Chapter 756: chaos

The voice fell, and Sarutobi Hizen had already made a bold move.

This is his last battle, and he has to work hard. Even if the outcome is doomed, he will never be soft-hearted.

His hands quickly formed a seal, and his chakra, which became stronger with age, was still surging.

"Fire Escape: The Art of Great Flame."

In just an instant, his seal has been completely completed, and the movement of the seal can hardly be seen at all, and the huge chakra has been transformed into a fire attribute.

A large sea of ​​fire was sprayed directly by him, the flames seemed to ignite everything, and the main stand where they were located had completely reflected and turned into a bright red.

"Ms. Sarutobi, is such an attack too playful?" Orochimaru licked his tongue, and he completed the seal in an instant: "Water Escape, Water Formation Wall!"

A huge wall of water rose quickly along with the seal of Orochimaru, and he could use the water escape in a waterless place, which was not difficult for him.

In just a moment, Orochimaru's face changed slightly, because at some point under his feet, the tiles turned into mud, pulling him into it like a swamp.

"The Art of Earth Escape, Earth Flowing River!"

Sarutobi Hizan still stood there, he didn't move at all, and his voice was very flat.

"Orochimaru, my disciple, this kind of battle is meaningless with such fancy tactics.

Conversely, the water escape you use also blocks your view and also reduces the pressure on me to create a swamp. "

Sarutobi Hizan spoke while pressing his hands on the ground fiercely, and Chakra poured into the ground frantically.

Under the action of chakra, the mud moves quickly and forms a vortex to prevent the trapped Orochimaru from getting out.

Orochimaru felt the restraint under him, and he couldn't help shaking his head.

He has a hundred ways to break free from such a bondage, and such intensity is really not a problem for him.

Sarutobi-sensei, you are still getting old!

Orochimaru's eyes seemed a little complicated, but with just two simple techniques, he already felt something different.

Although Sarutobi Hidden's chakra is still strong, and the quality is still objective, even the control is becoming more and more mellow.

However, did Sarutobi Hiizan use such a fighting method?

Ninjutsu is indeed what Sarutobi Hizan is good at, but he is also good at taijutsu, and the golden hoop rod transformed by the magic ape is even more powerful.

Ninjutsu, for Sarutobi Hidden at his peak, was just an auxiliary tool.

But now, when he is so close to him, his first reaction was not to use Taijutsu, but to directly choose to use Ninjutsu, which has explained a lot of problems.

Looking at the Sarutobi Hiizan who was standing on the spot and continuing to seal, Orochimaru's mind couldn't help but think of him back then, and the figure of Sarutobi Hiizan back then was still tall and majestic.

But now, looking at his body, the only thing that comes to mind is old, thin, and withered.

Under the current old age, skinny, and shriveled, his momentum, sense of oppression, reaction power, strength, endurance, and speed have all declined in all aspects.

If it weren't for the fact that he still maintained the kind of spirit that belongs to "Ninxiong", I am afraid that Orochimaru would not recognize the old guy in front of him.

Time is the biggest enemy of life, the most terrifying and the most invincible enemy.

Orochimaru once felt helpless in the face of such an enemy.

Although he found his own method, he was also a little hesitant in his heart.

But now, after seeing that his teacher has become like this under the erosion of time, he no longer hesitates.

He must give his teacher a qualified funeral, a funeral belonging to an era!

After Sarutobi Hizan completed two consecutive ninjutsus, he did not stop at all, and he quickly formed the seal again.

This time, he was going to use a combined form of ninjutsu.

Combining ninjutsu is very difficult for most ninjas.

But for the members of the Sarutobi clan, this kind of thing is not too difficult, they are born with an advantage.

It's just that such a technique is also a bit embarrassing, that is, the powerful ninja doesn't care at all.

Powerful ninjas have a variety of ways to keep themselves out of the range of this art.

In fact, for powerful ninjas, there is not much essential difference between combination ninjutsu and other ordinary ninjutsu.

However, this is just an appetizer.

