Chapter 752: take an exam

On the day the Chunin opened officially, Uchiha Qi took Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai early, and followed Namikaze Minato to the entrance of Konoha Village.

Almost all the ninjas who are supposed to take the exam have already arrived. You must know that no matter where they are, there is a saying that they will not wait until they expire.

Being late is a terrible thing, especially if you are late for such an exam, it means losing your reference qualification.

The students have all arrived, so naturally there are only some important guys left, such as Yingying!

It's interesting to say, this time, the joint Chunin exam, almost all the shadows of the village came.

Even if it is Wuyin, the ghost lamp full moon they came over is actually almost equivalent to a shadow, but this kid is relatively unlucky and lacks some necessary things.

But this is also a small matter. If there is no accident, this guy will definitely come to this point.

In Wuyin Village, those who can compete with him are either old, or have completely lost to him.

It can be said that this guy really has nothing to threaten his opponent right now.

"Kai." Just as Uchiha Kai and the others waited slowly, Minato Minato Minato suddenly sighed slightly and said, "Yesterday, Teacher Jiraiya came back."

"Oh?" Uchiha Qi was stunned when he heard the words, and then nodded as a matter of course.

He did remember that this guy Jiraiya ran back in the original book, so he didn't have much strangeness.

This guy Jiraiya's whereabouts are really erratic, and no one can predict when he will come back and when he will leave quietly.

Although this world has caused great changes in many things because of its own intervention.

But for Jiraiya, the guy who 'can lead fate', he doesn't know how to judge this guy's thoughts.

However, Uchiha Kai can guess that Namikaze Minato has a headache for Jiraiya's return.

Because the Chunin Exam will also move towards a historical merging point. Although the process and development are different, the outcome is the same.

Sarutobi Hizan will die, this matter is doomed, but the problem of his death will be counted on the heads of everyone on his side.

The influence of Jiraiya on Minato Namikaze is self-evident, I am afraid that he is now having a headache how to explain this matter.

"It seems to be a little troublesome." Uchiha Qi touched his chin: "How did Captain Minato deal with it?"

"I have nothing to do." Minato Minato Namikaze sighed: "I asked Mr. Jiraiya to find Sandaimu, and now I don't know what the result will be."

"Didn't you let anyone follow him?" Uchiha Qi asked dumbly, "Let him go by himself?"

"This..." Minato Namikaze touched his head awkwardly, but didn't say anything.

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Kai couldn't help sighing.

It is a good thing to maintain kindness towards people, after all, this thing is a very valuable spirit and emotion.

But you have a certain kind of good intentions towards everyone, isn't that great?

It is true that the three generations of Hokage have already compromised, but it is difficult to say whether he will dig a hole, bury a mine, and make a mess in the future.

Kai Uchiha has seen this kind of thing a lot in his previous life, not only people, but even some countries' performances are exaggerated.

Take, for example, the world scumbag UK.

Uchiha Qi remembered that in the previous life, aviation was not good, and when he completely relied on sea power to compete for the world, this **** stirrer set foot in 22 countries.

When the empire was dusk and the national independence movement began, they really kept laying mines before they left, resulting in infighting in many places and frequent outbreaks of ethnic and racial conflicts.

Uchiha Qi doesn't know if Sarutobi Hiizan will bury the mine, but it's really not right not to send someone to follow him.

"Captain Minato, it's best not to have the intention of harming others." Uchiha Qi said quietly: "But the heart to guard against others must not be absent."

"Okay, it seems that this time I..." Minato Minato Namikaze wanted to say something, but suddenly he raised his head and looked aside.

The three of Uchiha Kai also turned their heads and looked over. To their surprise, they found that Jiraiya was walking towards them slowly.

Jiraiya's face didn't seem to have changed in any way.

This appearance really made Uchiha Qi and the others stunned for a while. Could it be that he didn't go to see the three generations of Hokage at all, so he still didn't know these things at all?

It shouldn't be, it's impossible for this guy, Jiraiya, not to be curious, right?

"I said, what kind of expressions do you guys have?"

Jiraiya slowly walked over to Uchiha Kai and the others, and then patted Kai and Minato on the shoulders with his hands.

"Receiving shadows from various villages, although I don't need to participate in this kind of thing, but you don't need to be so surprised when I come here, right?"

"No, Jiraiya-sensei..." Minato Namikaze seemed at a loss: "I'm just.... just..."

"Lord Jiraiya, did you go to see Sandaimu yesterday?"

Namikaze Minato was acting so inapplicable, and Nara Shikahisa was organizing the transfer Chunin exam, so the question naturally fell on Uchiha Kai.

