Chapter 786: footsteps of war

"What are you two guys doing?"


Inside the security department, Aya Hyuga looked at Kei Uchiha and Kenta Imai with a cold face, and her cold face was full of dissatisfaction with the two of them.


"Knowing that the war is about to start, the two of you are still hiding. It's okay to hide, and you closed the underground laboratory? The most stupid thing is, don't you know that you can let Qifen avatars to deal with the village's affairs. Do you? Let Kenta be an idiot? Who can't see the difference between the two of you?"


Facing Aya Hyuga's pointing, both Kei Uchiha and Kenta Imai were helpless and couldn't refute.


Especially Imai Kenta, he felt aggrieved to death.


He admits that the way he handles problems is very different from that of Kai Uchiha, but it's not so obvious that people can see it at a glance, right?


That is, you, a woman who has completely transformed into the shape of Kai Uchiha, can tell at first glance what is going on?


And most importantly, he didn't do it voluntarily.


Kai Uchiha didn't know what experiment he was doing, but he forgot to assign shadow clones to handle various things.


If it hadn't happened to him to find this out, and then figured out a way to make up for it, I'm afraid even a proxy in the village would be gone, right?


Now it's better, this kind of **** is completely on his head, can he not feel aggrieved?


But the problem came again. He felt that it was useless to hold back, because he really took too many benefits from Uchiha Kai.


At this moment, he has completely integrated the chakras of the nine tailed beasts in his body, although these forces are not obedient and difficult to control.


But this is not a big problem. The most difficult step has been completed, so the rest is to keep familiar with these powers, which is relatively easy for Imai Kenta.


"Okay, Aya, this matter is indeed our problem." Uchiha Kai smiled and stretched out his hand to hold Aya Hyuga.


"Because I have some new ideas in the fusion of blood and snares, I gave action.


It's just that I didn't expect my consciousness to sink into it completely, so I didn't prepare a shadow clone either. "


"I can attest to this." Imai Kentai weakly spread his hands.


"In fact, I didn't find him at all, I was directly locked by the chakra that he escaped, and it was basically immobile.


And this guy's chakra can accelerate the fusion of the tailed beast chakra in my body, so I stayed, and also left two wooden clones. "


"That said, I also want to thank you, right?" Hyuga Aya glared at Imai Kenta, and then turned to Uchiha Kei: "You too, why don't you just say what you think?"


Kenta Imai rolled his eyes when he heard the words, "My dear, you two are going too far, aren't you?"


This kind of blatant discrimination really doesn't exist anymore!


But Imai Kenta is basically used to this kind of situation, so he didn't talk too much. He's been with them for almost 20 years, what kind of situation has he never met?


He has even done things like sending clothes to Uchiha Qi. It can be said that the relationship between them is really special, and there is really nothing they are not used to.


"Sorry, sorry, because I really didn't prepare for this, and I really didn't expect it to happen like this." Uchiha Qi shook his head slightly: "Actually, I haven't completely done it yet, only It can be said that a part of the practice has been completed.”


"Is it just a part?" Hyuga Aya frowned: "But why, I feel like you are..."


"It seems to be a little different?" Uchiha Kai laughed: "Because, ah, I have completed the conversion of the blood snares by accident, right?"


"You..." Hyuga Aya picked her eyes slightly: "Have you completed the transformation? Completely completed?"


Uchiha Kei didn't speak, just smiled and nodded.


Indeed, he has completed his own transformation. It is incredible that he has achieved this step in just a few weeks!


But he knew better that the reason why he was able to accomplish all this was really thanks to Otsutsuki, who once made him face a huge crisis.


If it weren't for the wedge he left behind, and if it wasn't for his consciousness being sealed by Uchiha Kai, I'm afraid Kai would not be able to fuse and devour the huge chakra inside the wedge as his own source of power.


Therefore, with these Chakras, which are basically equivalent to the ownerless, he allowed himself to complete the final stage of transformation, allowing himself to take the last and most troublesome step in the true sense!


Xueji Snare is really different from other powers. It is the ultimate power that combines almost all of its own chakras. The strength of these powers is really unbelievable.


Although Kai Uchiha is very confident, as long as he is given enough time, he can easily accomplish all this with the resources in his hand.


But the transformation process is really not that friendly to him, especially the fusion of the five attributes is not so easy.


Now it is different. He completed the fusion with the help of the chakras in those wedges, and with this fusion, he spread and affected all the chakras in his body.


