Chapter 779: degree of fusion

"This Uchiha is too cautious (!

"Looks like they're gone."

Kakashi withdrew the hand that was on the handle of the knife, silently watching the three people who had turned into a vortex and disappeared in place, and shook his head involuntarily.

The fact that he didn't get news from Orochimaru made Kakashi a little depressed, but at least he didn't fight with Obito and the others, which was a very good result.

Although he knew very well that there would be no problem even in a fight, it was better to do less than anything, Kakashi was not interested in making himself uncomfortable.

Looking back at Naruto who had already run to Aiga Luo's side, he couldn't help rubbing his head helplessly.

Even if he didn't lean over, but with his wheel eyes open, he could clearly judge Gaara's current physical condition.

This little devil has no tail in his body, Obito and the others obviously stripped one tail out of his body, and Ren Zhuli who lost the tail beast is destined to have only one end.

That is death!

Sixteen years ago, the Nine-Tails Incident broke out in Konoha, and Uchiha Kai and the others desperately tried to seal the Nine-Tails to Kushina's body, just to prevent her death.

And now, Gaara has lost the tailed beast. He is not a descendant of Qianshou or some vortex. Naturally, he can't hold on for long, and he has lost his vital signs.

"Mr. Kakashi." Sasuke quietly walked to Kakashi's side, and he said with a sigh: "It seems that we are late, not only us, but they are also late."

"Well, yes." Kakashi raised his head and looked at Jizhu and the others who were approaching quickly, and couldn't help but nodded: "It's a lot late, but it's a pity that no one was rescued."

It's no big deal to save or not, this is not a forced mission - at least in Kakashi's view, this is not a mandatory mission.

But the problem is, this time it's good, Sha Yin killed two high-level executives at one time, or died with them on the mission, which is a bit of a headache.

"Master Minister." Soon, Ji Zhu brought the three of them to Kakashi's place, and he bowed to Kakashi very respectfully.

"I said Yoshitake, you've already quit Anbu, even if it's only temporarily." Kakashi shrugged helplessly: "And now you're leading the team, there's no need to do this."

"Yes, I understand." Ji Zhu nodded, then he turned his head and glanced around, especially after noticing Gaara, he sighed: "Are you late?"

"Yeah, unfortunately, the mission failed." Kakashi spread his hands: "The scorpion came out just now, I'm afraid Chiyo..."

Before Kakashi could finish speaking, he was stunned.

Sasuke and Hinata who silently came to their side, as well as Yoshitake and the three people behind him were stunned.

What Kakashi said just now, the meaning is very obvious, that is, Chiyo is probably dead.

But now, this old woman ran out again, is this haunted?

After all, they are here to carry out a mission. The four of them have also read the mission log. In addition, they were attacked by Sandyin three years ago. Basically, every Konoha ninja will learn more or less about some important missions in this village. .

Therefore, they really knew the situation of the old woman Chiyo, and they recognized her the first time they saw her.

"'re not dead?" After Chiyo leaned over, Kakashi touched his head embarrassedly: "I thought you had already been given by Scorpion... It seems that your disguise ability is good. what."

"No, it's not that my disguise is good." Chiyo ignored Kakashi's words, she just said plainly: "It's just that Scorpion didn't kill, maybe I'm not worth doing in his eyes."

Not worth it?

Hearing this, Kakashi raised his brows, but he didn't say anything.

This is someone else's business and has nothing to do with him, but he is relieved now.

Although Ren Zhuli is dead, the old woman is not dead anyway, which means that the follow-up of the mission is not as troublesome as imagined.

There is almost no way to undo the judgment of mission failure, but at least the people who performed the mission together are fine, especially the people in Sandyin who did not have any major problems.

Otherwise, it will be a headache if Sandyin decides that Konoha specially engages them.

Kakashi doesn't think that Sandyin's judgment will have any effect on Konoha, but it is better to have less trouble, especially before the final plan is about to unfold.

