Chapter 771: 0 year rotation (below)

The years passed quietly, and in Konoha's Hokage office building, Minato Namikaze was processing the documents in his hand.

He looks more mature. Although there doesn't seem to be much change in his face, if you look closely, you can still find a lot of differences, especially the mature aura has been fully revealed.

He is forty years old, and now he has reached the point of forty years old. Recalling that he became Hokage sixteen years ago and had the child Naruto. Now his child has become a qualified ninja, and he is also slow. Getting old slowly.

However, the age of forty is also the most energetic age for a man.

The same is true for a ninja. He can feel his energy, chakra, and physical strength, all of which are at the peak of a decision. Perhaps it is because of the help of the Kurama. His current strength is the entire ninja. The world is unimaginable.

But tilting his head, his eyes turned to Uchiha Kai, who was beside him, and he couldn't help sighing a little when he saw this guy.

This guy Uchiha Kai really hasn't changed at all, even if this guy is just a shadow clone, but it has not dissipated for three years, and still has a shadow clone with terrible pressure. Is this really something that one person can do?

In addition to this shadow avatar, Hyuga Aya and Imai Kenta, these two people seem to be frozen by time.

The two of them are not too young. If you really think about it, they are already in their thirties, so they are close to this age, but the two of them are still in their early twenties. There is nothing at all. Variety.

Neither of them has changed in any way, so as their teammates, and still leading them from weak to such a strong point, Uchiha Kai, what will he change?

Even if he hasn't seen this guy for three years, Minato Namikaze can still conclude that this guy definitely still looks like that guy in his early twenties, and he's even more terrifying!

In addition to these two people, there is another person who makes Minato Minato Namikaze feel a great headache, that is Rin Nohara.

Her own disciple didn't know what experiments were done by Uchiha Kai and the others, but she still looked like she was thirteen or fourteen years old, as if time had no effect on her at all!

In such a situation, Rin Nohara panicked, while Kushina was very curious. In the end, he had no choice but to go to Aya Hyuga to inquire about the situation.

The ghost knows what experiment Uchiha Kai and the others did back then. Although he didn't feel comfortable with such an experiment, he didn't evaluate too many things.

After all, at that time, his disciples had already died, and Uchiha Kai and the others left her body and kept her in a safe place. The purpose was obviously to bring her back to life. They did some experiments while she was dying, and they said nothing. What's the use.

As a result, what Namikaze Minato never dreamed of was that Aya Hyuga told them bluntly that these were some experiments on time performed by Kai Uchiha. Because of the lack of experience in the experiment at the beginning, he did not dare to experiment with living people. , so Rin Nohara was chosen.

The final result is that the experiment achieved some success, but because their experimental level was so bad at the beginning, there were a lot of traces of time left in Nohara Rin's body, even if she was resurrected, she was still frozen by time.

And such a problem needs to be solved, so we can only slowly wait for the time to pass, otherwise no one will help Nohara Lin.

Of course, it is not that there is none, but the person who can help is not in the ninja world at all, but Uchiha Kai who has already run to the moon!

After hearing the news, Minato Namikaze also felt that his brain was a little swollen. Naturally, he knew the existence of the moon. After all, Uchiha Kai had reported related things.

But he really didn't expect that this guy Uchiha Qi actually ran to the moon without a sound. Didn't he say it was just a simple retreat, why did he leave a shadow clone and disappear?

However, there is no way for this kind of thing. He can only wait silently for Uchiha Qi to come back and see if this guy can solve the problem of Nohara Rin.

It wasn't just Minato Minato who was worried about this, but Kakashi was also a little worried.

Because of the convenience of his position, he was a little surprised. It can also be said that Namifeng Minato deliberately let him know the existence of Nohara Rin, and the explanation is very simple - Uchiha Kai left Rin's body and detected a difference. things, but in the end they stayed, and used this to research and develop resurrection ninjutsu.

This set of rhetoric is very useful, and it is also completely foreseeable that Kakashi will meet Nohara Rin, the teammate who was one of the most important people to him who was pierced by his own ninja knife in the heart, and appeared in front of him. how interesting his performance was.

But how interesting it was, in the end, there was only a silent cry, and the endless gratitude, but also brought a little doubt - why is Lin, still so small?

However, after knowing the specific situation, Kakashi was helpless. He wanted to find Uchiha Kai to solve the problem, but the one who stayed in Konoha was just a shadow clone.

