Chapter 775: The beginning of the wind

Indeed, the attitude shown by Sha Yin now has an intriguing feeling.

This kind of feeling seems to be saying that they don't care too much about the people in their own family. When this kind of thing finds Konoha here, it almost doesn't say that we don't want to save it at all!

The importance of renzhuli to a village is self-evident. They are equivalent to the existence of 'nuclear deterrence' in this world. Only a ninja village with renzhuli will be regarded as a 'large ninja village'!

In the negotiation three years ago, Sandyin Village paid a huge price to redeem Gaara back. It is really inexplicable to show such an attitude now.

However, if you think about it carefully, Uchiha Kai seems to be able to guess some of the situation in the sand hidden village.

The first point is that Konoha was too ruthless when he peeled off Shayin!

The original economic level of Shayin Village was very bad, and various internal and external factors led to Luo Sha's decision to bet on the "national luck" and launched an attack on Konoha.

And the consequences of the failure of this attack can be imagined. Shayin Village lost all its wealth almost overnight, which made them not hate Konoha and Luosha?

But compared to hating Konoha, they hated Luo Sha even more.

Konoha didn't show his aggressiveness anyway. All of this was because Luo Sha took the initiative to find trouble for Konoha. Even if he was tempted, there would be no change in the result.

As a result, when he turned his head, the entire Sha Yin had to pay for Luo Sha's actions. Not only that, Luo Sha died very simply, and they couldn't even take revenge.

After the negotiation with Konoha, Luo Sha's children once again gained the dominance of the village with the support of some high-ranking Sa Yin executives. In such a situation, how did they accept such a change?

And Temari's coming to power has made many of Shayin's policies move towards Konoha, especially some big families entrenched in Shayin's core, which has been greatly affected.

New hatred and old hatred add up, and they will inevitably make some irrational decisions, such as their attitude towards Gaara after the accident.

Sometimes Uchiha Keito wonders, is it because Temari is learning Konoha's reforms too fast, which leads to such bad results?

Look at that guy Manyue, his reform of Wuyin has always been gradual, and he will not cause a lot of opposition in the village because of his own progress. At the same time, he will try to take into account the interests of all parties, at least not Let the voice of opposition dominate.

And Man Yue has spent at least eight years since he started his own reforms.

The woman of Temari is right, but her methods are obviously not very good. In three years, the village has become like this.

If we continue, Keito Uchiha is worried that he will create a ninja world version of "nationalism" in the hands of this woman.

Now they don't even plan to save Ren Zhuli - it should be said that there are not enough resources to save, so Temari is forced to use a very interesting attitude to send such information to Konoha, can it be understood as Are some signs coming out?

"If that's the case, then it will be interesting." Uchiha Qi touched his chin and whispered softly.

"Huh? What did you say?" Imai Ken turned his head too curiously and asked strangely.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it." Uchiha Kai shrugged, then turned his eyes to Minato Namikaze: "Captain Minato, what are your thoughts?"

"I think this incident is a bit weird, but I also think it's in line with the current situation of Sandyin." Minato Namifeng touched his chin: "I think you should remember that there is a statement in the information we read before, Sandyin is very disunited right now..."

When Namikaze Minato said this, everyone present basically understood what he meant.

Everyone is smart, and not only he but also Uchiha Qi has read the information. Most of the people present will see some relevant information. Now they can't know what is going on inside Sandyin.

Therefore, as soon as Naikaze Minato opened his mouth, the meaning was already very obvious. Isn't the interior of you Shayin disunity, and the part represented by Kazekage is very close to Konoha.

That being the case, isn't it a good thing to develop this part well and let them get closer to Konoha?

The current situation of Wuyin Village has shown that it was very effective to support a ghost lantern full moon at that time. Wuyin Village is now basically regarded as an unpublished one of Konoha, but it can be regarded as a natural alliance.

In the current environment of the Shinobi world, there are five villages close to Konoha, which can be regarded as four. Sandyin has always had Konoha's ideas, but due to the lack of opportunities and the village's opinion on it It's a bad idea, so it's been on hold.

So now, this is also a good opportunity in front of them, and they really don't plan to miss such an opportunity.

"It seems that there is nothing to continue discussing." Uchiha Qi glanced left and right, then smiled slightly: "Then, I think it is possible to prepare manpower and send a team to support."

"Indeed, it's too late and I don't know what it will be like." Minato Namikaze nodded: "Do you have any considerations? It would be better to send someone to deal with this matter."

