Chapter 446: visitor

Orochimaru is indeed very satisfied with the funeral of Sarutobi Hiizan, and he still has him to complete it in person!

It's a fact that Orochimaru doesn't actually hate Hiruzen Sarutobi in his heart.

In the original book, he watched Sarutobi Hizen's degeneration, and his stubborn body, and he shed some tears.

Of course, Orochimaru's feelings are very complicated, and no one can tell exactly what he thinks.

But in this world, he still has some understanding of his thoughts, and the reason he left Konoha is very simple, that is, he wants to have a bigger stage.

He agreed with Uchiha's plan entirely because he was the best person to do it.

His identity is Betrayal, and he has a reason to attack Hokage.

And he intends to give the old man a good gift, especially if the old man has agreed to these plans, let the old man die on the things he has been thinking about.

As for the other, whether it is to preserve the majesty of Hokage, or to contribute to the next generation of Konoha, I am afraid he has not thought about it at all, right?

"This time, only one village was moved." Orochimaru said calmly: "I actually contacted all the places, but unfortunately, Yunyin and Wuyin attacked me directly, and I almost didn't escape. Yanyin is a little weird..."

"What happened to Yanyin?" Uchiha Qi was very curious about Yanyin's situation. He asked directly, "Have you seen Onogi? What answer did he give?"

"He? What a strange guy." Orochimaru shook his head with a smile: "When he saw me, he planned to send a mission to the Akatsuki organization through me. But when I talked about planning Konoha together, he said directly. Thinking about it carefully, as a result, the Xiao organization was wanted that night, and all contact with us was cut off, if I hadn't run fast, I'm afraid I would have stayed there."

"Isn't it?" Uchiha Qi was a little confused: "Really or not? Didn't Yanyin always issue tasks to your Xiao organization to let you deal with local problems such as the kingdom of bears and the kingdom of birds? you?"

Uchiha Qi really couldn't understand, Iwagakura's ambitions have always been relatively large, even if they retreated strategically, the place where they retreated was close to Yunyin and Konoha.

In the southwest direction, they have been consolidating their power. For example, to see who is developing too well, let Xiao organization attack it to facilitate control.

Or to see who is not doing well, give some resources to make the other party more obedient.

It can be said that although Nogi's political thinking is conservative, it can also consolidate Iwagakushi's interests.

Maybe this has something to do with age. I'm no longer young and naturally want to be more stable?

Uchiha Qi didn't know, after all, all these changes were too sudden.

However, even if he is conservative, his performance is extremely stable. Under his control, Yanyin's basic interests will not be lost at least.

As for wanting to expand benefits?

You don't have to think about this, they all retracted directly, and even Sugi no Kuni has begun to relax the control of Yunyin, as long as the other party does not cross the line.

How can such a thinking and state be expanded?

But according to what Orochimaru said, is this guy too conservative?

"I don't know either. All in all, it's very inexplicable." Orochimaru shook his head, and he himself wondered.

"Okay, so the only one who has a crooked mind is Sand Hidden?" Uchiha Qi sighed slightly.

"Yes, it's them." Orochimaru's puzzled emotions were swept away, and he showed some smiles.

"Sarah's life is not easy, especially in the village's request to follow the example of the other four countries to attack the big name.

But Nai He's name in the country of wind is very clever, he put all his treasury in the country of fire.

And you didn't move his money, is this on purpose? "

"Don't talk nonsense like that." Uchiha Kai shook his head with a smile.

"Personal property is sacred and inviolable, we Konoha ninjas are reasonable people, how can we do those things?

And we also have to protect the daimyo's property and control it by himself.

If he is threatened, we can protect his property unconditionally and hand it over to his designated heir. "

When Orochimaru heard this, he almost rolled his eyes, while Hyuga Aya couldn't help shaking her head.

How did this guy get his face to such an extent?

Even if you don't change your face, you can still say such a thing with a smile?

The land of wind has a long history of putting money in the land of fire. The main reason is that the land of wind is not suitable for their pampered people.

