Chapter 758: 1 era ends

In the enchantment, Orochimaru controlled Qianshou Hasuma and Sarutobi Hiizan to start a death fight.

This time, it's a real death fight!

Even though there is still a master relationship between them, when Orochimaru summons Senju Hasuma and Senju Tobirama in this way, there is no longer any relationship at all.

The most tragic battle occurred in this pair of master and apprentice. From physical art to illusion, to the use of ninjutsu, every shot is a means of driving people to a dead end!

Wood Dun, Water Dun, even if these two Hokage were summoned in the weakest way, their power is definitely beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

Perhaps, this is the purpose of Orochimaru. He just wants Sarutobi Hidden to face him with the determination to die and the will to die.

Instead of the attitude of a teacher training his disciples, he also completed the last battle of his life.

Halfway through the brutal battle, suddenly there was a violent shock where they were!

Such a shock shattered almost everything.

Even the hard barrier that blocked all the Konoha Kamijinin who wanted to enter in the martial arts field showed some cracks!

How is this going?

Orochimaru's complexion changed slightly, and he quickly turned his head to look down.

And there, Uchiha Qizheng was fighting with a mysterious man who was wearing a snow-white kimono and even had a veil on his head!

"That's..." Orochimaru raised his brows: "Is it Otsutsuki?"

"Ah!" At this moment, Sarutobi Hiizan let out a roar.

He completely disregarded the injury of his body, and quickly separated two shadow clones, and then the main body rushed towards Qianshouzhujian frantically!

Qianshou Hashirama has been stripped of his consciousness. At this time, he is purely a puppet controlled by Orochimaru with only the concept of battle.

However, just now, Orochimaru's thoughts were attracted, which also caused Qianshouzhuma's movements to appear a little stiff.

Sarutobi Hizan seized this opportunity, he attracted the attention of Chishou Hasuma, and at the same time let the shadow clone grab this guy.

"This is..." Orochimaru came back to his senses, looking at his teacher's determined eyes, he seemed to understand something: "Is the corpse sealed?"

Just as he had guessed, what Sarutobi Hizan wants to use at this moment is the ghoul seal!

Orochimaru noticed the change below, and he naturally noticed it, but no matter what happened below, he believed that Uchiha Kai could solve the problem.

And he also has to solve his own problems.

Orochimaru angered him, even though he knew that it was what Orochimaru did on purpose, but he couldn't help but feel anger in his heart.

Disturbing the deceased is definitely not a good thing, especially if the deceased who were disturbed were the two Hokage of Konoha!

No matter what Orochimaru's thoughts are, no matter what the death effect of his vigorous battle against these two Hokage is this time, this is definitely not something to be forgiven.

He absolutely does not allow Hokage to be insulted like this, absolutely not allowed!

"Leave here quickly." At this moment, Imai Kenta's wooden clone had already arrived at the main stand, and his expression was a little anxious: "Leave here immediately and inform everyone that those in the village did not enter the underground fortifications. People, all leave the village, hurry up!"

"Sir, this..." All the Konoha ninjas who were watching didn't react at once, but they also guessed that something might be released.

The violent shaking before had already shown that something was wrong.

Especially when such Chakra appears, they can also understand that the problem is probably a bit serious.

But they all stayed because this is their village, this is their home!

What's more, there is also Uchiha Kai here, the agent Hokage-sama is a legendary figure of Konoha.

Few people have seen him make a shot, because every time he makes a shot, he basically doesn't have much life.

But his legend is endless, this Minister has killed five patriarch-level characters!

But now it seems that the situation is a little too bad. Imai Kenta, the head of the task department, came to issue the task order in person, which is very telling.

what is the problem?

Why should everyone leave the village?

The ninjas didn't have time to think about it. At this time, another accident happened in the enchantment!

Sarutobi Hizen, I do not know when the souls of the first and second generations have been sealed.

The most terrible thing is that he has already grabbed his hand towards the soul of Orochimaru and pulled it hard towards the body.

Orochimaru howled in pain, with a ferocious expression and a shrill voice, which made people shudder even through the barrier.

"Such a feeling..."

Orochimaru's pale complexion seemed to become even more ugly.

Vaguely, he seemed to be able to see a vague phantom standing behind Hiruzen Sarutobi!

"As expected of Mr. Sarutobi, this technique is really scary!"

"It's your rendezvous now, Orochimaru." Sarutobi Hiizan's face was equally pale, and he held Orochimaru's arm tightly without any intention of letting go: "My disciple, you shouldn't use that technique. of!"

"Oh, ninjutsu was created and used, and there is absolutely no argument about whether it should be used or not!"

