Chapter 763: wake

With the sound of Uchiha Kai's voice, everyone seemed to be able to feel a special power rippling in an instant!

There seems to be a phantom in the sky, and this huge phantom cannot see his face at all.

But everyone seems to have a cognition in their minds - this phantom is the link between life and death!

How is this going?

Such a question suddenly popped into the minds of countless people, but the next moment his body seemed to freeze.

Just like the phantom Uchiha Kai, it also raised its hand slightly, and a black hole suddenly appeared beside it the next moment.

The interior of this black hole is turbulent, and the breath of death seems to penetrate through the black hole.

But this kind of breath didn't really spread out, it just lingered on the edge of the black hole, but even so it made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

The fourth Raikage and Onogi have been watching silently, and they can't help but be alert when they see this situation.

When the real battle broke out, they also went to the martial arts arena to watch.

But after learning that this time the battle was between Uchiha Kai and a non-human being, they suddenly regretted it.

They still remember the result of the last battle like this, even after so many years.

This time, what would be the consequences of such a close-range battle, how could they not imagine it?

Especially when they saw Kenta Imai's clone, they have already started to dispatch all the ninjas in Konoha to leave the village.

They knew that this battle was definitely not something they could participate in!

Therefore, they quickly evacuated the area and followed Konoha's ninja team to the outside of the village.

Everything that happened subsequently proved their conjecture. Such a battle, such a destructive force, was completely beyond their imagination!

That easily destroyed everything, it was just the power to raze the entire Konoha to the ground in an instant, which really shocked people.

In particular, they caused such damage, or the reason they flew into the air.

If they really fight on the ground, that kind of destructive power spills out, and whether they are still alive is a huge question!

When the two men completely defeated the outside of the village, they also followed Namikaze Minato back to Konoha Village.

Looking at Konoha, who had completely lost its original prosperous appearance, the two of them did not feel the slightest joy in their hearts, instead, a kind of sadness welled up in their hearts.

Although the destruction of Konoha is a good thing for their village.

But think about it carefully, such a guy ran to Konoha and launched an attack outrageously, causing such damage.

Especially on the way back to Konoha, they already knew who these guys were and what they were going to do, how could they still be happy?

Maybe one day, such an attack will fall on their village, can they resist it?

Even if it can be resisted, the final result may not be much better. Who can afford such casualties?

Looking at this scene, their hearts were also full of grief, but they really couldn't do much.

Konoha has been completely destroyed, such a thing has happened, and all they can do now is to appease the emotions of other people.

And let the ninjas who came to Konoha with him help the people here to excavate the remains buried deep in the ground. Besides, they don't know what else to do.

The battle in the distance continued to roar, and the ground was trembling madly, but they didn't dare to rely on it now.

When all the ninjas used the fastest speed to excavate the remains buried in the ground, the movement from the distance seemed to stop.

The loud and sharp chant at the last moment still reverberated in their hearts, and the suffocating chakra still permeated the entire area, which made them both shudder.

"Who do you think won?" Onomu asked in a low voice, still a little nervous in his heart.

"I don't know either." Fourth Raikage shook his head, his eyes also staring into the distance.

It was not until after a long time that Uchiha Qi flew above them, he was slightly relieved: "It seems that Uchiha Qi won."

Indeed, Uchiha Kai is back, so in a normal sense, this also means that Konoha won the war this time.

But when Kai Uchiha suddenly began to perform magic, and the ethereal chant sounded again in the sky, both of them became nervous at the same time.

Especially the light falling from the sky, they can clearly feel that it is an extremely vast chakra.

And the black hole that suddenly appeared, and the aura that symbolized death began to spread, all of which made them feel that the pace of death was advancing!

"What is this?" Oh Yemu's body trembled a little, this kind of breath was really too bad for him!

"I don't know either!" Chakra had already bloomed on the fourth Raikage, and in addition to fear, there was actually a trace of fighting intent in his eyes.

However, this trace of fighting spirit was wiped out with everything that was sent after that, and no one believed what they saw!

Whether it is the Fourth Raikage, Ohnogi, or Namikaze Minato, Kakashi, or Jiraiya.

Only Imai Kenta, Hyuga Aya, and Obito are in a little better condition, because they all already understand what Uchiha Kai is going to do.

Reincarnation is born, this technique is the biggest forbidden technique in the eye of reincarnation, if it is used to revive one or two people, it is fine.