Although I agree to participate in this matter, the dispatched personnel must also be cautious.

Not only can the village not be too conspicuous because of the dispatched personnel, but it is best not to make Sa Yin feel that he has been perfunctory, such a balance is indeed a bit of a headache.

In the original work, Tsunade's handling can be regarded as a model.

He dispatched Kakashi Squad's seventh squad to the rescue, and arranged for Kai Squad to be responsible for coordinating and supporting.

The seventh class is relatively famous in Konoha. After all, the captain is Kakashi, and there is also a person Zhuli among the team members - the villagers don't know this, let alone what the person Zhuli represents.

They only know that the people they send out are basically lower and chunin, and there are only a few upper ninjas, not grand but definitely not perfunctory.

But the villagers didn't know, it didn't mean that Shayin didn't know, they sent their own people to rescue, the specifications can be said to be extremely high!

In addition, Kakashi's name is not small in Shayin Village, and it can be seen that Konoha attaches great importance to this mission.

It can be said that Tsunade easily solved the balance required for this task.

But now the situation is so troublesome, Naruto is not an orphan whose parents can't tell, and the existence of the seventh class is not so secretive in the original work.

This guy, Kakashi, has a higher status than in the original book. He is now the minister of Anbu, and he has never left Anbu.

If the seventh shift is dispatched, wouldn't it be too grand?

Of course, this kind of thing is what Uchiha Qi is thinking about. I am afraid that others have never thought about choosing a rescue team among the young people of the new generation. They are more inclined to other Shangnin teams to complete the support.

Sure enough, after Namikaze Minato's voice fell, the people who stayed here began to recommend various teams, and the teams they chose were basically teams with sufficient mission experience and relatively recognized strength.

The most important point, these teams are not particularly interesting, they can only be regarded as a member of Konoha Yunyun, one of the ordinary and powerful teams.

It's just that these teams have a common problem, that is, although they are strong enough, in Kai Uchiha's view, they are obviously not so suitable.

After all, their attitude towards Shayin is very general. Even if the team candidates provided by Nara Shikahisa and others will not have hatred for Shayin, but Uchiha Kei feels that it would be better to send some people who are closer to them.

From the perspective of the future, even if Kazuki is not Gaara, Gaara is Temari's younger brother, and it is difficult to say whether Gaara will still find a chance to sit in this position in the future.

If you want to invest, you must handle it better, at least Uchiha Kai is still very optimistic about Gaara.

"I think, let Kakashi's seventh class go." Just as everyone was arguing, Uchiha Kai suddenly spoke.

"Huh?" Uchiha Kai's words made everyone stunned for a while, while Uchiha Fuyue frowned, and then asked curiously, "Go to the seventh class, is there something..."

"Sha Yin's current situation is very bad. Even if the current wind shadow is very close to us, no one knows what the future will be like, but we should not give up the current situation."

Uchiha Qi said calmly, he raised his hand and gestured towards Uchiha Fuyue before continuing to speak.

"Although I admit that the standard of the seventh class is a bit high, Kakashi, Naruto, Sasuke and Hinata. But if you actually consider their ninja level, it is still within the acceptable range.

In addition, Naruto is the son of Captain Minato, and is the Kyuubi's Hiroshima.

Gaara is the son of the four generations of Kazekage, one-tailed person and Zhuli. They are also very matched in terms of identity, and I have heard that three years ago, they seemed to have some interesting interactions.

All in all, letting them go is the best option in my opinion. "

When Kai Uchiha finished speaking, everyone present frowned.

What Uchiha Kei said was indeed correct, but strictly speaking, sending the seventh shift was an overreaction. The list of personnel in the seventh shift was the most worthy of Konoha's attention.

Uchiha Fuyue and Hyuga Hizu both frowned, but they didn't speak, obviously they were seriously thinking about the feasibility of this plan.

Of course, they were also waiting for Minato Minato to speak. After all, it wasn't just the children of the two of them, but also the son of Hokage.

"It is indeed a better choice to let them go." After a long time, Minato Namifeng said: "I think, Kai, you plan to let them and Orochimaru and these guys have some collisions, right?"

"That's right." Uchiha Qi nodded: "In the information that my shadow clone gave me, Iwagakura and Yunyin had already agreed to our proposal, and Orochimaru and the others have made such a move now, this is a There is nothing wrong with letting young people feel and touch the signal in advance.”

In fact, the Akatsuki organization has all the ghosts, and it is basically a replica of the winery. The entire ninja world only knows that there are not many people at all.

