Chapter 774: are you a dog

In the middle of the night, under the huge fortifications outside Shayin Village, Orochimaru and Scorpion stood there quietly.

Looking at the narrow pass and the **** smell emanating from it, Orochimaru couldn't help raising his eyebrows, especially when a figure in the pass was slowly walking towards them.

Orochimaru just glanced at it and basically recognized who this guy was - Yura.

This guy is the Jōnin of Sandyin Village, and he also has a very special identity, the captain of the real power under the Defense Department of Sandyin Village.

This guy is actually a subordinate of the scorpion?

Orochimaru couldn't help but find it very interesting. It seems that this guy Scorpion still has some business in Shayin Village. Although he has been away from the village for so many years, has the backhand he prepared before leaving grown up?

"Lord Scorpion, the road has been cleared for you, please enter the village."

When Yura walked in front of Orochimaru and Scorpion, he didn't care about the scars and bloodstains all over his body, he kneeled on the ground very respectfully and said.

"Well, you go to rest, and then go to the country of rain to find me." Scorpion nodded indifferently, and then walked directly towards the village.

In order to defend against other villages that might attack them, Shayin Village set up various fortifications very early, perhaps because their enchantment layout was really bad, they chose such a physical product.

However, this physical product also has some unexpected functions, that is, their defense level can definitely resist or at least delay the attack of the tail beast to a certain extent!

It's just that it's not so clear whether this tailed beast is an enemy sent by other villages, or someone within them who can go crazy at any time.

Crossing this huge fortification all the way, Orochimaru and Scorpion saw a large number of ninjas in charge of defense collapsed to the ground, and their deaths were very interesting.

The fatal wounds are basically behind them, and their expressions are also a little stunned. Obviously, they did not expect the attack to appear behind them, and they are their most trusted captains.

"Sure enough, it's easy to have an internal response." Orochimaru licked his tongue, he didn't care about these dead ninjas at all: "I don't know if there are other people inside who can make our mission more Simpler?"

"Stop dreaming." Scorpion didn't even look at Orochimaru, and said in a flat voice: "Even if there is, I don't plan to use it, but you, how are you preparing?"

"Although it's a little troublesome, after all, it's such a big fanfare to arrest a person Zhuli." Orochimaru spread his hands indifferently: "However, I don't think there should be any problem, but the problem of retreat, how are you preparing?"

"Hey, I don't need you to worry about my work." Scorpion said indifferently: "Do what you need to do, and leave the rest to me."

During the conversation, the two of them had completely crossed the huge fortification, and presented a huge valley in front of them, and the buildings in this valley filled with the style of the Land of the Wind were mostly built with special mud and maintained a cylindrical shape.

The Land of Winds is eroded by wind and sand all year round, so their buildings have to choose this way to protect their buildings to the greatest extent.

In addition to the huge differences between the buildings and other places, the people of the Land of Winds are also the same in their clothing and decoration. The gauze wrapped around their heads and faces is a very distinctive feature of them.

"Okay." Orochimaru smiled sarcastically: "I hope you don't have any accidents by then, otherwise I might not care about the power of a person. After all, my life is very important."

Hearing Orochimaru's words, Scorpion didn't say anything. Individual ninjas must always be vigilant no matter how strong they are, especially what they have to do now.

Not everyone is Kai Uchiha. The strength shown by that guy is simply unimaginable. Even Payne, who has the eye of reincarnation, was defeated by him.

However, I don't know what's going on. Now the legend of that guy is getting more and more exaggerated. The power that escapes from fighting the enemy will make the whole Konoha scrapped.

Even because of the shock of those powers, all the villagers who were hiding in the underground fortifications died cleanly, and then this guy used some kind of resurrection ninjutsu to bring everyone back to life.

Isn't this nonsense, how can there be such a mess of ninjutsu in this world?

How can there be such a ninjutsu that resurrects so many people at once?

Even if it does, the price it needs to pay is simply unimaginable. How could Kai Uchiha do such a thing so easily and simply?

Such rumors, this kind of thing, are completely baseless, and it can even be said that they have no brains at all.

God knows how such rumors came out, and even Yanyin Village and Yunyin Village took it seriously.

Uchiha Qi has a strong destructive power, Scorpio does not doubt it, as for the others, he does not believe at all, just as he thought, they are not Uchiha Kai, and they do not have the kind of strength that one person confronts a Shinobi village head-on.

