Chapter 770: 0 Year Rotation (Part 1)

"It's really... extremely dangerous..."

Uchiha opened his eyes, but there was still no change in his eyes. At that moment, the huge Tenseigan still glowed dazzlingly in the mountain.

However, there is a slight difference. At this moment, he can feel that this huge Tenseikan can be controlled more thoroughly by himself!

The Chakra, who was still full of vitality and destruction, was so calm to him at this moment, without the slightest feeling of being ostentatious and uncontrollable, and the figure after the reincarnation was so clearly visible at this moment.

If he could see it before, it was only extremely vague, but it allowed him to guess who the figure was, but now he can clearly see the appearance of that guy!

Not only that, but even his state at this moment, his expression at this moment, even the hair and beard that are clearly soulful but still lifelike, he can also observe.

This kind of feeling is very strange, so strange that Uchiha Qidu is a little dumbfounded. The most interesting thing is that he realized that this is not a person, and there is a very familiar figure beside him!

That guy is Yui Otsutsuki, is this guy also watching his own fusion and breakthrough?

Shaking his head, Uchiha Qi was too lazy to think about these messy things. He now feels that his heart seems to be a little confused. Probably this is the sequelae caused by everything he has experienced before.

He knows that Indra and Asura's Chakras contain something very special, that is, the will of these two people is contained in these Chakras.

But he didn't expect that these Chakras, which contain their will, still have a lot of memories. After all, this kind of thing has never happened in the original book.

But after thinking about it carefully, he found that this kind of thing is not impossible.

Chakra is an extremely special existence, and Minato Namifeng once took advantage of some of the particularities of chakra to compress his memory into a mass of chakra and seal it in Naruto's body.

Of course, it is not so much the Chakra that contains memories, but the Chakra that contains the will of Namikaze Minato, so it seems that it is not particularly strange for Uchiha Kai to encounter such a situation now.

"It's just that all this experience is too terrifying. I almost lost myself."

Recalling what happened just now, Uchiha Qi also sighed in his heart. After experiencing the life of countless Indra and Asura reincarnations, he felt the changes in their memories and emotions.

A lifetime can be as long as seventy or eighty years and as short as thirty or forty years.

In such memories, he was thoroughly accompanied by one of these guys, spent all their time, experienced all their things, and even fought with them.

"The most terrible thing is that I also brought in a different perspective, constantly entanglement and battle with another self..."

Taking a deep breath, that kind of memory is really messed up, and that kind of feeling makes him feel so 'heartbroken' when he recalls it now, because he can be regarded as 'killing himself'!

But it doesn't matter now. In the deepest part of his heart, in his own memory, his will was awakened, and in all the pictures he had experienced, he found himself again.

The people who were killed by him were those who had cooperated with him because of their dreams, because of their personal circumstances, or because of the current situation.

In the back, he really has various feelings and bonds with him, and he is a friend who really moves forward together for one goal.

All of this, all these people are constantly circulating in his memory, constantly telling him who he is!

And what impressed him the most was the woman with a pair of white eyes and a cold look that kept melting along with the changes of time and emotion.

That is to say, the woman kept appearing in his memory, kept calling, and kept presenting everything in their past, which made Uchiha Qi completely awake and completely integrate those fragmented memories.

With the integration of those memories, Uchiha Kai can be said to have gained a lot of combat experience, a lot of techniques that have been lost in history, and a lot of feelings of separation between life and death.

All of this made Uchiha Kai a little at a loss as to how to evaluate it.

Of course, there is no need to say much about the harvest, not to mention his strength. The combat experience and those techniques alone have given him a large amount of unimaginable wealth, and he doesn't need to exercise much, he can use it directly. these things!

Because, in some sense, these things belong to him!

"Although the danger is fraught, and even I almost lost myself in these memories, such a gain is really unimaginable."

Sighing slightly, Uchiha Kai didn't want to think about what he had experienced before.

Those memories are really not very friendly to him, but fortunately he has completely regained himself now and will not be affected by those memories.

Otherwise, maybe when he sees Senju Hasuma or Uchiha Madara, the memory that belongs to them will burst out, and then the inexplicable emotion will rush out and affect his judgment.