But resurrecting so many people at once, the cost is simply unimaginable!

How many residents does Konoha have? They are well aware of this question, and it is because they know that they are so desperate.

Even Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya knew that Uchiha Kai had specially made some bodies to prepare for resurrection in order to prevent himself from an accident.

But how much damage it would do to the eyes, they were not sure.

Tenseigan can indeed perform Reincarnation, but there is no such technique inscribed in these eyes.

Therefore, she is not quite sure how such consumption is, even if she wants to resurrect her mother, she has no good way.

But now, Uchiha Kai directly released the reincarnation in this way, and he obviously wanted to save everyone.

But is he sure he can handle this kind of consumption?

"That's... Tenseigan's power." Hyuga Aya stared at the silver brilliance, and suddenly she felt something and said quickly: "Kai, he led to the power of Tenseisen, that is the one on the moon. A Tensed Eye!"

"Ah, I feel it." Imai Kenta nodded, and then he frowned again: "It's just that this seems to hurt his eyes a lot, doesn't it? And..."

And what, Imai Kenta did not finish, because there is no need to say.

In the black hole, countless green rays of light began to blow out.

These green rays of light are all souls, all souls wrapped in vitality!

When these souls accurately landed on one body after another, an incredible scene happened.

The deceased Konoha residents who were neatly squared on the road by the Konoha ninjas actually underwent an unimaginable change at this moment.

These residents, whether they were civilians, children or ninjas, miraculously slowly opened their eyes under the infection of the green light.

They sat up in confusion in the eyes of the unbelievable Konoha Ninja, and then lowered their heads to look at their bodies, and even many people slapped themselves fiercely.

They couldn't figure out what was going on. In their memory, they were all dead!

"What the hell.... what's going on?" After many people woke up, they looked around in amazement: "Also, where is this place?"

"Yeah, I remember being crushed by a boulder, why now..." Some people recalled what happened in front of them, and couldn't help shaking violently.

But now, they don't seem to have any problems at all, and everything that happened before is like a nightmare!

Bewildered, these residents of Konoha are all dumbfounded, not only them, but the ninjas of Konoha are dumbfounded.

They've seen bizarre things, but it's the first time they've seen things like today that are so bizarre that it's unbelievable.

In the past, they all still wondered what the strength of their Minister Qi had reached.

Today, this Minister Qi just like they showed, what level of his personal strength is already.

The Minister can definitely destroy the existence of any big country with his own power!

Such strength has completely exceeded the scope of human imagination. It seems that no one other than God can achieve such a level, right?

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Minister Qi, he is God!

Such thoughts spread in the hearts of countless Konoha ninjas.

And as if to prove that there was nothing wrong with what they thought, this Minister Qi actually resurrected all the dead!

Resurrection, true resurrection. Looking at the originally mutilated people who had completely lost any breath of life, they recovered one by one, and then sat up blankly.

This scene really frightened all the ninjas present, but more of an incredible cheer and joy!

The home is gone, it can be built again.

But if the family is gone, it means that there is no home at all.

Namikaze Minato stared blankly at all of this, at the green light that kept wafting, and at the revived crowd, he seemed to be really relieved at this moment.

Tears began to flow down the corners of his eyes, and he didn't even know how he had survived just now.

That feeling is really bad.

"This kid..." At this moment, the nine tails in his body suddenly opened his mouth: "The eyes of reincarnation are indeed the eyes of an old man. These eyes are the eyes that control life and death."

"This technique..." Minato Namikaze heard Kyuubi's voice and couldn't help restraining his emotions, and quickly asked, "Is this the ability of the Samsara Eye?"

"Ah, yes." Nine tails replied in his mind: "The art of reincarnation, the legendary art that can bring people back to life."

"Is there any harm to Kai?" Although Minato Naikaze was very happy to be resurrected with all the residents, he was also worried about Kai Uchiha's body.

"I can't say this kind of thing, and it's his own choice."


Namikaze Minato stared at Uchiha Kai in the sky, staring at the figure with azure blue chakra all over his body like a god, his fists could not help clenching slightly.

And Kyuubi also looked at this figure in the sky through his line of sight, and he sighed slightly for a long time.

For some reason, he felt that this guy seemed to have reached an unimaginable height.

This height, once in his memory, only the immortals of the six paths could reach!

