Chapter 766: Meeting

Uchiha Qi really didn't talk nonsense, because he really didn't have much research on the construction and integration of this kind of village.

More than ten years ago, the Nine-Tails Incident, the village was also severely damaged, and even in some cases it was somewhat similar to everything today.

At that time, Uchiha Kai relied on this incident to help the security department earn a wave of prestige.

It is precisely because of the rapid response of the security department that saved a lot of villagers, that the loss in that incident was more in terms of houses and other aspects, and the casualties were not particularly huge.

This time, his performance was even more ruthless. He directly showed his strength in front of the top leader of the four major ninja villages in the ninja world, and even showed something that only a **** can do.

All the way from the outskirts of the village to here, he didn't know how many times he heard some information about him being whispered.

For example, the "Six Path Immortals Reincarnated", the "God of the Human World", the "Contemporary Six Path Immortals" and so on.

Anyway, Uchiha Kai himself felt blushing when he heard it, and the most terrible thing was that he didn't know how to refute it.

Could it be serious to say, is the so-called Six Path Immortals helping to 'fight on behalf'?

He didn't even participate in the massive destruction of the village several decades ago when the nine tails were involved in discussing how to build a new village.

Now, the situation has gotten worse, but it's also a better opportunity, a chance to completely rebuild Konoha.

Although Uchiha Qi wanted to get in and get something for himself, he really didn't know much about it.

A layman commanding an expert will only make a joke. And if a layman with the right intervenes, it is not as simple as making a joke, it is a disaster at all!

There is a specialization in the surgery industry, which he knows and understands very well.

So he didn't plan to participate in this event at all, and even if it was a discussion, he didn't plan to publish too many things.

"Kai, this time you really..."

The meeting was more boring than Kai Uchiha imagined, and the main reason was that he couldn't understand.

As for urban planning, he had learned a little about geography in his previous life, but his most knowledge was knowing how to set up bustling areas and how to avoid urban pollution.

But in this world, there is really no such thing as industrial pollution. As for other things, such as road planning, he was a little blinded.

Just when he was most bored, Uchiha Fugaku, who was sitting in the back row of him, suddenly spoke up.

"Huh?" Uchiha Qi turned back with some doubts: "What's the matter, Fuyue-kun?"

"It's nothing, just frightened by your strength." Uchiha Fuyue shook his head, and then he whispered: "Also, I also need to thank you, if you didn't pity the people in the village at the end, I'm afraid I will face the same problem today. The family is in ruins.”

"Don't say that, okay?" Uchiha Qi was a little helpless: "I really can't stand you guys like this."

Uchiha Qi is really helpless now. He knows that he shows such strength, and he is afraid that he will inevitably be 'surrounded'.

He felt that he should not care too much about this kind of thing, after all, when he first became the deputy minister of the security department, he had such signs.

And when he got higher and higher, the frequency of facing such situations became more and more frequent, and he thought he would not care anymore.

But what he really did not expect was that the impact this time seemed to be more ferocious than before.

This level of ferocity really needs to be compared, I am afraid it is tens of thousands of times stronger than before.

He still remembers that when he first walked in, only Hyuga Aya and Kenta and Minato who came in with him didn't have much reaction.

After seeing him, the others all stood up in unison, and then bowed deeply.

At first, he didn't think too much. After all, he rescued all Konoha's people, so this kind of treatment is not unbearable.

But when he noticed that these were so fanatical and awe-inspiring, that kind of eyes that were like looking at God, it really made his scalp feel numb.

Maybe it's because the mentality hasn't been completely adjusted yet?

Uchiha Qi comforted himself like this. He also knew how exaggerated his performance was. It took time for this situation to slow down, right?

He also had to admit that it was actually quite cool to be noticed like this. But being stared at all the time, and in a meeting, I don't know how many people quietly look at me, which is really unbearable.

He always had a feeling that he was a panda in the zoo.

"Sorry." Uchiha Fuyue did not have the usual state of being alone Uchiha Kai. At this time, his level of respect was truly unprecedented.

"Please, don't you do this?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head: "When I showed my Samsara eyes, my strength was not bad. After going to the country of Sugi, I also showed that I was not weak. In today's strength. How today..."

"Seeing is believing, Kai Da... Kai." Hyuga Hizu, who was sitting beside Uchiha Fuyue, sighed.

It's just that when he subconsciously wanted to call, he noticed Uchiha Kai's eyes, and he changed his mouth immediately.

