Chapter 788: Don't take yourself too high

"I didn't expect to see you guys."

Uchiha Kai looked at the eight people in front of him and shook his head with a smile. He really felt that Orochimaru was a little boring.

In other words, this guy, like Yao Shidou, is a master of dream fulfillment in a sense.

Because as far as he knows, this guy's resurrected people are not much different from the original guys. According to the process of the original book, everyone can realize their dreams, and purify the hatred and return to the pure land. .

In the same way, people who are still alive can continue to move forward bravely with the will of those who have passed away.

Of course, there are also those who have revenge and revenge, such as Uchiha Kai now.

The eight guys in front of him all died in his hands, and their grudges against them are probably not small, they really came to seek revenge for themselves.

"Uchiha Kai!"

Uchiha Yu and Uchiha Osamu roared almost at the same time. The two of them had been tortured the most by Uchiha Kai, and the level of resentment against him was unimaginable.

They are evil ghosts crawling out of **** now, and they can't wait to completely devour this guy Uchiha Kai!

"Uchiha Kai..."

The five patriarchs of Kiriyin Village have a grudge against Kai Uchiha, but they are not as big as they imagined.

Uchiha Qi killed them because of their position. Even if this guy cooperated with the enemy and shot together with Mizukage, what they really wanted to hate was the fourth generation of Mizukage.

If it wasn't for the fourth generation of water shadows to clean up the interior of the village, how could they not have ended up like this!

They have experienced countless struggles for rights, and it is naturally very clear. They simply died in the power confrontation between the four generations of water shadows and Yuan Shi, and became cannon fodder in the confrontation.

What they hated the most was actually the fourth generation of water shadows, but it was a pity that they didn't seem to find that guy on this complicated battlefield.

Maybe he died, and he also fell to the same fate as himself. He has also become a living dead. Now I don't know which battlefield to fight hard on, right?

Moreover, it seems that someone who controls himself also deliberately sent them to Kai Uchiha. I am afraid that he is also full of hatred for Kai Uchiha.

The one with the most peace of mind was the old fellow Uchiha Shin. He looked at the young man in his early twenties, and his heart was filled with infinite emotion.

His last memory before his death was that he was killed by this kid, but when he died, he didn't have that much hatred, but was full of relief.

He also died in the infighting of the Uchiha clan back then. He and Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Fugaku did not have any unresolved hatred. It was only because of their different positions that it led to a series of battles.

People die like lights go out. Back then, when he knew that he failed, he could face death calmly, but now he naturally doesn't have too many hatreds.

On the contrary, after he came back to life, he also got some more interesting information.

Uchiha Kai, this kid, is now Konoha's agent Hokage?

This is really explosive news. Back then, they worked so hard, even at the risk of launching a mutiny, to take back everything that belonged to them in Uchiha.

At that time, they firmly believed that their choice was the most correct, but now it seems that they were really wrong at that time, and this guy Uchiha Kai clearly grasped everything.

It's just... Uchiha Shen is a little puzzled, so many years have passed, why is this guy still young?

"You don't have to shout so loudly, it's me." Uchiha Qi nodded calmly: "Speaking of which, some of you have been dead for nearly twenty years, and some of you have been dead for almost ten years. It went by fast enough."

"It's really fast enough." Uchiha Yu and Uchiha Xiu were full of resentment, and their eyes had turned into a kaleidoscope at this moment: "But no matter how fast we are, we will never forget what you did to us back then. ! You **** bastard!"

"Hey..." Uchiha Qi sighed faintly: "Everyone is dead, why is there so much hatred? Well, although it's me, I'm afraid it won't be much better, but I still I think you'd better not do this, especially with me."

Having said that, Uchiha Kai glanced at everyone present, and the cold eyes made them, the dead, feel the fear from the soul!

Obviously Uchiha Qi stood there and did nothing, but inexplicably they all seemed to feel that they were facing a god.

In other words, facing a terrifying Shura!

"Sorry, we didn't want to trouble you, but you know we can't control our bodies at all right now."

The patriarchs of the five major families glanced at each other, and then Yu Yi Zhengya took a step forward and said.

They really don't have much thought of fighting Uchiha Kai, even if they are resurrected now, they have the ability to die and also have unlimited chakra.

But they knew in their hearts that the battle with Uchiha Kai before they were alive, that kind of battle can be regarded as a crushing level!

