Chapter 776: rescue

"Haha, I was just joking just now, don't care, don't care!"

Chiyo looked a little embarrassed and laughed at Kakashi and the others. It seemed that he was really old and made some confusion.

Kakashi, on the other hand, looked like a dead fish, and he didn't know how to evaluate the old woman in front of him.

She actually recognized herself as her father, the ghost knows if she did it on purpose.

But whether it was intentional or not, Kakashi didn't bother to care about these things.

He was White Fang's son after all, and he naturally knew how deep the grudge between his father and the old woman Chiyo was.

During the war, Chiyo's son and daughter-in-law all died at the hands of his father, which is an irrefutable fact.

However, Kakashi will not apologize to Chiyo for this kind of thing. He stands firm on the issue of his position. Why did Chiyo's son and daughter-in-law die, not because of the war that year?

And who was the one who started the war?

It's Sand Hidden himself!

Although the third generation of Hokage Sarutobi Hidden has a lot of problems, he has never taken the initiative to provoke a war, which can be regarded as inheriting the consistent style of Konoha's previous two generations of Hokage.

Even if he didn't consider the issue of the war, he just considered the issue of the village they were in, and Kakashi didn't think there was anything wrong with his father.

War is inherently ruthless, and it is normal for people to die.

How many people died in Konoha that year?

Aren't they the children of someone's family, their parents?

You Sandyin are not going to apologize, why did Konoha apologize to you, not to mention, you are still defeated!

Chiyo saw that Kakashi had no intention of continuing to entangle herself with this matter at all, and she also resolutely shut up and did not talk about it.

However, she was a little bit emotional. Time flies so fast, and in the blink of an eye, the guy with white hair who killed Sha Yin to his back has completely turned into a pile of dead bones.

And his children have completely grown up and have unimaginable strength.

Looking at myself, I have grown old now, and I have long lost the courage of the past.


Just when Chiyo had some immersed and excessive memories, Kankuro, who was lying on the hospital bed, suddenly let out a wailing, as if he was suffering great pain.

Naruto was a little anxious when he saw this scene, but he had nothing to do. To be precise, it was the entire team of them who came to Shayin Village from Konoha, and there was no way to face such a situation.

After all, none of their team is good at medical ninjutsu, even if they know some, at most it is some simple ability that can save themselves.

Kankuro's current situation can be understood at a glance, it is definitely not something they can handle.

Rather than being brave and embarrassing, it's better to watch it honestly.

"Then let me take a look."

Chiyo came back to his senses, and then walked directly to Kankuro to start the inspection, but she asked while checking.

"I heard that Konoha and Xiao organized the most confrontation in the entire ninja world, and this time the attackers included the guy Orochimaru. Do you have any information about them?"

"There is indeed some information, and this time we do intend to take it out." Kakashi nodded calmly: "After all, we help each other, you are also our allies, we Konoha will not do anything to stab our own allies. ."

When all the Sand Ninjas present heard this sentence, their faces suddenly became a little ugly.

Kakashi's words were basically referring to Sang and scolding Huai, but they couldn't change their mouths after being scolded. After all, the events from three years ago were still vivid in their minds, and they had no room for refutation.


Chiyo raised her brows when she heard this, then she shrugged indifferently, and at the same time her chakra entered Kankuro's body.

"Perhaps, but I heard that there are quite a few people from your Konoha in the Akatsuki organization, or you Konoha-born people. For example, that Uchiha, like that Orochimaru, the elite ninjas that your Konoha cultivated. It was really eye-opening.”


Kakashi's exposed eyes turned into a crescent at this moment, and his voice became a little weird, as if he was laughing.

"Speaking of rebellion, in fact, among the people who attacked you this time, there is really a person who has a great connection with your Shayin Village, and it can even be said that he has a great connection with you."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Maki on the side couldn't take it anymore, and he scolded directly: "Mr. Kakashi, pay attention to what you say, even if you are from Konoha, even if you are from Konoha Anbu... ..”

Speaking of this, Markey suddenly paused, and his words were interrupted here.

Kakashi, on the other hand, continued to maintain his previous appearance, and asked amusingly, "What am I from Anbu? Why don't you continue talking, Maki Junin."

"Minister Hatake, let's stop." Chiyo's expression changed a little, and her voice seemed a little cold.