Samsara Eye is indeed a pair of top-level eyes. He has a strong control over the soul. Although memory is not a soul, there are some things in common, which makes Uchiha Qi need not worry so much.

Glancing at the two figures behind Tenseigan, they didn't seem to have any intention of communicating with him, and he didn't have any idea of ​​saying anything to them.

The situation encountered this time is really too special, and I am afraid that no one would have thought of such a situation.

Especially the guy Otsutsuki Yui, in essence, does not want to combine these two kinds of chakras, so it can be regarded as a reminder, right?

As for why he is in such a situation, Uchiha Kai probably guessed it after some thinking. It is very likely that everything he has done is simply devouring these two types of chakra.

That guy Uchiha Madara himself has Indra's Chakra, what he did is to fuse Ashura's Chakra, so there is no such situation, and he is completely different!

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai began to seriously feel his own power, but this feeling made him show a slightly mixed expression.

His body has begun to undergo some unknown changes, the activity of the extremely obscure cells, the hot feeling in the body, and the rapid blood flow, he knows that he is probably evolving now.

This evolution is an unimaginable, yet extremely profound evolution. Such evolution is to completely transform oneself from an ordinary life to a more powerful, higher-level life.

He can feel that his power has indeed begun to grow, and even the way of growth is not exaggerated even if it is described as crazy.

Although this process is not fast, it is clear enough that people can fully perceive it.

In addition, he also clearly found that the shackles that had frozen on his body and blocked the upward force of his body had been completely broken!

This also means that the power that he can master in his body has completely broken the original boundaries, and he has truly stood at the peak of an era, worthy of the so-called 'God of Humanity' title!

Although he still needs to accumulate and wait, waiting for the constant qualitative change of the chakras in his body, and the continuous increase in quantity, all this is not a problem, he can indeed master those powers!

"The level of Six Paths..."

Uchiha Qi sighed slightly. He was looking for the improvement of this power, the power that could deal with Otsutsuki's style, and the power that could deal with those Otsutsuki who were about to invade the ninja world.

After so many years, he has finally achieved this step, and he can already feel that even if he does not use the Tenseigan Chakra mode, he can still teach that **** peach style!

The power surged in his body, all of which made him feel comfortable and at ease, as if he had just opened his Samsara eyes.

It's just that this time it seems to be more profound, and it makes him feel the surge of power even more!

"It's just..." Uchiha raised his brows a little: "It seems that all this is not complete."

Uchiha Kai's expression was mixed. The surge of power and the evolution of his body really made him unable to extricate himself from joy. He could even feel that with his evolution, he would definitely be able to master these powers!

But what worries him is that he finds that even if he evolves, he can master these powers, but his understanding of these powers is not so proficient at all!

Even, even if he recalled his current level of power control, what Otsutsuki Yui did when he controlled his body at that time, he was stunned to find that he could not fully understand many things!

He had never thought about such a situation at all. He always thought that as long as his strength reached this level, then he would definitely be able to easily grasp all these powers.

But what worries him now is that he seems to have reached this point, but he still feels mysterious about everything at this point, and even his cognition seems to be locked.

He really didn't expect such a situation, and he really didn't like such a situation. He pursued it hard and suffered so much sin. Was it just such a result in the end?

"Where is the problem?"

Uchiha Kai sat on the spot without moving at all, he calmed down and began to think seriously.

Suddenly, he seemed to know something, but after thinking about this, his face became a little weird again, and in the end he could only shake his head helplessly.

"Is it possible that the mastery of power is not really mastery. Do you really want to understand the essence of these powers as I said before?"

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai couldn't help scratching his head in pain.

He thought about it a long time ago, what is the so-called six realm, whether it is completed after the power reaches that level, or it needs to be thought and understood the essence of power.

However, he combined everything that happened in the original book, plus his own experience, and he seemed to believe that this strength could actually rely on the force to break through and stand firm in that peak.

But now his situation is clearly telling him, no, things are not that simple, you just have me, but you don't understand me, you can't really control me.