Therefore, after the death of the first Kazekage, they began to transfer money quietly.

Before the fourth generation of Fengying Luosha came to power, he had already transferred all the money away.

Faced with this situation, what else can Shayin Village do?

I could endure it before, after all, the three generations of Fengying disappeared, the war failed, and Luo Sha's support was not high. These series of reasons made him not dare to attack the famous name.

He wanted to grab Feng Ying directly and ask for money, but with the unstable situation on both sides, the ghost knows whether it will become someone else's wedding dress.

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Therefore, he can only deal with the affairs in the village first, trying to find a way to make Fengying spit out the money.

But it is a pity that after the reform, Konoha, who has made great progress all the way, discovered this, and with the support of Kai Uchiha, he simply deducted the money.

The only person who can take the money is Fengying himself. If you have the ability, you can let someone else take it. The question is, does Sa Luo dare to let him go?

Don't think that threatening family members is really useful. It's a serious problem whether the daimyo family cares about their relationship, not to mention that they have many descendants.

Dare not to let people go, whether there is money or not, Sha Yin naturally resents Konoha again.

"Apart from this incident, Sa Luo's life is really difficult." Orochimaru shook his head and continued.

"His son was sealed too badly, and there have been problems, especially in terms of emotions, which has made the villagers uneasy.

In addition, Sha Yin was robbed of so many secret art scrolls a few years ago. Although it was announced that they had all killed, they knew it well.

And Sarawak's governance methods are also very general. Although it is not likely to cause the people to be angry, it is really not good compared to the previous ones.

Coupled with the environment of the Land of Winds..."

"So when you meet him, does he see an opportunity?" Uchiha Qi probably understood this.

"He is gambling now, and wants to force Konoha to retreat through this action, and then get the rich land of the River Country.

Incidentally, taking back the money Daimyo left in the country of fire is a big gamble to divert domestic conflicts on the basis of new hatred and old hatred. "

"That's about it." Orochimaru nodded: "All in all, they have begun to close all the flight paths of the eagles, and they have begun to do general mobilization. Such a large-scale and high-intensity restriction of the eagles may not last long, but it is enough. ."

"Yeah, that's enough." Uchiha Kai said with a smile: "Even if there is a fish that slips through the net, I'm afraid Konoha won't care too much. I don't care about him, although it's a pity that he is the only one...

But we have to treat our guests well..."


Bringing students is a hard job, and bringing students normally is even more difficult at the level of hell!

Kakashi at least thinks so, because when it was Anbu with Uchiha Itachi and Junmarou, he could completely train Anbu.

That set he is not familiar with, you must know that he has been in Anbu for more than ten years, and it is impossible if he is not familiar with it.

But now, he has a huge headache. It's impossible to deal with these three little guys with Anbu's set.

Could it be...

With the battlefield set?

Not to mention, that set of Kakashi is quite familiar, but he doesn't dare to use it.

Isn't it uncomfortable to use the set of wartime to use it now?

It would be fine if it was someone else, but the problem was that these three little devils Kakashi really didn't dare to mess around.

He knew that even if he did that, their parents wouldn't blame him.

But he is not stupid. Now is a time of peace. They who have not experienced the tragic war, I am afraid they will be very dissatisfied in their hearts, right?

He didn't have to, he found himself uncomfortable.

Don't know how to lead the team, so just train them?

But this idea just appeared in his mind, and Kakashi sighed again.

They still need to train a fart?

I am afraid that the family has already made certain guidance based on their growth, right?

Look at this kid Sasuke. He brought a ninja sword on the day of the official assembly. After contacting his Shaker, this kid doesn't want to learn Kai, right?

And the girl Hinata is said to have paid a good visit to Aya Hyuga, and then began to learn the double lion trot?

As for Naruto?

This kid almost came out of the same mold as his father, except that his personality was different, but he also had a very careful side.

Probably, it's a combination of Minato-sensei and Kushina-sensei's personalities, right?

