Chapter 755: destiny

There is not much suspense in the battle between Sasuke and Neji, just like what Hyuga Aya said, at this stage Sharonyan does have some advantages over Baiyan.

The most important thing is that Sasuke's current strength seems to be unexpectedly strong.

This kind of power is not the degree of his development of the wheel eye, nor how much his chakra has skyrocketed.

But his use of 'jutsu' seems to have become more transparent. Taijutsu, ninjutsu and illusion, the combined operation of these three 'jutsu', the mutual cooperation is really admirable.

The reason why low-level ninjas can defeat high-level ninjas is that in addition to the carelessness of the opponent, and the fact that ninjas basically do not have any overly powerful physique, in fact, the difference in combat experience also accounts for a large part.

The use of art has reached an extreme, it is really not that there is no chance to defeat a ninja stronger than himself.

Sasuke, Uchiha Kai is still very concerned about this kid.

After all, this kid has the Indra Chakra that he is thinking about, and it is impossible not to pay attention.

Therefore, he knows that this kid's strength is not that strong, at least it didn't look good to him before.

Even if he opened the wheel of writing very early, and received a good education, he also mastered the art of Chidori.

But in general, his use of his abilities is really average, not even as good as himself back then.

But now, he has become so powerful inexplicably, which makes Uchiha Kai a little interested.

"It seems that after the game is over, we must take a good look at the Chakra on this guy."

Although Kai Uchiha wanted to open his Samsara Eye to observe it now, he couldn't do anything even if he looked at it now.

So it's better to wait until everything is over, and then observe and analyze it well, so that you can make more accurate judgments.

The competition between Sasuke and Neji didn't take long, and the final result was naturally that Sasuke defeated Neji.

The next game is not as exciting as before, but it is still worth watching.

For example, Xiao Li, who was successfully promoted, faced a rock ninja, and in the end he defeated his opponent.

Hinata met a mist ninja, and he completely saw through his mist concealment technique, and finally defeated this guy.

Of course, it is not without failure.

For example, Shikamaru doesn't know if his luck is good or bad, and he is still fighting against Temari.

After this guy completely controlled Temari, he decisively chose to surrender because his chakra was insufficient.

Finally, when the game came to Naruto, the audience cheered again.

Naruto is the son of the fourth Hokage. This guy has received a lot of attention, and his opponent is also very interesting. He is the son of Kazekage, Gaara!

The sons of the two shadows, how can such a battle not make people feel excited?

"It's really exciting." Uchiha Qi glanced at the main stand, Minato Minato and the other shadows talking in a low voice, he also showed a smile and said in a low voice: "Compared to the confrontation with the shadow's son, I am here. It feels like this is a confrontation between the two of them.”

"The nine tails in Naruto's body are quite stable, but his nine tails are not complete." Probably because of his own disciple, Kakashi raised his head: "As for this kid, the tail beast in his body is sealed. It's not great, but the victory is complete. It's just that this kid's mood is not right, is it caused by not sleeping for too long?"

"It goes without saying, if you try not to sleep for 13 or 4 years, I'm afraid you will go crazy too." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "This kid is still strong-willed, at least he can maintain a certain degree of strength. Human characteristics. Inability to fall asleep and a monster constantly affecting him in his body and brain, it is very good to be able to do this."

Gaara's situation is indeed worthy of respect. This guy can still maintain a little humanity in such an extreme situation, which can already be regarded as very remarkable.

His willpower is unimaginable.

It is because he maintains these promises of humanity and his firm will that he can become the Gaara in the original book.

Suddenly, Uchiha Qi noticed that Maki, who was standing beside Kazekage, quietly left the main stand.

"Are you going to start?" Uchiha Kai's eyes were a little deep.

But he didn't make any moves either. After so many arrangements for so long, wasn't that what he was waiting for?

His eyes swept over lightly, and he landed on Sarutobi Hizan who was sitting beside Minato Naikaze. He looked so confident and full.

Although he is old and frail, even his spirit is not as good as before, and he knows everything today, his ending is already doomed.

But he seemed to be very calm, calm but with a little anticipation waiting for this scene to come.

Knowing that he couldn't do it, but still insisting, this bad old man is already old and weakened to an unprecedented level.

But in essence, he has returned to the state of "Ninxiong" that I am afraid Uchiha has never seen before, that state that is respectable at all times.

Thinking back to that time, when I hadn't crossed yet, I was still young, sitting in front of the computer and watching the scene of the old man's death, I was deceived a lot of tears.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai looked back, he had already looked at Naruto and Gaara walked into the arena together.