It seems a little awkward to say this, like a tragic story of a man and a woman. As for who is more tragic, I can't say anything specific.

But at this point in time, the sad person is obviously Uchiha Kai himself.

He has powers, but he can't understand them. Strictly speaking, he really doesn't really master these powers.

If you want to master them thoroughly, you must understand them, feel them, and finally embrace them.

"In the past, I always thought that I could break through the so-called Six Paths by virtue of the accumulation of battles, or by using the feeling of life and death."

Uchiha Kai sighed deeply, and the expression on his face looked strange and a little depressed.

"But until now, when I really went to that level, I realized how naive my own thoughts were."

Although the accumulation of battles and the perception between life and death did help him to enter a higher level, these things are just some insignificant fragments.

The role of such fragments is really not enough in the transformation of the life level.

And having said that, it would be unrealistic for him to rely on fighting to break through to this level, because he simply does not have a suitable opponent who can be unscrupulous without worrying about life safety!

There are only three people on the same level as him, Hyuga Aya is definitely one, Imai Kenta is reluctant, and Namikaze Minato is also reluctant.

The three of them have a very good relationship with themselves, one is their close lover, and the two are their very good friends.

In the face of them, how could he fight unscrupulously?

And if the strength reaches this level, if he really wants to fight, he may not be able to control his strength at all, and any consequences will be unimaginable and unbearable for him.

Taking a deep look at the huge Tenseikan again, Uchiha Kai was thinking about what to do next.

But at this moment, Otsutsuki Yumura, who was reflected in the huge Tensei Eye, suddenly showed a smile at him, and then he tapped his head with his finger in the depths, and then he quickly put his hand down, just like that. As if none of this happened.

But Uchiha Kai's eyes lit up slightly, he knew what he was going to do...


"You are... cheating!"

In the Pure Land, Otsutsuki Yuyi looked at his younger brother in disbelief. He really didn't expect his younger brother to have such a hand.

He reached out his hand and nodded his head just now, then quickly put his hand back, as if nothing had happened.

But how could such a thing really be hidden from Yu Yi's eyes?

What's more, although Hamura's movements are fast, they are actually incredibly slow in their eyes. This guy has no signs of wanting to hide at all. He just reminded that kid Uchiha Kei in front of him.

"Cheating? It doesn't count." Hamura smiled and shook his head: "Actually, if this kid has time, he will definitely think of this way."

"But your reminder..." Yu Yi sighed helplessly: "What's the difference between telling him directly and telling him directly?"

"Big brother, you yourself said that he was lucky." Hamura picked up a cup of tea indifferently, and looked at Uchiha Kai who closed his eyes again in the canvas, he couldn't help but laugh: "Then, just What's wrong with letting him speed up a bit?"

"You really..." Yu Yi couldn't help laughing and laughing. In the end, he didn't bother to talk too much with his younger brother, and also turned his eyes to the huge canvas.

The hint from that guy in Hamura is actually very concise and clear, that is, he is telling Kai Uchiha to try to use Indra and Asura, as well as the memories of those descendants!

What Uchiha Qi lacks is not power, just after he devoured Indra... No, to be precise, it should have been fused, infinitely close to the chakra that even burst out of his brother's power, his body Changes have already begun.

The Chakra, who is already surging wildly, is telling everyone that he is strong. This guy is probably standing on a terrifying peak just by the level of power!

But pure power is nothing at all, and Uchiha Qi knows this in his heart, not to mention the brothers Yui and Hamura.

The original Otsutsuki Peach style was so powerful, but no matter how powerful he was, he was also a person who had power but never mastered his own power.

At that time, Uchiha Qi's strength was obviously weaker than him, but he could suppress him without any strength to fight back. If it wasn't for the need for his eyes, I'm afraid that Jin Shi would not have been swallowed by him. .

What Uchiha Kai lacks now is experience, all kinds of experiences that are unimaginable for him!

This kind of experience takes time to polish, and requires a person's perception of nature, life, and all the emotions that may be needed.

This kind of insight can make a person sublime, understand more things, and even understand the laws of nature!

It is impossible to grasp the essence of nature. Although his brother has been doing this kind of thing, he can only understand some things a little bit. In short, he is just getting started.

