Chapter 769: lost

Although the bloodline of Kai Uchiha originated from Yui Otsutsuki, if a deeper search is carried out, it should be said that it originated from Indra.

But it is a pity that although Indra passed down his own blood, he did not pass down the Chakra, which is difficult to belong to himself.

Such Chakra with his will will only awaken in certain specific groups, and only those specific groups can fully possess the power of Indra.

Uchiha Kai's current situation is rather special. He activates a power similar to Indra by other means, but this part is indeed missing from his bloodline.

And if you want to go back to the point of Otsutsuki Yui, then Ashura's Chakra is also essential. Indra and Asura, the combination of the two forces can create everything.

Uchiha Qi didn't know whether he had the power of Asura, although the white absolute cells he got and fused with him came from the reincarnation of Asura of the previous generation.

However, this guy has long since died, and the new Chakra has been passed on to the boy Naruto.

However, these messes don't matter anymore.

Uchiha Qi has already held the 'genuine' Indra's power, and he has also obtained the new Asura's power.

Although sometimes, he is not sure whether the 'genuine' can really beat the 'piracy', at least the strength of his double 'piracy' has not lost to the genuine.

However, there are certain advantages to using the genuine version, especially for the supplement of his bloodline strength.

Slowly opening the two scrolls, Uchiha Kai's body chakra began to surge, and the terrifying and vast chakra erupted wave after wave.

The huge Tenseigan in front of him seemed to sense the power that belonged to Otsutsuki, and even at this moment there was a slight vibration.

And along with his chakra surge, a little power surge began to appear.

At this moment, the eye of reincarnation appeared uncontrollably.

The majestic power began to overflow slightly in the rotation of these reincarnation eyes.

Uchiha Qi put his hands together and made a seal seriously.

He has rarely used his hands like this, and is very serious about making seals. In regular battles, he relies more on Taijutsu to end battles.

Even if he needs to use the technique, his knot seal is not standardized and complete. His strength has reached her level, and only a gesture similar to 'seal' can completely replace those complicated knot seals.

With the completion of the seal, the two Chakras belonging to Indra and Asura quickly emerged from the scroll.

They showed a yellow and a purple color, and slowly sank into Uchiha Kai's body.

With the influx of these two forces, Kai Uchiha's face became a little weird.

They were originally thinking about the effects of these two forces entering their bodies. After all, these two forces are very special.

However, what he did not expect was that it seemed that these two forces did not have any very special feeling?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kei looks a little weird, isn't that the case?

However, he soon discovered that he seemed to think too much, or that the reactions of these forces were slower than he thought!

The chakra accompanying Indra and Asura began to spread in his body, and almost instantly, he felt the power that belonged to him in his body and began to come into contact with these two forces.

This kind of contact was fine at first, but later on, they seemed to find themselves similar and had some similar roots.

But the difference is simply huge!

These forces began to contradict each other, and the previous relatively 'friendly' contact seemed to break down at this moment, and a huge force hedge was continuously formed in his body!

This situation expanded at an extremely fast speed, and in just a moment he felt that all the power in his body had moved.

"Sure enough, none of these powers are worry-free."

Uchiha Qi sighed slightly, but his expression was still very calm.

The powers of Indra and Asura are reckless in his body, but their strength has no way to affect his body at all!

After so many years of hard work, the power in his body has already reached an extremely high level.

Even if he didn't enter the level of Six Paths because of these powers, but with the Chakra mode of Samsara Eye, he had already felt the power limit of Six Paths.

With such a foundation, Indra and Ashura Chakra at this stage really did not put too much emphasis on him.

With his chakra condensing slightly, the chakra, which has been completely integrated with yin and yang escape and immortal art, suddenly began to counterattack towards these two chakras!

His chakra is really too strong, two chakras alone are really difficult to cause too much trouble for him.

However, at this moment, Uchiha Kai suddenly wrinkled his head.

"This is....."

Silently feeling the situation in his body, he suddenly frowned.

These Chakras of Indra and Ashura seem to realize that they can't continue to fight against his power, and they will be swallowed up if they go on like this.

Thus, their two decisive starts merged with each other!