Seeing that Orochimaru let out a scream, and then was drowned in his combined ninjutsu, Sarutobi Hizan couldn't help shaking his head.

"Come out, Orochimaru." Sarutobi Hizan sighed: "You are very boring like this."

"It's really boring, Mr. Sarutobi, I wanted to cooperate with you to make you happy again." The figure of Orochimaru slowly emerged from the ground, and it could be seen that he was completely unscathed: "However, it is true This kind of technique makes me cooperate like this, and it also makes me a little embarrassed."

"There's no need for that." Sarutobi Hiruzen took off his hat, and then took off his feather coat, revealing the battle suit he was wearing: "Although I'm old, I'm not old enough for you to let me go. at my level."

"Okay..." Orochimaru tilted his head: "If that's the case, let me see the current strength of Mr. Sarutobi."

Accompanied by Orochimaru's voice, his figure had completely disappeared, and when he appeared again, he was already behind Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Shunjutsu, which is the most commonly used physical technique by ninjas in battle, and even mastered by proficiency, can give people the illusion of moving in space.

Uchiha Qi himself is also good at this kind of technique. He used this technique to kill a lot of enemies on the battlefield.

Sarutobi Hizan and Orochimaru are also very good at this kind of technique, and the two of them fought extremely dazzlingly.

However, Sarutobi Hiizhan is old after all, and even if he still has the same spirit, his speed really can't keep up.

Orochimaru quickly caught a flaw, and with a flick of his right arm, countless biting snakes appeared.

These poisonous snakes attacked Sarutobi Hizan's neck, heart, and arms in several directions.

"Hidden Shadow Snake Hand!"

The distance was too close, and the speed of the poisonous snake was extremely fast, and Hiruzen Sarutobi had no time to react. He was instantly approached by the poisonous snake, and his fangs pierced his body.

It's just that the bitten 'Sarutobi Hiizan' turned into a cloud of smoke, and then his body turned into a piece of dead wood, and he himself appeared in the distance at the same time.

Not only that, but also four shadow clones appeared together!

The five of them quickly formed seals on their hands, and the violent Chakra was condensed again!

"Fire Escape Fire Dragon Bomb!"

"Water Escape Water Dragon Bomb!"

"Tu Dun · Earth Dragon Bomb!"

"Wind Dun·Wind Dragon Bomb!"

"Thunderbolt Thunder Dragon Bomb!"

Five chakras with different attributes burst out at this moment, they shot from different directions but overlapped in the path to Orochimaru.

Instead of exploding, they merged to create an even more terrifying dragon.

"Five escapes: Dalian bullet technique!"

The ninjutsu that combines the five escapes requires a lot of things to consider, not only the issue of the mutual restraint of attributes.

We also need to figure out how to make them combine to exert the power of one plus one equals two or even greater than two, rather than canceling each other out internally.

But between the understatements, Sarutobi Hizan has done all this, and his use of art has also reached an extreme!

The violent explosion instantly attracted the attention of many people. Sandyin in the arena could not resist at all, or their number was not large.

And in this arena, there are a lot of Konoha Joinin.

At this moment, these Jōnin people involuntarily turned their eyes to the main stand. They had never thought about such a battle.

"The most worthy of being Mr. Sarubi!" After the violent explosion ended, the figure of Orochimaru slowly emerged from the ground.

Above the main stand, it has been completely destroyed by Sarutobi Hiizan's technique, and there are fragments and residues everywhere.

It's just that Orochimaru still doesn't seem to have suffered any damage, if it weren't for the fact that his whole body was covered in mucus, and the chakra in his body had been reduced by half.

His eyes seemed to become a little fanatical, and his teacher really gave him a huge surprise.

"I've passed the prize." Sarutobi Hizan sighed slightly: "I'm old, otherwise, I wouldn't be standing here talking to you now."

"Indeed, after mastering the advantage, you should continue to oppress, not stop." Orochimaru nodded: "But it doesn't matter, the warm-up is over, Mr. Sarubi."