"Scorpion and the others have left?" Chiyo glanced around, his eyes seemed a little sad: "Why didn't you take action?"

"Oh? How do you know I didn't shoot?" Kakashi spread his hands indifferently: "Well, even if I don't shoot, it doesn't seem to be a big deal. After all, my subordinates also need to be trained."

"This is not a good thing." Chiyo shook his head: "Forget it, it's a pity, this guy Gaara..."

"Rather than pity him, you might as well think more about what you will do next." Kakashi said indifferently: "I have a hunch that you are not the first, nor will you be the last, those guys I'm afraid it will keep repeating some things. For example... catch the tailed beast and the human column force."

Kakashi's words silenced Chiyo. She stared at Gaara who was lying on the ground, and she also stared at Naruto, who was kneeling beside him silently sad for Gaara.

She recognized who this child was. It was the son of the fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato, who seemed to be the same person.

However, his fate is obviously much better than Gaara. He has lived in love since he was a child, he has had his own friends since he was a child, and since he was a child...

But this child is also a kind child. He can empathize with a person who can be regarded as an enemy. Such kindness is too rare.

Although Chiyo is not optimistic about such kindness. But there are such kind people, after all, still worthy of respect.


Chiyo showed a smile as she raised her feet and walked slowly towards Gaara.

"Actually, you don't need to tell me about these things." Chiyo said while continuing to walk: "I am tired, and these things should be handed over to the young people."

"What do you mean?" Kakashi frowned: "Shouldn't you prepare for this kind of thing in your Sandyin Village?"

"It's time to prepare, but as I said, these things must be left to young people." Chiyo's voice was still calm: "I'm old, and I've done a lot of things in my life.

Although I don't know what the consequences of what I have done, I am afraid that I will never have a conclusion whether it is right or wrong.

After so many years, it's time for me to stop, I don't have much life left, and I think it's time for me to do something meaningful.

I love Luo this kid, he doesn't want our generation, even his sister is different from our generation.

It's a pity that he died. Only by knowing him can he get family and friendship. Life was so good that he didn't have time to experience it all.

And he is also a member of Shayin's decision-making level. His life has just begun, if it ends like this...

Does it all seem unfair? "



Kakashi doesn't know how to evaluate this word, at least in his opinion, life is inherently unfair.

Everything in the ninja world shows this unfairness most vividly.

The ninja family is born with the limit of blood, plus the years of development, the background they have is even more unimaginable.

Therefore, their juniors are more likely to become an elite ninja, and even their juniors grew up with golden spoons in their hands, and the excellent resources they enjoy are even more difficult to match.

For civilian ninjas, the only way out was to get the appreciation of some big people, or to fight with their own lives.

Kakashi particularly admires Uchiha Kai and his teacher, that is, they have the use of higher and more public resources to pave the way for civilian ninjas.

They can be said to have broken many traditions in the ninja world, and this kind of thing used to be unimaginable!

Although Kakashi also knows that unfair things still exist, such as the descendants of the Uchiha family, their starting point is not comparable to that of ordinary ninjas.

Kai Uchiha can't be absolutely fair, what he can do is to give everyone a relatively fair environment, and at the same time give others a way to rise.

The development of the village is like this, and the individual is even more so.

Whether a person's fate is fair or not can really not be summed up in one or two sentences.

But he did not refute Chiyo's words, because it was no longer necessary.

On the vast plain, Naruto and the others couldn't hide their excitement when they watched Gaara open his eyes again, but Chiyo fell to the ground forever.

Reincarnation, Kakashi knows this technique.

This is a resurrection technique that Uchiha used Full Moon and Ghost Shark to grab from Gosha Yin, and this technique was first used on Lin, which is why Lin is now resurrected.

During the three years that Uchiha Qi left, Kakashi also learned a lot of secret news, and many of these news were obtained from his teacher.

