Chapter 445: What the **** are you thinking?

The class brought by Kakashi was officially assembled, which didn't make much of a disturbance to Kai Uchiha.

After all, this class can be said to be the most watched class in Konoha, and what others don't know is that this class has two saviors!

Of course, this savior is probably really a little behind now.

After all, Uchiha Kai made so many arrangements, the purpose was to prevent his own life from hanging completely on the so-called savior.

His only expectation for these two boys is that they can grow up quickly, so that he can get the Indra and Asura Chakra of these two people.

In addition, it is expected that they can withstand the pressure and help themselves deal with those big tube woods together after reaching the height in the original book.

Speaking of Chakra of Indra and Ashura, these two little devils have actually changed a bit now.

Through Samsara Eye and Aya's Tenseigan, it was absolutely certain that some special powers had awakened in their bodies.

It's just that these powers are too small, and it is very difficult to actually extract them, and may even threaten the lives of these two people.

In addition, that is such a little Chakra, I am afraid there is no way to make Uchiha Kai complete the transformation.

So he didn't do it, but waited slowly.

However, there is another piece of news that makes Uchiha Qi happier. So far, those foreign Otsutsuki have not come to the ninja world.

It can be seen that such interstellar travel is not a simple matter.

No wonder Kaguya Otsutsuki has been sealed for more than ten years in the original book, and those guys are long overdue.

Otsutsuki hasn't come yet, which gives Uchiha Kai an excellent time to keep improving himself.

At this time, he has cultivated the Chakra mode of Samsara Eye to a very skilled level.

After turning on this mode, he can master four Taoist jades.

And what surprised him the most was that through the continuous fusion of Chakra, his reincarnation eye actually evolved!

Integrating the research of Chakra, even if Iori has really worked hard, it becomes more and more difficult in the later stages.

The only thing to be happy about is that, after so many years, Iori has made the progress of this research to the end.

Uchiha Qi also benefited from this. He has completely integrated the chakras of the four attributes!

It is precisely because of this fusion that the Samsara eyes in his pupils have changed, and two hook jades appeared in the scarlet Samsara.

Such a situation was really unexpected, and he also found that his strength seemed to have completely reached a limit.

This kind of feeling is the same as when he reached the limit of the three-gou jade writing wheel more than ten years ago. He can clearly feel that there is a ceiling above his head.

As long as this ceiling is broken, then the sky is high and the birds fly. If it cannot be broken, it can only continue to be pressed down.

Such a wonderful feeling is not unfamiliar to Uchiha Kai, and the way to break the ceiling this time is not as helpless as before, and even a little desperate.

Kai Uchiha knows how to break through the kaleidoscope, but because he knows it, it is really difficult for him to do it.

I know that the kaleidoscope needs strong stimulation, but how can I give myself such strong stimulation?

Kill your own parents?

Please, Uchiha Kai has been watching himself as a human being.

In addition, he knew this situation back then, and his relationship with his parents was very cold.

Even though the relationship is basically normal now, he has never called them 'parents' in the true sense.

Obviously if he really wants to do that, he will completely break through his moral bottom line.

He would not hesitate to kill people. After all, a ninja is a weapon for killing, but before considering the identity of a ninja, he is more concerned about whether he is a human being.

Otherwise, when he tortured Uchiha Osamu and Uchiha Yong, he would not be so uncomfortable.

However, his luck was very good, and Minato Namifeng helped him a lot, although he was already thinking about changing the limit.

The kaleidoscope situation is so desperate, but now this ceiling, although more difficult, is much easier to handle than it was back then.

In addition to some mysterious and mysterious perceptions-such as understanding nature, understanding life and death, etc., the easiest way is to integrate chakra to become a blood follower.

Now he is only two steps away from becoming a blood follower, and that is to integrate the yin and yang that has been integrated into it.

Although it is a bit troublesome and even time-consuming and laborious, it is better than stability.

And Uchiha Kai also feels that he has time to deal with all this!

