Chapter 777: Cenozoic

In Konoha Village, Uchiha Qi sat quietly in the room of the underground laboratory.

The chakra on his body is surging very fast, but the originally complicated chakra seems very quiet under his control.

The most bizarre thing is that those powers with completely different attributes and breaths are completely blue at this moment, and they also completely resonate with his own chakra.

Incorporating chakra is not an easy task, no matter who it is.

After all, this is a way of merging the boundaries of blood, and the more fusion, the more unimaginable the power presented!

Uchiha Kai and others are lucky. With the help of Iori, they have already turned the impossible into something possible, and they have reached the level of fusion of at least four types of chakras one by one!

Imai Kenta is the most powerful guy among them. His five chakra fusions were completed before Uchiha Kai came back.

I have to say that this guy does have an unimaginable talent. Before Iori can completely crack the secret of the bloodline of the Yuyi family, he has already found a breakthrough in the fusion of the five attributes.

And he began to try to use this breakthrough, so that his Chakra really preceded Iori's research and embarked on the road of five attributes fusion.

It can even be said that Iori’s subsequent research also borrowed a lot of this guy’s ideas, and in conjunction with the research and development progress of the Yuyi family’s bloodline, this fusion method was completely cracked!


When the five chakras with different attributes in Uchiha Kai's body were completely synchronized and began to resonate in a special way, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Completing this step can basically be regarded as a troublesome step for him to integrate the five attributes.

The rest is to speed up the synchronization with their own Chakra, so that they can be completely integrated.

He has been accustomed to these things after so many years since he started to study the bloodline of the Yuyi family and began to try to integrate it.

In addition to the unusual difficulties at the beginning, this kind of integration is basically the same in the end.

"It looks like you're done." At this moment, the door to the room was opened, Hyuga Aya walked in slowly, and closed the door behind her.

"Well, it's over for the time being." Uchiha Qi smiled and nodded: "The most troublesome synchronization integration has ended, and the rest is relatively easy. Although it is also very troublesome, we are all used to it, right?"

"Indeed, it was a lot easier after that." Aya Hyuga walked slowly to Kai Uchiha's side, and then sat down slowly: "After all, we have all experienced so much, and we can be considered familiar. However, I always There is a problem that is not clear."

"I just don't know why I keep emphasizing on things like chakra fusion?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head, and he didn't need to ask to know what Hyuga Aya was probably wondering now.

In fact, this is not surprising, their current strength is really too exaggerated.

Even if it was 16 or 7 years ago, they would never have thought that they would cross this point now.

Maybe Uchiha Qi has thought, after all, he knows how exaggerated the enemies he will face in the future.

But when he really came this far, he was a little surprised and incredulous, not to mention Hyuga Aya and the others.

And the strength is at this stage of them, the power of the blood after the limit is probably the same, even if the student status is eliminated, it is only a form of chakra that is slightly less powerful.

The chakra mode of Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya can easily condense the Daoyu.

And as their power continues to improve, even if they don't use Chakra mode, they can show the jade.

Years of training, learning and accumulating chakra have kept them almost at the same extremely high level of chakra for all attributes.

In addition, they are people with yin and yang escapes, so it is not difficult to condense the Taoist jade.

That's why Aya Hyuga finds it strange, why is Uchiha Kaito investigating Carat's fusion from beginning to end?

Even if his strength has reached this step, he is still insisting on it, and he has never given up any intention of giving up.

"Yes." Hyuga Aya nodded lightly: "I'm really curious about this. Chakra's fusion is very strong, but it seems to be too little help for us. Even Kenta, he has a tail. Beast Chakra mode, the fighting level shown is not weak at all."

"Yes, indeed, we are all strong." Uchiha Kai nodded, he did not deny Hyuga Aya's intention: "But there is one thing you probably didn't think of, not only you, Kenta this guy definitely didn't think of it."

"What is it?" Hyuga Aya was also very curious. She wasn't in a hurry anyway, so it wasn't a big deal to figure out some of these things.

"That's the essence of chakra."

Uchiha Kai showed a smile, and he raised his hand to help Hyuga Aya stroke his hair before speaking slowly.

"Does it feel natural that we are fighting with chakra? But I think few people will think about a question, that is, what is the essence of chakra.

In fact, Chakra's research is becoming more and more in-depth and extensive, and the progress of development is getting higher and higher, and it is moving towards progress that was once unimaginable.

But very few people actually go back to the basics, the most mysterious and the most important.

