Chapter 782: brother (below)

"You bastard, can you be a person?"

Konoha, Hyuga Aya frowned and looked at Uchiha Kai, her face was not good-looking, but there was still a slight blush on her cold face.

She knew how absurd this **** Uchiha Kai was, but she never thought that this guy could be so absurd.

In broad daylight, everyone still has things to do, but this guy doesn't seem to care about it at all, and he even learned to change his lines.

In the past, when it was dark, he would always say, "It's so late", but now in the middle of the day, he actually said, "It's all here"?

Hyuga Aya really didn't know how she met such a bastard, and what was even worse, she knew that she might really be with this **** in her entire life.

Shaking his head helplessly, Hyuga Aya felt a little headache, at least now in his opinion, Uchiha Kai really doesn't like being a human being.

Or in a sentence that this guy mocked Kenta Imai, he really doesn't know how to do anything related to people!

Thinking about it, this guy didn't do much human affairs before, exterminating the same clan, killing people in the same village, but he had never heard of him being uncomfortable or soft-hearted.

And now it seems to have converged a little, but in fact, there is no such situation at all.

The kaleidoscope writing wheel eye can be regarded as a thorough exposure of this guy's nature.

What is the potential plan in the euphemistic name, but in reality?

This is a psychological shadow that is full of deceit and bloodshed, and may even cause a psychological shadow that the participants will never be able to get out of for a lifetime. Even if this can indeed greatly improve a person's strength, is this really something that people can do?

But soon, Hyuga Aya felt that she could do it herself. After all, in order to survive and for strength, sometimes a certain degree of compromise could be made.

However, thinking about this matter clearly, Hyuga Aya has even more headaches, because she and Uchiha Kai are so similar, and it is because of this similarity that they come together, right?

"Why am I not human anymore?" Uchiha Kai spread his hands innocently: "You can't judge a person just because of one or two things. It's unfair, okay?"

"It's extremely fair to you." Hyuga Aya shook her head slightly: "You guy, you really don't do anything good. Fortunately, I also prepared clothes... Damn, is it getting dark?"

When they walked out of the underground laboratory, Hyuga Aya noticed that it was already dark now.

The sun had already set, and the crescent moon had begun to hang in the night sky. She remembered that she went to look for Kai Uchiha at noon, and what the **** was going on, she had already reached this point.

"Fortunately, it's not too late, right?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head, and then he smiled: "Strictly speaking, at least it shouldn't be too late for us."

"It's not too late?" Hyuga Aya rolled her eyes, and finally she didn't bother to tangle with Uchiha Kai about these things: "Forget it, say whatever you want, I'm going back."

"Why are you in a hurry to go back?" Uchiha Qi spread his hands: "Let's go eat something together?"

Hyuga Aya was a little hesitant to hear the words, but after thinking about it, she felt that she really had nothing to do right now, and it was really late, so she simply followed Uchiha and left.

The place for dinner is still a barbecue restaurant. The barbecue restaurant opened by the Akimichi family is very popular in Konoha, which is similar to the medicine of the Nara family.

After finding a decent place, Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya sat looking at each other. The waiter was very discerning. He quickly drove away the other waiters around him and created a quiet place for Uchiha and the others. Space.

"Speaking of which, I haven't had a good rest since I came back." Uchiha Qi glanced at the surrounding environment and couldn't help but smile: "By the way, I didn't ask you about your situation, I mean the situation in the medical department. ."

"You haven't paid attention to your shadow avatar?" Hyuga Aya raised her eyebrows: "I thought you cared about me a lot."

"Huh? Didn't you tell me anything?" Uchiha Qi asked a little puzzled: "My shadow avatar told me. When I asked you, you said that you would handle it yourself."

"Is there?" Hyuga Aya pondered for a moment, then nodded: "I forgot, probably, I don't know."

Uchiha Qi couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard the words, this woman is really hypocritical.

When it was her main body practicing on the moon, the shadow clone asked her, she didn't want to say it at all, or she didn't want Uchiha Kai to take care of these things.

The result is better now, Uchiha Qi asked her curiously, but it became a typical example of himself not caring about these things.

Fortunately, with my current affairs, even if I don't need to ask, I can know the current situation of this woman's strength. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be even more troublesome?

There is really no need to worry about Hyuga Aya's strength. Her five attributes of Chakra fusion are much better than Uchiha Kai.

After all, he has to come into contact with these things earlier than him, and Hyuga Aya can also complete this series of fusions more calmly, instead of being embarrassed by the fusion degree of Uchiha Kai now.