Kakashi is the minister of Konoha Anbu. The information he has is absolutely unimaginable, and they cooperate with him to chase down these enemies. Chiyo really doesn't think Kakashi will be in such a thing, at this point in time. Make jokes like this with them!

That is to say, I am afraid that the enemy they are going to chase this time, I am afraid that it really has a great connection with Shayin Village.

Chiyo continued to examine Kankuro's body in silence, and the more she checked, the more she found something that made her look ugly. Kankuro was poisoned, and these poisons were a very subtle nerve agent!

There are not many ninjas who are best at poison in the whole ninja world, and Chiyo is the best among them, and besides her...

"Can you tell me what information Konoha is willing to share, Chief Kakaxi." Chiyo pondered for a long time, and she finally asked with a sigh: "For example, this time, I think you should have more and more valuable information?"

"Actually, it does, and I think you also noticed something?" Kakashi's crescent moon disappeared, and his exposed eyes looked a little playful. He casually spread his hands and asked.

"Well, there is some perception." Chiyo took a deep breath, turned her head to look at the medical ninja beside her, and said in a heavy voice: "It's a nerve-destroying toxin, a kind of toxin that penetrates deep into muscle tissue and destroys cells. Type, this is also.... the type I used to use."

"Ah...this!" The medical ninja of Sandyin Village never expected to come to such a conclusion.

"Come to your minister, just say it was me, let them quickly analyze such toxins, this is my previous research report, go." Chiyo didn't talk nonsense, she handed a scroll to the medical ninja. , turned to look at Kakashi.

Those eyes were a little hopeful, but also a little unbelievable, and it took a long time for her to ask solemnly.

"is it him?"

"If you are talking about your grandson, Scorpion, then I can tell you with certainty...

That's right, it's him. "


Scorpion can be said to be the legendary ninja of Shayin Village. He also has a very Shayin characteristic, and has a special and proud title of Shayin - the scorpion of red sand.

But no matter what, this guy disappeared more than ten years ago, and no one knows whether he died or left the village.

Even Chiyo doesn't know what happened to her grandson, was assassinated for some special reason?

Or, did she really go to a thing she didn't want to face the most, and chose to be sentenced to the village?

There is no answer to this question, at least in the more than ten years of waiting, there has been no clear answer, and only now did she get an answer, a person who made her as determined as a rock, couldn't help clenching her fists. .

This guy, Scorpion, finally chose to betray!

Chiyo, who got this result, naturally couldn't sit still. In addition to the current situation in Sandyin Village, those special emotions appeared, so that everyone's desire to rescue Gaara was not strong.

As well as Konoha's ruthless 'blood-sucking' against Shayin three years ago, the number of ninjas in Shayin Village has dropped sharply, and they simply don't have enough manpower to send them out.

So Chiyo made her own choice, and she has to go out in person!

This result made Temari, Maki and others stunned, knowing that Chiyo is not too young now, let's not talk about her strength, just her position in Sandyin makes them dare not take risks.

However, Chiyo has made up his mind, and it is not something that others can easily shake.

She also has a reason why she must participate in this task, that is, the existence of scorpions!

Whether it's to clear the portal or to find out what happened, she must participate in this task. If she doesn't understand why Scorpion made such a choice, I'm afraid she won't be able to die.

"Since you want to participate in this mission, then you must obey our arrangements." Before leaving, Kakashi said very solemnly: "I don't want any trouble, for us Konoha, no matter what it is This kind of task, we will take it seriously.”

"Okay, you don't need to worry about this." Chiyo seems to have recovered a lot, and she can even talk and laugh now: "I am also a ninja, you were not born when I was on the mission. Well. I'm old, now, naturally, I won't cause trouble to young people, so I don't need to worry about my problems."

"That's good, then let's go." Kakashi nodded, then his hands were sealed, and soon a dog appeared in front of them: "Parker, I have to ask you again this time."

"Please, I'm fine." After Parker came out, he looked around vigilantly, and finally he was relieved when he found that there was no one there: "As long as that guy is not there, okay, don't talk nonsense, this time you look for What's the matter with me?"


The country of rivers, somewhere in a hidden cave.

On the golem like a demon, there are nine figures standing, two of them are real, and the rest are phantoms.

It was their first time to seal the tailed beast, but they didn't have any discomfort with it.