The fusion of Indra and Ashura's chakras creates the power of the most quintessential Otsutsuki Yui!

"It's a little bit interesting."

Uchiha Qi murmured silently. In fact, he had psychological expectations for such a situation, and he even wished for such a thing to happen!

Simple Indra and Ashura Chakra, the effect is really not so good for him.

But these two are related to him, and can also be integrated into a higher level of chakra, which is what he most hopes to face.

Taking a deep breath, he also began to pour out more chakra, and controlled these forces to pounce.

He still didn't use the power of Tenseigan, because there was no need to use it now.

His power can suppress or even devour the Chakras of Indra and Asura, and even the fusion of the two did not make him feel overwhelmed.

So he doesn't plan to use these powers too quickly, he plans to wait.

When he felt that he couldn't continue, he would use the power of Tenseigan without hesitation.

Devouring these powers that are almost equivalent to the source is a very important thing for him.

He didn't really hope that other powers would be involved in it. Pure power was still very important to him, even if he himself knew that the source of his Otsutsuki was actually sent by Otsutsuki Hamura.

"However, even so, I still have to come by myself." Uchiha Qi sat on the ground, thinking silently: "I don't know what it will look like in the end."


In the Pure Land, Otsutsuki Yui and Otsutsuki Yumura sat looking at each other.

The place where they lived had completely changed at this moment.

In mid-air, the originally pitch-black space without any light at all had turned into a huge canvas, and in the canvas was the Uchiha Ki who was sitting in the Hanmura Shrine!

The two looked at the canvas in silence, watching the chakra rushing in Uchiha Kai's body in the canvas, and they shook their heads slightly for a long time.

"Big brother, do you think he can succeed?" Otsutsuki Yumura picked up the teapot on the table and silently poured himself a cup of tea: "You know what I mean, this child's experience is still a little worse."

"Yeah, it's really a little short." Yui Otsutsuki shook his head slightly: "But if you ask me if he can succeed, I can't answer that. I can only say that it depends on the child's own perception."

Having said that, Otsutsuki Yui didn't say much, but silently picked up the teacup and took a sip.

What Uchiha Kai wants to do now is to break through the bloodline.

But this kid's strength has reached a suffocating level, even if Otsutsuki Yui looks back on his own life.

It seems that at this age, he is not necessarily more powerful than Uchiha Kai.

But he has an advantage, that is, he is the son of Kaguya Otsutsuki!

Born to be a chakra user, born to control chakra.

For the accumulation of power, he simply does not need to spend too much time to complete it.

Simply put, he doesn't need to do anything at all, and the quality and quantity of his chakra will increase wildly!

Therefore, he will have more time to do other strengths, to understand the essence of strength, and to appreciate the laws of nature. But Uchiha Kai is different, his chakra is accumulated by himself.

Coupled with the kid Uchiha Kai, he is really too young now, and his experience is really too far away.

This experience is a kind of cognition of the world, cognition of power, and even a thorough cognition of the laws of nature and even between life and death!

It takes time to accumulate, or something special happens.

Just like...

Some people's life and death parting, another example is their own experience of a death.

But this guy Uchiha Kai is simply a person who is extremely ruthless, and sometimes is afraid of dying to himself.

Maybe his ruthlessness is not so obvious now, but at least he was definitely there in the past.

And afraid of death?

There was no change in this at all. This guy got the kaleidoscope because he was worried about being killed. At that moment, he burst out with the ultimate yin and let him open his eyes.

Sighing slightly, Otsutsuki Yui slowly put down the teacup: "I don't know how it is. However, this is a growing experience and process, isn't it?"

"Well, it's not impossible to say that." Otsutsuki Hamura smiled and nodded: "But there is one thing, have you noticed?"

"One thing?" Yui Otsutsuki thought for a while: "What are you talking about?"

"When he intercepted the chakras of Indra and Asura, the technique used was too rough." Otsutsuki Hamamura smiled slightly: "It is because of the rough technique that these two chakras retain something. what."

"Reserved..." Otsutsuki Yui heard the words and immediately raised his head to look into the huge canvas.

At this time, Uchiha Kai's body bloomed with azure blue brilliance, and with the continuous shining of these brilliance, the clearly visible power of his own has taken the upper hand.