Deformation, qualitative change, power enhancement, etc., as well as various chakra development skills, this is considered an advanced chakra use skill.

With our strength, such development skills can't really be difficult for us at all, as long as we want to do it at will.

But we seldom explore basic things. Chakra fusion is actually a kind of basic inquiry.

The bloodline limit makes us stronger, but why can the bloodline limit appear when the two chakras are merged?

No one knows about this kind of thing, and we have no interest in researching it. This "we" includes other ninjas.

It's not a good outcome in my opinion, and certainly not a bad outcome, since we don't have that much time.

But there is no way to figure out the problem of such a blood succession limit, but we can deduce other things, such as..."

Uchiha Kai Linlin said a lot of things, but Hyuga Aya listened very seriously, Uchiha Kai said what he said was right.

Indeed, with the widespread use of chakra, advanced ninjutsu and various techniques have been developed, but no one has explored the most basic things.

The fusion of chakra's attributes is a very basic topic, and there is even a topic such as "where does the power of chakra come from".

Maybe Orochimaru will be interested in these things, but Uchiha Qi and the others are not so interested, because they know where the source of Chakra is, and even if they don't know, they really don't have time.

And as Kai Uchiha's words continued to deepen, Hyuga Aya probably understood what he meant.

The Xueji boundary is the fusion of two types of chakras, which can split the chakras of two basic attributes.

Bloodstain elimination can be divided into three types, and there is another key. Chakra, which has mastered and balanced the seven attributes, can condense the Taoist jade.

So, if you can combine all the attributes of Chakra, can you get an amazing conclusion - the power of the ancestor of Chakra, or a kind of bloodline of her?

"You mean..." Hyuga Aya raised her head slightly incredulously: "Through the fusion of Chakra, get... No, the blood of the ancestor Chakra ancestor?"

"Accurately speaking, it is the power in the bloodline." Uchiha Qi gently stroked Aya Hyuga's face, and then sighed slightly: "In fact, you and I have the bloodline, and even the entire ninja world has the ancestor's bloodline. There are many.

But having it is one thing, and how to develop it is another. People like us can almost be said to have developed very well.

But this kind of power alone, I don't think it is the full power of the so-called ancestor blood in my mouth.

Of course, even if it's chakra fusion, it doesn't count.

We should take it apart and see that the power we get is the power given by the body itself as a species.

The power of Chakra should be regarded as a brand-new power that can be inherited, whether it is through cultivation or devouring the fruit. "

Uchiha Qi said that he stopped here. In fact, in his opinion, he always felt that the so-called power of Otsutsuki should be regarded as two parts.

Part of it is the power they have as a species.

Such as white eyes, such as reincarnation eyes, etc., this kind of power that relies on blood to be inherited.

The other part is that after they devoured the fruit of the **** tree, they obtained the power evolved from the unattainable huge chakra.

It is the so-called most original chakra power - the power of blood snares.

And this part of the power Uchiha Qi really knows one thing, if you want to completely restore it, you must integrate seven different types of chakras, including yin and yang escape!

The current Uchiha Kai, Hyuga Aya, and Imai Kenta have not been able to find out the power development of their own bloodlines.

Then there is only one thing left worthy of their expectation, that is, through the fusion of chakra, backtracking belongs to the power obtained after devouring the fruit of the tree of gods.

This is the power that belongs to the essence of chakra!

"I didn't expect you to think so far." After hearing Uchiha Kai's words, Hyuga Aya couldn't help but sighed: "You already started preparing more than ten years ago, did you prepare for it at that time? Already thought of it?"

"It counts, but it doesn't count." Uchiha Qi shook his head, and he couldn't tell the whole story, even if they were the people they trusted the most: "I just had a concept, or a conjecture at that time. "

"Conjecture?" Hyuga Aya asked strangely: "What kind of conjecture made you make such a crazy decision as chakra fusion?"

"Because of the old man Onogi, because of the dust escape." Uchiha Ki rudely threw a black pot on Onogi's head.

This reason really has some impeccable meaning, after all, if the entire ninja world is alive, the old man will be eliminated with blood.

And the strength he showed was really terrifying. It was normal for Uchiha Kai to have thoughts about these things more than ten years ago.

And he also said that he already had a conjecture at that time, whether this conjecture would be "the fusion of all the chakras will be more eliminated than the bloodstain" or something, maybe.

"So, what made you completely sure?" Hyuga Aya looked Uchiha Kai up and down: "That thousand-year memory rotation? The ancestor's message? Or..."

