Chapter 742: genius group

The next morning, Naruto crawled out of the quilt with a face full of reluctance.

Glancing at the alarm clock, it's only four o'clock.

He didn't quite understand why Kakashi asked them to gather at five in the morning, but he still had the self-awareness of a ninja.

That is what his own guide, Shangren, said. As a lower ren, he has no right to refute, just listen to it honestly.

Even if he really thinks, Kakashi may be tricking himself.

After washing up, making ramen by himself, and getting it down, he still woke Minato Minato.

"Why so early, Naruto?" Minato Minato rubbed his head and asked curiously, "Even if you become a ninja, you don't need to be so excited, right? It's only four o'clock, and you're not ready yet. What's the use?"

"Don't say it, it's Kakashi... Kakashi-sensei asked." Naruto almost called Kakashi big brother, but he quickly reacted.

Although there is nothing wrong with being called eldest brother, after all, they have known each other since childhood, so it is no big deal.

But considering that Kakashi is now his own guide, Jōnin, it would be a little wrong to call him big brother again.

But to be honest, it seems that Naruto feels better to be called a teacher, after all, Uchiha Kai is the same age as Kakashi.

As a result, one of them is called Big Brother and the other is called Uncle, and it feels weird.

Well now, at least not so embarrassing.

"Kakashi?" Minato Minato Namikaze looked a little weird, and after thinking about it, he asked uncertainly, "Is it really arranged by him?"

"Well, I said that we have to meet at five o'clock, and we are not allowed to eat breakfast." Naruto said with a displeased face: "However, if I get up to eat now, it will not be considered breakfast. It is no problem to say that it is a late night snack."

"Is that so..." The strangeness on Minato Minato Namikaze became more and more obvious.

Meet at five o'clock?

No breakfast?

If Namikaze Minato is not mistaken, what Kakashi should do is one thing that must be done after being divided into classes - that is, let the new generation of ninjas know the importance of teamwork.

There is a customary rule in Konoha, that is, in peacetime, every promising little guy who graduated from the ninja school must participate in this training.

This training is also almost the last threshold to become a ninja, in order to weed out some guys who are too egoistic.

However, in times of war, this is basically not the case.

Kakashi and his generation have basically never experienced such a thing.

For example, Uchiha Kai, Hyuga Aya, and Imai Kenta are the same.

They were directly graduated early, and then they randomly formed a team and went to the battlefield.

If there is a family with their backs, at least they will be assigned a Jōnin.

If it is an ordinary ninja, it may simply be arranged by a chunin.

And Kakashi graduated too young. Although he also had the guidance of Shangnin, he did not receive such training, and his personality was too withdrawn, which caused him to be unsatisfied with the team.

Namikaze Minato knew that Kakashi was complained by many people back then, and few people were willing to team up with him.

It wasn't until he teamed up with Obito and Lin, plus his own leadership, that he slowly got better.

But really speaking, Kakashi doesn't seem to be very reliable.

After all, this guy himself has never participated in this kind of teamwork training, so there is a high probability that he asked some people for this?

In fact, this team training also has an unspoken rule in Konoha, that is, those who have participated in the assessment will not tell others, especially the students in the school.

After all, there are still some people who are not actually optimistic, and their leading ninjas can save as much as they can, so they don't do this at all.

"Dad, do you know what Kakashi is going to do?" Just as Minato Minato was thinking about it, Naruto instigated the noodles and asked curiously, "So early to gather, why not? Do you have any important tasks?"

"This....probably?" Minato Namikaze responded in a responsive manner, but when he regained his senses, he smiled: "Well, it's a very important task. Make good use of it, Don't be ashamed."

"Che, Dad, you underestimate me too!" Naruto muttered in dissatisfaction, then raised his head and drank all the last residue and soup of the quick-heat ramen, and finally patted it with satisfaction. Belly: "Yo Xi, full of energy! Then, I'm off!"

"Come on, Naruto." Minato Namikaze smiled and nodded: "Wait for you to come back with good news."

Naruto gave Minato a thumbs up, then turned his head and ran out.

Although it was still around 4:30, Naruto didn't feel sleepy after eating something.

It's just that after he left, Minato Namikaze touched his chin and thought about it. He was thinking that Kakashi wouldn't be in trouble, right?

After thinking about it for a long time, he didn't think clearly, and finally he made a decision.

Putting on his jacket, and then glanced at his sleeping wife, he disappeared as a flying thunder god.

When he appeared again, he had already come to the Uchiha clan.

Kakashi is instructing Joinin, how he trains students even as Hokage, he can't interfere.

But as a father, he was also not at ease. In order to figure out these things, he had to come to Kai Uchiha.

It's just that after he came to the Uchiha family, he became a little embarrassed.

It's not that he was embarrassed to go to Uchiha Kai, but that he didn't know if Kai lived with Aya!

"It shouldn't be. I heard that they have been going to the hotel outside for so many years."

After recalling the information, Minato Namikaze made a decision, but after making this decision, he couldn't help shaking his head.

"Really, it's fine if only the other party gets married directly, so why go to a hotel all day to pursue excitement?"

After sighing silently that he might be getting old, he decisively summoned Nine Tails to feel the situation of Kai Uchiha.

To his relief, as expected, this guy lived alone.

Therefore, he did not show the slightest politeness, and went in directly from the window.

However, as soon as he entered, a kunai was directly nailed to the left side of his neck, and he was about to have a problem.

"Hokage-sama? What are you doing?" Uchiha Qi was also a little confused, what is Namikaze Minato doing?

"Ki, do you know what that guy Kakashi is going to do?" Minato Namikaze didn't bother to care so much, so he asked directly, "You should also know about the 'last ninja test'? That guy actually called the meeting at five o'clock. , that doesn't seem right, doesn't it?"