At this moment, Orochimaru seems to have returned to the way he was arguing with Sarutobi Hizan when he was young.

"The existence of ninjutsu has its own meaning.

Teacher, you have always been too pedantic, all ninjutsu has its two sides.

Even the medical ninjutsu created by Tsunade can kill people and save people? "

"I am indeed pedantic, and I will never deny that."

Sarutobi Hiizan's breath has become abnormally weak.

"But I am a person who recognizes the truth of death. Ninjutsu can indeed save people and engage in production, but its essence is always a tool of killing.

What I see is always the worst side, the side I least want to see. "

While speaking, Sarutobi Hizan once again ruthlessly pulled out some of the pale blue soul from Orochimaru's arm.

Seeing this scene, all the ninjas onlookers were a little moved, knowing that they would die, but they still used this kind of ninjutsu to return with the enemy without hesitation.

This requires grandeur and courage.

At this point, I am afraid that there are not many people who can do it in the entire Konoha!

Although many people don't agree with Hiruzen Sarutobi's words, they still agree with what Orochimaru said.

But at this moment, in the eyes of all the ninjas, the thin and dry figure has quietly overlapped with the other and the young head standing in the middle of Hokage Rock.

This is Sarutobi Hibiki's spirit, and this is the spirit that a Hokage should have!

"Looks like I'm still too old..."

Sarutobi Hizan is already extremely weak, and it is unimaginable for him to use such a forbidden technique!

But he still didn't let go. He had already made a decision: "Orochimaru, my disciple, although I can't kill you, I can also teach you a profound lesson. You shouldn't summon the first and second generation. , you shouldn't attack Konoha with Sandyin!"

"I'm Konoha's ninja, I'm Konoha's Hokage! For Konoha, I'm willing to die!"

In the roar, Hiruzen Sarutobi ruthlessly pulled out the soul in Orochimaru's arm, and the phantom behind him also ruthlessly cut off Orochimaru's arm!

Orochimaru watched silently as his arm slowly turned purple and quickly lost consciousness. He knew that this was his teacher's last blow before he died.

He was neither angry nor hysterical growling, but quietly watched the old man fall to the ground.

The soul of the arm was taken away and sealed, and Orochimaru had a way to deal with this injury, so he didn't take it to heart.

But the person who accompanied him through the happiest ten years of his life has completely disappeared.

"Where the leaves are flying, the fire will continue to grow. The fire will continue to illuminate the village and allow the new leaves to sprout...  

Sarutobi-sensei, I think you'll see..."


Otsutsuki's peach-like voice fell, and the Chakra in his body reached a peak at this moment!

Holding his hands empty, the vast chakra burst out. A pair of strange reincarnation eyes appeared in the palms of his hands, and the terrifying coercion instantly filled the eyes when they appeared.

At the same time, two groups of purple thunder light clusters began to condense, filled with the aura of destroying everything.

When Uchiha Qi saw this scene, he didn't panic. The chakra of Otsutsuki peach style is really scary, but that's all!

Otsutsuki Jinshi and Peach style, the intelligence of these two people is very clear to Uchiha Kai.

Although he was really angry with Naruto's son when he watched the so-called theatrical version, it was the theatrical version that taught him a lot of interesting things.

Otsutsuki Jinshi, this guy used to be a guardian, but his guardian died and gave all his power to Jinshi after his death.

The strength of the gold style is completely inclined towards Taijutsu. This guy's Taijutsu is very powerful. Even Sasuke's strength is not light.

In addition, Jin Shi can also use the power of space, and he can also fly!

As for the peach style, this guy's ability is more interesting. If you want to compare the terrifying physical skills of the gold style, his physical skills are really very average.

In the original book, when this guy was besieged by the New Four Shadows plus Sasuke and Naruto, he started to crash when the other party didn't use ninjutsu.

If it wasn't for Jin Shi who sacrificed himself and handed over all his power to Tao Shi, so that Tao Shi also had powerful physical skills, I'm afraid there would not be so many messy things in the back.

Peach-style abilities are all in the use of 'shu', or in the use of chakra.

He can easily use the power of any nature, and use it with the yin and yang escape, the power can only be described as destroying the sky and destroying the earth!

And the reincarnation eye in his hand can absorb chakra of any attribute. No matter what form of expression, as long as it is related to Chakra and makes Chakra appear, he can absorb it and learn it instantly!

At the beginning, after this guy absorbed the spiral pill, he directly condensed a pitch-black, huge spiral pill.

If Naruto hadn't sacrificed his life to protect him, then Konoha would have completely become history!

It can be said that these two guys were separated like a perfect ninja.