"Captain Minato, what are you doing looking at me?" Perhaps he noticed something, Uchiha Kai's shadow clone suddenly raised his head and looked at Minato Namikaze: "This kind of feeling is really not good."

"It's nothing, I just want to ask, when will you be able to come back?" Minato Namikaze was not at all embarrassed when he was discovered, he shook his head and asked, "It's been three years since you left. Three years, although it's not too long, it's not too short, you..."

"I don't know the specific situation, but I still exist, so it means that there is no problem." Uchiha Kai's shadow clone was also a little helpless.

The shadow clone cannot synchronize memory with the main body all the time. In short, the two are now independent entities, but the shadow clone can be removed, whether it is under a strong attack or the main body acts on its own, it is the same.

Once it is lifted, the memory of the shadow clone will return to the main body.

Therefore, the current Uchiha Qi has no idea what the situation of his own body is at all, and it is based on this that he can be sure that there is no problem with his own body.

"Okay, I just hope you're fine." Minato Minato Minato sighed slightly: "The passage to the moon is blocked, and even Aya can't get in, otherwise I really want to see what's going on on your side."

"I didn't expect that the passage to the moon would actually be blocked." Speaking of this question, Uchiha Kai's shadow avatar also frowned: "I am the only one who has such an ability. Aya can open the passage, but she closes it. No, maybe I'm dealing with something urgent..."

Uchiha Qi himself is also very strange. The purpose of his body going to the moon is just to fuse and devour the Chakras of Indra and Asura, so that his power can enter a higher level.

But it doesn't seem necessary to seal the entire moon in this way, right?

Shaking his head helplessly, Kai Uchiha's shadow avatar lowered his head and planned to continue reading the information. Minato Namikaze probably felt that he had been sitting in the position of Hokage for 16 years, and he had other thoughts.

Therefore, he chose to let Uchiha Kai come over to help him deal with these documents when the security department was not busy.

To be honest, Uchiha Qi is not very interested in these things, but he has no intention of rejecting it. Hokage Dream is optional for him, but the actual interest groups are his people, he really does not Possibly throw it all away.


At this moment, Uchiha Qi suddenly raised his head, and the same Namikaze Minato also raised his head and looked at the sky.

I don't know when, the bright sun in the sky has undergone a little mutation, the huge chakra is rippling between the sky and the earth, and the loud chant is even more resounding in the sky!


In the underground laboratory of the Uchiha family, Aya Hyuga walked out of a room, her breath was steady and strong, her expression was still cold, but her brows were no longer so indifferent.

Iori followed her and walked out all the way.

At this time, Iori was already a big girl. She had a gentle personality and became more and more beautiful. Those smart eyes did not fade, and she was still so attractive.

"Sister Aya, the fusion plan of the five chakras has been formulated." Iori followed Hyuga Aya and said softly, "I think, Sister Aya can try it."

"Well, I will." Hyuga Aya nodded indifferently: "Has that guy Kenta started trying?"

"Big Brother Ken has already started." Iori nodded: "Especially after Sister Aya completed her third fetal movement, he couldn't sit still, and Brother Qi never came back, so he was very worried..."

Hyuga Aya heard the words and nodded lightly. It has been three years since Uchiha Qi left, and there is no news for three years, and she has not come back for three years, whether it is she or Imai Kenta, or everyone who cares about Uzhi. Bo Qi will feel unsteady.

Three years passed in a blink of an eye. In addition to growing up, the girl Iori finally completed what Uchiha Kei had been waiting for her to accomplish—the exploration of the bloodline of the Yui family.

The fusion of five chakras, this almost impossible exploration, this girl Iori actually realized it!

This kind of talent, this kind of ability, is amazing no matter how you look at it, even Hyuga Aya has to have deep respect for this girl who she watched grow up.

If she did it instead, I'm afraid she might not be able to achieve what Iori has accomplished today. This is not just a matter of perseverance, but also requires talent and luck.

It just made Aya Hyuga a little alert that this girl seemed to have too complicated feelings for her brother, Kai Uchiha.

Iori, who is already so old, has no friends of the opposite **** until now.

This opposite-sex friend is not as simple as a simple friend, but a friend who has a deeper relationship like her and Uchiha Kai.

The popularity of Iori in Konoha can be imagined. After all, she is really pretty and has a very gentle personality, and she is also the younger sister of Kai Uchiha, who has such a halo on her head, who pursues her There are also countless.

