Chapter 757: Dead people look like dead people

After dealing with the first tail, Uchiha Kai turned his attention to the battle between Sarutobi Hiizan and Orochimaru.

This time, the 'Konoha collapse plan' was not passively accepted, but Konoha actively induced Shayin to complete it.

The purpose is to let the younger generation know the cruelty of war, but also to check the actual level of vigilance of Konoha ninjas.

To be honest, this kind of battle Uchiha Qi really can't be of much interest. Unless there is a guy who doesn't have long eyes looking for trouble and finds him, he probably won't be doing anything.

Similarly, Imai Kenta and Hinata Aya are similar, but slightly different.

Kenta Imai wanted to see how the members of his family would behave.

The Qianshou clan has developed well, and there are also a lot of task ninjas.

However, the ninjas who participated in the war that year basically did not stay, and Sarutobi Hidden was too powerful, so in Kenta Imai's view, the Senju family is not enough now.

Therefore, he really needs such a war, even if it is regarded as an acting war, to test the abilities of family members.

And Hyuga Aya doesn't care much, and there are not many things that can make her interested in Konoha, even this time.

She was watching all this happen like she was watching the fun.

"It looks like it won't take long this time, these guys will be driven away." Kenta Imai stretched, and Shi Shiran said: "We can't see Konoha's overall performance here, but If you think about it, it's not bad, and I don't know that those guys are more unlucky and will die in this sandyin invasion."

"There aren't many such people, although I don't really care, but if you stand from Konoha's point of view..." Uchiha Qi shook his head slightly: "I'm afraid this is a huge loss."

"You know it, too." Hyuga Aya's eyes were still cold: "Although I know your purpose, I have to say that you are a little bold. I have never seen anyone like you who dares to let the enemy run to your base camp. Come."

Indeed, looking at the development of the entire ninja world up to now, I am afraid that no one dares to let the enemy run to their village to make trouble.

This guy Uchiha Kai is really unique. The most interesting thing is that Naruto Minato, who is Hokage, is willing to go crazy with him.

Of course, if you look at the problem from Hokage's point of view, it seems worthwhile.

Although this action will cause damage to Konoha, this small damage is really insignificant compared to the training that Konoha can get.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this problem." Uchiha Kai shook his head, and then he looked at Imai Kenta: "How is this guy Nohara Rin now? I remember when I went to observe her last time, she seemed to have already I'm about to wake up."

"Come on, if there is no accident, I should wake up in the next few days." Imai Ken tilted his head too much: "I left a wooden clone there. After all, we don't have time to pay attention to her now, don't we?"

In Konoha's current situation, they really don't have much time and experience to watch Nohara Rin, so it is very necessary to leave a clone there to watch.

In case this woman wakes up now, it's a good thing that someone can help her a little and tell her something necessary.

This will give them enough time to buffer, at least not to get swept up or down, or the woman running around and causing something bad.

Uchiha Ki nodded, and just when he was about to say something, his expression changed slightly.

Not only him, but Imai Kenta, Hyuga Aya, and Imai Kenta also noticed something in an instant, and they immediately stood up.

The three of them are all people who have undergone a special evolution and have mastered the immortal mode, and their perception ability is very terrifying.

Almost at this moment, the three of them sensed a huge, suffocating force approaching!

This power, the three of them are all unfamiliar, but there is a feeling of deja vu!

They also have such power, but they are definitely not so full and exaggerated. This level seems to be even more incredible than when Uchiha Kai faced Otsutsuki!

A bad thought appeared in their hearts, what they felt at this time, shouldn't it be those big tube trees?

"It won't be so unlucky, will it?" Hyuga Aya rolled her eyes, and she immediately locked the two of them as far as she could: "It seems that we are indeed quite unlucky."

"Our luck doesn't seem to be as good as we imagined." Uchiha Qi sighed slightly: "Is it caused by the tailed beast coming out of the cage?"

At first, Uchiha Kai didn't really understand why these two guys came to Konoha.

He clearly did not release any breath belonging to Otsutsuki, so there should be no leakage.

Then the only thing that can be explained is the tailed beast.

These two guys probably set their sights on Kaguya and Yi Shi when they entered the ninja world, but if they couldn't find anyone, they would go to the divine tree.

The collection of tailed beasts is ten tails, and the essence of ten tails is the divine tree, so it is normal for them to explore the divine tree to find Kaguya and Yi Shi!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai couldn't help shaking his head. He seemed to know now what was going on with that feeling of palpitations.

I really didn't expect that this matter actually went back and forth and returned to the original point, back to his original idea.

