Chapter 776: block

Zhi Shui stared at the ghost shark beside him, his eyes were very indifferent, but in this indifference there were other emotions brewing.

Konoha sent a team to find them. Although they were a little surprised, they didn't feel incredible.

After all, they captured a person, Zhuli, even if it was considered the weakest of the tailed beasts, but such a strategic weapon was intercepted and captured by a terrorist organization, and it was still the most threatening organization to the ninja world. Konoha was also dispatched. A matter of course.

There is no doubt that Zhishui is loyal to Konoha. Even though he has joined the Xiao organization and has been lurking for almost ten years, what he always cares about the most in his heart is everything about Konoha.

He went to intercept the Konoha ninjas who ran over, and he could solve all the troubles with ease, and he could even do a test.

He can trust Kakashi, but he doesn't dare to let the other teams go to Orochimaru so easily.

Do a test to see if their abilities are qualified, and if they can survive the attack of Orochimaru and Scorpion until Kakashi and the others arrive at the scene!

That's right, without knowing who the opponent is, his only thought about this team is this.

As long as they can hold on under their own hands, Zhishui will let them go, otherwise, they will lose their lives in vain.

So he can deal with this kind of thing alone, so it doesn't matter what he does, even if he still has reasons and means to drive these people away or let them go, at least they won't let their lives being threatened.

But the sudden step of the ghost shark made him really angry. Once this guy got involved, things would get very bad.

But the problem is, he has no way to refuse these things now.

In terms of configuration, they are a team. From the internal point of view of this organization, the ghost sharks are simply here to monitor themselves.

Shishui still wants to continue to stay in this Xiao organization, so he naturally cannot disobey this order.

He thinks that he must pay attention to this guy, the ghost shark!

Coincidentally, the ghost shark also thought so.

Although he didn't know which team Konoha sent over, he had to take it seriously, and the person he treated had to be Shishui.

Leave this guy alone to face that squad?

Don't be kidding, the ghost shark is not sure if this guy will kill that kid in one go!

As a teammate, even if there is no emotion at all, and even often thinking about **** this guy's ghost, he naturally knows how much this guy Uchiha Shisui thinks.

I have to say that as a member of the Uchiha clan, this guy's strength is really amazing after opening the Kaleidoscope Shaker, even the ghost shark will have some heart palpitations when facing him.

Once such an enemy goes crazy, the ghost knows what it will look like!

What the ghost shark can do is to block him when he is crazy, otherwise, those Konoha ninjas who come to perform the mission are really no different from coming to die.

"If that's the case, then I'll leave it to you two." Nagato didn't know that these two had so many twists and turns, he said directly: "Then, those guys will be handed over to you, try it out. , just delay as much as possible.”

Although Nagato knew that his words might not have much effect, he also gave some orders tentatively, at least giving the Konoha guys a little chance of surviving.

After dealing with these things, he also quickly performed the image-turning technique, allowing the two of them to maintain 50% of their chakra to perform the task.

If you give too much, then the Konoha people will be very troublesome, and if you give too little, it may also attract attention.

Half the amount, just right.


Jizhu quickly led his team towards the valley. They came to support this mission. The Kakashi troops rescued Ren Zhuli from Sandyin Village together.

However, this person, Zhuli, still holds an important position. Maybe in the future, like Konoha, he can let Zhuli take the position of shadow.

Namikaze Minato has nine tails in his body, which is almost known to the entire ninja world.

Although his situation is very special, few people will look at him as a man.

But in this matter, Minato Namikaze himself didn't care, and he even admitted that his family was all people. At this moment, many people who used to have a little prejudice, especially people from other villages, seem to be He also began to have a lot of changes in his views on Renzhuli.

Of course, the most critical issue here is that the shadows of this village have loosened the control of propaganda.

Of course Yoshitake, who used to work in Anbu, knows that if you block some specific information, such as Namikaze Minato's character.

Then the preconceived notion is likely to make the people of the other villages think that it is normal to imagine a **** controlled by demons, whether it is Minato Minato or Konoha.

It can only be said that Master Qi's strength belongs to the **** of the world, so that the entire ninja world does not dare to mess with it, at least it does not dare to mess with Konoha, so that Konoha's true image can be conveyed.

Strength is the most important thing.

Jizhu has been emotional about this problem more than once, although he is also curious why the strength of Lord Qi is so strong, but he has not exposed it before.

But after thinking about it, he thought it might be that Master Qi was relatively low-key.