The terrifying Susanoo and the others would never have the possibility of a breakthrough even if they did it again now. The best result is nothing more than consuming each other. I hope that Uchiha will die.

But they just think about this kind of thing, and they don't want to fight unless they have to.

Moreover, the most important point is that it has been almost ten years since they died. Ten years is a very long time. They don't think this guy will make no progress.

"Hmph, it's really a group of rats." Uchiha Osamu and Uchiha Yu also noticed the anomaly, but they didn't mean to stop at all: "Elder, since this group of misty rats doesn't dare to trouble Uchiha Kai, but We can't let him go!"

"Forget it, we are all dead." Unexpectedly, Uchiha Shen shook his head: "They are all dead, and I don't want to think too much about the things in front of me."

"Elder, you..." Uchiha Yu looked at Uchiha Shin in disbelief.

"Don't you feel it? We're out of control now."

Uchiha Shin interrupted Uchiha Yu's words, and he said earnestly.

"Being controlled and fighting against Uchiha Kai is to become someone else's slave, and to fight him when he is dead is to become a slave of desire.

I repeat, I am already dead, and everything in this world has nothing to do with me.

Of course, you have the right to choose by yourself. When the old man died, he was not unwilling. The old man also wanted to become a Buddha. "


When people die in the Pure Land, they can become Buddhas or be reborn after being reincarnated in the Pure Land. This is the myth and legend of this world.

Uchiha Shin believes in this statement, although it makes people feel stupid, but the inexplicable Uchiha Kai really admires him.

Comparing his heart to his heart, after being killed, and then being resurrected to face the person who killed him, he absolutely can't be as generous as this old man.

Uchiha Kai will never deny one thing, that is, he is really a small-hearted person. If he has the opportunity, then he will never let his enemy go easily.

Even if he tried his best, he must kill that guy!

He can understand the choices made by the five patriarchs of Wuyin Village. Although he killed them, in their view, it was a battle of power.

Whether they are, they are just pawns in this battle.

The difference is that they have all become abandoned sons, and they are the ones who have made a lot of money in this harvest.

For these five patriarchs, I am afraid that the person they hate the most is not themselves, but the four generations of Mizukage who dragged them into that situation, or the guy Obito is more practical.

So in the face of Kai Uchiha, it's normal for them not to want to fight, especially Orochimaru has broken control over them now!

That's right, Orochimaru has long since broken control over them, and now they are individuals who can exert their own initiative, and they can make their own choices and judgments.

Even if they are controlled by Orochimaru, their desire to fight is not high, let alone now.

This guy, Orochimaru, is really boring, and he prepared such a gift for him without discussing it with Uchiha Qi, but I am afraid that Orochimaru didn't even think of it at this point.

"Hmph, I don't care what kind of slave or not..."

The chakra around Uchiha Yu's body has begun to skyrocket, and he has no concept of chakra volume at all after being reincarnated in the dirt.

"I only know..." Uchiha Osamu also burst out with a huge chakra: "This guy killed us all the time back then, and you won't understand and appreciate this kind of pain at all!"

"It seems that you have made a decision." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "If that's the case, then come on. I'd really like to see what means you have, but don't let me down."

"Go to hell! Uchiha Kai!"

Uchiha Kai's words seemed to have completely ignited the powder keg. Uchiha Yu and Uchiha Osamu shot at the same time, and the majestic chakra instantly condensed into substance.

A huge yellow Susanoo suddenly appeared in front of him, and with the continuous improvement of Chakra, the size of this Susanoo was also constantly getting bigger.

After all, there is no such thing as chakra consumption and pupil power consumption in the current state of reincarnation. Kaleidoscope users can really consume their own power without restraint.

"This is... Susanoh?"

Uchiha Shen raised his eyelids slightly, and he couldn't help sighing.

He knew about the death of the two brothers. Before his death, Uchiha Kai revealed relevant news, and he also knew that they had obtained a kaleidoscope.

Now it seems that if the two brothers are still alive, the deterrent power of the Uchiha family may be even more terrifying.

Of course, it is only limited to deterrence, and in terms of cohesion, I am afraid that it is really affected by these two brothers, because these two brothers and Uchiha Kai are really not the same way.

It may even eventually lead to infighting due to different positions, thus making the Uchiha family even more chaotic.

After all, the thoughts and practices of the two sides are really not on the same line. The final result of this conflict of conscious thinking is that only one side will compromise.