"Old man?" Zilai also paused, then he sighed slightly: "I've seen it, I understand what he means, and what you mean..."

Speaking of this, Jiraiya couldn't help but recall the Sarutobi Hiizan he saw last night.

That Sarutobi Hizan, that own teacher, made Jiraiya feel as if he had seen the person who had just become his disciple more than ten years ago!

A teacher in such a state is the one that Jiraiya remembers.

That is, after seeing such a teacher and listening to his remarks, Jirai already knew what his teacher thought.

This matter has been decided, and he can't stop it - even if he stops, I am afraid that everyone will not give him any good looks.

For Konoha, this is a very necessary thing, it can enhance Konoha's momentum and reunite Konoha's will.

For them, this is a warning Welfare] Send you a cash red envelope! Follow vx public [Book Friends Base Camp] to get it!

They can judge a shadow in this way, so when they may make a wrong decision, their minds must think of their teacher!

And for my teacher, this will be a good opportunity for redemption!

"Although it's a pity, it's a pity that my teacher is leaving." Zilai also raised his head and looked at Uchiha Kai and Minato Namika seriously: "But there is no way to stop life, old age, sickness and death. And I also want to thank you, thank you You let me see my teacher again...

The Sarutobi Hiyzen in the real Shinobi state! "


The words were divided into two parts. When Uchiha Kai and others waited for the arrival of Shadow at the Konoha gate, the first session of the Chunin Exam had already begun.

In the silent exam room, the ninjas taking the exam frowned as they looked at the exam questions on the exam paper.

Not to mention them, such professional questions, I am afraid that many Shangin will not be able to answer them.

Theorizing knowledge is what the academic school is best at, and for those who can become jounin, it may be a little embarrassing for them to think about these things.

But the theoretical knowledge is excellent, and it is unknown in practice.

The upper ninjas are definitely the kind of people who don’t say much, but they definitely know what they do, and they can even face unknown situations at any time.

Obviously, such questions are not for students to do, but to test their ability to gather intelligence.

Among the ninjas sitting in this classroom, there are also many sharp-minded guys.

They have already thought about the meaning of this exam, so all kinds of secret cheating methods are constantly being staged in this classroom.

Sasuke looked at the paper in his hand and couldn't help but pursed his lips.

He didn't know how to write such things at all, but he also thought about the purpose of this exam.

So he's searching for targets, for guys who can write.

Soon, he locked on a guy who was burying his head in writing, and his eyes instantly turned scarlet.

With the help of Sharinyan, Sasuke copied the guy's movements. Even if he couldn't understand many of these questions, it was no big deal.

Compared to Sasuke, Hinata also stared blankly at the questions in his hand. Are these questions too nonsense?

After thinking about it, Hinata also sighed, she still has to cheat.

It's not that she didn't think about the meaning of this exam, but she wanted to try it herself, but the reality was cruel.

I don't know which question group came up with the question. It's just sick. Isn't this kind of question something that normal ninjas can do?

Her eyes were slightly closed, and the next moment she opened them again, her eyes turned white.

Quickly locked on a guy who was burying his head in writing, Hinata saw the test paper directly through his body, and then began to write.

Both Uchiha Sasuke and Hinata Hinata have the advantage of the bloodline limit, and their eyes are the most beneficial tools for them to gather intelligence.

But this is a bit of a headache for Naruto, even if he is already very good in this world, and the culture class is not weak under the training of Namifeng Minato.

But the difficulty of these professional exam questions is basically no different from heaven to him!

"It's over, how can I write these questions!" His face could only be described as desolate, and his heart almost collapsed: "I can understand that the purpose of this exam is to let me collect information, but how do I collect the questions, **** it! "

Naruto really has a headache now, and he doesn't know how to do it if he wants to cheat.


Please, a bunch of people have been invited out, how can you peek?

He has no blank eyes, and can steal the answer unscrupulously.

Looking for someone to give you the answer?

Forget it, the one who lost the note didn't see anyone who survived, and most importantly, he didn't see anyone around him who he knew.

Such anguish made Naruto crack open. He really did not expect that he would encounter such a situation in his first exam, who was good at fighting.

"No, do I have to be eliminated in the first exam, my Hokage dream!"

The anxiety in Naruto's heart still cannot change any reality.

As the minutes passed, Ibi, the chief examiner, looked at the table below and slapped the blackboard with a heavy punch, and the voice spread throughout the classroom.

Naruto's body froze when he heard this voice, and when he glanced at his blank test paper, he was completely desperate in his heart.

isn't it?

