Chapter 751: homecoming

"I didn't expect you to leave for so long, but welcome back."

At the Konoha gate, the ninjas of the security department are still doing their due diligence.

And standing outside the village were two men in black. Their clothes were very different from those of Konoha, and even one of them didn't wear a forehead guard.

But the pass is real. This is a pass issued by the Ministry of Guards, and it even has the autograph of Uchiha Kai.

Even if the ninja at the door doesn't know these two people, having a pass is enough to prove everything.

"Thank you, we feel good to be back too."

A hoarse voice sounded in the mouth of one of the men in black. The man raised his head slightly, revealing a pair of golden snake-like eyes under the bamboo hat.

However, the ninja of the security department obviously didn't notice, and even if he did, he wouldn't say much.

After all, this person has a pass certificate signed by the Minister himself. As long as there is this document, there will be no problem in everything.

His attention has been completely focused on the ninjas who will come to the village next. The Chunin exam is about to begin, and the amount of tasks they have now is really huge.

Faced with all kinds of people every day, they don't have so much energy to investigate a person with a minister's signature.

"It's really interesting."

After the snake-eyed man with a hat and another person walked into Buye, they couldn't help but chuckle.

"I don't care if it's Qi-jun's signature. His prestige is still enough. And... it's really nostalgic. After so many years, Konoha has become more prosperous."

"I think you're really boring." Another black-haired man next to the snake-eyed man shook his head: "I'll just take you back directly, why bother and have to go through the door."

"Because I still have a subordinate who is waiting for me." The snake-eyed man licked his tongue. Fortunately, he was covered by a bamboo hat, and no one noticed this scene.

The two of them are Orochimaru and Obito. As the protagonist of this operation, Orochimaru will of course come back to participate.

And the guy Obitu came back because he was worried that something unexpected might happen, so he could also do a favor in secret.

He has basically completely mastered the Akatsuki organization now, and the guy Nagato has completely stopped managing the daily affairs of the organization.

Obito himself hadn't thought of such a situation, and he really had no experience in managing an organization.

For the sake of Akatsuki, the organization is completely under his control, and he can't let Hei Jue notice anything strange.

So Obito made a decision, that is to let people like Orochimaru and Oni Shark help him.

Orochimaru's previous position in Konoha was not something that he could compare to back then. This guy actually has good management skills.

And the ghost shark has worked in the Anbu of Kiriyin and Konoha before, and it is completely fine to help monitor other people in the organization.

With the help of these two people, the Akatsuki organization was indeed brought into the hands of Obito.

Moreover, the cooperation and tactics of these two people are very strong, especially Orochimaru, under his management, even Hei Jue didn't notice anything.

This made Obito have to sigh with emotion, Orochimaru's ability is really strong.

If Uchiha Qi knew, it would not be surprising at all. After all, with this guy, he is a guy who can build a ninja village by himself, and it develops well.

However, Orochimaru is also a little dissatisfied with this matter, and managing this organization still consumes his energy.

This caused him to waste a lot of time managing the organization, leaving him less time for research.

But Obito didn't care too much, and he also promised Orochimaru, no matter what kind of material the guy wants, as long as he doesn't have any bad intentions for Konoha, he can help get it.

It was this promise that allowed Orochimaru to suppress his inner dissatisfaction and help him honestly.

"Your subordinates?" Obito turned his head and glanced at Orochimaru, he was now using the appearance of 'Uchibo Lin'.

Of course, it's okay to see it as his own appearance and cover up the injured half of his face, he hasn't changed his appearance at all.

"Yes, to be precise, it should be Minister Qi's subordinate." Orochimaru nodded: "A very talented child, Minister Qi gave him to me to help us do some things. This time, he will assist us."

Obito nodded, he didn't take this kind of thing too seriously.

In fact, walking in from the gate felt strange to him. Although he had always been recognized as a Konoha ninja, he remembered clearly what he had done back then.

