Chapter 730: so unlucky

not long ago....

In a tavern in the central area of ​​Wuyin Village, Payne and Xiao Nan sat facing each other.

The two of them were hiding in this tavern, and they seemed to be very eye-catching, but in fact, no one could notice them at all.

They all looked silent because they knew how terrible it was to ask for more.

Xiao Nan dissuaded Nagato from taking risks.

But unfortunately, in Nagato's opinion, if he doesn't do this, then maybe Akatsuki's organization will really change hands!

Nagato is not someone who covets this right, he never was.

But the problem is, Akatsuki is an organization that has been crowned with a beautiful meaning.

It was founded and stayed by his good friend, the good friend who would rather die for all of them.

He will never allow other people, especially those with bad intentions, to turn this organization into something for their own selfish interests.

If it was before, perhaps Nagato would try to use force to clean it up.

But after being beaten by the mysterious Uchiha and beaten by Uchiha Qi, he no longer dared to despise anything.

He does have reincarnation eyes, but that mysterious Uchiha also has these eyes. It seems that his reincarnation eyes are not worth being proud of.

And that Uchiha Kai was even more exaggerated. He obviously had nothing, but he relied on the kaleidoscope to beat him violently.

Someone told him before such a thing happened, and he would definitely think that person was crazy.

The eyes of reincarnation are the eyes of gods. I am the one chosen by fate, and I am the **** walking in the world!

But now, he was really panicking.

He really didn't dare to easily fight with the guy who claimed to be Madara Uchiha, because he remembered that the guy and Kai Uchiha fought back and forth.

And what about yourself?

Relying on Yahiko's body, Taijutsu was beaten and ninjutsu was crushed.

After finally using the pupil technique, he was inexplicably defeated by the opponent.

With such a blow, if it were someone else, it would have collapsed long ago.

Nagato didn't collapse, he kept it firmly in his heart, he vowed to take revenge!

However, he has also learned a lot, and he knows that now he really doesn't have the face to say what kind of **** he is.

Being pressed and rubbed on the ground in different ways by different people, one is that he completely treats himself as a plaything, and the other is that he is attracted and has no time to take care of himself.

And these two damned guys have one characteristic, that is, they don't look down on themselves at all.

Nagato still remembers the phrase "hide the mice in the stinky ditch".

"Xiao Nan, I'm going to the Four Generations Water Shadow." After being silent for a long time, Nagato controlled Payne and said directly, "I'm not very worried about those two newbies."

"Do you want to go?" Xiao Nan couldn't help frowning when he heard the words: "What about this side? I'm just a paper clone here, I'm afraid I can't complete the task directly."

"Don't worry, I need to leave a clone for me." Nagato said calmly: "You know, I'm afraid that black and white guy is staring at us. But he doesn't dare to get too close, after all I can catch some traces." New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

Nagato's words were conveyed through Payne's voice, which seemed so indifferent.

In fact, his emotions are also the same. After all, it is not a good feeling to be monitored by anyone.

It's strange to say, but Yahiko's body didn't have such ability before.

But after repairing by that guy Hei Jue, he unexpectedly found that he was in control of this body and could perceive something vaguely. This ability is probably perception ability?

With such a perception ability, it is naturally impossible for him to reveal this information to those splitters, even if they help him.

And with this ability, he also understands his own situation more clearly.

What made him particularly angry was that he was actually being followed and monitored.

Nagato, who had failed twice in a row, knew that he really couldn't conflict with those guys now, so he had to learn to think.

It's a mature performance, even if it's not really that great.

But after calming down and thinking about it, he really came up with something.

Why is that Yin-Yang face monitoring himself?

The purpose is probably related to this mission. Uchiha Shisui is their person, and Loquat Juzo is their own person.

If this task is completed but Loquat Shizang is dead, then this is also a mistake that he made.

There are not many of them, and there are only nine official members in total.

Once one dies, I am afraid it will also be a blow to his prestige.

The most terrible thing is that he has no idea what the specific mission of the guy who calls himself Madara Uchiha is.

Because of the tasks he had given him, he was mostly assisting in getting out of the battle.

If he secretly did bad things, killed the loquat Shizang, and then helped Zhishui to capture the fourth generation of water shadows, then he would be really in trouble.

Reasoning is absolutely unreasonable. These people are all betrayal and forbearance. Who would reason with you?

Do it directly?

After two failures, Nagato no longer dared to think that he was a **** in self-righteousness.

Then, the only thing that can be done now is to make up for it through some means.

For example, Nagato didn't believe it when he went off to supervise himself. Can that guy who calls himself Madara Uchiha kill people in front of him?

"Clone?" Xiao Nan frowned: "My current clone is not strong enough to perform the task, once I'm using the clone..."

"Don't worry, I will come back directly." Nagato said calmly, "Don't forget, my body already has several abilities!"

Yahiko's body, which has been repaired by Kurojue, allows Nagato to accidentally master a lot of power through it.

Although this body is still unqualified, it allows Nagato to master the five ways.

It can be said that except for the **** realm, this body can already use all its power.

Therefore, he can completely shuttle himself between the two battlefields by means of forward channeling and reverse channeling.

In fact, many people have tried this kind of psychic, but the final result is a failure.

Because the human body simply cannot withstand such a violent summoning technique.

Even Jiraiya hid in a toad's belly to channel, although he had a direct reverse summoning experience and did not die.

And a person like Payne has long since died, and his body has been strengthened unexpectedly, so he can withstand such a psychic.

He only needs to leave a psychic here, and he can easily complete all this.

"Is that so?" Xiao Nan pondered for a while: "You left a psychic thing over at the Shizang of Loquat?"

"No, but I stayed near them." Nagato said calmly, "The guy who claimed to be Madara Uchiha left information, so I made some preparations in advance."

