Chapter 780: Brother (Part 1)

After all, Obito is a relatively honest person, especially after Uchiha Qi gave him a good way out, he was willing to give it a try.

Fusion tailed beast Chakra, Uchiha Kai told him this very early, and he also began to try it very early.

He has the three-tailed chakra, and the nine-tailed chakra is not lacking, and Uchiha Kai will also provide him with a new chakra.

It can be said that his progress has never been counted, and there is absolutely no problem in saying that it is very fast!

But thinking about it carefully, it's really not an unexpected thing for this guy to behave like this.

His energy doesn't need to be dispersed at all, and at most it is spent on Yin-Yang Escape - in fact, it doesn't take much time, because the information that Uchiha has given him is very complete.

All he needs to do is to integrate these chakras wholeheartedly, and he doesn't need to worry about other things at all.

In addition to the energy problem, his physical aspect is also the key to allowing him to quickly integrate the tailed beast Chakra.

He himself was originally Uchiha, and he also used Bai Jue's cells—even if he didn't voluntarily, to a certain extent, he was able to obtain the power of the rudimentary 'Sen Luo Wanxiang'.

And his own will is very complete, so tenacious that even the ten tails can't split his will and thus control his body.

His current state is similar to that in the original book, and he even has a better grasp of yin and yang escape. In the original book, he can even control the ten tails, so controlling these tailed beasts Chakra is not a problem now!

This guy, Imai Kenta, has nothing to do with this. After all, he gave up the cells of the Uchiha family.

The yin escape mastered by Uchiha is also obvious to the restraint of the tailed beast, or he has never regretted it from beginning to end.

"By the way, you have been fusing your chakra since you came back, how is the situation now?" Maybe he was too lazy to tangle with these issues, Imai Kenta simply changed the topic: "You have to fuse your own chakra again, and you have to fuse again. Chakra, the tailed beast, can you handle it?"

"It's alright, the tailed beast Chakra doesn't need me to think too much, they resonate within Susanoo." Said this, Uchiha Kai couldn't help laughing: "As for my own Chakra, It's almost integrated."

Five-attribute chakra fusion, the most difficult part is to find a breakthrough, so that they can resonate.

Uchiha Qi has done this a long time ago, and the rest is not so troublesome, just a little bit of refreshment to speed up.

By now, he can basically feel that the new Chakra, which combines five attributes, is rippling in his body.

"What about after that?" Imai Kenta suddenly asked: "Aya told me your theory and the news you got from Otsutsuki Ichishi, what about the fusion after that?"

"I'm also curious about this question." Hyuga Aya also slightly turned her head sideways: "If it's just chakra that combines five attributes, then we've already completed it, but we're two steps away from integrating seven, or even... ..."

"Are you worried that I will consider fusion-tailed beast Chakra?" Uchiha Qi chuckled, then stretched out his hand and grabbed Hyuga Aya: "Don't worry, in fact, I have already thought about this issue, and I have also Ready for a new round of trials and experiments."

Incorporating chakra has always been a nuisance, no doubt about it.

The Xueji Network is a Chakra that needs to integrate seven attributes, and its troublesome level is even more desperate.

It was okay before, because with the bloodline of the Yuyi family and their bloodline boundaries as the foundation, Uchiha Qi and the others only need to understand their strength.

But unfortunately, it seems that the five attributes are the limit, and there is no further possibility at all.

Maybe there is, and sometimes the conclusion is so absolute, but the problem is that even if there is, it will probably be a long and unimaginable time for them to dig.

Therefore, Uchiha Kai has been thinking about a conclusion from the beginning, a simpler method.

Two and two blends, or even three forces are completely integrated at one time!

The Chakra fusion developed by the first layer of the Yuyi family's bloodline is actually the simplest fusion method.

That's the power to bring two quality levels to the same limit, regardless of their quantity, to allow them to blend together thoroughly.

This has given Uchiha Kai a great inspiration, because the key to this fusion is quality!

The quality of yin and yang escape is extremely high, there is no doubt about this. At the beginning, this power devoured each other with the immortal chakra in his body, and supplemented himself.

He wasn't sure how far the fusion of the five chakras had reached, but he felt that he might as well make an assumption that the power of the five chakras fused together would not lose in quality to yin and yang!

The difficulty of the Yuyi family's bloodline continues to rise, because he needs to continuously fuse the lower-quality chakra without letting it be swallowed up.

The origin of chakra is the same, at least Uchiha Qi can't do the same as Terumi Mei, inexplicably merged two equal blood powers.