"Well, actually you don't need this." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "Even if I am strong, am I not Uchiha Kai? My character and my behavior never seem to have changed, right? "

Uchiha Kai's words made neither of them know what to say. Indeed, if it was the same as what he said, his strength would have long been detached from the world.

But his attitude towards everyone doesn't seem to have changed much.

What should be respected is still respected, what should be hated is still hated, and as always, he has not used his power to crush the world to do something.

He is completely abiding by all kinds of rules, and has never broken this kind of thing.

This is a kind of self-discipline, but also a kind of restraint, which is an act of great admiration.

Uchiha Fuyue and Hyuga Hiji couldn't help but think seriously, if they have the strength of Uchiha Kai, this kind of power is equivalent to the "God of Humanity".

Can they, like Kai Uchiha, limit themselves to the rules and never break these rules easily?

After thinking about it, they found that it was really difficult for them to do it.

"Okay, let's not talk about these useless things." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "I don't listen to this part of the thing, I don't plan to participate anyway, I'm more interested in those guys in Shayin. , what are they doing now?"

Uchiha Kai really doesn't know what the **** is going on with those sand hidden now.

He felt that he was also quite unlucky. Originally, he was happily 'eating hot pot and singing songs', but suddenly a big tube of wood came to the 'black pot'. Who could stand this kind of thing?

Therefore, after having a relatively "friendly" exchange with the Otsutsuki who came to look for something, he almost forgot the play he once wanted to watch.

When he recalled it at this time, he naturally planned to ask questions.

What happened to those sand ninjas, he really didn't know. In addition to knowing that Naruto and others completed the mission very well and brought Gaara back, he also knew that Sand Shinobi, who died in Konoha, was resurrected by him, and then all the prisoners were detained. Other things, such as whether the kid Maki ran back, such as what happened to Sand Ninja who attacked Konoha later, and whether Sand Ninja knew that their shadows were dead, he really didn't know anything about these things.

Compared with what was discussed at this meeting, he was actually more interested in how to peel off a layer of skin on Sha Yin's body.

This time Konoha fell blood and mold, and the whole village can be regarded as gone. Fortunately, a group of idiots like Sandyin came to invade, and even a tail of people Zhuli was caught by them.

With such a victory, and their shadows are already dead, Konoha can definitely peel a layer of skin on Shayin Village!

"This situation, we are not very clear." Uchiha Fuyue thought for a moment, and finally shook his head helplessly.

"But what is certain is that the scope of your battle is too large, and those sand ninjas dare not come over. Later, they did not know what happened, and they retreated.

We didn't go after them here either, because..."

"I understand what you mean." Uchiha Ki nodded, and then he shook his head regretfully: "Unfortunately, we can't continue to expand the victory, otherwise, we can completely let the loss of Konoha this time, completely let the sand. Hide those guys on their backs."

"Actually, you don't need to worry so much." At this moment, Nara Shikahisa, who had been sitting beside them quietly listening to them, said.

Due to identity issues and the fact that this conference room was temporarily built, it was not as spacious as the original conference room in the Hokage Building.

Therefore, the seat here seems to be a little crowded, so there is no one like Uchiha Kai and others, and there is no one around.

Sitting beside them was Nara Shikuji, the Minister of State Affairs, and there were a lot of other ministers sitting beside him.

Uchiha Fuyue and Hyuga Hizu were behind them, and the two took the initiative to talk to Uchiha Kai, which naturally attracted the attention of everyone around.

They were very curious about what this 'God of Humanity' would say, and what his power was about.

As a result, what surprised them was that others had such power a long time ago, and have they shown it before?

In addition, this adult actually has a reincarnation eye?

To be honest, when they heard the word reincarnation, they have completely regarded Uchiha Kai as a six-path immortal.

Even many of them still think that Uchiha Kai is actually the reincarnation of the Six Path Immortals!

Even if it is not, it is definitely already standing at the same height.

At the same time, what moved them was that this god-like existence didn't seem to care about his own strength at all.

Seeing that he was still holding Hyuga Aya's hand, and his slightly helpless expression, they also realized at this moment that this **** was their head of the security department.

Nara Shikaku listened for a long time, but he also understood a lot of hidden secrets.

In the same way, he can also understand what happened to Uchiha Fugaku and Hyuga Hizu, who knew the hidden feelings as well, but couldn't help but make such a gesture.

If it was him, someone from his own family had such a presence, I'm afraid it would be difficult for him to restrain himself, right?

But he also knew that Uchiha Kai might be a little bit unbearable, so he might as well try to help out.

