Chapter 781: brother (middle)


Outside this stronghold, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Fuyue stood together, and Itachi bowed respectfully to Fuyue.

Neither of them went in, but stood silently outside the stronghold and waited. Neither of them participated in this battle, because it was a battle belonging to Sasuke.

It's just that compared to Fuyue's calm, Itachi is a little anxious. He doesn't know what the situation is inside, but he knows that this battle will definitely not be a calm thing.

He knew that water would release water when it stopped, but he didn't know how much it would release water.

He didn't want Sasuke to get hurt, even though he knew it was 90% impossible.

He loves his brother too much, and he also loves his brother. Any injury to either of them will make him uncomfortable, but such a fight is impossible to avoid at all.

Feeling the constant vibrations from the stronghold and the chakra aura that kept overflowing, Itachi couldn't help it.

He really wanted to rush in and have a look, but he didn't dare at all, because I'm afraid it would go against Uchiha's intentions and go against the master's plan. He could only express his concerns to his father.

"Don't worry." Fuyue shook his head, and he sighed slightly: "This is a battle belonging to Sasuke, and he can only end it all. The potential plan, you are the beneficiary, and now it is his turn. Woolen cloth."

"But Sasuke is afraid of such pain..." Itachi was still a little hesitant, and the pain he needs to bear to open the kaleidoscope is simply unimaginable!

"As a member of Uchiha, especially as my child, you can't say such things at all." Fuyue shook his head slightly: "I know, you want to say that you can bear all this, and you have also opened a kaleidoscope. But It's not enough, really not enough."

The power of the kaleidoscope is not the end at all, this is an indisputable fact, and the current Uchiha starting point is too high.

If their next generation has no way to inherit these powers, it will not be a good thing for Konoha or Uchiha.

Uchiha Itachi has no way to bear all of this alone, and Uchiha Fuyue knows this very well.

Although he didn't quite understand why Kai seemed to value Sasuke more, these were his children, and he believed in their abilities.

Seeing the constant vibrations coming from the stronghold in front, and feeling the chakra that was constantly radiating out, Uchiha Fuyue sighed deeply. All he can do now is to wait.


To avoid Chidori, Uchiha Shisui could only jump high.

However, the next moment, his eyes showed a hint of surprise, because Sasuke did not know when he appeared on the ceiling, the ninja sword was pulled out, and he slashed directly at the back of his neck with a terrifying blade.

The next moment, blood splashed, Uchiha Zhishui was beheaded by a knife, and the whole person fell heavily on the ground under the action of inertia, and the corpse was separated, and the ground was covered with red blood.

Sasuke watched all of this silently, especially when he saw the corpse on the ground, his fingers seemed to point behind him, and he couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

"This illusion is very good, but..."

Sasuke turned around and moved his eyes with his fingers, and saw Uchiha Shisui sitting in the distance, the same posture, the same demeanor, without any change.

And in his sentence, Shishui, which was separated by his corpse, has turned into dozens of crows and dissipated in the air.

Sasuke looked at all this indifferently, and his voice was very calm: "Can this trick really escape my eyes?"

"It's really not easy to dodge, after all, you also have such eyes." Zhi Shui nodded lightly, but soon he shook his head again: "But, it's not enough, your eyes haven't reached a strong enough point yet. , you still can't."

'Push! ’

While speaking, Sasuke suddenly appeared in front of Zhishui, his ninja knife had penetrated Zhishui's chest, and blood was slowly seeping out.

"Do you feel enough now?" Sasuke looked at the person in front of him calmly, his voice as indifferent as ever.

"What do you think?" Shishui thought that he didn't feel pain at all, he looked at Sasuke quietly: "I said, your eyes can't see the way I'm doing, you can't see anything at all. "

"Hmph, you haven't answered a question for me yet." Sasuke looked at Shishui indifferently and asked word by word, "Why do you do this?"

"I explained it a long time ago, but it looks like you still don't understand?" Zhi Shui sighed slightly: "I don't want to be bound in a cage, I made it very clear."

"You keep saying it's a cage, so what about before? What about us? Brother Itachi and I, are you just a cage in your eyes?"

"Is this what you want to know? In fact, you just think that I did it on purpose, to cooperate with your performance. This is not the first time I have said that what you see is not necessarily true, just Like I've always played the kind brother in front of you."

Sasuke's eyes narrowed suddenly, and these words hit his heart.

He was suddenly in his left hand, and the dazzling thunderbolt light instantly lit up, followed by a fierce extension, stabbing behind him.

