Chapter 772: return

"Is this the so-called six realm?"

Uchiha Kai floated in the Yumura Shrine, feeling the changes in himself at this time, and he couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

I have to say that after his spirit, consciousness, and even his soul reached this level, he found that the world in his eyes had undergone incredible changes.

Just like the first time he got the kaleidoscope writing wheel, when he was fighting, he could see every enemy's offensive line, offensive thinking, and even what they were thinking. Can see clearly.

In that state, the world seemed to run through and link lines, and both his enemies and the attacks they launched were made up of such lines.

All you have to do is to break the link between them and cut off the lines that symbolize events, weaknesses and even life, then you can easily win!

However, that was many, many years ago, and now it seems that sixteen or seventeen years have passed in retrospect.

He remembered everything from that year very clearly, especially during this transformation process, he also revisited everything that he had crossed into the ninja world. How could he forget those familiar memories?

But this time is really different. In his current state, the things he looks at have completely changed.

If he looked at the world seriously in the past, he could only see what the world looked like on the surface, or even a little more mysterious, the world he looked at was actually a world in which the real and the unreal were intertwined and intertwined.

But now, his view of the world has become clear, the whole world is like a plane, there are all kinds of flowing lines on the plane, these lines seem complicated and unstructured.

But in the end, they can link strangely in everything, interweaving one by one strange possibilities!

It's just a pity that even if his strength has reached this step, he still sees these lines in a blur. He can only roughly understand and understand what these lines are for, and what effect they can produce when intertwined.

But when he really wants to look carefully, experience, and comprehend these lines, and even wants to reach out and fiddle with these lines, he will be astonished to find that he doesn't seem to be able to understand everything.

"I finally know why the old man in Hamamura Otsutsuki is so afraid of nature." Uchiha Qi sighed softly: "Because the grandeur of nature and all the laws of nature are so terrifying, then It's so deep..."

The stalwart of nature is unimaginable and incomprehensible, at least to his extent, there is no way to touch these things.

He is a little fortunate now, fortunate that he was not satisfied with his own strength and could not fully grasp it, so he accepted the suggestion of Otsutsugi Yumura, and used the memories left in Indra and Ashura Chakra to complement himself and understand. all of these.

As it turns out, the benefits he brings from doing so are simply unimaginable!

He even took those terrifying Otsutsuki, a step many did not take.

And that's why he understood even more why the two guys, Otsutsuki Yui and Otsutsuki Yumura, who were already so powerful, were still careful to be like this.

"I don't know why, but I suddenly have a cartoon that I've watched.... It seems to be in the state of the Onmyoji of King Asakura Ye in the previous life. This kind of feeling is really... .."

Uchiha Qi is a little cranky, his current state is a bit too mysterious, he feels as if he has mastered everything, and he can even clearly perceive the huge Chakra River.

In addition, he could clearly perceive Kaguya Otsutsuki who was sealed in the moon and was watching him in amazement!

The power of nature, at this moment, has no secrets for him, the flow of time has become clear in his eyes, the power of life, the power of creation, the power of destruction, all of which he can easily of perception and without any secrets presented to him!


Uchiha Qi suddenly frowned, as if he noticed something wrong, which made him put his perception on himself, and then his expression became a little helpless.

"Sure enough, it's still a little troublesome..."

The body trembled slightly, and the pale golden Chakra became rushing out!

The quality of these chakras is simply unimaginable, and more importantly, these chakras are a special power formed by completely condensing all the chakras he has mastered.

But in this pale golden chakra, Uchiha Qi clearly noticed that the fusion inside was actually very general.

Yin-Yang Escape, Immortal Technique, Samsara Eye Chakra, and the five-attribute Chakra are intertwined, but they are not completely condensed, just because they are wrapped by their own strong will and current state, showing a difficult It's just the power of imagination.

In essence, their fusion is not ideal, and he has not completed the blood snares formed by the fusion of the five attributes and the fusion of yin and yang.

Not to mention the chakras, the tailed beasts who were stripped out by him and stored in his Susanoo, there was no movement at all.

As for Samsara Chakra?

Well, Uchiha Qi doesn't need to look forward to this thing for the time being. He can't complete the blood and the net, and the tailed beast chakra has also been collected. The possibility of reincarnation eye chakra can be intertwined with other chakras.