Gaara's face was a little distorted, and the hideous perversion seemed to be getting more and more serious, and the most important thing was that the evil chakra on him was getting heavier and heavier.

Naruto looked at this guy and couldn't help frowning.

Feeling the murderous intent and brutality that filled the breath, Naruto felt that this guy seemed to be a bit of a headache.

What a violent killing intent, what a terrible guy!

However, Naruto is not a timid person, and he is not unfamiliar with strong murderous aura. After all, he had seen the Nine-Tails in his own body when he was a child, so he was not necessarily afraid of such things.

Touching his stomach subconsciously, Naruto took a deep breath.

On the field, the two of them shook and stood still, and an invisible momentum was created between the two of them, and they continued to climb up in the comparison and twisting force of the two.

Gaara seemed to feel something, and the morbid look on his face seemed to be getting worse.

Gradually, his emotions tended to get out of control, and a huge piece of yellow sand was constantly circling and flying around him, and the shrinking them seemed to show the mood of their owner.

Finally, Gaara could no longer bear the torment in his heart, and he desperately wanted to see blood, the blood of this guy who might have the same fate as him!

With a raised hand, a huge sand shuriken flew towards Naruto.

Naruto dodged with a dodge, followed by a dodge, running towards Gaara.

This game that countless people looked forward to, finally started at the moment when they started!

Facing Naruto's exaggerated speed, the yellow sand in front of Aiga Luo suddenly condensed into a piece, blocking it like a wall.

When Naruto's fist hit the wall, the wall just condensed. However, under the impact of Naruto, the wall made of sand and stone appeared in circles of cracks.

"It seems that Naruto has really made good progress?" Uchiha Qi raised his eyebrows and looked at Kakashi, who was on the side: "You have worked hard, haven't you?"

"Actually, I don't know either." Kakashi spread his hands: "Naruto was indeed taught by me, I said it. But the efficiency of this kid's actual combat improvement, I didn't expect it to reach this level."

Kakashi is indeed a little confused now, looking at Naruto's practical, speed, and coherent physical skills in the field.

There is also that completely without knowing whether it is intentional or unintentional to use, that exquisite to the extreme interlacing of doubles and shadow clones.

Is this really Naruto?

The kid who was taught a lesson with one hand while watching the intimacy heaven?

The fighting level this guy is showing now doesn't look like a little guy who just ran out of school!

Just like Sasuke before, how did these two little devils make such exaggerated progress in a month?

What's going on.

Kakashi was extremely confused. He knew that these two little guys were geniuses. After all, one was Uchiha's blood, and the other was his teacher's child.

But the genius has reached this level, isn't it too much?

"You don't know either?" Uchiha Kai looked at Kakashi with some confusion: "According to you, they learned it by themselves?"

"Almost, don't ask me about this kind of thing." Kakashi's exposed eyes looked extremely confused: "I wish I knew, in fact, I really don't want to understand, they What happened to the two of them?"

Kakashi's words completely made Kai Uchiha's eyes light up. Not only him, but Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai also turned their heads slightly and looked over.

These two little devils have become so powerful inexplicably, does this mean...

In fact, at the beginning, Uchiha Kai did not intend to tell these two people who Indra and Asura were reincarnated.

But he had missed the point, exposing Madara Uchiha and Chishou Hashirama.

With such relatively clear information, coupled with the past grudges between Senju and Uchiha, I added up the categories of descendants of the Six Path Immortals and thought together.

Soon, they came to a conclusion, I am afraid that a new generation of Indras and Asuras will be born in families like Senju, Uchiha, and even Uzumaki.

In the end, with the help of Hyuga Aya's use of Tenseigan, the two of them also locked on Naruto and Sasuke.

It's just that when they locked them, the special power in the two people's bodies was still very weak.

But now, the changes of these two people are so sudden, they can't help but guess, is it because the power of Indra and Asura burst out in these two boys?

No force is sudden, unless there is some special change that can lead to such a result, and these two boys are so special, I am afraid......

"Hey, I said Mr. Minister, why are you still sitting here?"

At this moment, a guy dressed in the costume of the security department with the Uchiha clan emblem embroidered on his back quietly came to Uchiha Kai and them.

His voice sounded crisp, and the voice was unusually familiar.

Raising his head slightly, Kakashi's body suddenly froze, because he already recognized who this person is, this guy is Obito!

"I don't want to sit here, I want to sit there?" Uchiha Qi asked calmly: "Are you watching the game? This place has a good view."

"I'm not talking about the competition." Obito lowered his voice: "Sayin's actions, don't tell me you don't know anything."