Obviously, neither Uchiha Kai nor himself can compromise like the other party, because everyone thinks that they are right, and their own method is the most suitable and only way to save the Uchiha family!

"It seems that these two dead people also have extraordinary power."

Looking at the god-like Susanoo, the five patriarchs of Kiriyin Village couldn't help but whisper.

They had personally experienced the fact that they were crushed by Uchiha Kai's Susanoo, and looking at such a huge Susanoo immediately reminded them of some bad things.

However, their mentality is also good, knowing that they are dead, and they will not be afraid of such things at all.

They were even thinking about whether Uchiha Qi could resist the attack of these two people. After all, these two people were not afraid of death at all.

"Oh?" Uchiha Kai looked at Susanoo, who had been completely condensed, and couldn't help laughing: "A little, it's a little interesting. But why is it only used by one person?"


When Uchiha Xiu heard this, he just snorted coldly, and his eyes kept staring at Uchiha Kai.

For a moment, a huge black flame instantly attacked Kai's location.

The flame of Amaterasu, and these flames made him feel so familiar, which made him shake his head even more boringly.

Osamu Uchiha couldn't use Susanoo, and he could probably guess the reason.

After this guy's kaleidoscope was turned on, he did not gain the ability to lower the difficulty of opening Susanoo just like Yuchi Uchiha, but the ability of the manic Amaterasu flame.

It's just that the flame of Amaterasu is really not enough for Uchiha Kai, Uchiha Madara can ignore such power, let alone him.

What's more, this power was absorbed by him at the time, and he used the eyes of Uchiha Yu and Uchiha Osamu fused together!

Shaking his head lightly, Uchiha Kai put a hand in front of him, but the raging flames stopped all pulsing like a well-behaved cat in an instant.

This scene suddenly changed Osamu Uchiha's face slightly, because not only did he find that his Amaterasu didn't seem to be able to harm Uchiha Kaishao at all, but even he seemed to have lost control in an instant.

Thinking of all this, his face suddenly darkened.

"You used my eyes?" Uchiha's voice became even more angry: "That's right, only with my eyes can you control these flames like this! You are really a cold and poisonous snake!"

"I said..." Uchiha Qi raised his head helplessly: "Are you thinking of yourself too high?"


Taking oneself too high is always a common problem of human beings, and Uchiha Kai himself has encountered this problem many times.

But now he can control some of his thoughts relatively easily, after all, he has seen a high enough ceiling, and he has also crossed that extraordinary step.

It's just that his words seemed to be invisible mockery, which instantly made the two people who were already extremely angry, even more intense.

Uchiha Yu manipulated Susanoo, who had completely become a complete body, and brazenly launched an attack on Uchiha.

In his opinion, there is absolutely no problem with his brother's words.

At the beginning, Uchiha Qi abused them and drove them crazy, the purpose was to write the kaleidoscope.

Both of their brothers were brutally murdered, and they both opened kaleidoscope writing wheels before their death.

Then this guy Uchiha Kai definitely got their eyes, so he is familiar with their power and can even use their power, which is normal.

Uchiha Kei didn't bother to explain so much to them. Looking at Susanoo, who radiated yellow light, his thoughts seemed to return to many years ago, and even the space around him reflected everything he did back then.

The words Uchiha Yu said to him before his death seemed to be still vivid in his mind, but it was a pity that things were different.

He didn't kill Yuchiha Yu's family, his girlfriend -- except for this guy's brother, it's a part of his promise.

But to die with hatred, there is never a way to get rid of it, and Uchiha Yu is not the kind of person Uchiha Shin sees so thoroughly.

"Then let it be truly liberating."

Uchiha Kai's voice began to soften, but such a small voice seemed to be talking to himself.

The ninja sword exuding yellow light was raised, and fell quickly in the next instant, the sky and the earth tilted in an instant, the yellow light illuminated the long night, and the brilliance rose into the sky.

The power of the complete body Susa is already shocking, and normal people can basically be judged to be dead when they encounter such an attack.

However, what they encountered was Kai Uchiha.


A loud noise came out, the ground was cracked inch by inch, and the chakra like a storm surged out.

The landscape was rewritten in one blow, and the blades scattered in all directions, twisting everything around him into pieces, but Uchiha Kai stood still.

Even though it was close at hand, it couldn't hit it no matter what, and the attacks were deflected one after another, falling on the ground to cause more serious damage.

