Chapter 773: cage

Late at night, in the newly renovated hotel in Konoha Village, in that familiar room, Uchiha Kai looked at the ceiling with his hands around his head.

Feeling the slightly panting Hyuga Aya beside him, a smug expression appeared on his face.

But the expression quickly dissipated on his face, as if it had never appeared before.

After all, this kind of thing doesn't seem to be anything to be proud of, right?

Reaching out his hand and taking Ling into his arms, he couldn't help but feel a little emotional, three years have passed like this.

I have to say, time flies.

For people living in this world, although they do not clearly perceive the passage of each day, the surging river of time will never stop.

In fact, even people who are not sensitive will perceive the passage of time, especially three years.

But for Uchiha Kai, he really doesn't know what happened to all this.

He only knew that he sat there without moving, and his consciousness had completely entered into the memory rotation of the thousand years. When he woke up again, it had been three years.

He now seems to understand a little bit of what he saw in those years, the protagonist sits down and cultivates for hundreds of thousands of years.

He was still complaining at the time. Is it possible to sit here for thousands of years?

But now he doesn't dare to complain like this. Although he himself can't do it for hundreds or thousands of years, he is a person who has spent three years in a single practice!

In the past three years, the changes in the ninja world have also been very big. After removing the shadow clone that he left in Konoha, he also learned all the situation.

In addition to the somewhat amusing choices Yun Yin and Yan Yin made, there was another thing that made him feel very interesting, and that was the change of Sha Yin.

Although Kai Uchiha left, and his shadow avatar also clearly expressed the need for 'retreat', so many things will not take the initiative to participate.

But without him, Konoha still has such a ruthless character as Nara Shikahisa, and the Konoha ninja who has gone through the Chunin exam, the senses of Sandyin have really dropped to freezing point, so he is negotiating with Sandyin. At that time, they did not mean to be soft-hearted!

Not caring about the fact that their shadow had died, they forced a negotiation with Sandyin, and both Yunyin and Iwayin also showed their attitudes on this matter.

The two of them approached the defense line of Shayin Village almost at the same time, and the whole Shayin panicked.

Without the slightest solution, Sand Hidden can only choose to compromise. With Chiyo reappearing to preside over the overall situation, Sand Hidden and Konoha signed a series of compensation clauses.

The invasion war was launched by them, and if they failed, they would naturally have to pay the price. Moreover, Konoha also captured people like them, including a tail of people Zhuli!

If there is no negotiation, Konoha will not return the power of Ichito, and if you lose such a deterrence, you can imagine that Sandyin may lose his qualifications as one of the five major ninja villages from now on.

There is never eternal peace in the ninja world, and the qualifications of the five major ninja villages are not a constant standard.

Perhaps, the Ninja World can be transformed from the Five Great Ninja Villages into the Four Great Ninja Villages. Perhaps, the names of the villages that are not very good in the Five Ninja Villages can also be changed to other village names.

Sha Yin can never accept this, he is already so weak now, if Konoha really deprives them of their strength and causes them to decline completely, then I am afraid that they will really become sinners of history, and even when their time comes. Whether the village still exists will be a question!

Therefore, this negotiation was relatively smooth. They did not have any resistance or bargaining too much. It only took two months to finalize all the final terms.

This time, Shayin was bleeding in the true sense. For the sake of being one of the five major ninja villages, they almost threw away the result of their struggle for decades, and the products that they still need to struggle for many years in the future. out.

But if you think about it carefully, there is no real blood loss in what they did. At least Konoha kept his promise and returned Gaara back, and at least it helped them stabilize the name of one of the five major ninja villages.

With this name, no matter how bad their reputation is now, such a credibility still exists. With the title of "Five Ninja Village", it can still attract many people to come to them for tasks.

And Shayin is also carrying out some reforms internally. He doesn't pay attention to what kind of Konoha, as long as they pay attention to whether their public opinion orientation is extreme, or even malicious towards Konoha.

After the death of the Fourth Kazekage, Sandyin Village also started to elect a new Kazekage, but their election was basically a high-level internal discussion, and the civilians and ninjas below had no ability to decide this matter.

Interestingly, the Fengying they selected deviates from the original book inexplicably.

Kai Uchiha remembers that in the original work Gaara became a new generation of Kazekage, and he has performed very well since then.

But now, he has rejected the title of Fengying. According to him, at least now he is not a qualified person to become Fengying.