"Otsutsuki's memory." Uchiha Qi decisively spread his hands: "You have seen it, I have imprisoned his consciousness, and I have also seen a lot of memories through his consciousness, including all attribute checks. Data after carat fusion."

"Is it Otsutsuki?" Hyuga Aya nodded: "Well, it really is this guy, in fact, if you think about it carefully, only such a guy can have such detailed information."

"Yes." Uchiha Qi also nodded: "It's really very detailed."

Having said that, Uchiha Kai decisively shut up.

He is still very clear about the principle of talking too much, and it is enough to let others understand what he means.

Although the prisoner who stayed in his conscious space would not jump up to refute him, but Uchiha Kai lying to Hyuga Aya already made him a little uncomfortable, and this topic couldn't be better.

What's more, the conversation this time can be said to be very successful, although he doesn't know why Hyuga Aya came to him.

However, it is very good to clarify the problem of the blood and the net. With this information, he does not believe that Hyuga Aya and Imai Kenta will not work hard.

"By the way, how is Kakashi and their mission going?" Perhaps knowing the answer they wanted, Hyuga Aya simply changed the subject: "They went to rescue Ichito Yuri, and it seems that it has been a few days since they set off. There is no certainty about the specific situation.”

"I don't know too well, but Kakashi can't help such a task." Uchiha Kai shook his head casually: "Besides the entire Akatsuki organization, except for a few people, the rest are our own people. What I'm most concerned about now is the situation of those little guys."

"Little guy? Are you talking about the reincarnation of Indra and Asura? Are you counting on their power?"

"Why don't you count on it? Any power, no matter how strong or weak, is the power that can be used to deal with those guys in the future."


"She's already an old woman who is about to go to earth, and she didn't want to meddle in these business affairs."

Chiyo looked at the scorpion in front of him and was silent for a while, perhaps reminiscing about everything in the past.

However, she was not completely stunned. After a long while, she sighed slightly and took a step forward.

"But with my lovely grandson participating in this mission, it's natural for me to do nothing."

"Since you have chosen to retire, why bother with this kind of business." A low and indifferent voice came from the puppet's mouth. At this time, Chiyo was the only one in Scorpio's eyes: "You are courting death like this."

"I don't know if it's courting death, I don't care, but I have something to confirm." Speaking of this, Chiyo's eyes became solemn: "Scorpion, I ask you, why did you leave Sandyin Village in the first place? , and joined a terrorist organization like Akatsuki. Also, I heard..."

"Three generations of Kazekage?" Before Chiyo could finish speaking, Scorpion's indifferent voice interrupted her: "Sure enough, people talk a lot when they get old, and they can't tell the occasion at all. Although birth, old age, sickness and death are the norm, I hate this kind of thing. Ephemeral art is the true meaning without eternity!"

The voice fell, the tail of the scorpion's huge puppet was raised, and the huge scorpion tail immediately attacked Chiyo.

There was a bang in the water, and the waves suddenly surged, and countless gravels were directly knocked into the air by him!

His indifferent and gloomy voice came out from the puppet: "I have no obligation to answer the question, you old woman who can't even avenge her own son's revenge, since you and Kakashi are here together, then Let's die together!"

When Kakashi heard this, he couldn't help but raise his brows, but he didn't speak, because there was no need to talk nonsense with this guy.

Having sat in the position of Minister of Anbu for so many years, his way of looking at issues has long since changed.

This guy is full of hatred for himself, largely because his parents were slaughtered by his father back then.

But the problem is, it's your shadow who took the initiative to start the war, who cares about our Konoha shit.

War is the best breeding ground for hatred, whether it is the attacker or the defender, because war kills people.

When these people die, their relatives will naturally have the birth of hatred, and then these hatreds will be accumulated again, until the next time they are detonated, it will turn into a new round of war.

To put it bluntly, this guy hates himself, but in fact, he hates the wrong person. He should go to the trouble of Shayin Village Shadow...

"Uh, it seems... already found?"

Kakashi touched his head, he recalled now that this guy really went to Ying's trouble.

The corpses of the three generations of Kazekage were made into puppets by him. I have to say that this guy's revenge is really cruel enough.

Thinking of this, Kakashi couldn't help but look at Scorpion again. At this time, Scorpion had completely fought Chiyo.

I saw Chiyo jump up gently, dodging the blow effortlessly, and then she quickly launched a counterattack.