Silently began to stimulate the power in his body, and the breath that belonged to Otsutsuki began to slowly spread out towards the surroundings.

"Remember what I told you, the information about those two guys?"

Uchiha Kai stared at the sky, and his voice slowly began to change, it seemed a little soft, but also a little indifferent.

"Of course I remember." Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya both nodded: "Are you going to do it?"

"Well, there is no way. Kenta, use the clones to inform everyone to evacuate Konoha, everyone!" Uchiha Qi took a deep breath: "Although I don't really think about it, it turns out that some things always deviate from our expectations. for example....."


The voice fell, and the sky was densely covered with dark clouds, and two figures appeared in the sky in vain!

One of them fell to the ground ruthlessly, and the earth shook at the moment of landing.

The smoke and dust overflowed, and the meandering cracks kept spreading around. All the ninjas in the entire martial arts field were a little unstable under such tremors.

Even the ninjas outside the martial arts field seem to be able to feel such tremors.

There was a shock in the smoke and dust, and in everyone's horrified eyes, a tall white-robed giant appeared.

He looked around blankly, and finally his eyes stayed on the three of Uchiha Kai.

"The new Otsutsuki?" His voice seemed a little dull, but it sounded like thunder in everyone's ears: "No, the human beings who have the essential power of Otsutsuki! Also, the humans who contain the power of the incomplete divine tree. ."

As soon as the voice fell, a giant axe emitting a red light suddenly appeared in his hand, and the figure began to become a little hazy!


When this guy appeared again, he had come behind Uchiha Kai and others, and the giant axe exuding demonic chakra in his hand smashed to the ground.

Under this powerful force, he opened a gap in the martial arts field!

It's just that there seemed to be some curiosity on his face, because he was cut empty.

Glancing around, these three guys have quietly appeared where he was just now, and the huge chakra in their bodies has also begun to surge.

"You guys seem to be interested." Otsutsuki Momo who was floating in the air looked down at Uchiha Kai and the others, he still looked so frivolous: "Although it's still an ant, no matter how you look at it, it's better than those guys. Much more fun."

"Otsutsuki peach style?" Uchiha Qi looked at this arrogant guy and couldn't help shaking his head: "It's really a disgusting guy, but it doesn't matter."

Having said this, he closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened it again, the circle of reincarnation had already been shown in his eyes!

Several gouyu slowly spun in his eyes, and strange power had begun to condense in the entire Konoha.

The frivolous face of Otsutsuki Peach-style has slightly restrained, and he also has such things as Samsara eyes.

How could someone with such eyes be ants?

What's more, he also noticed that the woman standing beside this guy also has white eyes!

"It seems that you have developed Otsutsuki's bloodline to a good point." Otsutsuki Taoshi raised his brows slightly: "It's a little bit interesting, but..."

Speaking of which, the peach-like atmosphere of Otsutsuki also bloomed in an instant!

The breath belonging to the Six Paths level instantly covered the entire Konoha, and at this moment, the heaven and the earth seemed to sound a hymn, as if to praise the power that has crossed the limit.

Countless people stopped fighting at this moment, and they watched and felt this scene dumbfoundedly.

A trembling from the heart is surging, as if telling them to surrender to this power!

"For a guy like you whose blood is not pure, are you going to fight against a real Otsutsuki?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Otsutsuki Momoshi showed incredible speed, and he disappeared like a ghost, and once again he was noticed that he was behind Uchiha Kai!

His right hand grabbed towards the neck behind Qi, and the reincarnation eye in the palm released a lavender ghost Chakra.

It all happened so fast, as if he was going to attack you, such an attack has become a reality and you can't dodge it at all!

However, Kiko Uchiha was never a catfish to be slaughtered on the chopping block.

The moment Otsutsuki Taoshi wanted to shoot, he already had an inexplicable awareness.

Although his essential strength has not yet reached the level of Six Paths, he has actually passed the Chakra mode and entered that level.

The most important thing is that he can feel the Otsutsuki Momo-style guy, although his strength is indeed powerful, but strictly speaking, it can only be regarded as the most elementary level of Six Paths!

Feeling all this, Uchiha Kai already has greater confidence.

Know the information of this guy, know some of this guy's character, and at the same time he also has the eye of reincarnation Chakra.

If you can't settle all this by yourself, then you really don't even have a future, and Naruto Sasuke, who is empowered by the Six Path Immortals, can't compare!

"Why do you think, you've settled for me!"

When Otsutsuki's peach-like hand grabbed it hard, a pitch-black ninja sword appeared in Uchiha Kai's hand.

The abundant yin and yang escapes on the ninja knife directly blocked Otsutsuki Momo's hand, and this guy couldn't make any progress at all!

