Chapter 762: end

Standing in the air, looking at the Otsutsuki Momo-style who was struggling to get up below, Uchiha Qi was silent.

He was thinking, thinking about the words of Yui Otsutsuki, thinking about the authenticity of all this, or the possibility that he hoped to find Yui Otsutsuki to lie in it.

But after thinking about it, he found that he really didn't seem to find anything wrong.

Because the old man Otsutsuki Yui really has no place to lie to himself.

In terms of strength, this old man's performance is really jaw-dropping. He can control his body to exert a crushing level of combat power, which is really unimaginable!

He even said unceremoniously, if this guy has any bad thoughts, I am afraid that his life and death are really within his thoughts.

In terms of forbearance and planning, this guy can hibernate for thousands of years to cultivate the fighting power of the ninja world.

But in order to broadcast their beliefs, they are constantly cultivating some people with good hearts.

It can really be said that if he is against him, unless he is not discovered, the odds of winning can really be said to be no.

In the face of such a guy whose willpower is higher than his own, Uchiha Kai can only admit that he really has no idea about himself while feeling helpless in his heart.

Just like what he said, if he really has any bad thoughts, I am afraid that he really can't escape from his circle of control.

Just like now, even if it is to win his mother, it is already the limit to remind the enemy that he should not be dispatched.

You know, there is a crack in Kaguya Otsutsuki's seal, and it is difficult for that woman to detect the situation of the ninja world through this crack.

Even, everything that may be happening now is in the eyes of that woman.

It is rude to say that his actions like this have already doomed him to lose the bet!

At their level, I am afraid that face or something is really more important.

But Datong Mu Yuyi obviously didn't care about these things at all.

After realizing Kai Uchiha's intentions and the trouble with this guy, he appeared without any hesitation.

It can even be said that his appearance is also an act of sending cheats.

Relying on Uchiha Kai's body to fight, and without letting his consciousness retreat, he can still clearly feel how his body, chakra and even his eyes are being used.

With these things, he can really understand many things more clearly, which is self-evident for his growth.


Uchiha Kai couldn't figure out why he was so wary of this guy?

After thinking about it, Uchiha Kai got a result that made him laugh and cry.

The first point is that he is not the reincarnation of Indra and Asura.

In the previous life, Uchiha Qi had seen some original supplementary plots about the Six Path Immortals.

But he basically looked at those things very casually, as if he was saying that this old man loves the world in a mess.

To be honest, he doesn't really believe this much, plus his handling of his two sons, he really doesn't believe this old man very much.

In fact, he knew now that the old man had deliberately caused such a struggle by relying on the differences in the ideas of the two sons.

In such battles, their beliefs spread, and those who believed in them would fight alongside them.

To put it bluntly, this is simply the way to train the ninja world.

His goal is to deal with those guys from Otsutsuki.

As for the second point, it is actually the most crucial point, that is, Kai Uchiha's soul does not belong to this world at all!

He has been hiding this secret, but the old man and his younger brother know this, which makes him have to subconsciously classify them as a relatively hostile party.

Moreover, even though he could feel how helpful the two old men were to him, under that subconscious drive, he still didn't quite trust them.

"It seems..." Uchiha Qi sighed slightly: "I have a little man's heart and a gentleman's belly."

"This sentence... it's really interesting." Otsutsuki Yu couldn't help showing a smile when he heard the words: "Every word you say is very much to my taste, but your character is really It's giving me a headache. As you said, you're such a small person."

"That's at least better than a hypocrite." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "As for a hypocrite, he looks sane, but he is actually a thief."

"Very vivid." Yui Otsutsuki nodded, and suddenly he frowned: "Why do I feel that you kid seems to be thinking about me in this direction all the time?"

Uchiha Qi didn't speak, it was impossible to tell him that all this was really true, before he...

Do you still have such thoughts even now?

After all, before crossing the road, he didn't know how many conspiracy theory novels about Otsutsuki Yui and Hamura, the brothers.

After all, these things still affect him, it's really not surprising that he has such thoughts.

Add to that everything he's come to this world manager, and he's always thinking about the worst.

But even if he thought so, he would not be foolish enough to admit these things.

Through his own body, Uchiha Kai found that Otsutsuki Momo-style had stood up again, and assumed a posture of fighting at any time.

This made him have to sigh again, the bodies of these Otsutsuki are really too exaggerated.

Normal people who have been hit like this may have already queued up in the Pure Land, but this guy has nothing like that at all.