You must know that your teacher is also your elder brother Gui Sha, but he is extremely loyal to Lord Qi.

Of course, Master Qi's personality charm is indeed great, and his personal abilities are unparalleled.

Even if he didn't have the strength of the 'God in the World', Yoshitake felt that whether it was himself or his elder brother, he would also choose to follow him.

"Master Jizhu." At this moment, Xianglin's voice suddenly came over: "I'm afraid we have an enemy."

"Enemies?" Jizhu came back to his senses almost instantly: "How many? How's Chakra's breath?"

"Two people, but their chakra breath..." Xiang Lin closed her eyes tightly, her brows slightly wrinkled: "It's weird, it's as if chakra descended on two people, I've never seen it before. been like this."

Chakra descending on others?

Ji Zhu seemed to be a little silent, because he had never heard of this kind of technique. Konoha does have something called spiritualization, which can allow the soul to enter other people's bodies with Chakra.

However, this technique is extremely difficult to practice, and because of the danger of jealousy, it has long been written into the book of seals and sealed, and most people have no chance to access it.

Obviously, the other party is definitely not using this technique, so what is going on in all this?

Ji Zhu sighed slightly, he felt that it was really useless to think about these messy things.

Instead of thinking about these things, it's better to get ready for battle, because the opponent obviously won't let them go easily.

However, what he never expected was that when he led his team to sprint forward and came to the two ambush guys, he was stunned.

Especially when looking at the burly man with a shark-like face, Yoshitake felt that his whole body was shaking.

It took him a long time to speak in an almost trembling tone.

"Big Brother Ghost Shark?"


Yoshitake had thought about countless scenes of encountering a ghost shark, but he never thought it would be in this way.

The identity of the ghost shark is very special, which Jizhu is very clear about, but no matter how special he is, he does not think that the big brother of the ghost shark will enter the Xiao Organization, which is full of evil!

Go undercover?

There is a possibility, but how could this organization be so good at getting into it?

Especially since Yoshitake stayed in Anbu for so long, he naturally knew what the true identities of some ghost sharks were, but he never cared about it.

But now, the ghost shark appeared in front of him, and on his forehead, there was clearly the forehead of the betrayal of Wuyin Village, which seemed to explain a lot of problems.

And beside him is the Uchiha Shisui who was almost considered dead. All of this made Yoshitake dare not jump to conclusions. All he can do now is to be extremely careful.

Only in this way can you protect yourself and the subordinates behind you!


The expression on the ghost shark's face at this time is also very strange. He himself did not expect to encounter such a situation. His heart is very complicated now, and the complexity makes him feel very uncomfortable.

He was a little fortunate that he had come here, otherwise let the guy Zhishui come alone, the ghost knows what will happen!

Jizhu is the person he recognizes, the person he regards as his younger brother and his disciple at the same time.

This is the feeling and bond that he found again after he came to Konoha. If something goes wrong with such a person, Gui Shark himself does not know what he will become!

But he is also very annoyed in his heart now. He has always been reluctant to meet people from Konoha, and the last thing he wants is to meet Jizhu.

However, God seemed to have made a joke with him. They finally met, and they met in this way. How could this situation make him happy?

Taking a deep breath, the ghost shark looked at the four people in front of him indifferently, a sneer appeared on his shark-like face, and he started to think about how to deal with all this as he spoke.

"You guys, are you from Konoha?" His voice was a bit mocking, but also a bit cold: "It looks like you are not too good."

"Shark... Shark? Shark turned into a human?" Xiang Lin was a little unhappy when she saw Gui Shark's attitude, she deliberately pretended to be frightened and mocked.

"Xianglin, shut up." Jizhu whispered: "Can't you feel it, this guy's chakra... is very huge."

"What kind of monster is this..." Tooth whispered from the side: "Akamaru also thinks this guy is so scary, don't irritate others... well, when I didn't say it."

Ya sighed a little, indeed, even if he didn't provoke the other party, he obviously wouldn't let them go.

Thinking of this, Ya felt a little depressed. It was not the first time that he ran out of the village to do a mission. With the leadership of Yoshitake, they often received some dangerous missions.

Therefore, their growth in the past three years is not bad at all, and because they have been exposed to various relatively advanced tasks, their cognitive ability also surpasses that of many students of the same period.

"So, don't you plan to go back?" At this moment, Zhishui, who was standing aside, suddenly said, "I don't want to do anything, but if you don't know what to do, I don't mind doing anything."