"It's not bad." Hyuga Aya didn't wait for Uchiha Kai to say anything, she said directly: "The medical department has been well integrated by me, and the progress inside is also playing well. Tsunade has been back for more than three years, and she She also doesn't have the ability to compete with me for the medical department, of course, she is right if she doesn't have this mind."

"That looks pretty good." Uchiha Kai nodded slightly.

It had been three years since Tsunade came back, and he knew this, that is to say, he was a little worried about the situation of Hyuga Aya.

But now it seems that even Tsunade, a woman who can be called Legend of Konoha, will not be able to make any impact on this new generation of Legend of Konoha.

"As for the progress in the medical department, it's okay," Hyuga Aya said softly, resting her chin with one hand.

"Especially on the pharmacy side, progress has been very good.

It is quite possible to say that simple trauma medicines can be mass-produced in an extremely short period of time if I want to.

There is absolutely no problem with the supply, and as long as there is enough time, the troops in the entire ninja world will not have any problems. "

"It looks like you are really ready." Uchiha Qi heard this and couldn't help laughing: "It seems that you really know me and supply the medical supplies to the entire ninja world. It is indeed you."

"What are you thinking, of course I know, such a big move and so many plans, if I haven't figured it out yet, then I'm not qualified." Hyuga Aya shook her head gently: "You don't know about the medical department at all. You need to worry, but, are you really not worried about the younger generation of your family?"

"Sasuke?" Uchiha Qi raised his eyebrows: "Or, the reincarnation of Indra?"

"Indra's reincarnation." Hyuga Aya said calmly: "Isn't his greatest value to you the reincarnation of Indra? But you don't seem to be worried. Besides, since he is a reincarnation, you Why are you so anxious to let him burst into power?"

"Then, why don't you try to guess?" Uchiha Qi rubbed his chin and asked softly.

"I can give you a hint, I'm not worried because someone is watching, not only Fuyue and Itachi, but also others.

And not only because I hope he can play a role, but also because people who also pay attention to him hope to make up for something through this incident, or try to do something. "

Aya Hyuga would not refuse such a small game, not to mention she was curious about what Kai Uchiha was thinking.

Hyuga Aya is very clear about the plan to cultivate Sasuke, especially the so-called 'potential plan'.

But I have to say that Sasuke and Naruto are the reincarnations of Indra and Asura. If they can fire with all their strength, the help they can provide is unimaginable!

But, who else can quietly stare at Sasuke?

And there is such a person staring at Sasuke, doesn't Uchiha need to worry at all?

With her thoughts here, Hyuga Aya seemed to have thought of something, and her gaze towards Uchiha Kai seemed to be a little playful.

"Isn't it, our ancestors?"

Hyuga Aya asked calmly, but when she saw Uchiha Kai wanted to speak, she immediately smiled and shook her hand.

"Don't talk, I'll analyze it myself.

The reincarnations of Indra and Asura are very powerful, and these two are bound to be our helpers in the future.

As Sasuke, as Uchiha, his power enhancement and opening are relatively more troublesome, and his progress requires more attention.

But if you don't move, it means that either you are confident, or there are powerful people watching, you don't need to worry.

And you said it yourself, if there is a powerful guy who can influence the future staring at him, then the probability that this person is our ancestor is very high. "

"Smart." Uchiha Qi nodded lightly: "Go ahead, you guessed most of it right."

"Continue?" Hyuga Aya smiled confidently: "Since you like to play games, then I'll play with you.

In my memory, our ancestors had an enemy who was not an enemy, or an opponent who, because of disagreement, took a different position and eventually parted ways.

This opponent seems to be their mother, Kaguya Otsutsuki who once helped you open the eye of reincarnation.

You also said that Obito and their mission, Infinite Tsukuyomi, is actually the ultimate method that Kaguya Otsutsuki uses to deal with those alien Otsutsuki.

Since they are not enemies, they will eventually prove that their ideas are the most correct, and maybe they can save something.

I seem to understand why you want to bring the soil and they continue to act, and I seem to have guessed what the compensation is in your mouth.

You actually want to cooperate with our ancestors and see if you can pull Kaguya Otsutsuki into our own camp, right? "

Looking at the confident woman in front of him, Uchiha Kai had to feel that this woman was really smart, and her confident appearance was indeed very attractive.

She was already beautiful and with such confidence, she was really attractive to Uchiha Kai. He stretched out his hand and scratched the woman's nose lightly, and then he nodded lightly.