He succeeded in letting himself enter completely, to a point where even Naruto and Sasuke have not entered, a bloodline power unique to the Otsutsuki!




Aya Hyuga was a little emotional. He didn't ask Uchiha Kai how it was done. She just needed to know that this guy had done it.


She is happy for Uchiha Kai, after all, it is not an easy thing to get to this level no matter how you look at it.


But she was also a little puzzled. Why did this guy say that he was only halfway through?


Could it be that he has any new discoveries?


"It doesn't count."


Aya Hyuga didn't hide anything, she asked her own question directly, and Kei Uchiha answered calmly.


"There are no new discoveries for the time being, it's just that my power intake is not completely complete, but there is no need to worry about this kind of thing, because the rest of the work does not need me to control at all, it can be done by myself."


Hyuga Aya frowned slightly, taking this word made her feel that something was wrong.


Intake means to absorb power, but where did Kai Uchiha absorb it?


Could it that the wedge?


Hyuga Aya glanced at Uchiha Kei, but in the end she didn't mention it. Uchiha Kei has long had deep thoughts about the power in the wedge, and it's not strange that he really wants to do something. .


What she has to do is to pay attention to the situation of this guy. She has a fresh memory of that Otsutsuki Ichiki who was sealed in the cage of consciousness space like a madman.


"By the way, I've been cultivating all this time, how is the situation outside?"


Uchiha Qi skipped this topic, and he has no interest in continuing to talk about it. Now he is a little concerned about the situation outside.


In his memory, when he was immersed in the chakra ocean, it happened that Minato Namikaze led the team out to hold the Five Shadows Conference.


Now that time has passed, he is a little curious about the specific situation. Whether it is Akatsuki or Konoha, he doesn't know much about it.


"The ninja army has been formed, and now they have begun to gather, and the ninja alliance has been established."


Imai Kenta spread out his hands and said, "As you can imagine, the battle is almost on the verge of breaking out.


Besides, the kid Naruto seems to have completed his training, but he was left to wait for the kid Sasuke.


Sasuke is changing his eyes now, not only him, but also your patriarch and the little devil Itachi.


Therefore, these four guys will not be dispatched for the time being, and once they are dispatched, it will probably be the decisive battle moment.


In addition to this, the Akatsuki organization has also prepared enough combat power.


According to Obito's report, they have 100,000 Baijue, and they also have a huge army of reincarnated filth.


To put it simply, everyone is ready, and if there is no unexpected war, it will start. "


The guy Kenta Imai said in detail, and Uchiha Qi almost understood the current situation after listening to it.


Everything seems to be going according to their expected steps, the war is about to start, and this guy Sasuke has also started the last transformation of combat power before the immortal of the Six Paths hangs up.


However, Uchiha Kai still has some curiosity, that is, the Akatsuki organization has not killed many people in this world.


It's full of calculations, that is, the loquat Shizang was killed by Yin Yin, and everyone else was alive and well.


Orochimaru didn't leave Xiao's organization, Zhishui and Guisha were both internal ghosts, and although Scorpion was dishonest, no one attacked him, so naturally they were all fine.


Kakuto and Hidan didn't go to attack the Temple of Fire, probably because the guardian Shinobi who had protected the daimyo had all settled down there after the Uchiha Kai purged.


These two guys felt a little troublesome, and they didn't attack there. The monk in Dilu also escaped, and naturally Asma also escaped.


In addition, Nagato, who was hit hard by Uchiha Kai, experienced a failure to attack Konoha, and he couldn't even think of coming to Konoha again to find trouble.


Although there was no such thing as this guy being persuaded by Naruto and then resurrecting the entire Konoha with his life, he also survived safely.


Of course, this guy Jiraiya was fortunate enough to escape a section. He knew that the stakes were important and he didn't take the risk.


All in all, the current situation is much more complicated than in the original work, and Uchiha Qi is not very clear about how it will develop in the end.


"However, I really have some expectations. How will it develop this time..."




"Nagato, the war is about to begin."


In a secret base organized by Akatsuki, Xiao Nan said in a low voice while taking care of Nagato who was paralyzed.


War is really not unfamiliar to them. After the baptism of World War II and the Third World War, and they are members of a small ninja village, all kinds of small-scale conflicts have never stopped by their side.


Therefore, they have a deeper understanding and understanding of war than others, and their attitude towards war is also more resistant and disgusting.