The new generation of Kazekage is very interesting in the hands of Temari, a heroic woman, and Gaara, the little devil, silently follows his sister, standing behind her and studying.

I don't know if this kind of change is a good thing, but whether it's a good thing or not, things have developed to this point, and there is nothing to continue to struggle with.

Whether it's Temari or Gaara, even if the new Kazekage from Sandyin Village is Maki, Kankuro, or something like Chiyo, it doesn't have much to do with him.

But one thing is certain, that is, Sa Yin and Konoha are gradually improving their relationship. Even if both sides are a little uncomfortable with each other, the new generation of Kazekage doesn't have much ill will towards Konoha.

I don't know if it's Temari's own idea, or Gaara's contribution to it, or maybe that old lady Chiyo is not blind, knowing that the current Konoha is definitely not something that Sandyin can collide with.

The problem in Shayin Village has stabilized, and everything in Wuyin Village is going well.

According to the information obtained by the shadow clone in the past three years, everything on the Wuyin side is developing according to the expected plan, and the ghost lamp full moon has been a step closer in the past three years, and he basically got everything that a shadow should have. right.

It's just that the situation of Wuyin is quite special. The system they adopted is somewhat similar to the double shadow system. The old man Yuan Shi is not dead, and his camp is not weak. If he does not speak, there is really no way to bring the full moon. That hat.

But Man Yue doesn't seem to care either, he knows how to choose between the nominal and the substantive rights.

What's more, he is still young, so he has time to play with Master Yuan slowly.

And Master Yuan, the old man is already in his 70s and 80s. No one knows that one day he will not be able to hold on, and he will go to sleep in the Pure Land as soon as he closes his eyes.

And among the young people in his camp, the only young man who can wrestle with Man Yue is the woman Terumi Mei.

But it is very regrettable that this woman lost in the head-to-head confrontation with Man Yue, even with the endorsement of Yuan Shi, no one would think that when Yuan Shi died, she could really take over the Yuan Shi. class.

If there is no accident, I am afraid that the future of Wuyin has been set, and this kid Man Yue will become the fourth generation of water shadows in the future of Wuyin Village!

"What are you thinking about?" Just as Kai Uchiha recalled that the avatar had given back all the information he had about the past three years, Aya Hyuga's voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "You are such a bastard, as soon as you come back, Do you only think about this kind of thing?"

"I miss you." Uchiha came back to his senses, and did not refute too much, he turned over to face the woman, and then showed a smile: "Three years, to them For me, it's three years, but for me, I don't know how many thousand years have passed..."

"So, you brought me to release your emotions?" Hyuga Aya raised her brows: "Or, are you here to vent?"

"..." Uchiha Kai shook his head helplessly, this woman's brain circuit really made him not know what to say.

But there was nothing wrong with what she said. After Uchiha Qi came back, he ran to Hyuga Aya's side as soon as possible. After clearing up some minor misunderstandings, she was taken directly to this hotel by Uchiha Qi.

Although the next thing is said to be logical, but thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is really inappropriate. At least I should say hello to everyone first, and then think about it further.

But it's already happened, and it's already late at night, so he doesn't need to worry about it so much.

"Please, you'll give me a headache thinking about it." Uchiha Kai shook his head slightly.

"Tell me, what happened to you in the past few thousand years?" Hyuga Aya didn't struggle with so many issues, but now she is curious about how Uchiha Kai spent the past three years: "Also, why is the moon? Will it be closed?"

"I don't know much about this." Uchiha Qi knew about it, and the shadow clone had already given it back to him, but he really didn't know: "But this is not closed by me, probably the two old men? "

Besides Uchiha Kai, the only ones who can close the lunar channel are those two old guys.

Whether it is strength or ability, they can easily do it, especially the moon was created by the two of them together. I am afraid that no one can surpass the two of them in the control of the moon.

Shaking his head slightly, Uchiha Qi didn't think about these things too much. It was actually a good thing for him that they closed the moon. He really couldn't be disturbed by anyone in his situation. God knows what will happen.

Therefore, when it is closed, it is closed, and he is too lazy to think too much about these issues.

Looking at Aya Hyuga's curious gaze, Kei Uchiha simply recounted his own experience.

Whether it is the consciousness that exists in Indra and Ashura's Chakra, or the memory in these consciousnesses that he has aroused, which has caused him to fall into the entanglement of the thousand years, and finally almost lost himself, he said it.