In her situation, she is probably the only one in the entire ninja world, right?

The bloodlines of the Yuyi family stopped after the five basic attribute chakras were fused, and the result now is that there are two different types of chakras in his body.

Therefore, he came up with an idea, that is to make a final fusion of these two kinds of chakras, and even his Susanoo Huena has been synchronizing and resonating!

Even if the tailed beast Chakra has no way to succeed in this fusion, he will not be too entangled. As long as the blood snares can be successfully condensed, then he is successful!

" this your plan?"

After Uchiha Kei told Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya of his thoughts, both of them were a little stunned, but they soon recovered.


After the five attributes are fused, the quality of this chakra is already unimaginably high. As long as the quality passes the test, then the fusion of these two pieces will definitely not have any problems!

In fact, they should have thought of such a method long ago, but they didn't know Uchiha Kai's plan at all at first, and just followed his ideas.

However, after they were clear, they had already merged into this step, and their preconceived notions kept them from turning the corner all of a sudden.

And this guy, Uchiha Kai, actually had such an assumption at the beginning, I can only say that this guy is really incredible!

"Although I want to say something, your thinking reaction is really good." Imai Kenta sighed slightly: "But I think it might be better if you told us your thoughts earlier, right?"

"Do you think it's a preconceived notion that brought you in?" Uchiha Qi chuckled: "Sometimes don't think too much. In fact, even if I said it at the time, you may not be able to imagine it."

"That's what you think." Kenta Imai shook his head, then stood up directly: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you, I'll try it."

"It's okay to try it, so I can save myself from trial and error." Uchiha Ki nodded: "Then I'll leave it to you."

"Yes, yes, I'll leave quickly, so I can be a light bulb here."

"Oh? You are quite self-aware."


When Uchiha Kai and the others were developing a new fusion chakra method, Sasuke was walking the streets bored alone.

The guy Naruto went to receive special training, the woman Hinata and Neji were training, and he didn't want to go to either of them.

Naruto's training was with Kuo, and Kuo has a bad relationship with the Uchiha family.

When this guy ran out to make trouble, it was his father and Lord Qi who controlled and suppressed it together.

He felt that if he had encountered such a thing instead, he would never have easily let go of those who suppressed him.

So he took it for granted that the dead fox might still hold a lot of hostility towards his father and Master Qi.

As a Uchiha, he didn't need to go to the fox at all. Anyway, the fox didn't seem to like him very well.

As for Hinata?

Even more forget it!

He didn't like the Hyuga clan very well. Anyway, he listened to his father's complaints all day long, and he had a great impression of this family that stole the descendants of Lord Qi's blood.

In addition, the battle mode of the Hyuga clan is also far from their own, and it is useless to run over by themselves, isn't it?

"All of a sudden, I don't know what to do." Sasuke shook his head helplessly.

"Kakashi-sensei too, I read something that is not nutritious all day long, and I don't know what is written in that book, but it is so attractive. Also, this guy wears a mask all day, I don't know if it is I think I look ugly and I don't want to take it off."

Although Sasuke respects Kakashi very much, he complains a lot about him.

He felt depressed enough about this. The most depressing thing was that he wanted to know what was written in these books, but without exception, his father, mother, and even his brother didn't hesitate. rejected his own ideas.

The fact that he was wearing a mask made him even more depressed. He didn't know if this guy had any quirks, or if he really looked too bad for the audience.

It seems that I have known him through Naruto since I was a child, until he became his brother's teacher, and now he is his own teacher, always wearing that mask.

Looking at the photos left by Master Qi when he was a child, there is also the figure of this guy, and he was already wearing a mask when he was only in his teens.

In this situation, Sasuke didn't know how to express his thoughts except sighing.

Perhaps, this is the most persistent person, right?


At this moment, Sasuke suddenly froze, because he saw two familiar figures in front of him.

Immediately, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Those two people were quite familiar to him - both of them were his older brothers, one of them was Itachi Uchiha, and the other was Junma Lu.

Although his relationship with Junmalu is relatively general, because Junmalu is not a blood member of the Uchiha clan.

However, Junmalu has also been recognized by Uchiha. After all, he is also a member of Xueji Boundary, and he was brought back by Uchiha Kai, and now he is Uchiha Itachi's teammate.

Sasuke approached the two of them quietly, intending to surprise them when they weren't paying attention.

