Chapter 787: confrontation

The Fourth Ninja World War is finally over.


Before, I am afraid no one thought that such a strange war would start.


Generally speaking, ninja wars basically do not deviate from a few themes.


The superstructure is for their own political ambitions, or to transfer conflicts within the village. They will use public opinion to promote hatred, so that all ninjas share the same hatred.


Or in order to protect their homeland, they had to choose to fight, and thus went to the front line.


But this time is different, they are no longer because of hatred, interests, etc., but are fighting to protect their homeland, which is the whole world!


Eighty thousand ninjas, divided into five large combat units and several special teams, started a huge war in the central area linking the country of fire, the country of wind, the country of earth and the country of thunder. .


Hundred thousand Bai Jue also divided his troops into groups and rushed towards the ninja coalition.


In addition to Bai Jue, there is also the army of reincarnated soil under the control of Orochimaru and Doudou.


Therefore, from the very beginning of the war, it became extremely stalemate.


Because Kakashi is the minister of Anbu, plus his impressive record in the ninja world for so many years, this time he was appointed as the captain of a brigade.


Although Kakashi himself is not so willing, after all, he knows the true meaning of this war.


But in the end, he agreed to this decision, and his own ability is sufficient. Although he has no experience in the pending large-scale army, who would have it in the first place?


It's just that when he led the brigade forward, seeing the enemy suddenly appearing in front of him, he couldn't help falling into silence.


"It seems that the enemy is very difficult to deal with!" Kakashi sighed helplessly for a long time.


In front of him, standing in the forefront are guys with misty forehead guards on their foreheads.


The cracked faces represent their identities as reincarnators from the dirty earth.


In addition to them, there are a large number of other ninjas reincarnated from dirty soil behind them. There are various types of forehead guards. It can be seen that these ninjas reincarnated from dirty soil are found in every village.


This made him complain a little bit. Akatsuki really played a big role in organizing that group of people, especially Obito, who was really ruthless.


The essence of this battle is to train the army, and at the same time, it is to make everyone inseparable from this alliance, and this guy obviously agrees with Uchiha Kai's idea.


The entire ninja world needs to be beaten and stunned, and everyone needs to be afraid, so that this alliance can continue, and everyone can't live without this alliance.


At the same time, only by doing this can it truly have the effect of training troops. After all, only after experiencing the most brutal war can we truly experience all people!


"But how many people will die..."


Kakashi's helplessness is not the enemy in front of him. What he's helpless is the cruelty of this war, which is far more terrifying and **** than he imagined.


However, he also knew that it was impossible to tell such an absolute secret, so he just silently pulled out the ninja sword.


"These guys are the seven former ninja swordsmen, leave it to me to deal with." He said calmly to Akai next to him.


"You pass the order on and let them deal with other filthy reincarnated ninjas.


The sealing class quickly followed, these filthy reincarnations could only be sealed and could not be killed.


Also, protect those people in the seal class, you know? "


"Don't worry!" Akai gave Kakashi a thumbs up: "Leave it to me, I won't lose to your Kakashi, youth, it's time to burn!"


Kakashi raised his forehead with a smile, and then revealed the writing wheel hidden in it.


Although Akai's personality is still the same, he has matured a lot as the leader of the team for three or four years.


Besides, Akai has known him since he was a child and has always had a very good relationship with him. He is also someone who never gave up on himself when he was lost.


Fighting side by side with such a person, Kakashi feels very happy, and he must protect this guy.


Following his order, the ninjas behind him also prepared at this moment, and followed his footsteps and rushed towards the reincarnated soil.


On the other hand, Deidara of Iwahidden Village and Black Earth are the leaders together, and the brigade in charge of the cutting-edge battle is also in trouble.


"Really, why do you want me to do this."


Deidara complained beside the black soil very unhappy. He stayed in Iwayin from start to finish without being fooled and lame, and now he has been reborn as a better teacher from Ohnogi.


But no matter how reborn, there is no way to change some things, that is, youth and his slightly detached character.


He really has no interest in such a task of leading the team, but he has no way to refuse, and his teacher will not give him the opportunity to refuse.


Even if he knows that he can show his art on the battlefield at will, but he thinks it is enough trouble to lead so many people.


"You guy, don't know what's wrong." Black Earth gave Deidara an unhappy look: "My father doesn't allow it if he thinks of it, let us work together, what do you have to complain about?"


"That's not because your father was beaten by Uchiha Qi, and his hand was broken." Deidara said carelessly, completely ignoring Heitu's darkened face.