To be so unlucky?

Was eliminated in the first round of the Chunin Exam?

To implicate your teammates?

You won't be torn apart by those two, will you?

"When the time is up, the tenth question will be announced below. Here, I will add two rules. When facing the tenth question, you can choose to take it or not."

Under Naruto's despair, Ibiza's voice came out.

"If you choose not to take the exam, you will directly fail the exam, and if you choose to take the exam but fail to answer the tenth will permanently lose the qualifications for the Chunin exam."

"Now, make your choice!"

After all, Ibizi is the monitor of the torture class, and his psychological control is in place.

Moreover, he was full of momentum, and he immediately frightened the ninjas who stayed in the examination room.

Naruto was lying on the table with his head buried, he didn't dare to look at Ibizi at all, he was full of despair now.

He didn't have time to write a word, and he was still in the mood to shout something like "I will never give up". Now he just hopes that he will not lose too much shame.

Probably because Naruto huddled there motionless, Ibiki's aura worked.

Soon, there were ninjas from the same village and ninjas from other villages who couldn't take it anymore. They stood up one by one and then turned around and walked out.

Their departure also caused their teammates to get up. It should be fortunate that there are more teams participating in the test this time. There is no need to worry about Ibizi doing this, and directly making this test not enough to participate in the next game. The number of people.

After all, Konoha's reputation is big enough now.

It can be said that this time the team participating in the start is probably twice as many as in the original book!

On the basis of such a number of people, it is necessary for Ibizi to clear some people.

As the personnel continued to go out, the entire classroom was reduced by a third or even almost half of the people.

Naruto wanted to stand up several times, so he didn't want to be embarrassed.

However, what he never expected was that when no one chose to leave, Ibizi spoke again.

"Very well, it seems that no one has chosen to leave. I am now announcing the tenth question of this exam."

Ibizi looked indifferently and watched everyone talk about the tenth question, but he soon showed a smile.

"Congratulations, everyone left behind has passed the first exam!"

"Huh?" Naruto looked up at Ibizi blankly.

Not only was he a little dazed, but many of the other people who stayed were in a daze.

They really didn't understand what was going on, but Naruto seemed to have thought of something, and he sighed slightly - this tenth question is simply an upgraded version of that teamwork.

At the same time, this tenth question still has a difficult problem, which is obedience.

After thinking about these Naruto, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, he finally didn't need to worry about being torn apart...


After the first exam was over, the second exam started immediately.

Such a hurry, Uchiha Kai really did not expect, and he would not say anything.

What everyone can accept, he can naturally.

But at this time they have returned to Hokage's office, and the people they want to receive have basically received them, including the guy Onogi who also arrived as scheduled.

To be honest, the number of people who came this time was really unexpected.

Especially when Ohnogi and this guy sent a letter to inform them, it really made Namikaze Minato inconceivable.

After all, how bad the relationship between Onogi and Konoha is, they all know clearly in their hearts, this guy can be seen as breaking the ice in a sense.

Of course, the ghost knows what this guy is thinking, and no one is sure if he has any restless thoughts about Konoha.

This time the meeting was quite harmonious, except that the fourth generation of Raikage seemed to be teasing Oh Yeki unscrupulously, there was nothing else.

In addition to the bad relationship between Konoha and Yanyin, the relationship between Yunyin and Yanyin is also very bad.

Of course, if there is no alliance, I am afraid that Konoha will not have a good relationship with everyone present.

But unfortunately, after Konoha and Yunyin formed an alliance, the relationship between the two is getting better and better.

The fourth generation of Raikage also saw the strength of Uchiha Kai, and was once an old acquaintance of Namikaze Minato on the battlefield.

Even if he is sometimes very dissatisfied with this guy Uchiha Fuyue, but he is not really a fool.

Under his promotion, Yun Yin basically does not have too much ill will towards Konoha.

The policy preference of a village or even a country actually depends on the inclination of interests.

The fourth generation of Raikage has no idea about Konoha, and is even actively approaching. As soon as the propaganda in the village keeps up, some of the conflicts in the past can be eliminated immediately.

Even if they fought a battle almost ten years ago, but so what?

The interests of the village are the most important, and publicity can change some things.

However, this kind of ridicule basically has some limits, especially under the negotiation of Namikaze Minato, the fourth generation of Raikage is not too much.

What surprised him was that Onogi didn't say anything, no matter how the fourth Raikage teased, he didn't care.

In the end, after a fairly friendly meeting, the four generations of Raikage and Ohnogi were arranged to go to the best hotel to rest.

It was Man Yue who stayed, obviously he still had something to say.