In the eyes of others, the Akatsuki organization is a group of extremely evil guys, especially after some of the things that Uchiha Qi did that made the Akatsuki organization take the blame, plus some propaganda from various ninja villages, almost the entire ninja world has reached a consensus. .

That is to fight against the Xiao organization, and it is something that will inevitably happen in the future. As for when it will be, no one knows, but this is definitely a given fact!

It is necessary for the younger generation to get involved and gain more experience.

As for safety?

There is no need to worry about this, Orochimaru is a Konoha person, and there will be no problem with him taking care of him.

As for the guy Scorpion, although it may be a little troublesome, after all, this guy is really not their own person, but this is not too much trouble, as long as Orochimaru and Kakashi who leads the team watch carefully, then it must not be What could go wrong.

Orochimaru and Kakashi, if they can't protect Naruto, Sasuke and Hinata in the hands of a puppet guy, then their family is really sorry for their reputation!

"If you think about it from this perspective, it seems to be okay." Nara Shikaku nodded lightly: "There will never be any problem with the leader of Kakashi, but the seventh class seems to be a little less crowded. ?"

"You can add a reconnaissance squad to assist in the mission." Imai Kenta said indifferently to the group: "I remember that there is a squad with Inuzuka, Yuru, and a whirlpool. There is absolutely no problem with letting them cooperate with the mission."

"You can also strengthen a support class." Hyuga Hizu thought for a moment and then said quickly: "Ningji's class is fine, their physical skills are very strong, and there is no doubt about Akai's ability, so they will be a team. Good choice."

With Uchiha Kai taking the lead, these people have already figured out that this is definitely a good opportunity to improve the vision and strength of Konoha's young people, so they don't have any good ideas to refuse.

In addition to this group of young people, none of them have reached the upper end. Although none of them are lower, the chunin can be regarded as a relatively tolerable limit. Even if the villagers will feel that the reaction of Konoha this time is a little big, it is not without. possibility of acceptance.

"Okay, I understand." Minato Namikaze nodded: "Then let the seventh class dispatch this time, Kakashi has worked hard for you."

"I understand, Hokage-sama." Kakashi nodded with a pair of dead fish eyes. He really didn't expect this task to fall on him in the end.

"Besides that, notify the eighth class and let them wait for the seventh class to follow the action." Minato Namikaze continued: "Besides, let Anbu cooperate, just Junmarou and Itachi. Let's help together.

This time, it's up to everyone. "

"Yes, Hokage-sama!"


Early the next morning, Kakashi reluctantly stepped out of Konoha's gate with the eager seventh squad.

He really doesn't have much interest in running to save Gaara and other missions, but even if he is not interested, he will never refuse this mission. Anyway, he is a qualified ninja, and as a senior Konoha, he is also Know the value of Gaara.

So even if he wasn't so happy to run out of Konoha, he's out now, but he's not in a good mood. After all, they drank together until midnight last night.

Uchiha's return to Konoha is definitely something that makes all Konoha executives who know where he has been in the past three years, happy.

Therefore, they almost made a decision collectively. When everyone got together in the evening, everyone could also understand how Uchiha Kai spent the past three years on the moon.

But what they never expected was that they got an even more shocking information.

As soon as the meeting ended, Uchiha Kai found Hyuga Hizu, and made it very clear that he wanted to visit the Hyuga family and discuss the engagement with Hyuga Aya.

The affair between Kei Uchiha and Aya Hyuga really dragged on for too long, and even Namikaze Minato would be a little surprised after he brought it up.

However, after clarifying Uchiha's thoughts, they were even more happy. As for whether they were happy for Hyuga Aya or Uchiha, it is unknown.

It was not difficult for Uchiha Kai to visit the Hyuga family this time. Neither Hyuga Hizu nor Hyuga Aya's mother meant to embarrass them. It only took less than half an hour to basically determine a lot of things.

Their engagement ceremony was held on a certain day in October this year. According to them, that day was very auspicious and suitable for this kind of event.

It's just that what everyone doesn't know is that when Kai Uchiha heard about the date, he felt that the engagement could not be held. If there are not too many accidents, maybe the wedding can be held directly!

Of course, this is just what he thought about it. After all, the problem of Otsutsuki's style has not been completely solved. What will happen after the ghost knows.

After confirming these things, Uchiha Kai and his group naturally went to the best tavern in Konoha to get together - he and the Hinata clan, almost everyone followed.

Their party this time really shocked the owner of the tavern and everyone in the tavern that night. Almost all the core characters of Konoha appeared here, and anyone else would be scared.

