Chapter 750: cheers

After discussing these matters, Kai Uchiha handed over the information he had obtained to Minato Minato.

When Namikaze Minato learned about these things, he seemed a little panicked.

Uchiha Qi has almost never seen such a panic gesture, and this is probably the first time he has seen it.

But he doesn't think it's so strange, the deterrent power of those Otsutsuki is obvious to all, especially their purpose will destroy the entire ninja world.

To put it bluntly, after the whole ninja world knows and believes the truth of these guys, no one will not panic.

Even Uchiha Keiichi was taken aback when he heard the news.

The reason why he is so calm now is because he knows what his enemies will be, and he has complete information.

If not, he might be tangled to death now.

Fortunately, the person who came was a guy he was familiar with, and he had a certain degree of confidence in dealing with these two guys.

So now he is still calm. If it's a guy he doesn't know, I'm afraid he'll be tangled too.

The report of the situation with Naikaze Minato went relatively smoothly, and he also supported Aya Hinata's proposal very much.

That is to wait until the end of the Chunin exam to make plans, although it is not a good thing to let them run around in the ninja world, but they still need to focus on the exam.

In addition, Uchiha Kai was not sure whether the breath he released would allow them to rush over as quickly as possible.

Therefore, this matter really needs to be thought about, and only when you completely free your hands can you concentrate on dealing with them.

"It seems that the final result is to wait for the end of the Chunin Exam." Uchiha Qi sat on a chair in the underground laboratory and said calmly: "I just hope that when we are in the Chunin Exam, they don't come up with it. What a mess."

"They should also need to collect information, right?" Hyuga Aya said uncertainly: "After all, in their opinion, they should be facing Kaguya Otsutsuki and Kaguya Otsutsuki."

"If these two people make them jealous..." Imai Kenta will also take over the topic: "Then I'm afraid they really won't act rashly, I'm afraid they will ignore these two people at all, and then start activities recklessly. Like, looking for a tailed beast?"

"It's possible." Uchiha Qi seemed to recall in his memory that after these two guys came to the ninja world, in addition to fighting with Sasuke, then they cleaned up Kirabi?

The time line is too long, and he doesn't have too many records in this regard, so he is also a little unsure.

However, he thought of some possibilities. For example, they noticed that the ten tails of this world were split into nine tailed beasts, so they started to collect the tailed beasts directly.

And it just so happened that Konoha was holding the Chunin exam, and they came over to join in the fun, or maybe Gaara released a tail, which caused them to notice, and then rushed over directly?

No matter which one it is, the possibility is not low, after all, Uchiha Kai only knows their abilities, and has no knowledge of their characters at all.

What strange things they make, or some decisions, seems to be a matter of course.

Shaking his head helplessly, these guys are too much trouble, if possible, Uchiha Kei really doesn't want to meet these guys.

But unfortunately, this kind of thing is almost impossible.

"Forget it, let's take one step at a time." Uchiha Qi shook his head, and then he said seriously: "No matter what they want to do, we will continue."

"Okay, what are you going to do?" Hyuga Aya asked curiously, "There are two of them, who are you going to call to fight with us?"

"No, just the three of us." Uchiha Qi said affirmatively: "They are usually two teams, one is the guardian, and the other is the guardian. I will deal with the guardian. As for the guardian, I will give it to the guardian. to you."

"Just the three of us?" Imai Kenta asked inexplicably, "Are you sure we can deal with them?"

"I'm not sure, but what if I told you I had information on them?"

"Information? Are you serious?"

"Of course, with such information, what do you think?"


"Chunin exam? Interesting."

A ninja corpse was thrown away in his hand, Otsutsuki Kinshiki shook his hand in disgust.

It seemed to him that it was an insult to touch such an inferior race.

Otsutsuki Jinshi silently stood aside, analyzing some of the information he had just discovered in his mind.

Naturally, they came to this world to find Kaguya Otsutsuki, or one of them.

But to their surprise, it seems that both of them have disappeared into the legend.

And standing at the top of the legend is actually a guy called Six Paths Immortal.

Who is this guy?

Gold and Peach don't know, and they don't even take it to heart.

Because they have lived for so long, they have killed an unknown number of beings who claim to be gods, immortals and the like.

However, there is one piece of information that makes them feel more interesting, and that is the existence of tailed beasts.

These tailed beasts were split by the so-called Six Paths Immortal, and the object he split was the ten tails!

The ten tails were split, which means that I am afraid that some interesting things happened that year.

In addition to what they had felt before, that belonged to Kaguya Otsutsuki, I'm afraid there was something wrong with this guy Otsutsuki.

After that, Kaguya Otsutsuki did not escape.

As for what the result is, neither Jin-style nor Peach-style knows, but no matter what the result is, they all know what to do.

That is to find these tailed beasts again, and then condense new ten tails to summon the divine tree!

"Master Tao Shi, according to the information, the tailed beasts are in the hands of those Ninja villages." Jin Shi whispered: "Are we going directly to Ninja village?"

"Of course, but you don't need to be so anxious." Tao Shishi showed a little disdain on his face: "Those so-called ninjas are just some guys who stole chakra, and there is no evidence at all. What I am curious about now is, What kind of guy is that so-called Six Path Immortal?"

"Lord Tao-shi, what do you think?" Jin-shi has no idea of ​​speaking in this regard. What Tao-shi says is naturally what it is.

"Perhaps, it's a guy with Otsutsuki's bloodline." Tao Shi pondered for a while, and said unsurely: "Perhaps, Kaguya attacked Shi Shi, and then Shi Shi destroyed his body, forcing Kaguya to rebuild his body. Cultivating a large tube tree, the result was backfired. Or maybe it was Kaguya who completed the sacrifice with a body of one style, this six-path immortal may be the offspring created by Kaguya with a special method."