"I understand, since that's the case." Xiao Nan didn't talk nonsense, she directly made the seal, and instantly a pile of paper appeared and quickly condensed a Payne: "I'll wait for you to come back, don't make me wait for a long time."

"Don't worry, it will be very soon." Nagato nodded, he made a seal with one hand, and instantly a little lizard that was almost invisible remained in place.

The next moment, a circle of strange characters appeared on his seat, and along with a plume of smoke, he disappeared from Xiao Nan's field of vision...


Nagato's reverse psychic is very accustomed to, and he did not separate his other powers, allowing him to pass through the barrier of space very easily.

However, he also knows that his teleportation has a serious flaw, that is, he needs to have a point, and every teleportation needs to be sealed.

Compared with Konoha's fourth Hokage and the head of the mission department, it's really far behind.

Oh, and that Anbu Minister, whose name is Kakashi, seems to be able to fly the Thunder God technique.

Apart from these three guys, the one that Nagato felt most difficult to deal with was the guy who called himself Madara Uchiha.

That guy's space ninjutsu is really unimaginable, he seems to be able to make his figure appear in any corner according to his own wishes.

With such a terrifying ability, Nagato felt that even if he had the eye of reincarnation, it would be difficult for him to deal with it.

He sighed slightly, now he has come to his senses.

Although the Samsara Eye is very strong, it is not really invincible. At least he has experienced the pain of failure several times in a row.

"There are chakra fluctuations in the front, and there are also in the back." After Nagato felt it silently, he had already made a psychological judgment: "The one in the back should be Madara Uchiha, right? Is he intercepting the support troops? It's interesting, Then the chakra fluctuations ahead should be Loquat Shizo and them."

Thinking of this, Nagato walked directly in the direction of Shidai Mizukage. First release https://(www)https://m/.x81zw./com/

For him, Madara Uchiha's clearing up support force, he didn't take it to heart at all.

At most, it was just proving his idea wrong, and that guy had this task originally, so he did it as a matter of course.

And the most important time is to attack the fourth Mizukage. Besides this guy, there is also the six-tailed man Zhuri.


Just walking, Nagato suddenly realized that something was wrong, because he clearly felt that someone was also rushing towards him.

Who is this?

Nagato is a bit baffled. Why do they still have people running over to join in the fun?

Nagato, who couldn't figure it out, walked forward. Some things have to be figured out, right?

However, when he collided with those two fellows, Nagato's body had already felt what is called the erection of fine hair!

It's him? Is it him?

Why is this **** guy in this place?

Could it be that you heard some bells and whistles?

It shouldn't be, his actions this time are so secretive, and even the location of their actions is in the isolated Wuyin Village, it is impossible to leak it out!

It's hard to...  

Is there a ghost inside?

Thinking of this, Nagato's heart beat faster.

He quickly checked everyone mentally, but he never thought of who would be the inner ghost.

Could it be that it was Madara Uchiha who seized power with him?

Don't be kidding, how much **** this mysterious Uchiha has done to act like him, and they are all about to be exposed.

That **** Madara Uchiha has always emphasized being low-key and low-key, rather than acting like everyone knows.

With the two, I am afraid it belongs to the kind of state where once they meet, there is a great possibility of a fight.

Is it difficult, or did you come here by chance?

"Who are we, didn't you think of it?" Uchiha Kai stared at Nagato, then smiled shyly, his voice changed instantly: "You go to that guy, it's best to torture the whereabouts of the six-tailed person Zhuri. This mouse, It's fine for me to deal with it. After all, these people helped us hold back the water shadow, and it can be considered to have made some contributions."

"Well, I see." Kakashi nodded, and he also changed his voice instantly.

When the voice fell, Kakashi continued to run forward, while Nagato fell into contemplation.

The six-tailed man's power?

These guys... are also looking for trouble with tailed beasts?

Thinking of this, Nagato suddenly remembered what these guys had done in the ninja world.

It was the first time that Hidden Mist Village was attacked, and even Sanwei ran out. This was their handwriting.

After the battle between Yunyin and Konoha, Yao was also attacked by them.

Could it be that these guys have the same purpose as themselves, are they all looking for tailed beasts?

If this is the case, then Nagato really thinks that he is a little too unlucky?

He came to look for the tailed beast by himself, turned his head and the other party ran over to look for the tailed beast, so they bumped into each other inexplicably. Isn't this a bit too miserable?

Taking a deep breath, Nagato calmed himself down. He stared at Kai Uchiha in front of him and clenched his fists unnaturally.

"Are you here to find the tailed beast?" he asked in a low voice.

"Otherwise?" Uchiha Qi raised his head slightly: "The village of Wuyin is isolated from the world. No one knows what to do. Even if someone knows about it? Anyway, aren't you all being blamed?"

"You said I was a mouse hiding in a stinky ditch, aren't you?" Nagato controlled Payne, and Chakra suddenly soared: "I never dared to take off the mask on my face, and even hid when I was doing things. You hide your head and tail, I think you are the mouse that has been hiding in the stinky ditch!"

"Ha, boy, you are really fearless." Uchiha opened his arms around his chest, and his voice was extremely indifferent:

"I always focus on efficiency and results when I do things. Why don't I use things that can be used?

Anyway, you guys are not good people. You are so righteous, but in fact you are just a bunch of idiots.

As for whether I was hiding in a stinky ditch?

I'm sorry, I just don't want what I do to disturb my life. "

After saying this, Kai Uchiha's chakra burst out.

He didn't expect to meet this guy, but since he met him, he couldn't justify it if he didn't do anything.

Besides, it was a good thing to meet this kid. He could use this meeting to help Obito get rid of more relationships.

In an instant, I just happened to try out my Samsara Chakra mode!