The group of people who belonged to Kai Uchiha knew what their mission was, so they wouldn't have any mercy at all.

Then, from Konoha's standpoint, I don't feel good about the guys like Sandyin at all, so I don't feel any softness at all.

The only one who hesitated was Nagato. As the leader of Akatsuki, he shouldn't have thought like this at all, but now he has completely changed, and he knows that what he hopes is really not what he wants. everything!

In the past three years, it is not that he has not reflected on all this. In the past three years, he has summed up everything he has done after Yahiko's death, and whether he really went according to his wishes.

As a result, he was shocked to find that the purpose he originally expected was actually not his original idea at all!

Collecting tailed beasts, the guy who called himself Madara Uchiha told him, and he also told himself how to choose the path.

As for himself, he seems to be his puppet, taking the purpose of others as his own, and has been constantly striving and moving forward, which has finally resulted in the current situation.

What's even more sad is that he can't stop now. He can only continue to walk according to other people's established goals, and he can't even turn back. Once he turns back, I am afraid that both Xiaolan and himself will die. !

Even his Samsara Eye will be someone else's trophy.

Naturally, Nagato could not accept such a result. Now he is more and more convinced that he is a 'abandoned person by God', and Uchiha Kei is a person chosen by God to fight against the evil in this world and bring peace to the world. back.

He continued to use his own methods, hoping to let Uchiha Qi know the current progress of their organization, so that Uchiha Qi could prepare all the back-ends to deal with this organization.

But what makes Nagato depressed is that everything he does seems to be of no use at all, at least until now, he has not seen any action from Uchiha Kai, and this result really makes him extremely depressed.

And this time he also sent information. Although he didn't mark the time, he felt that facing the problem of tailed beasts, even if Kei Uchiha himself hated Sandyin-after all, he attacked Konoha, but you should have some reaction, right?

However, so far, he still feels a little disappointed, because no chasing troops have chased it here.

You must know that among the people who attacked Sandyin this time, there is this guy, Orochimaru. It was this guy who killed your three generations of Hokage three years ago. Are you really planning to do something?

The illusory figure glanced at everyone present, Nagato sighed slightly, and now he can only wait silently, or think of a way...


"I didn't expect that you gave me such a big surprise after I left for three years."

In the forest behind the newly built Uchiha clan, in the basement that belonged to Uchiha Kai, he looked at the report in his hand with surprise.

After visiting the Hyuga clan and explaining some matters, although Uchiha Kei played all night, he returned home the next day after Kakashi and the others left, and told Keisuke and Ryoko these things.

These two people are not clear about Uchiha's departure from Konoha, or even from the Ninja World. After all, neither of them has written a round eye, and Uchiha's shadow clone may not be able to see even if it is a round eye. come out.

In the past three years, because of the relationship between the shadow clones, he basically did not take Hyuga Aya to that small hotel.

This hotel was originally the property of their Uchiha family. After being destroyed, it would naturally need to be rebuilt, and this guy Uchiha Fugaku seemed to know some of Kai's temperament, so he simply decorated the hotel to be extravagant.

The purpose is to use this guy with a special hobby in Fuyue's view.

In the same way, some thoughts in his heart have not been completely extinguished. He also deliberately let some good-looking women in the clan work in it, and his purpose is self-evident.

For the sake of the family, this guy is shameless enough.

It is a pity that the hotel has not been rebuilt, and Uchiha Kai has already left the ninja world.

When the real reconstruction is completed, it is naturally impossible for the shadow clone left in the ninja world to take Hyuga Aya to that place.

This situation once made Keisuke and Ryoko worry about whether there was something wrong with the relationship between Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya.

No wonder they were worried, after all, the way these two guys get along is so special, they have already reached the last step, but they don't even mention marriage.

Don't say married, there is no news of engagement.

In such a situation, not only Keisuke and Ryoko are anxious, but Aya Hyuga's mother is even more anxious, but it is a pity that the identity, strength and status of these two guys are really not something that others can control at will.

Just imagine, a relationship that was not considered stable at first was suddenly cut off from "emotional entanglements" for three years. Who can rest assured.

But what they didn't expect when they were playing, and didn't know what happened, suddenly this guy Uchiha Kai didn't go home for two nights in a row.

You must know this situation, which is almost impossible in three years, that guy will go to get off work on time almost every day, and go home on time to rest on time.