"What's wrong?" After everyone left, Uchiha Kai asked directly, "Is there anything else to do when you stay?"

"Please, do you have a better attitude?" Man Yue pursed her lips: "The man standing in front of you is the man who is most likely to serve as the fifth generation of water shadows in the future. At least respect?"

"Wait for you to be talking." Uchiha Qi spread his hands: "Talk, what's the matter with you coming here this time?"

"Of course I came to take the exam, why not?" Man Yue replied as a matter of course, but seeing Uchiha Kai's disbelieving eyes, he couldn't help but sighed: "Okay, to accumulate prestige, you have to do it for the water shadow position. Are you ready?"

Uchiha Ki nodded, which was indeed a good reason, while Namikaze Minato glanced at the ghost lamp full moon.

To be honest, the feeling that I helped to cultivate a shadow in other places is really inexplicable.

But when he thinks about the country of waves and the country of grass, he doesn't plan to say anything. Obviously, this is good for Konoha, and he is not so pedantic.

In addition, he will not intervene in the development of Wuyin Village.

What he wants is that Kiriyin Village should not start wars recklessly, and it is enough to favor Konoha in many positions.

I have to say that Namikaze Minato's idea is fortunately not known by Uchiha Kai, otherwise this guy would have to be **** off.

The existence of one of the five great ninja villages has been turned into a semi-vassal state, and you want others to pay so much?

Does it feel too cheap?

It can only be said that everyone's opinions and ideas are not the same.

"By the way, did something happen to you Konoha?" Suddenly, Man Yue asked strangely, "What are you planning? I always feel that your defense seems a bit excessive?"

"Oh?" Minato Namikaze frowned and asked, "How did you find out?"

If the defense really transitions, that's not a good thing.

Ghost Lantern Full Moon can detect it, and it is very likely that other people can detect it, so this is very detrimental to the development of their plan.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that the current defense is not that strong. Although the security department is dispatched more frequently, considering the Chunin exam, it seems to be within a reasonable range.

This ghost lamp full moon....

Wait a minute, could it be that this kid has been in Konoha for a long time and understands something?

Sure enough, just as Minato Namikaze thought, Manyuki said slowly: "At least I've been 'invited' to Konoha by you for so many years, so naturally I can see something. It seems that you do have some plans."

"Forget it, but it's not a big deal." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "You only need to be optimistic about your people, and you should not compare too deeply with some things."

"Don't worry, I'm not interested." Man Yue said without hesitation: "You Konoha always like to make some very obscure plans, don't worry, I don't want to get involved!"

Uchiha Kai looked at the full moon who made the promise, and finally shook his head.

This guy's character, Uchiha Kai still knows very well, this guy will definitely think and understand secretly.

But he didn't care. Anyway, he couldn't keep it a secret for a long time. I'm afraid the whole ninja world will know what happened in more than a month.

Isn't this guy full moon wanting enough prestige?

At that time, he is likely to directly participate in the war, right?

So it doesn't make any difference whether to say it or not, and it doesn't make much sense to tell him directly.

Even Uchiha Kai was worried that this guy had a big mouth, and it would be troublesome if he revealed it.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai ignored Man Yue, his eyes looking out the window.

Now, I'm afraid the second exam has already started, right?


"In front of you is the venue for the second round of the Chunin Exam, the Forest of Death!"

At the entrance of the Forest of Death, the examiner of the second test, Mitarai Anko, said with a smile in front of everyone.

"Simply put, what you will face in the second round will be a harsh practical test, which is the map of the forest of death.

Your goal is to reach the tower in the center. Of course, the additional condition is to collect these two kinds of 'Heaven' and 'Earth' scrolls in my hands!

If you have no opinion, you can sign the consent form in my hand, then go to the place next to you to get the scroll, and you can start the exam.

By the way, the time for the exam is one hundred and twenty hours, which is exactly five days. But don't die! "

Hongdou kept a smile and explained the rules simply. When everyone understood the rules of the second exam, the remaining groups immediately began to discuss in a low voice.

Naruto and the others are no exception. The lucky Naruto is still a little pale now.

He himself doubted whether someone helped him cheat again and let him pass the test without a paper.

But he didn't dare to say this, and he didn't even tell Sasuke and Hinata that he didn't write a word except his name!

The papers of these two people don't need to think much at all, they are definitely full.

At any rate, it's not too easy to cheat with one writing wheel eye and one white eye.

I feel sorry for myself that I don't have the ability to do this at all, I don't even keep dogs or worms, and no one can control myself to help me write answers.