The smoke and dust rose into the sky, the sword gas of destruction accompanied by the firelight ignited, and the entire forest was destroyed in one fell swoop.

The yellow Susa in mid-air continued to punish the world like a god, but this **** seemed to be frozen at this moment.

"do you know?"

Uchiha Qi shook his head slightly, his voice was still so soft.

"This kind of attack, I have been able to do it more than ten years ago.

Although it is not to say that you are picking up people's teeth, but it does make me so disappointed.

Of course, using the kaleidoscope to exert such power is also worthy of praise, even if it is the credit of reincarnation. "

Having said that, Uchiha Kai's body floated up slightly.

His speed doesn't seem to be fast, because he just flew over lightly, but in the eyes of others, his speed seems to be extremely fast, because they can't see his movement trajectory at all.

In such an extremely contradictory situation, everyone's hearts are full of weirdness, and they simply don't understand what Uchiha Kai is doing.

But soon, they completely understood something, and saw Uchiha Kai pointed his finger lightly at the huge Susanoo.

In an instant, the world changed, and the action of the yellow Susa frozen in the sky began to reverse, and everything around him began to change inconceivably with his movements.

The shattered forest, the bottomless ditch, and everything that was shattered by Susanoo, completely retraced at this moment!

Rewinding time is something that no one dares to think about at all, but this moment is clearly shown in front of their eyes.

This scene can be called terrifying, because it has long been beyond their understanding, and they never thought that someone in the world can control time!


When everything was completely backtracked, Uchiha Osamu and Uchiha Yu looked at Uchiha Kai with a face, and the huge Susanoo wrapped around them disappeared long ago.

"This is just a little trick." Uchiha Qi said softly: "Okay, you two, go back to the Pure Land and rest in peace."

The voice fell, and a faster time rewind began to unfold. Uchiha Osamu and Uchiha Yong couldn't move at all, and things like confetti began to collapse in their bodies.

They kept wailing, and they seemed to know what Uchiha Kai was going to do, but he had no ability to resist at all.

In just a few breaths, the scraps of paper wrapped around them were completely scattered, and there were only two corpses left in front of everyone.

Back in time, this is one of Uchiha's abilities to open his eyes. After he evolved to the reincarnation writing wheel, his control became even stronger.

Looking at the corpse that quickly fell to the ground, at this moment he slowly turned his head and looked at the remaining six people.

"Now, what are your plans, you can talk about it."



In the dense forest, there was a sudden violent explosion, and a large number of trees were snapped off, followed by a red-haired man dressed in a robe of the Xiao Organization and flew out.

He pulled out a long trace on the ground, but soon he stood up, as if everything just now didn't cause him any harm at all.

His eyes were fixed on the people who were catching up quickly not far away, Naruto, Kirabi, and Kakashi.

The three of them had chased this place unknowingly, which made Nagato really have a headache. He didn't even know how he was exposed.

And facing these three people, Nagato didn't have any idea of ​​killing him at all. After all, he had already betrayed this already degenerate Akatsuki organization.

It's a pity that he thought so, the other party didn't understand all of this, so they were really ruthless when they attacked.

What annoyed him the most was that he couldn't say it all at will, so he could only fight.

"Stop it!"

Naruto exuded golden chakra all over his body, he landed firmly on the ground and said in a deep voice.

"You are not our opponent, and all this should stop, do you know how many people will die in this war?

Do you know how catastrophic all this could be? Didn't you just say that you want peace, but what kind of peace is this?

I overheard that you were once also a disciple of a lecherous immortal, just like my father, why did you come this far! "

"Everything I do, you won't understand."

Nagato controlled Yahiko's body, patted the dust on his body, and then said calmly.

"Hatred breeds new hatred, and the chains of hatred are what ninjas face.

What I want to do is to cut these chains completely, what I want to achieve is true peace!

Let's go, I didn't take any serious shots just now, although I don't agree with Teacher Jiraiya's point of view of mutual understanding between people.

The mutual understanding between people is just a fantasy of Teacher Jiraiya being behind the times. How can true peace be achieved by that kind of thing!

But I have to admit that I wouldn't be where I am without him, so get out of here and don't force me to do it. "

"why not!"

Naruto shouted loudly, and the chakra in his body had completely burst out.

"Why don't you try to believe in the teacher's path, if we don't even believe in it, if we don't try, then no one will really go on this path!"

"Even your father didn't actually follow the path of Teacher Jiraiya, why did you come to question me?" Nagato shook his head, he sighed slightly: "It seems that you don't plan to leave, then I It has to be done too.”