Although they once imagined that relying on their own powerful strength to become the enemy of the world, to bear all the sins, and to make the entire ninja world have to settle down under their coercion.


But when Nagato seemed to recognize the so-called 'destiny' and knew that he was just a person who was abandoned by 'destiny' and who had left 'traces', he hated this kind of war very much.


But the pace of the war did not stop because of his abandonment or even obstruction. After the guy who claimed to be Madara Uchiha announced this to the Five Shadows, the war was equivalent to starting.


Facing such a war, Nagato was very helpless. He didn't know why Uchiha had never trusted his intelligence from beginning to end.


Although he also knew that such information would not be easily trusted no matter who it was.


But even if you don't trust it, you have to verify it anyway. As long as you verify it, you will know the authenticity of these information, so as to prevent the development of the situation.


However, Nagato has no choice but to bear the name of Akatsuki's organization and follow this group of guys he hates to the battlefield.


"Yeah, the war is about to start again." Nagato nodded silently for a long time: "Also, it is an unprecedented war facing the entire ninja world."


"Nagato, what should we do now?" Xiao Nan's expression was a little worried, she couldn't help saying: "How about we leave? Let's go to Uchiha Kai's place, didn't you say, he... "


"Impossible, Xiao Nan, it's impossible." Nagato sighed sacredly: "He won't trust us, he never will, and all we can do now can only rely on ourselves."


"But..." Xiao Nan opened his mouth, and he didn't know what to say after that.


How to do it by themselves?


Are they going to stop the war?


Maybe they can try, and they can even give all the tailed beasts they collected to Uchiha Kai and them through the control of the foreign golems, thus ending this war!


It's very satisfying to just think like this, but under the watchful eyes of so many people, can they do it?


Even if they send these things to Kai Uchiha, can they be trusted?


"Needless to say, Xiaonan." Nagato stared into the distance, and he asked softly, "Do you remember the information about the Konoha battle three years ago that Gui Shark and Shishui passed back? "


"I remember, it seems that Uchiha Qi used a technique to save the entire Konoha people." Xiao Nan thought for a while, and said with uncertainty: "But is such a thing possible? This... .."


"It's possible, Xiaonan, it's possible." Nagato said calmly and nodded lightly.


"I can do this technique too. I once thought that it would be used to save Yahiko after the world was at peace, but I never told you about it.


But now, I have other plans...

A more ambitious plan..."


"Are you sure you don't need me to transplant Nagato's Samsara Eye?"


In Akatsuki's base, everyone was preparing for the final war, while Obito and Kurojue stood by and watched it all.


However, Obito didn't seem to have any intention of letting go of the current Hei Jue at all. He asked such a question in a mocking language, and this question also made Hei frown involuntarily.


Let Obito transplant the reincarnation eye?


Don't even think about this approach!


Obito was originally Uchiha, and he also possessed Shirai's cells.


The most terrible thing is that this guy has spent more than ten years to get used to and get used to all this, and now he can completely master the power of his own body.


For such a guy to transplant the eye of reincarnation, it is completely conceivable that he can basically control the power of the eye of reincarnation without much adaptation time.


As for Obito, Hei Jue has never completely trusted him.


In his eyes, Obito is just a **** who thinks he is the protagonist and wants to change the world.


His existence is the same as Madara Uchiha, but his value is not as high as Madara Uchiha, and Hei will never let him get that pair of Samsara eyes.


In the original book, the guy Nagato died, which forced Hei Jue to compromise and let the boy Obito get the Eye of Samsara.


The current situation is very different from the original, and for Hei Jue, between Obito and Nagato, he would naturally choose Nagato to control the Samsara Eye, not Obito.


Because Nagato is more controllable.


"The control of Nagato is enough." Hei Jue shook his head, and he said calmly: "You still have more important tasks, and Nagato who controls Samsara Eye wants to resurrect Madara Uchiha. Do you want to replace him? "


"How do you know that Nagato will do it honestly?" Although Obito was wearing a mask, his half-smiling voice was particularly real.


"He will be obedient." Hei Jue said indifferently, "No matter what, he will be obedient."


Obito glanced at Heijue. In the end, he didn't say too much. In fact, he didn't even think about getting it at Samsara, but he was disgusted by Heijue.


At the same time, I wanted to see if I could test out some useful information, but unfortunately, this guy Hei Jue didn't reveal any flaws.


He always used the rhetoric of 'resurrecting Madara Uchiha' and 'creating peace for the world and launching the Moon Eye Project', which made Obito feel a little boring, and he also dared not continue to test.