However, the scorpion seemed to have made up his mind to kill. He raised his puppet's hand and ripped off the black cloth on his mouth. Numerous poison-coated steel needles shot out in an overwhelming manner towards everyone.

Chiyo hurriedly dodged, even though she was so old, her pace was still elegant, avoiding all the needles in the impossible!

Kakashi and Naruto were much simpler and rude. The moment Kakashi saw this situation, he directly put his hands on the ground, and then a dirt wall with a dog's head rose from the ground, blocking it. All steel pins.

Then he pulled out the ninja sword and was about to attack the scorpion when Chiyo landed on the ground and said calmly to Kakashi.

"Leave the scorpion to me. He is the rebel of Shayin Village, so I should handle it. Orochimaru is the rebel of your Konoha, so he will leave it to you."

"Are you sure you can deal with it?" Kakashi raised his eyebrows: "This guy is not so easy to deal with."

"Don't worry." Chiyo took a deep breath, and two scrolls appeared in his hand at the same time.

As the scroll opened, two puppets appeared in the white smoke, looking like a young couple.

"I can deal with him." Chiyo said calmly: "Also, I have reasons to deal with him."

"This pair of puppets are..." At this moment, Scorpion saw that the tone of the pair of puppets changed slightly.

"Sure enough, do you remember?" Chiyo slowly manipulated the puppet, looking at Scorpion with a complicated expression: "This is your first work, they are called 'Father' and 'Mother'. The child did something wrong. Of course, the parents will come to discipline, are you ready, scorpion!"

"You talk too much, old woman!"

The indifferent voice of the scorpion became more and more gloomy, and the steel scorpion tail cut through the sky and pierced Chiyo.

However, the puppet named "Father" suddenly stretched his arm and turned into a sharp bone blade, instantly blocking the attack.

The moment after disappearing, the figure of the puppet named "Mother" appeared in front of the scorpion, and the long knife in his hand slashed towards the neck without hesitation.

Regardless of any puppet, the connection is always its weakest point, which is naturally clear to Chiyo, who is a puppet master.

Moreover, Chiyo didn't know how many puppets she made in her life. She probably knew about puppets that only Scorpion could compare to her in the entire ninja world!

"This old woman is as tough as ever!"

Scorpion naturally discovered all this, he muttered a word in his mind, and then continued to manipulate the puppet for defense.

Fei Liuhu's right arm suddenly rose, and a long sword glowing with cold light appeared, blocking Chiyo's blow.

Immediately afterwards, Fei Liuhu's left arm was launched and turned into several cylinders. These cylinders spun at high speed in mid-air, and countless poison-coated steel needles appeared again, attacking Chiyo like a torrential rain.

Of course, Granny Chiyo's expression was as graceful as she was playing a piano. The puppet named "Father" appeared quietly in the air, and its figure suddenly rotated, like a gyro shield. Stop the needle.

At the same time, her fingers were shaking slightly, and the puppet named 'Mother' moved quietly again, and Chiyo's Chakra entered more this time, which gave it more power!

For her, there is no pressure to operate the two puppets precisely, even if it is a difficult defense and a terrifying attack.


When the puppet named 'Mother' quietly launched a sneak attack and poured violent chakra into Fei Liuhu's body, Fei Liuhu suddenly exploded violently.

However, looking at all this, Chiyo's face became even more solemn, especially when he looked at the red-haired boy who slowly walked out of the puppet fragments, wearing a red cloud robe with a black background.

Her face has begun to become ugly...


When Scorpio and Chiyo completely fought, Kakashi took Naruto, Sasuke and Hinata to the outskirts of the cave.

Everything inside the cave was left to Scorpio and Chiyo, so they didn't want to be accidentally injured, so naturally they couldn't stay outside.

What's more, Kakashi knew that Orochimaru was his own person at all, and there was no need for such a battle to reach the end, or the actual meaning of such a battle was not as important as he imagined.

Orochimaru licked his tongue, looking at Naruto and others who were glaring at him, and Kakashi who was acting unusually calm, he couldn't help showing a smile.

He casually dropped Gaara's body on the ground, and he stretched slightly.

"It seems that we are the only ones left." Orochimaru said casually, "I just don't know if you can bring me some fun."

"You bastard, go to hell!" Naruto couldn't bear it for a long time, and he rushed up without the slightest pause.

In the cave before, he was able to forcibly endure his emotions because of Chiyo, but at this moment he couldn't bear it anymore.