"Of course I know, you didn't see it, Orochimaru is sitting on it?" Uchiha Qi glanced at the main stand, and finally shook his head slightly: "Don't worry, everything is planned. If you watch this carefully On the field, you can detect something different.”

Something not quite the same?

Obito immediately set his sights on the entire arena and the surrounding stands, but he quickly withdrew his gaze helplessly.

What I have is a scribble eye, not a blind eye, and I can't see or see things that far away at all.

But he seems to have guessed that the people of Anbu are probably already arranged around.

And there are people from the security department patrolling everywhere in this venue. I am afraid that if something happens, the members of the security department will quickly evacuate these civilians in accordance with the rules?

"It seems that you are all well prepared." Obito sat down beside Kakashi helplessly.

Their row was not full, and there were indeed a few vacancies around them.

The main reason is that those jounin didn't dare to come and sit, and they also wanted to give these big people a space to talk, which would also be cheaper for this guy Obito.

"If we don't make all preparations, do we dare to bring wolves into the room?" Uchiha Qi smiled and shook his head: "Okay, don't think too much, because no matter how much you think about it, in fact, we have already prepared a series of countermeasures.”

"Is that so?" Obito spread his hands: "Well, it seems that I really don't need to think so much. You guys, have you planned these things already? Well, I'll just be honest. Be the audience."

"This is the wisest choice." Uchiha Kai said casually, and then turned his eyes to the field.

The battle between Naruto and Gaara also seems to have reached a peak.

Gaara's defense is indeed strong enough. Naruto has not used any advanced ninjutsu for a while, but it seems that there is no way to break this guy's turtle shell with Taijutsu.

And Gaara's mood seems to be getting more and more strange, and the eyes he stares at Naruto become more and more bloodthirsty.

Invisibly, that evil chakra became more real!

"Hey, big fox, what's going on with this guy?" Naruto opened a distance and asked secretly to a huge figure in his consciousness space.

"Hmph, stinky brat, don't think that the old man has a good relationship with your father, you can call me this old man!" Jiuwei's hoarse and low voice came over instantly: "It's not that you don't know the old man's name, you are shouting, The old man ignores you!"

"Okay okay, Kurama." Naruto sighed slightly: "Do you know the situation of this kid? I always feel..."

"Similar to you?" The image of the nine tails became more and more solid in Naruto's mind: "You really guessed correctly, because that guy is indeed the same as you!"


Is it the same as yourself?

Naruto's eyes were fixed on Gaara in front of him, and he already understood what the nine tails meant.

I heard that this guy is also the son of Ying, and he also has a tailed beast sealed in his body. He really looks like him.

It's just why this guy is so tyrannical, his breath is full of killing, that **** smell is really disgusting.

"Kurama, is that guy in his body influenced by it?" Naruto asked uncertainly, but he seemed to be a little angry.

"You mean that idiot Shouhe?" Kyuubi thought for a while, and then said unsurely, "I don't know either, but why don't you try it and connect with his chakra?"

"Chakra docking?" Naruto was a little puzzled, he really didn't know much about this mess.

"Che, what an idiot." Nine tails lay helplessly in Naruto's conscious space, her voice sounding a little lazy.

"Chakra docking, so that you can understand what he is thinking about, and you can understand some of his situation.

When your father and I were fighting, he would maintain this connection.

You don't need to fight with him, which means you don't need to be in sync, and it won't be a big burden.

By the way, I can also meet that idiot Shoukaku. "

His father and Nine Tails have a good relationship, and they can even resonate through Chakra and enter a state like the "Kurama Whirlwind Immortal Chakra Mode".

All in all, the name is oddly correct, but very powerful.

Naruto knows these things very well, so he trusts the nine tails in his body very much, even if he sometimes frightens himself.

Chakra **** with Gaara?

Naruto thought for a while, and finally decided to give it a try.

He was too curious as to why this guy who had the same fate as himself became like this.

He needs to understand this guy's feelings, he needs to understand this guy's inner conjecture, especially some special thoughts have appeared in his heart.

Under the guidance of such will, Naruto's eyes gradually became firmer, and at the same time he began to seriously think about tactics.

"This guy's defense is very strong, and those sands make it impossible for me to break through and really get in touch with him to make a chakra link."

When Naruto thought of this, he already had a certain idea in his mind.

"I was thinking that if I want to decide a first or second or something, I'll keep it for that guy Sasuke, but now it seems..."

Sighing slightly, Naruto suddenly clenched his fists, he had already made a decision.

Fei Lei Shen, he has not learned it for more than a month, which makes him very distressed.