Recalling all this now, Uchiha Kai actually still has some fears. If his consciousness is not strong enough and firm enough, I am afraid that he will really lose himself at that time.

Along with Uchiha Kai's narration, Hyuga Aya's face also changed slightly, especially her hand holding Uchiha Kai tightly, which seemed to convey some of her nervousness about Uchiha Kai's encounter.

But fortunately, when Uchiha Qi said everything was finished, Hyuga Aya finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"That is to say, have you played Indra and Asura, and their reincarnations, respectively, unconsciously?" Hyuga Aya sighed with emotion: "After a thousand years of rotation, if you hadn't found yourself, now... ..”

"Well, it's very dangerous, but it's also very rewarding." Uchiha Kai smiled and held Hyuga Aya's hand: "When I completely forgot who I really was, it belonged to me, and the pictures were awakening. You are the one who influenced me the most."

"Is it one of them? Tell me so many good things, but it's not necessary." Hyuga Aya shook her head, but she didn't bother too much: "So, are you now an old man who has been conscious for over a thousand years? Yes, whose memory and consciousness play a leading role in you?"

"If it weren't for someone else, would it be like this with you?" Uchiha Kai rolled his eyes, and he explained seriously: "It's all me, I am Uchiha Kai, whether it's consciousness or my memory."

Uchiha Kai is Uchiha Kai, this will not change, when he finds himself, his soul seems to be sublimated.

And after he experienced a series of self-perceptions and made his realm step into a level that matched his own strength, his consciousness became more firm and strong!

However, to explain this kind of thing, Uchiha Kai thinks that the level of reliability is really average. Instead of explaining it with his mouth, it is better to let Hyuga Aya take a good look at it all.

Thinking of this, he closed his eyes for Wei Wei, and when he opened it again, it had become the reincarnation of Liugouyu.

"I'll take you to a place." Uchiha Qi said calmly: "When you get there, you'll know all this."

"Okay." Hyuga Aya didn't ask Uchiha Kai where she was going to take her, but nodded directly, but soon she frowned again: "Why don't you get up and get dressed."

"Why are you wearing clothes?"

"You guy, you have been on the moon for three years, are you stupid? How can you go out without clothes?"

"Who said we're going out, the place I'm going to take you to is in my heart."


Yellow sand, endless yellow sand.

During the day, this dry climate can make the surroundings extremely hot, the sun-lit grit is hot, and the light can even be unnaturally distorted in the heat.

But at night, everything here is completely different. The biting cold wind rippling in the sand, even if there is no wind and snow, it can still make people feel as if their blood has been frozen.

Especially when the wind blows the sand in the middle of the night, the biting chill makes people feel hopeless.

However, in such an environment, the crisp wind bells came and traveled very far in the empty desert, and the costumes of two red clouds on a black background were looming in the yellow sand.

"The environment in the Land of Wind is still so bad."

A man dressed in red clouds on a black background felt the biting chill and the yellow sand that filled the sky. He couldn't help but raise his head slightly. Under the hat, the pale face with golden snake eyes appeared in the sand.

Orochimaru, the man who once killed four generations of Kazekage and three generations of Hokage, the most terrifying betrayal recognized by the entire ninja world, actually appeared in the country of wind again!

"It's not the first time you've come here, so why say such nonsense." Beside Orochimaru, another man's voice came over.

This voice seemed a bit crisp and cold, and there was no emotion in this coldness that a human being should have, just like a machine, or like a dead person.

This person also raised his head slightly, revealing the young face with the line, and the red hair on that end looked so dazzling.

This guy is a scorpion!

"It's nothing, just a little emotional." Orochimaru licked his tongue, then put down his bamboo hat, he really didn't like this kind of yellow sand.

But he didn't like it, and he still continued to move forward silently. Their destination was the Land of Wind!

After three years of precipitation, Xiao's organization has been thoroughly improved in terms of personnel preparation, capital preparation, and intelligence preparation.

Now, they have enough power, so they decided to carry out a new phase of the plan.

To be honest, Orochimaru sometimes thinks about whether the plan at this stage is that guy Uchiha Madara, or the guy who looks dark, or Uchiha Kai.

Orochimaru is a subordinate of Uchiha Kai. Even though he did not fully explain many things, he told Uchiha Kai with his actual actions that he had made his choice thoroughly and firmly.

In contrast, Uchiha Kai and Obito also gave him a lot of information.

