Chapter 742: don't eat breakfast

This kind of noise stopped immediately after Iruka slapped the table with a black face.

After all, Iruka still has a lot of prestige. With so many second-generations in this class, he dares to punish anyone who makes a mistake, and he really can't find a second one.

However, although he is very prestigious, he is still very reasonable. At least he has made up a relatively reasonable reason to convince everyone.

It probably means that the class division was negotiated by Hokage-sama and the other Shangnin tutors together, and it was the most reasonable division.

The most important thing is not only to consider the issue of strength, but also to consider the issue of character.

For example, although Naruto has good strength, he has a carefree personality and is often careless, which is a taboo among ninjas.

Sasuke, on the other hand, was calm and composed, and formed a complementary relationship with Naruto.

In addition, considering the issue of coordination, Sakura was added in Hinata.

Therefore, there is no doubt about the formation of this team.

After this call, all the students were baffled, and even Naruto's face turned black.

When have you been so carefree and often careless?

And Sasuke, when did he calm down?

Naruto remembered that when Sasuke was facing Shisui's defection, he almost rushed up and desperately!

If he hadn't stopped him himself, I'm afraid they'd all hang up now.

It was me who was clearly calm, how did I become Sasuke?

Besides, why is it called increasing coordination?

Not only did everyone not understand this sentence, but Naruto himself did not understand it.

However, he felt that this team was pretty good, with Hinata for gathering intelligence, and Sasuke and himself for raiding and protection. Basically, it could be regarded as a very complete team with relatively complete functions.

Probably all good except no medical ninja.

Of course, their team probably doesn't really need medical ninjas.

Medical ninjas without combat power need to allocate their combat resources to protect, which is a bit of a loss.

After the group was finished, Iruka left quickly with the information, and then it was time for the little guys to wait for their guide ninja.

The guide ninjas didn't come together, they would be staggered from each other, and each time they came, they only took their own class, so it took a lot of time.

That is, in the process, the whole class got to know the girl named Whirlpool Xianglin.

This girl came with their guide, Joinin, and what's more interesting is that this guide was not anyone suggested by Uchiha Kai.

But strictly speaking, this guy really has something to do with Kai Uchiha.

He is the only disciple of the ghost shark in Konoha, Tanaka Yoshitake.

No matter how Tanaka Yoshitake reported to the security department after the ghost shark left, he did not get any response.

The ghost shark is like the human world has evaporated, as if it does not exist in the leaves at all.

After so many years, if it was someone else, I would have given up long ago.

But Yoshitake didn't give up, or the Tanaka family didn't give up.

In the midst of great sadness and nostalgia, Jizhu was furious, and he vowed to find the ghost shark, even if he was found through the death list!

When the ghost shark left, he was already a chunin, and he didn't relax for a moment during the next time.

He joined Anbu, in order to inquire about news, and for higher authority, he has been working hard and became a team captain!

However, after working hard in Anbu for so long, he didn't get any useful information, and because he had been in charge of the tasks of Konoha and Sandyin, he had no chance to go to other places at all.

So he made a decision, that is to become a mission ninja, and he can go to more places by relying on the mission.

And he can't be an ordinary mission ninja. After staying in Konoha for so long, he naturally knows that he wants to know more things, and the power in his hands must not be less.

Jōnin is just the beginning. There must be some good students to establish contacts, so that he can find the information he wants through various networks.

I have to say that Konoha is really too big, and the hidden talents inside are unimaginable.

Yoshitake tried his best and finally succeeded in this year's selection of the ninja. He became a Konoha's ninja.

Just two days ago, he made a special trip to visit Kai Uchiha.

If it is a general Jōnin visiting Uchiha Kai, it is really not easy to see.

But the fact that this guy is very smart, he chose to go up to chat with Qi when he was off work.

In fact, Uchiha Kei just dealt with it politely at the time. For him, this kind of thing happened often, and he was used to it.

It's just that he didn't expect that this guy actually said the name of the ghost shark, which reminded him that this guy seems to be the disciple of the ghost shark.

With such memories, after thinking for a while and taking out his past records, Uchiha Kai told Namifeng Minato.

As for whether it was successful or not, Uchiha Qi didn't care.

Strictly speaking, this guy, Yoshitake, can be regarded as his subordinate, after all, he is a disciple of the ghost shark.

If he can help, he can help him a little bit. Whether he succeeds or not is not what he cares about.

But obviously, Yoshitake's grievance is very good, he was selected by Minato Namikaze, and eventually became the guide of the eighth class, Joinin!

"How did you do it, who is our guide, Jōnin?"

I don't know if it was intentional or not, but Naruto and the others were once again left behind.

Only Naruto, Sasuke, and Hinata were left in the entire class, and the whole room was silent.

Looking at the clock hanging above the blackboard, Naruto shouted with a headache, he can accept being late.

But being so late that he seemed to have forgotten them at all, he was a little depressed.

"You ask me, who am I going to ask?" Probably because there was no one in the class, Sasuke couldn't hold back: "However, it seems that our teacher seems a little unreliable."

"Who knows." Naruto put his hands on the back of his head, his whole body was completely attached to the chair and then leaned back: "By the way, Hinata, have you heard any news? For example, our this time Who is the guide to Shangnin?"

"I heard my father say that it seems that at the beginning, I planned to let Master Qi come to be my guide."

Hinata will be the type that if you don't look for her, she will definitely be quiet, but if you look for her, she will help you as much as possible.

"But it was later said that Master Qi was not interested in taking us, so he left it to others."

"Lord Qi?" Naruto and Sasuke obviously hadn't heard about this at home. They were a little surprised when they heard the news for the first time: "Are you sure? It's Uncle Kai (sir)?"

"Well, for sure."