But Kakashi wasn't idle either. He knew what it meant to have him as the team's coach, Junin, so he simply tried to make some adjustments to their training.

It just so happens that Kakashi is not bad in physical skills. He can completely separate shadow clones to accompany Hinata for training, and can point out some shortcomings.

And Sasuke is even simpler. This kid knows Chidori again, and now he has to use a knife, so just give him some of his own experience.

To be honest, Kakashi still has the same feeling when he went back to the past and discussed the way of the future with Kai Uchiha.

But the roles have changed, and this time it's his turn to teach Sasuke.

As for the kid Naruto, Kakashi simply tried to teach Naruto something new after he learned that Minato Namikaze didn't teach him anything other than spiral pills.

For example, Flying Thunder God.

It's not that he doesn't want to teach Naruto immortal mode, but Kakashi's own immortal mode is a bit embarrassing.

Although he worked so hard for so many years, he finally succeeded in turning it on, but he could only keep it for five minutes in total.

This five minutes is to calculate the state of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye. Strictly speaking, it is not bad, but after five minutes, he may go to the medical department to cultivate for a month.

No way, the burden is too great.

Therefore, the immortal mode is basically only when he has to work hard, and he chooses to open it. Under normal circumstances, he can't use this technique at all.

Flying Thunder God and Kaleidoscope Sharingan, in cooperation with his swordsmanship that Jirai has also evaluated as no less than White Fang, it can be said that no one can force him to open the fairy mode.

Therefore, his immortal mode is not particularly well mastered. In such a situation, teaching others, I am afraid that he is not cheating.

On the contrary, he has used Fei Lei Shen for so many years. Even if he learned this technique because of Obito's eyes, he really mastered it.

Naruto is the son of Minato Namikaze, and his talent in this area should not be bad, so Kakashi simply decided to teach Naruto the art of flying thunder gods.

But teaching is one aspect, and he also has to prepare for these little guys' Chunin exams.

There is absolutely no problem with their strength, but the number of tasks they want to participate in the exam must be sufficient.

Of course, it's okay to recommend a Shangnin, but you can't do a single task without doing it, right?

Therefore, Naruto and the others could only do the lowest-level tasks while being trained.

But they didn't complain, even Naruto didn't shout about doing advanced tasks.

After all, Kakashi has trained them well, and they can also feel that their strength has improved.

Of course, the most important thing is that they still remember Kakashi's words.

Therefore, even if they want to do high-level tasks, they don't dare to shout directly, but ninjas have to follow orders.

During the war, even if the task issued by the superior is to send you to death, you must execute it meticulously...


"Looks like it's here."

In the starry sky, two figures stood in it, they didn't seem to feel any discomfort at all, they could still breathe, and they could still speak freely.

It seems that the environment of the universe makes no difference at all to them.

Both of them look a little weird, and they are all dressed in white. If Uchiha Kai is here, you can definitely recognize who they are!

He might even be overjoyed, because these two are Otsutsuki Peach and Otsutsuki Kim!

"This ghost place is really remote, UU reading actually made us look for it for so long!" Otsutsuki's peach-like white pupils contained a little dissatisfaction, but also full of expectations: "However, finally I found it! Ishiki, Kaguya, no wonder I can't find you, you are hiding in such a far away place."

"Sir, shall we go in directly?" Otsutsuki Jinshi asked quietly from the side: "There is a small planet beside us, it seems that there is life on it, and the subordinates seem to feel a looming power."

"There is indeed a power, you don't feel wrong." Otsutsuki said disdainfully: "Perhaps, this is the arrangement of Yi Shi or Kaguya. After hiding for so long, isn't it hiding from us? Now I know it again. How? Then let him or her take a good look!"

The voice fell, and Otsutsuki Momo-style flew directly towards the ninja world.

Although Jin Shi was a little hesitant, as a guardian, he must obey the orders of the person he guards.

Staring at once again, the little planet exuding strange power, he turned around and flew down with the Otsutsuki Peach...