It's just that he just approached, and after hearing the conversation between the two of them, he couldn't help but froze, and then he quietly followed the two of them in silence, and there was no more idea of ​​Yaou to surprise them.

"Itachi, have you heard? That guy Shishui seems to be back."

"Well, I heard it. It's news from Anbu. I didn't expect that what Sasuke said back then was true."

"It's a pity, we didn't believe him at the time. But that guy dared to come back after killing so many people. It's abominable."

"Well, indeed.... However, we will handle this matter. I will definitely kill this guy who has tarnished the reputation of the Uchiha family!"

"It seems that his destination is the abandoned stronghold of your family?"

"Well, I know, don't talk about it, it's a secret after all."

The two walked away, discussing these things in a low voice all the way, and Sasuke's face became more and more ugly.

Uchiha Shisui is back?

The guy who humiliated the Uchiha family, who made everyone not believe his words, who killed dozens of Konoha people and betrayed Konoha, how dare he come back?

Sasuke looked cold, he didn't say anything, but was thinking about what Itachi and Junmarou said.

When Zhishui comes back, it doesn't necessarily mean returning to Konoha. After all, there is Lord Qi in Konoha, and his return is basically no different from sending him to death!

The country of fire is also considered the sphere of influence of Konoha, and during the Warring States Period, there were Uchiha strongholds in many places in the country of fire.

These strongholds have basically been abandoned, and even 90% have been destroyed.

Only one stronghold is relatively well preserved, but because the entire clan has entered Konoha, that place was basically abandoned due to disrepair.

It is said that there used to be the base camp of Uchiha. If Shishui wants to come back, it must be there!

After thinking about this, Sasuke made a decision, he was going to find Shisui!

And this time, he must have to go by himself, he doesn't want to implicate unrelated people.

It happened that all of his teammates were practicing, and it happened that his teacher was not free recently, so he let him perform the task alone.

In this case, Sasuke stopped, and soon he turned around and walked towards the mission building.

He has to take a mission out of the village, and then... go find this **** betrayal, and make a good calculation with him, the account of the year!

What he didn't know was that when he turned to leave, everyone around him inadvertently turned to look at him, including Itachi and Junmalu...


"Looks like Sasuke is going."

It was night, on the towering building of Konoha, Uchiha Kai turned his back to Yinyue and stared at Sasuke who was walking quickly towards the village entrance. He couldn't help showing a smile.

Arrange the people from the security department to clear the streets, play passers-by to cooperate with Uchiha Itachi and Junmalu's actions, the purpose is to get Sasuke hooked.

Otherwise, according to the habit of Junmalu and Itachi, how could it be possible to make such an act of conspiring loudly on the street?

Although the news of Uchiha Shisui is not necessarily a secret, after all, there is a big mouth like Tooth, but as members of the Uchiha clan, they still pay attention to such remarks.

For now, Shishui is an absolute traitor of the Uchiha clan, and the two of them would hate it no matter how they looked at it.

Especially since the two of them are members of Anbu, what they are talking about will definitely not be known to ordinary people, and it will not let a person silently follow behind them and eavesdrop on everything they say!

"Yes, Lord Kai." Itachi knelt down on one knee, his head buried deep, and his voice was a little low: "Sasuke took on a mission to exterminate robbers, in the land of fire."

"Well, it's not surprising, after all, the information you have disclosed to him is enough for him to make a judgment." Uchiha Kai turned his eyes around and looked at Itachi: "Then you should also prepare, what should you do? , how to deal with changes, I think you are familiar with it too?"

Itachi pursed his lips when he heard this.


Maybe it's really familiar. Back then, he was tricked once, and under such a violent emotional reaction, he opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel.

And now, it's Sasuke's turn.

In fact, Itachi doesn't want Sasuke to experience all this, but Itachi knows that Sasuke is his younger brother, and as the son of the Uchiha clan's patriarch, he may not be able to avoid this step.

The power of the kaleidoscope is unimaginable, and the way the kaleidoscope is opened is too harsh.

And itachi, who has experienced so much, of course knows that the actual kaleidoscope is not the end, and there are more powerful and terrifying eyes above the kaleidoscope!

For example, the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye that his father is using now, and the reincarnation eye that Master Qi is using now.

The strength of the Uchiha family, under the leadership of Master Qi and his father, has reached an unimaginable peak. Although he is a new generation, he does not like to use this method to open the kaleidoscope.

But if the whole family is lonely in his hands, and even the village is being fought because of it, then Itachi has no way to forgive himself easily.