But unfortunately, this girl has almost always followed Uchiha Kai's ass, and has been witnessing the rise and growth of Uchiha Kai, and is now unmatched.

With such excellent people ahead, I am afraid that in her eyes, other people will also become some unknown guys.

What made Hyuga Aya feel the most headache was that this girl was really just a sister in name, and the main purpose of bringing her home was to put it bluntly, and it was prepared by Uchiha Qi in order to prevent himself.

Well now, I have fallen, this sister has shown a different kind of talent, and her feelings for Uchiha Kai are very complicated, which makes Hyuga Aya feel an unusual headache.

Shaking her head, she decided not to think about such a depressing thing, but she decided on one thing, and that is to wait for Uchiha Kai to come back this time, or get engaged to him.

Marriage is really not that important to her. After all, the erosion of her years has not been so significant.

In particular, she has completed three fetal movements, and her strength has reached the level before Uchiha Qi left. With the Tenseiyan Chakra mode, she is confident to deal with the golden style of the year, and it will not seem so difficult.

But when Uchiha Qi left for three years, even if he left a shadow clone in the ninja world, she knew that she had not been so happy during these three years.

It was as if a very important person who had left traces in her heart suddenly disappeared from her sight. She felt that everything was unreal and unreliable.

Perhaps it was this feeling that made her understand that the man who was guarding himself and guarding himself had completely changed everything and changed their hearts at this moment.

"Everyone is very worried about him." Hyuga Aya sighed slightly, then shook her head and said, "That guy, I don't know why the moon was sealed, otherwise..."

"Brother Kenta also complained about such a thing." Iori sighed slightly: "He has complained more than once, but now he is also working hard."

"Of course he has to work hard." Hyuga Aya turned her head and looked at a laboratory next door, where Imai Kenta was among them: "That guy has never liked to admit defeat, and Kai is too important to us."

After saying this, Hyuga Aya walked forward without looking back. She planned to take a good look at the plan, the plan about her five-attribute chakra fusion.

But at this moment, she suddenly stopped in her footsteps, and then raised her head inconceivably to look at the sky.

Imai Kenta's laboratory was suddenly knocked open, and he rushed out, glanced at Hyuga Aya, and then turned his head to the sky.

The terrifying chakra is rippling in the sky, and the loud chant is resounding in the sky!


In the Pure Land, time seems to never take effect in this place.

Everything is still so peaceful, everything is still so peaceful.

Otsutsuki Yui and Otsutsuki Yumura sat there quietly, just like many years ago, they looked as if they had never moved.

In the huge canvas, the face of Kai Uchiha still appeared.

Uchiha Kai is still the same as before, young and handsome, but if you look closely, you will find that this guy's current aura seems to have undergone a huge and far-reaching change.

If it is said that although the former Uchiha Kai looked relatively warm, his essence was like ice and it was unbearable, and sometimes he showed a breath like a poisonous snake.

So now, this guy really doesn't have the same chilling feeling anymore.

He looks so natural, so plain, just like facing nature, which makes people feel peaceful.

It's just that Otsutsuki Yui and Otsutsuki Yumura know how many winds and torrential rains are contained in such tranquility. Although it is naturally harmonious, the disaster that erupts when it is angry is a world-destroying existence!

In addition, Uchiha Kai's youthful face has begun to exude an aura of vicissitudes. Against the background of such a vicissitudes of life, his youthful appearance looks very strange.

His chakra is so strong, full of vitality bursting out of him, but such vitality is like the life of a person, but the other end of the burst of vitality is endless destruction!

The two chakras with different breaths are constantly rotating, and there is no problem in the end and handover, as if the two chakras are one body, the end of life is destruction, and the end of destruction is new life.

However, Uchiha Kai never woke up. For such a long time, this guy seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, and there was no reaction at all.

If it weren't for the fact that his breath was still melodious, and it was clearly visible that his state was constantly improving, I'm afraid the two brothers, Yuyi and Yumura, would not be able to sit still.

"It's really surprising that this kid took so long."

Lifting the teacup gently, Yui shook her head slightly after taking a sip.

"Although he is very lucky, the effect of using other people's experience in this way is still a little worse."

"You can't say that."

Hamura shook his head, and he looked at Uchiha Kai in the canvas with a smile.