However, while studying Flying Thunder God, he also tried some other things, and now it is time to show off.

Jumping up, Naruto quickly separated several shadow clones while running fast.

These rushed towards Gaara in different directions, but unfortunately they were defeated before they touched Gaara.

Countless smoke kept coming out, which was telling everyone how many shadow clones had dissipated, but what was visible to the naked eye was that Gaara's sand was already messed up!

"Is that what you do?" Gaara's face was a little grim: "If that's the case, then I'll use your blood..."

"Stop dreaming!" Before Gaara's words were finished, under the shroud of smoke, Naruto appeared in front of him the next moment!

The dark green chakra that was constantly spinning had completely condensed into a spherical shape, and then the high-speed spinning chakra ball hit Ai Luo ruthlessly!

All the audience present collectively exclaimed when they saw this scene, and even many people stood up stupidly.

Spiral pill, this is the famous stunt of Namikaze Minato, I don't know how many masters drink hatred under this ninjutsu.

The most important thing is that this technique seems to be a little different!

Four generations of Raikage and Ohnogi all looked at Namikaze Minato, but they quickly withdrew their gazes.

The spiral pill has added some chakra characteristics, so that the original no attribute has become an attribute?

This seems to be somewhat unexpected. If so, it means that this technique still has such a high degree of development.

What kind of monsters are these Konoha guys?

The two of them thought to themselves, and they naturally saw that this technique had obviously not been fully developed.

But if it is not developed successfully, they can all feel the power of this technique. What if it is completely developed?

This is simply unimaginable!

At this moment, the most complicated person in his heart is probably the kid Sasuke.

During this period of time, he has mastered a lot of things, such as his writing wheel eye has inexplicably evolved to the state of three hook jade, and he has also skillfully used Lanqi.

But he didn't expect that Naruto's progress seemed to be similar to his own, which made him feel a little helpless while happy for his friends.

How can this guy improve so fast?

Is this guy his natural enemy?


In the eyes of many expectations, Spiramaru's light severely shattered Gaara's 'absolute defense'.

Under the horrified gazes of Temari and Kankuro, the dark green ball of light with a wind-attribute cut unstoppably sunk into Gaara's shoulder.

At this moment, Gaara let out a scream, the chakra in his body burst out uncontrollably, and the evil aura permeated the entire martial arts arena.

The blood ginseng and the sand began to slowly fall to the ground, and Gaara's body suddenly began to change.

He slowly became like a civet cat, but the civet cat seemed to be stimulated.

With the appearance of a red chakra on Naruto, the tanuki's state seemed to condense faster.

Maki, who had left the main stand and was ready to start at any time, had completely changed his face when he saw this scene.

Gaara, this guy, is it going to be a tail beast here?

He knew that now was not the time to continue waiting, so he immediately gave orders to the left and right.


Naruto stared blankly at Gaara in front of him, his emotions were a bit complicated, and a touch of sadness seemed to be written on his face.

At that moment, he had completed the chakra docking with Gaara under the guidance of Nine Tails, and he saw everything.


Naruto opened his mouth, but he didn't have time to say anything at all, and something like a feather suddenly began to fall from the entire martial arts arena.

A drowsiness began to slowly sweep through Naruto, sweeping everyone in the stands...


Following Maki's words, the sand ninjas who had been lurking in Konoha released their illusions one after another.

A large piece of feathers fell from the sky, and in a trance, ordinary people, those dignitaries, and some unqualified Genin people all fell asleep unconsciously!

At the moment when these ninjas fell asleep, sporadic battles had already started, and the patrolmen of the security department quickly surrounded the sand ninjas.

Perhaps because without the cooperation of Yinyin Village, the difficulty of Shayin this time is much higher, but obviously they have also undergone strict planning and recommendation, and they also bet their blood.

Those ninjas who came in with the Sandyin troop, all started to intercept the guards at this moment, otherwise they could affect other people.

At the same time, they also have to start the second plan - to make Ai Ga Luo completely beast.

I love Luo-tailed beast, which is why Konoha Kamijin is attracted to deal with this guy, so that Sandyin can quickly encircle the large army.

Gaara has now been transformed into a beast in advance, although this is not in line with their plan, but in any case, the arrow has to be sent on the string!

After Maki released the flare, he quickly ran to intercept Konoha's Joinin, his task was very heavy.

"It seems that this exam is somewhat beyond our expectations."

On the main stand, Onogi and the fourth Raikage looked at each other.

Afterwards, the two of them all turned their gazes to the 'Kazekage' who had already held Sarutobi Hizen, and Ohnogi mocked rudely.