"As expected of you, I've heard a saying that a woman's IQ becomes negative when she falls in love." Uchiha Qi chuckled and said, "But this sentence doesn't seem to have any effect on you at all. ."

"What nonsense are you talking about." The smile on Hyuga Aya's face disappeared, and she said dissatisfiedly: "I have never heard of this sentence, and I am a ninja, so my analytical ability will not fall into certain states because of me. , and be changed.”

"Calm down is a good thing, but it's not very rational to be calm all the time." Uchiha Qi shook his head casually: "You guessed right, you can even say that you guessed the plans and thoughts of Yui Otsutsuki. almost."

"After all, you have given so many clues." Hyuga Aya sighed slightly: "It seems that our relaxing days are indeed running out."

"It can't be considered too much, it can only be regarded as an advance drill."

"Yeah, it can only be regarded as an advance drill..."



Sasuke got up from the ground with some difficulty, he felt a little pain all over his body.

The knife just now can be regarded as a display of all his strengths coming together, and it is also the most powerful knife he can burst out!

He feels a little pain in his body now, but he doesn't care too much. His mind has long been prepared to force such a force, but he is a little unsure about Uchiha Shisui's current situation.

"This power is so terrifying, I'm afraid that guy Zhishui will definitely not be able to bear it easily."

Sasuke took two deep breaths and muttered silently. He had to say that the power just now was extremely powerful, and the power it produced was also extremely impressive.

Such a state gave Sasuke great confidence, not to mention that he hadn't seen Shishui until now.

Although that guy, Kai-sama, and father-sama all possessed Susanoo, who was comparable to a god, and controlled the ultimate defense.

But he really didn't see Shishui used in the attack just now, but he didn't dare to be careless at all because of the weirdness of the kaleidoscope.

"Although I think this kind of power attack, this guy should be dead, but it's Shishui, don't be careless..."

Sasuke thought to himself that after getting up, he kept breathing while still maintaining the vigilance he should have.

When he was not sure whether the enemy was dead or not, his approach was the most appropriate.

The smoke slowly dissipated, and the violent force of thunder and fire began to slowly dissipate. Sasuke's scarlet eyes glanced around.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank slightly.

Because not far away, a terrifying dark green giant stands there!


Sasuke muttered to himself with difficulty, and on the Chakra giant in the distance, he felt the trembling from the depths of his soul.

He had already recognized what it was, it was Susanoo!

This guy really used this trick, it would be really troublesome if this trick appeared.


Within the illusory green skeleton-shaped Susanoo, Uchiha Shisui coughed loudly and forcefully, blood spilling out of his fingers, and he seemed to be in a bad state.

Although Sasuke's previous attack was not careless, he really underestimated the explosive power of this move!

Since this trick dares to use the name of "Lanqi" used by Uchiha Qi, it naturally inherits some of the characteristics of Lanqi.

In addition to the explosive power of fear, the flowing chakra that can penetrate the whole body is also preserved.

Under Sasuke's ultimate control, the chakra of Thunder and Fire was compressed into the blade, and the terrifying blade entered his chakra along his body the moment it came into contact with Zhishui!

This time, perhaps in terms of 'appearance', it seems that there is no way to compare with the 'Kirin', the ultimate Lei Dun that evokes the power of heaven and earth.

But this technique is more controllable, and in fact, the single-body power it causes will definitely not be weaker than the 'Kirin'!

I have to say that this kid Sasuke is really a genius. Even though he didn't create the 'Kirin' technique of large-scale destructive power in this world, he also created a single technique with terrifying lethality!

Shishui can be regarded as the first person to face this technique, and his current state is indeed not very good.

However, there is not much dissatisfaction in his mind, all he has is comfort!

My younger brother, although his eyes have not really reached the level of a kaleidoscope, but in the state of Sangouyu, he can independently create such a terrible ninjutsu, Zhishui is proud of him!

But he can't show too many expressions, now is not the time, but if everything is under control, then everything can change after today!

"Your move is really good, and you are indeed worthy of praise for actually forcing me to use this technique."

Shisui stopped panting, and his eyes fixed on Sasuke in the distance and said softly.

The smoke slowly dissipated, the beautiful sunlight fell on the ground again, and Suzuo who stopped the water was completely transformed into a complete form, like a giant in full armor!

The third stage of Susanoo, Shishui can easily use this stage of Susanoo, his eyes are too strong for Susanoo.

"You bastard..." The ninja knife in Zuo's assistant trembled a little, but he quickly calmed down.

He took a deep breath, and then let his fighting spirit rise again, and at the same time, the chakra in his body began to ripple.