"Sorry, we are Konoha ninjas, we have no reason to retreat."

Yoshitake took a deep breath, he quickly took out a ninja sword, and took a defensive posture.

"Then, I can only learn your tricks. In fact, I was thinking, you guys attacked various ninja villages, and the target is always on the tail beast, aren't you afraid of revenge?"

"Is it revenge?" Zhi Shui took a step forward, his eyes have turned into shackles: "Maybe you will be afraid, but you can't make me afraid!"

The voice fell, Zhishui had already rushed up, Jizhu also reacted very quickly, the ninja knife in his hand was quickly raised, and at the same time his chakra began to surge frantically.

When Ya, Shino and Xianglin saw this scene, their reactions were also extremely fast. They had already set up a fighting posture, and each began to use their abilities to assist Yoshitake in the battle.

"Leave these guys to me!"

Just when Zhishui was about to concentrate on Jizhu, a huge ninja knife suddenly came over, cutting off the space where Zhishui and Jizhu were attacking, and the deep voice of the ghost shark came over at this moment.


Zhishui snorted coldly, the ninja knife in his hand deflected slightly, and the next moment, he swept directly towards Jizhu.

The speed of this sweep is not fast, even if Jizhu is weak, he can't react.

However, Zhishui's way of dealing with ghost sharks was quick and hateful. I saw green chakras suddenly appear on his body, and his eyes also turned into a kaleidoscope at this moment.

Susanoo changed into the second form in an instant, those giant hands were pressed on the shark muscle fiercely, and the ultimate Yin Chakra, even a ninja knife like the shark muscle, would not dare to absorb it at all!

"What do you mean?"

The ghost shark snorted with a cold face. While asking, he made a seal with one hand, and the huge water rose up from the ground, rushing towards Zhishui and Jizhu from different directions.

"It's not interesting, these guys are from Konoha and are my opponents."

Zhi Shui refused to give in an inch, but he still jumped up in the face of this ghost shark's water escape, and let the ghost shark pull the shark muscle back.

However, Shishui didn't care either, he had already started to make a seal in mid-air, and his seal was completed the moment he landed.

The hot fire spurted out of his mouth, not only evaporating the water in front of him, but also evaporating the water on Jizhu's side.

Soon, the three of them fought together again, and there was no way for such Fighting Teeth, Shino and Xianglin to intervene.

It's just that the three of them were a little dumbfounded, why...

Is this really fighting against them?

Why does it look like he's protecting Mr. Yoshitake?


Shishui and the ghost shark are like this, no one really can understand.

Even the more they get angry, the more they fight. Since they 'defected' from Konoha and entered this organization eight years ago, the pressure they are under can be said to be enormous.

For Shishui, although he has also grown relatively well because of his tasks in this organization, these growths are not what he wants at all.

He prefers to stay in Konoha, and he prefers to do some trivial tasks in Konoha, even if it is just to find cats for the neighbors, even if it is just to pick up garbage in the river.

Even he would rather do some assassination missions in Anbu than continue to stay in this dark place, surrounded by a group of lunatics, especially with a guy staring at him all the time, and a guy who really betrayed Konoha. !

In the past eight years, he has always concealed his feelings, always beware of whether he will do something, and always worry about whether he will be exposed.

He had already accumulated enough anger in such a repressed life, and today, the **** bastard, the ghost shark, actually wants to rob him, and in his opinion, it is a way to completely silence it, how can he not be angry?

Perhaps, this guy has already doubted himself?

And the situation of the ghost shark is not much better, although his situation in the Xiao organization is much better than that of Zhishui, but at this moment he can't control it.

Yoshitake is his younger brother, his student, and one of the deepest bonds he left in Konoha.

But now this guy, Zhishui, has no scruples to do with them, which has touched his inverse scale.

In the dark days of Wuyin Village, his heart completely solidified into pure ice.

But after being left in Konoha by Uchiha Kai, living a new life, and experiencing the feelings that belong to people that he has never experienced before, the ghost shark is greedy and can't refuse such feelings.

Shishui's behavior was simply erasing his bond with Konoha. He couldn't bear it or accept it, so he wasn't going to endure it, and he didn't plan to accept it at all!

As the two became more and more hands-on, Ji Zhu, the guy who was supposed to be besieged by them, instead stood dumbfounded and became a qualified bystander.

As for Ya, Shino, and Xianglin, they were already completely dumbfounded.

Infighting or something is not unheard of in their mission resumes, but this is the first time they have seen it directly in order to grab the mission target before the battle.