Moreover, at this moment, this kid also has the shadow of an old man!

"This is truly a miracle!"

Zilai also looked at this scene, and his expression was full of joy.

He felt that everything today was like a roller coaster.

He had been completely desperate before, but he never imagined that such extreme despair could be reversed!

It's just that he, like Minato Namikaze, looked at Kai Uchiha with a worried look.

Not only him, but almost all the Konoha ninjas who witnessed all this started to worry involuntarily.

Resurrection of a life is a forbidden technique no matter how you look at it.

And Uchiha Kai resurrected so many people at one time, which is even more unimaginable.

Even according to some of their thinking, resurrecting a person is already a fatal thing, and this time to resurrect so much at one time, this is simply an unimaginable consumption.

When the green light stopped spewing out, all the dead people in Konoha had been completely resurrected, the tin stick in Uchiha Kai's hand shook slightly, and the phantom behind him disappeared without a trace at this moment.

The silver light falling from the sky began to dissipate, and the ethereal chant began to stop.

Uchiha Qi glanced at the dense crowd below, and he couldn't help sighing slightly.

Fortunately, everything was fine, and there was no such thing as he was unwilling to face.

Even though this had already happened, he was reversed by him in the end, with the assistance of Yui Otsutsuki.

"Looks like it's over." Uchiha Kai felt the power of the Tensed Eye leaving his body, and couldn't help but sighed slightly.

The feeling just now was really great.

"Yeah, it's over." Otsutsuki Yui nodded: "However, this is not the complete end. In other words, this is probably just the beginning, and humans are beginning to know the existence of Otsutsuki."

"Whether it's good or bad, it's meaningless." Uchiha Qi shook his head slightly: "What do you think of my next plan, which is to make the whole ninja world move?"

"Although I don't want you to do this, there's nothing I can do. After all, I can't show my face." Yui Otsutsuki shook his head: "However, I changed my mind and thought it was okay."

"Oh? What idea?"

"At least, your plan might make my mother appear. Maybe, this will be one of the things that eases the conflict between me, Hamura and her."

Yui Otsutsuki's laughter echoed in Kai Uchiha's mind, and suddenly he clearly felt that the old man Yui began to leave his body.

"I'm leaving, the matter has been resolved." Yu Yi said with a smile: "I hope next time, you don't need me to help you clean up the mess, goodbye."

"Well, goodbye." Uchiha Qi nodded slightly and watched Yu Yi leave.

Yu Yi's soul drifted away slowly, and suddenly his eyes were fixed in the distance, and then he showed a smile. Grow up, everyone has grown up...


"This....this is..."

When Twelve Xiaoqiang escorted Gaara and other Sha Yin to the edge of Konoha Village, Naruto and the others saw the smoke and dust in front of them. It could be seen to the naked eye that it was a barren and messy place, and any buildings had been completely destroyed. They were all stunned when they were destroyed.

What about the village?

What exactly is going on?

Neji and Hinata rolled their eyes for the first time, but when they saw everything, they suddenly felt dizzy.

The shattered earth, the corpses scattered all over the ground, the familiar or unfamiliar villagers, all these are impacting their hearts.

Hinata is a girl after all, and her heart is not that strong, and it is even more impossible to be cold. She was directly fainted by the impact of this scene.

This kid, Neji, was better, although he also felt that he couldn't accept all of this at all.

But he still endured the pain and slowly told Naruto and others what happened to Konoha.

"How is it possible, how is this possible?" Naruto sat down on the ground.

Listening to Neji's narration, watching everything in the distance turned to ashes, his fists clenched fiercely.

"What the **** is going on?" Sasuke's body was shaking, but he calmly asked Neji, "Why does this happen?"

"I don't know either." Neji shook his head, his expression full of pathos.

Not only him, all the little guys who participated in this operation and had no idea what happened in Konoha Village were all pale now.

Xiao Li and Ya even rushed back regardless, Tian Tian and Ino were both comatose like Hinata.

Shikamaru also lost his usual composure, Dingji slumped on the ground with his eyes blank, Shino was also staring into the distance, and Xianglin was crying even more.

This scene is like hell. Even if you don't see everything with your own eyes, this scene is slamming into the hearts of all of them.

After a long time, Naruto suddenly stood up, and then he rushed towards Konoha.

Sasuke was stunned for a moment, and then he simply explained to Shikamaru and the others, 'Be optimistic about these captives', and immediately followed in Naruto's footsteps and chased back.