The power of Indra and Asura could not resist his chakra devouring at all.

Even if it has been fused together, the power that has created all kinds of phenomena and is faintly evolving towards Yuyi Chakra is somewhat unable to resist such a devouring!

But with such devouring, some special things hidden in these two forces began to be revealed slightly.

That is consciousness!

That is the consciousness of Indra and Asura, hidden in Chakra, a consciousness that can subtly drive a person's emotions without any initiative!

Strictly speaking, these consciousnesses will not cause any harm to a person, but they will have some effects on people.

However, for people like Kai Uchiha, it may not have any effect, because he has a firm will and also has his own beliefs.

But in these wills, there are obviously some memories, belonging to Indra and Asura!

Even these memories contain all the experiences of the reincarnations of Indra and Asura in the past.

It has to be said that this is also a coincidence, an extremely subtle but very interesting coincidence.

Looking at Uchiha Kai's continuous devouring of those powers, these consciousnesses seem to have begun to bloom with their own power, and they began to follow Uchiha Kai's chakra toward his brain.

With this spread, Uchiha Kai's body in the picture paused for a while, it seems that he also noticed this happening, and even his chakra stagnated and swallowed at this moment.

Otsutsuki Yui looked a little silent watching this scene, and his face was also changing slightly, he sighed involuntarily for a long time, and finally he looked at his brother.

"Did you foresee this scene?" His voice was a little helpless, but also a little curious: "This kid, luck is too good..."

"I never foresee a future that can change at any time, and is extremely vague and unreliable." Hamura shook his head with a smile: "I just told what I saw, as for what happened. No one can tell. But you're right about one thing..."

Having said that, Otsutsuki Hamamura once again looked at the canvas. The young man in the canvas closed his eyes tightly, and the vigorous chakra on his body was surging frantically.

Such crazy chakras, extremely chakras, seem to be affected by such chakras, and everything around them begins to become distorted.

And Uchiha Kai didn't seem to feel all this at all, he still closed his eyes tightly, as if he was caught in some kind of contemplation.

Seeing all this, Hamura couldn't help but smile slightly: "He is indeed very lucky..."


Uchiha Qi himself never dreamed that when he was about to devour these two chakras, even if they fused the power that was almost equivalent to Otsutsuki Yui, everything had undergone unimaginable changes.

Among these two chakras, the consciousness that had been condensed for thousands of years suddenly burst out.

And these memories in consciousness also became completely crazy with their bursts. The memory followed Uchiha Kai's Chakra and began to invade his mind. This scene really shocked him!

The memories of other people are running around in his mind, especially since there are obvious traces of consciousness in these memories, which makes him wonder if he has encountered the legendary Shaduo?

But soon he no longer had such thoughts. Although these memories combined with consciousness will make Uchiha Qi worry, there is no possibility that he will occupy his will.

As the memories contained in these wills continued to enter his mind, Uchiha Kai seemed to see a lot of things at this moment.

Everything about Indra and Asura at the beginning, the birth of the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan, the inheritance and battles from generation to generation, and even everything about Senju Hakuma and Uchiha Madara!

Uchiha Kai felt all this inconceivably. In the memory of these consciousnesses, he seemed to be split into two parts, one of which was Indra and his descendants.

In part, he is Ashura and his descendants.

He could feel the entanglement between the two, the thoughts between them, the transition from friend to split, from helping each other fight to having to draw swords against each other.

The memories were so real, he felt like he was living in them year after year, fighting after battle.

When it was serious, he didn't even know who he was, what the destiny he was carrying, and what the value of his existence and the world was.

It can only follow a thing called fate, constantly following in his footsteps, trying again and again to complete the obsessions that fill his heart, and being bound by fate again and again.

"It feels so tiring..."

Uchiha Kai himself doesn't know how many turns he has experienced, how many life experiences he has experienced, and what he is doing.

His consciousness kept sinking in these memories, and he kept thinking about why all this happened. He himself didn't know whether he was Indra or Asura now.

It is still those reincarnations of Indra and Asura who once cast Uchiha, Qianshou, or Maelstrom.