"Don't talk about this, this guy got up again." Uchiha Kai said quickly in the space of consciousness: "After so long, it should be over. Besides, I am afraid that this time, there should be many people who died, right? "

"It's really quite a lot, those people you hide in the ground..." Otsutsuki Yui obviously didn't mean to entangle with Uchiha Kai, he sighed deeply: "Forget it, don't talk about this, you should also It's all over. Anyway, this guy would be an excellent supply."

Having said that, Otsutsuki Yui raised his hand slightly while controlling Kai's body.

In an instant, the tin stick in Uchiha's hand changed again. The original irregular but full of sacred tin stick suddenly changed, the brilliance scattered, and it had completely turned into a side-bending sword!

Uchiha Qi clenched the ninja sword, and then time was reversed, and his chakra once again returned to a relatively peak state!

"I said, is it not your pupil power, you don't care at all?" Uchiha Qi clearly felt a soreness in his right eye, which made him a little uncomfortable: "This is a drain on me, But it's huge!"

"It consumes a lot?" Yui Otsutsuki made a rare joke: "Isn't your chakra very full now? Well, let's not talk about these useless things, you are very good at using ninja swords, right?"

"That's right." Uchiha Qi nodded: "Why, are you going to teach me something new?"

"Teaching doesn't count, because everyone's path is different." Otsutsuki Yui shook his head: "However, what I can give you is some of my views on your abilities and the experience of using your abilities."

Speaking of this, Otsutsuki Yui controlled his body and raised the blade slightly forward, at the same time the vast chakra descended into the sky!

The ethereal chant sounded again, and this time the voice of the chant became louder and louder, and everyone could hear the ethereal chant, because it was like singing in human ears.

The void began to tremble, the ultimate brilliance shone on Uchiha Kai's body, and the terrifying aura had completely locked the Otsutsuki Momo style!

"This is..." Otsutsuki looked at Kai Uchiha who was floating in the sky in disbelief. At this moment, he had already felt the threat from his life.

What kind of power is this....?

How did this guy manage to control these powers so vividly with such strength?

Who the **** is this guy? Why can he do this?

Desperate emotions began to shroud Tao Shi's heart, he wanted to escape, and completely escaped the attack range of this guy.

But time has locked him, and he seems to be given by time, frozen in place and unable to move!

"This is..." Uchiha Kiya was astonished, he felt the energy change in his body in disbelief.

Ultimate control, perfect use.

Even his own operation was not considered obedient at all, and even now his use of it can only be regarded as the time for basic expansion, and it has become a bit of a light weight.

What kind of control is this?

How strong is the old man Otsutsuki Yui?

Also, it's too strong to be so strong, is this guy the ultimate Voldemort?

"Concentrate, don't think wildly." At this moment, Otsutsuki Yui said.

"Although I have mastered a lot of the power of time, I am not actually very skilled in controlling it.

Fortunately, your eyes are naturally able to control time, allowing me to use him effectively.

Take a good look and study hard, although this is just some of my insights and experience, but I think it will be of some help to you. "

The words fell, and the reincarnation with the gouyu in Uchiha Kai's eyes began to spin!

Gently rotating, suddenly the meaning of the passage of time began to appear, with the increase in the number of rotations far enough in his eyes, and with the breath of the years, it was an explosion of destruction.

The ethereal chant in the sky became louder and louder, and for some unknown reason, Uchiha Kai seemed to be able to hear the sound of the river reverberating.

At first, he thought he had an illusion, but soon his eyes swept around, and he was stunned to find that he did see a river flowing around his body!

The river was indistinct and disordered, and it didn't look lifeless at all.

In particular, the river exudes the fading aura of time all the time, so that a word suddenly popped up in his mind - wouldn't this be the legendary river of time, right?

"I didn't expect that your body could actually attract Ming He." Suddenly, Yui Otsutsuki said, "It's really interesting."

"Styx?" Uchiha Qi raised his eyebrows: "Isn't it a long river, or a long river or something?"

"Do you have that qualification?" Otsutsuki Yui said disdainfully.

"Let's not talk about whether there is a long river of time or a long river of time, even if it exists, it depends on our strength, and we don't need to think about exploring it.

Controlling time is a matter of breaking the laws of nature. To be able to simply backtrack, quickly, and even stop time is already God’s love for you.

The laws of nature are not so easily broken. You think that you have changed the laws of nature, but in fact, perhaps your existence is just an inevitable existence in the laws of nature. "

Uchiha Qi quietly listened to Otsutsuki Yui's words, but he didn't open his mouth to refute, because he didn't know how to refute at all.