"Is there anything wrong?" Uchiha Kai asked inexplicably.

Although Kakashi is unreliable, there is nothing wrong with guiding this student of Jōnin, right?

"Is this not right?" Minato Namikaze was obviously helpless: "I'm worried that Naruto will be treated well by him."

"Please, don't worry about things between the teacher and the students. If you're really worried, just go quietly and have a look. But first, I won't go."

"Ah? How did you know I wanted to arrest you?"

"Otherwise you wouldn't be here. But unfortunately, I still have something to do, so I'm afraid I really can't accompany you."

"Okay.... I hope that guy Kakashi is not so unreliable..."


Naruto has no idea what Namikaze Minato is doing.

It's just that when he came to the meeting point, he happened to see Sasuke and Hinata walking slowly from different directions.

The two of them obviously didn't seem to wake up. After all, it was too early, and the sky was faintly bright, and most of them were still in sleep at this time.

After greeting each other, the three of them silently waited for Kakashi's arrival.

However, their waiting seems to have no end at all.

Time passed minute by minute, and the sun in the east was getting higher and higher, but Kakashi's figure never appeared. won't be trickedWelfare] Send you a cash red envelope! Follow vx public [Book Friends Base Camp] to get it!

The three of them are not stupid, recalling what Kakashi said yesterday, all of them were secretly careless in their hearts!

Ninjas want to collect information. Kakashi said so clearly yesterday that he may be late at any time.

They have such information but haven't used it properly, they can be considered fooled!

But they didn't dare to make trouble. Intelligence is intelligence, and it is also a problem whether they will come or not. This is what makes them most helpless.

If I realized the information and didn't come, but Kakashi came.

Then their end is to deliberately disobey the orders of their superiors, and this end may be even more serious.

"Looks like it's really been tricked..."

The three of them were extremely helpless, and this kind of emotion became stronger and stronger as time passed, and at the same time began to deteriorate slowly.

It wasn't until ten o'clock in the morning that Kakashi's figure appeared on the training ground. He waved his hand lightly and said, "Morning, it seems that you are all in good spirits."

At this time, the three of them were already suffocating their anger. If it wasn't for the other party's guidance, Junin, I'm afraid they would have already cursed out loud - at least Sasuke and Naruto wanted to curse.

"Kakashi-sensei, you seem to be late?" Hinata asked timidly.

She didn't want to cause trouble, but this teacher was going too far, right?

"Bastard, did you do it on purpose?" Naruto couldn't hold back anymore.

Fortunately, the family education is good, otherwise, I would have been scolding with claws and claws.

"Hmph." Sasuke was a little more direct than when the two of them spoke.

He simply snorted coldly to express his dissatisfaction.

"Didn't you say it yesterday?" Kakashi shrugged indifferently: "As Minister of Anbu, I'm very busy. So it's not surprising that I'm late, and this is one of the training you guys. ability."

"Develop patience?"

"No, a more important one, but before that..."

Kakashi shook his head, he had no interest in telling these guys directly what another more important ability was.

Reaching into the ninja bag, Kakashi silently took out an alarm clock, placed it on the log next to it, and set the time at twelve o'clock.

At the same time, with the crisp sound of bells, two extremely ordinary bells appeared in his hands.

"Complete your final assessment, start today's test, you still have two hours."

Kakashi shook the bell in his hand casually: "Your mission is to take these two bells away from me before noon.

Oh yes, whoever didn't grab the bell would have no lunch and be tied to that log and watch us eat our bento. "

"What?" Naruto's face collapsed, and he said dissatisfiedly: "So you didn't let us eat, the purpose is this!"

Naruto said this, but in his heart he was secretly glad that he had eaten some 'night snacks', otherwise he might not have the time to fight this battle.

But Naruto is not stupid. He glanced at the two bells, and he seemed to have guessed something. There are three of them here.

Only took out two bells. There is obviously a big problem here. Could it be that you want them to go back to one?

This is simply impossible, a team has always been a team of three people with a ninja leading the team.

Unless this team is very powerful, there is no need to lead a ninja team, such as Uncle Qi's team back then.

Of course, Naruto also remembered that there were actually ninjas in that team.

It's just that this guy seems to be not very famous all the time.

Now that the team has been set, Kakashi, even the Minister of Anbu, would not dare to tear it down easily.

Since they don't dare to dismantle, and they have to conduct a two-out-of-three assessment, then...

Naruto turned his head and glanced at Sasuke and Hinata. Obviously, the two of them seemed to be staring at the bell thoughtfully, but they seemed to understand for a moment.

This caused Naruto to pursed his mouth, and he planned to show it off, but it seemed that his two teammates didn't give him this chance.

For the first time, he felt that it was not good for his teammates to be too smart, so he had no chance to show off himself.

"Actually, I think you should be more concerned about this bell." Kakashi didn't seem to notice the changes of these little devils, he still said slowly: "See clearly There are only Two bells."

"Is this to test our ability to cooperate?" Sasuke said disdainfully: "A group of three with a team of Jounin, this is the standard for a ninja team, and we came out of the school to accept the assessment, obviously not to I threw them all back. So..."

"The significance of this assessment is actually to see if we can concentrate on the task." Hinata couldn't help but continued to connect with Sasuke: "Facing the possibility of sacrificing a random companion, it will inevitably affect everyone's hearts, and thus no Ways to carry out the task seriously, even internal divisions......"

"Is this a mock scenario to see if we're going to get distracted and do something bad."

Naruto finally sighed slightly: "The purpose of this mission is obviously to see how we cooperate to complete the mission.

After all, various situations will arise when doing a task. Before considering the consequences, you should work together to complete the task, that is to say......

Is this task just to test our teamwork? "