"If you're talking nonsense, I'll tear you apart right now!"


"Uh, okay. By the way, the perception class said that the enemy is underground?"


"Then why are you still standing there, you idiot!"


Deidara pursed his mouth, then raised his hand, and the next moment the mouth in his palm suddenly opened, and a large lump of clay was eaten.


Soon, one by one clay spiders were made by him, and when he sprinkled his hand slightly, these huge spiders fell on the ground.


"Drink! Let you take a good look at my art, art is an explosion!"


Under the violent explosion, the terrain suddenly changed.


In the roar and oppression of such a distance, the dense Bai Jue was blown out, just like the termites that stabbed the termite nest, and then the tide gushed out.


"It's right now, let's do it, everyone!" Seeing this, Heitu shouted loudly, and then she did not hesitate to use the earth escape.


She knew very well that when she and Deidara became the leader of this brigade, it was actually a bit of a backdoor.


The two of them are not like the captains of their brigade, they are well-known top ninjas, and according to their age, they are just young people.


If it wasn't for the fact that one of them was Onogi's granddaughter and the other was Onogi's disciple, even if they were strong, they might not have been selected.


I'm afraid there aren't many people in their team who are so convinced of them, but there are quite a few.


Therefore, Black Earth now just wants to prove himself and prove that he definitely has the ability to lead this team!


"You must never lose Grandpa's people!"




Another group, Darui from Yunyin Village, looked into the distance.


On the surface of the sea, the dense Shirai is coming across the sea, the sea breeze blows his short hair, and behind him, Nara Shikamaru and the others stand separately.


He tilted his head and looked at the two guys in the distance who also wore Yunyin's forehead guards, and his brows could not help but frown slightly.


"What's wrong?"


Shikamaru couldn't help asking curiously when he saw this guy with a similar personality to himself with such an expression.


Darui is indeed a bit like Shikamaru in character. He has always been full of boredom, boredom, and always looks casual.


If this is the case, then it can be said that it is not completely imagined. The key is that Shikamaru is not really lazy, and this guy is not really that careless.


"It's nothing, it's just that we may have some trouble." Darui shook his head, he had already recognized who the two people were in the distance.


In the distance of Bai Jue's army, there are two figures standing, and they are taller than the figures beside them.


Especially in their hands they were holding gourds, swords, ropes and other objects, all of which were channeled after they were reincarnated from the dirt.


There is no doubt that these two guys are the culprits who once forced Yun Yin to go to war, and thus gave birth to an indelible hatred with Konoha, the brothers of the martial arts school, Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao!


"Really, why should I be with you mentally retarded and dead people?"


Beside them, Jiao Du said a little unhappily, but when he noticed that there was a flying segment standing beside him, he shook his head.


"Sorry, I forgot, there's another guy who can't die even if he chops his head off."


"Yo? I didn't expect it to be you." Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao also noticed Jiao Du on the side, and they both felt a little interesting.


After being resurrected, they were sent to this battlefield. They really didn't pay attention to who was around them.


But now they have noticed that there is someone they are familiar with.


"You bastard, the betrayal of Takiyin Village, I know, but I didn't expect you to be alive now."


"If you die again, I will still be alive." Jiao Du glanced at the two brothers, then shook his head: "Let's concentrate on the battle now."


"Hmph, I don't need your nonsense at all." Jin Jiao looked at the troops in the distance, and he also noticed a lot of dark-skinned guys: "It has been so many years, I don't know that the little ghosts in Yunyin Village have grown to To what extent, I really look forward to the performance of the younger generation!"


When Jiao Du heard this, he couldn't help but glance at the two guys beside him.


The two of them really don't have any self-knowledge. Now, in the form of Konoha and the entire ninja world, what they did back then would probably be hated to death by Yun Yin's juniors?




"I didn't expect that you two old ghosts were also summoned."


The fifth unit, led by Jiraiya and Tsunade, stopped in the forest.


Looking at the filthy crowd standing in front of them, their faces gradually became serious.


Because in front of them is really their old acquaintance.


One is Hanzo with a mask, the one who once gave them the title of Sannin with a little disdain in pride, and the other is Chiyo, who brought endless trouble to Konoha, and the use of poison and puppets gave Konoha a headache. .


Originally, the leader of this unit should be Sanchuan, but unfortunately, the five major countries dominated all this, and Sanchuan naturally had no chance.