This sudden situation made them all a little stunned, knowing that it was confirmed from the hotel later that he did not know how to take Aya Hyuga to stay there for the night, until they were discovered the next day, they felt Things seem to be changing.

In fact, that's exactly what happened. Uchiha Kai, who didn't return the next day, came back with an incredible piece of news that he had brought Uchiha Fuyue to visit the Hinata clan, and will be on the 10th of this year. Month and Aya Hyuga get engaged.

This news really surprised Ryoko and Keisuke. After so many years, even Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya seem to have never changed, and they still look like they are in their early twenties.

Even if Kai Uchiha's strength has long been beyond imagination, they really saw their children in the battle three years ago, and now they have reached a certain point.

But a child is still a child, and nothing will change that.

His son finally confirmed a major event in his life, how could they be unhappy?

Of course, they weren't completely happy, because they got the news almost last night, which made them complain a lot about this guy.

Uchiha Qi was also a little embarrassed, so he honestly stayed at home for a day, and after listening to the nagging for a day, he had the opportunity to follow Iori to the underground laboratory the next day.

Before he came, Iori told him that he had prepared a gift for him, which made Kei Uchiha feel a little interesting, and he was also thinking about what kind of gift it would be, making Iori so mysterious of.

However, when he really saw the so-called 'gift', it was not as simple as a surprise.

Because what Iori prepared for him was a research report on the bloodline of the Yuyi family, and the results and methods obtained in this report were a combination of five attributes of chakra!

What is Kai Uchiha missing now?

His strength has reached a very terrifying level, but he is not without weaknesses. His weakness is that his chakras have not been completely integrated at all. In short, he has no blood snares at all!

Although his 'Six Chakra Mode' allows him to exert a power that is not weaker than the blood snares, Uchiha has always been an ambitious person.

He hopes that even if he does not rely on the essential power of the Otsutsuki, he can show that power with his own power, instead of the power gap that seems to be far away like now.

He has been thinking about what to do when he comes back, and how far Iori's research has come.

It was only now that he was completely relieved. The gift that Iori prepared for him really made him very happy, because it would relieve him a lot of pressure, and it would also save him a lot of time.

"How is it, brother?" Iori asked with a smile, "Is this gift satisfactory to you?"

"Of course I'm satisfied, or the only thing I'm missing now is this..." Uchiha Kai said with a smile, but he stopped when he said it normally.

It seems that this is too full of words, because after the fusion of the five chakras, it is necessary to fuse the yin and yang escape.

Only when the Chakras of these attributes are completely integrated can he be considered to have completely condensed the blood and follow the net. Even if he has solved the Chakra fusion of the five attributes now, there is still the problem of yin and yang escape that needs to be solved.

He didn't know whether the operation he had thought of before could really be effective.

After all, he regards the chakra that completely integrates the five attributes and the yin and yang escape as two kinds of power, and then uses the characteristics extracted from the blood of the Yuyi family to perform a fusion, which will always make him feel that the success rate is extremely low. .

But if he really got to that point, he wouldn't be reconciled if he didn't try it.

"What's wrong, brother?" Iori looked at Uchiha Kai's expression a little strangely, and she couldn't help but ask curiously, "Is there something wrong with this document?"

"No, it's good." Uchiha Qi recovered and couldn't help but smiled: "I was just thinking about some other things. Well, thank you, Iori. Without you, I don't even know what this question is about me. When will it be resolved."

"It's good to be able to help my brother." Iori shook his head: "If it wasn't for Brother Qi, I'm afraid I wouldn't be where I am now, and the orphanage..."

"As a member of Konoha, the orphanage will definitely have a good result." Uchiha Qi sighed, and he immediately changed the subject: "Don't talk about this anymore, by the way, did that guy Kenta give you that scroll? ?"

"A time scroll?"


"Already given. It was the final version that was recovered from Nohara Rin-senpai and modified, but..."

"Just use it for you, you just treat us as collecting data."


After a brief exchange with Iori, Uchiha Qi put his experience into Chakra fusion.

At this stage, the most important thing for him is probably the fusion of this Chakra.

It was his decision to let Kenta Imai hand over the scroll to Iori. As he said, this scroll really needs a new test. Even though Kenta Imai thinks this is the final version, some experiments are still the best. of.