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"Well, yes." Sarutobi Hizan's expression became solemn, and it was really only a warm-up just now: "Go ahead, let me see your level."

"Don't worry." Orochimaru shook his head: "Teacher, I said I want to give you the best funeral, so I decided to invite some people out."

"Ask someone? Your helper?"

"No, just imagine, Sensei, you are fighting two Hokage alone...

What kind of scene would that be? "


"It's quite confusing."

Earlier, when the feathers of the 'Nirvana Abode Art' fell from the sky, Gaara became extremely manic.

The evil chakra in his body began to emerge uncontrollably, while Naruto stood dumbfounded in front of Gaara, and he seemed to be stunned by this scene.

However, Uchiha Kai, who was sitting in the stands, clearly felt that the force belonging to the Nine Tails in Naruto's body began to move.

Even Naruto's body has begun to cover the scarlet chakra.

However, Uchiha Qi didn't do it. Naruto is obviously going to be fine, not to mention the fact that Namifeng Minato is already here?

As for the inside, he really didn't need his too much attention. None of the Konoha ninjas sitting behind him were foolishly dazed by illusions.

They rushed up almost immediately and began to clean up these sandy ninjas in the field.

"It's really confusing." Kakashi has quietly put away the book: "I don't know how Sandyin is going to act. I found that there seem to be quite a few of their ninjas here."

"Haven't you seen Sandyin's battle plan?" Obito sat peacefully beside him, and he didn't do it the first time, but asked curiously, "I remember that Orochimaru had not already fought their battles. Have you fully handed over the plan?"

"Kakashi hasn't seen it, and only me and Captain Watergate have seen the plan."

Uchiha Kai spoke at this moment: "It's actually very simple, there are quite a few people participating this time, and with the help of this Chunin exam, many people came in disguised as merchants, so there are now a lot of people here. Of course, We have seen this kind of thing in our eyes, and we have reduced the number of people they come in, so we don’t need to worry about causing too much trouble.”

This time, there is no sound hidden village in the end, which also makes Uchiha Kai a little worried, the number of sand hidden is not enough, so Konoha can't feel the pressure.

So after communicating with Minato Namikaze, the security department began to let them pass properly, so that a lot of ninjas poured into them this month.

Just as they were talking, Naruto suddenly disappeared from the arena, and two figures appeared beside them at almost the same time - Minato Minato and Naruto!

"Qi, why are you still here?" Minato Minato put Naruto down at will: "Yiwei is about to come out, you can take care of this place first, I'm going to take a look outside."

"Don't worry, Captain Minato." Uchiha Qi stood up, his eyes were locked on the body of the body that was constantly enlarged: "We will leave this matter to us without any problems... "

While speaking, Uchiha Kai has stood up, and his eyes have also become the state of eternal eyes at this moment.

To deal with a one tail, there is really no need for him to open the eye of reincarnation.

Especially now, he is not very good at dealing with this kind of seal, and the host and the tailed beast have fierce conflicts, and it doesn't take much effort!

Imai Kenta also stood up. He had already taken out a scroll from his pocket. Obviously, he was preparing to seal the Chakra of the Tailed Beast.

"Then, I'll leave it to you." Namikaze Minato saw Uchiha Kai's current state and couldn't help but smile: Kakashi, the two of you go with me, Naruto, stay here and listen to Kai's orders. "

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Kakashi and Obito stood up immediately, especially Obito, who seemed to be full of energy.

"I see, Dad." Naruto nodded, but his eyes still stayed on Gaara.

Not long ago, when he docked with Gaara's chakra, he saw the red-haired child grow up throughout his life.

He saw a life with the same fate as he was born, but everything was completely opposite.

At this moment, Naruto has already made a decision, that is, he wants to save this guy.

A belief has emerged in his heart, which is to try to make the world peaceful through communication and exchanges between people.

Gaara, who is completely different from himself, is the one he must save!

It's just that he thought so mentally, and the next moment he heard a shrill scream...