There is almost no precedent for infiltrating a village to capture the opponent's strength. After all, there is really no way for an individual's combat power to compare with a Ninja village, especially the five major Ninja villages!

No matter how careful, it is definitely not a strange thing.

"Okay, I'm going." Orochimaru licked his tongue, and his eyes looked above the Fengying Building: "Is that the place? Is he sure it's there?"

"I'm sure." Scorpion nodded indifferently: "I also went to prepare, to prepare for our retreat."

After saying this, Scorpion turned around and walked towards the interior of Shayin Village. Although he had been away for more than ten years, the village had not changed much. He was familiar with everything in this case.

And Orochimaru looked at his back calmly, and then his body slowly sank to the ground, and he should start the task.

Now their combination is not the scorpion and Deidara in the original book, and naturally they will not choose any too presumptuous tactics.

The purpose of choosing them is that on the one hand, they have enough knowledge of Shayin Village, and on the other hand, Orochimaru's escape ability is very strong, there is no need to worry about the evacuation after the mission is successful, and the possibility of being caught after the mission fails. problem of arrest.

Of course, there is also an extremely important factor, that is, whether it is Uchiha Kai or Imai Kenta, they have already obtained one end of chakra many years ago, so the success of this task is not important at all.

The important thing is that they need to do this task to send a signal that they are about to do it!

Villages that have formed a true alliance with Konoha will understand what this means, so they will prepare as quickly as possible for everything that is about to happen in the future.

"Good show, it's about to start..."


Early the next morning, Uchiha Kai walked out of the hotel.

Looking at the new Konoha in front of him, he couldn't help but reveal a little reminiscence.

Before he left, Konoha had been completely destroyed by him, but now that everything has been reborn, he really felt a little emotional.

According to the feedback from the shadow clone, he knew that Konoha's rebirth was actually completed within half a year after he left. I am afraid that such a speed can only be completed by some infrastructure crazy countries and worlds with extraordinary power.

The ninja world is obviously a world of extraordinary power, so it's not surprising to show such speed.

Looking at the scorching sun that was born in the sky, Uchiha Kai stretched out comfortably, listening to the rustling voice behind him, the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more brilliant.

Last night, he brought Hyuga Aya into his memory space, in addition to wanting to show that he was not who he was - in fact, he also knew that Hinata Aya's Tenseigan could clearly judge this.

What he hopes more is to let this woman know one thing, that is, at this stage, he can be regarded as getting rid of the troubles that Otsutsuki caused him.

Although the problem of the wedge can not be regarded as a complete solution, after all, Otsutsuki's personal power is not a joke, and that complete lunatic is trying to devour the entire universe and make himself the only god!

The power and life he devoured is a bit exaggerated, and he has lived long enough, his spiritual consciousness is not so easy to be cleaned up at all.

It is also Uchiha Kai's luck, or the Kaguya Ji who attacked him and made him like this was really lucky, otherwise, I am afraid that Uchiha Kai still has the chance to meet him, which is a serious problem.

The world has been swallowed up by him, and it is impossible to develop to the era of Kai Uchiha. What chance is there to speak of?

Shaking his head slightly, Uchiha Qi was too lazy to think about these things, he only knew that the Otsutsuki-style consciousness that remained in his body was temporarily unable to make waves.

Even if his sealing technique is very unreliable, but in his own seal that matches the laws of nature, Otsutsuki's consciousness may not be so easy to get rid of.

What's more, he still has a lot of backup. He can completely enhance his ability in this area through continuous learning, and completely seal the consciousness of Otsutsuki's style in his own consciousness space, and never think about it!

"You're an asshole!" At this moment, Hyuga Aya's voice suddenly came from behind him: "Are you crazy last night?"

"Probably miss you so much..." Uchiha Qi spread his hands indifferently: "Probably, you agreed with my idea, so..."

In the space of consciousness last night, Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya used a rather special way to propose marriage... For the time being, it was considered a marriage proposal, and Hyuga Aya did not mean to refuse this time.

Maybe it's their unclear relationship that really makes her feel a little wrong, or maybe it's because her family is putting a little more pressure on her.

However, she did not completely agree to complete the marriage. She has always been a very independent person with her own way of thinking. She must have her own considerations in this matter.

In fact, the same is true. The reason she gave made Uchiha Kai have no idea of ​​​​refusing, because they have more important enemies that must be faced.

No matter who faces Otsutsuki and these guys as enemies, there will be a feeling of being unmatched.