Therefore, when he returned to Konoha before, he basically slipped in by himself by Shenwei.

But I have to say that walking in from the front door so swaggeringly is indeed a very unique feeling.

At this moment, Orochimaru suddenly turned his head and walked towards a corner, Obitu tilted his head and followed.

He didn't use a wheel eye, but he could also notice that there seemed to be some arrangements in that place.

Shaking his head, Obito followed and walked in, only for a moment when the wind blew out of thin air.

In this wind, a figure appeared strangely. He pushed his own eyes, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. This person was Medicine Master Dou.

"Master Orochimaru." The pharmacist bowed slightly towards Orochimaru and said, "And this lord..."

"He's my leader." Orochimaru chuckled lightly: "Where is the actual controller of the Xiao organization."

The pharmacist's eyes widened slightly, he really didn't expect this dangerous guy to go to Konoha?

However, he is also a very qualified ninja. Although he is already extremely shocked, he still looks as usual.

After all, he was someone who knew the actual situation of the Xiao organization. Although he was silenced and couldn't tell, he was shocked mainly because this guy actually came over in person.

Also, how does this guy look so young?

Judging by his age, he seems to be in his twenties.

"Okay, don't talk about these things, just negotiate with Minister Qi about this matter." Orochimaru licked his tongue, and then he said slowly: "How is the arrangement of Konoha here? Can you give me some of the plans?"

"Lord Hokage has already taken it out." The pharmacist respectfully handed a document to Orochimaru: "This is the current layout of Konoha, I have revised some places, it can't be too complete, otherwise it will cause suspicion. "

"It seems that you have saved me a lot of things." Orochimaru took the information, glanced at it a little, and nodded: "Very good, these things are enough."

"Then, Lord Orochimaru..." Yao Shidou lowered his head and asked in a low voice, "How do you plan to deal with the Four Generations of Fengying?"

"That guy... I'm afraid it's not far from death. I specially arranged a team to deal with them."

"You actually asked the Xiao organization to dispatch?"

"It's not me, it's him. As for the person who did it, it's naturally me..."


The night is like a song. On a cliff under the moonlight, the night wind blows, bringing a coolness of the night and the smell of wind and sand.

In the season at the end of June, even if it is late at night in the Land of Winds, the heat is still unbearable.

A figure was standing on the edge of the cliff, and the red cloud-colored robes on a black background rattled in the wind. The night wind blew his hair constantly, but he didn't care.

His expression was icy cold, like a statue. If it weren't for him, he still had a unique body temperature and the breath of a living person.

There was a cave at the top of the cliff behind him, from which fire light emanated from time to time.

A man also dressed in a black and red cloud suit squatted beside the fire, with two roasted golden birds sticking on the branch beside him, which looked like a kind of ominous birds living on the cliffs.

But at this time, the ferocious ferocious birds can only be used as food for others, and they have already given off a strong aroma.

The man squatting beside the fire turned his head, his shark-like face came into view, and he glanced at his companion on the edge of the cliff.

"Zhishui-Jun, you've been watching for a long time, so it's time to eat something." The ghost said calmly: "Leave it to me next, I'm fairly familiar with that guy."

"It doesn't matter, you eat first." Zhi Shui shook his head and didn't say much.

It doesn't matter if the ghost shark sees it. If it wasn't for the fact that he didn't want this guy to hold him back, he wouldn't bother to scream.

Gui Sha and Zhi Shui have been teaming up for several years, but their relationship hasn't really changed much.

Shisui thinks Shisui is an evil villain who escaped from Konoha, while Shisui thinks Shisui is a **** who betrayed Konoha, and they both hate each other sincerely.

But there is no way out of disgust, they are now teaming up, in their own eyes, they are monitoring each other.

Therefore, no one dares to act too much, and even if they are really upset, they can't really kill the other party, right?

But it can't be killed, and in other respects, don't think that they can get along well. Even if you want to ask casually like this now, it's only a formula.