"We don't know what he's doing or what he's been through. It's never the right thing to jump to conclusions. Indra and Asura's memory, what he wants to prove and use, we don't know. , but with the change of his breath, I think he has found a correct path of his own."

"You are too optimistic about this kid." Yu Yi turned to look at his younger brother, but then he took his eyes back.

Raising his hand, chakra rippling in his hand, a force of time began to flow in his fingertips.

Yui can naturally control time, although according to what he said, manipulating time with his own power may not be as effective as when he controlled Kai Uchiha's body.

However, it is not difficult for him to simply control the passage of time. Hamura can control the time back to repair the moon, and he can also do this kind of thing!

He just wants to speed up time now. What he wants to see is the final result. Three years is nothing to him at all, but this kind of waiting really makes him a little uncomfortable.

"Isn't it necessary?"

Seeing this scene, Hamura looked a little strange.

"Even if we're all in a hurry, isn't it a bit too disruptive to the laws of nature by pulling the time closer?"

"It's not sabotage, it's just..."

Yu Yi hesitated for a while, but finally put down his hand: "I'm just really curious, how long will this guy's state last.

Although time really doesn't mean much to them, this little guy is different.

He has more important tasks, and he still needs to guide the ninja world. "

When Hamura heard this, he couldn't help but smiled and shook his head. Once upon a time, his brother would lead the Ninja world, but it was handed over to the two children Indra and Asura and their reincarnations.

But now, my brother has changed his mind.

Guiding the ninja world can be conscious guidance or unconscious guidance.

The guidance of Indra and Asura is an unconscious one. Through their own differences in ideas, they gather people from the ninja world to engage in a battle of ideas.

In such battles, you will continue to gain experience, constantly improve the quality of the entire ninja world, and constantly improve the strength of the entire ninja world.

When the crisis came, whether it was his mother or the arrival of those Otsutsuki, he could personally appear to guide them, so that the ninja world could fight against those enemies.

Believing in human beings and believing in the potential of this world has always been the will of Otsutsuki Hamura.

Although he extremely longed for the Ninja world to be peaceful and peaceful, but under extreme external conditions, he knew that he needed to take some more extreme and radical actions.

But it's different now, when the guy Uchiha Kai appeared, and what he did almost perfectly matched Yui's thoughts.

Moreover, this guy still has unimaginable potential, and he has also confronted Otsutsuki head-on, and even knows his own thoughts and purposes, such a person to guide the ninja world, the effect is much better than Indra and Asura. what!

Shaking his head silently, Yumura's eyes also retracted. This kid is comprehending the experiences in those memories, and is using those thousand years of memories to make up for himself and understand everything.

But how long this kind of thing will last, how long it will go on, no one knows.

Even what kind of experience he is going through, I am afraid only Uchiha Kai himself knows.

What they can do now is to wait silently, and even help to a certain extent, and there is nothing else they can do.


But at this moment, Uchiha Kai's Chakra suddenly changed. This change is completely different from the past. This is a special qualitative change!

The breath of destruction and the breath of life suddenly thought, and they were completely blended together. This kind of chakra breath spread to the entire sky, and the power belonging to Otsutsuki went straight into the sky!

Yumura and Yui looked at the canvas for the first time, and almost at the same time, a chant-like sound resounded quietly!


Uchiha Kai closed his eyes tightly, and he didn't know how many turns of life he had experienced.

Birth, old age, sickness, and death, these four states are endlessly revolving in his memory for thousands of years. He is constantly comprehending all these states, comprehend the psychology of these people, and feel the momentary feelings brought by these states. .

Love, hate, affection, and hatred, these four emotions are also endlessly circulating in this thousand-year cycle.

These emotions made Uchiha Qi understand more, understand more, and know more.

While making up for himself, while comprehending a person's own state, he is also getting closer to nature, and through such emotions and experiences, he can expand to comprehend the changes of nature to himself, and even a person.

This endless experience and rotation is a kind of cleansing for Uchiha Kai's soul, and he himself does not know how long he has been in this state.

But he knows that he has spent countless thousands of years in this endless memory rotation!

But no matter how many thousands of years he has passed, he can feel that his energy does not seem to have subsided, but instead becomes stronger with each insight.

His self-consciousness did not collapse because of this rotation, but because of that special insight, his consciousness became more firm!

"It seems that is enough now."

In the consciousness space, along with a whisper of Uchiha Kai, the entire consciousness space suddenly underwent earth-shaking changes.