After some entanglement, Otsutsuki Peach-style quickly flew backwards, and he also felt how terrifying that huge yin and yang escape was.

"You guy, it's really interesting, very interesting!" Otsutsuki's peach-like eyes have become a little crazy: "I didn't expect a guy like you to appear among the ants! I felt a wedge in you. The breath of yours, whose reincarnation are you? Such power is probably an unconscious wedge, right?"

"You can guess." Uchiha Kai's expression was still indifferent, but his breath had reached a peak: "Aya, Kenta, that big man will be handed over to you, remember what I said?"

"Of course I do." Hyuga Aya nodded, and her breath slowly began to change.

When she actually reached a peak, the white eyes had changed strangely in an instant.

A azure blue appeared in her eyes, not only that, but the azure blue began to spread rapidly.

It didn't stop until her eyes had completely turned into Tensei Eyes!

Imai Kenta's body also had a pale golden luster, which looked somewhat similar to Namifeng Minato.

But the difference between this light golden color is still very big, because the aura condensed inside is really too complicated.

There is not only a nine-tailed chakra, but also the breath of a variety of tailed beasts. Otsutsuki, who is extremely sensitive to such a breath, immediately noticed something.

Their eyes were immediately locked on Imai Kenta. Although the power of these sacred trees was incomplete, this guy has collected and integrated so much power. It is already conceivable how exaggerated this guy is.

"But this place doesn't seem to be suitable for us to let go and fight, right?" Imai Kenta has quietly turned on the immortal mode, and his eyes are locked on Otsutsuki Kinshi: "This damage to Konoha, but unimaginable."

"Don't worry, no matter how much damage Konoha has caused, there is a way to make up for it."

Uchiha Qi took a deep breath, his eyes inadvertently locked on the reincarnation eye on Otsutsuki's peach-style palm, and a smile appeared on his face.

"However, before that, let's restrain a little bit, and after the signal is sent, we will go all out!"

"You mortals, it's really funny." Otsutsuki Momoshiki seemed to have heard the funniest joke, and the frantic expression on his face became more and more intense: "In front of us, do you think you can still restrain yourself? I don't know what to do! I'll tell you what's going to happen next...

Next, everything here will be reduced to a pile of rubble, and all of you will die! "


In Konoha Village, near the edge.

The ninja knife in Shishui's hand reversed slightly, and suddenly a sand ninja died under his knife.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his head and instantly looked at a Sand Shinobi who was rushing towards him. The Sand Shinobi was stunned in the spot where there was no response at all.

In the end, what awaited him was not the rescue of his teammates, but the blade that wiped his throat!

Clean, neat, without any hesitation, and without any pause.

Zhishui's killing continued, and not far from him, the ghost shark was also quickly cleaning up these **** sandy hides.

Compared to Shishui's elegant combat methods, the killing methods of the ghost sharks seem to be a bit more open.

The corpse under the sailor basically only had an extremely fine incision, which was fatal.

But the ghost shark is different, although the enemy he kills is also deadly.

But they are basically full of stumps, and even their internal organs fell to the ground, looking like a purgatory!

The huge shark muscle seems to have no weight in the hands of the ghost shark, and he is recklessly reaping the lives of these sand ninjas!

Time passed by minute by minute, and after a few minutes, their sand ninja was basically cleaned up by them.

It's just that they didn't have time to communicate too much, and immediately hid in the distance.

After they left, it didn't take long for the guards to arrive here.

The faces of these members of the security department were a bit strange, and they didn't even think about it themselves, why has this area been cleaned up?

"Didn't the guards come with you?" In the other side of the forest, the ghost shark glanced around and asked in a low voice, "I'm here to watch the show, but I don't want to cause trouble."

"I shouldn't have followed, at least it seems that we are lucky at the moment." Shishui felt the information from the shadow clone, and said indifferently: "There are no members of Hyuga here, so they have not been discovered."

Hearing this sentence, the ghost shark was temporarily relieved.

Although he knew that even if he was discovered by the security department and then reported to Kai Uchiha, he would never have any problems.

But beside him is Uchiha Shisui, this **** Konoha traitor, which makes him unable to do it generously even if he wants to help Konoha's gang.

Similarly, Zhishui was relieved, looking at the ghost shark beside him, he felt that this guy was really in the way!

If it wasn't for this **** guy, would he be so embarrassed as he is now?

Even though he is a ninja of Konoha, he still has to hide when he does some things, and guard against the people around him with good medicine. This kind of feeling is too bad!