In addition, he was a little puzzled to find that his current state seemed to be just a pattern.

This mode is the state formed by relying on the essential power of Otsutsuki within oneself, wrapping all the powers that one has possessed and integrating them collectively.

"Is this state the so-called 'Six Chakra Mode'?"

Uchiha Kai was a little dumbfounded, but he also knew very well that he didn't need to worry about the continuity of his model at all.

He has enough strength, enough chakra, and enough realm. As long as he is willing, it doesn't matter how long he wants to maintain this state, even if he maintains this state to fight, there will be no problem.

However, this combination of white clothes and silver hair really made him feel a little inexplicable. He wished that he was Hyuga Aya's, not his own.


The pale golden chakra began to shrink slightly, and then the powerful suffocating chakra disappeared completely, and the long silver hair on Uchiha Qi's end also disappeared quickly, turning back to short black hair, and the white on his body. The robe also reverted to the original black regular combat uniform at the same time.

"Anyway, I have achieved my purpose... one of them."

While speaking, Uchiha Kai looked at his wrist, his strength had achieved his goal, so the only thing left was the wedge that came from Otsutsuki.

His actions this time only have two goals. The first one is to make his strength reach the level of Six Paths.

He has succeeded, and it can be said to be very successful. Not only has his strength reached the level he expected, but he has also reached the realm required to control the strength!

This almost completely exceeded his expectations, and he was very happy with this achievement, but he had one more thing to deal with before he was happy, and that was Otsutsuki-style wedges.

This wedge was his second serious problem. This wedge had been bothering him for several years. At that time, he didn't have enough strength to solve it, and Otsutsuki Yui couldn't do anything about it.

In addition to the power of Otsutsuki's style, and the characteristics of the wedge, the old man Yui had no choice but to seal it, and there was no other choice. Another point was that the wedge was on Uchiha Kai's body.

If he uses some special or heavier means, it is difficult to say that Uchiha Kai will not be able to withstand such a shock.

Because the strength of Uchiha Kai at that time was really not very good, even if he was the one standing on the ceiling in the ninja world, no one could even challenge him.

But at the level of Otsutsuki, it's really not enough. At that time, he was probably not an easy thing to deal with the peach style, let alone this style that was probably more powerful than the peach style. Besides, this is the wedge he left behind!

"After exiting the 'Six Chakra Mode', sure enough, the original inadequacy of the self also showed."

When the pale golden chakra disappeared completely, Uchiha Kai clearly felt that the chakra in his body had returned to its original state.

It's not that the chakra in his body is not strong now. After completing the chakra of Indra and Asura, even in his current state, he can still summon the Taoist jade to help him fight.

The extreme Yin Dun and Yang Dun have long since become a part of him, becoming one of the powerful sources of power in his body.

But without the golden chakra that belongs to the original source of Otsutsuki to integrate these powers, the chakra in his body is not fused together, and it is still in a state of separation.

"Immortal magic, yin and yang escape, and Chakra that combines the four attributes, and a separate Chakra that is inseparable, these things need to be integrated."

Uchiha Qi shook his head slightly, but soon he concentrated his consciousness on the wedge of his hand, but he still did not forget to take a look at the huge Tenseisen.

At this moment, in those huge Tensei eyes, Uchiha Kai could see through those eyes, and the old man in Hanamura seemed to be relieved.

It was as if he was telling him that he was welcome to a brand new world.

The old man Yuyi was much calmer, his eyes fixed on Uchiha Kai, but in the end he nodded, and there was not much else to say.

Soon, the huge Tenseikan seemed to tremble slightly, and then its perspective began to turn, and its eyes had begun to stare at the starry sky. Obviously, it still needed to continue to monitor those Otsutsuki who might come to the Ninja world.

Uchiha Qi smiled, maybe because of this endless rotation, his mentality has also changed a lot, maybe because his current strength has reached a higher peak, so that he clearly knows these two How exaggerated the old man's strength is.

His malice towards these two old men has almost dissipated now, because he knows that if these two old men really have any malice towards him, I am afraid he will not be able to resist these two old men at all!

Even if it is one of them, they can form an unimaginable crush on themselves.

It's right that Uchiha Qi is cautious, but he is more aware of one thing, that is, he is not a person without self-knowledge, and others do not have any ill will towards him. If he still retains the same thoughts as before, I am afraid he will lose everything.