Whether it's about this world, or about the Six Path Immortal Brothers, Kaguya Otsutsuki, or the Otsutsuki who have shown their strength in the ninja world, Orochimaru knows some of their information.

In addition, they also gave Orochimaru more interesting things, such as some information on Yin Yang Escape, some secrets of Samsara Eye, such as some secrets of Baiyan.

Even if these materials are only a very small part, it is conceivable how bad their completeness is, but these materials still open a new door for Orochimaru, allowing him to understand the essence of the world to a greater extent.

Therefore, when this task began, he also had some doubts in his heart, but he did not say these doubts. Anyway, Uchiha Kai hoped that things would develop according to this level, so why did he refuse?

"Are you feeling emotional?" Scorpion looked at Orochimaru indifferently, and then shook his head: "Perhaps, who would have thought that people like you and me who bear the blood feud of the third and fourth generations of Fengying actually came back."

"Yeah, but this time we're not going to kill Yingying." The smile on Orochimaru's face didn't change in any way: "However, this time we may have to deal with some interesting people, don't you think? ?"

"Do you want to die? Basilisk." Scorpion suddenly stopped, his eyes were still so dull, his voice was still so flat, but it made people shudder.

As if what he said will definitely be realized!

"Tsk tsk, you don't need to be so excited." Orochimaru ignored Scorpion's expression, his eyes locked on the huge fortification that seemed to be visible in the distance: "I mean, if you can't start, I can help you."

"Do I need your help?" Scorpion didn't move at all, and he looked away from Orochimaru: "It's just a person who should be buried in the earth, but still lives in this world, I killed her. , it's a relief for her."

After saying this, Scorpion walked straight ahead, while Orochimaru looked at the figure of this guy with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth.

He could naturally see that Scorpion still seemed to have some feelings for the old woman, but such feelings were suppressed very lightly, as if they could be easily pierced.

Shaking his head indifferently, the woman Chiyo, Orochimaru, did not take it too seriously.

Whether it's dead or alive, he doesn't care.

Chiyo is an outstanding female ninja, there is no doubt about that.

According to Uchiha Kai, this woman was born in the land of wind by mistake. If she were in another Ninja village, her achievements would be incalculable!

Orochimaru couldn't understand this sentence, he rarely saw this guy Uchiha Kai praise a person like this.

It must be admitted that Chiyo is a woman with strong political skills, and at the same time, she is also very good at puppet art. Moreover, this woman's ability to deploy poison is also top-notch.

But in front of Uchiha Kai, who has the eye of reincarnation, these abilities don't seem to be a troublesome thing at all, even if Orochimaru deals with this woman himself, he will not feel troublesome!

In the Ninja World War that year, Orochimaru had not fought against this woman less often, so he still knew this woman relatively well.

Now this woman is really old, and Orochimaru has transformed a lot. He has been repaired after his hands were sealed by his teacher three years ago, and now his state is still at the peak.

If this woman is really looking for death to find trouble, then Orochimaru doesn't mind and sends this woman to the Pure Land to sleep!

As for the scorpion?

Looking at the retreating back, Orochimaru still followed with a smile.

This guy is still following Nagato, the guy who has lost his power, and has no idea of ​​turning his head at all.

Maybe it's his sensitivity and true attitude, or maybe he doesn't care about such things at all.

But no matter what kind it is, if this guy gets in the way, he will inevitably have the fate of being eliminated!


"this place....."

In a strange and seemingly small world, Aya Hyuga couldn't help frowning as she looked at everything around her.

What Uchiha Kai said to her, she completely treated it as a joke.

into a person's inner world?

How could such a thing be possible? Using illusions to guide a person to watch one's own memory is almost the same. It is impossible to open up the real heart. At least Hyuga Aya doesn't think anyone can do it.

Chakra's collision and contact are a way to understand other people's hearts, but if you want the other party to let go of their defenses, let Chakra fully integrate and understand each other, unless you are stronger than the other party.

Or there may be some errors in the fierce battle, causing the chakras to stagger.

Of course, if the charisma is high enough, you can also let the other party try to have this kind of chakra communication with you, but Hyuga Aya doesn't think anyone has such charisma.

There is no doubt that Uchiha Qi is stronger than her. It is the blending of Chakra. In the end, what she sees is probably what Uchiha Qi constructed and wanted her to see, so she does not believe that set of rhetoric at all.

