Chapter 765: arrange

Early the next morning, Kai Uchiha walked out of the underground laboratory in a refreshing state of mind.

Looking at the scorching sun in the sky, there was a look of joy and joy on his face.

Although Hyuga Aya ran away early in the morning, it wasn't too strange. This woman has always been like this, and he's used to it.

Hyuga Aya seems to be subconsciously afraid of such an intimate thing between them, which is a bit baffling to Uchiha Keito.

This woman can obviously not change her face when facing the enemy, no matter how strong the enemy is, she will not have any timidity.

How did she turn around, how timid she was in this kind of thing was a bit jaw-dropping.

Is this nature?

Shouldn't it be?

Or is it that some of his special hobbies really frightened her?

Uchiha Qi touched his chin, he didn't quite understand these things, but he found it interesting.

Just as he was standing there thinking, Imai Kenta suddenly came out from behind and patted him on the shoulder.

"Morning, Kai." Imai Kenta said with a smile: "I can see that you are in good spirits today, and you had a good time last night?"

"If you don't speak, I think you are still a good person." Uchiha Ki gave him a disdainful look: "Unfortunately, what a good person, why does he have a mouth?"

"If you don't have a mouth, then it's a monster, right?" Imai Kentai smiled indifferently: "However, at least it can be seen that yesterday's battle didn't have much effect on you, you know, I'm still worried for nothing. For one night, will you have a problem with such a high-intensity continuous battle."

"I think it's you who has the problem." Uchiha kicked his elbow back and bumped his chest: "Your battle, no matter how you hear it, is wrong. Fortunately, Aya is not here, otherwise you will be miserable."

Hearing this, Kenta Imai shrugged involuntarily.

Indeed, it is fortunate that Aya Hyuga is not here, otherwise he would not have dared to say such a thing.

Uchiha Kai can still accept such a joke, after all, this guy is a hidden and unknown guy who can make an old pervert like Jiraiya amazed.

As for Hyuga Aya, it is completely unacceptable. As long as the two of them are joking, then her fate is absolutely conceivable.

Imai Kenta still remembers that when they were on the moon, he tried to fight back after being forcibly stuffed with dog food by the two.

The final result was that he was chased and killed by the woman Hyuga Aya for most of the day.

This incident really left a deep impression on him, and until now he dare not forget how much this woman hates these things.

Shaking his head helplessly, Imai Kenta gave Uchiha Kai a good look and left alone.

"Hey, where are you going?" Uchiha Qi looked at this guy strangely: "Where's Nohara Rin? You won't take her with you?"

"Please, I covet a bed last night, I've been here all night, I'm going to see my wife too." Kenta Imai rolled his eyes and said, "Chihiro was resurrected by you. I haven't seen her yet, if I wasn't worried about her being exposed, I would have brought her here last night."

"Okay." Uchiha Kai nodded: "Then you go first."

Spirited Away, this woman Uchiha Kei remembers, that woman who abides by the family creed somewhat rigidly, a template for a perfect wife.

There are only two main reasons why Uchiha Qi remembers this woman.

The first point is the name, which reminds him of an animated movie he has seen in his previous life.

As for the second point, Imai Kenta himself said that after marrying this woman, he can do whatever he wants in various forms.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai stood there and waited.

The woman Nohara Rin still needs to deal with the aftermath. For example, in this laboratory, he does not intend to let Nohara Rin speak out, so some necessary preparations are still to be done.

After doing this, he will take this woman to see Minato Namikaze.

As for the rhetoric, in fact, this thing is really not that important.

Just say directly, I kept Nohara Lin's body, because of the reincarnation technique, wouldn't it be enough to let this woman come back to life?

"Anyway, it doesn't matter how you deal with it." Uchiha Qi stood there and muttered in a low voice, but what he didn't expect was that Nohara Rin had come out at this moment.

"Ki...sir, what are you talking about?" Nohara Rin looked at Uchiha Kai and seemed a little shy, maybe he was seen when he brought Hyuga Aya back to the room last night.

Moreover, she now looks at Uchiha Kai with a little awe in her eyes.

If there is no accident, it should be the guy Imai Kenta who told the current status of Uchiha Kai in Konoha.

Although she also knew that her former teacher, Namifeng Minato, had become Konoha's Hokage.

But my teacher was very powerful back then, how can my peers compare with my teacher?

In addition to Uchiha Kai, his teammate Kakashi also became the Minister of Anbu.

Even Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya, one is the head of the mission department and the other is the head of the medical department.

It can be said that the people around her back then, except poor Obito who died, all of them survived, and they have all become Konoha's most solid pillars!