He felt that he was about to get lost!

"Is it possible that your Sharinyan was turned on because you were afraid of death?"

At this moment, a cold voice sounded in his mind.

In his brain, the picture seemed to change slightly. Under a tree, two teenagers were sitting with a girl, and the girl asked the black-haired boy in a slightly contemptuous but indifferent tone. .

This cold tone seemed to make Kai Uchiha's soul tremble. He remembered this voice. The owner of this voice was a person who was extremely important to him, a person who made him very memorable.

"Who is this....? Who am I....?"

Uchiha Kai's heart was a little confused. He was shocked by the countless memories and couldn't tell a lot of things, and even he almost didn't remember who he was!

"Kai, happy cooperation."

Suddenly, another voice echoed in his mind. This time, it was a middle-aged man who appeared in his mind. This man looked a little tired, a little indifferent, and a little bit afraid at the same time.

"Happy cooperation, Qijun."

Without giving Uchiha any time to think, a man with blond hair appeared in his mind.

In his memory, this man seemed to keep a warm smile at all times, but at this moment his expression was solemn, there was a slight hesitation in his eyebrows, and a little bit of distrust.

"Uchiha Kai, I'm going to kill you!"

A very soon, a crippled guy with a pair of weird kaleidoscopes stared at a black-haired teenager and shouted hoarsely, like a ghost crawling out of hell!

It's just, Uchiha Kai.... is this calling yourself?

Who is this guy, and what did he do to make him like this, to hate himself so hysterically?

Headache, a strong headache began to spread in his mind, he felt that his current feeling was really bad, the feeling of being completely lost in all kinds of chaotic memories, it was really uncomfortable!

However, all this is still going on. He can't control his thinking at all, and he can't control his brain. Those pictures, those belonging to a person named Uchiha Kai, are still going on.

"Happy cooperation, Qijun."

This time, it was the woman's voice again. Although it wasn't so cold this time, that smile seemed so fake, especially when the hand in her hand was aimed at her own kunai, which made everything even more so. Weird.

"Okay, I'll join you..."

As soon as the picture changed, the guy who was sitting under the tree with them and always had a harmless smile on his face, said to himself with a face full of depression and bitterness.

Are you forcing him?

However, he didn't have time to think about it, the picture skipped again, and these continuous pictures seemed to tell a story.

"Ki Uchiha, can you be my wrong person?"

"Everything this old man does is for Konoha!"

"Hiss, it's really interesting, Minister Qi..."

"The hatred between Uchiha and Qianshou, the old man has never forgotten!"

"You cold viper!"


Scene after scene, one figure appeared one after another, and Uchiha Kai's heart seemed to start to loosen. He had already felt something, a very special thing that belonged to him.

All of this belongs to him, his past, the people he cooperated with and the people he killed!

It's just that there seems to be something missing from all of this, something that makes him hit his heart directly and that he recognizes in his heart.

He found that it seemed that this life was too lonely, and that everyone and everything seemed to be linked together for some purpose.

There are no feelings at all, not even a friend, everything is so sad, everything is so lonely, and the feelings seem to be completely erased.

"Could it this me?"

Uchiha Qi murmured softly, he didn't know what he was talking about, he felt that everything was familiar, but he also felt that everything was abnormal.

Because he is definitely not such a lonely person, he has friends, people who trust him, and people who accompany him, even those who were once united because of interests, the relationship has already changed.

But sadly, he couldn't remember it at all. Whenever he started to recall, countless memories appeared in his mind, and he didn't know whose memories belonged to, or even he didn't know if it was his memory.

The picture is still going on, and I don't know if it was influenced by himself, and everything has begun to change significantly.

If everything before was dark and dark, like a dark cloud that could not see through a trace of light, then now it seems like the dark clouds have spread out, and a bright sunlight pierces the earth!

"Ki, thank you, thank you for everything you've given, and now Uchiha is..."

"Ki, if not, I'm afraid I'm already dead, and Konoha..."

"Ki, thank you, thank you for making me realize myself again..."

"I'm not Xianji, you black-hearted fellow, but...thank you..."