But I have to say that these two guys are really exaggerated. Although there are quite a lot of people in Konoha who are more powerful than them, those people are all high-level figures in Konoha.

These two guys are placed in Konoha, and after excluding the 'God of Humanity' Uchiha Kai, they can almost rank in the top 20, and even the top 10 is possible!

"These two guys..." Fang swallowed: "It's too exaggerated? But why did they fight?"

"I think it's useless for you to ask this question, after all, we don't know." Shino shook his head: "But one of these two guys, we know each other."

"That guy belongs to the Uchiha clan, and I heard Sasuke talk about one thing..." Xiang Phon tilted his head, then quickly said: "That guy seems to be called Uchiha Shisui, that is, for many years forward......"

"The guy who killed the good clan leader and finally committed suicide?" Shino said what happened next after hearing Xianglin's words: "It seems that this guy is a fake death."

Back then, what happened to Uchiha Shisui was quite a big deal, and the third generation even lost control of his roots because of Shisui's question.

Of course, these little guys don't know these things, but they still have memories of so many people who died.

Not only these little guys have memories, but the adult Jizhu also remembers it very clearly. He will not forget that it was because of this incident that Big Brother Ghost Shark disappeared from Konoha after a while!

So he remembered the guy Uchiha Shisui. If he hadn't seen Big Brother Ghost Shark for the first time, he would not have reacted so violently to Shisui's appearance.

Seeing the appearance of this scene, Ji Zhu was keenly aware of something, he didn't think that the fight between the two was just to fight for the initiative to kill his own group of people.

In such a situation between these two, there must be one party trying to protect them, which led to such a scene.

Although Yoshitake felt that the one who wanted to protect himself was probably the eldest shark, but as a ninja, he must not have the slightest carelessness, and any impulsive choice would bring unimaginable consequences.

Especially since he is still leading the team, it is absolutely impossible for him to do something with the urge to destroy the entire team.

Of course, there is also a very key reason, that is, he knows that he may not be able to beat them, and even he has no ability to take part in the battle between the two.

Shisui and Oni Shark are actually no longer ordinary ninjas, and their power has long exceeded the limit of ordinary ninjas' cognition.

In fact, Yoshitake can be regarded as very good. So young, he can serve as a Shinobi in Konoha, the most difficult Shinobi village to become a Shinobi, which is enough to explain everything.

But what Yoshitake didn't know was that although Zhishui and Gui Shark fought more and more fiercely, the two of them became more and more calm, and along with their fight, they also began to think.

When they stopped each other before, what was the other party doing?

It seems that while protecting Yoshitake, he is preventing his own attack?

Thinking of this, both of them became extremely strange.

What's going on here, isn't this guy a vicious betrayal?

The two of them couldn't understand it, but the two of them couldn't stop the battle now. They have already hit this point. Do they still have to stop and talk?

The ghost knew if there was that white thing near them that looked like a plant.

But Shishui is Shishui in the end, and this kind of thing can't help him. The kaleidoscope in his eyes burst out with strange power, but for a moment, the figures of him and the ghost shark stopped.

Some things must be confirmed, especially Shishui, he is really full of question marks now.

Recalling the past, he found that the ghost shark seemed really suspicious.

However, before his heart was wrapped in all kinds of worries, he didn't think about it carefully at all, and he didn't think about it carefully.

And now, they have confessed in an alternative way. If they don't grasp this opportunity, Zhishui will never be reconciled...


"It looks like they have arrived, Orochimaru, Scorpion, you are all right."

In an extremely secret cave in the Land of Rivers, Bai Jue suddenly emerged from the ground and said with a teasing that he had already sensed the Chakra of Kakashiban not far away.

"Is it quite fast?" Orochimaru tilted his head: "What about the other side? I remember that Zhishui and Guisha were in charge, right?"

"You might as well ask them directly." Bai Jue spread his hands indifferently: "The two of them seem to have been very unhappy with each other all the time, and they have accumulated a lot of anger. When facing the ninjas like Konoha, what should they do? There was another disagreement, and they ended up fighting themselves."

"Oh?" Orochimaru raised his brows, he hadn't thought that such a thing would happen.

Not only did he not expect, but other people also did not expect that these two guys would make such a mess during the mission.

But they didn't mean to persuade. People like Orochimaru and Obito didn't know what to persuade them at all.

They are not stupid, they know what happened after a little thought.

To put it bluntly, the main credit for the development of this matter to this point is the good work done by this guy Obitu.