Facing these people, how could she not feel a sense of oppression when she was just a chunin?

Even if these people are kind to her, how could this gap in identity make her not feel awe?

"It's nothing, just call me Kai." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "Now you have seen Konoha's situation, it's very bad. Even if everyone was rescued by me, Konoha still needs to be rebuilt. , I don't have that much time to take care of you, so I'll give you to Hokage-sama."

"Everything is great... Qi-jun's arrangements have been made." Nohara Rin nodded honestly. To be honest, she was really looking forward to seeing her former teacher.

"There is one more thing I need to explain to you." Uchiha Qi turned his head and stared at Nohara Rin: "Where you woke up..."

"Ah? What happened to the place where I woke up?" Nohara Rin stopped halfway when she saw Uchiha Kai, and couldn't help asking curiously, "Kenta-kun said, this is an underground hideout for your Uchiha clan. , my body is placed here. Thank you for your experiment on me, although it was unexpected, but..."

Speaking of which, Nohara Rin didn't seem to know what to say, so she simply lowered her head and bowed deeply.

Uchiha Qi stared at the woman the whole time. Although she didn't turn on the writing wheel, the immortal mode was always on, and she was always aware of all her changes.

It took him a long time to confirm one thing with a strange look on his face, that is, the **** Kenta Imai has already dealt with the matter!

This discovery made him really angry and funny, and sure enough, Kenta Imai really doesn't do anything related to people.

Shaking his head, he was too lazy to think so much.

This guy deliberately tricked himself, most likely because he wanted to make himself ugly in front of Nohara Rin, or he made himself a mess.

Too lazy to pay attention to so much, Uchiha Qi nodded calmly, and then said slowly: "I don't want you to tell me about this place, because it's very secret to Uchiha. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand." Nohara Lin nodded earnestly, every family has such a secret location, even if she knows it, she can't talk nonsense.

"Very well, there is one more thing, that is, I don't want you to reveal your identity for the time being, after all..."

"I understand, Qijun. I've been dead for so many years, and it's really not suitable for me to directly reveal my identity, but..."

"Don't worry, take it step by step. Obviously your teacher knows, then slowly let Kakashi know, and finally...

Let everyone who needs to know know. "


"Kai? What's the matter?"

Namikaze Minato followed Uchiha Kai with a puzzled look to a room made of wood. He had no idea what Uchiha Kai was doing.

He is very busy now, and the construction of Konoha really needs him to direct, especially since he still has some meetings to hold.

Konoha has now been completely destroyed, and all the buildings have been razed to the ground by the battle between Uchiha Kai and that Otsutsuki.

Therefore, the entire Konoha needs to be rebuilt and re-planned.

That being the case, why not a complete overhaul?

The layout of Konoha Village is basically the product of fifty or sixty years ago.

With the continuous increase of Konoha villagers and the change of family rights within Konoha, there are indeed many areas that need to be improved.

In particular, the importance of certain departments has begun to become prominent, and some fortifications need to be well organized.

Therefore, a good redesign of Konoha is also a very important and necessary thing.

Strictly speaking, the battle between Uchiha Kai and Otsutsuki is really not a bad thing.

Of course, there is a premise here, that is, there are no casualties in this battle.

And Uchiha Kai achieved this, even if it was very helpless and passive, this situation appeared, but at least it appeared and completed.

In the face of the current situation, Namikaze Minato naturally has to show Hokage's decisiveness, grasp it well and make some changes to the internal planning of Konoha.

What made him depressed was that he had just found all the big family patriarchs, ministers and Joinin of Konoha, and was waiting for Uchiha Kai and a few people, and the guy who disappeared last night could have a meeting.

As a result, he turned his head and Uchiha Qi directly found him alone, which made him not feel strange?

Fortunately, it was Uchiha Kai who came to him. If it was someone else, I'm afraid he wouldn't care at all.

"Tell me, where did you go last night?" Minato Minato followed Uchiha into the wooden house: "I haven't seen you all night, I still have some things I want to discuss with you."

"I went back to the Uchiha clan last night because there was another person there."

Having said that, Uchiha Kai turned his attention to the figure in the wooden house wearing a black cloak and a mask.

"Fortunately nothing went wrong and something unexpected happened."

"This person... Who is this?" Minato Minato looked at the man in black in front of him and couldn't help frowning.

He didn't ask Uchiha what the Qihui family was doing, nor did he ask where this person was.

Every big family will have some more secret locations, which is not a strange thing at all.

It's just a person hiding in the secret room of the Uchiha family. Who is this person?

Uchiha Kai let himself see this person at this time, what happened?