There, the place where the cause was a wall unexpectedly spread out.

In the exact same environment, the figure of Uchiha Shisui sat on the stone chair, still looking at him with indifferent eyes.

Beside Zhishui, the Qiandori sharp spear pierced through the stone bench he was sitting on, but never hit him at all.

And Sasuke still stood there and didn't move, as if he had just come in, they had been constantly confronting each other in illusion!

Elegant, but dangerous.

"I'm not the same as before." Sasuke's angry and indifferent voice sounded again, he gritted his teeth and stared at Shisui and said slowly: "My eyes can now see through your ridiculous illusions!"

"It's still as naive as ever." Zhi Shui shook his head helplessly, and then he stood up indifferently, the chakra on his body was constantly surging: "Forget it, it's the same for me, then I also It's time for you to realize the gap between reality and fantasy..."

Having said this, Zhi Shui closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, his eyes had turned into a pair of kaleidoscopes!

"I'll let you know how childish and ridiculous everything you are in front of my eyes!"


In the Konoha underground laboratory, Uchiha Kai slowly opened his eyes, and at this moment, the breath on his body became more and more ethereal.

The moment he opened his eyes, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, his assumption was right!

"It seems that the progress is not bad!" Uchiha Qi felt his own chakra, and he couldn't help thinking silently: "However, I'm still too anxious..."

Uchiha Qi was really helpless, he was really anxious, not in a hurry to improve his strength, but in a hurry to prove one thing, that his conjecture was right.

The progress of his five-attribute chakra fusion can only be said to be average, after all, he has only just started it for a few months.

Although he was very lucky to directly fit them together, and also fused part of the five-attribute chakra.

But unfortunately, the number is too small, and the small number is really pitiful.

Fusion takes time. These new chakras must be fully fused to a certain extent before they can completely infect all the remaining chakras, and then penetrate his whole body to the extent he wants.

But he did prove his conjecture earlier, so when he reached a certain number of his new five-attribute chakra, he began to try to fuse it.

I have to say that this fusion is really not that high. The fusion of two chakras of the same quality is the most basic strength in the bloodline boundary of the Yuyi family.

And the use of these powers can be diffused, which Uchiha Qi had guessed. What he and Hyuga Aya said were just their own guesses, and only real attempts can prove this.

But now, he has proved this, all of which is just as he guessed, this most basic power has become the most trustworthy power!

But the problem is that the number of five-attribute chakras he has condensed is really pitiful, and it is not enough to motivate his own chakras to complete the final transformation!

This situation not only made him happy, but also made him a little helpless.

He has now stepped into the threshold of the blood snares, but because the fusion strength is not enough, it is not enough to induce the transformation of the whole body.

This feeling of being unable to go up and down really made him extremely uncomfortable.

The most terrible thing is that he can feel the terrifying power hidden in himself, but he has no way to mobilize these powers at all. This kind of feeling is really bad.

Just as he sighed with the game disc, the door of the room he was in was pushed open, and Aya Hyuga walked in quickly.

"I felt that your breath was not right before, I guess you have finished your practice." Hyuga Aya glanced at Uchiha Kai and said calmly: "Your breath was very strange before, and now you... ..”

"It's not quite right?" Uchiha Qi stood up and shook his head helplessly: "In fact, it's similar to what I thought, I proved my guess, but my five-attribute chakra fusion is too little. , which makes me unable to use this part of the power now."

In the face of Hyuga Aya, Uchiha Kai basically won't hide too much information now, and there is nothing to hide about this kind of thing.

Hyuga Aya will definitely take this road, and she will naturally be aware of this situation at that time, Uchiha Qi will not think about pitting her.

Although there are too many people in him, but at this level, he has begun to have a little conscience. Perhaps this is the sense of security that his stronger strength brings him.

"This is not good news." Hyuga Aya shook her head when she heard the words: "However, according to what you said, this time the fusion is simpler than you thought?"

"Well, it's really simpler, at least that's how I feel." Uchiha Qi touched his chin, and then slowly said: "Of course, no one can be 100% sure about this kind of thing, right? Maybe, It's because I have less power in this area right now, so it's relatively simple."

Indeed, although Uchiha Kai can be sure that these two powers can achieve the fusion he wants through the power in the blood of the Yui family.

And in his experience, the fusion this time does not seem to be as difficult as he imagined.

But the ghost knows whether it is because he provided too little chakra, which caused him such an illusion?

Even if the fusion is actually very simple, countless times simpler than imagined, but he must not jump to conclusions until the transformation is completely completed.