Gaara covered his head with his hands and shouted hysterically. The huge pain had made him completely unable to think. Now he is acting on instinct.

Naruto's attack just now caused Gaara to suffer so much damage, something he didn't expect at all.

However, what he didn't expect was that that guy was actually exactly the same as him!

When that guy's chakra invaded his body, he also saw everything about Naruto.

It is also the son of Ying, and a huge monster is also sealed within the body.

but why?

Why are their fates so different, so completely opposite?

That guy named Naruto, he has a complete family, parents who love him very much, elders who care about him, villagers who are amiable to him, and a lot of friends.

And what about yourself?

I have nothing, nothing!

Even the monster in that guy's body seems to have a completely different attitude towards him than the monster in his own body has towards him!

The anger has completely burned in Gaara's consciousness, and coupled with the stimulation of the big fox in Naruto's body, the monster in his body began to run wild.

Power, what Gaara desires now is power, the power to destroy everything in front of you!

A large amount of sand wrapped around his body and quickly mutated.

The huge tailed beast's body has been quietly and completely formed in this martial arts arena, and the evil power has also begun to permeate this huge body.

The reason why tail beasts can become the ultimate weapon that threatens various major countries is because their deterrent power is so terrifying!

If any tailed beast attacks recklessly, it will be an unimaginable tragedy for a village or even a country!

Naruto gritted his teeth and looked at the shaped monster in front of him, thinking about how to save Gaara.

His brain reacted very quickly. Since the opposite is a monster....tailed beast, then he also released the tailed beast, wouldn't it be good to fight against this guy?

Thinking of this, Naruto immediately contacted the nine tails who had been secretly watching the battle in his mind, and the only one who could deal with one tail was the nine tails!

"Kurama, do you have a way to deal with him?" Naruto asked quickly in his mind: "For example, I'll let you out too?"

"If you let me out, I'll swallow it directly." Nine tails' voice echoed in Naruto's mind: "I don't want that guy at Minato to trouble me. I can't bear to kill his son."

"Hey, hey, who said I would definitely die!" Naruto said with dissatisfaction: "Isn't this guy also releasing the tailed beast? If you don't deal with it, how will we deal with it?"

"Did you make a mistake?" Nine tails' voice was still languid: "Your father gave you the matter of dealing with that idiot Shouzuru, that guy Uchiha Kai, what are you doing for fun?

As for that guy releasing the tailed beast, do you think I'm the same as that idiot Shoukaku?

When I say devour, I don't mean to kill you, but to occupy your consciousness.

Compared with that kid, your will is a lot worse. "

When Naruto heard the words of the nine tails, he couldn't help but seem a little silent.

His own will is not as good as Gaara, which Naruto was reluctant to admit, but he had to admit it.

Gaara has fought against Ichiao's will since he was a child, so that he will not be swallowed up, and he has no such experience at all.

I am afraid that the Kurama is really released, even if it is unwilling to devour itself, I am afraid that some things cannot be avoided.

"It's just that there's no other way..." Naruto sighed silently, he really wanted to do it himself.

"That little brat is really crazy." At this moment, Nine Tails suddenly said, "Is it the technique of slumbering? He plans to release Shouhe completely."

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked dumbly, but he soon knew.


The sharp voice pierced the sky, and the evil chakra seemed to become more intense.

Wagging his tail in the field, his dull eyes seemed to have some radiance.

Its eyes swept around, and then it raised its head and roared: "Come out! I'm finally out! Dead fox, where are you hiding? I'm out!"

All the ninjas present looked at this scene in amazement, especially the Konoha ninja, their faces changed slightly.

They still remember how much damage the Nine-Tails caused in Konoha back then!

Not only Konoha, but many of the Kirigakushi ninjas who came to Konoha to take the exam recalled some very unpleasant things.

There is actually another tailed beast, has it come to fight in the village?

Compared with the anger of the Konoha ninja, the sand ninja, who was suppressed by the Konoha ninja in the martial arts field, showed a touch of joy.