However, Konoha's high-level reputation has always been very good, even if these ninjas and civilians were frightened by them, there was not much response, but Uchiha Kai and the others made trouble until the daytime.

Others are okay, like Uchiha Kai, their physical fitness is too good, even if they drink too much for a night without resting, there is no problem.

On the other hand, Namikaze Minato and the others don't need to do tasks, and they can continue to cope with the work they need the next day by simply taking a break.

Uchiha Fuyue and Hyuga Hizu are more relaxed. As the patriarch, they may need to deal with family affairs, but it is not a big deal for them to take a day off.

But for Kakashi, it was a bit of a headache. He drank too much and didn't have much time to rest. He had to lead the team to Sandyin Village the next day, which made him a little regretful. Why did he play so late.

"Kakashi-sensei, move faster!" Just when Kakashi was secretly remorseful, Naruto's eager voice came again: "At such a slow pace, I love him...he... …”

"Okay, Kakashi-sensei is also very tired, don't be so anxious." Sasuke raised his brows and said, "And our speed is not slow now, it's useless for you to be anxious."

This kid Sasuke is now living a happy life, and his family is there. Naturally, it is impossible for him to go to Orochimaru to seek some power.

And even if he gave Orochimaru courage, he couldn't really tempt Sasuke, so Sasuke stayed in Konoha, and the person who taught him became Kakashi, his brother and his father. .

His current strength is definitely many times better than in the original work. Although Orochimaru can teach him a lot, Orochimaru has never been a member of the Uchiha family.

Even though he now has a very deep understanding of the Uchiha family, he does not have much training materials.

The people who know the Uchiha clan the most are the members of this clan and their former enemies, the Senju clan. Others really don't know much about it.

And after Sasuke got the best resources of the family and the family's training for him, his abilities in all aspects also improved by leaps and bounds.

Especially three years ago, he burst out the powerful Indra Chakra. Even if he was intercepted by Uchiha Qi for a while, he recovered a lot in three years, and he has unknowingly merged a lot. .

His personal strength, apart from the fact that he has not yet opened the kaleidoscope, can already be regarded as an elite ninja of the Uchiha clan. Even if he fights with the family's upper ninja, he will not be defeated, and he will even perform better!

It is conceivable that as long as he turns on the kaleidoscope, he can be said to be soaring into the sky!

Naruto's situation is similar. With a good education, he has surpassed many people in the same period.

In addition to the relationship between Namikaze Minato and Nine-Tails, his relationship with Nine-Tails is not bad, it can even be said to be very good. After three years of training, he has been able to use Nine-Tails' power relatively easily.

In addition, he has not pulled down the development of Spiral Pill, and he has also completed the study of the immortal mode. At this moment, he is already in a state where he has not yet obtained the plug-in in the original work!

However, it is not without regrets. Naruto seems to be somewhat insensitive to the Flying Thunder God technique. He has not yet learned this technique, and Namikaze Minato has basically given up the idea of ​​letting him learn Flying Thunder God.

"Yeah, Naruto." Hinata who was walking at the end also said: "Don't worry, our speed is not too slow, and it's not good to be too fast, if we rush there, but not enough The physical strength and experience to deal with the battle, so what else can I rescue?"

"This..." Hinata's words made Naruto pause, and then he could only helplessly nodded: "I understand."

Naruto is not stupid, he also understands the truth, if they are really anxious to rush over, and don't care about their state at all, then they will be useless even if they arrive.

Sighing slightly, Naruto didn't dare to say anything more.

When Hinata saw this scene, she nodded slightly to Kakashi. Of course, she knew where Kakashi went last night. After all, her father was also not at home.

In fact, not only he knows, but Naruto and Sasuke also know it, but Naruto is too anxious.

Hinata shook her head, she couldn't understand why Naruto had such a big obsession and affection for that guy Gaara, and they had only fought three years ago.

But this kind of magical Hinata didn't bother to care, she was looking forward to fighting with the people organized by Akatsuki.

In three years, Hyuga Aya's teaching to her and Hyuga Neji has never been relaxed, and their strength has also made great progress, especially Hinata's progress is very exaggerated.

Maybe it's because Hinata's white eyes are really very powerful, maybe it's because everyone is a woman, so Hyuga Aya has a little preference for her.

After Hinata's white eyes and chakra reached a certain standard, Hyuga Aya also began to teach her some more terrifying abilities, that is, Shenkong Strike!