"Well, it's true that this kind of thing can't be decided 100%." ​​Hyuga Aya nodded, and then she asked curiously, "So what's next? What are your plans? Continue to integrate?"

"No, I don't plan to continue the fusion of these two types of chakras, because the amount is too small to complete the transformation." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "Wait until the number is enough, I don't plan to be unable to use these chakras. , causing me to have some problems that shouldn't have arisen."

"So?" Hyuga Aya raised her brows, and she asked curiously, "Do you have any other plans? Also, have you noticed something? I always feel that your recent actions seem a little anxious."

"The plan is, there is no way to effectively integrate the five-attribute chakra and yin-yang escape, but I have other chakras." Uchiha Qi smiled: "As for why you are in such a hurry? Actually, it is not in a hurry. It should be said that the time has come, and there is nothing I can do to stop this."

Uchiha Qi still has some other chakras that can be fused, that is, the tailed beast chakra and the fairy chakra.

The fusion of these two chakras has never been reflected in the original work, but this does not prevent Kai Uchiha from making some attempts.

The extraction of the five-attribute chakra doesn't require him to worry about it at all, because it takes time, and even if he accelerates, it is impossible to squeeze it to the extreme at one time.

So he didn't plan to waste too much energy on this matter, he planned to try the power that never appeared in the original work.

He himself was not sure how effective these powers would be, but he might regret it if he didn't try it.

Even if he doesn't try it now, he will try it in the future, which is an inevitable thing for him.

Whether it succeeds or not, it is his choice.

And the anxiety in Aya's mouth is actually not really anxious.

His strength has accumulated to this point, and it is time to make some attempts, and the Chakras of Indra and Asura have also completely broken through.

This guy, Hei Jue, has probably reached the limit of his patience.

Even after such a long time, those Otsutsuki may not have much time to rush to the ninja world.

What must he do now to be better prepared for the crises he faces in the future!

"Forget it, I'm not quite sure about your plan." Hyuga Aya shook her head slightly: "But I believe you've always been right. Also, don't you pay attention to that kid Sasuke?"

"Why pay attention to him?" Uchiha Qi shook his head with a smile: "This matter is under my control, there is no need to pay too much attention. And..."

"And what?"

"Instead of paying attention to him, it is better to pay attention to us."

"What's the meaning?"

"It's all here, and it just so happens that my practice is over, don't you think now is a good time?"


"Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"

Shishui sealed his hands, but the violent flames spurted out of his mouth in an instant. The powerful flames instantly swallowed the fire escaped by Sasuke, and hit Sasuke with a stronger impact!

Sasuke clenched his teeth and quickly stepped back. The pressure Shisui put on him was really unimaginable. Even if he was training against Itachi, he had never experienced such a gap that made him feel hopeless.

Whether it's taijutsu, illusion, or the use of ninjutsu, he has no way to confront it head-on, and he has never thought of such an unprecedented gap.

But no matter what, he must not let himself show the slightest cowardice, this is his battle, a battle that belongs to him!

The figure moved quickly, and he was constantly dodging the flames spurted by Zhishui. Facing this exaggerated flames, Sasuke knew that he probably had no way to defend himself.

There's no river here, and there's no way for him to use a water escape—and his water escape isn't particularly ideal.

As for Feng Dun and the like, he doesn't even know how to use it, so all he can choose is to keep evading.

The more places Sasuke escaped, the wider the scope of the flames, and soon the entire base was covered by Shisui's terrifying flames, and the scope of Sasuke's escape became smaller and smaller.

Finally, when his powerful flame was about to burn Sasuke, he chose to stop.

What he wants to do is not to kill Sasuke. If Sasuke is really killed by Tian Liyan, he will really kill himself.

A blinking technique that was about to appear afterimages, Zhishui came to Sasuke, and then he punched Sasuke in the stomach, and Sasuke couldn't help but fly out at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for Sasuke to gain a firm footing, his teleportation technique was performed again, with several afterimages that were comparable to the real body, and he punched Sasuke fiercely in a few seconds.

Sasuke was forced by the flames to have no position to advance at all, and his evasion range was completely blocked. Now facing the attack of Zhishui in such a small range, he has no power to parry.

The blood was quickly sprayed out by him, and he felt that his internal organs seemed to be beaten out of position, and his ribs seemed to be broken!

In the end, Zhishui kicked Sasuke in the stomach with a ruthless kick, and Sasuke flew out in an instant. His body passed through the flames and fell to the periphery, and fell to the ground, unable to move at all.