More importantly, he didn't know how to play with puppets, so he couldn't learn from that sly face and use a puppet to sneak out and copy the answer.

It can be said that he has clearly seen the means of cheating by others, but it is his turn to be helpless.

However, it is considered a pass anyway, at least you don't need to worry about getting involved with the two and being torn apart.

As for this exam, to put it bluntly, it is to completely simulate the battlefield environment and let them fight each other.

Because each team is only issued one scroll, if you want to pass the level, you must **** the other teams.

The worst thing is that the scrolls are random, and you can't guarantee whether it will be repeated with the scrolls of your own team.

Therefore, it is conceivable that the elimination rate of this exam will reach an astonishing level.

"However, I won't be afraid of fighting!" Naruto showed a confident smile.

Indeed, fighting against their group would not be scary!

And in this group, they also have the advantage that others can't have - white eyes and writing wheel eyes.

White eyes can observe the enemy from a distance, and even if you are lucky, you can directly see what scroll the other party is.

In this way, they can go directly to grab it, without wasting time at all.

On the other hand, the writing wheel eye can easily find some traces, so as to judge whether they have passed through other people's traps or the like.

"It seems that this exam is not easy at all." Sasuke shook his head as he looked at the various groups that were communicating.

"Indeed, I'm afraid many people will die in it." Hinata also spoke, she seemed worried.

Death is a fate for a ninja.

Although Hinata has never really done such a thing as killing an enemy, she has been taught by Aya Hinata since she was a child, and there is no fear at all.

Her worries are entirely out of respect for life, and I have to say that this girl is still too kind.

"Actually, with our strength, we can grab more scrolls." Naruto thought for a while, and said in a low voice, "For example, if we meet someone who is also Konoha, we can share some scrolls for them. . Joint examination, it is not impossible to help."

"Don't think too easily, there are many entrances to the forest of death." Sasuke glanced at Naruto: "All the groups have been disrupted, you have no idea who is in this area, even you. It's impossible to know which entrance they entered from."

"It's not impossible." Hinata thought for a while, and then said softly: "Our destination is the tower. In fact, we can directly accelerate to the vicinity of the tower and wait there."

Naruto and Sasuke couldn't help looking at each other when they heard this, then nodded together.

Going to the tower to intercept other teams is a bit shameless, but the ninja doesn't care about being shameless, as long as the task is completed.

Their choice can be said to be the most direct and efficient, but they also have to consider one thing, that is, is there no one else who has the same idea as them?

But they didn't care that much, although they were a little nervous about such a cruel test.

No way, they have never seen blood, even if it is Sasuke, this world is a happy family.

Although he didn't grow up in a honeypot, he had never seen the ground red with blood.

Glancing around, he keenly found that some people seemed to be observing the situation on his side, which made him sneer.

"It seems that we have been underestimated." Sasuke said in a low voice.

"Huh?" Naruto and Hinata were still discussing the details of the mission, and when they heard this, they couldn't help but raise their heads and look around.

Sure enough, many of the squads present had already begun to follow them, and they were obviously one of them.

Although everyone didn't know what scrolls they would get, it didn't prevent them from getting one in advance.

At that time, whether in exchange or in the face of being robbed, you can have a chance to save your life.

No one is a fool. The training of ninjas has made them think far beyond their age. Some of them may even have blood on their hands!

"Are you all ready?"

At this moment, Red Bean appeared in front of everyone again. There was still a smile on her face, as if mocking them for seeking their own death.

"Very good." Seeing that all the candidates looked over, Hongdou nodded with satisfaction: "Then, start collecting your own scrolls and start the exam!"


"Lord Fengying, when do we leave?"

In Shayin Village, Luo Sha watched the yellow sand sweeping across the sky, and there was hardly any greenery in the vast desert.

When he thought of the vitality of the country of rivers and the richness of the country of fire, his heart was really full of resentment.

Why, why was the Kingdom of Wind arranged in such a position?

However, such resentment soon gathered up again, and he was a little worried about Konoha's situation.

Orochimaru is Konoha's traitor He knows this very well.

This guy took the initiative to find him, but Luo Sha didn't believe him at all.

But there is no way, now Luo Sha is really going to fight.

The situation in Sandyin Village is unstable, there is not enough money to train ninjas, and crops are completely dependent on other countries and villages.

It can be said that Sha Yin's development was really strangled by someone's throat, leaving only a gap where he could barely breathe.

So he chose to gamble, and this time he had to gamble!

Whether it is for themselves or for the future of this village.

"Is everyone ready?"

"Yes, Master Fengying."

"Then.... let's go!"