Uchiha Kai and the others will not, but they will also feel very terrifying. Only when these enemies are really cleaned up can they be regarded as a real peace of mind.

Uchiha Kai knew this very well, so he agreed with Hyuga Aya's idea, but even if he agreed, the relationship between them had to be handled properly.

Then engagement is naturally the best choice for them.

After getting an affirmative answer, Uchiha Keke was not as simple as being excited. After the two of them came out of the consciousness space, Uchiha Keke had no intention of letting go of Hyuga Aya.

Before their relationship, in Uchiha Kai's consciousness, if it sounds good, it is called a relationship between a boyfriend and a friend, and if it sounds ugly, it is called a gun... Of course, he can't say such a thing, and it may not be understood by everyone. .

But the situation is different now. Although they haven't really gotten engaged, they can be regarded as justifiable.

So Aya Hyuga was really tossed by Uchiha last night. If it wasn't for her physical fitness, she wouldn't be able to get up now.

"Stop talking about these nonsense things." Hyuga Aya didn't believe him at all, she shook her head helplessly: "Really, you are really crazy, you haven't been back for too long, I don't know there is a meeting to be held today. ?"

"My shadow avatar has already given these things back to me." Uchiha Qi spread his hands, and he smiled casually: "Okay, our physical fitness is not that bad, you must know that my three years are not enough. Isn't it okay to eat or not?"

"Who compares with you." Hyuga Aya shook her head slightly: "Tonight, are you going to my house?"

"Yeah." Uchiha Kai nodded, he took Aya Hyuga's hand and said softly, "After so many years, we should have had a result long ago, but at that time we had a lot of problems that we had not dealt with, but now, I decided it should be qualitative."

The purpose of going to Hyuga Aya's house is self-evident. In fact, the Hyuga family has been waiting for his arrival, but he has never really paid a visit before, so as to have a good talk with Hyuga Hizu.

This time, it's different.


At this moment, a letter eagle neighed in the sky, and Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya couldn't help but look up at the same time.

When they saw that the letter eagle landed steadily on the Hokage Building, they knew that something was wrong...


When Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya came to the Hokage office, a large number of people had already gathered here.

Kakashi and Imai Kenta have already been sitting here, and Nara Shikahisa, Uchiha Fugaku, and Hyuga Hizu have also found their seats. Besides them, many Shangren have already arrived.

It can be clearly seen that this time things are more serious, which is why Konoha has such a reaction speed.

Uchiha Qi touched his chin, he was thinking about what would make Konoha so alert?

After thinking about it, he suddenly thought of the feedback from the shadow clone. Not long ago, Obito and the mysterious guy sent him a piece of information. He probably has an idea in his mind.

It's also interesting to say that there is a mysterious guy in Xiao's organization who keeps passing information to him. This kind of thing really makes him a little depressed, because he doesn't lack such information at all.

After Obito's long-term inquiries, they basically locked their eyes on Nagato, who had basically lost his rights and had an awkward position in Akatsuki's organization.

Nagato's current position in Akatsuki's organization is indeed very embarrassing. Before, he was the leader of Akatsuki's organization, a one-of-a-kind decision maker, and a very proud guy who claimed to be a god.

But now, after a series of failures, he was basically taken over by Obito and Uchiha Kai, and this guy's situation is very delicate.

He is still the leader on the surface, but the people who listen to him are pitiful. He can't command other people at all. Apart from the necessary respect, he only has the title of 'Xiao Organization Leader'.

Now, unless this guy wants to cooperate with the mission, he will basically not show up, and not many people know what he is doing.

Obito knew a little bit, after all, that guy Hei Jue had been staring at this guy, but even if he stared, he could only find out that this guy really seemed to have lost all his ambitions, and he didn't want to and didn't care about anything.

However, even if he didn't want to know about those messy things, the internal situation of Xiao's organization has never been hidden from him. After all, this guy is still some people, and he has some strength, and Obito will not do too much.

After thinking and researching all the way, it seems that this guy is really the biggest suspect.

But the problem is that neither Uchiha Kai nor Obito can understand, this guy was hit so badly by Uchiha Kai, and his most proud myth of the invincible reincarnation was punctured by Uchiha Kai. of.

It can be said that the person that this guy hates the most, apart from the dead Hanzo and Danzo, is only Uchiha Kai.

So, why is this guy going to give information to Uchiha?

Could it be that he intends to use the uncertainty of Uchiha Kai to attack Obito, so that he can gain power?