As a rule of nature, this kind of thing is really hard to articulate.

Countless people have been able to change nature by themselves. In fact, in the end, they found that they were just discovering a manifestation of the laws of nature.

Those rules, whatever the rules, are actually always there.

Whether or not you can detect and perceive it is another matter.

"So, you have always believed that many things are just a manifestation of natural rules, right?" Uchiha Qi sighed slightly: "This statement is very mysterious, but it is also very interesting to say."

"You mean, do you exist?" Otsutsuki Yui chuckled lightly: "I was really confused when you, an outsider, entered here. I even considered whether to clear you up. But then I gave up. because I thought you might also be a manifestation of the laws of nature. Turns out, I guessed right."

Uchiha Qi was speechless, because he didn't know what the answer to this question was.

His arrival has indeed changed a lot, or in other words, the original process of this world has been smashed to pieces.

But he also had to admit one thing, it seems that no matter how selfish what he does, he has finally evolved into making some contributions to the world.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Qi sighed: "Let's not talk about this, maybe we can't get the answer to all of this. In fact, I'm also curious why you are so strong, whether it's that one style or this one. Peach style is not your opponent..."

"Am I strong? Maybe it's because I have a part of the human will." Yui Otsutsuki shook his head.

"However, in the face of Otsutsuki, no matter how careful you are.

Well, although we are chatting in the consciousness space, it has almost no effect on the flow of time in the outside world, but I have to do it.

Look carefully! "

The voice fell, and the ethereal chant in the sky suddenly became sharp.

The ninja sword in Uchiha Kai's hand fell slowly, the time seemed to be cut off at this moment, and the void seemed to be completely shattered at this moment.

Only the constant high-pitched chants sounded, and the power of time that kept spreading all around, making everything wither!

When all the power hit the Otsutsuki Peach Stance, everything was silent, and the time and space almost stopped completely!

Invisibly, the clarity of annihilation is quickly swallowing Otsutsuki Peach Style.

Horror flashed in his eyes, and a panicked expression appeared on his demon-like face at the same time.

But he couldn't stop it at all, his body began to wither, just like a wilting flower...



Uchiha Qi looked at this scene in astonishment. The power of time actually killed a big Tsutsutsuki?

This makes Uchiha Kai impossible to imagine, because in his memory, Otsutsuki is simply an immortal existence!

But soon, he seemed to understand why this happened.

The guy Otsutsuki Yui, this attack can be said to be the perfect display of all the power of Uchiha Kai!

Immortal chakra, yin and yang escape chakra, and the elimination of blood that combines the four attributes, as well as the power of the tail beast and the eye of reincarnation are fully displayed.

Even the Styx, which was reflected to the extreme because Chakra was guided to the extreme, was used by this guy.

It can be said that this attack is not just a simple use of pupil technique, but a large gathering of all the power of Uchiha Kai, which created such a terrifying effect.

"It's incredible power." Uchiha Qi sighed slightly, and finally said this sentence: "This is the first time I know that my power can actually be exerted to such a degree."

"Actually, give you time I'm sure you can do it."

Otsutsuki Yui stared at Otsutsuki Peach-style who had completely collapsed to the ground, motionless, and finally said calmly.

"Actually, the question you asked me just now has a very simple answer, that is, I have a human will.

This will is the key to determining a person's strength. "

"You mean..." Uchiha Qi was silent for a while, then suddenly asked, "Invincible will?"

"..." Otsutsuki Yui controlled Uchiha Kai's body and almost stumbled in the air.

Invincible will?

Otsutsuki Yui felt that his head was aching, what was going on in this guy's brain circuit?

Of course, there is nothing wrong with saying this. After all, with such a firm belief, I am afraid that it can also exert its terrifying power.

However, what Otsutsuki Yui said was not such a thing at all!

"You guy, how can there be any invincibility in this world?"

With a helpless sigh, he changed the ninja sword in his hand to a begging jade again, and then landed beside Otsutsuki Momo.

"Invincible, this belief can indeed exert a good strength, but who can be truly invincible?

The enemy is always stronger and stronger, and you will get more and more enemies as you keep fighting.

Who can claim to be invincible unless you kill everyone? "

"Alright alright."

Uchiha Kai shook his head. He found that the ideas in some of the novels he had read were not appropriate here.

"Did you mean the will to protect?"

"Yes, it is the will to protect." Yui Otsutsuki nodded with satisfaction.

"You will only become stronger if you have the will to protect.

Protect this world from being disturbed and destroyed by Otsutsuki.