The first team has Darui as the captain, the second team is Aigara, the fourth team is Loess and Deidara, and the fifth team is Tsunade and Jiraiya.


Kakashi is the captain of the third brigade. In addition, he has a very special identity, that is, he commands all the troops together with the ghost lamp full moon of the Hidden Village.


The division of labor between the two is to stay at the headquarters in the rear, and the other is to go to the battlefield in person.


"Oh? There are so many accidents. It's you two little devils."


Hanzo raised his brows, obviously he also recognized who the two in front of him were.


Similarly, Chiyo frowned, but she quickly relaxed her brows again.


Compared with Hanzo, who died a long time ago, she knows Tsunade and Jiraiya better. These two guys have long since become top-level ninjas who are independent and powerful.


These two people are here, so they are likely to be defeated, or even finally released!


"Although I don't really want to do this, you all know that we can't help ourselves." Thinking of this, Chiyo said slowly: "So please, let's sleep soundly."


Jiraiya and Tsunade looked at each other, they really didn't expect Chiyo to say such a thing.


But after thinking about it, they suddenly realized that Chiyo, a woman, said this, it didn't seem to be a strange thing.


They all know more or less about Reincarnation of Dirty Earth. This technique doesn't care whether the deceased is willing to be resurrected. Instead, it forces the dead to come back to fight for themselves.


Maybe some people are looking forward to being resurrected, but some people don't want to be resurrected like this.


Especially after they were resurrected, they were completely controlled by others. No one would feel comfortable with such a feeling.


"I didn't expect you to say such a thing." Tsunade looked at Chiyo in front of her with emotion, and then she nodded seriously: "I understand, even if you try your best, I will let you go back to Pure land, let you no longer be controlled by others."


"Me too." Jiraiya nodded seriously, "I will definitely try my best to solve all this!"


"Then, I'll leave it to you." Chiyo showed a smile.


"Cut, then let me see what kind of progress you guys have made back then."


Hanzo also slowly drew out his ninja sword, and his breath suddenly became chilly.


"Don't let me down, the last time I was able to let you go, it was because I still had my self-consciousness in charge.

And this time, I was controlled by others.


Be careful, or you might actually die by my hands! "




"Master Qi."


In Konoha, Itachi knelt on the ground and said softly to Uchiha Kai, while Uchiha Fugaku gently nodded to him beside him.


They did not enter the battlefield immediately, but were silently adapting to their new eyes, and at the same time they were waiting for Sasuke and this kid to complete the final fusion.


The fusion method that Uchiha Kai tried in those days can be said to be the worst and most helpless fusion method.


Of course, it must be said that it is actually the same. After all, two or two eyeballs are forcibly inserted into each other for fusion. This method can only be described in two words - primitive.


However, the Uchiha clan at that time did not have a better way. After Madara Uchiha broke up with the first generation and left Konoha, the Uchiha clan really lost too much.


But it's different now. Although Madara Uchiha is dead, his heir, Obito, has honestly followed Uchiha Kai.


Therefore, Kai Uchiha and the others also got a method developed by Madara Uchiha, which is relatively novel but not so disgusting.


Kai Uchiha still remembers that he was disgusted by his actions at the time.


Uchiha Yuu's eyes were swollen like ping-pong balls, and when he opened it, he could clearly see the fusion of the two eyes.


That kind of feeling is like the Crusoe myth, making people feel sick and depressed.


Now, the way they use it is to extract the pupil power and the essence of the eyes, inject it into the other pair of eyes, and then use one of the bodies as a carrier to allow the eyes to undergo final evolution.


This method is much better than that of Kai Uchiha. Not only is it less disgusting and bloody, but the fusion speed is also much faster.


Sasuke has now entered the late stage of fusion, and the majestic chakra has begun to rush out of his body.


But now he has not completely completed the fusion, he still needs some time, but it is certain that he is afraid that his final completion will be today.


"Get up." Uchiha Kai said calmly to Itachi, and then his eyes turned to Uchiha Fuyue: "Where's that kid Naruto?"


"He seems to be with Kirabi." Uchiha Fuyue thought for a while, and then said, "After all, they are the only two people who are still alive now, so..."


"Well, I understand." Uchiha Ki nodded, and then he suddenly said, "Let them go to the front."


"What... what?" Uchiha Fuyue was stunned for a moment, and then he asked with an incredible look, "You let them go up? This..."


Uchiha Fuyue is also a person who knows the actual situation, but because he knows the actual situation, he doesn't want to let the two Zhuli go to the battlefield.