But Zhishui just complained, he couldn't really do anything to this guy, the ghost shark, he still has tasks to do.

The two looked at each other with resentment, but the pair looked at them invariably with a look of 'you did a good job'.

"It seems that we have a good show to go to see next." Ghost Shark showed a wicked smile: "Although I feel like I have worked for Konoha Bai, but it's just a ticket, so we can also enjoy it, Mu Yebai. Ye's situation now."

"That's right." Zhi Shui nodded, but his fists clenched.

Turning around, Zhishui continued to walk towards the inside of Konoha, but just as he acted, he suddenly felt a majestic force coming from inside Konoha!

That powerful and despairing power, the sound like a hymn constantly came from the sky.

All of this made Zhishui and even the ghost sharks a little stiff, and the sense of surrender made them unable to move at all!

What exactly is going on?

The two of them couldn't help thinking in their hearts, but unfortunately no one could answer them...


"It's been a long time since I fought with you, Kakashi."

In Konoha Village, Obito threw down the last sand ninja with a kunai in his hand, and he looked at Kakashi with some nostalgia.


Kakashi nodded slightly, and the ninja knife was gently pulled out of a sand ninja lying on the ground.

Blood kept falling down his blade, but he didn't seem to see it at all, or even felt it at all.

His mind was still reverberating, everything he had just fought with Obito.

The last time we fought side by side was on the battlefield, against the guys from Iwagin.

More than ten years have passed, and there seems to be no problem with their cooperation at all, and they have even become more tacit.

At that moment, both of them seemed to return to more than ten years ago, the day they parted.

On that day, the two of them tried to cooperate for the first time, and it was on that day that they realized how important each other was to each other.

"It's a pity, if Lin was still there, we might have cooperated better." Obito put Kuwu away, and then sighed slightly: "The two most damned people are alive, but the least damned one is alive. People are already asleep..."

"Obito..." Kakashi couldn't help but look at Obito when he heard the words, and he hesitated.

"Don't worry, it's been so many years, I just feel a little bit about our fate." Obito showed a smile.

"However, this sentence can't be told to Qi, otherwise he will scold people again. After all, our current status can make more contributions to the Ninja world and Konoha. This guy is sometimes very righteous. Sometimes it's very ruthless."

"Yeah, Kai has always been like this." Speaking of Uchiha Kai, Kakashi couldn't help laughing: "This area has been cleaned up, so the rest should be on the outskirts of the village, shall we go?"

"Of course, I've been counting just now. The number of people I've killed is comparable to yours."

"Che, this time I will definitely be more than you."

Kakashi finished speaking with a smile, but the next moment his body froze!

Not only him, but Obito also felt an extremely oppressive aura.

This breath was so powerful that it made people desperate, and the accompanying hymn-like sound made them realize something.

Especially Kakashi, how could he forget such a sound, when Uchiha Kai dealt with Otsutsuki Ichishi, he made such a sound.

Such a hymn-like sound can only explain one thing!

"It seems that Kai's side is in big trouble." Kakashi clenched his fists: "I've heard this voice before."

"I understand this aura even if I don't say it." Obito shook his head: "But let's deal with what we should deal with, here...

Although I don't want to say it, it hurts too much after all. However, with our present past, it may only be a hindrance! "


There are too many people who feel this kind of breath, even Ohnogi and the Fourth Raikage, or Namikaze Minato all feel such a terrifying breath.

This kind of breath is really disturbing, and even makes people fear from the heart.

But the three of them acted completely differently, and Minato Namikaze was very uneasy.

He guessed what such an aura might be. The only people who possess such aura and can cause such a movement are Kai and that **** Otsutsuki!

According to Kurama's remarks, that breath is not enlightened, that can only mean one thing, it's from those **** Otsutsuki!

But he can't go there for the time being, because he still needs to deal with these **** sandy ninjas.

How do you deal with those guys if you don't clean them up?

He can only leave this matter to Qi now, no matter if he's in a hurry, it's useless, but he can't understand why those **** Otsutsuki came here.

Compared to Namikaze Minato, who can't get out at all now, Ohnogi and Shidai Raikage don't have so many scruples, and they rushed over almost immediately.

They are very curious, what is the situation, and who is making such a scene!

It's just that when they returned to the martial arts field again, they somewhat regretted their choice.

Everything that appeared in front of them seemed to pull their minds back a few years ago!


"Orochimaru, why did you learn this technique?"

Seeing that Orochimaru suddenly summoned two coffins, Hiruzen Sarutobi thought of it almost immediately, a technique that was recorded in the book of seals, and he even wanted to get rid of it several times!