One tail is out, which is definitely a good thing. With one tail's cover, they can be a lot safer. After all, at least Konoha ninjas are not stupid, and they should know who to deal with first.

In such an environment, they can better destroy Konoha!

"Have you not figured out your own situation?" Just when Shouhe was very proud of coming out by himself, a voice suddenly came to his ears.

"Huh?" When Shouhe heard the indifferent voice, he immediately turned his head, and then his eyes seemed to change a little: "These eyes, Uchiha? Really evil eyes!"

"Oh?" Uchiha Qi shook his head flatly: "Before you say I'm evil, why don't you feel your chakra?"

"You humans have always been so good at making excuses." Shouhe didn't seem to want to talk nonsense with Uchiha Kai at all, and he was still full of excitement: "But it doesn't matter, as soon as he came out, he found that he wanted to kill people, really good!"

Someone you want to kill?

Uchiha Kai shook his head. Originally, he planned to let this guy roll back into Gaara's belly quietly, but now he has changed his mind.

For this kind of person who dares to threaten himself, Uchiha Kai has no sympathy at all, so...

Sighing slightly, a little black light appeared on Uchiha Kai's body.

The next moment, the pair of scarlet eternal eyes in his eye sockets began to rotate slightly, and the hot breath began to diffuse.

Shouhe keenly felt a threat, but it was too late to make any response, and the black flame suddenly appeared on him without warning!

The flame seal ignited it completely, and then, the black fire spread rapidly, and quickly completely covered its huge body.

In the flames, in the shrill screams of Shouhe, its huge body gradually disappeared.

This terrifying scene fell in Naruto's eyes, making his body froze slightly.

Such a huge guy, such a huge enemy, Uncle Qi didn't move at all, so he solved the enemy?

Is this the strength of Uncle Qi?

In just a moment, Naruto's face turned pale, the flame was burning, so is Gaara...

"He's not dead yet, Uchiha Qi has left."

Just when Naruto was the most nervous, the voice of the nine tails sounded in his mind, and it was not difficult to hear that this guy's voice seemed a little gloating.

"Tsk tsk, that idiot Shouhe spoke out to provoke a vengeful guy. Originally, he didn't need to suffer like this, he only needed a powerful illusion to control it. But now it's better, just use such flames to get rid of it, that idiot civet cat can have it. accepted."

"I love Luo all right?" Naruto felt relieved when he heard this sentence.

"Naruto." At this moment, Uchiha Kai suddenly said: "Don't continue standing here, I have a task for you."

"Yes, Uncle Qi!" Probably knowing that Qi had left his hand, Naruto's mood was a little high.

"Find your teammates, as well as the Shikamaru team, the tooth team, and attack together."

"What is our mission?"

"Pursue Ichito-katsuri, Gaara."


At the same time that Uchiha Kai was dealing with Ichi, Namikaze Minato had already led Kakashi and Obito to the central area of ​​Konoha.

At this time, there are sporadic battles happening everywhere in Konoha, but it can be seen that these battles did not affect the residents of Konoha too much.

Because the members of the security department had already organized various ninjas who had not entered the martial arts field, and began to lead the residents into the bunkers.

These bunkers have existed for a long time. When the village was established, both Senshou Hasuma and Uchiha Madara thought about what to do if the enemy came in?

It's just that these underground bunkers are almost useless. It should be said that the performance of Naruto has always been good, so that these life-saving things can't really be used.

Of course, this also led to the carrying of Konoha ninjas. It was not until after the Nine Tails Incident that Namikaze Minato began to rebuild the fortifications in Konoha, and all these underground bunkers were renovated for a round.

Seeing this scene, Namikaze Minato couldn't help but let him breathe a sigh of relief.

Although under the guidance of the security department, let these ninjas know what to do.

But he could see that the security department didn't do much. After all, every security department had to guard an area of ​​Konoha.

There are not many teams they divided, and each team has a fixed number of three people, and these numbers can only play a guiding role at most.

The ones who really played the biggest role were these Konoha ninjas.