Or, he lost to a vest of Uchiha Kai, and that vest only recognized Uchiha Kai as the body, so he planned to use Uchiha Kai to defeat that vest?

No matter which one it was, Uchiha Kai and Obito couldn't figure it out, and they couldn't be sure that it was Nagato.

When Kei Uchiha and Aya Hyuga walked into the conference room together, quite a few jounin bowed slightly to the two of them until they sat down.

Namikaze Minato also nodded slightly to Uchiha Qi, and then he said directly: "Receiving the information, the Akatsuki organization has attacked Sandyin, and their manpower and defense minister Gaara, was given to the Akatsuki organization. One of the people who were caught and carried out the mission was Orochimaru."

"What?" The news immediately made the Jōnin people present exclaimed.

The name of Akatsuki's organization, Konoha's upper ninjas are basically clear, those guys are a group of extrajudicial fanatics, they have attacked many villages and caused a lot of trouble.

Konoha back then was one, Wuyin Village back then was one, and Yunyin who fought against Konoha back then was one of them!

Especially Konoha, who was attacked twice by these guys!

The first time, the nine tails were released and caused unimaginable damage. The second time, they linked the sand hidden village to attack Konoha, and caused the death of the three generations of Hokage!

Although these Xiao organizations are not the same group of mysterious guys who fought with Uchiha Kai later, the damage caused by Xiao organization to Konoha is also huge. No one in Konoha has any good feelings for them.

However, in the same way, they didn't have any good feelings for Sha Yin.

After all, the attack three years ago is still vivid in my mind. Even if they were finally defeated and paid a huge price, the new Kazekage's attitude towards Konoha was very close, and he even took the initiative to improve the relationship and strengthen the relationship. comminicate.

But hate is still hate, there is simply no way to be erased so quickly.

In essence, the place where these Konoha Junin people were surprised was not in Sandyin Village being attacked, or what Gaara was taken away.

What they were really surprised and astonished about was that this guy, Orochimaru, together with this group of guys from Xiao Organization, actually appeared again after three years!

As for the Sain attack?

Then suffer, it has nothing to do with them at all.

"Do you know about this?" At this moment, Imai Kenta suddenly leaned his head and approached Kai Uchiha: "That fellow Orochimaru, they should have told you about their attack on Sayin."

"Well, I know about it." Uchiha Qi nodded lightly, and at the same time his eyes turned to Minato Namifeng: "Not only me, but Captain Minato also knows about this, except that he doesn't know one Except for the specific date, other information is very clear."

"As expected, this is a signal." Imai Kenta nodded, but his expression changed slightly for a moment.

He stared at Kai Uchiha, then looked at Aya Hyuga, and finally he stretched his head over and took a closer sniff.

"Are you a dog?" Before Uchiha Kai could speak, Hyuga Aya said with a look of disgust: "What are you smelling, you guy."

"You..." Imai Kenta retracted his head, and then his eyes kept turning on the two of them, and finally stopped on Uchiha Kai's body: "You... come back?"

"Well, I'm back." Uchiha Qi nodded slightly, and his words immediately caught the attention of others around him.

Imai Kenta's movement was too loud, and when he asked this sentence, he did not lower his voice as before, which also caused all the people sitting around them to hear it.

Kakashi tilted his head, Uchiha Fugaku and Hyuga Hizu also showed stunned expressions, Nara Shikisa, Akido Dingza and Yamanaka Kaiichi also stopped.

As for the others, the Jōnin who don't know the situation very well are a little confused. Isn't Mr. Qi always in Konoha, what's coming back?

"When...when did you come back?" Imai Ken took a deep breath, he really didn't expect his guess to be true!

"Last night." Uchiha Qi sighed helplessly: "Originally, I planned to tell you after the meeting, but this guy actually has a pair of dog noses, so you can smell it?"

He did feel a little helpless. He really didn't expect that the information of his return had not been actively conveyed, and it was exposed in this way.

He had been with Aya Hyuga last night, and his body was naturally contaminated with this woman's scent.

This guy Kenta Imai is not from the Inuzuka clan, why did he smell it all?

Is the smell on your body too much?

Or this thing, it's a dog at all!


This time, the Jōnin meeting went smoothly, and it didn't take too long.

In fact, this meeting did not arrange too much actual content at all, but simply explained everything that Shayin Village suffered, as well as the reappearance of Xiao Organization and Orochimaru, and then the meeting was directly dismissed. .