"I understand, Lord Kai." Uchiha Itachi raised his head slightly, the night completely covered his face, and only a pair of scarlet eyes were exposed in the moonlight's blindness: "I will handle this matter well. ."

"Do it well, I hope to hear good news." Uchiha Qi nodded slightly, then turned around: "Sasuke is not an ordinary person, his potential is endless, maybe he will still be the biggest Uchiha clan in the future. The leader."

Having said this, Uchiha Kai paused for a while, then tilted his head slightly, looked at Itachi who was kneeling on the ground and said with a soft laugh: "Just like now, just like your father, Sasuke's power may surpass me in the future. And you are the best choice to succeed your father."

"Lord Qi is wrong." Itachi quickly buried his head again, so he wouldn't dare to take it.

"Okay, don't be so boring as a human being. I didn't like you back then for many reasons. One of them is that you don't have what a child should look like." Uchiha Qi shook his head and said casually: "Go, he wants to leave the village. already."

"I see." Itachi stood up and said with a serious look, "I won't let Master Qi down again."


Sasuke ran all the way, first completed the task of exterminating the robbers with the fastest speed, and then rushed to an abandoned stronghold where Uchiha once stayed in the country of fire.

The task of exterminating the robbers is not difficult for him, although he has not received an education like Uchiha Kai, who has fought on the battlefield since he was a child.

It is not as good as Shisui and Itachi, who received the **** fighting education of Anbu or Genji, but he is not a soft-hearted person.

Perhaps Indra's Chakra played a role, or as Uchiha, he saw things very clearly, and he never showed the slightest softness when facing the enemy.

He killed all those robbers, except for some children - but those children, he also used illusion to make them forget this memory, and finally threw them to a nearby village and handed them over to the Konoha ninja stationed there.

Sasuke can master the illusion of erasing memory fairly well, which is also the fundamental guarantee for him to dare to accept this task.

After dealing with these things, he set off and came to this stronghold, looking at the place that had been abandoned for a long time, Sasuke showed complicated eyes.

Because here, there is the person he hates the most, and he used to be one of the people he loves the most.

This time, he didn't call Naruto. Although Naruto had a great influence on him, he hoped that this time he would solve these problems by himself!

Putting away these thoughts, he quickly jumped towards the stronghold. When he completely stepped into the stronghold, his footsteps began to slow down.

Be prepared before the battle and be careful in everything, which is a quality that a ninja must achieve.

Sasuke is a qualified ninja, and he will not forget this, especially the enemy he has to face is not an ordinary person, but Uchiha Shisui!

tread... tread...

Light footsteps sounded in the corridor, walking in it, and there were broken walls everywhere.

In the room at the end, Sasuke took a light breath and stepped in. In an instant, his eyes had become scarlet, and in his eyes, the three gouyu were even more bewitching.

On the wall at the end of the room, a calligraphy and painting with the characters of fox hung on it.

On the seat in front, a figure in a red cloud suit with a black background sat quietly on it.

Sasuke stopped and looked at the man in front of him, his scarlet eyes already revealed resentment, disappointment, and... a strong killing intent!

"Uchiha...stop the water!"

Shishui stared at Sasuke's arrival, and he sighed slightly inwardly.

This moment has finally come!

For eight years, Zhishui has been waiting for eight years, and he has been looking forward to this moment.

Although he also knew that the potential plan he cooperated with would not necessarily be 100% successful.

But at least he has tried it, and itachi is cooperating in this action. Once this task is completed, even if he can't go back, all misunderstandings are completely eliminated.

To be honest, Shisui has to say that the guy he hates the most is definitely the **** Uchiha Obito!

That's right, it is Obito, who is Shishui this guy already knows.

After the last mission in Sandyin Village, Shisui specifically found this guy Obito - he learned from the ghost shark that this guy is actually Uchiha Kai's subordinate!

He had to get an answer as to why this guy was doing this to him, playing him like a fool.

There were also ghost sharks with him, because ghost sharks were also full of fire.

Just imagine, he has been guarding the people around him for eight years, only to find out in the end that this guy's feelings are his real teammates, and they all came here to be undercover.

If there is no explanation for this kind of thing, the ghost shark will definitely not feel comfortable - of course, if this guy Zhishui lied, then it would be better to besiege him together and kill him!

But what neither of them thought was that Obito was not at all ashamed, and the reason he gave made Shishui a little speechless.

Obito did not shy away from telling the two of them that he did it on purpose.

As for why, Shishui might as well think about how his kaleidoscope writing wheel was opened!