It's not that he was worried that the two of them were too strong, thus sabotaging this military training operation. In fact, he wished that the Ninja World could win directly.


But in order to make this action look more real, he naturally didn't want to let these two 'extremely important people' run away.


But now, Uchiha Kai suddenly made such a decision, isn't he afraid of revealing his secrets?


Also, Uchiha Qi directly crossed the Supreme Command and ran here to release people, although he is definitely qualified from the point of view of power status, even if he does not hold any position in the Ninja League.


But his name surpasses anyone in the Ninja League, surpasses everyone combined!


just do this...


"Don't worry, I have my own considerations, and there will be no problem." Uchiha Qi slowly sat down, and then smiled a little: "You are not always curious, why do I value this kid Sasuke so much ,Is it right?"


"I'm a little curious." Uchiha Fugaku nodded lightly.


It's no secret that Kei Uchiha values ​​Sasuke. Even though this guy didn't teach Sasuke anything, the attention he gave was really high.


In this regard, Uchiha Fugaku also feels a little strange as Sasuke's father. It is true that he also thinks that Sasuke's talent is very good, but compared to Itachi, Sasuke may not be as good as Itachi.


But towards Itachi, Uchiha's attitude has always been very clear.


This kind of strange thing is not only him, even many people of the same family can't understand, but they don't dare to go to Uchiha Kai to ask about the situation.


Now that Uchiha Qi took the initiative to bring up this topic, he was very interested, not only him, but Itachi also pricked up his ears and listened seriously.


"Actually, he doesn't value Sasuke because of his talent, because seriously, I'm afraid his talent is not as good as Shisui and Itachi, at least in terms of age, there is still a gap between them."


Uchiha Qi shook his head slightly. He planned to tell this secret today, because it might not be possible to hide this kind of thing before long.


"The reason why I value him is because he has a very special power in his body. That is the power of the ancestors of the Uchiha clan, and there is also such a power in Naruto, which is the power of the ancestors of the Qianshou clan. ."


The ancestor of the Uchiha clan?


Ancestor of the Thousand Hands Clan?


Uchiha Kai's words made Fuyue and Itachi frown. Suddenly, they seemed to know something.


They know the story of Six Path Immortals. In order to give the ninja world the power to resist Otsutsuki, and to let the ninja world master the power of chakra, he did not hesitate to let his son guide the ninja world to fight.


After thousands of years of struggle, the entire ninja world has a large number of people who control the ability of chakra, and they have also multiplied various unimaginable powers, such as the blood and the limit.


Although this process is extremely cruel, I have to say that the result is extremely gratifying.


As for the two sons of the Six Paths Immortals, one is Indra, the ancestor of the Uchiha family, and the other is Asura, the ancestor of the Qianshou, Uzumaki and other families.


Does Sasuke's power have anything to do with Indra?


Not only him, but that kid Naruto also has powers related to Asura?


Looking at the two people who were puzzled in front of them, Uchiha Kai then told them all this calmly, and the two of them also changed their expressions as they told the story, because they never dreamed that there are still people in this world. Such a wonderful thing.


Even they were a little worried that after Sasuke and Naruto had completely awakened to such power, they were still not themselves, but their true self.


However, Uchiha Kai gave him a guarantee, because in his eyes, there is no substantial change between the two...




There are wars all over the ninja world, and from the very beginning of the battle, it tends to be fierce.


The reincarnation of Orochimaru and Doudou provided Obito with powerful combat power, giving him a good advantage at the beginning of the war.


The surviving wounded were continuously sent to the medical unit in the rear, and Bai Jue also used his unique ability to disguise himself as a wounded and infiltrated.


Because of this near-perfect camouflage ability, even white eyes and perception ninjas couldn't recognize it, and the entire medical logistics fell into panic for a while.


This kind of situation made Aya Hyuga a little troubled. There are more than one member in the rear. After all, the front line is so large and the coverage area is so wide, the supply line and the field hospital will naturally be expanded.


She is not worried about Bai Jue at all. Whether it is relying on the perception of the immortal mode or the power of Tenseigan, she can easily distinguish these guys.


But the problem is, she can't use the space ability to let herself shuttle through all the hospitals.


Even if Imai Kenta or Kei, who has mastered the space ability now, can help, but this kind of thing is too busy.


Besides, if you really let them take action, do you still need that much trouble?