There is no doubt about the authenticity, not to mention Kakashi knows that Uchiha Kai has done a lot of and secret things.

Shaking his head, Kakashi sighed slightly mentally, the technique of reincarnation may be regarded as a very fair technique.

If you want to get life, you naturally have to pay the same price. This is the same whether it is Chiyo's "self-reincarnation" or Uchiha Kai's "reincarnation" that belongs to the eye of reincarnation.

However, Kakashi knows that such fairness depends on people in essence. Seeing that Uchiha Qi has performed such a large-scale reincarnation, it is not a natural thing. This is probably the gap between people, right?

In fact, Kakashi didn't know that even Uchiha Kai performed these techniques with great care.

The resurrection of Nohara Rin was done using Bai Jue's body, and the reincarnation of the entire Konoha was completed by relying on the Tenseigan on the moon and Otsutsuki's peach-like eyes.

The follow-up things became much simpler. Gaara returned to Sandyin Village under the **** of Naruto and others. On the way, he met Kankuro and others who came to the rescue.

With the help of Chiyo's information, Kankuro quickly woke up, and he volunteered to be the leader of the rescue team.

After they all returned to Sandyin Village, Temari also prepared a grand welcome ceremony, and Naruto and the others were also treated as heroes.

However, this treatment is only recognized by some people, and the other part is still watching from the sidelines.

Temari's work has a long way to go, at least there is no way to unite the village of Sandyin as an iron plate.

As for this mission, it can be said to be a success, but it can also be said to be a failure.

Sand Hidden Village lost Mizuru, and also lost Chiyo, one of their pillars, for this mission.

Even if Gaara is welcomed back, it is still lost if it is lost, which cannot be changed.

However, Kakashi felt that this might be an opportunity for Temari.

After Konoha saw more of Uchiha's actions, Kakashi thought that if Temari could grasp the power vacuum after Chiyo's death this time, and then quickly cut through the mess to regain power and stabilize the situation, then Sand Hidden would have nothing too bad. Big problem.

But I know, he is not interested in picking up Temari, he is Konoha's Anbu Minister, not Sandyin's Anbu Minister.

After holding a grand funeral for Chiyo, placing the tombstone at the front of the Sandyin cemetery, and conferring upon her a series of titles such as the Hero of the Sandyin Village, Kakashi and others also chose to return to Konoha.

Next, it is a rare quiet time, but unfortunately this kind of calm is not destined to last for too long.

Following the news from Obito, after Minato Namikaze greeted the shadows of various Shinobi villages in advance, the members of Akatsuki's organization acted thoroughly.

They have changed their habit of lurking for years, and have only one target, the people in the major Ninja villages!

To be honest, both Ohnogi and the Fourth Raikage were a little reluctant at first, but in the end Namifeng Minato told them a Uchiha Kai decision.

"In the mission of rescuing Gaara, Gaara died but was still resurrected. Chiyo mastered this technique, and I also mastered it. At that time, whether it is a tailed beast or a human, I will send it back to you."

With such a promise, coupled with the strength of Uchiha's "God of Humanity" as a guarantee, or as a threat, Ohnogi and the fourth Raikage finally agreed to this plan.

As for Wuyin Village?

Man Yue has basically mastered the power, and since he is inextricably linked with Konoha, it is naturally impossible for him not to agree to this matter.

So, following the one-tailed force Gaara, the six tails of Kiriyin Village were the first to be brutally murdered.

As for the three tails, the Akatsuki organization is still looking for them. Since the death of the fourth generation of Mizukage, the three tails have also disappeared, but the resurrection time should be in the near future.

The four tails and the five tails are both the main force of the rock ninja village, and Uchiha Shisui and the dried persimmon ghost also went to arrest them at almost the same time.

Nanao is the only person who does not belong to the five major villages, Zhuri, originally according to Obito's meaning, let the corners go to arrest.