To deal with Tao Shi, the best way is to directly use taijutsu, a physique that is so powerful that he can't resist it at all. And to deal with Jin Shi, it is to use ninjutsu, which makes him unable to resist.

Therefore, Uchiha Qi Cai took the initiative to choose to fight against the peach style. Although his physical skills are not as good as Hyuga Aya, after all, this woman has learned some more advanced skills.

But no matter what, his physical skills are definitely not weak, and with the help of reincarnation, he will never be afraid of anyone in terms of physical skills.

On the other side of Jinshi, there is the suppression of Aya Hyuga, and the help of Kenta Imai's ninjutsu, so there will never be any problems!

Facing this terrifying thunder, Uchiha Kai's eyes spun slightly, and the time seemed to be limited in an instant, and he also moved at this moment.

At such a speed, Otsutsuki Taoshi couldn't help but raise his brows, especially since he also noticed the change in time.

The peach style, which has a certain amount of time power itself, cannot be unaware of the attack of time power, not to mention that his strength has already entered the legendary Six Paths!


With a muffled groan, the peach style directly threw the thunderbolt. The derailed thunderbolt drew two arcs in the air and attacked Uchiha. Wherever it passed, the sound of thunder was loud.

It's just that the thunderbolt just moved less than half a meter, and it was frozen in the air, and time was directly faulted at this moment!

"The power of time?" Otsutsuki Momoji jumped up immediately, dodging the terrifying knife: "Is it his chakra? Or his eyes?"

Datong Mu Taoshi quickly analyzed in his heart, even if he always looks arrogant, he will definitely show his best state when he really does it.

What's more, the person he faced was a guy with Samsara eyes and the essence of Otsutsuki within his body.

"However, the power of time is not so easy to grasp. I want to see how long you can last." The reincarnation eye in Otsutsuki Taoshi's hand spun, and a long black stick appeared in an instant: "If It is the art produced by your eyes, then I will be interested in your eyes!"


"what's going on?"

In the Land of Rain, Hei Jue raised his head dazedly, feeling the chakra that was so obscure to the extreme, yet extremely attractive to him, he was a little dazed.

He seems to have felt this kind of situation once a few years ago, but this kind of power is too mysterious, and he can't perceive where it came from.

It was like this last time, it is like this this time, and...

"Why is there such a familiar a mother..."

Hei Jue took a deep breath, his eyes were blank, he had no idea what was going on. That kind of thing that is similar to the mother's breath, but completely different, what is it?

Is it Yui and Hamura?


What about an unknown disaster?


"What exactly is this?"

Outside Konoha Village, Uchiha Ryukage looked at the grand aura coming from afar, felt the shaking of the earth, and was filled with unease.

The change at this moment has really exceeded his expectations, and perhaps even exceeded everyone's expectations.

No one knows what is going on, and no one knows what is going on, because the power at this moment has really completely surpassed their cognition.

Uchiha Liuying can be regarded as Konoha's elite ninja, even in the Uchiha clan that claims to be the most ninja, he is also a ninja in the first few existences.

But even he was full of unease.

However, although his heart was full of unease and curiosity, he really wanted to go to the scene of the incident to see what happened.

But he is a ninja in the end, and he still has very important tasks to perform, so he can only suppress his curiosity and come to the meeting point to wait.

The area he was in charge of had already cleaned up the invading sand ninjas. Perhaps it was his luck that there were not many sand ninja activities in his area.

But what about other areas, he is not very clear, at least he waited here for a long time and did not see anyone coming.

However, his patience is very good. I am afraid that no matter who it is now, it will slow down in such a situation, right?

But fortunately, he didn't wait too long, Hyuga, Uchihagawa, and Uchiha Jun have already come over.

Each of them was a little worried, and seemed to be still uneasy about the unknown.

"Have everyone evacuated?" Uchiha Ryuying could only ask himself, "Although I know that everyone is very uneasy now, don't forget that we have our own mission."

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"All have been evacuated." Uchihagawa said with a deep breath.

"The breath that burst out just now, everyone was stunned, and this gave us a chance.

The sand ninjas on my side have been cleaned up, and then they all evacuated according to the instructions of Minister Imai. "

"It's about the same on my side." Hyuga almost nodded, and he didn't say much: "The people who should be sent to the bunker have also been sent in, and those who didn't have come out."

"It's the same for me here." Uchiha Jun also said: "It seems that they have come out completely, but..."

Just what, Uchiha Chun did not say, but everyone present was very clear.

Suddenly, the earth began to vibrate violently again, and the vibration became more and more violent, which made them almost unable to stand still.

This kind of vibration even caused many houses in Konoha to collapse, and many sandy ninjas who still didn't know the situation were dodging the splash of gravel in embarrassment.