Hyuga Aya gave her some relatively simple moves to hit the sky, but it was not so easy to learn even in Simple Hinata, and she has only learned one or two moves until now.

But even if you only learn a little bit of such a move, it is absolutely immeasurable!


It took several days for the seventh class to finally arrive at Shayin Village.

Although when they entered Sandyin Village, they clearly felt that some people in the village were kind to them, and some people were full of malice towards them, but Kakashi and the others didn't care about these things now.

Naruto didn't pay attention at all, Sasuke and Hinata didn't care at all, and Kakashi ignored those guys at all.

What about being malicious to Kakashi?

Could it be that they dared to attack themselves?

Obviously, Kakashi feels that even if they are crazy, they will not be crazy to this extent. This approach is not to save Sha Yin, but to completely advance the abyss in Sha Yin!

The most important thing is that even if they attacked themselves, they would not be able to kill themselves, and Kakashi placed a lot of marks on the Thunder God along the way.

The people who followed the people who received them in Sandyin Village all the way to the medical jumping building, where Maki, Temari and the rest of the jounin were all there, and Kankuro was also receiving treatment there.

Kankuro was discovered by the later Shayin tracking ninja. When he was found, he was collapsed in the desert, seriously injured, and all three puppets were smashed to the ground.

"It seems that your situation is not very good." Kakashi looked at Kankuro's state, and the indifferent or eager crowd along the way, he spread his hands indifferently and said: "Your pursuit troops. Isn't it just him?"

"This is not the time to discuss this."

Temari shook her head helplessly, she also knew that the current situation in Sandyin Village was not so optimistic.

She looked at Kankuro lying on the hospital bed, and the person who became Kayage became capable, and at the same time maintained his heroic appearance, a little helplessness appeared on his face.

"Kankuro is very poisonous, it is very difficult, it is a poison that has never been seen before, and even Lord Chiyo is helpless. Konoha's confrontation with Xiao's organization is the longest in the ninja world. I don't know if you have any questions about it What do you think?"

Neither humble nor arrogant, this is the attitude shown by Temari, Kakashi can't help but nodded secretly, this girl who is a year older than Naruto and the others can still perform well.

But the performance is good, some problems he will not abandon the principle, the information can be disclosed, but it can only be disclosed in a limited way, such as the situation of this mission.

"I know some, but it's not too much." Kakashi said calmly with his arms around his chest, "Speaking of which, the guy we may face this time has something to do with your Sandyin Village."

"But for now, we only know that the relationship with Konoha is a little deeper, right?" Maki couldn't help but speak when he heard this sentence, but he noticed Temari's gaze when he was halfway through.

This made him choose to shut up immediately, Kazekage is Temari, and he will not have any good results if he talks too much at this time.

Maki is a very thorough ninja who finally won. His ninja quality does not allow him to do things that go against the shadow. Even if he is really not happy with Kakashi's attitude, he will not continue to speak.

Seeing this, Kakashi shrugged casually, but just when he was about to say something, two old men walked in.

These two old men, a man and a woman, seem to be a little too old, but their pace is still steady, and they don't look like they are going to be buried at any time.

Kakashi recognized the specific identities of the two old men almost immediately. One of these two old guys is Chiyo and the other is her younger brother.

Chiyo has a very high status in Sandyin Village, and is also known as a legendary puppet master!

During the Ninja World War, he led Shayin Village to overcome difficulties several times, and his prestige at that time even approached Kazekage.

Even though she has retired for many years now, she still has a huge influence in Shayin Village, and many high-level executives are from her sect or have received her favor.


Chiyo looked at Kakashi's appearance, and was stunned for a moment, then she was furious, and she instantly shot without showing any old-fashioned attitude!

"Damn Konoha Baiya, you dare to appear in Shayin Village, wake up!"

Kakashi's face is inexplicable But his reaction speed is unbelievable. At the moment when Chiyo shot, his ninja sword has been unsheathed. Sentenced to Chiyo's attack angle.

In the past three years, his progress has not been weak. Even if he can't compare with Naruto and Sasuke, he can't be taught by someone like Hinata who has the power of the Six Paths.

But his own talent is not bad, plus the more mature space ninjutsu combined with the immortal art that has been polished for three years, his current state is absolutely terrible!

"I said, shouldn't the old man do anything at will?"

Everyone only saw an afterimage, but then the blue chakra flashing with the arc flashed in the whole room, his figure appeared behind Chiyo, and his ninja sword was on Chiyo's neck. superior!

Just for a moment, Chiyo didn't have any room to shoot at all...


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