Before, Imai Kenta didn't dare to hand it over because Uchiha Kai was not there. Even if the shadow clone stayed in the ninja world, the shadow clone didn't have the ability to use the reincarnation eye.

Now that he's back, these problems can be solved properly.

Extending the lives of some people to a large extent or even indefinitely is actually against the laws of nature, and it can even be said that it is impossible for this matter to be arbitrarily disclosed.

For Uchiha Kai and the others, even if such scrolls are circulated, they will only be among their close relatives.

Iori is his younger sister, even if this younger sister was prepared to guard against Hyuga Aya, but she has lived with the Uchiha Kai family for more than ten years, and such feelings cannot be erased.

So Uchiha Kai prepared one for her, even if the one in her hand can only be regarded as a test product, but this thing is already the final product in Imai Kenta's mouth, and there is still some credibility.

"If it works successfully, then you can prepare other things." Uchiha Qi entered a laboratory, and then closed the door: "However, let's take care of my chakra fusion now."

"The blood follows the net, how exciting..."


Just as Uchiha Qi was working hard for his own blood, Kakashi and others had entered the territory of the country of the river under the leadership of Parker's dog.

At the same time, the eighth squad led by Yoshitake also received information from Kakashi and the others. They did not cross the country of the river and entered the country of the wind, but searched directly in the country of the river.

For their team, with enough intelligence support, they can indeed find Gaara's position faster and easier than Kakashi's team.

They don't even need much movement, as long as the vortex balsamic probes the chakra of the tailed beast.

Three years ago, Yiwei appeared directly in front of the Konoha crowd, and its breath was also remembered by Xianglin, so Xianglin only needed to sense a little breath in the valley of the river country to follow the vine. catch them.

In fact, their luck is very good, Xianglin did catch a trace of aura, and they also began to search for this trace of aura, getting closer and closer to the valley where Xiao Organization was located.

In the dark cave, in front of the outsider golem, Gaara's figure was suspended, the Chakra of Shouhe was constantly being absorbed by the golem, and Gaara's vitality was also passing quickly.

Suddenly a Bai Jue emerged from under the ground, and he whispered: "Someone is approaching us, from two directions, it seems to be a person from Konoha."

Konoha people?

Nagato's eyelids twitched slightly when he heard this. If it wasn't for his phantom state now, I'm afraid people would be able to detect something.

And the guys like Orochimaru and Oni Shark didn't react at all. For them, it was normal for Konoha's people to chase after them, and it would be incredible if they didn't.

"Who is Konoha's person?" Zhishui was silent for a while before he asked in a low voice, "There should be a specific name, right?"

"The first team is a team led by Konoha Anbu Minister Kakashi, they are still a certain distance from here." Bai Jue thought for a while and said, "The other one I don't really know who it is, it should be a perception. Ban, I don't dare to get too close, I got close once before and was almost discovered."

"Even you can be discovered?" Orochimaru licked his tongue and asked dumbly, "Your concealment is extremely strong, and it's not an easy thing to discover you."

"It seems that Konoha is real this time." At this moment, Obito's phantom appeared between these figures, his eyes swept over the crowd with a little indifference, and finally he said calmly: " Let's try it out, who are those guys?"

To test the enemy while maintaining the stance of the seal, obviously the method to be used is the image-turning technique, but the final decision of this technique is entirely up to the user of the eye of reincarnation. Once this technique is used, the person possessed by Chakra can say is dead.

The technique of 'transferring chakra to a sacrifice and acting as a strong man at the cost of life' is the most appropriate name for this technique.

It's just that who should go makes everyone present hesitate.

Scorpion and Orochimaru are obviously best not to move, after all, they still need to prepare to deal with Kakashi and the others, Nagato and Xiaolan also need to preside over the seal, and Feiduan and Jiaodu may not be so easy to deal with in terms of ability. .

The most important point is that Obito will not let them go. After all, these two people are not the people sent by Uchiha Qi, and to put it bluntly, they are not their own people at all.

After thinking about it, Obito saw that there was no answer to this question, so he simply said: "Ghost shark, Shishui, you two, go test it and see who that team is."

"Are we?" Zhi Shui frowned, and after thinking for a moment, it nodded succinctly: "Yes, but I will do this task alone."

"That won't work." At this moment, the ghost shark also said: "I'm very curious, who did Konoha send here, I don't want to miss it..."


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