If it wasn't for him being unhappy with Zhishui, who deliberately concealed a lot of information, Zhishui wouldn't have been foolishly guarding everyone until now, especially guarding against ghost sharks.

As for the ghost shark?

He also didn't know the situation of Zhishui. Both of them felt that the other was a ghost and were guarding each other.

At the beginning, whether it was Orochimaru or Obito, even Uchiha Kai thought it was quite interesting.

But in how interesting, once there is a fire, then the situation will be very different.

Not to mention the issue of whether to expose or not, it is not a good start for Xiao's organization alone. Who is not a traitor in Xiao's organization, and who is not eye-catching.

The reason why there is no conflict for the time being is entirely because there are people above who are suppressing it, and no one is willing to be the first bird.

Now there is such a thing, but it is definitely very troublesome.

"Don't worry about Zhishui and the ghost shark." At this moment, Obito, who had been listening on the sidelines, said helplessly: "I'll handle this matter. It's really interesting to have such a thing in the organization. Set... hum!"

Obito's voice sounds a little unkind, but it's normal to think about this kind of thing. No matter who else encounters such a thing, he will be very dissatisfied.

When other people heard this sentence, they did not say that whoever likes to handle this kind of thing will handle it.

And it is reasonable to bring the soil to do it. Although this guy is not the leader in name, in fact, he is the real talker of the Akatsuki organization.


At this moment, Gaara's body fell to the ground, the stripping of the tailed beast in his body was completed, and he also lost all vitality and died completely.

Changmen looked at all this expressionlessly, he didn't say anything, but there were some sighs in his heart.

The people from Konoha are here, but they are too late.

It seems that these tailed beasts still need to be carefully guarded. If there is a chance, I can see if I can contact the guy Uchiha Kai, and finally... give him the tail!

"They're here." Bai Jue also spoke at this moment: "Then, I'll leave it to you here."

"Kakashi?" Scorpion raised his head indifferently, his voice unusually calm.

"This guy really made me feel a little bit interested. The last time I saw him meet that mysterious woman, this time I want to see if his luck is still so good."

"Don't be careless, or you might die."

Like Obito who was about to disappear swept the scorpion, he shook his head slightly, and his voice seemed a little low.

"This guy Kakashi has never been a simple thing. With such an attitude, you are likely to die here."

"Hmph." Scorpion didn't seem to take Obito's words seriously at all. He shook his head indifferently: "Perhaps, but this guy Kakashi has a story with me, and I won't forget this."

Orochimaru watched all this with a smile on his face. He naturally knew that Hatake Sakumo had killed Scorpio's parents, which was no secret to older ninjas.

But this has nothing to do with him. If someone wants to die, let him go.

Orochimaru didn't take scorpion's life or death seriously at all, this guy can do whatever he likes.

As Obito's figure disappeared, other people's figures began to disappear, and finally the huge outsider golem turned into white smoke with a 'bang' and disappeared into the cave.

Orochimaru and Scorpion landed on the ground at the same time, but just after they landed, a terrifying force struck.

With a bang, the boulders used to seal the entrance shattered, and the sun lit up the cave along the entrance.

"It looks like it's coming." Orochimaru licked his tongue: "It's really fast enough."

"I love Luo!"

Naruto and the other five entered quickly, he saw Gaara lying on the ground at a glance, and his eyes widened.

He immediately called out loudly, but unfortunately, Gaara didn't respond, he lay motionless on the ground.

"No need to scream, it's very noisy." Scorpion glanced at Naruto indifferently, and finally he couldn't help shaking his head: "People are already dead, no matter how you scream."

" bastards!"

There was already anger in Naruto's voice, and even Chakra had undergone subtle changes, becoming more violent and sharp.

The chakra with a hint of gold in the red has been covered on his body In his anger, he has no way to resonate with the nine tails at all, so his chakra cannot appear golden.

He looked at Scorpion and Orochimaru angrily, and asked angrily, "Why? Why do you do this!"

"Why?" Scorpion tilted his head mechanically, and finally said flatly: "Because I want to do this, because this is our mission, that's all."

"That's all?" Naruto couldn't take it anymore. He stared at the two of them and clenched their fists tightly: "Just like this, will you take away a person's life?"

"Life is inherently fragile and short-lived, and this is an art." Scorpion is still calm: "I don't like this kind of art, so it's normal for me to destroy this kind of art. The existence of art is eternal. Instead of such a fragile and short-lived way of life, what do you say?



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