However, when she really came to this place, no, to be precise, it should be an independent, incomparably ethereal but incomparably real world, she was a little dazed, what exactly is this place?

"Here is my consciousness space."

Uchiha Kai showed a smile. He took the hand of Hyuga Aya and walked forward slowly, and Hyuga Aya didn't mean to refuse. Under his leadership, they quickly came to a tree.

This big tree is a bit strange. It seems to be full of vitality, but the strange destructive power seems to be constantly displayed on its body. What is even more incredible is that the power of life and the power of destruction actually blend together. Some are indistinguishable from each other!

"Your consciousness space?" Hyuga Aya silently opened her Tenseigan, but she was silent for a moment, and it took a long time for her to say incredulously: "How is this possible?"

"Like a real world, right?"

As soon as Uchiha Kai's thoughts turned, two wooden chairs appeared in front of him. In his consciousness space, he could dominate all this, because everything created in it was completed by his chakra. of!

"It's really amazing to say, but I did it."

Holding Aya Hyuga and sitting down on the wooden chair, he slowly continued: "Because I have achieved a relatively good level of understanding of my own strength, my own perception, and my perception of nature.

Therefore, while my strength is improving, my soul and will have also been improved unimaginably.

A lot of things seem weird to me now, but I can do them well.

For example, when I came back, my eyes looked at the space, and the space was structured by lines, allowing me to see through everything behind it like a mirror.

In the consciousness space, even if it is my consciousness, my chakra penetrates into it, and I can completely control my chakra like the outside world.

Even, here I can do everything I want to do, even to create the world! "

Having said that, Uchiha Kai waved his hand gently, and suddenly a huge ball of light emerged from the ground and stopped firmly in front of Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya.

"This is..." Hyuga Aya was still a little confused, she asked almost subconsciously.

She basically believed Uchiha Kai's words. Her strength and her cognition and perception of power are indeed not as good as Uchiha Kai's, but her eyes are no worse than Uchiha Kai's!

With the cooperation of Tenseigan, she can clearly see what the essence of this so-called 'world' is, and she can also be 100% sure that the person in front of her is Kai Uchiha!

Appearance may be changed, just like when Orochimaru completed his turn, his appearance was the one he chose to turn around.

But the thing of soul is impossible to change at all, whose soul is still whose soul is!

Her Tenseigan can clearly see a person's soul, whether it is in this consciousness space or outside. She has no intention of doubting Uchiha Kai now, or she was a little joking before.

It's just that she didn't expect that Uchiha Kai's reaction seemed to be a little big.

However, she was not at all unhappy with such a reaction, on the contrary, she was so happy about it.

But now, she feels a little stunned, because the light ball in front of her is like a cage!

Through this ball of light, Aya Hyuga can clearly see that there are many figures in this ball of light. These figures have constructed countless pictures, and these pictures are connected together, which is everyone's life!

In addition to this ball of light, Hyuga Aya also noticed one thing, that is, in the giant tree in front of them, where life and destruction are intertwined, there is actually a soul trapped in it.

And the master of this soul is Otsutsuki Ichishi!

"This ball of light is the memory of Indra, Asura, and their reincarnations that I almost lost at the beginning." Uchiha Qi said calmly: "In these memories, I have circulated for thousands of years, but I also have to thank them for what I am now.”

"It's unbelievable..." Hyuga Aya sighed slightly: "If I had done something like this, I'd probably have gone crazy. You told me before, I thought you were exaggerating, but now it seems... ..."

"Why should I lie to you? Especially you."

Uchiha Qi shook his head with a smile, and then he turned his eyes to the giant tree: "Actually, after thousands of years of rotation in my memory, I can still bear it, after all, I have found myself.

But that Otsutsuki is really troublesome. Facing this guy, all I can do is seal it So, you sealed him here? "Hyuga Aya raised her head to look at the giant tree in front of her, and couldn't help frowning slightly: "Is it okay to do this? "

"I don't know, but I know one thing..."

Having said that, Uchiha Qi raised his hand slightly, and the white wedge engraved on his hand came into view.

Aya Hyuga stretched out her hand and grabbed Kai Uchiha's hand. Even in the space of consciousness, they could perceive such a touch.

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, but before she could shake her hand away, Uchiha Qi backhanded her tightly.

"My current crisis has been lifted." Uchiha Kai said with a smile: "I think we have some things that we should deal with...

I'm sorry for making you wait for me for so many years..."


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