In addition, Naikaze Minato still has some emotions in his heart, Uchiha's underground secret room is really solid enough.

"This person is a very important person." Uchiha Kai smiled.

"Actually, I have tried to tell you about her existence.

And this matter, Kenta and Aya know. an experiment for me, that is, this experiment gave me the confidence to perform the forbidden technique in Konoha.

During the Chunin exam, I noticed that she was about to wake up, but I didn't expect that she seemed to be affected by my technique and completely woke up. "

"Teacher..." After Uchiha Qi finished speaking, the black man wearing the mask took a step forward, and a clear voice came from under the mask.

When Namikaze Minato heard this voice, his body suddenly stiffened.

Looking at this thin figure in front of him, he suddenly felt that his brain was not enough!

how is this possible? how can that be!

However, the facts speak louder than words, and all this is telling him that it is true.

Looking blankly at the man in black in front of him, Minato Namikaze was silent for a long time, and finally he took a deep breath.

"Take off your mask." He said, "Are you really Lin?"

"It's me, teacher."

Nohara Rin took off her mask, revealing a face that Minato felt extremely familiar, but was somewhat unfamiliar to him because of the passage of time.

This face has long been engraved in his mind and recorded in a photo.

It's just that when this person appears in front of him again, especially when this person has been dead for so many years, Minato Namikaze is also at a loss.

"What the **** is going on?" Minato Namika looked at Kai Uchiha: "Rin she..."

"Remember what I said to you years ago?"

Uchiha Ki interrupted Minato, with a slight smile on his face.

"The ghost shark and the full moon attacked Sandyin and stole the secret scroll inside.

And in those scrolls, there is a secret technique that can resurrect people.

I experimented with that secret technique, and I have now Rin.

It's just that something went wrong with her, probably because she had been dead for too long and had been frozen by me, so she couldn't wake up.

But it is because of this experiment that I have more insights into the resurrection technique, and I was born with reincarnation yesterday. "

Namikaze Minato naturally recalled that Uchiha Kei really said something similar to him back then.

It's just that he really didn't take it to heart at the time, and he didn't think this kid could do it.

However, what he never expected was that Uchiha Kai was not only successful, but also extraordinary!

Not only did he save the entire Konoha, but he also brought back one of his own disciples...


Namikaze Minato was swayed by Uchiha, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

He himself didn't know how he was feeling right now, whether he was happy or complicated, all kinds of weird feelings flooded into his heart anyway.

Shaking his head helplessly, Minato Namikaze felt that he should not think so much. This kid Uchiha Kai has completely surpassed the limit of human imagination.

Even Namikaze Minato wondered if he had simply turned into a six-path immortal-like existence.

If this is the case, then this kid may really become a character who can't be called by his first name.

Of course, even doing it now doesn't seem like a big deal.

Look at the feat of resurrecting everyone in the entire Konoha Village at one time, this is something that can only be done by gods.

Now Namikaze Minato even believes that if this guy Uchiha Kai encounters the explosion of the moon, he can restore the moon now!

Of course, this kind of thing is just thinking about it, and he can't go to Uchiha Qi for verification, right?

Taking a deep breath, Minato Namikaze walked towards Rin Nohara, while Kei Uchiha walked out with a smile.

It is better to leave this period of time to Minato Namikaze and his disciples. Anyway, the things that he should explain have already been explained clearly, and he just needs to wait for the result.

But at this moment, Imai Kenta suddenly appeared beside him.

"Did you leave the Flying Thunder God on me?" Uchiha Qi looked at this guy who suddenly appeared, and couldn't help frowning: "How come you can appear directly wherever I go?"

"Please, I really did this, you won't notice it?" Imai Kenta looked at him like an idiot: "I built this wooden house temporarily, and it's normal to have my imprint here. I suddenly discovered that there seems to be a guy in an Anbu team who also seems to have a wood escape."

"Inside Anbu?" Uchiha Qi raised his eyebrows: "Mu Dun?"

Speaking of this, Uchiha Kai immediately thought of something.

He didn't forget the Yamato that originally worked for the root and was the result of Danzo and Orochimaru's experiments.

At that time, he really had some thoughts about this guy, but as his strength continued to increase, and this guy, Imai Kenta, was also awakened and could use Mudun.

He gradually lost interest in Yamato, so that he didn't know where the guy went.

Today, when he suddenly heard Kenta Imai say this, the figure of this guy immediately appeared in his mind.

When this kid joined Anbu, Uchiha Kai really didn't know, but he didn't care that much.

Yamato's existence and role are really not that important to him anymore.