Uchiha Kai doesn't need to reach that level, he just needs to be sublimated through perception, through the accumulation of deeds and emotions he has experienced, and finally bring everything together to a higher level!

But this kid is really lucky.

Otsutsuki Hamamura looked at the canvas with some emotion, the young man who closed his eyes and began to understand, couldn't help but smiled and shook his head.

He lacks experience, lacks the cognition and sublimation of various emotions, and lacks the accumulation and precipitation of years.

But his extremely unreliable method of collecting chakra helped him inexplicably.

Hamura has never seen anyone collecting chakra of such strength, especially when the owner of the chakra is his own brother and son, he relied on the eye of reincarnation to pull it out and then cut the seal directly into the scroll.

Probably because there are not many people in this world who have reincarnation eyes, and few people can encounter this kind of thing, so this kid will deal with the normal chakra.

But his way of handling it retains Chakrane's will, and retains that which is contained in the will and has accumulated for thousands of years. I don't know how many generations of Indra and the reincarnation of Asura.

Such memories can overwhelm a person, make them lost, make them lose themselves, and turn them into a memory carrier for the walking dead.

But Hamura believes in Kai Uchiha, believes that this kid can overcome all these difficulties, and believes that he can definitely find his own self!

Although this kind of trust is inexplicable, he himself does not know why he believes in this kid, maybe because of some special intuition, maybe because he also wants to see the growth of this kid.

"It's really exciting." Hamura laughed: "Perhaps, when he realizes all this, he can really stand on the same level as us."

"Don't hold so many thoughts, Yumura." Yu Yi shook his head: "This kid has unlimited potential, although I also think he will definitely stand at the same height as us, but he needs time to settle."

"Some things are really hard to say."

Hamura didn't care, there was some light in his white eyes, as if he was looking at something interesting.

"Souls from other worlds are always fighting for their own survival.

But in the end, it changed the whole world, and changed everything that was unimaginable and difficult to overcome.

Brother, maybe this is the manifestation of nature, a kind of self-expression of the laws of nature?

And I really want to know what kind of incredible performance an outsider can do when it reaches our level. "

Yui's words made Yui seem a little silent, but he had to say that he actually agreed with this statement a long time ago. When he controlled Uchiha Kai's body, he directly said similar things to Kai.

Indeed, an extremely selfish refined egoist who does everything for his own benefit.

But inexplicably, he was working hard for himself, but he always inadvertently changed the entire ninja world.

This kind of change is not in a bad direction, but in a peaceful and even somewhat happy direction!

This guy was extremely indifferent and cruel, and he didn't know how many of his fellow villagers died in his hands.

But what is impeccable is that these dead guys are guys who hinder development. They can make everything develop better even if they are clansmen and villagers, even if everything Uchiha Qi does is For their own sake, but these are indisputable facts!

Looking at the huge canvas, looking at the chakra surging Qi Uchiha, his eyes changed slightly.

Don't say that Yumura is looking forward to it, Yui himself is looking forward to it.

He also wants to see what this soul from other worlds can achieve!


Uchiha Kai sat on the spot with his eyes closed, the passage of time seemed to have completely disconnected from him at this moment.

Right now, he suddenly felt a little funny. Before entering the Hamura Shrine, he even asked that guy Yosuke to prepare food and water for himself regularly.

But now, he finds that he doesn't seem to have any problem even if he doesn't use these things.

Although it may be a little unnatural psychologically, after all, this habit has accompanied him for so many years, but physically he can really realize that he does not necessarily need to consume food and water to survive.

He even realized that not even breathing oxygen would be a big deal to him.

The fusion of Indra and Ashura's chakra, and the improvement brought by him after being swallowed by him, really exerted an unimaginable effect on him.

Even if he has not mastered these powers, these powers have been completely integrated into his body!

With his eyes closed, Uchiha Kai began to cast his will into the energy body that had been integrated and turned into a spherical halo.

This energy body is all the memories of Indra and Asura and their descendants. It contains all their life experiences and all their emotions.

He had thoroughly experienced it once before, he understood these emotions, he understood everything in it.