Turning his head, his eyes fell on Orochimaru and Yaoshidou, and then he nodded slightly to the two of them.


Orochimaru licked his tongue and showed a smile: "Looks like it's about to start now. Then..."


"The art of reincarnation from dirty soil!"


As Orochimaru formed a seal with his hands, coffins kept appearing behind him, and figures walked out of it, and light and wisdom began to appear in his pupils.


"Well, where is this? Do I remember that I'm not dead?" The first person to walk out was a mustache with yellow hair. He looked around suspiciously and asked strangely.


"Yes, you are indeed dead." At this moment, a guy wrapped in bandages like a mummy also came out: "You were killed by me, have you forgotten? goods."


"You..." Moustache turned his head immediately, and when he saw the mummy in front of him, his temper was hurt: "What nonsense, it's me who tore up your mummy, you **** zombie!"


"Hmph, don't you guys pay attention, are we actually being controlled?"


Immediately after, a strong man with brown skin also came out, and his eyes also fell on the mummy.


"Although I said that, I'm angry when I see your mummy. You Yanyin are really a bunch of trash. You actually got tens of thousands of people to besiege me. You really belong to you."


Obviously, these three guys are the second generation of water shadow, the second generation of soil shadow, and the third generation of Raikage!


And it wasn't just the three of them. The rest of the ninjas who walked out looked over. They were also a little confused about the current situation, because they were killed in their memory!


"Chiyo?" Luo Sha looked at the old man beside him and asked with some uncertainty, "You died too? Were you killed?"


"No, I chose to give my life to save your son." Chiyo said calmly, and then his eyes locked on Orochimaru: "I heard, Orochimaru, you have used a Seems like this is the technique for resurrecting the dead, reincarnation from the filth?"


"Lord Chiyo, you have a good memory." Orochimaru licked his tongue slightly and said with a smile, "But now I can only grieve you as our pawn."


"This old man is really sad, even if he dies, he will become an evil minion." Chiyo shook his head, while Luo Sha looked at Orochimaru angrily.


He didn't forget that he cooperated with this guy at the time, but he turned around and was killed by this guy's teammates.


"Are we resurrected?" On the other side, Osamu Uchiha, Isamu Uchiha, and even Shin Uchiha walked out slowly, looking at everything in front of them.


"That's right, three." Orochimaru said with a smile, "I put a lot of effort into getting your cells back then."


"You are... Orochimaru?" Uchiha Shen recognized this guy at first sight: "What the **** is going on? Why are we coming back to life."


"Simply put, we need you to do us a favor." With a smile on his face, Orochimaru suddenly asked calmly, "I know, all three of you died at the hands of Kai Uchiha. , I don't know if I will give you a chance to seek revenge from him now, will you accept it?"


Uchiha Kai?


Hearing this name, many people present may be confused, or maybe they know the existence of this guy.


It's just that they received different levels of information. Some people remember him as just a deputy minister of the security department.


In some people's memory, he has become Konoha's Optimus Pillar, a powerful person who can even control Hokage!


"Ki Uchiha?" The five patriarchs of Kiriyin Village suddenly asked, "Get revenge on that **** guy? It's really a good idea."


"Uchiha Kai!" Uchiha Osamu and Uchiha Yugi's voices were unusually gloomy, like evil ghosts crawling out of hell.


They couldn't forget the experience that they were tortured to the point of collapse by that kid, and after turning on the kaleidoscope writing wheel, they were forcibly taken away and slaughtered!


"Hmph, that **** kid!" Danzo's figure stood at the end, and he knew right away that he had been reincarnated from the dirt.


But when he heard the name Uchiha Kai, his anger instantly took over his brain.


He couldn't forget that he was framed by Uchiha Kei, a cold poisonous snake, which led to the reimbursement of all his business in Konoha, and was chased and killed by this poisonous snake, resulting in his tragic death in Konoha.


Even, he could fully predict that his death was definitely a burden of all sins, that is to say, he was a person who betrayed Konoha!


"Uchiha Kai..." Uchiha Shen couldn't help but be silent after hearing the name, and after a long time he raised his head to look at Orochimaru: "What about Uchiha now? What is the current family situation? "


"You can rest assured, Uchiha's methods are unimaginable." Orochimaru still kept a smile: "The current Uchiha is the No. 1 wealthy family in Konoha, and Uchiha...