"Oh? Lu Jiu-kun, how do you say this?" Uchiha Kai looked at Lu Jiu, he was quite surprised that this guy didn't have a serious meeting.

"Ki-kun, don't forget the name of the Kingdom of Wind, but we are here to watch the Chunin Exam." Lu Jiu tilted his head and whispered.

"Also, even if he is not there, if the village under his jurisdiction does such a thing, we have reasons to have an excuse to trouble him.

Don't forget, under your suggestion, all his money is kept in Konoha! "

"Oh?" Uchiha opened his eyes slightly the same: "Lu Jiu-kun means, do we directly swallow his money? It's a good way, as expected of Lu Jiu-kun!"

"Qijun, how can we be called swallowing this way?" Lu Jiu seemed a little dissatisfied.

"We call this a reasonable punishment for the enemy, and confiscation of the daimyo's money is a punishment.

In the same way, let them exchange enough money or resources for them to stay in Konoha Ninja or Renzhuli, this is just a measure of punishment. "

Lu Jiu's discovery made the people on the side stunned, and what made them even more stunned was that the 'God of Humanity' seemed to agree with such a statement.

At this moment, they seemed to understand something completely, and Uchiha Kai also noticed the eyes of the ninjas around him, which made him nod to Shikaku.

Money, he doesn't care about this kind of thing, but all he needs is an attitude, an attitude that he is still the 'Uchiha Kai' he used to be.

Nara Shikahisa listened to it for a long time, and obviously also knew what he was thinking, and some of his helplessness.

Therefore, the dialogue between him and himself was deliberately not so subtle, but responded to Uchiha Kai in a way that he was most unlikely to say.

This guy is really smart as always, Uchiha Kai thought silently.

At this time, the meeting seemed to be almost over.

Although the planning in the village needs to be discussed by everyone, many professional things still need more experts to decide.

As for the new location arrangements of each family, Minato Namikaze also specifically asked everyone present.

What made him helpless was that these guys seemed to know that Uchiha Kai was present, and none of them dared to answer.

In the end, Uchiha Kai also simply said, "The Uchiha family listens to the arrangement of the Fuyue Patriarch", and no more words.

Uchiha Fuyue is not too much, his choice is still the place before.

In any case, that area is already one of the best places in Konoha, and there is also Uchiha Kai's underground laboratory in that area.

He could see that the guy Uchiha Kai seemed to really have a soft spot for that laboratory...


The reconstruction of Konoha cannot be completed in one or two days, but requires a lot of manpower and material resources and resources.

Even if there are people in this world who can control the forces of nature like ninjas, but they can't fool around with this kind of thing, right?

Rebuilding Konoha takes time and time to polish, but those who come to Konoha to take exams are unlikely to stay here.

In particular, the three guys, Onogi, Fourth Raikage, and Ghost Lantern Moon Moon, really couldn't stay any longer. Their significance to their respective villages was very important.

But before they leave, there are still some things that must be communicated with Konoha.

Therefore, after the first Konoha planning meeting opened, he had to attend the second meeting.

And this meeting, Uchiha Kai must also attend.

Because the things they want to discuss will definitely not be simple things.

It's just that when he was going to the meeting, Obito suddenly stopped him.

"Ki, I'm sorry, it may take some time for you." Obito rubbed his head a little embarrassed. He had been following Kakashi, and he naturally knew what Uchiha Kai was going to do next.

"It's okay, just tell me if you have anything." Uchiha Kai shook his head with a smile: "Are you going back?"

"Yeah." Obito was not polite, and nodded directly: "Yeah, I have to go back after being out for so long. Otherwise, that guy may become suspicious."

"That guy, you have to keep an eye on it, you know?" Uchiha Qi seemed to think of something, and he lowered his voice: "It's the Hei Jue you mentioned, his situation seems to be unusual."

Obito nodded slightly, he was not surprised that Uchiha Kai asked him to stare at that guy.

Not to mention that that guy seems to be related to Madara Uchiha, even that guy's body seems to be a little unusual.

Obito, who has learned the complete yin and yang escape, has noticed that the dark guy seems to be a little special.

The kind of yin-dun that has reached a special level, the yin-dun that is completely condensed and subtly covers up some yang-dun.

With such a combination of chakras and a guy of his own will, how could Obito be careless?

Moreover, I think that Uchiha Kai told himself many years ago that the stone tablet buried deep in the secret shrine of the Uchiha family had been tampered with.

And he also gave himself a task to find a way to investigate all this.