After all, Kakuto was originally from Takiyin Village, which was his hometown.

But Angle was catching Erwei with Feiduan, and he didn't have much time at all.

Therefore, Obito went out in person and quickly arrested him.

The horror of Xiao's organization was vividly displayed at this moment. When they decided to capture the tailed beast, everything showed a state of destruction.

In addition to the shadows who knew about it for a long time, the other people in the Five Great Ninja Villages hadn't even reacted to what happened, and most of the people had already fallen into their hands.

So far, there are only eight and nine tails left...


In the Hokage office, Minato Namikaze is presiding over a related meeting.

Almost the entire Konoha and all the upper ninjas of this meeting participated in it. It is conceivable to imagine the importance of this meeting.

Uchiha Kai sat at the front. He seemed to listen very seriously, but in fact he didn't listen very seriously at all, because these things basically had nothing to do with them.

The main content of this meeting is still about the crazy actions of Xiao's organization. These guys' actions are really cross-site, and they have already grabbed most of the people and pillars without giving you much room to reflect.

Such a situation has caused a very heavy sense of crisis in the entire ninja world. The deterrent power of the tailed beast is irresistible to 99% of the entire ninja world!

People who can deal with tailed beasts are rare in the entire ninja world. When others face tailed beasts, I am afraid they are really slaughtered unilaterally.

The theme of this meeting actually revolves around how to protect Konoha's renzhuli, how to prevent Akatsuki's invasion and so on.

Of course, Minato Namikaze didn't actually think that those people organized by Akatsuki would really come to Konoha to make trouble.

The leaders are all from their Konoha, how could this organization make such a stupid decision?

But this kind of thing is also known to them. It can even be said that no more than ten people know about these things. This is completely one of Konoha's top secrets.

When other people don't know, Konoha naturally needs to make a show, whether it is for outsiders to see or to give himself confidence, this must be done.

Soon, when Namikaze Minato had everything arranged, this meeting was over.

"I didn't expect that organization to be so powerful."

After all the ordinary Jōnin left, Namikaze Minato said with some emotion.

At present, there are only Uchiha Kai and others left in Hokage's office. These people can be said to be the most trusted and most trusted people of Namikaze Minato.

"None of them are ordinary people." Uchiha Qi nodded gently.

"The three regular battle groups each have special abilities, including Orochimaru, Scorpion, Ghost Shark, and Shishui. Even Jiaodu and Feiduan, who don't look very good, can Not a good role to deal with."

"It can only be said that it is too dangerous for this group of people to get together." Lu Jiu couldn't help but scratch his head: "If I hadn't known that these people were actually under our control, I would have felt a little troublesome."

"Trouble?" Uchiha Fuyue chuckled lightly: "I'm afraid for Kai, it's not a problem for these guys to get together, right?"

This sentence can be said to kill the sky. In fact, everyone present thought so, because the power that Uchiha Kai showed three years ago really makes people feel a little out of reach.

Namikaze Minato also glanced at Uchiha Kai vaguely. Since he came back, the nine tails in his body have told him more than once that this kid is probably the reincarnation of the Six Path Immortal!

Even though Qiu Uchiha clearly stated that he had seen the immortals of the Six Paths, but before the Nine Tails saw the Six Paths in a real sense, he was more willing to regard Uchiha Qi as the reincarnation of the Six Paths.

The most terrible thing is that in Uchiha Kai there is an aura that is obviously similar to that of the Six Paths Immortals.

Whether it is the power in the body, or the unique temperament that is infinitely close to nature, these things have only been felt by the Six Paths Immortals!

Uchiha Qi didn't know what Nine Tails was thinking, otherwise he could only say that the misunderstanding was a bit big.

"Don't say this, our enemy is not the Akatsuki organization." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "Everyone knows who our enemies really are, those guys are not so easy to deal with these guys in the Akatsuki organization."