Otsutsuki's people haven't arrived yet, and Otsutsuki hasn't appeared in a single style. This kind of environment is really good for him, even if it's only temporary.

The most important thing is that the information in the wedge has been comprehended by him a lot.

Although there is still a part that he can't read for the time being - Otsutsuki Yui has indeed opened up, but there is still some defense in the wedge and its core.

But in any case, his understanding of Otsutsuki has gone a step further.

Even if he is now encountering those Otsutsuki, he can deal with it relatively easily.

If he encounters those two 'old acquaintances' in his memory, maybe he can defeat each other!

He knows all the information, and he also has the help of the Chakra mode of Samsara, as well as a lot of combat-related things learned from the wedge.

He really didn't think that he would not be the opponent of those two people, of course, the premise was that the two of them came over.

In a secluded forest in Konoha, Uchiha Kai took Aya Hyuga's hand and walked slowly in the forest.

This forest has a very special name, that is, the forest of death.

To be honest, the name of this forest is still very lethal, but this kind of lethality is more for some rookies, and some civilians.

For Chunin, this place is actually not lethal, because the dangerous things in it are just some beasts.

"Where are we going?" I don't know if it's been too long in this forest, Hyuga Aya asked unhappily, "You know I have a lot of things to do, yet you pulled me over, It's a real headache."

"Please, it's because your progress is too fast." Uchiha Qi shook his head helplessly: "You can't blame me for this kind of thing."

"Bah, don't blame you? If you didn't say 'it's so late' from time to time and didn't come home for me, what would I do?"

It's okay not to talk about it, Hyuga Aya gets angry when she talks about this issue, but she soon becomes vigilant: "Wait, you brought me here, don't you have any bad ideas? ? Uchiha Kai I tell you, the hotel is fine, if you want to..."

"Hey hey hey? Where did you go to see such strange knowledge?" Uchiha Kai asked with a big head: "Although it feels very exciting, but I don't have such thoughts, don't worry."

He was really helpless, because they came to this ghost place for something.

If it was the past, maybe he was really so excited—and only in his heart, he still couldn't do such a thing.

The main reason for going to this forest this time is to meet a person, and this person is Orochimaru.

Time has come to this point, so naturally it is time to let the three generations play their role.

The purpose of meeting with Orochimaru is to confirm some things and control some things.

Since we are going to meet, the guy Orochimaru is obviously nearby.

Taking ten thousand steps back, if he had any thoughts at this moment, wouldn't it be cheap Orochimaru?

Unable to do anything, Uchiha Kai could only explain it to Hyuga Aya, and then Hyuga Aya knew what the purpose of their running to this place was.

She is not opposed to following Uchiha Kai out at all. Although she does feel very busy, her current life is also very rhythmic.

And I don't know why, with this guy Uchiha Kai.... In the past, she has really changed a lot.

Such a change would only be revealed when the two of them were together. Although it always felt strange, it made her feel extra comfortable.

Maybe this is the life and character that a normal, career-oriented woman should have?

Hyuga Aya didn't know very well, anyway, she heard such inexplicable words from Uchiha Kai's mouth.

"So, this time we are going to see that fellow Orochimaru?" Hyuga Aya tilted her head curiously: "It seems that the three generations of Hokage may not be far away."

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"Well, that's true, but it can be regarded as making the most of his value." Uchiha Kai smiled indifferently: "The most important thing now is not to know, which hapless person will come to us. trouble."

Uchiha Qi didn't quite know who the hapless guy who came back to find trouble this time would be.

But if you want to talk about the original book, it may be the guys from Sandyin.

After all, the geographical environment of Shayin is too special. Although it is called the Land of Winds, what is rolled up is the real windy sand!

The poor geographical conditions and natural environment made them extremely eager to march towards the Land of Fire, and even if they could, they really wanted to swallow the Land of Rivers.

However, it is a pity that the country of the river is also handed over to Konoha, as long as they have any action, I am afraid that the war will be detonated.