From his point of view, this Luo Sha is really not knowing whether to live or die.

He obviously didn't know how terrifying Konoha was now, so he actually believed in Orochimaru's evil.

This guy really committed suicide.

The most interesting thing is, what is the use of holding three generations of Hokage hostage?

However, Ohnogi will not say such words, Konoha can't ignore the three generations of Hokage for his own face.

Otherwise, Konoha will definitely be regarded as the face of almost everyone in the ninja world, and will lose a wave of points.

It just made Ohnogi a little unsure about the fact that no matter how old and weak Sarutobi Hijen was, he wouldn't be able to avoid such an attack, would he?

"It seems that this time, Your Excellency Fengying came prepared."

Hidzen Sarutobi, who was being held hostage, didn't seem to have any emotional changes, he said calmly.

"Minato, you are the current Hokage, and Konoha will give you the command.

Since Your Excellency Fengying feels that holding me hostage will bring good benefits to me.

Then let me have a good experience, Your Excellency Fengying's great tricks! "

Sarutobi Hiizhan's words were extremely firm, and that unique 'Ninxiong' momentum came to his face!

Ohnogi and the fourth Raikage couldn't help looking at each other again. They seemed to understand why they, or their parents, were not the opponents of this guy.

Because this old guy does have its own unique charm.

It just makes them feel puzzled, hasn't this old guy been corrupted by power?

Why, he can still show the spirit that belongs to the "Ninxiong"?

Could it be that this guy has regained his own 'weight' and once again became the shinobi who made the ninja world tremble?

Or was he just pretending?

But no matter what kind, Onogi and the fourth Raikage looked at the same wave of wind Minato, and they already got the answer.

The two of them immediately left here with their subordinates.

Although it all feels strange, in the final analysis, this is Konoha's own business.

"Then, I'll ask the three generations of adults here." Minato Namikaze sighed slightly, and then he gently bowed to Hiizan Sarutobi.

With a wave of his hand, the surrounding Anbu immediately left the place, leaving the entire main stand to Hizan Sarutobi and Orochimaru disguised as Kazekage.

Minato Namikaze knew that this time, he was really going to say goodbye to Hizan Sarutobi, but he didn't want to think about it anymore. He still had more important things to deal with.

"Can you let go of your disguise?" After everyone had left, Hizan Sarutobi said softly, "Orochimaru, my disciple."

"Mr. Sarutobi, long time no see." Orochimaru's voice returned to normal, he licked his tongue lightly, and then let go of the Sarutobi Hizen.

Taking off the hat symbolizing Fengying that he wore on his head, he revealed that familiar face.

Still so young, his golden eyes like snakes looked up and down Hizan Sarutobi, and there seemed to be a different kind of emotion brewing inside.

"Teacher, I really haven't heard it for a long time." Sarutobi Hizan showed a smile, his eyes looked very pure: "It's been so many years, since you called me Hokage-sama, I know we are The relationship has changed a bit. But today I am very happy, I seem to see the shadow of you back then."

"Although it is a shadow, everything has changed." Orochimaru sighed slightly and made a gesture.

Soon four Konoha ninjas appeared in the four directions of the main stand. They formed seals at the same time, and suddenly a huge enchantment completely enveloped the entire main standGet cash] Follow vx public. [Book Friends Base Camp You can also get cash!

There seems to be a scorching power on the lavender enchantment, which can isolate everyone from the enchantment.

When the barrier rose, it attracted the attention of many ninjas, especially many ninjas noticed that the two people in the barrier were actually three generations of Hokage, and...

Konoha betrays forbearance, Orochimaru!

Markey naturally noticed all of this, and his expression was rather strange now.

Why Orochimaru?

What about the four generations of Fengying Ren?

However, although Maki was stunned, he felt that this might be something that Kazuyage and Orochimaru negotiated After all, he knew a lot of things.

Therefore, he decisively continued to carry out his mission, and they Shayin had no way out now!

"Yeah, everything has changed." Sarutobi Hizan looked at the barrier, then nodded slightly, but soon he shook his head.

"For a lot of people, their hearts have changed but their people haven't changed.

But for us now, I feel that our people have changed, but our hearts have not changed. "

"Isn't it a little late to say this now?" Orochimaru took off the clothes belonging to Kazekage, revealing the clothes that belonged to him: "Okay, Mr. Sarutobi, I think we should start too. "

"Yeah, it's time to start." Sarutobi Hiizhan nodded: "Then, Orochimaru, today will be our last class...

Let me, a teacher, see how far my disciples have grown! "