"Ah, what a pity! Why didn't Uncle Qi (sir) lead us?"

"Actually, other teachers shouldn't be too bad."

"But can this be compared to Lord Qi?"

"Sorry, I'm a little worse than Kai..."

Just as Sasuke and Naruto were wailing, a figure suddenly pushed in the door.

"But isn't it kind of bad for you to criticize your teacher like this?"

As this voice came, the eyes of the three people looked towards the door at the same time.

I saw a Konoha ninja wearing a mask standing there, with silver hair and one eye covered by a forehead, with a special sense of mystery.

As soon as this person appeared, the three of them immediately recognized who this guy was!

I am afraid that for the three of them, there are not many of Konoha's powerful ninjas that they do not know.

Especially the guy in front of him is also famous in Konoha, and even has some relationship with them.

"Ka.... Big Brother Kakashi (sir)?

The three of Naruto immediately handed over his name, and then Naruto and Sasuke couldn't help but explain.

"That, Kakashi-san (sir) is also quite powerful!"

"Really?" Kakashi's only exposed eye narrowed into a crescent moon: "But there is one thing I didn't say, I really can't compare to Kai. Well, everyone is acquaintances, but the introduction still needs to be introduced. introduce."

"Introduction?" Naruto was stunned for a moment, and then he said amusingly: "Isn't it? Brother Kakashi, I said we are so familiar with each other, why are you still doing this?"

"Then I also said that although I am familiar, I should introduce it." Kakashi tilted his head: "Also, from today, call me teacher."

Kakashi actually felt that it was a bit troublesome to introduce, but there was no way, these guys are obviously not good.

Whether it's his teacher's son, his disciple's younger brother, or Hyuga Aya's disciple, he feels like a big head when these people are united.

However, in order to show the dignity of the teacher, Kakashi decided to give them a slap in the face first.

Sometimes he is also thinking, Uchiha Qi can't be killed to teach these little guys, did he just avoid it because he knew how troublesome it was?

But no matter what the result is, now that he has taken over this hot potato, what else can he do?

If it is difficult to ride a tiger, just deal with it properly, and Kakashi can see it, so to let these little guys know that they are afraid, they must be honest and obedient.

Although self-introduction is silly, it is necessary to promote a better self-understanding.

For example, some basic things, but others don't know?

"Okay, Kakashi-sensei." Naruto obviously had a big head, but he still asked very cooperatively: "So, everyone knows so much, how do you want us to introduce ourselves?"

"This, then I'll give a demonstration first." Kakashi spread his hands, and then said lightly: "My name is Hatake Kakashi, your future Shangin teacher. Hobbies I don't want to say anything else. But I can remind you that I am the minister of Anbu. You all know this. So sometimes I am very busy, so I may be late, so please be more Take it easy."

"In the end, you didn't say anything except knowing that you would be late and your name." Naruto was obviously stunned by Kakashi's actions.

Not only him, but even Sasuke and Hinata looked at the future guide Junin in a dull manner.

They all knew that Kakashi was the Minister of Anbu, which was not surprising at all.

After all, the situation at home is special, even if there are some things that are difficult to know.

But the shamelessness of this guy is still a bit amazing. What does it mean to be late in the future?

Does this tell us in advance that you are busy and may be late at any time?

Even, sometimes you are not busy but you are late on purpose, can you use this as an excuse?

We are all human beings and have received a good education since childhood, so we can naturally understand this.

That is to say, after realizing it, they stared at Kakashi so blankly, and even they were thinking, how did this guy become the Minister of Anbu?

Why do you look like 'I'm just so unreliable', this is very wrong!

"Okay, okay, then I'll come first." Naruto shook his head helplessly, and then said simply: "My name is Naruto Naruto, my dream is to surpass my father Hokage, and the thing I like is a Le Ramen, what I don’t like is the food with green peppers made by my mother. Ah, and also, that is, I hope to become a Hokage before Uncle Kai!”

"This dream is very good." Kakashi nodded with satisfaction, but then said regretfully: "The front is fine, but if you want to surpass Kai, I'm afraid it will be difficult. He is already an agent. Hokage is gone, if there is no accident, you probably won't have the chance to surpass him."

"My name is Hinata Hinata." Hinata said quickly before Naruto could complain.

She knew that once the two of them got into a row, it would be in big trouble.

"My dream is to become a ninja as powerful as Aya-sensei, what I like... Probably training with Aya-sensei, and a quiet environment, what I don't like... Probably because I don't want to be troubled by it. ."

"Yes, yes." Kakashi's exposed eyes turned into a crescent moon: "But it's not an easy thing to become like Aya. Come on, maybe you can do it. Okay, finally One."

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha." Sasuke raised his head to look at Kakashi, took a deep breath and said slowly: "What I like... Probably being with my parents and my brother, what I hate... .is being deceived and distrusted. As for my dreams..."

Having said this, Sasuke instinctively paused.

Then his eyes became a little dangerous: "Or, it's my biggest obsession. I want to kill a guy to maintain Uchiha's glory!"

Kill a guy?

Kakashi's head twisted when he heard this sentence.

He naturally knew what the **** this guy was saying, which made him sigh the unlucky child of Zhishui.

After all, everyone already knows the existence of Uchiha Obito, so it is impossible for Kakashi not to know about Shisui.

Kakashi felt a bit of a headache just knowing that guy's situation.

"Not bad, but your dream is a little difficult." Kakashi spread his hands: "I don't know what you want to do, but you want to maintain the glory of Uchiha, I'm afraid this matter is really not your turn."

"After all, there is still Qi, and your father, and my disciple.

Forget it, that's it, the self-introduction session is not bad. At five o'clock tomorrow morning, Konoha's training ground will gather.

By the way, don't forget to eat breakfast~"