He looked at Shishui with indifference, and said in a low voice: "In this way, it is more necessary to kill you! You are too dangerous, you have mastered the power that the Uchiha family is difficult to obtain, you must die!"

"Really?" Zhi Shui paused for a while, then he sighed slightly: "Perhaps, it's just that you don't seem to have such power. Besides, if you continue, you may die."

"What about death?" Sasuke looked at Shishui with a cold expression, and his words were very cold and hard: "Even if it is death, I will never give up, you liar, you traitor, no matter what... no matter what. I won't let you go!"

Zhishui looked at Sasuke quietly, at the firmness in his eyes, at the grief and anger in his eyes, and suddenly Zhishui showed a smile.

Sasuke is probably not just for the sake of the village, but for the glory of the family, right?

What's more, this guy felt that he betrayed him, deceived him, and destroyed the brother-like relationship between them.

Such feelings, such fetters, Zhishui's incomparable nostalgia, also moved him incomparably.

The chakra on his body was surging slightly, and the next moment he moved directly with the huge Susanoo. This terrifying and huge Susanoo pulled out a ninja sword, and then swung it at Sasuke!

This knife is not fast, but it is definitely not slow.

After fighting with Sasuke for so long, he also figured out where the limits of Sasuke's reaction speed and movement speed are.

He also has that strong mental bond, he can hurt Sasuke, but he will never let Sasuke be fatal!

Sure enough, facing this desperate knife, Sasuke quickly avoided it.

However, the blade created by Susanoo almost destroyed the sky and the earth. The powerful blade directly penetrated the earth, and the continuous cracks spread all the way to the mountains in the distance.

Shisui didn't stop, he controlled the huge Susanoo to attack again, but Sasuke still avoided this time.

The battle continued and continued to escalate. Facing the potentially fatal attack at this moment, Sasuke did not flinch in the slightest.

And as the battle continued, he seemed to have noticed something.

"His speed has slowed down?" Sasuke thought silently: "The eyes are dead? Or is the chakra burden too heavy? it because Susanoh is too large, which seriously affects his speed. ?"

Sasuke, who noticed this, also began to think about how to deal with all this.

Although facing Susanoo, his means are very limited, and he doesn't even think that he can break through Susanoo's defense by using 'Lanqi Thunder Flame' again.

But no matter what the outcome, he had to give it a try.

Sitting still is definitely not his style, so he launched the attack without hesitation!

There are not many chakras in his body, but he can still perform several extreme attacks.

When Susanoo of Shishui attacked again, Sasuke immediately performed the telekinesis technique, and then the ninja sword in his hand burst out again with the power of the fusion of thunder and fire!

His figure circled behind Susanoo, and the ninja sword in his hand slammed into Susan's back.

However, the terrifying power burst out, but it did not produce any effect as before.

The ultimate chakra of thunder and fire collided with Susanoo, just like a rock crashed into the sea, and there was no way to set off any ripples!


The huge rebound force made Sasuke fly upside down. He rolled on the ground for a few laps before stopping, raised his head slightly, and then spit out a large pool of blood with his "wow" mouth.

This huge rebound force made him feel that his hand bones were shattered, and his internal organs were also very uncomfortable now.

"not good!"

Unfortunately, Sasuke had no chance of buffering at all, Shishui had already controlled Susanoo to turn around, and then he slashed towards him with another knife.

Sasuke stood up immediately, regardless of whether his body could bear it, he only knew that if he didn't dodge, he would definitely be killed.

The huge ninja sword fell, the earth shattered again, and a huge abyss appeared under the power of this Susanoo.

The patron saint of the Uchiha family has reached the ultimate strength in both attack and defense. This is simply not something that normal humans can resist. This is beyond the conventional strength!

"Damn, damn!"

Feeling the gap in this huge power, Sasuke was indignant, but he still did not give up.

Even though his heart is full of despair, he will never allow himself to stop. He can lose to anyone, even Naruto is fine.

But he must not lose to this betrayer, and must not lose to this person who once loved him deeply, but now abandons everything, and teases and ignores all his feelings!

"Even if it is death, I will never give up!"

Anger kept bursting out, and after dodging Shisui's attack again, Sasuke came to Susanoo again.

His ninja knife has no way to condense chakra, not only the material of the ninja knife has reached the upper limit, but also his chakra has reached the limit.

But Sasuke still launched the attack without stopping. This may be his last attack, because he himself has no strength to continue.

But at this moment, Susanoo, who stopped the water, suddenly disappeared, and the huge chakra seemed to collapse, and there was no defense.