In fact, he was interested in Yamato back then, at most out of curiosity about Mu Dun.

Now he really doesn't have much to be curious about about Mu Dun.

The essence of Mu Dun is actually just the use of Yang Dun.

And Uchiha Qi now masters the proficiency of yin and yang escape, even if there is no way to compare with a guy like Six Path Immortal.

But it has definitely caught up, and even surpassed the existence of some Otsutsuki to some extent.

Peeling off Yang Dun and using it alone, combined with the bloodline secrets cracked from the Yuyi clan, he can easily use Mu Dun!

"Forget it, it's just Mudun." Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi couldn't help shaking his head: "Actually, what Mudun is, it's really not a secret to us. That guy Zang has done a lot of such experiments with Orochimaru."

"You mean, that boy from Anbu is the experimental body that survived back then?" Imai Ken tilted his head too much, and then he nodded again: "If that's the case, then there's really nothing to be surprised about. "

"So, there's no need to deal with that kid." Uchiha Qi spread his hands: "Just right, Konoha needs to be rebuilt now. Maybe you and that kid can join hands to help Konoha."

"Che, why don't you do it?" Imai Kenta rolled his eyes: "Since you know the essence of Mudun, I don't believe you can't use it. Come on, Konoha Builder, let's rearrange Konoha. !"

Before Imai Kenta finished speaking, Uchiha Kei projected his eyes as if looking at an idiot.

Rebuild Konoha?

What a joke, he has no interest in building a house with a wooden dungeon like that Yamato.

Moreover, he knew even more about the idiot Imai Kenta, and he definitely didn't plan to do anything in this regard.

Providing temporary housing may not be a big deal, but if he really applies this thing to buildings, then I am afraid it will be a scam.

Namikaze Minato has not come out for the time being, and the two of them just sparred and chatted for a long time.

Among them, Uchiha Kei also knew about Imai Kenta, who had already taken the time-seal thing from Nohara Rin.

Kei Uchiha thinks this kind of thing is no big deal, even if it is kept for this woman, it doesn't matter.

Of course, taking it away can be regarded as allowing this woman to grow up freely.

However, this kind of thing seems to have some sequelae. After all, this woman is a first-generation experimental body, and the effort invested in it is very large.

The result of this is that she may not be able to open her body for the first time after she leaves the sealing device.

The spare power of time is still working on her, and if you want to blame it, you can only blame them for doing really bad experiments back then.

It took too much power to turn into this woman, and this result happened.

"Kai, Kenta." At this moment, Minato Namikaze walked out with Rin Nohara.

He seemed to be in a much better mood now, with a smile on his face.

And Rin Nohara next to him put on the mask again, and the black hood completely covered her.

"Hokage-sama." Uchiha Ki and Imai Kenta turned around at the same time, then nodded slightly.

"Let's go, let's get out of here first." Minato Namikaze patted the two of them on the shoulders: "Let's talk while walking."

Uchiha Qi and Imai Kenta looked at each other, then nodded and followed.

Imai Kenta did not forget to remove the wooden escape when he left, so that the temporary house disappeared directly.

The four of them walked towards the inside of Konoha, and the speed was not fast, and it even seemed a little slow.

But no one cares about these now. They don't have any substantive arrangements, and it's not a big deal to be slow.

"Captain Minato, Rin is resurrected now, what are your plans?" Uchiha Qi asked as he walked: "And, did she tell you about my plans?"

"Said, you don't want her affairs to be completely exposed for the time being, right?" Minato Namifeng nodded: "I have no problem with this matter, I fully support you. As for Lin's arrangement, I want her to go to the medical department, just in time. Aya is now the minister, and it is convenient to take care of her and understand her situation."

"Of course, Lin's medical ninjutsu is very reassuring." Uchiha Kai smiled.

Nohara Lin was a medical ninja before her death. Now that she is resurrected, she can continue her medical ninja work.

Not to mention her body, I'm afraid Ayaka Hinata really needs more attention.

At that time, when this woman hadn't come back to life, Uchiha Kai and the others did a lot of experiments on her.

Now that she is alive, she naturally needs to take care of her.

It was regarded as the money that was paid in advance for the experiment back then, and now I have to pay it back.

"By the way, there is something I need to tell you." Minato Namikaze looked at the inner area of ​​Konoha, he smiled and said to Kai Uchiha: "According to the statistics, the number of casualties yesterday was only one person. Others , including many enemies, were resurrected by you. But those guys were all captured."

"Huh?" Uchiha Qi was stunned for a moment when he heard the words: "Sand Shinobi has also been resurrected?"