Uchiha Kai came back, and Minato Namifeng naturally noticed this. After all, the movement they made was not small.

Therefore, he was not in the mood to continue presiding over the meeting, so he almost dismissed the meeting as quickly as possible, and left all the relevant personnel behind.

"Kai, you're back?" Minato Minato Naikaze only spoke after everyone left, but as soon as he spoke, he felt like he had said something nonsense.

"Well, I'm back." Uchiha Qi didn't care too much, he showed a slight smile: "Just last night, I finished everything that was supposed to be done, so I came back."

"That is to say..." Kakashi on the side suddenly spoke, his face was a little weird: "Now, you have absorbed all the experience of the last battle?"

"Well, that's right." Uchiha Qi nodded lightly: "In addition to absorbing those experiences and comprehending those things, I also have a good improvement, probably because I felt this, I took the initiative to go to the moon. "

The moon is not a secret to Minato Minato and the others. After all, Uchiha has not been there once or twice.

At first, they had some doubts about this guy running to the moon this time, but as of now, there is really no problem with his choice.

That chant that goes straight into the sky, that suffocating Chakra that can be felt even in the ninja world, if this guy is really in the ninja world, the ghost knows what the consequences will be.

Three years ago, the consequences of the battle between this 'God of Humanity' and a large Tsutsutsuki are still vivid in my mind. Such an existence is really unimaginable, and their existence is really unbelievable!


At this moment, a red chakra suddenly spread out from Minato Namikaze's body, followed by a fox's head.

This fox head looked lifelike. After he looked at Uchiha Kai carefully, his face became a little stunned, and at the same time, there was some reminiscence. Such a complex expression was finally combined into one question.

"Are you... an old man?"

"Old man?"

When Namikaze Minato heard this sentence, he turned his gaze to Uchiha Kai again, and the old man in Kuo's mouth was more or less clear.

After all, Kyuubi has survived for too long. As his relationship with Namifeng Minato gets better and better, he begins to tell it slowly, and Minato will also tell some information to those who are close to him. .

The people present were obviously people who were close to him, and they obviously knew the old man's name, that was the immortal of the Six Paths!

"I'm not Senior Yui." Uchiha Qi looked at the fox's head and couldn't help shaking his head: "However, Senior Yui gave me a lot of help."

"You have his breath on you, and it's very..." Jiuwei said with some doubts, but halfway through the words he suddenly stopped: "Senior Yuyi? You..."

"You idiot, don't you think he's dead?" Uchiha raised his eyebrows, and then he said with some disdain: "Even if you don't reach the limit of consumption, you won't die, let alone. What's more, what about an existence whose strength has reached that level?"

The state of extreme consumption is very interesting. This is a state he accidentally discovered when he used the world of Samsara Eye after he had also stepped into the six realms at the level of the realm.

To put it bluntly, this state is a move that completely perishes. The normal way to obtain chakra is to squeeze cells through its own exercise, or to absorb natural chakra.

And that limit state is completely fused with the chakra of the tailed beast and the human pillar, which is used as raw material to consume and manufacture new chakra. The power of this newly produced chakra is extremely terrifying, and the relative side effects at that time are also huge. .

Human chakra is different from that of tailed beasts. The two fusions are used for extreme pressing, whether it is for people or tailed beasts, it is a way of quickly consuming lifespan.

But if such Chakra attacks a person, even its characteristics will eat up the lifespan of the attacked!

This state, this mode, can basically be concluded that once it is used, it is dead, and there is not much room for manoeuvre.

"You..." Jiuwei's gaze became even more incredible: "How do you know this pattern?"

"Because of my eyes, UU reading can see through many things." Uchiha Qi shook his head calmly: "Don't talk about this problem, I think it is difficult to understand these things with your understanding ability."


Minato Namikaze touched his head embarrassedly, and after he whispered a few words to Kuo, Kuo's chakra-condensed head stared at Kai Uchiha again, and then some dissatisfaction disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Minato Namikaze was relieved, and he showed a slight smile: "Those things are indeed a little far away from us, I think we should talk about the current things first."

"Sand Hidden Village?" Uchiha Qi thought for a moment: "Ren Zhuli was caught and ran to Konoha to ask for help, and they really went back as they lived."

"Maybe..." Imai Kenta spread his hands and said indifferently, "They actually don't want to save this person Zhuli at all. There is something wrong with this attitude."


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