Taking back all his thoughts, Uchiha Kai's consciousness completely penetrated into the wedge. Looking at the bizarre space, there was a little disdain between his brows, but also a little solemnity.

"This time, let me try to solve these problems completely!"


"It seems that the child has really taken this step."

In the Pure Land, Otsutsuki Yumura said to his Otsutsuki Yui with a smile on his face, he still remembers the scene just now, Uchiha Ki, this kid, actually really took that step.

It is not simply that the strength of the body has reached the same level as them, but it has reached this level on the spiritual level. people!

"Yeah, I didn't expect it either." Otsutsuki Yuyi shook his head slightly, he seemed a little happy, but a little regretful: "It's a pity, it's a pity..."

"What a pity?" Hamura glanced at his brother suspiciously, but soon he seemed to understand: "You mean, the two children of Indra and Asura, and their descendants and reincarnations?"

"Well, yes." Yu Yi sighed slightly: "The two of them are also very potential and caring people. But...hey..."

Yui does have some regrets now. He is thinking that if these two children could integrate Chakra at that time, would they also be able to reach Kai Uchiha?

However, such an idea was quickly excluded from his mind, because the thoughts and consciousness of these two children were far too far apart from the little guy Uchiha Kai.

No matter who of them gets their own power and enters this level, I'm afraid it won't be a good thing, right?

"Forget it, let's not talk about this issue." Yui shook his head. He glanced at the giant canvas that had diverted his gaze, and couldn't help but ask strangely, "Where's Kai Uchiha? Has he returned to the ninja world?"

"No, it's still on the moon." Hamura smiled and shook his head: "He's still on the moon."

"What is he doing?"

"He's very ambitious, he's dealing with wedges now..."


"Has Qi not returned yet?"

Konoha, in the office of the head of the Medical Department, the brilliance of the setting sun shone down, Hyuga Aya looked at the full moon that had slowly revealed half of her face, and couldn't help but sighed slightly.

Another week has passed, and the new Chunin exam is over, but Uchiha Kai still doesn't seem to have any intention of coming back, even if the chakra resonance that resounded in the world a week ago was telling about his situation, But the man did not come back, and nothing was certain.

In the three years since Uchiha Qi left, the world of ninja has also undergone tremendous changes.

After Ohnogi and the Fourth Raikage left Konoha three years ago, they had a very rigorous discussion when they returned, and the members of this discussion were all ministers with real power in the village, as well as the patriarchs of various big families. .

No one knows what they discussed this time, but according to understanding, the faces of the people who finished the meeting were not very good-looking.

But what's interesting is that even if their faces are ugly, they will submit a new round of alliance agreement a month later.

The content of the alliance agreement this time is very interesting. On the one hand, it is to carry out comprehensive cooperation with Konoha, and at the same time, it hopes to guide them in some areas that need to be improved.

On the other hand, it was a very vague agreement. Before they left, Uchiha Kai and what they said were related to the so-called fourth ninja war that might break out.

Of course, they didn't know what the Fourth Ninja World War was at all. They only knew that Uchiha Kai planned to use the Akatsuki organization to fight cholera in the Ninja World, and at the same time provoked the entire Ninja World to fight against the Akatsuki organization, resulting in an unprecedented integration of the entire Ninja World. Together, united in the war against the enemy.

This matter was handled by Na Fengshui and Nara Shikuhisa. They didn't have much doubts that this matter would be accepted, but the comprehensive cooperation made them a little dumbfounded.

Perhaps Konoha's reform performance was too good, perhaps they also wanted to be closer to Konoha, or that being close to the person who could shock the entire ninja world.

Therefore, the purpose of their comprehensive reform is to copy some of Konoha's systems and rules to make them more suitable for their own village through some transformations.

This kind of thing is really unexpected, at least Nara Shikahisa didn't expect such a thing to happen.

On the other hand, Minato Namikaze seemed a little silent, and he couldn't tell whether he was happy or unacceptable.

However, judging from his level of cooperation since then, he is very supportive of this happening.

Indeed, he really supported the occurrence of this incident, because slightly transforming Konoha's system and moving it to other Ninja villages is a typical enhancement of the linkage between the village and the village.

And because they have the same policy and the same pattern, they will be closer to each other, and the cooperation between them will become more and more profound.