How could Sarutobi Hijen not know about the reincarnation of the filthy earth, a technique that disturbs the sleeping of the dead, can reawaken the dead and fight for the summoner?

Looking at the figure walking out of the coffin, looking at the still young face, Hizan Sarutobi's body began to tremble.

"This is... the first and second generation?"

The battle was over, and the Jōnin who were trying to destroy the barrier on the side, at this time, many people recognized who the two were.

The first Hokage, the second Hokage, these are all dead people!

This guy, Orochimaru, this **** betrayal, actually plays with the soul of the dead?

Moreover, it is still playing with the soul of Konoha Hyundai Hokage?

All the Jōnin were angry. If it wasn't for the fact that the barrier was too hard, they would really want to rush in and kill Orochimaru!

The sun was shining, and the two who had just walked out seemed a little uncomfortable. Qianshou Zhujian subconsciously raised his hand to block the sunlight, a little focus appeared in his dazed eyes, and quickly turned into a look, and his consciousness was quickly recovering.

"Here... where is it?" Qianshou Zhuma let out a doubt, then glanced around, "Is it in this world?"

"Big brother?" Suddenly a familiar voice came, and Chishou Hasuma turned his head, and what he saw was the figure of his younger brother, Chishou Tobirama.

In just an instant, he saw that his younger brother was not alive at all.

This guy's whole body seems to be fused with a layer of dirty soil, but it is essentially the body of other people.

"What's the situation?" Qianshou Hasuma lowered his head and looked at his hands: "Have you been reincarnated from the dirt? How many times have I told you, don't make these boring things, why don't you listen?"

"Che, I was actually summoned back to the world by my own ninjutsu. It's really ironic." Senju Tobirama didn't pay attention to Senju Hasuma's meaning, and his eyes were on Orochimaru: "Boy, yes What did you do?"

Orochimaru smiled, and he took out two kunai with the standard without any nonsense at all.

The next moment he didn't give the two of them any room to react at all, and shoved Kuwu into their brains.

To control these two guys, even if the materials he chooses are the most common types, but these two people are too strong in front of them!

If you don't pay attention a little, I'm afraid they will get out of trouble. Orochimaru definitely doesn't want to encounter such a thing.

"Second-generation Hokage-sama, I'm really sorry, but your trick is really useful." When Kunwu was completely inserted into their minds, a smile appeared on the corner of Orochimaru's mouth: "So, can you please help me Did you kill the old guy in front of you?"

"Who are you?" Hasuma and Tobirama turned their heads to look at Hizan Sarutobi at this moment, Qianshou Tobirama's eyes narrowed slightly, and after a while, they said, "Monkey? Why are you so old?"

"Yo, it's you, little monkey!" Qianshou Hashirama also remembered at this moment: "It's really time to be merciless, and you don't look too young. However, I'm really sorry, I still have to die. To cause you such trouble..."

Before Qianshouzhujian finished speaking, he sensed something was wrong at this moment.

From a distance, there is a row of heads carved on it, is it Hokage Rock?

Here, is Konoha?

Glancing around, Qianshou Hashirama suddenly fell silent.

Especially when he noticed that the huge tail was roaring, and there were Konoha ninjas fighting everywhere, and his heart had completely sunk to the bottom!

"Konoha..." Qianshou Zhuma's face became a little serious: "What's wrong?"

"As you can see, it was invaded." Orochimaru licked his tongue: "I won't say the specific reason, because we don't have that much time!"

But at this moment, a pitch-black flame erupted from Yiwei's body, and this flame seemed to devour everything!

The screams were deafening, and the dark flames continued to spread around Yiwei.

In just a few breaths, the tail was completely ignited and swallowed by such a flame.

Slowly, the end of UU reading began to turn into quicksand, and the huge body completely began to collapse.

The miserable cry also dissipated in the sky, leaving only the figure of a young man slumped on the ground and struggling.

"That's..." Qianshou Tobirama's expression also changed at this moment: "Flame of Amaterasu! Has anyone from the Uchiha family opened a kaleidoscope?"

"That's not a simple kaleidoscope." Orochimaru licked his tongue: "Those eyes have completely escaped the boundaries of the kaleidoscope and reached a better level!"

"The Uchiha family is really a scourge." Qianshou Tobirama's eyes were unusually sharp, and he seemed to be looking for the master who released this technique.

"Don't waste your time looking for him, the others are Konoha's agent Hokage." Orochimaru didn't seem to like Senshou Tobirama very much either, and he sneered unceremoniously: "The series of policies you formulated back then, but To others it's just like playing a house. Well, you're a dead man...  

A dead person must look like a dead person, it's time to do business! "