Nagato's words made Naruto suffocate. He didn't listen to Zilai and said that his father had indeed taken a different path.

A road that is completely different from Jirai's ideals, but more practical, with the cooperation of Uchiha Qi.

Naruto can't evaluate whether this is right or wrong. Judging from the current results, his father and the others are extremely correct, but that doesn't mean he can't believe Jiraiya's words.

When Kakashi and Kirabi saw this scene, they could only choose to do it, because they knew that if they didn't do it, they would be in trouble.

"Naruto and I are in charge of the frontal raid, and Kakashi, you are in charge of coordinating."

Chirabi said quickly, and then he rushed up first, and eight-tailed chakra appeared on his body, obviously he was going to go all out.


Nagato controlled Yahiko's body and suddenly let out a cold snort, and then his hand was slightly raised, and a huge repulsive force instantly erupted between him and Kirabi.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

A powerful repulsive force appeared, and suddenly the sand flew away, and the forest trembled under the powerful force. Countless ancient trees were destroyed by the middle, and Kirabi couldn't go any further.

However, Kirabi's reaction speed was also extremely fast. The tentacles of the octopus quickly stretched out from his back, and hooked a suspended tree trunk at the moment of being knocked into the air.

But when he turned around using the trunk, his eyes changed slightly, because he suddenly found that Nagato had appeared in front of him.

There was no time to think about it, and there was no time to think about it, he roared, and the eight-tailed chakra broke out completely.

It instantly turned into a tailed beast, like a dark red monster with eight tails, and rushed towards Nagato.


Nagato's voice was still calm. A black stick suddenly appeared in his hand. The next moment, the black stick pierced one of the tails of the eight tails, and then nailed it to the ground!

"Stop joking, Spiral Pill!"

At this moment, Naruto flashed golden light all over and came to Nagato in a flash. He had already condensed a spiral pill and slammed it towards Nagato.

However, Nagato raised his head slightly, and then slowly stretched out his hand to block between the two, his Samsara eyes narrowed slightly, and the ability of the Hungry Ghost Dao was activated.

The spiral pill in Naruto's hand was instantly absorbed, and even the golden chakras on his body began to be absorbed.

"The ability to absorb chakra, these eyes..." Naruto gritted his teeth, but soon Nagato kicked him and kicked him directly.

The two of them were instantly defeated, and Nagato was not happy at all. Instead, he quickly lowered his body with a little embarrassment.

At this moment, a ninja sword with an endless arc slashed across his head like lightning. As long as he moved slowly, he might suffer.

But all this is not over yet, the knife has just failed, and then the owner of the knife has already changed positions, and once again shot the knife from a strange angle.

"It's really troublesome."

Nagato frowned, Nagato jumped up, Shen Luo Tianzheng once again displayed at this moment, everything around him was knocked away by his powerful repulsion, and he himself finally calmed down.

"I didn't want to cause so many killings." Nagato slowly flew up, and his eyes looked cold at everyone below: "But now it seems that I have no choice, well, in that case …”

Nagato raised his hands, and the violent Chakra rippled on his body: "Then let's deal with you now, anyway... I will resurrect you..."

The last sentence was so low that no one could hear what he was saying.

Nagato didn't hesitate at all. Huge chakras had gathered in his hands, and these chakras quickly condensed into a black hole.

Earth Blast Star, this technique Nagato has never obtained any benefit in the hands of Uchiha Kai and that mysterious Uchiha, and even every time he uses it, it ends in failure.

But he didn't believe that the three people in front of him could really resist his attack.

These three people really brought him a lot of trouble. If he doesn't want to solve them, then Nagato will really have a hard time.

A woman's kindness can't have Nagato knew this for a long time, and he really didn't have too many other emotions in his heart, especially because he had the ability to resurrect these guys.

The promise he and Xiao Nan made was to completely save everyone when everything was about to end!

And to use this technique, he really needs a huge chakra. Eight tails and nine tails may be an excellent supplement. Having all the chakras, and then using these chakras to resurrect all the people, this is what Nagato is now. Decide!

With such an idea, he naturally won't have any hesitation.

He can't change the deterioration of Xiao's organization, and he can't even drag back his own rights, but he still uses other methods to change all this, using his own method!


At this moment, a voice suddenly came over, and a white-haired ninja quickly came to the battlefield...


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