"Yeah, it's really hard to deal with." Minato Namikaze nodded solemnly: "But for the sake of our world, even if you work hard, you will be willing to do anything."

"What about Naruto and Sasuke?" Uchiha Kai obviously didn't want to continue talking about this topic, he simply shifted the question away.

It is a little inappropriate to discuss the issue of Otsutsuki now, because when those people from Otsutsuki will come here is still a big question.

But it is conceivable that if they come at this time, the destruction to the ninja world is absolutely inestimable.

The Ninja world is obviously not ready, nor is Kai Uchiha.

Only when his blood snares were completed did he have the confidence to deal with one or two like this.

But the person he is more willing to deal with is the guy Otsutsuki.

This guy has been recuperating in that stagnant space for so many years, and now he doesn't know how, but the level of danger of this guy is absolutely beyond imagination.

If he doesn't get rid of him, Uchiha Kai can't stand it.

After all, such a lunatic, no matter how you look at it, it is better to be dead. He will only endanger all lives, including Uchiha Kai himself!

As for the kid Naruto, the current situation is a bit delicate. He did not practice any immortal arts, nor did he take the time to do any super-ultimate moves.

In fact, the technique of 'Wind Escape Spiral Shuriken' has already been created by Minato Namikaze, and he just needs to follow Minato Namikaze to learn it well.

And immortality, he has also mastered, in addition, he has even done chakra synchronization with the tail beast, all he needs is to get familiar with his own power.

The progress of this guy Naruto has surpassed the original book by many times.

As for Sasuke, he still lacks some key things, that is, the evolution of Sharinyan.

His current strength is not weak, but his eyes are still locked in the state of Sangouyu.

The characteristics of the Uchiha family make them very strong at every stage, but in contrast, their conditions are a bit too harsh in terms of improving their own strength.

The kaleidoscope is a troublesome thing for anyone, only those who have opened the kaleidoscope will know how much trouble this thing needs to do.

However, there is still some time now. After the one tail to the seven tails fell into the hands of the Akatsuki organization, they also temporarily died down for a while.

The reason is also very simple. They want to take advantage of this time to seal the tailed beast and let the outsider golem absorb and digest the seven tailed beasts.

In the same way, Uchiha Kai and the others also got the tailed beast Chakra they need, and now they are still integrating these powers.

It can be said that during this period of time, neither Uchiha Kai, Imai Kenta, nor the group of people organized by Akatsuki will be dispatched. These two guys can fully accumulate themselves during this period of time.

Whether it's Naruto's synchro-tailed beast chakra training, or Sasuke's trip to find Shisui for the final potential plan, it can be chosen.

"That kid Naruto is okay, now he is following the Kurama in special training."

Namikaze Minato knew that Uchiha Kei didn't want to talk more about Otsutsuki, so he also followed Kei's intentions and said.

"As for Sasuke, I think you should know better than me?"

"That kid Sasuke, since he came back from the last mission, his mood has been a little off."

Uchiha Fuyue knew that during this period of time, Uchiha Kiji was hiding and practicing, and he didn't understand the affairs of the clan at all. He said simply.

"Because of the last mission, the kid Zhishui appeared. Although he didn't hit it, this kid..."

"It's not surprising." Uchiha Ki nodded, and then laughed even more: "Is this in a good state? Maybe I can arrange a personal task for him."

"Personal mission?" Kakashi raised his eyebrows: "You mean, let him find Shishui by himself?"

The people present knew something more or less, such as Kai Uchiha and the others who arranged a plan that seemed to be used to train Sasuke.

But they don't know exactly how, after all, this is the matter of the Uchiha family themselves, and they can't ask too much.

The main reason for Kakashi to speak is that Sasuke belongs to his disciple no matter how he looks at it.

And he himself has a very deep relationship with Uchiha. Obito and Kai are his best friends, and he himself is the teacher of Uchiha Fuyue's two sons. It is appropriate for him to ask something.