Obito is really doubtful now, if this black guy did all this.

After all, having such a chakra can completely ignore the limitations of the eyes and see more information.

After all, it seems that he is the only one who can be silent without attracting anyone's attention!

However, now he can't do it without attracting anyone's attention, because he can detect the existence of this guy by mastering the complete yin and yang escape.

Even if it is only extremely obscure and subtle, this is a great progress that cannot be met.

"Also, during this period of time, or even in the next few years, I may be temporarily hidden." Uchiha Qi saw Obito's attitude and couldn't help but nodded. This is the attitude of being a subordinate.

"Hidden?" Obito couldn't help frowning when he heard this sentence: "Are you injured? Or, that resurrection, you..."

"Neither, but I'm going to break through." Uchiha Qi shook his head with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm not that vulnerable. And this battle, for me, the gains are greater than the sacrifices, and I also need Just take a good rest for a while.”

"Really?" Obito hesitated, but in the end he nodded: "So, you are hiding, how can I connect with you?"

When Uchiha Qi heard this, he couldn't help knocking Obito's head hard.

How could it be like he was about to disappear in the ninja world?

Uchiha Qi sighed slightly, although he hoped to have such an effect, but this is for other people.

Those who knew him well, those who were closely related to him, or his immediate subordinates, he didn't want to hide it from them.

"Please, I already said that I need to retreat, why don't you just come to my house and find me?"

Uchiha Qi sighed, he glanced at Obito who was rubbing his head, and shook his head involuntarily.

"After so many years, why are you still acting like a 'Xian'er'? Think about it, don't be so stupid."

"Are you really okay?" Obito was stunned for a moment, but soon he laughed.

"That's good, I also understand the technique of reincarnation. The ultimate fate of that guy in Nagato is to use this technique to resurrect Madara Uchiha.

The price is that the guy might die. You've resurrected so many people at once, I'm naturally worried.

But since you are all right, then there is no problem, I will carry out the task you gave me well. "

"During this period of time, integrate the information and handle the affairs of the Akatsuki organization." Uchiha Qi said calmly and quickly: "When everything is settled, you can almost start the tail beast."

"Yeah." Obito nodded earnestly, but he seemed hesitant, but he didn't say anything, just answered simply: "I see,"

Aki Uchiha patted Obito on the shoulder, then turned around and walked over to Minato Namikaze.

He knew what Obito was wondering, but he didn't explain that much to this guy.

Of course, Obito is not really stupid. As long as he spends some time thinking about these things, he will definitely be able to figure out the key inside very quickly.

This kid probably went back to Konoha more often, and the perceptual cognition of that year began to occupy the high ground from time to time.

When Uchiha Qi was about to walk into a newly built tent, he suddenly stopped, turned his head and looked at Obito: "By the way, I forgot to tell you something."

"Huh?" Obito froze for a moment, then asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

"Actually, it's not too important, but it's important to you." Uchiha Qi spread his hands: "I've prepared a gift for you, but this gift will take time to come. Polishing, so don't worry for now."

"What's the difference between saying this and not saying it." Obito sighed: "Please, I'm looking forward to gifts or something, but you do this..."

"I suggest you go to Tsunade when you have time." Uchiha Qi didn't wait for him to finish his words, and continued: "Although you use some magic and disguise to make yourself look okay. But you are not considered like this. It's really okay, just let Tsunade help you."

Having said that, Uchiha Kai didn't say any more, he turned his head directly into the tent.

Obito fell on the spot, he touched the injured half of his face, and felt that the half of his body felt a little different. After thinking about it, he nodded silently.

Although he felt that even if it was repaired and made up for him, it didn't seem to make much sense.

But he doesn't know why, he thinks it's better for him to listen to Uchiha Kai's words...


Entering this tent, Uchiha Kai looked at the people who were already waiting inside, and he couldn't help but nodded.

Onogi and Raikage four were sitting inside, and they seemed to have been waiting for some time.

When Kei Uchiha and Minato Namikaze came in together, the two of them stood up almost subconsciously.

And the way they look at Uchiha Kai doesn't seem to be much different from the other ninjas in Konoha.

However, they are also shadows, and it is not the first time they have seen Uchiha Kai show such power, they are relatively restrained.

It's just that they looked at the young man in front of them, and they couldn't help sighing in their hearts.

So young, yet he has mastered such terrifying strength. The most important thing is that he has also mastered a truly miraculous technique, a technique that can bring the dead back to life!