Orochimaru and the others took away Gaara's life, and the life of a man who had the same identity and experience as himself, but a different life, whom he swore to save!

Now Gaara has everything in the right direction, he has found the meaning of life, he has found the people who cherish him, and he has also found the people he cherishes.

However, it was all because of these guys, the purpose of this **** Akatsuki organization, that everything was shattered!

The anger has long been rippling in Naruto's heart, and he, who is full of nine-tailed chakra, directly shows his strongest strength.


Kakashi hurriedly made a sound, and even reached out to stop it, but it was too late. Naruto's speed was too fast, and he turned into a black shadow and went straight to Orochimaru.

When Sasuke and Hinata saw this scene, they couldn't help but glance at each other, and then they both rushed out.

Although they couldn't understand Naruto's feelings, as teammates, they would definitely choose to help Naruto, not to mention the enemy Naruto had to face, Orochimaru.

"These little guys."

Kakashi couldn't help but feel a little helpless when he saw this scene, although he wouldn't tell these guys that Orochimaru was actually his own.

But he didn't intend to let these little guys do it.

He planned to face Orochimaru himself, and then inquire about the information in Akatsuki's organization, or inquire about the information about Obito.

In the past three years, the number of times he has met with Obito has been much less, because Obito and their early accumulation seems to be almost completed, so this guy is very busy.

Although he knew that even if he saw Obito, he wouldn't be able to tell some things, such as Lin's resurrection.

He also wondered why Lin didn't tell Obito after she was resurrected, and told the person who cherished Lin the most.

But as a ninja, as a disciple, as a good friend, Kakashi still chooses to be honest and obedient.

He believed that Qi and his own teacher must have their own plans. If he messed up and destroyed the plan, that would be the worst thing.

Shaking his head helplessly, watching the three of Naruto and Orochimaru fight in a ball, he thought for a moment and simply chose to stand by.

Orochimaru won't hurt these three people, and at the same time, the strength of these three people is not what it used to be. It's probably not an easy thing for Orochimaru to hurt them.

In this case, he might as well watch from the side and see what kind of performance these guys will have.

"Exactly, you can also let them feel how difficult it is to deal with a battle-hardened ninja."

Kakashi thought to himself, and then he raised his forehead, revealing the hidden writing wheel.

That's right, but it's better to always pay attention. If something goes wrong, he can always go to the rescue.

"This speed?"

Facing the siege of Naruto, Sasuke, and Hinata, Orochimaru still seemed to be at ease, and even his face seemed unusually calm.

It's just that his heart is not as calm as it seems on the surface. Although the cooperation of these three people is somewhat flawed, it is also because they were good to Uchiha Ki and Imai Kenta back then. I don't know how much.

And the strength of the three of them is no worse than that of Uchiha Kai and Imai Kenta, and even more powerful!

Especially the son of the fourth Hokage, this speed really surprised him.

However, Orochimaru is also a powerful ninja after all, and he can still handle the attack of these three people.

But at this moment, Sasuke, who had been restraining him with swordsmanship, suddenly pulled back, and then quickly formed a seal with his hands.

"Fire Escape: The Art of the Great Fire Dragon!"

Seeing this, Orochimaru made a seal: "Tu Dun·Tu Liubi!"

Orochimaru's printing speed is extremely fast, and his strength has reached the point where he does not need to complete any complete printing.

Of course, he can't do the same as Uchiha Kai and the others, just need a seal to completely release the power of the art.

A huge earth wall suddenly appeared in front of him, and that earth wall completely blocked Sasuke's fire escape in an instant.

But at this moment, Hinata had quietly appeared behind him, and in her hand there was a power that made Orochimaru a little surprised.

"Shen Kong Strike · One Style!"

In the eyes of Orochimaru Hinata, the girl from Hyuga's family, obviously only made a punching gesture, but it gave him a feeling that this girl's punch seemed to be condensed. I don't know how much A deadly punch.

And when the punch came out, Orochimaru was not willing to take it easily, so he jumped up quickly.

"Xianfa, Spiral Pill!"

However, when he just jumped up, Naruto was already in place in advance, and the spiral pill in his hand had the breath of immortality, and there was also a nine-tailed chakra in it!


In the face of such an offensive, Orochimaru had no suitable foothold in the sky, so he planned to choose to force this move.

But Sasuke, who has a wheel-shaking eye, won't miss such an opportunity. The ninja knife with a blue arc has stabbed Orochimaru's back...


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