Guarding the people you want to guard, guarding your village, guarding your home, these are the source of true power! "

Guardian power?

Uchiha Qi raised his brows, he had to admit one thing, what this guy said really made some sense.

All the way up to now, in fact, it seems that this will to protect is also at work.

It's just that what he thinks and thinks doesn't seem to be so majestic, and the person he guards seems to have always been himself.

It is this idea that has made him the motivation to get to where he is today, and it has become the source of his current strength.

"Okay, I admit that it makes some sense." Uchiha Qi also looked at Otsutsuki Momoji on the ground: "It's time for us to take the next step, then leave it to me."

"Oh?" Yu Yi was a little surprised: "Are you going to come by yourself? I also said to help to the end, since that's the case..."

"Wait, you help me?" Uchiha Qi interrupted him immediately: "How are you going to help me? You know, I'm not going to use my own chakra."

"Of course I know, can't I guess your little thought?" Yu Yi said slowly: "Don't worry, my shot won't affect your body, do you need my help?"

Do I still need to ask this question?

Uchiha Qi's original plan was to defeat Tao Shi to get his eyes, and then control a Bai Jue's body to perform the art of reincarnation.

This time the battle is too destructive, so strong that Uchiha Kai himself has no way to accept all this.

Fortunately, his strength has already improved. Fortunately, he has the eye of reincarnation and has mastered its abilities!

Fortunately, he was fully prepared to avoid all this disaster.

But now, Otsutsuki Yui intends to help, how could he choose to miss such a good thing?

Not to mention anything else, as the ancestor of Samsara Eye, this guy's manipulation of Samsara Eye is definitely stronger than his own, I don't know how much.

In this case, it is definitely more reliable than myself to leave this matter to Otsutsuki Yui.

As long as this guy casts this technique, it is not enough for his own Chakra.

He still remembers that in the original book, Nagato, the guy who used Reincarnation to be born, died immediately.

Although Obito was a little tougher, that was because he became the ten-tailed pillar force and forcibly raised his power to the level of the Six Paths.

Uchiha Kai doesn't want any problems with his body, he won't joke about this kind of thing.

Fortunately, Otsutsuki Yui gave a promise, and he decided to believe it.

Slowly pulling out Otsutsuki's peach-style hands and the eyeballs on his forehead, Uchiha Kai mastered three reincarnation eyes at once.

Although it is a pity, the Samsara eye on this guy's forehead is not a Samsara writing eye, but in any case, it is a full harvest.

"Take these eyeballs away." Otsutsuki Yui said, "I'll take this guy's body with me."

"Why don't you stay?" Uchiha Qi asked a little puzzled: "I also said that I wanted to use it to study, what is the difference between Otsutsuki and humans."

"Don't think about this. After all, Otsutsuki is not something that ordinary people can easily study." Otsutsuki Yui shook his head: "And don't forget, they have the means of resurrection. I don't want tragedy to be born, this world It's too difficult."

Indeed, even if Otsutsuki died, he had to be extremely careful.

Because you don't even know if this guy will be resurrected by any means.

Thinking of this, although Uchiha Kai sighed a little, he did not continue to insist on leaving this guy's body behind.

Moreover, he can also see through the eye of reincarnation that even if he stays for research, the value is probably minimal.

The Otsutsuki peach style has been completely swallowed by the knife just now, and that powerful force has completely turned his body into ruins.

"By the way, you have to have a name for that knife just now, right?"

"A name? Why don't you name it yourself?"

"It seems more interesting to ask Immortal Six Paths to help me choose a name?"

"Forget it, do whatever you want. With that knife just now, I feel like it can cut off time.

Then, he is called 'God Time Slash'! "


In Konoha Village, countless ninjas silently watched the corpses being carried out one by one, and a mournful aura condensed over Konoha.

Ninjutsu not only has terrifying destructive power and lethality, but also has unimaginable advantages in many other aspects.

Just like now, digging underground fortifications.

When all the ninjas returned to Konoha under the leadership of Minato Namikaze, looking at Konoha that had been completely razed to the ground, they already had the answer in their hearts.

Keren have always been perceptive creatures. Even if they already have the answer, they still yearn for a miracle in their hearts.

However, such things as miracles generally exist in fairy tales.

The reason why it is called a miracle is because it does not appear in the real world, even if the probability of occurrence is terribly low!

The ninjas dug silently, and with the appearance of these corpses, they quickly sank to the bottom of the valley.