"Looks like this is your limit."

Shishui took a breath, and then slowly walked towards Sasuke's position. The flames around him seemed to know that his master was coming, and quickly extinguished or dispersed.

"I'm afraid..." Sasuke raised his head slightly, and suddenly a strange smile appeared on his face: "I guessed wrong!"

"Fire Escape: The Technique of Dragon Fire!"

Suddenly, a voice came from Shishui's side, and a huge dragon-shaped flame rushed out.

Seeing this, Zhishui jumped up immediately, he could see that the one who fell to the ground was definitely Sasuke's real body, and the figure beside him was simply the shadow clone of this kid!

When did you split up?

Zhishui thought to himself, but he didn't have the time to think about it now. In his kaleidoscope, Sasuke's body recovered very fast, and he really sighed in such a situation.

My little brother is really incredible.

But soon, he frowned a little, because he had noticed that his eyes seemed a little tired.

The Kaleidoscope Shaker is definitely a pair of eyes that can change the quality of power, but it is also a pair of cursed eyes.

Shishui has opened these eyes to fight until now. Although the time is not short, he has not used any pupil technique.

But even so, he can perceive the discomfort caused by his eyes. The power of these eyes is unmatched, but its durability is really poor!

When Uchiha Qi obtained these eyes, he did not dare to use them at will, because he knew how much damage these eyes would cause to him.

In this open space in the stronghold, although Zhishui's eyes were a little uncomfortable, he still flexibly avoided all the damage of the flames.

But under such dodging, he did not launch any attack, he seemed to be adjusting his state, and Sasuke noticed this situation immediately.

Although he didn't get the Kaleidoscope Shaker, but everyone around him has it, whether it's his father, brother, or Kai Uchiha, who has or used to have such power.

"It seems that it is a side effect."

Sasuke slowly got up from the ground, and at the moment when he was beaten by Zhishui and kicked flying, he quickly formed a shadow clone, which was used to support the main body at any time.

In this way, he will be able to protect himself, and help him restore his fighting power.

"Your kaleidoscope writing wheel doesn't seem to be able to see that far!"

Shishui didn't speak, he kept dodging, but at the same moment he felt it, he shot.

It was another precise and despairing teleportation technique. He rushed before Sasuke's shadow clone, and then defeated the shadow clone with just one punch.

Immediately afterwards, his figure shifted again, and he rushed in front of Sasuke fiercely.

Sasuke has recovered a little by now, and his eyes can barely keep up with Shisui's movements.

Shishui's movements are terrifyingly fast, but all these movements can be found regularly.

The insight of Sharinyan gave Sasuke this ability, even if he couldn't completely grasp Shishui, at least he wouldn't be so embarrassed.

"My eyes can still see very far." While attacking, Zhi Shui said calmly: "You will never understand how big the gap between these eyes and ordinary Sharinyan is."

"No matter how big it is, everything has to end here." Sasuke dodged while accumulating chakra in his body.

The two of them fought for so long, both him and Zhishui consumed a lot.

It's just that his physical fitness is too strong, and his resilience is not bad, so it seems that he has a back and forth with Zhishui, even if he is always at a disadvantage.

On the other hand, Shishui is simply releasing water seriously. Even if the kaleidoscope is turned on, it is just like playing a game and fighting with Sasuke. After opening the kaleidoscope for so long, the consumption of him is huge.

But Shishui's physical quality is really impossible to compare with Sasuke, and he can't recover as fast as Sasuke.

It's just that even if Shisui's recovery speed is not fast, it is definitely not comparable to Sasuke's now.

"So far?" Zhi Shui raised his brows slightly, then shook his head: "Your arrogance really surprised me, but I'm also curious, what makes you have such confidence."

"It's strength, it's the love for the village, it's the love for the family!"

Sasuke stared at Shishui, he took a step backward and landed steadily on the ground, and the chakra on his body began to surge wildly.

"It's something you can't understand at all, something you can't understand at all!"

Love for the village, love for the family?

When Zhishui heard this sentence, he couldn't help but pause, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart. Isn't these beliefs the driving force that drives him to keep moving forward?

It seems that whether it is Lord Kai, the patriarch of Fuyue, or Itachi, their teaching to Sasuke is really good.

Thinking of this, Zhishui stood there and looked at Sasuke quietly, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face: "Really? It's really something else, then I want to see what kind of performance you can play. strength."

"One, it can definitely kill your power!"


"The battle between these two is really..."