This sentence directly silenced Zhishui, while the ghost shark was a bit baffled, but he found out about it later.

Emotional Obito is taking revenge on Shisui, and Shisui's kaleidoscope is actually because of Uchiha Kai's illusion, immersing him in an illusory world, and killing the entire clan!

In such a situation, Ghost Shark really didn't expect it, and now he somewhat understands what this guy Obito is doing.

If it was himself, even in an illusory scene, he would never do anything to destroy the entire clan, young or old...

After coming to Konoha.

As for Zhishui, he could only deal with it silently. Although more than eight years had passed since this incident, it was always buried in his mind, causing him to suffer.

Some things are really not so easy to be forgotten, especially for a member of the Uchiha clan, so instead of blaming Obito, he silently accepted it.

Today is the day when the potential plan ends, and it is also a part of Zhishui's redemption. He must not let himself screw up!

"Long time no see, Sasuke!" Zhishui stared at Sasuke and slowly opened his mouth. In the indifferent words, there was no joy or anger, and the scarlet Sangou jade was as calm as ever.

"Yeah, long time no see... Uchiha Shisui, I've been waiting for this day for a long time." Sasuke's voice was also unusually cold, and the killing intent in his eyes did not hide the slightest bit of concealment: "You traitor, why did you do this? make such a choice?"

"Why?" Zhi Shui tilted his head, but his body didn't move at all: "This is my own choice, so why are you?"

"You deceived the village, deceived us, deceived everyone, and you shamed the entire family for this!" Sasuke's indifferent tone finally had some emotions: "For the glory of the family and the interests of the village, you must die!"

"Hmph, the village, the family, is really childish to the extreme. The village is just a cage, and the family is just the shackles on the cage. You will never understand that."

"I don't want to understand, and I don't need to understand! All I know is that you can either go back with me or die here!"

Sasuke gave in after all, even if his tone was extreme, but he still gave a different choice, a choice Naruto once gave him.

If Uchiha Kai is here, he will be extremely surprised, because Sasuke's stubbornness and some ideas don't seem to be as strong as in the original book.

This kind of performance is obviously very inconsistent with the direction of the character of Indra, but unfortunately, he is not here.

When Zhishui heard his words, he couldn't help laughing: "Do you remember what I asked you three years ago? How far can your eyes see? How do you understand me? In the end, do you think you will succeed?"

"I don't know if it's successful or not, and I don't care how far you can see." Sasuke's expression became serious, and he leaned forward slightly to make a state of alert: "But I What you can see must be your death!"

"Heh." Zhi Shui chuckled lightly, "Then prove it to me."

Sasuke's face changed slightly, because the voice actually appeared behind him!

Without even thinking about it, the ninja sword around his waist suddenly unsheathed, with a 'ding' sound, the ninja sword blocked the straight stabbing Kunai.

The fierce battle broke out without warning. The speed of the two people was extremely fast. Only the sound of Kunai and the ninja sword was heard several times, and the two could not see the figure at all, only the light of Chakra.

Although Sasuke does not have a kaleidoscope, his basic ability is too strong.

Perhaps the family trained him too well, or perhaps Indra's Chakra played a role, making his combat effectiveness very exaggerated.

Of course, this also has something to do with Shishui not opening the kaleidoscope at all.

The writing wheel eye in the state of Sangouyu is very strong, but it is really far from the kaleidoscope.

In addition to the lack of pupil skills, there is another very critical element, that is, the gap in basic abilities is too great.

The increase in insight, ninjutsu, illusion, and taijutsu is worlds apart. This is not a level of power at all!


It's a pity that although Sasuke has become too much stronger, there still seems to be a big gap compared to Shisui Shisui seized an opportunity and knocked Sasuke's ninja knife into the air It was directly inserted into the ceiling, and Sasuke's body was also knocked back, and he rolled over in the air before landing again.

The hands quickly formed a seal, and Sasuke's body instantly burst into a strong arc: "Thunder escape, Chidori-ryu!"

The sound of thousands of birds chirped along with the thunder light. He slapped the ground with his palm, and the light of thunder and lightning instantly covered the entire floor.

Lei Dun's morphological changes were well used by him. Although he put more energy into the training of swordsmanship and ninjutsu, he did not develop some ninjutsu by himself.

Just like the Chidori flow he is using now, which he developed independently, a form of Chidori move that can protect himself in all directions!

In the face of this move, Zhishui had to avoid it, but soon, a surprise appeared on his face...


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