The pitch-black space was filled with brilliance at this moment. These brilliances were of different colors, but it was clear that they contained all the attributes of Chakra, as well as the power in his eyes!

In the consciousness space, Uchiha Qi began to slowly emerge, and when his figure completely solidified, he suddenly opened his eyes!

The pair of scarlet reincarnation eyes with three hooked jade began to slowly rotate, and these chakras seemed to be inspired, and they began to seal and spread out around them.

In this pitch-black space of consciousness that had no shape at all, different colors appeared in an instant, the yellow land began to condense, and water began to flow in the uneven areas of the land.

High in the sky, a fiery red sun slowly appeared with the interweaving of fire and earth, as well as the ultimate yang escape.

On the other side, a round of silver moon began to condense with the wind and earth, and the ultimate yin escape.

In the sky, the rain poured down with lightning and thunder, and on the ground below Uchiha Kai, the majestic vitality of Samsara Eye poured down crazily, the yellow sand began to loosen, and a young bud burst out of the ground to welcome Grows tenaciously with light.

Then, the second one, the third one...

In the blink of an eye, an emerald green lawn appeared, followed by saplings that burst out of the soil and grew at an exaggerated rate. Under the nourishment of life chakra, I don’t know how many green trees broke through the soil. Within ten minutes, within the consciousness space. The first oasis appeared.

Life begins to manifest at this moment, even if it is just a plant, these are also life!

Uchiha Qi stood quietly, feeling the chakra full of vitality, and he could feel that his soul seemed to be sublimated.

But all this is not enough. There is life and death. This is a cyclical process, and this is also a natural evolution.

Time began to appear in the consciousness space of Uchiha Kai, and those plants began to grow wildly, and they continued to show the vitality of their lives.

But under the test of time, they began to stop growing, and they began to grow old, so that in the end they slowly withered and withered, and finally collapsed.

But their death stagnated the greatness of life, and when they collapsed, new shoots had already appeared in their roots.

These buds continue to work towards the sun with their will, and continue to show the miracle of life.

This kind of constant alternation of life and death, in the constant cycle of this natural force, Uchiha Kai seems to have more and more insights, and the power in his body is also getting bigger and bigger.

When the rotation of everything almost reached the limit, suddenly, a sacred beam of light descended from the sky, it pierced the barrier of consciousness space, pierced the limitation of space and space, it fell on the consciousness of Uchiha Kai, fell on him.


At this moment, Uchiha Qi clearly felt that his body was beginning to evolve by leaps and bounds. Perhaps it was because he had accumulated for many years, or perhaps the strength that his body could withstand had already reached this limit.

At this moment, he clearly felt that his power was being integrated, and the power that he could not completely control at all, at this moment, became like a submissive kitten.

The Chakra in his body also became a little chaotic at this moment, and in this chaos, it was constantly blending.

Slowly, when all the chakras solidified together, the sacred light suddenly made a loud noise, and this sound formed a strange rhythm, sacred and stalwart!

Uchiha Qi's body that was sitting cross-legged suddenly floated up under the shroud of this light, and the whole space began to tremble.

The chakra in his body has been completely fused together at this moment, and because of this fusion, the originally blue chakra has also turned into a faint golden light.

Consciousness slowly returned, Uchiha Kai opened his eyes in vain, and the original scarlet reincarnation eye showing the three hook jade began to spin rapidly, the three hook jade began to split, and finally formed six hook jade!

The dark combat uniform disappeared directly under the action of the majestic Chakra, replaced by a snow-white robe, the robe was ethereal, and it had an indescribable temperament.

He originally had short black hair, but at this moment, his long hair was fluttering and the original black also turned silver at this moment.

Behind him, Qiu Daoyu also split at this moment, and the final number stayed at the level of six!

The ethereal chant was even louder, and the breath that belonged to him reverberated between heaven and earth along with his will, and at this moment, a mysterious tin rod appeared beside him.

This tin stick is not changed by the jade, and even Uchiha Qi can't see what material it is.

But he could see that this was his tin stick, which contained his chakra, his will, and his unique trace.

And this tin rod seems to symbolize something, as if it is a reward from God for him.

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Kai went deep into his right hand. When his hand completely grasped the tin rod at this moment, the heaven and earth shook, and the ethereal chant resounded through the sky at this moment, and his breath rushed towards him. Starry sky!


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