Especially now that Aya Hyuga herself still has a lot of problems to solve, but she got some instructions from Uchiha Kai to let her not take action for the time being, so she is still dealing with her chakra problems with peace of mind.


She has already seen the results in Kai Uchiha of the qualitative changes that result from the fusion of all chakras.


With such an excellent template, after knowing the terribleness of the so-called blood snares, Aya Hyuga will never let herself fall behind, and she will never let herself be held back.


That's why she didn't act, but in the real sense let the ninjas in the ninja world find a way to deal with these guys.


To deal with the crisis that seems serious this time, but in fact there is no way to compare it with Otsutsuki.


In fact, not only in various hospitals, but also on the frontal battlefield, there are also Bai Jue disguised as coalition ninjas.


They became trusted teammates of the ninjas, and often held out knives at them during fierce battles.


Under this influence, a large number of battlefields were at a disadvantage. The staff at the headquarters kept collecting intelligence and analyzing it, but still did not come up with effective countermeasures.


Namifeng Minato and the others also thought of Uchiha Kai, but after thinking about it, they also felt that this time was not the real time for Uchiha to make a move, so they temporarily gave up the idea.


Kai Uchiha is the last trump card in the ninja world. The ninjas have to face the even more terrifying Otsutsuki. If they can't solve these, what will the future be like?


It's just at this moment that Konoha, who was in charge of guarding, quickly contacted the headquarters, and they told Naruto and Kirabi to go to the battlefield together.


"Why are you so messed up?" Minato Namikaze frowned, he didn't understand what was going on at all: "Did the two of them act without authorization?"


"No, Lord Hokage." The liaison officer shook his head: "It was promised by Lord Qi, and Lord Fuyue is on his way, he will explain it to you in person."


"Is that so?" Minato Namikaze was relieved when he heard this.


And the fourth Raikage was also relieved. When he heard that his younger brother also ran to the battlefield, he couldn't help but want to rush over to intercept the two.


But his reason is still telling him that it's better not to do this, to understand the situation first before making a decision.


Now it seems that holding back is indeed a wise choice. This is a decision made by Uchiha Qi.


Although Kai Uchiha may not protect everyone's lives, the problem is that the people dispatched include the sons of the four generations of Hokage.


Uchiha Qi can not care about other people's lives, war is ruthless, especially for someone like him who has been fighting on the battlefield for so long, the model of life is probably better than ordinary people.


You Qi is not in charge of the army, and there is no one who will die in war. He can only talk about how to minimize his own losses.


But Naruto is really not someone else, this kid can't die no matter what, not only because he is the nine-tailed man Zhuri.


His younger brother followed him, no matter how he looked at it, nothing would happen, but thinking of this, the four generations of Raikage calmed down.


This small disturbance didn't cause them much attention, and soon they found out that the trouble they had encountered seemed to be resolved quickly.


Naruto and Kirabi rushed to the battlefield at the first time, and soon they encountered a ninja army. After understanding the problems faced by the ninja army now, Naruto decided to take the initiative to help.


The nine-tailed chakra mode, this special ability he has been honing and learning for three years, is not the kid he just learned in the original book.


In such a mode, no matter how well the Bai Jues concealed it, it was meaningless in Naruto's eyes, and he rushed towards the other party without hesitation.


With the cooperation of him and Nine-Tails, almost in the shortest time, all the Baijue were wiped out in one go In the ninja world, the major villages often say that only human Zhuli plus tailed beasts In order to form the strongest combat power, the strength displayed is even stronger than that of a single tailed beast.


And this statement was thoroughly interpreted in Naruto.


His moves are not many, but both the means and the use of chakra have become more diverse, and the combat effects presented are unimaginable.


The Bai Jue troops of nearly a hundred people were all killed by Naruto and his shadow clone within two minutes.


But after that, the voice of Nara Shikahisa appeared in his mind again, this time the information he got was that 'the ninja with the eyes of reincarnation has been dispatched. ’


"Is that their leader?" After Naruto got this information, he quickly analyzed his mind: "Listen to Jiraiya.... The lecherous immortal said, it seems that the guy is called Nagato, is he still his father's brother? ?"


Jirai didn't personally explore Nagato's information, and because Nagato didn't destroy Konoha, even if he went to Konoha, he was chased away by Uchiha.


So Naruto didn't know Nagato's information, but that didn't stop him from going to Nagato to try it out.


"If stopping this guy can stop the war, then..." Naruto clenched his fists: "Then everything might end, I must stop this guy!"