Eat it if you want or don't want to, it's no big deal.

This time, they have a mission, that is, come to this place to intercept and find a way to kill the fourth Kazekage!

This task is a bit dangerous, after all, this is to kill the shadow of a village.

But the ghost shark didn't take it too seriously. He really faced the four generations of Kazekage, but they didn't fight each other that time.

He still clearly remembered that he and Man Yue were surrounded by a large group of sand ninjas, and he almost couldn't get out.

This time to find this guy, it can be regarded as revenge for the year.

He didn't believe it anymore, did he bring so many subordinates this time?

Glancing at the shark muscle on the side, the ghost shark's face revealed a smile, but this smile was not really kind, and even had a gloomy feeling against the firelight.

Zhi Shui glanced at the ghost shark inadvertently from the corner of his eyes, and then he withdrew his gaze.

He really has no mind to eat right now, and his mind is still more concerned about the movements of Konoha.

Shishui knew some of Sha Yin's movements, but not much information.

For example, Shayin is now very closed, but recently, many elite teams can be seen quickly interspersed into the country of the river.

This situation seems a little too bad, because no matter how you look at it, it seems to be trying to do something to Konoha!

In order to prove this, Shishui quietly intercepted a team and used illusion to torture.

It's a pity that the other party obviously set up a seal, and such a ban was activated at the moment of torture, and then the person died.

However, Shishui still found some relevant information. On the corpses of these guys, there is a map of Konoha and the locations where they need to be interspersed!

This is almost 100% certain, these Shayin probably really have ideas about Konoha, so he accepted the task of assassinating the fourth Kazekage.

In his thoughts, that guy Shara should go to Konoha in advance, so that after killing him, he can also go to Konoha to see if he can help.

But the current situation gave him a bit of a headache, so far he has not found that guy Saura.

The place where they ambush was the fastest way to Konoha, and it was the best to ambush in this place.

But to this day, seeing that the Chunin exam is about to take an exam, why is there no movement from this **** Saura?

This made Shishui feel like he couldn't remember...


"Uncle, you don't have a pass, and you don't wear a forehead guard, how can I let you go!"

Outside Konoha Village, a guard ninja looked at the guy in front of him helplessly.

This guy has thick white hair like a lion, and there is no Shinobi village's forehead guard on his forehead. Instead, he has a forehead guard with the word "oil" written on it.

Under the corners of the eyes, there are two red eyeliners, which look like makeup during sacrifice.

He was wearing a common gray dress, with a red vest covering the outside, and the huge scroll behind him did not know what was sealed.

In fact, in this image, the ninja of the security department has already recognized who the guy in front of him is, so he is so polite, and it even seems that he is a little aggrieved.

No way, the one in front of him is Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas!

In normal times, he would never and would not dare to stop him, but now is a critical period.

The above has already issued an order, no matter who it is, it must go through a strict test, so he dare not let it go.

"Don't call me uncle, I'm still young!" Zilai also replied angrily, and then said helplessly: "Can't you ask someone to inform you? Kakashi is also fine, Kai is fine, look for Wouldn't it be nice to have someone who knew me?"

"I've already gone, but I haven't come back yet." The ninja of the security department said helplessly: "Uncle... No, elder brother, don't make trouble for me anymore."

"Brother fart..." Zilai also scolded, but in the end he shook his head helplessly: "Forget it, I'll wait."

After Jirai finished speaking, he simply went to sit aside and didn't embarrass this guy anymore.

However, he was also a little strange in his heart. Although the joint Chunin exam is very important, this kind of investigation seems to be too much, right?

Could it be, is something going to happen?


"Teacher Jiraiya, why are you back?"

In the evening, in Hokage's office, Minato Minato looked at the teacher in front of him helplessly.

He really didn't expect his teacher to come back at this time. This is definitely beyond his expectations!