This time, he didn't intend to relive the millennium years. He planned to use them to elevate his perception to a higher level, so that he could fully understand that perception from the perspective of a third person!

"Having power is not an easy thing to have. Having power is not the same as having power. It feels so bad."

One thing that Uchiha Kai can be sure of is that he does not need the Samsara Chakra mode now, and it is definitely much stronger than using the Samsara Chakra mode at the beginning.

After all, his body has entered this step, and his mastery of power has been enhanced. Such an enhancement is absolutely unimaginable!

But it is not easy to master the power. Strictly speaking, whether he is now or he who used the Chakra mode of Samsara Eye, it is not the so-called "Six Paths".

Not only before, but now he even has a very unique and practical feeling, that is, all the six-level characters appearing in the original work, whether it is Liudao Obito or Liudaoban, even Naruto and Liudao who were inherited later. Sasuke, they are all fake Six Paths.

Because their source of power is actually similar to the 'Reincarnation Eye Chakra Mode', they all rely on external forces to force themselves to that point.

Obito and Madara relied on the ten tails, and Naruto and Sasuke relied on the inheritance of the Six Paths Immortals. Although they had their own efforts, the most critical step was relying on external forces.

It is also because of this that after the external force they rely on to break through disappears, or is stripped away, they will return to their previous strength, because those strengths do not actually belong to them.

"To put it bluntly, does this count as being arrested on behalf of the fight, and then being degraded?"

In addition to them, Otsutsuki, who has taken an unimaginable opportunity as an adult and has always possessed terrifying power, strictly speaking, Uchiha Kai does not seem to have encountered all the existence of the "six realms".

Not at the level of Six Paths, but at the realm of Six Paths!

The power of the peach style and the gold style is powerful and unbelievable, but their control of power is really weak. If they encounter other people, they can completely crush it with their own strength.

And Uchiha Qi believes that, and their near-immortal ability, they can enter that realm one day sooner or later.

But they didn't step in, so Uchiha Kai met, and the final result is naturally self-evident.

Of course, if there is no Yuyi, who not only has the strength to stand above the Six Paths, but also the so-called realm and the perception of nature to help, Tao Shi can really crush Uchiha Kai with his hard power. .

"The strength is so strong that there are only two ways to make progress. One is that you can quickly accumulate with your own strength and crush it with huge strength, and the other is to silently perceive all of this, understand your own strength, and maximize it. I'm afraid that such a choice, few people will choose the second one, right?"

In all fairness, if it is Uchiha Kai himself, I am afraid that he will choose the second one without feeling any pressure.

But the current situation is so complicated that he doesn't want to wait and doesn't want to wait. Besides, as a person who believes that power must be fully mastered by himself, he definitely doesn't want himself to not understand his power at all!

With his eyes tightly closed, Uchiha Kai has completely entered himself into the energy light ball. This time he is the third party, who cooperates with everyone's memory, silently watching and comprehending the third party in this memory world.

With his constant perception, a chant suddenly sounded between heaven and earth, and the majestic chakra began to condense in the entire moon.

Yangsuke led the people of Otsutsuki on the moon to look at everything in front of them, which made them feel unfamiliar and made them feel endless pressure.

This is accompanied by the breath of endless vitality but also with endless destructive power, which is really incomparable fear and incomparable comfort.

Such contradictory psychology reverberated in their hearts constantly but they didn't dare to go to the Hanamura Shrine, because there was this guy Uchiha Kai there.

"Patriarch, what is this?" It seemed that some clansmen were too confused, and he couldn't help but ask: "Master Qi, what are you doing? These chakras are very similar to Tenseigans, but they are very different. "

"Yeah, the patriarch." Another clan also spoke up: "Such a breath is very inconceivable, but it is too chaotic. Lord Qi, this... What is this for?"

"I do not know either."

Faced with the inquiries from the clansmen, Yangsuke shook his head helplessly, looking at the Yumura Shrine in the distance with a deep gaze, he couldn't help but sigh.

"But I have a hunch that maybe the next time I see him...

He is already standing on the same level as the ancestors! "


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