"Of course, I'm not sure what the result is, because neither Kaguya nor Shishi disappeared. These so-called human beings are really sad, and they will die in less than a hundred years.

Therefore, a lot of information just disappeared into the long river of time..."


"Hey, have you heard? The middle school exam is coming!"

In Konoha, in the barbecue restaurant opened by the Qiu Dao family, Naruto, Sasuke and other twelve young Konoha young people gathered together, and Naruto asked excitedly.

After doing low-level tasks for so long as an accumulation, it is a miracle that Naruto and the others have been able to endure until now.

Because apart from them, the other teams seem to have done some slightly advanced tasks more or less.

This made Naruto, who was already unhappy, even more dissatisfied. Fortunately, Kakashi was not a pedantic person.

Just when their patience was about to reach the critical point, this guy decisively threw out the Chunin exam.

In fact, for these three little guys, the Chunin exam is not a secret thing, it is impossible for them to know.

What really made them feel happy was that Kakashi directly helped them apply for the exam this time.

This kind of calculation made them feel some comfort, although Chunin is not a big deal, in terms of strength, they have actually achieved it.

But experience and the number of tasks are a problem. Fortunately, Kakashi helped them recommend it.

"Who didn't know the Chunin Exam was coming." Teeth, who was sitting at the opposite table, said while feeding Akamaru, "We already knew about this."

"Wow!" Akamaru called Naruto twice as if in response to the master's words.

"The Chunin exam is actually held every year, but this time it's a very big one. It's a joint assessment of the entire ninja world." Neji, who was a little older, explained, "However, such an exam will be relatively dangerous, after all. It's not the people from the same village that I have to face, I'm afraid these guys will do anything in order to win."

"Cut, why are you Hyuga clan so timid?" Sasuke said calmly beside him.

He, who had a bad relationship with Neji, naturally would not miss this opportunity.

Anyway, from childhood to adulthood, I have not less trouble finding this guy, and they are familiar with each other.

Even if it didn't become a close friendship, such as a friendship with Naruto, at least it was a deep understanding.

Although Neji was a year older than them, all of them had known each other since childhood, so there was nothing strange about them.

This time, Hinata is coming, and Neji will also be invited.

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But not everyone is so familiar with them, for example, Neji's two teammates are a little shy.

It is true that Xiao Li and Tian Tian are not too familiar with Naruto and the others. It is the first time they have participated in such a party.

But it seems that everyone is very kind, except for that Uchiha Sasuke, who is cold and likes to trouble Neji.

"It's not cowardice, it's the truth." Ningji glanced at Sasuke, but he didn't care about Sasuke's attitude. He was used to it over the years: "Also, we are going to participate in this assessment."

"Hey? You want to participate too?" Naruto blinked: "It seems that we are going to be rivals."

"Not only you, but also us." Shikamaru said helplessly at the moment, "I'm afraid everyone here will take the exam this time, right?"

"Yeah, Naruto." Ya smiled at Naruto: "Our teacher signed up for us too!"

When Naruto heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little helpless. It seemed that this exam was lively.

With so many friends from the same period participating together, although there is a feeling that there is no way to be unique, it seems to be good in practice.

If you have many friends, you can take care of each other during the exam, which seems to be quite good.

Of course, if he really wants to become an opponent, then he won't let go of water, at most it won't hurt them.

When a group of people of the same age are together, they naturally chat a lot.

Especially since they've only been out of school for a few months, there's a whole lot of novelty to share.

Whether it's a mission or their respective Shangnin mentors, it has become a topic worth chatting about.

But one of the more interesting things is that now everyone knows that this Uzumaki Xianglin and Naruto have known each other for a long time.

And the girl was actually a relative of Naruto's mother, which made Ya complain why Naruto didn't tell them earlier.

"By the way, speaking of your class, who is your teacher?" Naruto asked casually after drinking a glass of juice.

Originally, he wanted to ask Xianglin, but it turned out that the woman's eyes had been locked on Sasuke, and he couldn't help turning his head to look at Ya and Shino.

"Mr. Yoshitake?" Shino said slowly after hearing the words: "A very powerful Jōnin, he also took us to do some more dangerous tasks, didn't he say it before?"

"I really envy you, you can actually perform high-level tasks." Sasuke said at this moment: "On our side, there are some low-level tasks from beginning to end."

"Speaking of which, our teacher is still your teacher's subordinate." He bit a piece of barbecue and said, "He was also a member of Anbu before, but he was assessed on the Jōnin and temporarily left Anbu in order to protect his title. Speaking of which. He's also a genius, and he doesn't seem to be much older than us. Just..."

What is it? Tooth can't talk anymore.

He still hasn't forgotten that Jizhu took them on a mission to clean up the bandits.

That mission was done in the tea country, and those bandits were some of the surviving remnants of Konoha after cleaning up.

This mission was supposed to be performed together with the ninjas of the tea country, but Yoshitake offered to take the mission alone for the purpose of training students without any payment.

It was this task that made Ya, Shino, and even the careless Xianglin see how cruel the methods of his Shangnin teacher were.

All I can say is that, as expected of a person from Anbu, that method is a neat one!

That is, in this mission, the three of them succeeded in getting blood on their hands.

Such memories are really not very friendly to them.

Fortunately, they were well prepared, so there was no accident.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this." Ya shook his head, then raised his cup: "Since everyone has to take the exam, let's do our best together!"

"Yes." Naruto picked up the cup and then stood up: "We can't be ashamed, let's work together, cheers!"