Over time, I am afraid that peace will come unnoticed.

Spreading from the harmony in the village to the outside, this is a peaceful way that Namikaze Minato desires most after the transformation of Kai Uchiha.

And this kind of peace has also been well reflected in the country of wave and the country of tea, and wave Fengshui is also thinking about how to extend it to more villages.

The promotion he hopes is a peaceful way that everyone can accept, such as making them realize that a method like Konoha is good for everyone, rather than forcing others to accept it by means of violence or deterrence.

But in the current situation, there are still some discrepancies between his thoughts and facts. Even if they don't have such thoughts, other villages will have to try because of the silent deterrent of Uchiha Kai.

Uchiha Kai is a nuclear bomb, and his deterrent power is stronger than that of a tailed beast. I don't know how many times!

The cooperation between the villages has been completed, and the reconstruction of Konoha has long been completed. It can be said that in the past three years, all the problems have been repaired and developed in a better attitude.

But for three years, the guy Uchiha Kai has never come back, even if he finally showed some traces not long ago, but after that, it was another week without the slightest movement, which made everyone concerned about Uchiha Kai. No one can accept it.

Hyuga Aya, of course, is no exception.

Especially the guy who said that if he could let Aya see him through the lunar channel, but now that the lunar channel is blocked, Hyuga Aya has no way at all.

Shaking her head slightly, Hyuga Aya stood up and planned to leave.

It's already the time to get off work, probably because he has been with Uchiha Kai for a long time, and Hyuga Aya also hates the "overtime work" that guy said, so she won't stay here.


It's just that Hyuga Aya just stood up when her brows suddenly wrinkled, the vast Chakra surged in her inner body almost instantly, and her eyes also turned into Tensei Eyes at this moment.

In front of her, a strange force was condensing, and in the space directly in front of him, cracks appeared one after another like a piece of glass.

Such a strange ability, such a strange space method, in Hinata Aya's memory, it seems that no one she is familiar with can do it, but some enemies seem to be able to do it.

For example, those big tube trees!

A terrifying breath condensed on her body, and she was ready to fight at any time. When the space in front of her was completely shattered, she launched an attack without any hesitation.

However, what she didn't expect at all was that the moment she shot, the figure in front of her had already shot and stuck on her wrist, and the familiar aura also made her a little lost at this moment.

"I said, your welcome is too warm, Aya?"


Above the moon, in the Hamura Shrine.

Uchiha Qi closed his eyes tightly and sat silently on the spot, like a statue.

But this statue of him has an unimaginable vitality. The beating heart is telling about his strength, and the chakra that is revealed from time to time makes people feel suffocated from the heart.

Suddenly, the chakra on Uchiha Kai's body was turbulent, and a vast force of chaotic life and destruction bloomed at this moment, and the next moment he suddenly opened his eyes.

At the same time, the black mark engraved on his hand changed at this moment.

The black traces began to slowly dissipate, but the mark still remained in his hand, but its color had completely changed, from pitch black to snow white!

Looking at the mark on his hand, Uchiha Qi quickly covered his consciousness. His eyes are still the scarlet six-hooked jade reincarnation eyes. Under the attention of these eyes, there are very few things in this world that can hide from him. .

"Finally, after so many years..."

After a careful inspection of the inside of the wedge in his hand, Kai Uchiha finally breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his face.

The consciousness that belonged to Otsutsuki inside this wedge was finally cleaned up by him!

I have to say, the wedge is really terrible, or the guy Otsutsuki Ichishi is really scary!

When Uchiha Qi fought against Yi Shi, he thought that Yi Shi was just as strong. Although he knew that this guy was very strong, in Samsara Eye Chakra mode, he still used Ci Xian's body to defeat, which made him have a lot of confidence.

Especially after the help of Yui Otsutsuki, let him simply explore the consciousness that belongs to him in the wedge, and learn a lot of things. Finally, after having played against the peach style of Otsutsuki, he is even more confident. gained some confidence.

However, now, after having completely stepped into the so-called 'six paths', he began to use his own strength to investigate the situation inside the wedge, especially the one that was sealed by Otsutsuki's feather clothes. I was shocked to find out how wrong I was.

This guy, Otsutsuki Ichishi, is really a lunatic!