He is also a little uneasy now, he is really worried about that terrifying scene!

"Naruto, wait a minute!" Sasuke quickly followed, and he shouted while chasing: "Calm down, don't be in such a hurry."

"Calm down, how can you make me calm down at this time!" Naruto shouted like a madman: "Everyone...everyone.... everyone is dead, everyone is dead!"

Dead, all the residents who were sent to the underground fortifications, all died!

This answer, he really has no way to accept it, and it is impossible for him to accept all this.

He buried his head and charged forward with force. Although Naruto himself knew very well that even if he went back, he would not be able to do anything, but he still relied on his own instinct to do so.

He loves Konoha deeply, and loves everyone in Konoha deeply. When he thinks of this scene, he can't accept it at all.

"Hey, big fox, what's going on!" Ignoring Sasuke's pursuit behind him, Naruto asked directly in his mind: "Who the **** did it? What the **** happened? Why is this happening? Why! "

"All of this is caused by an enemy that you have no way to deal with." Nine tails' voice echoed in Naruto's mind, and it sounded like he was a little sighed: "If I don't feel wrong, it is Uchiha Kai and a. ... According to what you humans say, guys who have reached the level of gods are fighting."

"Uncle Qi? But, how could this be?" Naruto's speed became faster and faster, and his heart was full of doubts: "Why did those people die? Why!"

"Actually, you already know, don't you?" Nine tails sighed: "Your father and those fighting ninjas left the village, apparently at the request of Kiha Uchiha. He saved those people, but he couldn't do anything about it. Save everyone, time does not allow it."

When Naruto heard all this, he seemed a little silent.

Of course, he knew why it became like this, the intensity of the battle, even if they were already far away from Konoha.

Then in the central area of ​​Konoha, all this will be infinitely magnified!

It is completely conceivable that such a shock is such a desperate feeling for those hiding in the underground fortifications?

Naruto is not stupid, especially the education Naruto received in this world has given him a stronger analytical ability.

But wanting all this doesn't mean he can accept it.

god? What kind of guy is a god?

And why does God do such a thing?

Why came to attack Konoha and killed so many people?

Naruto didn't know what was going on. His heart was now full of doubts and grief, and an unprecedented anger burned in his heart.

He had really never been so angry, especially after certain beliefs had popped up inside him.

"Huh?" But at this moment, the Nine Tails in his body suddenly made a suspicious voice.

After Naruto heard this voice, although he didn't want to take it seriously, he still couldn't help but want to ask.

But at this moment, he suddenly raised his head, because there was a figure floating above Konoha in midair.

Immediately afterwards, a tin rod appeared in the figure's hand, and with the silver light suddenly descending from the sky, the sacred and ethereal chant sounded again!

The huge and vast Chakra rose into the sky, and a phantom and a black hole appeared behind him.

"That guy..." Naruto gritted his teeth and asked suspiciously, "Is that guy the **** you said?"

"Are you a fool?" The Nine Tails' voice was a little disdainful, but there was a dignified expression in this disdain: "That guy is Kai Uchiha! It's just..."

"Just what?" As soon as Naruto heard that the figure was Uchiha Kai, his mood changed a little: "What's wrong with Uncle Kai?"

"Nothing, and..." Nine Tails hesitated, but finally he shook his head: "You don't need to worry, if I don't feel wrong, he may have to create a miracle."

After Kyuubi said this, he didn't say more, because he noticed something incredible in Uchiha Kai.

That kind of feeling is like facing the old man once!

Also, has the power of this kid reached this point?

With a deep sigh, Jiuwei shook his head helplessly. I'm afraid this kid has really reached the point where the old man was on the same level.

no need to worry? miracle?

When Naruto heard this, he couldn't help but froze for a moment, and his footsteps slowed down.

Sasuke, who was behind him, also chased after him at this moment, but at this moment he also solemnly raised his head and looked at the sky, watching the incredible and strange scene in the sky.

The chants are chanting, the chakra in the sky is getting stronger and stronger, and then the green light **** exuding vitality blow out one by one!

That strong breath of life, even an ordinary person can feel it.

Sasuke and Naruto also clearly felt the existence of these life forces, and this scene made an idea suddenly appear in their hearts.

Could this person (Uncle Qi) be trying to resurrect everyone?