"Don't think so much." Uchihagawa waited until the shaking stopped, and he immediately said, "Send the signal, and we will act according to the plan!"

"But..." Uchiha Liuying frowned: "Is it really okay?"

"Don't think too much, Hokage-sama is over there." Uchiha Chuan shook his head: "Besides, Kai-sama is also there. We may only be dragging our feet in the past and wait for the signal."

After speaking, Uchihagawa took out the signal flare, which was originally to tell everyone that the first phase of defense work had been completed.

The first stage is completed, so naturally the work of the second stage must be carried out. The second stage is when Konoha counterattacks!

But now all these changes have caused them to have no way to carry out the next thing, but the signal still has to be sent.

Glancing at the three people around him, Uchihagawa introduced his own chakra, and the flare began to shine.

Soon, under the guidance of Chakra, the flare flew out of Uchihagawa's hand and quickly rushed into the sky.

In the sky, a red light pulled out a long tail...


The level of the Six Paths, to be honest, has initially broken away from the realm of mortals and moved towards the so-called "God".

It can even be said that the strength has reached this point, in fact, it can be regarded as a god.

Even if this **** may still be killed, no matter what, the limit of life at this stage of strength has been greatly elongated.

Moreover, the power possessed at this stage has completely surpassed the limit that 'mortals' can imagine!

Uchiha Kai and Otsutsuki Momo-style continued to fight, and he found that he still seemed to underestimate this guy.

Physical art, peach style is indeed very general, using the eye of reincarnation with the immortal mode, can really suppress him.

But even if this guy's physical skills are average, but this guy's speed and strength are really too strong.

No matter how superb his physical skills were, he even took a lot of advantage.

However, it is obviously impossible to completely end the battle with Taishu. I dare not use any escape techniques for the time being. It is really difficult for Uchiha Kai to achieve a one-hit kill.

But if you want to use the escape technique without worrying about being absorbed by this guy, then you must raise your power to a higher limit.

Uchiha Qi has such a method, that is, the reincarnation eye chakra mode!

But he doesn't dare to use it now, even if he has made a comprehensive plan, even if everyone in Konoha is affected by his battle, resulting in a clean death, he doesn't need to worry.

But he still needs to be patient and wait.

A person's setting is an extremely terrifying thing. Its existence allows others to rely on such a setting and easily believe him.

He has created a character in the ninja world that fits him, and he can't easily let such a character collapse.

If it really collapses, it may be a devastating blow to his future plans!

Therefore, what he is using now is still his own power, but even so, it is the ultimate power under the Six Paths.

Compared with Uchiha Kai's suffocation, Otsutsuki Momo-style has no restrictions, and he can use his power unscrupulously.

It's just that he is also very uncomfortable playing now, because the guy in front of him actually used the power of time, which made him have to be vigilant.

Especially now, he is aware that he has been caught in a 'domain' of time!

In this field, Uchiha Kai's attack has become disordered, so disorderly that it is impossible for people to ponder.


Without warning, Uchiha Kai's figure suddenly appeared behind Otsutsuki's peach-style, and then the ninja sword condensed by Yin and Yang slashed towards Peach-style!

The big paulownia peach-style figure spun abruptly, and the black long stick in his hand was escaping backward with a strong yin and yang, like a high-speed spinning top, which blocked all the attacks of Uchiha Kai in an instant.

But with his resistance, at almost the same time, in all directions, in all directions, several Uchiha Kai attacked him with a yin-yang ninja sword!

This is not illusion, because every Uchiha Kai is real!

But this is also not space ninjutsu. Until now, Uchiha Kai doesn't seem to have learned space ninjutsu. He still uses the power of time in Hitomijutsu.

Wave after wave of attacks, the powerful pressure did not give people the slightest chance to breathe.

In fact, after obtaining the time pupil technique, Uchiha Kai has been researching his own pupil technique, hoping to get further development.

Especially after he learned from Otsutsuki Hamura that his pupil skill limit is so high, his development efforts have also become stronger.

From the simple application at the beginning, to the potential to blow up the entire moon when fighting with Ya Otsutsuki, and then to watching Otsutsuki Hamura restore the moon.

Uchiha Kai already has some ideas in his mind. His time power can completely destroy everything, and he can also play some different things.

The flow characteristics of time have already had a preliminary manifestation in himself.

Whether it is acceleration or deceleration used alone, or preliminary time reflow, Uchiha Kai has used it very skillfully.

Even if it is made into a seal to reflect the effect on others, it is basically completed with the help of Imai Kenta.