Namikaze Minato now feels that his head hurts a lot. Jiraiya has been away from home all these years. His external claims and reasons are very simple - to hunt down Orochimaru.

This reason is indeed very good, because they were called Sannin back then, and they grew up together since childhood, and they have a deep relationship with each other.

In addition, it is not realistic for a dangerous guy like Orochimaru to go out as someone else.

Those who can deal with Orochimaru may not have the time if they are strong enough.

There is no need to say more if the strength is insufficient, it is simply a gift.

Therefore, Jai Lai also went to capture Orochimaru in person, but it turned out to be the best result.

Of course, this is also said to the outside world. In fact, Jiraiya also knows that Orochimaru is actually Konoha's spy.

It belongs to the kind of person who does not hesitate to ruin his reputation for Konoha.

I have to say that this was a wonderful misunderstanding, at least it was definitely one back then.

As for now, Uchiha Kai is sometimes inexplicable about Orochimaru's attitude.

That guy really did his best to help himself, both in terms of research and some of the stuff he planned.

Such an attitude really made Uchiha Qi think that Orochimaru simply regarded himself as Sasuke?

Don't say, this possibility is really big, it is really difficult for you to figure out what he is thinking about a person like Orochimaru.

Jiraiya doesn't need to monitor the Xiao organization now, because he believes in Orochimaru very much.

However, he also has some other tasks to deal with, which, to put it bluntly, he asked for.

One of the tasks is to find information about Otsutsuki's style. In fact, this task can be regarded as over, but this guy Jiraiya is not at ease.

He thinks that his strength may not be able to help Uchiha Kai and the others, so he will use his other advantages.

He can roam the entire ninja world unscrupulously, so he can more easily find those so-called Otsutsuki.

The second point is Tsunade.

During the mission of Suginokuni, he accidentally got Tsunade's information, so he followed without hesitation.

This has been with him for several years, and no one knows when he will come back.

The ghost knows that at this time, he chose to come back!

Namikaze Minato is really having a headache right now, because Jiraiya doesn't even know what this Chunin exam means.

After all, considering the relationship between Jiraiya and the three generations of Hokage, some things are really not very dare to tell him.

At most, it was only after the incident happened that Jiraiya was told all this.

After all, things have already happened, can it be changed after it becomes an established fact?

And now if this guy finds out, and even stays in Konoha, it is very likely to cause a lot of trouble.

"Isn't it normal for me to come back?" Zilai didn't understand what was going on at all, and he said with a smile: "Do you think I'm coming back now and disturb you from get off work?"

"" Minato Minato quickly shook his head: "I just feel a little surprised."

"Are you a surprise?" Jirai didn't think too much about it, but he also had some questions: "By the way, Minato, why is a joint Chunin exam so serious? Even if I come back, I still need a pass, it's unfortunate, I I didn't ask you for it when I went out, but today I sat at the gate until they got off work."

"This matter..." Minato Namikaze had a headache.

He is now thinking about how to explain this.

Said, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble, after all Sarutobi Hizan is Jiraiya's teacher!

Even if Sarutobi Hizan himself agreed to this matter, there is no shortage of inducement from Uchiha Kai, his own acquiescence, and the cooperation of all Konoha executives.

In other words, Hiruzen Sarutobi's death has nothing to do with the entire Konoha top level!

Although this guy Jiraiya was sad because he was in Konoha, because he watched his teacher keep changing, he left Konoha a long time ago.

But who can guarantee that Jiraiya also knows the cause of Sarutobi Hiizan's death, especially if Orochimaru is still doing it, will he think it wrong?

Afterwards, I said that I can let Zilai also see some changes, and naturally, no matter how round it is, it can be round in the past.

And now, when people die, I am afraid that Jirai will be angry and leave.

Namikaze Minato doesn't want to have any misunderstanding with his teacher. There are three people who have influenced him the most along the way.

One is his wife Kushina, who is always behind her to help herself, so that she can handle everything with peace of mind.