"Hokage-sama." At this moment, Uchihagawa, who was in charge of this area, came to Namikaze Minato.

"Kuan, what's the situation now." Minato Namifeng didn't talk nonsense, he asked directly: "Not just your situation here, how is my situation in other areas?"

"Lord Hokage, after Sandyin's signal bomb was sent out, we first started to protect various important areas." Uchihagawa said quickly and concisely.

"The school side has been secured and the students have been escorted. The residential area has not been pulled down, and all the residents have entered the bunkers under the protection of ninjas.

The ninjas in the administrative department are not good at fighting, they originally wanted to stay, but my side has been taken away by my order.

I think, whether it's Chun, Liu Ying or Rizai, I'm afraid the handling is similar to mine. "

"That's good." Minato Namikaze breathed a sigh of relief, and he showed a smile at this moment: "You are doing well, and the residents have no problems, right?"

"No, Konoha's ninjas are doing well." Uchihagawa shook his head.

"Actually, before our security department had time to do anything, the other ninjas found that the situation was not right, and they had already begun to actively evacuate the crowd, and while notifying us, they fought with the enemy.

As for the residents, there is no problem, the sand ninja in the village is a minority, I am afraid that outside the village is the most important.

I have already received a summons, and there are quite a few Sand Ninjas appearing in all directions, and Lord Jiraiya is already fighting against them on the front line.

But we have a big advantage because we have a lot of fortifications to defend. "

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato was completely relieved.

He really didn't expect that after the Nine-Tail Incident, the fortifications he voluntarily requested to build actually played such a big role at this moment.

With these fortifications in place, and the members of the security department guarding the edge of the village, no matter how you look at it, you can resist those sand ninjas for a long time.

Besides, teacher Jiraiya is also there. It's not surprising that Jiraiya was there at all, this is what he asked himself.

After knowing all these plans, Jiraiya naturally planned to do something.

In fact, he could choose to stay in the martial arts arena and give his teacher a ride in the end, but he finally relented.

Even though he knew that all this was his own choice, and that this would be his teacher's last battle, the most brilliant battle, but he still didn't want to see it.

"I understand." Minato Minato Namikaze nodded, and then he said calmly: "Quickly move and protect the residents of the village, and then implement the counterattack plan."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Uchihagawa nodded firmly: "The major families have already been dispatched. I don't think we need much time to counter them."

After saying this, Uchihagawa turned around and left here.

The information has been reported, so he has to continue his mission.

Namikaze Minato didn't stop him, he put his hands on Kakashi and Obito's shoulders, Chakra turned slightly and they had appeared on Hokage Rock.

Looking at the orderly ninja troops below, they are leading the villagers to a safe point.

Seeing that the Konoha ninjas had already started to fight against Sandyin in an organized manner, Minato Nakaze nodded in satisfaction.

"It seems that none of our ninjas have forgotten, nor have they lost their vigilance." Minato Namikaze showed a smile on his face: "Then, we should do something."

"Yes, Minato-sensei." At this moment, both Obito and Kakashi said very tacitly.

"Obito, Kakashi." Minato Namikaze looked at the two of them: "I didn't expect that we would be able to fight side by side in this way. I always feel that time has returned to fourteen years ago. ."

"Minato-sensei..." Obito opened his mouth slightly, but in the end he didn't say anything, just a smile.

"Okay Not much nonsense. The Watergate class regroups, the two of you have a mission."

"Yes, Minato-sensei!"

"Kick those invaders out!"


"It seems that this village is not peaceful, it's interesting, really interesting!"

In a corner of Konoha, Otsutsuki Kinoshiki and Otsutsuki Momoki looked at the ninjas who were constantly fighting, and finally Momoki couldn't help showing a hint of mockery.

"However, what an ugly battle. Is that how these guys use Chakra?"

"Sir, I seem to feel the breath of the tailed beast. There seems to be a lot of people gathered in a place not far from here."

"Is that so? Let's go and see, these little ants are really interesting..."