"Well, that's true." Uchiha Qi nodded: "There are some things that Sasuke must solve by himself. I have arranged this plan for a long time."

"Will it be dangerous to let him go alone?" Minato Namikaze didn't ask what to do, but worried about Sasuke's safety: "Although Shisui is ours, I'm worried that they will be monitored, so... ..."

"There will be no problem." Uchiha Kai smiled: "And, in order to ensure the success of the mission, Itachi will also be dispatched."


The meeting basically ended here, and Uchiha Kai and others also left the Hokage Building one after another.

Sasuke's solo mission was approved, but this solo mission was only a solitary mission on the surface.

In fact, behind him, he went with a lot of people.

Uchiha Fu Itachi will definitely follow, this is a chess piece reserved by Uchiha Kai.

Shishui's current situation is similar to that of Itachi back then, but the strength is probably still a lot worse, so he needs a guarantee.

The person who guarantees the bottom line is naturally the person who has a close relationship with Shisui and Sasuke, and as long as Itachi has a wonderful and excellent performance, then Sasuke, this kid, may really be unbearable.

Indra's reincarnation is still somewhat important to him, and Uchiha Fuyue has prepared a lot of things for these two children.

Whether it is his own kaleidoscope or the pair of eternal eyes he is using now, he can give it to his children.

It can be said that this guy Uchiha Fuyue is indeed a very family-friendly person, and even his family-friendly level has reached an incredible level.

However, how unbelievable, he can't make a decision such as selling the family now.

After the meeting, Kei Uchiha returned to his underground laboratory, along with Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai.

The two of them didn't say a word at the meeting just now. Maybe it was a relatively indifferent meeting, or maybe they didn't think it was necessary at all.

But when he came back here, Imai Kenta let go of him completely. He sat on the chair with his buttocks, and then put his legs on the table, and he looked extremely decadent.

"Really, this meeting is held, does it mean nothing to us?" Imai Kenta said helplessly: "Instead of spending all this time meeting, it is better to give me time to continue fusing the tailed beast Chakra, really."

"You're the only one in such a hurry?" Hyuga Aya obviously ignored Imai Kenta's complaint, she sat down beside Uchiha Kai and said disdainfully: "The chakra of the tail beast is indeed very strong, it is understandable that you are anxious to absorb and merge. , but are you the only one with such a Chakra?"

"Please, you haven't married yet." Imai Kentai rolled his eyes helplessly, he couldn't take it anymore: "And speaking, Kai's tailed beast Chakra is all in his Susanon. Inside, I am directly fused into the body, can it be the same?"

Uchiha Qi spread his hands, he really can't say anything right now.

What Imai Kenta said is really not wrong. It is really not a difficult concept to integrate the tailed beast Chakra into the body and into other carriers.

After all, the effect presented is not the same. The model shown by Imai Kenta is more tyrannical, while Uchiha Kai can only simply borrow these powers.

Although the quality is not bad, the application ability that can be reflected is a world of difference.

If he wants to use these powers completely, he can only open Susanoo, but at this stage, Susanoo is a bit embarrassing.

Either it was a waste to use it, or it would affect the combat efficiency. All in all, he didn't use his power again to test the strength of the current tailed beast merging into Susanoo.

Although there is a little bit of regret, but Uchiha Qi is not so concerned, because he thinks that even if the effect is not ideal, it will definitely not be bad.

What's more, his use of these tailed beasts chakra is not limited to his own Susanoo.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about this." Imai Kenta spread his hands, and then his eyes turned to Uchiha Kai: "By the way, I heard that Obito seems to have also merged with the tailed beast Chakra, his situation how?"

"It doesn't count, it doesn't count as bad." Uchiha Qi thought for a while before saying, "After all, he is Uchiha, and he has the cells of your thousand hands. It's normal that the effect is better than yours. Especially if you still Need to focus on fusion chakra, it's no surprise that he caught up."


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