others continued to rush forward.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

Obito looked at all this lightly, and there was even a hint of mockery on the corner of his mouth under the mask.

"The last time I met you Mist Shinobi, you asked me for a long time, even though..."

Suddenly, Obito's scarlet writing wheel radiated a strange luster, and a terrifying black stick appeared in his hand!

This black stick is more terrifying than his chains. It was condensed by him using the yin and yang escape, and the complete yin and yang escape given by Uchiha Kai.

In the face of these mist ninja attacks, he remained motionless, and when those mist ninjas had already attacked, they were stunned to find that they actually penetrated this guy.

"They are all dead!"

As Obito's voice fell, the next moment, Mist Ninja, who had penetrated his body, was stunned to find that this guy had left their attack range.

The black stick in his hand was waving, and the two Wuyin stopped breathing. They were touched by the black stick, and they died!

Obito didn't stop in the slightest, he rushed forward, and a ninja at the front roared, wielding a long sword and slashing out.

However, when the two figures crossed each other, the Kirigakushi ninja in front flew out backwards.

His body had been penetrated by the strange black stick, and the red rain of blood spilled and splashed on the white snow, looking particularly enchanting.

At this moment, a ninja next to him killed him, Obito made a slight misalignment, and a handful of Kuwu had appeared in his hand.

The ninja's body stagnated in an instant, and when he fell down, he had the kunai stuck in his chest!

Although Obito's movements are not elegant, they are definitely concise to the extreme.

After using his pupil technique for such a long time, and because the white absolute cells can be used recklessly, he has already turned this part of his ability into instinct.

The support team of nearly 30 people was separated, and the guys he faced were not his opponents at all.

In fact, without knowing his intelligence, these people will never be his opponents!

"Who the **** are you? Uchiha?"

Finally, the remaining Mist Ninjas found that the situation was beyond their imagination.

Not to mention that their attacks did not have any effect, the opponent killed so many people in just these few breaths. This is simply not something ordinary people can do.

And the scarlet writing wheel eyes of the other party are all revealing the strangeness of the other party. First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

This can't help but remind them of the mysterious Uchiha who attacked them and released the three tails eight or nine years ago!

Moreover, this guy didn't say it before, he had a hand with Kirin before.

"Is this again?" Obito shook his head, and he seemed to sigh slightly: "I didn't expect that you guys didn't change at all, I'm a little disappointed, doesn't matter. Well, that's it for now. You..."

"All have to die!"

"Hurry up and stop him!"

The Kiriyins roared loudly, waving their long knives, and the snowflakes falling from the sky seemed to have stopped at this moment.

This scene made Obito feel a little deja vu. He seemed to think back to that **** day, the day that destroyed all of him!

Suddenly, Zhi Shui suddenly felt that his eyes were a little different, and a strange resonance formed with his eyes.

This situation made him a little baffled. She had no idea why this happened.

But he didn't take it to heart. When all the attacks penetrated his body, he turned into a ghost and quickly walked through the gaps of the crowd.

The black stick in his hand is like a ninja knife, like a sharp sword, constantly interspersed with all the Kirigakushi ninjas.

His efficiency is too high, any Mist Ninja that comes into contact with him will be directly killed by him, and there is no possibility of surviving.

In just a moment, the people who stayed to intercept him were all dead!

Those who plan to go to support in advance, even before they go far, they are surprised to find that their teammates are dead!

At this moment, they have understood one thing, that is, if this guy is not dealt with, they will not think about continuing to support.

It's just that they don't know how strange Obitu's expression is at this time. If it wasn't for the mask, everyone would have discovered it.

Obito was really surprised at this time, his abilities could still be used, and his vision of writing wheel eyes still existed.

But in his own writing wheel, he seemed to see some strange images.

These images made him a little overwhelmed, but he seemed to recognize something, and that was the image he saw...

It seems to be around here too!

"What's going on?" Obito thought silently, "It shouldn't be in such a situation, isn't it..."

Obito was stunned for a while, because he remembered that he seemed to have had a similar situation.

It's just that the occurrence of this situation is somewhat accidental, and this is one thing he can choose to forget!

Back then, he had such a situation because he was eager to find Kakashi and Rin, and then inexplicably linked with Kakashi.

This time....

Could it be that Kakashi is also in Hidden Mist Village?

Why did he run over? What is he going to do?

At this moment, Obitu's heart was in chaos.

He never objected to meeting Kakashi, but what he objected to was his identity being exposed!