The ghost shark hid aside and watched the battle in the distance, and couldn't help shaking his head slightly, this time the battle made him a little speechless.

That guy Shishui was releasing water the whole time. Although this battle had other meanings in it, he didn't know what kind of ghost he was. He only knew that this battle was really boring.

Exciting is exciting enough, but this is simply a performance battle. For them, there is no other practical value other than going out to watch the play.

"It was originally just a performance, and the object of the performance was not you."

There were Orochimaru and Obito who were watching here with the ghost shark, and Obito said something unceremoniously.

He is more or less aware of some related matters. This battle is really not for ordinary people or outsiders to watch. This is simply a plan.

Looking at the battle in front of him, and the chakra that kept bursting out, Obito couldn't help shaking his head, just as the ghost shark said, the battle was fierce and beautiful, but it was of no use at all.

Suddenly, Orochimaru, who was standing beside them, raised his head slightly, he licked his tongue and stared not far away, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It seems that there are other people watching the game with us."

"It was you."

When the words of Orochimaru fell, two figures soon appeared in front of them, the father and son of Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Fuyue.

As Shisui and Sasuke's battle continued to expand, Itachi also clearly noticed that there were still people watching this battle not far away.

When the two of them came over, they immediately found out that it was Orochimaru, Onishi, and the mysterious leader of the Akatsuki organization, who was actually a fellow of their own Konoha.

Although Itachi is a little wary, but Fuyue has no such idea, and he has contacted them, and he is willing to believe these people.

"It turned out to be Patriarch Fuyue, and Itachi." Orochimaru licked his tongue, and he said with a smile: "That's right, it would be strange if you weren't in this kind of battle."

"There's nothing strange about it." Uchiha Fuyue shook his head, his eyes fixed on the battlefield, and then he said slowly: "What's the matter with you coming here? Is Kai's arrangement?"

"No." Obito shook his head: "It wasn't Kai's arrangement, we came to see the situation ourselves. I have to say, that kid Sasuke looks okay, but..."

"He is still young, and the future is promising." Fuyue interrupted Obito, of course he understood what Obito meant.

Sasuke is definitely qualified among ordinary ninjas, and it can even be said to be an extremely good member!

But in the eyes of these ninjas, Sasuke is not so qualified.

All of a sudden, they all quieted down, and their eyes couldn't help but lock in front of them.

At this time, the terrifying chakra burst out on the sasuke ninja knife. This huge chakra was dancing with unimaginable arcs and flames, and his ninja knife completely changed at this moment!

The flame and the arc complemented each other, and the orange-red flame also turned into a faint purple with the help of the arc, even his arc.

They have never seen this kind of strange power Uchiha Fuyue, nor Shisui. Obviously, this is the power created by Sasuke himself!

"This is... a kind of blood follower?" Zhishui stared at the ninja sword in the assistant, and the huge power made him feel some threats.

"No..." Sasuke gritted his teeth and stared at Shishui, his voice extremely cold: "This is a fusion of chakra, a power designed to kill you!"

Sasuke is very different from the Sasuke in the original book. Although he was educated by Uchiha since he was a child, he also attached great importance to Lei Dun, but his fire escape has never been relaxed.

There are too many masters of fire escape in the family.

Whether it's his father, his brother, the traitor Shisui, or Kei Uchiha, without exception, they are all extremely good at fire escape.

The connection between Huodun and the Uchiha clan is even more exaggerated than that of the Sarutobi clan. It can even be said that the Uchiha clan is in the Huodun family at all, and the Sarutobi clan is not taken seriously.

In such an environment, Sasuke naturally couldn't relax his Huo Dun, and his understanding of Huo Dun's application was actually more profound than Lei Dun's, and it was easier to use.

In order to maximize his power In order to keep the power he masters from being wasted, Sasuke spent a lot of thought on the development of his own moves.

Since he started using the ninja sword three years ago, he seems to have discovered a more interesting path, with the addition of the technique of 'Lanqi' as a blueprint.

He finally created a technique that best suits what he is good at now, a technique that best suits his strength!

"Do you know how long I waited for this day?" Sasuke controlled the violent power in his hands, he stared at Zhishui and said word by word: "No matter what happened, today I must let you know the decision you once made. What a mistake, you must pay the price!"

"Go to hell, Shishui! Lanqi Lei Yan!"

Sasuke shouted loudly, and the ninja sword in his left hand fell quickly, with the ultimate sword of Thunder Dun and Fire Dun falling with a bang, the world seemed to let out a cry at this moment, and the lavender flame instantly swallowed everything around it. ....


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