Maybe this guy hasn't taken a long step on the road of comprehending nature and understanding himself, and he is not even comparable to the current Uchiha Kai.

But the life that this guy once devoured, the power that he devoured, is simply unimaginable!

He is the kind of person who thoroughly accumulates the accumulation of power to the extreme, and the blood debt he bears is simply unimaginable, and there are countless life planets shattered in his hands!

And this guy is a real lunatic, his purpose is very terrifying, and the consequences will be unimaginable once it is realized.

Kai Uchiha sometimes wonders if he is the same as Kenta Imai, a model of a crow's mouth, because that guy's purpose is really for him and Otsutsuki Yui!

His purpose is to fully resurrect, using a new body of Otsutsuki full of power, and then he will start his own actions.

There is no need to mention revenge on Kaguya, and after that, he will go to other planets to plant divine trees, and continue to devour the life in the universe for evolution until the moment he becomes a god!

It can only be said that this guy is really a complete lunatic. He is the only one left in the entire universe. He is really invincible, but what is the point of such invincibility?

But think about it carefully, for a guy like Otsutsuki, I'm afraid they don't care about other people's lives at all. A being like Otsutsuki always thinks highly of himself, they don't put other lives in their eyes at all, even they They will not take the lives of the same race in their eyes!

"But this guy was really unlucky. He was attacked by Kaguya Otsutsuki. Then he met me in the half-life period. Even if I was not very good at that time, it would definitely cause him trouble."

Otsutsuki is indeed a bit unlucky. He was betrayed by a guardian who knew him and had to leave a wedge on an extremely weak body. However, it took thousands of years to wake up from the wedge. Just after making some preparations, he turned around. Met Uchiha Kai.

However, Uchiha Kai didn't get any benefit, because he was left with a wedge by the guy Otsutsuki Ichishi, which left a very deep shadow on him.

But this time, the situation should be considered to be completely resolved by him. No matter how deeply hidden, the Otsutsuki-style consciousness left in the wedge, after a contest between consciousnesses, was completely used by him. The reincarnation eye is absorbed!

Through the absorption of Samsara Eye, Uchiha Kicai clearly understood what this guy was thinking, what he wanted to do, and even more how terrifying his peak was!

However, Uchiha Qi didn't dare to keep his consciousness in the eyes of his own reincarnation, even if it was just a split consciousness, this guy is very strong and very difficult to deal with.

Therefore, after thinking about it for a while, Uchiha Kai decided to seal this guy's soul or consciousness directly in his own consciousness space!

His consciousness space had already been transformed when he was breaking through. He only needed to set some more interesting things in the transformed consciousness space, such as a seal, and he could directly imprison this guy!

"However, my understanding of the seal is still a lot worse. When I go back, I should ask Kushina and the others, or Otsutsuki Yui and the others."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi stood up directly, he himself didn't know how long it took him to break through this time.

But he knew one thing, and that is that this is definitely not an easy job, and the time it takes to revolve the thousands of years of memories alone is unimaginable.

He is really a little scared now. When he returns to the ninja world, everything will become different. It must be a heart-wrenching and uncomfortable thing.

Shaking his head helplessly, he has come to this point on this road, and naturally there is no choice to turn back. Even if he can make himself 'turn back', it will hurt him too much. .

"However, there is one good thing now, and that is..."

Picking one up at random, he separated a shadow clone. After so long, he still needed to say goodbye to Otsutsuki Yosuke and the others—if they were still alive.

His eyes stared straight ahead, and then he stretched out his hand, the majestic Chakra condensed crazily at this moment, and the space in front of him also shivered at this moment!

"Now my eyes can clearly see the laws of that space, every line, every point, I can see clearly, so..."

The scarlet samsara wheel-eye glanced ahead and soon he saw the person who made him find himself in the flow of his memory.

Space is like a mirror, through which he can find the person he wants to see at will!

The chakra in his hand condensed slightly, and in just a moment, the mirror in this space shattered, and then he stepped directly into it, and in an instant he had returned from the moon to the ninja world!

What he didn't expect was that he had just returned, and the person who made him think about it directly attacked him, which made him really helpless.

It's just that such an attack is too slow in his eyes.

Reaching out his hand and grabbing the woman's wrist, Uchiha Kai's voice sounded with a little helplessness and a little warmth.

"I said, your welcome is too warm, Aya?"


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