With such a foundation as a guarantee, Uchiha Kai also began to carry out further research and expansion, and now it is his demonstration of his own pupil art research!

"This chaotic force, this plausible thing..."

Otsutsuki's peach style quickly resisted Uchiha Kai's offensive, and at the same time, he couldn't help thinking secretly.

"This is the power of using time!"

The peach style of Otsutsuki has been seen, and in this area, it has been shrouded by the power of time used by Uchiha Kai!

The Yin-Yang Escape and the power of time can make him get stuck in any time node and launch an attack on himself.

There are so many Uchiha Kai in front of him, but he is actually just one person, but this guy splits one second into more than ten milliseconds that he doesn't know how to use.

This created the effect of a dozen people attacking him in an instant!

The big paulownia peach style kept resisting the attack, and the pure white eyes had a panoramic view of all the vision of the whole body.

Without any dead ends or omissions, the violent chakra erupted like a volcano, surrounded by dark chakra rays, completely resisting all attacks in any direction.

And as he resisted, he seemed to have begun to grasp some of the laws in this time domain.

After all, he is also Otsutsuki, after all, he is also someone who can control time a little!

"I can't catch you!"

I don't know how long I resisted, but Otsutsuki Taoshi suddenly showed a smile on his face.

"I have to say, you mortal is indeed very interesting.

No, not a mortal, it is because you have the power of Otsutsuki that you can do all this!

However, I have completely seen through your little trick!

Do you think that only you can play with time? "

Time, although terrifying, but Otsutsuki's peach-like ability allows him to also control time!

After violently bouncing off a surprise attack by Kai Uchiha, he held the black stick in his right hand and raised his left hand fiercely.

Time has become more disordered at this moment.

At the same time, the same number of Otsutsuki Momo-style as Uchiha Kai also appeared in this battlefield in an instant!

"You use time nodes to play tricks, hidden but effective, but..."

Dozens of Otsutsuki Momo-style shot almost at the same time, and said at the same time.

"Everything you do is in my sight. As long as I make myself appear at the same time node, what else can you do!"

Otsutsuki's peach-style attack instantly became extremely sharp, and the majestic Chakra seemed to destroy everything!

Dozens of Otsutsuki Peach Styles performed the technique almost at the same time, and the chakra, which was completely essential, completely bloomed at this moment.

The indescribable violent chakra skyrocketed, and the chants in the sky were sung again at this moment, and the endless chakra turned into countless fiery rage and swept away in all directions.

The speed is so fast that it even seems to surpass the definition of time, and the Otsutsuki peach style is controlling time!


Uchiha Qi's face became gloomy. He had studied the time domain for so many years, but was this guy see through it all at once?

Although, he was also using this power for the first time in actual combat.

But being seen through so easily, and then using the power that he has researched to deal with himself, such an enemy is really a big head!

Facing this Chakra that seemed to devour everything, Uchiha Kai couldn't help but take a deep breath.

It is absolutely impossible to absorb these chakras. What he can do now is to slow down the flow of these powers as much as possible, or even stagnate!

But he also knows that he can't control it for too long. Fortunately, the flow of time in his area is different from the outside.

That means, even if you fight in it for more than an hour.

I'm afraid it hasn't passed too long outside, which can definitely properly control the outbreak of these flames!

"Move faster!"

Uchiha Qi gritted his teeth, he felt really bad now!

Eyes stared at the blazing flames, watching them roaring forward, but also dodging the continuous attack of Otsutsuki peach.

As soon as the offensive turned, Uchiha Qi himself had nothing to do.

Constantly relying on himself at various time nodes to resist Otsutsuki-style attacks, constantly pulling and delaying, Uchiha Qi can feel that he may not be able to continue.


At this moment, Uchiha Kai suddenly noticed something, and he raised his head slightly to look at the sky.

In the sky, a scarlet halo was rising rapidly, and the red tail was pulled very long.

This halo came quickly, but it made the whole Konoha see clearly.

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Kai finally showed a smile on his face He was waiting for this moment!

In an instant, the originally chaotic time returned to normal, and the terrifying flames attacked him instantly!

It was just at this moment that his body quietly completed a transformation, his whole body became blue, and there were four begging jade behind him!

The four Beggars quickly stepped forward and turned into a prison to trap these terrifying flames.

However, even so, the terrifying explosion still occurred under the shackles of Qiu Daoyu!

The flames were not reckless, but the violent vibrations made Konoha, and even the entire country of fire, clearly audible.

But at this moment, Uchiha Kai suddenly looked at the main stand.

There were already people going to the entrance of the building, but the aura of Sarutobi Hiizan disappeared completely, just like this signal flare like a meteor.

An era has come to an end...