The significance of these small countries' existence is to put it bluntly as a natural barrier between big countries, and it is because of this barrier that they are not destroyed by greedy big countries.

The Sand Ninjas of the Land of Wind are really eager to see, but there is nothing they can do.

If they encounter Konoha weak and have a very reasonable entry condition, then maybe they will really go crazy, and then let go and slaughter Konoha.

It is highly likely impossible to cede the land of the Land of Fire, but directly swallowing a large area of ​​the Land of Rivers, leaving only a buffer zone large enough for Konoha to dare to talk nonsense, they can still think about it.

The reason why they dared to do this in the original book is based on these, but their ideas are very beautiful, but the reality is very skinny.

Orochimaru did intend to attack Konoha, but his goals were only two.

One is the blood of the Uchiha family, and the other is the three generations of Hokage.

As for this unplanned thing, it is not in his consideration.

In order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, Orochimaru simply slaughtered Shara, and the method was clean and neat.

This tragic guy had attracted an unknown number of flies until the body was found.

In addition to Shayin, the only person who may come to trouble is Yanyin.

On the Hidden Kirishima side, thanks to Konoha's constant efforts and the performance of Ghost Lantern Moon Moon, he is really only one title away from Shuiying.

It can be said that Terumi Mei is completely out, especially in the continuous reform of the full moon, he has received more and more support.

Some people have even shouted **** like 'the reincarnation of the second generation of water shadows', so you can see how popular this guy Man Yue is.

And Yun Yin?

I'm sorry, they know the power of Uchiha Kai, as long as they have no problem with their brains, they know how to choose.

What's more, they have all signed the alliance treaty, and Yunyin has also been learning about Konoha's reform these years, and the two Shinobi villages are getting closer and closer.

There was only Yanyin, who didn't know what was going on, but they completely retracted.

Uchiha Qi also doesn't know why such a strategic retreat is. Perhaps seeing Konoha and Yunyin form an alliance, the threat to them is too great.

Or is it paralyzing the enemy, waiting for the fatal blow?

Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya chatted all the way, and soon they came to the place where they met.

This guy, Orochimaru, has been waiting here for a long time. Instead of wearing the black-bottomed red cloud robe of Akatsuki, he put on his familiar beige top and purple snake-shaped belt.

In addition to him, there is a guy with a mask by his side - the pharmacist pocket.

It was specially arranged by Uchiha Kai that Yakushidou followed Orochimaru. After this guy was disbanded from the root, he originally planned to return to the orphanage with Yakushi Ye Naiyu.

It's a pity that he was found by Uchiha Qi before he retired. Not only him, but Qi also called the pharmacist Ye Naiyu together.

He arranged a mission from the pharmacist, a very dangerous mission - to assist Orochimaru, help him control the Akatsuki organization, and play his role in the future when the ninja world needs to be integrated.

To be honest, Yakushidou completely refused at first, and even Yakushi No Naiyu didn't want to understand what Uchiha Kai was going to do.

However, after he brought Namikaze Minato and narrated some very dangerous things, Yakushitou and Yakushi No Naoyu were silent.

In the end took the next task under the persuasion of Ye Naiyu.

Lord Naruto clearly came forward to endorse it, and as Konoha ninjas, they naturally have no reason to refuse.

What's more, if what Uchiha Kai and the others said is true, then it is inevitable to contribute to the ninja world.

Of course, in the end, both of them were sealed by Uchiha's illusion, and some things could not be rumored!

"Long time no see, Qi-Jun, Ling-Jun." Orochimaru licked his tongue with a smile all over his face, while Yaoshidou was a little more cautious, he bowed slightly: "Master Qi, Master Ling."

"Well, it's not a pity." Uchiha Qi nodded slightly, and then asked curiously, "How did I do what I asked you to prepare?"

"Naturally go all out!" Orochimaru showed a smile at the corner of his mouth: "After all, I am very satisfied with the funeral you arranged for Mr. Sarutobi.

So, how could I not give it my all? "