He was reluctant to meet Kakashi as Obito because Obito had done too many wrong things.

He even hoped that the name Obito would be buried in the cemetery together with the name of Konoha War Hero.

At least, he can redeem himself, and he can also use Uchibo Lin to face Kakashi and the others, right?

"Damn, what's going on?" Obito scolded secretly, but he quickly recovered: "Now is not the time to worry about this problem, I'd better deal with these guys first!"

After thinking clearly, Obito's speed was faster, he forcibly ignored the looming picture, and started to kill with his divine might.

But in the end, his speed was a little slower.

When he killed the last person with the black stick of yin and yang, a guy who also wore a strange vortex mask and a black robe came to his side...


"I said, what's the matter with you?"

Uchiha Kei looked at Kakashi with a puzzled expression, but he had some guesses in his heart.

Possibly, he really got it right, that is, he discovered the existence of Obito.

It's just that he relied on the writing wheel to find out, which was very different from his expectations, but it was an accident that Kakashi caught some points, right?

Kai Uchiha is so interested now, he is very curious about what will happen when Kakashi discovers that the so-called Uchiha Rin is Obito?

Excited beyond measure?

Doubt this is all a conspiracy?

Kai Uchiha didn't know, after all, he wasn't Kakashi.

But what is certain is that this guy must have a very strong desire for knowledge in his heart, right?

Sure enough, at this moment Kakashi suddenly said, "Qi, is Lin's identity disguised?"

"Why do you ask this?" Uchiha Qi asked knowingly: "Actually, whether it is disguised or not, these are not important things, are they?"

"Perhaps, there is a problem..." Kakashi said in a low voice: "Are you sure, those who lead this mission, those who Xiao organize the mission, are Lin?"

"I'm sure it's him." Uchiha Ki nodded: "Also, the direction you're going is the direction he's going."

After Uchiha's voice fell, Kakashi became silent again.

The direction they are going is the direction where Uchiha Lin is, and the resonance direction of his own writing wheel eye also comes from there.

Not long ago, when he and Uchiha Kei were watching Shishui and Loquat Shizang fighting against the fourth generation of water shadows, a strange picture suddenly appeared in his writing wheel.

The scenes presented in that picture are not at all what is happening to them, but more like what other people are facing.

Could that white figure be Bai Jue?

The one who learned from Kaikou was a combat member who was created because of the infinite moon reading and was suitable for combat?

The person who saw this guy was obviously Uchiborin, but why did Uchiborin resonate so much with Hui's own writing wheel?

Recalling the past, I saw this guy for the first time, but I had a very special feeling inexplicably.

It was a sense of familiarity, as if innate.

Not only him, but also other classmates, as if Uchiha Lin was one of them.

And when Uchibo Lin integrated into them, it was very natural, without the slightest estrangement, everyone looked like old friends who have been with them for more than ten years.

Moreover, Uchibo Lin seems to be very familiar with everyone, obviously no one has said anything.

Thinking of this, Kakashi took a deep breath.

The identity of this Uchibo Lin is definitely not simple, there must be something hidden in it, and it resonates with his own eyes when combined, so...

Thinking of this, Kakashi was extremely firm in his heart, he had to confirm some things.

Maybe my rights haven't reached the point where everyone knows all the secrets... He thought silently in his mind: But I also need to figure out some things, and I also need to explain some things!

With that in mind, Kakashi moved faster.

What he never expected was that when he and Uchiha Qi had just set off less than 500 meters, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them Kakashi was almost at first sight. Recognize who this guy is, isn't this guy the one who was taught a lesson by Uchiha last time?

That guy who also has the eye of reincarnation? Thinking of this, Kakashi stopped, and his eyes turned to Uchiha Kai.

"I really didn't expect to encounter such an interesting thing."

Uchiha Kei was also a little surprised, because he really didn't expect this guy Nagato to be here.

To be reasonable, shouldn't Obito give him away?

Moreover, the guy Hei Jue should obviously be staring at him, how did he get here?

Could it be that this guy suspected Obito and them?

Or, has he been keeping an eye on Zhishui and their mission progress?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai couldn't help but sighed slightly. Fortunately, he came here.

Although this guy will use this to make excuses, Uchiha Kai can make this guy shut up!

"You are....."

Nagato was also stunned, but his expression soon changed, because he had already noticed this guy in front of him, and his breath was so familiar.

This made him think of a person almost instantly, the man who also had the eye of reincarnation, and was the first man who easily defeated him head-on!

what happened?

This guy.....

Why are you here too?