As soon as this idea appeared, it immediately made their mood that was originally extremely sad and angry began to slowly improve.

"Who is that person in the sky?" Sasuke stared at the sky and asked involuntarily.

"It's Uncle Qi." Naruto directly said the answer that Jiuwei told him: "Kurama told me that it was Uncle Qi."

"Master Kai?" Sasuke was stunned.

Looking at the god-like existence in the sky, he really did not expect that Uchiha Kai's power would be so powerful.

Naruto didn't hide what he knew at the moment, and soon he said everything Uchiha Kai had done before.

Even if his information came from the Nine Tails, and even if the Nine Tails in his body did not see it with his own eyes, the information still fascinated Sasuke.

God, this is something that only appears in legends, and according to people's imagination, their abilities are infinitely magnified.

But everyone knows that God doesn't really exist.

Even if he has the **** of the ninja world, isn't he not reaching the level of a **** in the true sense?

But now, Uchiha Kai seems to have broken all the laws!

Not only did he reach the level of a **** in strength, but he listened to the chants that were constantly resounding in the sky, and felt the chakra that filled the sky.

All of this shows one thing, Uchiha Kai is a god-like existence.

And now, he has completely done what God can do—resurrection of life!

"It would be great if I had such power." Sasuke stared at the sky, and suddenly whispered: "With such power, I can make the world peaceful, and our previous arguments will no longer exist. "

"No." Naruto suddenly turned his head, his face extremely serious.

"Even if you have such power, you shouldn't use it lightly!

Look at the current Konoha, this is the result of the war - even if it was caused by Uncle Kai and an unknown strong man, ordinary wars will become like this.

Thinking about our previous feelings, the seeds of hatred may have been planted at that time! "

"According to your method, it is impossible to succeed in a lifetime!" Sasuke shook his head, he looked at Naruto and said seriously: "The guy who fought with Lord Kai, although I don't know the reason, but if it is really useful, why do you Why not try to talk to him?"

"Rise words!" Naruto didn't give in. "War is never a good thing. We need to strengthen our own strength, so that while protecting ourselves, we can communicate with others, right?"

When Sasuke and Naruto said this, they stopped talking almost at the same time.

Although, both of them seemed to have some thoughts of acknowledging each other's ideas in their hearts, but such thoughts were quickly replaced by their beliefs.

Staring into the distance silently, they didn't know what to say for a while.

Only Kyuubi looked at the two of them strangely. For some reason, he suddenly felt something familiar on them.

And these familiar things are particularly dazzling in his thousand-year-old memory!

Suddenly, Jiuwei seemed to think of something, and his body stiffened slightly, but soon he returned to normal.

Borely lying in Naruto's body, the seal set here is not the same at all, and he can go out as long as he wants.

But he didn't have such thoughts, since he communicated with a part of himself in that guy Namikaze Minato, and now he doesn't even more.

"Indra, and Asura?" Jiuwei lay on the ground and slowly closed his eyes: "It's really interesting. Old man, that kid is about to become like you, and your two children seem to be I'm starting to wake up too..."


"Looks like it's over."

In the forest behind the Uchiha clan, in the base buried underground, Kenta Imai's wooden clone sighed while using the wooden escape to freeze the entire base.

When the suffocating chakra filled the air, accompanied by violent vibrations, Imai Kenta's wooden clone knew that the situation was not good.

Fortunately, he could introduce a lot of yin and yang escapes in this wooden clone, which made this clone more durable and more powerful.

If it is a normal wooden clone, I am afraid that there is no way to use the wooden escape for so long, and it has collapsed directly because there is not enough chakra.

The final result, of course, is that the most secret base of their three-person team was ruined, and even the people inside would die together.

Glancing at the woman who was still lying there Imai Kenta sighed.

This woman is technically twenty-six years old, because she and Uchiha Kai are about the same age.

But now it looks like he is thirteen or fourteen years old.

It can only be said that the experiment done by myself and Uchiha Qi is very good.

It's just, why hasn't this woman woken up yet?

Shaking his head helplessly, Kenta Imai turned his gaze upwards. With the dense wooden tunnels as cover, the basement was still stable.

It's just that he has to think about how to get out.

However, at this moment, Kenta Imai seemed to feel something, and he immediately turned around.

At this moment, Rin Nohara, who was lying on the nursing bed, suddenly opened her eyes...