One is Uchiha Kai, and it was he who made himself the desire for Hokage.

It was also he who made himself all the way to this day, helped stabilize his position, and learned a lot.

The most important thing is that he let himself change Konoha, and even began to change the world of ninjas!

As for the last one, of course, his own teacher came spontaneously.

If it wasn't for Jiraiya who chose himself, I'm afraid it would be extremely difficult for him to grow up.

If it wasn't for Jiraiya, he probably wouldn't have been one of Sarutobi's choices.

If it wasn't for Jiraiya's affirmation and support for himself, he probably wouldn't have easily run for Hokage.

If not spontaneously...

There are so many reasons that Minato Namifeng is not willing to turn against his teacher at all. If he really goes that far, he will definitely regret it for the rest of his life!

"What's the matter? Is it very embarrassing?" Zilai was also a little confused, but he immediately felt that there might be some secrets in it: "Forget it, if it's too secret, don't tell me. By the way, tell me. Good news for you."

"What good news?" Minato Minato Minato opened his mouth, and the final statement turned into a question.

"Tsunade, she decided to come back!" Zilai also showed a smile: "Are you surprised? It took me a lot of time to convince her!"

"Tsunade-sama..." Minato Namikaze's mentality collapsed.

One Jiraiya is fine, and a Tsunade comes back?

Namikaze Minato's head is really a little big, why did Tsunade come back?

Returning to the Thousand Hands Clan?

To be honest, Konoha is very stable now, and it can even be said that there is almost no place for Tsunade.

The Senju family is now talking about Kenta Imai. Although this guy doesn't plan to change his surname, he is the current owner of the Senju family!

And Tsunade is best at medical ninjutsu, and the head of the medical department obviously has someone.

How to arrange Tsunade has become a hassle, besides that, Tsunade is also a disciple of Hizan Sarutobi!

Although according to the analysis and understanding, it seems that the relationship between the Thousand Hands Princess and his teacher is not as good as imagined, otherwise the princess will not leave Konoha.

But the reason is still the same as Jirai, Namikaze Minato really doesn't want to make trouble for himself!

After thinking about it, Minato Namikaze made a decision, that is, let Jiraiya go to Hijen Sarutobi by himself.

"What's wrong? You seem a little embarrassed?" Zilai also glanced at his disciple, and immediately thought of something, he couldn't help but smiled and patted his shoulder: "Don't worry, Tsunade came back to avoid debt, take a look. Look at the Qianshou clan now. She doesn't have any thoughts, so don't worry."

"Is that so?" Minato Minato Namika replied with a smile. Although his teacher sometimes looks silly, he is definitely a very wise person. Taking a deep breath, Minato Namikaze looked at Jiraiya and his face became serious: "Teacher, there is something I want to tell you, but..."

"I won't say it if it's inconvenient." Zilai shook his head nonchalantly: "Please, you are Hokage, can you show some Hokage's aura?"

"It's really inconvenient for me to say, but you must also understand this matter." Minato Namifeng shook his head, then took out a pen and a piece of paper and lowered his head to write a paragraph: "So, I hope you can go Meet the three generations of Hokage."

"Seeing the old man?" Zilai was also a little confused. Looking at the water gate who quickly finished writing the paper and handed it over to him, he asked curiously, "What's going on?"

"Teacher met the three generations of Hokage and showed him this letter, and he would understand." Minato Namikaze said seriously: "This matter is very, very important, and I hope the teacher will do it immediately."

"Aren't you afraid of me peeking?"

"Don't worry, because there's nothing substantive in it."


At night, in Hizan Sarutobi's room, he lowered his head and glanced at the note his disciple gave him.

There was not much written on this note, only the sentence "Tell him the truth", but the signature was clearly written, that is Namito Minato.

Seeing such a note, Sarutobi Hizan couldn't help sighing, and it seemed that he had to help Minato Minato.

Time has come, and he has no other ideas.