This kind of existence is really intimidating. In short, people with such abilities have no weaknesses at all.

It is powerful in itself, and can also use some special forbidden techniques to revive others.

In this case, you can't beat him when you trouble him.

You attacked his relatives, his village and family, and as a result, others turned around and resurrected you directly.

If you face such an enemy, you can imagine how desperate it will be.

Fortunately, such a person would be their natural ally, even if the enemy they faced would probably not be much worse or even more dangerous than the one in front of them.

But in any case, they also have such an existence, and having such an ally by their side can make them feel more at ease than anything else.

"Master Kai..." Perhaps because of their strength, Onogi and the Fourth Raikage called out at the same time.

"You guys are shadows, and I'm just a minister." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "Of course, if we have to count the status of acting Hokage, we are at most equal. There is no need to act like this, nor is it necessary."

"We understand, Your Excellency Kai." Since Uchiha Kai didn't like such a title, the two of them naturally wouldn't insist.

Ohnogi straightened up, he looked at Uchiha Kai seriously, and then slowly said: "Your Excellency Kai, we heard Lord Hokage say something about those Otsutsuki. I have a question, are those guys Akatsuki? The people of the organization?"

Akatsuki organization, it is no longer a secret thing in the ninja world.

And Uchiha Kai attacked so many people Zhuli in the name of the Akatsuki organization, which can be regarded as exposing some of the ideas of that organization.

In addition, this time Sandyin attacked Konoha, and there was the figure of Orochimaru, and this guy also killed the three generations of Hokage.

Therefore, it does not seem surprising that Ohnogi is thinking in this direction, but the Akatsuki organization has given Uchiha Kai a lot of blame.

"It's not them." However, Uchiha Qi didn't intend to continue selling the Xiao organization, he said frankly: "This organization has actually been infiltrated by our people, and it can be said that this organization is completely in the hands of Konoha. ."

"Oh?" Onomu raised his brows: "It's not them, then... um..."

In an instant, a drop of cold sweat fell on Ohnogi's forehead.

Akatsuki was organized by Konoha, Orochimaru was organized by Akatsuki, and Orochimaru cooperated with Sandyin to attack Konoha and killed the three generations of Hokage...

In an instant, a stream of information was constructed in Ohnogi's mind, and then an idea began to bloom in his brain.

Orochimaru is looking for the village that attacked Konoha together. Could it be Konoha who is 'fishing'?

The purpose of letting people in on purpose is to train the new generation of Konoha, plus see the ability of the ninja now?

The death of the three generations of Hokage, shouldn't they be single-handedly arranged to clear the last obstacle in the village?

There was such a big pile of things in his mind, and Oyegi felt a chill down his spine all of a sudden.

It's too dangerous, it's too risky that I have seen the strength of Uchiha Kai, so I didn't stupidly promise Orochimaru to fight Konoha together!

This is simply the result of whoever agrees will die!

If there is no accident, Sha Yin will definitely have bad luck this time!

However, Sha Yin's luck was not bad. The Konoha plan went well, but inexplicably came to such a guy, which made Sha Yin stop the loss.

But fortunately, such a guy came, and let Ohnogi know that there is no way for the ninja world to know things.

It is precisely because of that guy that he learned about the true strength of Kai Uchiha, and let him know how terrifying Kai Uchiha is!

"Okay, don't think about it so much." Uchiha Qi glanced at this guy, and immediately understood that this guy might have made up a lot of conspiracy and tricks: "I don't want to talk about the facts, but there is one thing I want you to do. Everyone can cooperate."

"What is it, Lord Qi, let's say it straight." The fourth Raikage nodded without any hesitation: "As long as we can do it, we will definitely do it!"

"This matter is actually very simple." Uchiha Qi glanced at Minato Minato, and after Minato nodded, he continued: "That is, I hope that the entire ninja world will be trained."


"It seems that Konoha has stabilized."

In a certain corner of Konoha Village, Zhishui looked at the people who were rebuilding their homes and couldn't help but sighed and took a deep breath, and there was a little joy in his expression.

"Well, indeed." The ghost shark also nodded, and his eyes were very complicated.

Three points are panic, three points are luck, three points are anger, and one point is reverence.

It's just that his complicated eyes and Zhishui's happy expression disappeared without a trace the moment their eyes met.

The rest is only indifference and calm, and a pair of deep fear of Uchiha Kai.

"I think we should go back and report this."

"I also think that Uchiha Kai is really scary."

"So, shall we leave?"

"Well, let's go..."


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