"Yeah." Minato Namikaze smiled and nodded: "It seems that your technique actually doesn't have the ability to distinguish between enemy and me."

"Probably." The corners of Uchiha's mouth twitched: "With such a large-scale technique, there is really no way to do everything."

Uchiha Qi can only say this, otherwise what else can we do?

Saying that it actually has nothing to do with him, because the person who controls him is not very good at it?

He couldn't say such words, because he knew that even if he did it himself, I'm afraid those sand ninjas would be resurrected.

But he was a little curious as to who the only guy who died would be.

After thinking about it, he suddenly seemed to understand something. In fact, there is no way to save the life of reincarnation. It seems that there is only that guy.

"Is it the third Hokage that was not rescued?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head, although he asked again, but it was more of a positive statement.

"Well, it's him." Minato Minato sighed slightly.

"Everyone is very strange about this, but when Joinin, who watched his battle, told the battle situation at that time, I knew that he used the ghoul seal.

Later, I told everyone the approximate effect of this technique, and now everyone understands how much the three generations of Hokage-sama have paid. "

"This is also considered to be, we have completed our promise to him." Uchiha Kai looked forward, and then chuckled: "The deceased is gone, I am afraid that more grudges will end here."

"Yeah, yes." Minato Minato nods lightly.

All the dead and wounded ninjas in Konoha were rescued by Uchiha Kai's reincarnation, but only one person was an exception.

This person is Hiruzen Sarutobi!

In fact, this is not really a strange thing, because he uses the ghoul sealing technique.

The effect of this technique has made his soul now sealed in the belly of the God of Death, and there is no way to get out.

Under such circumstances, Uchiha Kai had no way to release his soul in the Pure Land.

However, his death can be regarded as letting the younger generation of Konoha know how terrible the war is.

Although Uchiha Qi felt that under the natural effect of reincarnation, this time the war seemed to have become a bit of a joke.

All the dead people were rescued. This kind of situation made Uchiha Kai really worried that these young people, and even many ninjas, would become blind.

If it wasn't because of his own battle that Konoha was completely destroyed, his original plan did not intend to save anyone.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai felt that he had to talk to Namikaze Minato about the situation.

He was born with reincarnation, and he could still cast it twice, and he could rely on Bai Jue's body and the two eyes of reincarnation left by Otsutsuki Peach Style.

But he didn't intend to use it casually, unless it was really a last resort.

For example, in the war with Otsutsuki, there were unpredictable casualties, or because of the destruction of Uchiha Madara, an unpredictable situation occurred.

After briefly telling his thoughts, Minato Namikaze couldn't help nodding his head seriously: "Indeed, the surprise this time was too great, no one could have imagined that such a situation would occur. Although I think that everyone I'm afraid I don't dare to be careless, but it's always right to be careful."

"Yeah, any luck is fatal." Uchiha Kai nodded: "I can't let them have such a mind, I always think that I will save them in the end. So, I think I may need to announce to the outside world. For a moment, it's like I need to cultivate for a while."

"Cultivation?" Minato Namikaze raised his brows, "Are you all right?"

"Of course it's fine, don't worry." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "Actually, I do need a period of training. But this training is not because of any problems with me, but because this battle has made me really It's been a huge improvement, and I need to calm down and absorb this stuff."

In this battle, Uchiha Kai's harvest can only be described as unimaginable. He himself never thought that the harvest this time would be so great.

Whether it was any combat skills that Otsutsuki Yui used, or how he felt in Kai Uchiha when he was in control of his power.

Or the 'Time Slash' that seemed to be given to him in vain in the end, completely balanced his own strength and made full use of it.

As long as he is familiar with one of these things, his strength will be terribly improved!

Therefore, he really needs time to let himself meditate properly, and he can also use the time of this meditation to declare to the public that he needs to cultivate because of excessive consumption.

Hearing his words, Namikaze Minato couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief Uchiha Kai is too important now.

If he really had any problems because of this battle, it would be too much of a loss.

But fortunately, because of the battle, it has been unimaginably improved, which can be said to be a very good thing.

"Is that so." Minato Minato nods his head: "I understand, I will release some news for you first."

"Well, but for the next period of time, or even a year or two, I'm afraid I'll have to 'hide' a little bit." Uchiha thought about it, and then said: "Of course, it's not that I don't care, but If you are pretending, you have to pretend, don't you?"

"Do you think it is troublesome? Especially, this time Konoha has become like this, you suddenly brought up this matter, do you not want to participate at all?"

"This kind of thing, I don't think I really need more participation. The surgery industry has specialties, but I'm really not good at this."


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