Although this guy Namikaze Minato was once an enemy of himself, he had to admire this guy's really great transformation of Konoha.

Of course, it can also be regarded as the kid Uchiha Kai. His unique insights have made the whole Konoha embark on an unimaginable, but visible change.

The current comprehensive strength of Konoha, whether it is the quality of ninjas or the number of ninjas, is the first in the ninja world!

And with the deepening of the transformation, especially the aid plan for the country of waves and the country of tea, it is now seeing results.

Everyone else can see the benefits of Konoha, how could Sarutobi Hizan, who has been sitting in Hokage's position for so many years, not see it?

Even if he looked deeper, he also looked farther.

That is to say, seeing these, Sarutobi Hizen was half of his heart.

As for the other half, it is entirely on his own son.

Minato Namikaze and Kei Uchiha have not broken their promises. In addition to the fact that his son is really working hard, his son and the group of people who follow him are really getting better and better now.

His eldest son is dead, he used to be the root, and later because the root banned the son of Anbu, because of a mission, he finally died.

He didn't blame Minato Namikaze for this matter. Perhaps in his opinion, his son, Konoha Maru's father joined the root, and it was equivalent to death.

I don't know if it's compensation, or if it's Namikaze Minato and the others who have completely regarded Asma as themselves.

They actually arranged Asma's descendants as students, and asked him to serve as the guide for these three little guys!

No matter what kind it is, this is a good thing. It can be said that staying with such incense will also be a great help to his son's future.

After knowing this again, Hiruzen Sarutobi has completely put it down, but now he is somewhat looking forward to the Chunin exam, and his final appearance.

That will be his last performance, it will be his curtain call as a Hokage.

It will also be his own use of death to tell the next generation that the ninja world has never been a peaceful place, and as Naruto, he must protect them even if he dies!

Sarutobi Hizan can betray everyone, but he will never betray Konoha, this is him.

And for him, instead of sitting at home and getting old slowly, slowly getting old and dim, and slowly feeling the passing of life.

It's better to fight vigorously and become a Hokage who died in battle!

Both Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Kai are okay with themselves, I have to say that this is amazing.

I'm afraid it's because they recognize the reality that they treat themselves well, right?

When they were still enemies, they were rude to themselves, and they didn't consider themselves an old man at all.

Even, it is still the master of Namikaze Minato.

Shaking his head helplessly, Hiizhan Sarutobi was a little amused.

But he soon made a decision. Since that was the case, and he figured it out, it would not be a problem to help him.

After all, helping him is also helping his own disciple.

"I understand." Hiruzen Sarutobi nodded, and then his hands quickly formed a seal, and a soundproof barrier appeared.

"I didn't see it, old man, you are still doing well." Zilai also said a little surprised.

"Hmph, that's natural." Sarutobi Hizan smiled and didn't say much. Naturally, you have to keep it good, after all, you still have a gorgeous curtain call. If you don't exercise well and do rehabilitation exercises seriously, how will you do all this?

"So, what's the matter?" Jiraiya is also full of curiosity now: "If it's so serious, it's better to use a soundproof barrier."

"This matter, UU reading is very important, very important." Hiruzen Sarutobi took a deep breath: "You have to be prepared, Jiraiya. Remember, you must take today's words thoroughly. Buried in the mind!"


In the middle of the night, Jiraiya left Sarutobi Hizan's house alone, his expression seemed a little silent and a little dignified.

The moonlight slowly shone on him, pulling out a long shadow, Xia Feng rolled up his hair and clothes, and the whole person looked a little lonely.

After a long time, he raised his head and looked at Hokage Rock and the third statue in it, and then the whole person seemed to fall into a state of thinking.

The barking of dogs rang out from time to time in the streets of Konoha, and the cicadas kept repeating the cry of "knowing, knowing".

After a long time, Jiraiya's eyes became firm, and he seemed to feel a unique will.

Maybe this is the will of fire...