Even more, he has become an agent Hokage. He has done all the things you dead ghosts have not done! "




"Big brother, now the entire ninja world is moving."


In the Pure Land, Otsutsuki Hamura looked at the light curtain transformed by Chakra, and could not help but sigh slightly.


War, they have seen too much in their thousand years.


How tragic the war is actually just a child's play for them, especially in the past, the vision they looked at war was not purely in a certain war, but this war that lasted for thousands of years would give mankind, What changes will it bring to the ninja world?


But this time is obviously different, because this time it is really hard for them to stay out of the way.


Indra of the previous generation obtained the power of Asura and successfully obtained the power of all things, and now he is ready to be resurrected.


In addition, this time the war may also involve the ten tails, and even their big Tsutsutsuki.


Especially their mother, who is very likely to break the seal in this war and reappear in this world where she has been gone for thousands of years!


Not only that, although those Otsutsuki from aliens could not be sure of their thoughts, nor could they be sure of their whereabouts.


But they do have the possibility of appearing, and they have appeared in the ninja world in between.


Even if the guys from the aliens haven't come to the end, the guy in the ninja world who is recuperating has not been seen and won't appear.


Everything is so complicated, and everything is so disturbing.


This time, it was really special.


"Indeed, the war is not far away." Otsutsuki Yui sighed slightly: "Although I have been waiting for this moment to come, but when this moment really comes, I can't help but feel a little emotional. "


"Who doesn't feel emotional? Thousands of years are fleeting, and no one thought that things would develop to this point." Otsutsuki Yumura turned to look at his brother, and it took him a long time to show a smile: "However, everything is in The end of this moment is also a very good choice, isn't it?"


"Yeah, it's a very good choice." Yu Yi nodded lightly: "And that kid, he is really on a level with us now. Even if he relies on other people's Chakra, but Facts are facts, whether it is realm or strength, he has already stepped into this step."


When it comes to the fact that the clan has not yet gone, both Otsutsuki Yui and Otsutsuki Yumura are very emotional.


They really looked at this kid step by step, starting from nothing, and slowly reaching the point where he is now, and now this kid is completely on the same level as us.


Although they may not be able to compare with them in terms of strength, after all, their accumulation and insights have lasted for thousands of years.


But how long did it take this kid to get to this point?


It's only been twenty-eight years since he was born!


He is not even thirty years old, he has nothing, but now he has almost eternal life, it has only taken him less than thirty years.


It can be imagined how powerful this kid is, even if his luck is extremely good, especially in the most troublesome stage in the later stage, it is unimaginable that he is lucky.


First, Hamura helped him, and then his mother also helped him out of her own purpose.


Even the guy Ichishi Otsutsuki actually wanted to occupy his body, but in the end he helped him again.


This kind of luck is very terrifying, but he is not something that ordinary people can bear.


Those who couldn't bear it would have already died, and those who could bear it would jump up, that is, Kai Uchiha today!


"However, this is also a good thing." After a long time, Yumura shook his head faintly: "This kid has such strength, and he always restrains himself, even in cold blood, he has his own side of humanity, but also has his side of restraint, He's going to have a good handle on it."


"Yeah, I also believe that he will control all this very well." Yu Yi nodded seriously: "After all, he has such strength, and I am also looking forward to his plan now, and looking forward to my mother seeing our plan succeed. After a thousand years, it is mother and son after all, and some grudges should end."


Thousands of years, UU reading www.uukanshu. Although com is just a snap of a finger for them, the two of them have received the equivalent of human education since childhood, and their concept of time really can't be as indifferent as Otsutsuki.


Therefore, after such a long time, they also hope to reach a settlement with their mother.


They and Kaguya Otsutsuki don't actually have hatred, it's just because of their different positions and views that they end up on opposite sides.


If everything can be buffered and reconciled in this action, it will be an unimaginably excellent result for them in the future.


"You wait here, I'm going to the ninja world." Thinking of this, Yui stood up and said calmly to her brother.


"Oh?" Hamura glanced at his brother curiously: "What's wrong? Are you planning to do it yourself?"


"No, I won't shoot." Yu Yi shook his head: "Even I have a hunch, unless it's a last resort, I'm afraid that kid Uchiha Kai won't shoot either."


"Then the purpose of your visit this time..." Yu Yi thought for a while, and then he showed a smile: "Are you planning to give the power of Indra and Asura to this reincarnation completely?"


"Well, yes. This time, I'm going to let them play well, let them experience the power they should have..."