The picture is constantly being staged, and there are some people who appeared before, but at this time their demeanor has completely changed, and the previous posture with a little anger, compromise and even distrust has completely disappeared.

Instead, it is a kind of trust, a kind of warmth, a kind of special attitude that only exists between friends.

Is this... your own change, or is it because of what you think in your mind, and what you have evolved to match what you want to see?

Uchiha Qi was not sure, he had almost subconsciously decided that all this was true, but for some reason, he seemed to have an emotion at work, and this emotion made him not dare to easily confirm something.

However, this kind of emotion did not seem to last long, as more and more people appeared, and with what they said, Uchiha Qi became more and more impressed, and he seemed to understand more and more.

In particular, when the next picture continued to appear, his heart seemed to be beating more and more, and his brain thinking became clearer and clearer.

"Hey, it's not your first time taking a hot spring, right?" the brown-haired man who was sitting under the tree with them asked curiously.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" The black-haired man was a little awkward: "Is there a problem?"


"Please, you are a lunatic and a lunatic, let's hurry up and get together, this is also considered to be a disaster for the people!"

The brown-haired man spread his hands helplessly, and said a little depressingly, but after noticing the black-haired man and the cold woman's expression, he immediately changed his words.

"Okay, I was wrong, I'm sorry, but you should hurry up and be together."


"You guy, I feel like you always want to kill me." In an underground laboratory, the brown-haired man looked alert, but he was more of a joke.

"Please, is it difficult to kill you?" The black-haired man spread his hands: "Don't think about it, don't worry, I won't. However, I'm not sure about Ling."


"How long are you two guys going to drag on?" On the Hokage Rock, the brown-haired man said unhappily with a beer: "That woman Ling is a little proud but has low self-esteem, if you don't take the initiative, you will wait. Let her use blind date to force you."


"With a character like yours, whoever marries you is unlucky." The black-haired man said with a little playfulness.

"What about you? If the woman you like doesn't like you, what are you going to do?" The cold woman retorted unceremoniously.

"Me? If the person I like doesn't like me, I will use illusions." The man said nonchalantly, "If even the people you like don't dare to use illusions, how can you say that you like it?"


"You woman, why don't you have any literary talent." By the river, the man looked helplessly at the somewhat weak woman.

"You are in the land of water, have you been blown away by the sea wind?" Although the woman was weak, she did not mean to be weak at all.

"Are you an idiot?" The man seemed to have caught something, and said with a look of disdain: "It's Lu Feng blowing at night."


"Do you want to try the natural feeling?" The man asked in a low voice, holding the woman's hand.

"Before that, can you let go first?" The woman looked down at her hands and seemed a little dissatisfied, but she didn't have too many other emotions.


"Today's wind is a bit noisy..." The man and the woman were sitting there by the stream, and the man suddenly said softly.


"The moonlight tonight is so beautiful..." At night, the woman looked a little confused and said softly.

"Yeah." The man gently put his head close to the woman: "The wind tonight is also very gentle..."


"Have you developed such an illusion?" The woman raised her head and asked curiously, her voice was no longer cold.

"No, but..." The man seemed a little embarrassed and helpless: "I am willing to be this unlucky bastard."


"It's so late..."


"You pervert!"


"We, but we have to be entangled together and don't know where the years will flow, because the years may not mean much to us. We will be together in our whole life."

Countless pictures blended together, and countless fragments appeared. Except for these two people who seemed to have a great influence on him, they appeared more frequently, and other people also appeared and overlapped in his memory one after another.

All of this, UU reading made him realize that there is a figure in the deepest part of his heart.

This figure is surrounded by countless, unimaginable and constantly intertwined consciousness and memories.

The figure seemed a little lost and confused, but when he pushed his hand away from those messy memories and grasped the figure, the world seemed to be quiet.

The unimaginable power began to boil, and all the consciousness and memory around it were like glass being shattered by this power, and countless broken items like glass fragments splashed around.

But at this moment, these flying fragments solidified, and they flew back quickly and fused together.

The boiling power is still surging, and the chakra that fills the sky seems to play a hymn, when these memories are completely condensed into a ball and fused into the figure's body.

The next moment, the face of the figure was completely clear, he...

It's Uchiha Kai!