Sasuke roared and rushed through Susanoo's defense, but Shisui didn't make any defensive moves at all. He turned around and stared at Sasuke, and the ninja knife also easily passed through Shisui's. Body!

"You..." Although Sasuke was occupied by anger, he calmed down unexpectedly at this moment.

"It's over, isn't it?" A touch of blood appeared at the corner of Zhishui's mouth, but at this moment he laughed, just as he was in the past: "I'm tired, just simply tired, I just want to rest."

"Tired?" Sasuke frowned. He is also very weak now, but his eyes are still watching. He wants to determine if this is an illusion!

"Well, I'm tired, after so many years, I've been tired." Zhi Shui shook his head with a smile, but the next moment his face became serious: "Sasuke, my brother, my favorite brother …”

Sasuke didn't speak at all at this time, and he now feels that his brain is a little confused.

Seeing the smile on his face in front of him, just like his older brother back then, he couldn't say a word at all.

And Zhishui tapped his fingers on his forehead, blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, but his smile remained the same.

"Forgive me, Sasuke. This is the last time..."


In barely audible words, Shishui's body slammed down.

His fingers drooped down Sasuke's cheeks weakly, leaving two lines of blood.

Sasuke couldn't tell what kind of expression it was, and looked at Shishui blankly, his eyes dull and empty.

He didn't know what was going on, why did Zhishui show such an expression, why did he give up his defense, why didn't he have the joy of killing a traitor?

As if the seal had been broken, everything began to reverberate in his brain.

In the sky, the originally sunny weather was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and the heavy rain was pouring down, and the cold touch brought him back to reality.


Sasuke fell dazedly into the rain, the exhaustion in his soul welled up, and it became difficult to even open his eyes.


But at this moment, Sasuke opened his eyes once, and he noticed that someone was coming. He stood up tremblingly and looked directly at the person coming from a distance, and he was relieved soon.

Because the people who came over were his father and his brother!

"Sasuke!" Uchiha Itachi quickly came to Shisui's side, and then supported him: "Are you alright?"

"I.... I'm fine..." Sasuke whispered, but his eyes stayed on Shisui: "It's just... I just don't understand..."

"I don't understand, why did Shishui stop?" Uchiha Fuyue sighed deeply, his eyes turned to Sasuke: "I can't understand why he gave up his defense and was killed by you in the end?"

"Yes...Yes, Father," Sasuke replied weakly.

This is the most incomprehensible thing in his heart. He doesn't understand how this can be, and he also doesn't understand why his father and his brother came to this place together.

Uchiha Fuyue adjusted his emotions, and then looked at Sasuke with an extremely complicated look.

He didn't speak, but simply stared at Sasuke, but such eyes made Sasuke feel a different kind of palpitations.

"Because of him, he is ours from beginning to end." After a long silence, Uchiha Fuyue finally sighed deeply: "This child Zhishui has been a person who has attached great importance to the village and family since he was a child. I miss you. Should have heard some rumors about him before, right?"

Sasuke didn't speak, but his body was already trembling a little. Sasuke naturally knew the rumors that Uchiha Fuyue said, that Shisui joined the three generations of Hokage's camp, and they were completely incompatible with their family.

This incident caused a huge sensation in Konoha at the time. The whole family seemed to be very dissatisfied with Shishui, but he and Itachi always stood by Shishui and always regarded him as a brother.

"But that was all deliberate."

Uchiha Fuyue didn't care about Sasuke's state, he slowly walked to Shisui's side and squatted down, then continued.

"More than ten years ago, when he was only about thirteen years old, he came to me and Kai, and volunteered to propose to go to the three generations of Hokage to hide and provide us with secrets.

This also has everything after that, all the slander against him.

After that, the mysterious organization continued to erode various Ninja villages, and was constantly absorbing new members. They also took a fancy to Shisui, who was "obviously at odds" with the Uchiha clan. "

Speaking of this, UU Reading Uchiha Fugaku paused again, and Sasuke's body seemed to tremble even more.

"He told us, and he offered to suggest, that he wanted to sneak into the group.

At that time, we told him that if he chose to do this, he would definitely become the object of rejection by everyone, everyone would be puzzled, and he would definitely be hunted down by Konoha and even Uchiha.

At that time, he was very determined and still hoped to continue to complete this task.

But I didn't expect him to be a vulnerable person. "

"His vulnerability, not himself, but from other people, from the feelings he valued.

Such feelings come from the village, from the family, from Itachi, and more...

From you, Sasuke...

He died voluntarily at your hands! "

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