In the distance, the chants from the sky, and the chakra fluctuations that seemed to destroy the world, they didn't seem to have much reaction.

Numb emotions rippled in their hearts, and at this moment they seemed to have lost everything!

The village is gone, the home is gone, and the family is gone.

The belief in trying to become a ninja has been completely shattered. No matter who else is, I am afraid that such a blow will not be able to withstand it!

Even a lot of ninjas have started to go crazy, and they want to wake up this real and terrible nightmare through self-termination.

Fortunately, other ninjas noticed, so most people didn't succeed.


Jiraiya walked over to Minato Minato Namikaze, and let out a concerned cry.

He knew that at this moment, the person who felt the most uncomfortable in his heart, and who was the most unwilling to face all this, was his disciple Minato Minato.

But his disciple is Hokage, he must show a strong attitude in front of everyone.

This kind of blow is too cruel, and Zilai is really worried about whether his disciple can stand it, knowing that he has actually collapsed in his heart.

"I'm fine, Sensei..." Minato Namikaze took a deep breath, then forced a smile: "I'm fine, I'm fine..."

"Minato..." Zilai also looked at him like this, how could he think he was okay?

"Teacher..." Kakashi and Obito also came over.

Although their hearts have completely collapsed, the tears hanging in the corners of their eyes really can't deceive people, but they are still very worried about the situation of Namikaze Minato.

Seeing Namikaze Minato smiling, I don't know why they feel so sad.

That kind of smile that seems to be completely numb, really makes people feel no warmth at all.

Everyone can be sad, everyone can be sad, but only he can't!

Crying faintly came from all over the place, and the strange power in the distance had completely stopped, but these Konoha ninjas didn't care about it at all.

No matter who wins, there is no way to change all this, the home and family... are dead!

The Konoha ninjas are still silently carrying their bodies in various underground fortifications, including Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai.

At this time, the two of them were very silent, and the anger under the silence was slowly condensing.

They also noticed that the battle in the distance was completely over, and they all knew that it was Qi who had won the victory.

But now, they don't feel any joy of victory at all.

"Those Otsutsuki, I'm afraid they don't care about anyone at all." Imai Kenta cooperated with the clone and put several corpses on the ground, and said with some emotion: "For them, I'm afraid our existence , really makes no sense."

"People's existence always has its own meaning, not for them, but for ourselves."

Hyuga Aya also put the body of a Hyuga clansman on the ground, and there was a faint blue light pulsing in her white eyes.

"I don't need to let them know what the meaning of our existence is, but I will let them know that I will try my best to kill them all!"

"Don't talk about these things, at least for now, it doesn't mean anything to us." Imai Kenta sighed slightly: "I never thought that the remains of more than 100,000 people would be found in less than half an hour. Cleaned up. Ninjutsu, Chakra, hehe..."

In Konoha, the ninjas worked hard and used various ninjutsu coordination to open all the fortifications and bring out all the remains inside. It took less than half an hour to complete.

This efficiency is very exaggerated, but in fact it is really not difficult.

The fighting ninja didn't suffer much damage, and the houses above these huge underground fortifications were all destroyed.

Ninjas only need to use ninjutsu to pry open the ground, remove debris with water or soil, and then use the shadow clone to bring the body up to identify the identity.

Although all this is done quickly and easily, the inner test and torture of a person is simply unimaginable!

At this moment, a figure suddenly flew over in the sky, and the arrival of this figure made all ninjas raise their heads involuntarily.

"It's Lord Qi!" Almost all the ninjas recognized who it was: "Looks like Lord Qi won that **** guy... it's a pity... it's a pity..."

I don't know if it was Uchiha Kai's arrival that crushed their last nerve.

When the first ninja started to cry, the chain effect was terrifying, and almost all the ninjas started to cry at this moment. UU Reading

The voice was not big, very deep, and it seemed to be deliberately suppressed, but such a voice seemed even more tragic.

But at this moment, Qiu Uchiha suddenly stretched out his hand in midair, and a requesting jade behind him flew into his hand.

With the flash of a ray of light, the Taoist jade instantly turned into a tin stick, and at the top of the tin stick, there was a hidden eye of reincarnation!

The tin rod pointed to the sky, and suddenly, the loud and ethereal chant sounded again.

At the same time, a silver light descended from the sky, and this light enveloped Kai Uchiha's whole body, and his breath became more mysterious and distant.

Under the shroud of this light, the next moment he opened his mouth.

His voice is still very young, but for some reason, there is an indescribable vicissitude in such a voice.

"God · Reincarnation Born!"
